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    Iraq pays bills, 27k gold? Russian antisatellite program, and what a day in court Cohen.

    [Music] [Music] hello all happy Thursday evening thirsty Thursday and speaking of thirsty Thursday uh the folks over at heroes are going to do I think their first Thursday ever thirsty Thursday over at hero and um zester is going to be joining them this evening so Dallas Christine Trina zester I was going to share the link for anybody and they do doing that at the end of this one okay they’re not even going to wait until we’re done they’re just going ahead and starting at 800 PM Eastern 8 PM Eastern but uh I know one thing having joined a few of theirs in the past they are a whole heck of a lot of fun so I thought I would just share that and do a Shameless plug since my son was going to be on over there and I’m dropping that Rumble in both of them in case you uh you know have time in your evening and you want to relax with friends again hello Julie hello mgu girl hello Dr Sarah hello Miss KLA what’s up Mr M Johnny Bravo Mr Helms let me highlight that Mr Helms thank you and I appreciate you yeah right Ally zester Sur certainly turning into the Superstar you know I remember when Gino not much well I don’t know well we will talk about some of the some of the chatter which is curious because I was having a conversation with Dr Scott actually I’ll wait until that part when I get him on in a little bit I will get through uh what news I have first yeah hit up Marcy I don’t think it’s quite that bad we’re gonna talk about that one hello poly kly hello L Harry it’s good to see you in the house interrested party Drew fiser Captain Peggy spanker Ralph X TP flying squirrel de go did I say kkb and country girl and ramzel I don’t know if I did but hello good to see you guys over there all right beeper hello Kelly and hello Q the music no no no no they’re just doing thirsty Thursday although he did do a crypto spot with them once before what’s up lomago Patriot John oh my God I will try to get get some footage of the track chair this weekend I had to play really dumb going into last weekend everybody’s like oh you gonna go down to the beach oh you gonna yeah I was like I was trying to avoid the conversation because I was involved in the uh operation Mother’s Day speaking of operations tentatively we have um Fernando from the anti-trafficking bureau joining next Tuesday morning to give us an update on a recent uh mission that they uh just took so uh looking forward to that one he was going to try to join um today but things just weren’t working out um you know life timing wise but I just wanted to make certain you guys knew that we are looking forward to that from ATB hello J and Amy hello and and Goose girl good to see you in the house Dodge Ram girl we don’t get you in here often enough so it’s good to see Hello Lucy Lou Mark jamus and economic ninjas video on the ariar was great right I’m still Blown Away Mark Jameson at the number of people that are like ah this is all crap this is never going to happen and they ignore the fact that central banks around the world hold the currency they ignore the the fact that JP Morgan has excuse me Jamie Diamond spent quite a bit of time in Iraq working on banking system oh and even the chase employees many of them were like no no no no that never happened no matter how many articles you can show them with the pictures and the quotes and everything else coming out uh and then they also ignore the fact that Warren Buffett spent millions and millions of his own money buying the currency from Iraq because he thinks it’s a great long-term investment or that Donald Trump bought it so all these people just think they are smarter than the smartest people in the world and I get a kick out of it I mean can you imagine that level of hubus to think you’re smarter than the smartest people in the world and the smart well I should say maybe not the smartest people the smartest money in the world and for that matter Black Rock evil Black Rock with Aladdin has heavy Holdings in Iraq if it were that bad never going to happen do you think they would be there I’m just all right you got guys are so dag on smart I don’t know why you waste your time watching my show just to troll it you’d have better things to do if I were that smart I’d be curing cancer making1 trillion dollars if I were just as smart as they were yeah positive positive Rick Rick it’s good to see you in here please tell the wife I said hello [Laughter] oh GG I’m glad to hear that too am sorry you made my night Amy all right I know I need to stay focused this evening so that we can get to Dr Scott heart disease blood clot Strokes kidney failure this can all be found on the back of an ibuprofen bottle and top it all off ibuprofen doesn’t even get to the main cause of your pain and swelling problems it’s only temporary pain relief and it’s only masking the true problem which is inflammation that’s not a solution to your pain right now you can go to get nativepath tocom markz and learn more and see your special offer for being part of our community it’s not only ineffective it’s expensive downright dangerous especially for seniors we’re talking about those pain pills the OTC ones it’s not that’s why researchers are saying you need to add this Antarctic super nutrient to your diet talking about omega-3 fatty acids but not just any form of omegas omega-3 fat acids Source from wild cot Krill the omega-3 content from krill oil has been shown to support healthy blood pressure circulation brain health as well as reduced inflammation swelling joint pain in fact it can outperform ibuprofen Advil and Tylenol and it doesn’t have the dangerous side effects mentioned above either and for limited time you