#galactic #ophiuchus #soulgateway
    Welcome to Zeta Ophiuchi! Iʼm Chrissy Sawyer.

    I work with people globally, from all walks of life who wish to challenge their own belief systems, heal their hurts, explore what ‘soulʼ is, dive deep, open their heart, balance their chakras, explore depth dream work and vision quest, learn how to master somatic healing response, cultivate harmony, purge karmic trauma at a cellular level and make space for new light to flow, or to raise kundalini and give birth to their inner Creatrix.

    I work with anyone seeking clarity, truth and breakthrough, who wants to be deeply heard and have their story fully met without judgment. Zeta’s mission is for you to “Remember Who You Are”, free from the limitations of systemic programming as you move fearlessly into alignment with your core authenticity.
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    My work is supported by 20 years of therapeutic experience (BACP Qualified) and I look forward to working with you in these globally changing times.

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    Zeta Collaborator (Zeta web designer / aka Pluto Girl): Christel LeBlanc – https://forestfriend.ca/


    Ophiuchus: The Thirteenth Sign of the Zodiac?

    #galactic #collective #asmr #quantum #ophiuchus #integration #healing #soul #shadowwork #pluto #alignment #ASMR

    hello welcome everybody it’s Chrissy soya here how are you doing um we’re in some pretty massive energies there’s been a huge shift in the last few days it feels like I haven’t been to camera for two weeks um so time shifting um so for a few days I’ve been cting words and sentences Inspirations um and so I’m going to do a journey with sedna I’m going to do a little bit of astrology and we’re going to play with some cards and see what messages come through okay I have notes so words and sentences that have landed in the last few weeks few days do you see time um so I’ve been journeying with sedna and it’s been pretty amazing what she’s teaching me is I’ll speak about in a minute but it’s it’s deep and profound um yeah so look out for uh cop plexus activation it might feel that your solar plexus is going into spasm so there’s work being done around there uh phasing in and out of reality might look like a sudden wobble and reaching for the nearest fixed surface wall door worktop um so it just feels like this little almost imperceptible shift in your reality time dilating and constricting like the pupillary response to light leaning into disruption and away from the comfort of the familiar trauma bonding as a way to not feel our own feelings corrupt ideology Fatima Jonah AR the untethered feminine Rec and some of you may be experiencing a Resurgence to somewhere around 2017 2018 something big that may have happened in your life might now be just coming up for another cycle of clearing so quick update on the going live um I think I’ve chosen the software I’m going to use I need to pair that with the hardware but honestly since I last came to camera it’s been a big process for me so I’m holding myself in that it’ll happen that I’m just not getting into the pressure of that Cardinal Earth Energy um because it’ll create a por that will take me out of flow so it will happen and it’ll happen with love and when it’s going to happen so at 2 o’cl this morning I’m woking up with this sentence remapping congenital habitats I had to look at congenital of or relating to a condition that is present at birth as a result of either heredity or environmental influences being or having an essential characteristic as if by Nature inherent or inveterate okay so remapping congenital habitats tomorrow May the 8th is the new moon in Taurus in tropical astrology in siderial astrology it’s happening in Aries at 29th degree it’s a tricky degree that’s where all the heat is in that 29th is the 29 is dissol is dissolving the experience and getting the wisdom from it um I don’t know what degree it is in Taurus like I say I’m only touching on the astrology I don’t get buried in it so happy new moon eight and we are also in a Pluto retrograde in Capricorn tropical and siderial different degrees but Pluto is retrograding in Capricorn May to October of this year so that’s the Cardinal Earth and the bricks we’ve used to build our house of beingness so Pluto wants transformation and it’s going to challenge us to maybe dig a Little Deeper um maybe crack the surface and yeah I’ve got kind of four of coins energy coming into with the question of what are you holding on to and when we really listen to that true inner voice we’ll know the answer to that question and so it’s going to call in to uh contrast that kind of seven of Swords energy where we con ourself or where we carry on pretending I’ll just give it another month and the body’s crying out stop body physical Capricorn so some thoughts on this Pluto retrograde material realities ending changing transforming beware of trying to to push against Cardinal Earth but instead be aware of what your body is telling you how would you describe your attachment to material reality as if material reality were a person in your life or a partner or a family member or a colleague have you noticed in the last few years a loosening to the importance of having stuff speaks to the illusion of what we tell ourselves we need and can you feel the intellect trying to reason why you should buy that thing okay yeah uh just want to speak to the loosening loosening of having stuff loosening um attachment to material reality something I’ve been going through for two three years now and it’s got to the point where when I go shopping I don’t want anything and that’s that nudges me into a new expression a new how can I not want anything I live in the Age of Capricorn dressed up as Pisces all that material wounding all of that lock lock lock and lass all of that lack and loss and Future’s defined on material abundance yeah yeah it’s like they say before you go food shopping have a meal before you go food shopping because it stops you buying lots of unwanted Tosh okay so relationship to material reality is going to come into harsh reality and if we think of Pluto as a generational Planet then we’re looking big picture um so large corporations banking governments um world events and also track where Pluto is in your chart and a little bit of May astrology on the 19th of May in England there is a kazimi um which I get a bit of a frizzly feeling about kind of frizzly