can get uh Native path an Arctic Antarctic I’m messing that one up kill for as low as $23 a bottle you can just go to get nativepath docomo hello ding uh the ultimate smartest that’s right God with a capital G not little not not not a little G we’re talking about the big G Debbie I have no doubt they will lose it about oh wait guys I am missing it Mark card well any update on predictions on the do revaluation price I keep being told that it is H creeping towards mid threes to four um from a number of sources Mark I mentally I I I can’t make that work in my head I’m still thinking uh low to mid tws but that’s what’s going on out there um yeah and I have not heard and well I shouldn’t say that markk Carwell I’ve heard about um the chance of there being only a small percentage available I’ve heard that but never from what I consider a solid or reputable my banking sources my mil exchange they just disagree with it but I have certainly because of the boards and you guys asking me that question but that is the only place I’ve never I’ve ever heard it excuse me every time I ask uh my contacts Etc they they they chuckle um tell me to stop reading the boards and I’m like I don’t but they send it they’re worried about it I’m not worried about it thank you for that super sticker about time now I’m ready to change this world I know you guys are too uh Luella said uh asking for prayers from everyone just got out of the hospital D pray for me lella praying for your recovery your health your mental sanity and your comfort right now Big Show that’s see here’s another one thank you big Show everybody’s like well how do you know Warren Buffett said he bought it because Warren Buffett said he bought it he did and then came out and said and when he was laughed at he said it’s a great long-term investment have you seen the potential and what the currency used to be worth I mean he defended his decision to buy it so yeah I get a heck of yeah I’m with you secret identity at some point you stop explaining it to anybody you don’t owe them an explanation just do it quietly hold it there and be done with it all right let’s see 710 we are going to dive in dive in quickly uh I would like to reiterate that um zester will be joining the folks over at Heroes for their Thursday Thursday in about an hour 15 minutes from now I’m going to drop the link one more time it is Shameless plug for my friends and my son all right now the Shameless plug is done a really fantastic well-timed one from nater of course it’s an article so I think that’s what was well planned they talk about all right for those that been paying attention over the last week or so a lot of shade was thrown when the US like oh but they haven’t met all the requirements from chapter 7 so just you know cool your horse is not happening for a bit well Iraq releases or a article releases in the paper today in Iraq showing that they paid all of those for their chapter 7even that they met all their obligations going back to the 2003 whatever 78 billion dollar has been fully repaid now why I mention this these are the back and forth articles when we already know better and we already have the receipts showing or should I say we already have the documentation showing they’ve met those this is part of the smoke and mirrors that we get as we lead up to an event like this same type of smok and mirrors we saw in Kuwait same sometimes of smok and mirrors we saw in China in the later 90s when they revalued theirs uh with Kuwait in the 90s similar to what we saw in the 70s when Iraq had their last major change in value upwards and it goes on and on and on totally expected but you want to talk about extremely well timed yeah Iraq didn’t like the misinformation being spread bam this one is my big win article for the day and uh all credit goes to Mr seor nater for finding it and bringing it to us if you want to read it get more details it’s very short one two and a half minutes or so um the link will be up on my site or just look for nater over on YouTube latest uh nater if you’re out there hello hope all is well all right a huge one let me uh get rid of the banner just so you guys can read more of the article I’m putting up and I am guys I’m going through this and about 2 minutes flat okay maybe 5 minutes flat so we can get to Dr Scott he’s prepared some information for us Jim Rickards over at the daily Reckoning I’ve previously said gold could reach 15,000 by 2026 well today I’m updating that forecast my latest prediction exceeds 27 Grand and guys he breaks down the math proper gold price his thinking the why the money supply and if you’re unfamiliar with Mr Rickards Economist advisor to multiple presidents including Trump uh advisor that uh is largely considered responsible for convincing Trump that a gold standard is necessary that that is the only way to prosperity for us and for us to get out of this m Massy very much believes in a reset to Gold um so I love this one and if it doesn’t give you some warm and fuzzies for where we’re headed and also for the potential value of what we have done I want you to think about this one think about asset backed gold backed money and how much more gold needs to be worth to support the amount of currency in circulation guys this should tell you that they High valuations of our currencies are highly possible under a gold back system because we’re talking about an exponential increase in the value now if you had a currency that was pegged the gold gold goes from 2,000 or let’s just keep it simple instead of saying 2,300 or whatever we’re at right now and change let’s just say okay if it goes from 227 I want you think about that that means if you have a currency Peg to it easily 10 15 times higher than what you would expect value-wise if gold does the same thing because it’s based on it so I just absolutely love this one guys uh love this one $27,000 gold and he gets into the details I’m going to keep running Russia launched research spacecraft for anti-satellite nuclear weapon two years ago us officials say do you feel like you’re getting sucked into some kind of Star Wars thing here is it because we need to fear Russia is it because the us is going to do something and they need an excuse you know what is the reasoning here I mean they’ve known for two years why are they telling us right now why are they telling us today that Russia launched a research spacecraft for anti-satellite nuclear weapon two years ago to research the potential to research uh Delivery Systems guidance Etc why are they telling us today two years later it’s almost like they want us to react they want to be able to justify something maybe an expenditure maybe an early strike you have to ask yourself why or at least I have to ask myself why and for all those folks out there that still trust their government or believe their government have you never studied history ever ever ever I am still Blown Away by the people running out there trusting their government when all history tells them that they can’t be trusted that you have to keep a tight rain on them where they will start running things for themselves instead of for the people but I get I do get a kick out of everybody Mr Barrett I appreciate that one and Mr Barrett we still need to drag you on sometimes so you can tell folks about your books because I have been enjoying themo Commando it’s an election year that’s right woohoo you better elect the strong one that one is Joe bid see what I did there that was funny I got a kick out of it all right I gotta hurry and get to Dr Scott we got three or four more four more I believe it is Biden moves to block House GOP from getting interview tapes with special Council okay what does that mean GOP subpoena Freedom of Information subpoena Etc documents where the doj and the White House were meeting directly with folks like Alvin Bragg Leticia James vny Willis like in the Oval Office communicating directly back and forth before they launched officially their cases it appears that they were colluding with CCP Joe yeah I called him CH tiut Joe um because Trump can’t say it right now because they’ve got him pretty well throttled so I’ll say it for him moves to block them having that communication you know for a White House that said there was no communication we didn’t talk to them why in the world are they blocking that information why just you know why just so that you don’t have it I’m kind of confused if you didn’t collude with them you didn’t sit down with them why are you moving to block the interview tapes and the audio when you sat down and talked to them if it didn’t happen happen you wouldn’t need to block those tapes this to me is a clear indication of guilt that the Biden Administration is working with the doj for law fair to go after their lead uh or their leading competitor in the election guys 1970s 1980s 1990s that would have been enough for the American people to insist for all of Congress on both sides of the aisle to insist on the president stepping down less than that was enough for Nixon to step down just a reminder in case anybody missed the history class Cohen destroyed Trump lawyer dog walks star witness through lie after lie they should have said after lie after lie they should have added a couple more to that one CNN pundants a gast yes the folks over there once they uh heard the testimony or the transcript of said testimony they were appalled seems Cohen can’t be trusted and he got obliterated in court for that matter we even have a now Mia uh stormmy who seems to be running as well yeah this whole thing is falling apart falling apart quickly um Romney said oh I got a kick out of this one guys wait till I show you one of the comments from here Romney says Biden should have immediately pardoned Trump to be the big guy I think that is that’s some bad terminology there for you mitt the big guy you mean the guy getting the 10% the 50% the kickback from uh CCP money Russian oligarchs Ukrainian energy companies like your son sits on the board of or did oh wait that’s right he served with Hunter over on the same board at barisma but I did get a kick out of it that you said he should do it to be the big guy and he’s already called the big guy meaning he was trying to get across that it would look like Biden was the bigger man and not afraid of trump he should have just pardoned him immediately or push the doj not to even go after him because then he would have looked like he was the alteristic one he was the more standup guy than uh petty little Trump this is what R Romney is trying to Pedal but now I did boy I got a kick out of one of his comments right here Romney also lammed Republican Trump loyalists for showing up to the courthouse to show support for former president or for the former president is the way they worded it think it’s a ter this is a quote think it’s a terrible fault for our country to see people attacking our legal system that’s an enormous mistake Romney continued I think it’s also demeaning for people to quite uh apparently try and run for vice president by doning a red tie and standing alongside the courthouse it’s just I’d have felt awkward well Romney I’ve seen you do far more compromise yourself far more than that one but now let’s let’s uh let let’s pick just a small piece of this apart I think it is a oh wait come here a terrible fault for our country to see people attacking our legal system wait our legal system if people do not attack it because it has gone so far astray and into lawfare it has been so hijacked it no longer represents morality or ethics