exciting and it’s a Jupiter Sun kazimi so that’s when Jupiter and the sun kiss at exactly 28° of Taurus that could look like a sudden change in direction that could look like doing it your own way that could look like swimming against the tide that could look like shocking somebody that could look like no longer waiting for permission okay and then on the 23rd of may we have Venus conjunct Jupiter 29 of Taurus okay so within a week of each other we have Sun Jupiter exact conjunction Venus Jupiter conjunction all happening in Taurus fourth house foundation physical world the made world yeah happening in those last degrees as well this is a real wrap up lots of wrap up energy I’m done with this that might be that might be on your radar okay so I think it was I think it was literally on the transition of the end of uh April into May in fact I think it was the day that Pluto stationed retrograde that all of this YouTube go live came in and it was fast really fast and it came in at the same time as sedna and sedna kind of gave me a tower moment a realization a shift in belief um so I’ve been journeying with this energy ever since and it’s a great teacher I’ve scribbled some notes and I’m going to just read these notes but tune in and see what you get um see what Lars with you so sedna has just moved into Gemini in tropical astrology I haven’t looked at siderial but that’s an interesting thing because that already is going to challenge thinking of Leaning this way or leaning that way sedna facts uh sedna was first discovered November the 14th 2003 um and sedna has a 10 and a half thousand year elliptical orbit scientists can’t seem to land on why the orbit is elliptical and sedna is Way Beyond Pluto so it’s right at the edge of how far our telescopes can go or could go in 2003 probably go further than that now okay and here’s a bit of the mythology and a lot of my intuition sedna is the Inuit goddess of the sea who lived who lived in the cold depths of the Arctic the north the Primal Yin sedna is the first observed body belonging to the art cloud with a highly elliptical orbit that takes why have I written this I’ve already done that sorry this is the I don’t want this this is all science here it’s my nerd bear with me sedna is Way Beyond the realm of even the outer gas giants inhabiting the space where methane ice exists and dominates so Sedar is a 167 numerological code and within that coding is the six which seeks harmony at a soul level is the 10 that wants to birth from Source the 10 is Independence infinite potential the creatrix energy self-determination so here’s the individuality coming online and the overall expression is this 167 and I tend to go to the tower to describe this energy and here it speaks to the wisdom of introspection critical thinking and IND dependent thought these ingredients alone can cause a tower moment introspection critical thinking and independent thought are a recipe to truth and when we see the truth we must pull down the Tower of our own illusion and learn to swim against the tide the 167 is about fusing light in harmonious ways which may shock or disappoint others who rely on an illusion or the self delusion to Define themselves rather than go inwards on their own journey of self-discovery so the delusion to Define ourself is what I spoke to earlier and Trauma bonding allows a certain kind of belongingness we belong to the same wound and I can be the same in this rather than to go in and find our own independent self-actualized expression sedna has given me consequences speaks to the willful manipulation sacrifice and abuse of Primal feminine Force mythologically betrayed by her father in different ways and in different stories sedna carries the wounds of patriarchal deception which has caused her to fall into the coldest most frigid part of the cosmic sea but like ice she melts and like ice she has memory I’m interested now because I thought I’d written paragraphs so which clear which says I’m clearly Hold Still Holding quite a lot of the story so I’m just I’m going to let that percolate and see what comes out here but deadner as the untethered feminine the the Wild dark chaos has is coming online and has been speaking more loudly through these videos over the last few months let’s go six months and the untethered self speaks to untethered from the behavioral Matrix from the old 3D reality a more wild self but how does that within a stultified society that is attached to outcome and has expectations that we all behave in a certain way which is pleasing sedna wants to know where is your rage where is your frustration what can you no longer tolerate what are you tolerating and are you lying to yourself how are you fusing light in a harmonious way with nature you know if you think about big business and how it has built that big business by abusing the planet and nature and that Primal feminine creative organic self and and the business plans that contain no destruction they’re just growth and growth and growth and growth that is an exhausted natural world yeah the memory is in the water it’s the memory is in The Emotional Self in the deep water and here we might be speaking to the memories that remain in the last vestages of the age of Pisces when we remember how magical we were how multi-dimensional we are and how that has being chipped away and shut down to stay alive but even in that if I if I shut my gifts down to stay alive am I being true to myself Jour ofal so now I’m curious about Pluto and sedna as a power couple okay I want to speak to Trinkets and so as I do with this amazing book I picked it up and opened it and I read a passage which absolutely speaks to Cardinal Earth and it speaks to Pride and it speaks to Capricorn okay patriarch or Capricorn so this is from the chapter marking territory and the part about the spirit bear and this is the transformative fire and right action I’m just going to read a couple paragraphs the Bear shows great compassion toward the woman allowing her to pluck one of his hairs she hurries back down the mountain practicing all the gestures songs and Praises that spontaneously rose out of her as she climbed that mountain she comes running back to the Healer so anxious she might have said look I did it I did what you told me I endured I triumphed the old healer who is also kind takes takes a moment lets the woman Savor her accomplishment takes the hair and throws that hard wor hair into the fire the woman is stunned what has this