it is for sale completely and 100% and being used to wage a war against a presidential candidate to affect what we can and can’t who we can and can’t vote for it’s election interference and if we attack it we’re somehow in the wrong because it is such a louded uh institution no no no it has done it to itself just like the CDC just like the now pick one NIH White House doj they have torpedoed themselves they had obliterated their own respectability it’s not us if we don’t attack it and point it out are they ever going to fix it this is one where you have once again missed the boat completely I mean hell at this point the boat’s on the other side of the ocean and uh you’re still sitting at the shore you’re probably more like sitting in the mountains or the desert waiting for it to show up you are clueless on this one apple removed moving emojis saying it’s being used to describe the left that checks out barar I appreciate you Miss Davidson we only have one more so that we can get on with Dr Scott Ohio orders Purge of ineligible voters from State voter roles after finding 137 non-citizens registered to vote they didn’t even have to mention the number of dead people the number of people that moved the number of people that were in multiple States this is big though guys how much pressure if we share this story is going to be applied to other states to do the same if Ohio found 137 noncitizens and guys we are not getting into the number of people that moved the number of people that don’t exist or the addresses that don’t exist we’re not getting into any of those things we’re just talking about the non-citizens the same fear that has been expressed by the right by on musk by so many they’re registered vote wonder how long that’s been going on you do have to ask yourself these questions they’re important when you stop questioning and just start accepting that is when you are super easy to control and freedom goes away all right that’s what I want to get through now let’s get it in here hey there how you doing I’m fantastic just looking at some of the comments here that’s good oh man m Romney he has got no clue that guy is the dumbest dude I mean he just needs to be done you know I mean he is so detached from reality and US yeah and and I I just you know you if you counted up all the things that’s on Biden there’s just no way at any other time frame you you can get mad but you got to realize that’s the movie um the stuff in the government stuff in the media that’s the movie that’s the stuff that they’re trying to put out there and the movie part is the stuff that we need to deal with in NSR piece and when you see that way you kind of go oh okay I’ll chill I did have one somebody just said you know what have you heard from like Reno and that one and I was mentioning you and I’s conversation so many of the sources are getting leaned on they’re afraid to talk right now and they’re very open they’re like look we’re afraid we’re going to mess up everybody’s listening to our conversations they’re afraid to say the right the the wrong thing or kind of the right thing but just not allowed to say it they’re I mean it’s the fear right now is sharing too much of the information um I just take it as a great sign that they’re all exceptionally happy and not sharing because they don’t want to lose money how do you take that one are you getting the same thing from yours yeah lot there’s a lot of banking people and a lot of you know a lot of military people and I talk to different ones but it’s frankly like I can’t talk to you um okay um you know so we can talk about any other kind of thing any any other basic sort of thing but not much else you know so and you know it’s it’s just there’s some real interesting things that even happening on uh um just just happening on on even just the nisara conversations that they’re they’re pushing back on me as well so yeah and the push back guys the push back tells you we are close if there wasn’t if we weren’t close we wouldn’t be getting pushed back on so for me I’m going to take as an excellent sign you know I’ve had reports of these new $100 bills but I’ve yet to see one um anything good luck if you can get a I mean see one I mean you’re never going to get a picture of it so you know the reality is that’s also under the ndas you know you’re you’re you’re messing with a with a person ‘s um business you’re messing with their ability to like go to work and so you guys got to think that way too I know you’re asking questions you want to know and you want to know that next step like us note or we want to know what they’re thinking on on this but you know when you’re launching an operation it this is acting way more military than you realize when you’re launching an operation you cannot let the other side know um I I was I was saying this today to a guy and I’m like you know if you got four Landing spots that you’re going to hit you would put out Miss and disinformation to all four of those Landing spots um you you you don’t put out only the one that you don’t want to do I mean that that you’re going to launch to you would put it out to all of them and it’s funny because even the NFL during their ly season which is right before the draft um they will they will have a whole bunch of different guys in and what’s interesting is you kind of know who they want to draft because they didn’t actually bring them in or you know some other kind of weird thing so they they they try to do all this aisc because everyone wants to know just the little morsel of detail so if if you look at the draft and how they actually do things or you look at trade deadlines those are just another idea of how we’re actually seeing it from that that point too so yeah we can get into this part too yeah one other quick one I saw somebody mention I don’t know if you followed that in the news I shared it of course uh Ashley Biden confirming the Diaries her and how embarrassing is to have her life there and to know what she was subjected to in her showers it I mean she confirmed it is real yeah all those things that we were I was cancelled off of uh basically canceled off of YouTube or excuse me um uh uh a fake book yeah I I mean that’s all the stuff that was that was canceled for um that that kind of stuff and it was like sorry yeah all right let’s get over here if you’re ready I’m going to uh put it up okay so you can bring us on the side if you want to as well but would you rather be on the side or faded down there um actually side’s easier like that than it doesn’t cover it up there I kind of like that that’s kind of fun but it’s not big enough I know I’m going to the two one it’s okay okay that’s right it’s two you can always shut off if you want to um anyway so remember we we’re not selling crypto guys we don’t sell qfs crypto you just remember he’s not gonna like direct message you and I think it’s so hysterical they go greetings I’m like I’ve never said greetings so come on all right I want to show you this one this was pretty interesting um this is actually a meme that kind of came up and it was talking about uh crypto kind of things and it and I I put some x’s through here but but it’s talking about a payment Hub it was just a unique way of looking at this so in here you got real time Express economy you know a which is like direct deposit kinds of things wire and then all said fed now and Swift and and see they have to put those things in there I put a little X through though the the thing is that I I I’m strongly believing that you got um xrp is going to be the communic Ator or the Stellar Network’s going to could be a communicator because the FED is gone when you see that level of of stuff it’s not going to be the gold back part it’s the communicator between it and so that’s that’s just a a fascinating little thing that kind of uh came out here so this is something this is a little while ago here but a guy was kind of saying you know I don’t see the world shaking off its evil cloak you know so basically what’s going to have to happened they got to clean the cell up and it’s a long time down the road you know and I go okay Nate you know the economic world is tried to initiate the great reset and and when you understand that they’ they’ve taken on that great reset the real economic News tells us we’re 30 times worse than the Great Depression um we’re so far over that Cliff I mean the FED is losing money left and right they are heading on toward an an Archy actually um Aaron Rogers was talking with Tucker he was talking about Anarchy they were almost talking about the EBS and he goes you know it might not be that bad we’re not talking about Anarchy like everyone fighting each other like in some crazy movies but we’re talking about military occupation for a time and and frankly we’re in the middle of this uh with that so there have been endless Wars and this is what we’re trying to stop that kind of system there um another thing too I just thought these were powerful kind of points realize it’s these idiots that that had set up this stuff and when you realize they did it in 27 that’s only a few years away from the the stock market crash this is when the markets were going up dramatically uh by the way that’s exactly what’s happening right now the markets are going up dramatically it’s taken over by those those billionaires and we we think um yeah it’s going to happen again no it’s it’s GNA happen a little differently um this just came out I think you guys might really like this but Massie introd introduced a Banning of the Federal Reserve you got to just pause for a second if they ban the Federal Reserve and I had a guy who was like he called me a fraud on on Twitter and I’m like dude killing the Federal Reserve is exactly what we’re talking about in Nur I mean and and Q said gold will destroy the fed this is the first time I’ve ever seen anyone talk about it in this way um I don’t even care if the bill passes it’s it’s a c guys I I I couldn’t have put it out any better and it just came out today um here’s another one you know China’s selling off the treasury notes now here’s the thing the treasury bonds are being sold off um when they don’t buy bonds they have no more liquidity and so they’re they’re they’re basically dumping them for nothing which means that they’re going down to record lows look at this in 2010 all the way through time frames right and we have these little depressed points in time and we see another one right here so there I mean these are depressed for the bonds which is not bad for you know normal uh kind of usage we see a little higher up here goes down here and then you see this this point where they were using it this is when many of us thought you know Trump was was gonna take over and and Biden was going to kind of get out of there but you see how they were selling off the bonds and then now you’re seeing this massive sell off and they’re they’re losing out left and right it’s kind of cool to see that kind of stuff too um now I I’ve done this before I’m going to do this really super fast you know we talked about this last time the qfs and assar are going through um major pressure points the qfs system the financial people they have their idea and they’re thinking month-to month that’s how I think when people ask me what’s going on and I know Mark thinks this way too and I’m not trying to speak for you mark you can thr but but the point is is that you know Financial people think month-to month you have you have bills that you’re paying and that’s what you’re how you think of this and those are the