crazy healer done go home says the Healer practice what you have learned in Zen the moment the hair is thrown into the fire and the Healer speaks her simple words that is the moment of true Enlightenment notice the enlightenment does not occur on the mountain it occurs when by burning the hair of the crescent moon bear the projection of magical cure is dissolved right a magical cure a crystal but it’s within me okay so when we project our magic outwards it might end up as a material thing which is why crystals are such a massive industry everybody wants one and they’re beautiful and stunning but that’s within me all of my cards they’re all within me so this is this is really challenging material attachment we all face this issue for we all hope that if we work hard and have a high holy Quest we will come up with a something a substance a material something or other that will flash make everything orderly forever that’s not the way it works Enlightenment is about the releasing it’s about the letting go and when I found this page in the book I thought I’ll just put a place marker in there and today I’m going to work with this deck so I got the deck out and just cut the deck in half lifted a card out and I love this card total submersion okay don’t be afraid to totally immerse yourself in a project interest or goal give it 100% of your energy you may find what your life has been lacking now this is the problem this is the answer because this is goal oriented this is going to feed some kind of craving and what this might miss is the love of play moment to moment the big project might actually only need to be in play for seven minutes until that is integrated so becoming whole is about the integration of everything this actually feeds the craving what you crave is out there go and get that climb that mountain do your Invictus games call yourself a hero and you’ll have that thing that will make you whole no it’s already within you you got to go in and dig okay meet the shadow meet the intellect meet everything that prevents you from getting to that nugget that was there all along that is more beautiful than you can even conceive of okay so that’s kind of it that’s kind of all I want to say but I’m going to pull some more cards and just see if anything else yeah what if we speak to Pluto and sedna as the power couple yeah okay let’s go Pluto and sedna right it started okay so what I’m getting is the collapse of the physical world not in a dramatic way but the collapse of the physical world as we’ve known it and what these messages what sedna is guiding is release your attachment now and go within so that the what did I just say did I say destruction I can’t remember so that when the material reality Falls the the pull of our attachment to it will be less if we unhook set the message start unhooking total submersion oh I’m being shown a Pathway to an igloo and behind the igloo is what looks like a mountain with a big cave cut into it and I get the words alone on the Tundra with nothing to guide except that inner Compass this is self-reliance see what you desire and move toward that goal it’s time to zero in on your purpose use your intuition and instinct do you remember when I said when when the when the structure comes down even the structure of organized thought comes down what we will be left with is intuition and gut response higher self lower self working in harmony intuition instincts to guide you for optimal outcome right you can take that message or leave it whatever serves you but for me the only message is they’re all swimming in the same direction and in that 11 energy are they following their H wow are they all following a collective intuition or Dare they not break away from the pack this is speaking to telepathy [Music] in the light of the full moon coming in in coming in on that creative three a full moon can shine light on what you’ve been resisting truth this can be anything from Fear to the Soul’s Beauty and as the ice starts to melt so too will the emotions because we need the emotional body to process our world and a healthy emotional body can process and move on rather than process and get entangled single-mindedness choose your own path on what is best suited to you yeah right what I’m going to do is I’m going to look at these cards in terms of Pluto and sna as a power couple goar with me okay so I’m just being reminded there is a tri ctor of energy going on at the moment which we are in a massive solar storm um I believe we had a 4 an xcl 4.5 solar flare today yesterday and we’ve already had a radio blackout today so there’s lots of magnetic energy there’s a new moon tomorrow and Pluto is retrograde okay and I’ve gone deaf in this year hry on and now I’m being shown a library and there’s a librarian sitting at a desk it’s all kind of old oak and there’s a mezzanine above the librarian and there’s a man in a top hat with a tail coat and a monacle who’s walking around her desk and into the back of the library h and the messages don’t wait to be shown the way oh that’s wow don’t wait to be shown the way you know the way it is within you it’s I’ve got dimensions and timelines coming in with this coming in on that one energy that initiatic energy but I tell you what this looks like um how can I put that I don’t know how to put what I’m seeing bear with me there’s a question that’s something like would is the wish that you make for this is the wish you make for yourself the same as the wish you would make for all of your families because what I’m seeing here is kind of Dimension after Dimension after Dimension just different realities all in her field of awareness and it’s like she’s blowing intentions into all timelines at once it’s like a it’s harmonizing it’s harmonizing it’s creating a harmonic to bring the resonant and the dissonant into uh a new vibration and it’s connection and interconnection it’s interconnectivity it’s it’s no longer about the small capricornian what I want is it’s about is the wish I’m making a wish I would make for all of my families so that Jupiter sun kazimi on the 19th is going to open that up in the material world so your vision might start opening up you might see things move just out of field you might see light heck you might see another being take the doors off ideal course of action yeah oh this is community this is not about me let’s imagine she’s thinking this is not about me this is about something much bigger and when you ask that question what is the