pressures and the viewpoints that are going to come out to you know the people that are making that final decision you have countries negotiating are negotiating their share of the trust funds so they’re looking at how do we unlock those that’s tier one kind of thing or excuse me tier two types of areas the tier two is really in the governmental section tier one is the military that’s a really unique distinction that most people don’t realize it happens so military is dictating back to them so they obviously looking at what’s best for my country that’s another pressure point you know again the cabal keeps trying to push all of their issues and and when Mark was talking about you know um uh Black Rock and Vanguard and all these all these other ones trying to buy in currency points that is another area of them trying to get into the game and they’re trying to saywell how do we make as much money the reality is they will be blocked that’s the key element that we we show in here that’s executive order 13818 when you have crimes against humanity you don’t get it you don’t get access to this and then when we have the military they’re looking at their operations and they always think operation to operation okay and they put pressure pressure on all of this and so again we talked about this one before I just thought it was good to bring it up another time um th this is just nuts I don’t know if you guys even saw this little one here this is a dude I mean this is the the German Minister uh he’s he’s trying to get into uh the Democratic party and he is licking toilets this is possibly a humiliation ritual if if in the past this kind of stuff ever occurred I mean people would like okay come on man dud this is all crazy this stuff is sorry I’m gonna stop it but you get the idea looks like a looks like a prison toilet yeah and it and it is it’s like you know it’s it’s in that kind of stuff and these are these are sick people and and what they’re trying to do with that so I’ll pull off the screen here but but basically guys you got to understand they’re they’re doing their thing right and they’re put putting themselves out there and they think they think they can go farther and farther actually Aaron Rogers was talking a lot about this they think they can push it farther and farther and he actually said if they went farther and they and they and they go farther they they’re going most people are just going hey man I’m not I’m not into that I’m I’m not into that and and it’s not about gay straight it’s not even about any of that kind of stuff people going hey man story time to little kids ain’t happening and and and those are the kind of things but but the reality is they’re allowed to be completely stupid and so you get to see all the stupid in front of you that’s part of that movie again that’s that’s what you have to look at with it too so I think that part about the FED oh my gosh I’m so excited about that guys I mean the FED being abolished could never happen it we’ve never seen anything like that with with Massie putting it out there so anyway sorry I was posting the uh oh you’re down done with it I was post somebody had asked me to repost the Thursday Thursday Thursday one um is it time for them to ask you some questions yeah let’s hit it up um well the first question I see is what day is the RV happening okay I didn’t see that I just wanted to throw it at you what uh yeah I’m still just blown away I mean that’s got to be I did he just want to show how much he will do whatever the party tells him I mean you know look at toilet all right look at toilet I’m still just crazy man yeah just although Germany as a whole right now has kind of lost it I mean they’re going after they’re claiming it’s anti- whatever they had somebody use a kind of a Germany first slogan wonder if I have that anywhere um oh yeah let’s see trying to see if I can find the phrase but it translates you know very well somebody wants to put Germany first and they should you know if they’re running for Germany um uh I I’ll have to look for the saying uh but unfortunately very common I mean it’s not something that would be unted to say kind of like saying America first or something like that but uh then they go back in the in the history books and say ah somebody from the Nazi party said that in 1920 something use that phrase and so now they’re going after them legally uh to shut them up anybody on the right they’re trying to deplatform anybody they’re trying to control it has has it occurred to anybody that German with their authoritarian ways are going just the way they did before they’re going Nazi but instead of hating Jews now they hate everybody that doesn’t agree with them oh wait a minute it’s kind of similar to kind of what they did before they just picked the new Bad Boy to divide everybody against this time the bad boy is whoever believes in Freedom or sovereignty or common sense so they they got to go but it’s the same thing it’s the same government overreach it’s the same authoritarian it’s the same lock up anybody that disagrees with you it’s the same shame them uh put them in jail forever kill them murder I me it’s it’s absolute insanity and for those in Germany that can’t see it up I have a couple I mean I have a couple contacts from the German area and I got a phone call you know was it went on for like 20 minutes it was pretty expensive phone call um but you know with with this this conversation and you know he had been um he had been locked up um three or four times they put him he he put him in an asy in an asylum um just for his his situations On The Backs yeah here’s a great one because uh with Nera jera how do you think they’re going to handle that I mean you look at like single family homes before before covid you know what corporations owned I you know I don’t have the numbers exactly guys but uh I’m going to get close like six or s% of all single family homes now that own nearly 30% of all single family homes right uh somewhere between 25 and 30 if I remember the numbers correctly I do read a whole heck of a lot but I mean what’s gonna happen when a sah Jer you look at these bad guys you I don’t know maybe a Soros maybe a Gates and farmland uh maybe CCP own you know Chinese owned Farmland if it’s not an individual and they can track it to government how do they handle that do they just chop it up have a cheap auction what do you think well I think first off first off you got to know what what’s happening in the background so Carl the the reality is you’ve got executive order 13818 and executive order 13818 says if you have crimes against humanity black rock is is definitely in that when you have that circumstance happening you lose your property I mean it’s it’s the the number one thing listed okay but losing a property is a point of bankruptcy guess what all of those properties and we’re talking about American lands you know we’re talk about some major parts of American lands those are going to go to Farmers um you’re going to see some some points that are going to go to the farmers in so many ways Trump talk about the farmers over and over and over again for a president that doesn’t normally occur and so I I think some of that we’re we’re going to start seeing is um you know for instance the Farmers on the lands but we might see levels of auctions toward that I think that’s one of the very strong possibilities and I always think about this now I’m not saying this is going to happen but I think about like land rushes in the late 1800s you know they would line up and then they would kind of go into areas um I don’t think it’s gonna be as chaotic as that maybe but I think there might be some real interesting ways of handling that and you guys are gonna be excited for it no absolutely and you know I I honestly think we need to have another push like that we’ve got a lot of they call it national Parkland but much of it is not Parkland it was a government grab for Real Estate right and then you look at all those that could be putting Farms on them small farmers 40 Acre Farms 100 Acre Farms or whatever I think it is about time for another pioneering phase right for uh for the nation where the world I mean you look I mean so many nations around the world have so much empty undeveloped unused land and I totally understand we want to keep the trees all that but you can do both oh yeah I mean Farmers if if you really look at what farmers do to the land I mean they always take care of the land I’m not talking about the corporate ones no if you’re talking about real Farmers you know these are really good people they’re pretty distrusting though um but you know when you let them go and do their thing they’re going to come out with amazing stuff and I think that’s what we’re going to see too and that will fix a lot of the diseases we get into that real kind of stuff you’re gonna see the diseases kind of Fall Away um that’s gonna happen as well I I’m looking forward to that one too oh my God I don’t know if you’ve seen this or not but this is totally worth a discussion I did see those balloons I’m just going you gotta be kidding me you you you really didn’t do the you know the genitalia balloons I mean it was like what yeah Scott beo pulls up in a rented van in front of the courthouse for Trump opens the back and there are penis shaped balloons I know you may be offended but that’s what they were shaped like were with now whose pictures he had the faces printed on them of key politicians involved in this uh laware against Trump um and I don’t recall which faces in general but U I think it was like Jack Smith and Merck Garland and the ones involved at the top level of organizing this law fair and uh launch them into Jack Smith and da brag thank you Fred for uh for that input AST fire watching Biden impeachment stop by to say hi let us know how it goes Astro we are ready it’s I was dying laughing I mean you can’t make that up you just can’t all right Mark can you ask him if you think we will go lock down between June 6 June 9th and that’s where GCR RV I’m not certain where the June 6 June 9th comes into a lock up but I mean I’m certainly heard that the attempts will be made whether that is swine flu whether it’s bird flu whether that’s a new Co I don’t know dour you know pick pick your Panic dour right I I would say that’s where we get I mean you know we I always kind of say you know RV with along with the the conversation of the EBS and you go okay what’s what’s going on in there because the the reality is what we’re what I kind of focus on in that that area is the new setting of The budgets when when the people of Iraq or Vietnam or France whatever that place might be when they are seeing their money coming back and they’re seeing you know in that gold back currency or the asset back currency this is some of the stuff that they’ve been setting up for a very very long time and so what but you’ve got to have this this other level of exposure of the media you got to delete out what the media is saying and so you’re going to delete the media you’re going to delete the you know the the election issues you’re going to see you know all those people that that did their stuff and and they’re just going to get quickly exposed and so I mean do I say lockdowns I I don’t personally believe in lockdowns I mean do we have times of potential you know martial law maybe um so I I would say it’s it and and anyone who says a date I’m just gonna tell you right now you don’t know the date um there is not you will not know that date so so don’t think it’s a particular