ideal course of action for all of the families the focus shifts becomes Collective that’s Humanity that’s the humanitarian not because of some false sense of being in service but just blow the doors off how big can we go with this something’s being built here I’m seeing an octahedron my third eye is boiling hot and just have a gaze into that image because I can see loads through that image maybe Freeze Frame and have a good old stare at it there’s lots of little images the things that we don’t see but we do do you know I remember years ago when I was opening up my senses my sensory perception and and um I worked with a really gifted friend and I’d gone to the rocks and the woods for the weekend um just to walk and get lost and I’ve taken loads of photographs and I like to photograph with a digital camera into the back of a cave because you tend to see things you don’t see and I’m flicking through these we s having a coup of teer and I’m flicking through these photographs seeing it in the three day in the here and now and my mate went just will you just slow down don’t look at look through and wow the images came alive just literally started moving that was probably 20 years ago and so when we when we look at we see this Dimension and when we look through God it’s all collapsing this is amazing wow it’s like if I adjust my field of vision I can see less and I can see more it’s like can I just it’s like layers of tracing paper that have kind of clouded out other worlds I’m just going to go wide here and the tracing paper’s being removed so I can see you know those popup cards with like a scene behind a scene behind a scene that’s that is what I’m looking at feel quite excited by this I feel quite excited about this this playtime on another level okay let’s go to fluid why do I keep looking over there what am I looking for I think it’s face yes heart chakra but think energy field think energy bodies Stargate heart unlocking generosity abundance Jupiter and Sun kazimi this is lovely cuz my hands my hands are always cold and it’s really cooling down my third eye which is on fire yeah yeah when I when I wrote the sentence but like the ice she melts and like the ice she has memory I saw the water experiment I did that was inspired by the amazing Vader Austin and if you go on to my website you can download a PDF called the p pentagram and there are photos in there of the water experiment I did and the message that came through which was remember who you are which then became the tagline for Zita of Yuki and this is saying the same thing remember who you are what you are so Crown Soul star St Stell Gateway and up and up and up through the dimensions so fulfilling Soul contracts speaks to that completion of karmic Cycles you know which which isn’t an onoff switch you know it’s a process of completion bit by bit and bit by layer by layer Dom di menion by by Dimension fulfilling a soul contract remembering who you are look at this alignment and look at these Dimensions opening up coming in with the sun feel little bit sick so galactic center the Sun is going mad at the moment abundance and downloads Jupiter Sun regeneration which you’re going to feel in the body and Shambala initiation trust the process and this is in you to rest like plenty of rest like let me be the example so on my things to do I want to go live and I can push to that and rush to that so I don’t let anybody down or I can just be very very gentle because this massive energy at the moment and just trust that that go live message was the initiation that’s all it was in the moment it was the tower coming down the initiation and now I’m going to sit and cook just for a while and get plenty of rest for a while have any of you been simultaneously exhausted and wired all at the same time I’ve noticed that I was joking with a friend the other day I said if I had to find a word I’d say manic I feel manic like my body’s really tired but I’m wired it’s mad energy and my body can’t map to it okay that’s yeah that’s beautiful ah karmic release let go just let go you’re cooked you’re done shoulders burning where am I going let’s have a couples from here again did we have that in the last video I want to put those two together because this might not be speaking to linear Direction now if you look at the star tetrahedron I’m just going to leave that one hanging as a question okay let’s bring this down I don’t know where to go yes I’ll go to my trusty abundance deck my cheeky abundance deck is already exploding with cards okay this is happening for me not to me okay with all growth there’s loss with all creation there is destruction and love love is hidden in everything sometimes we got to look for it not human love not the fragile conditional human love but love is the highest vibration got it oh it’s gorgeous so love is the highest vibration serves the collective not through that old pisan energy of servitude I’m here to save the world I have a savior complex none of that what the most amount of beings can benefit from love so really coming into a collective uh joining together a meetting meet and greet kind of energy here yeah yeah good reminder it’s not about the giving is about the giving it’s about the receiving and can you conceive of being held in that kind of love the next card I did this for you but why is nothing in it for you I did this for you it’s your dream I burnt the hair of the bear so that you could let go that’s how love serves and in that there may be a little bit of grief as the ego comes down or the vanity of the trophy love serves its highest calling and sometimes that doesn’t look like material abundance so the reframe is don’t look at look through go through and as you go through and look through go back in go for the Deep dive the total immersion inself that this is for you not being done to you wow that’s gorgeous yeah that’s beautiful there’s the love affair there’s the love affair when you offer everything to the Divine with Detachment there’s a real letting go here you begin a love affair with Spirit or you begin a love affair with the spirit in all the spirit in everything the metaphysical driving energy behind the physical Veil the dancing Sprites beautiful that’s it isn’t it there nothing else nothing else so I’m going to leave you with my love I’m going to thank you all for being here and welcome new subscribers great to see you here uh drop a comment do the clicky things and I will see you all again soon take care bye but


    1. Good morning lovely soul sister🫶 3 things coming through for me while listening, 1: 'bear with me' every time u said it , I hear 'the Bear Spirit is with me' 2: I spent many yrs attending tipi ceremonies and learned to focus on the fire in the middle of the circle rather than the circle of people, and that in doing so one is able to see, through the peripheral vision, everything occurring in the entire circle, it requires the relaxing of the eyes, almost a purposeful 'unfocusing' of the vision. 3: yesterday I was walking down the rd and a car passed and kicked up a small stone which hit me rgt in the middle of my chest, and the message was 'heart activation' ❤ thank you for your time and energy it is much appreciated 🙏🌹

    2. My solar plexus has been twinging at times. And i have been feeling an 'in and out' experience also. But its all been lovely.

      It really feels like so much peace and happiness is coming up 🫶💗

    3. Wow… so often i feel like you are a doin a personal reading for me… i have a sense of these massive things happening in and through me and try to hold space for myself in the vast roller coaster waves of emotions i experience, every intuitive i have been to says its cause i am processing for the collective.. id like to believe that but find it hard when ultimately it has me seeing myself as incapable compared to what i see everyone else continuing going about doing as if nothing is happening.
      Your videos have me feeling better that im not alone cause they specifics are spot on.
      One example, i keep seeing that the "father" wound/trauma/story is replaying through many masculine figures in my life right now, its deeply painful.
      And, ive felt depression worse tha i have since 2017. This is 100% tied to the congenital patterns i inherited through my parents.. again super painful right now.
      Just felt like sharing some feedback and Gratitude for you videos. ❤

    4. Late to the party again! I’m in Oaxaca, feeling very much like I’m ready to break patterns. It’s the new moon now, for me it’s the 6th anniversary of finding/reading the Ra Material for the first time. It was the biggest shift in my adult life and it blew apart my whole world. Re: relation to the material world, I find myself desiring to create beautiful and special things rather than buy them. Like I want to forge every detail of my own world rather than live in someone else’s. 💚❤️‍🔥💚

    5. Thank you for helping me clarify these tremendous shifts I am feeling into. It sometimes feels like all my 3d senses are blurring and all I have is sacral gut intuition to guide Me.

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