date because you’re G to be wrong probably uh yeah um although you know I I’ve wondered a lot of people are saying uh I shouldn’t say I mean a number of people are saying hey you know they’re telling us some huge announcement Iraq Sudani even said you know something powerful and big we’re going to announce it on Sunday which means it can’t happen the more I think about that one the more it’s like an excellent time to do it they’ve cried wolf so many times now they could slide it in there and everybody’s gonna go yeah right and then boom it’s occurred I mean it is the perfect cover they have definitely softened us up for for just that if you think about it people I I don’t I don’t think of of trump making you know an exact announcement um I I really believe this has to be more military that’s why people get really mad at me because they go Trump’s never talked about this and I’m like oh yes he has you just haven’t been paying attention um you know it it’s there are people um if you talk to government people you know they’ll they’ll use like acronyms every five seconds um and and you’re like could you guys please speak English here I mean I don’t stick with your acronyms um and I I have a company a consulting company I work with as well and they love to use their acronyms all the time and if you’re not you know up with them you’re you’re going I don’t get what what references happen think that way with Trump he is using references that are speaking to you and me that the other people in the world are not catching but you cannot have him announcing this he has got to be completely insulated because the reality is that tier one is the military they need to be able to be funded so that they can they can do their thing and that’s what’s that’s what’s happening right now and that’s why we’re kind of on the edge because when tier two the governments get taken you know to you know to their next level well you you already have gotten the idiots out of the way with that exactly Richard right he he cannot be seen as in there just because I mean they would it look like a military takeover SL whatever just like ner jera whoever is President gets removed maybe they can get elected later but that’s how I’ve always understood it right so that you can have a clean slate and if you’re in there at the time boy I tell you that Slate’s not going to look very clean I mean I mean I want you think about this um the actual approve when you look at like approval okay strong approval rating the percent entage of people in the US voters according to a number of polls Joe Biden has an 8% strong approval rating they think he is doing what a heck of a bang up job eight% of the people now if others say he’s doing an okay job still lowest in modern history and as damning as that sounds you’re like oh my God 8% you know he’s beating Congress oh yeah they have a 7% strong approval rating boy they’re doing a great job great job that’s why I don’t care Democrat it’s it’s they’re use it’s useless of a conversation I don’t you know I mean when we talk about this they’re a unip party to me I I just I don’t trust any side of that stuff yeah okay you gotta laugh I don’t identify I identify as a snuff lus not as a big bird I I identify more as the count because I’m always counting the days until this happens amen right Wonder okay we can keep going on this one all right yeah let me throw you one last one in here and then let’s uh work towards a uh wrap let’s see if I can no no no let’s see there we go it popped over 40 for a bit and ended up down on the day number of people like hey look that’s this is where it Teeters and totters it hits 40 and corrects hard I very much look for a correction a very strong correction around that Mark but do you read anything into it I don’t I mean I saw it hit 40 and then I was like I’d been busy with a couple other things and and I knew it would kind of knock down you know again I have um um two different people that are Market analyzers those are some of the other people I listen to as well I I’ll bring up another point about economic ninja in Just a half a sec but but um but the E the market analyzer go in they are not following any patterns it doesn’t make any sense it’s like opposite land um um we do know too as uh AMC um has been shut down for many hours remember if they start going down you’ll have a shutdown it’s more than 7% there’s a shutdown for you know numbers of hours if it goes down farther after they bring it back on it’ll shut down for half a day or longer um so and you can have particular we don’t know all those the banks a bank could be like PNC we knew that one got a shut down kind of mechanism in there too and so if you’re shutting down the ones that are going down is the market really going up and exactly you’re manipulating the plun protection team is uh manipulating the heck out of it you don’t have a peak Protection Team but you have a plunge Protection Team they’re not worried about going too high and collapsing they’re worried about it going too low and them looking bad right um which that tells you a lot and I think and I think that’s that I mean you know and I just a reminder statement about economic ninja this is a very strong believer this is a good guy a lot of ways it’s funny I had some conversations with him you know about it he goes I don’t believe in Nara and then he kind of put a video out about me um you know and it was pretty funny um and and you know at first it kind of was upset about it and I was like H I’m not worried about it he’ll get around he’ll kind of come around to it but all the signs are there I mean I want you to think about it like like you know if you ever had a girlfriend and she kind of gave you all the signs she’s about ready to break up with you and you were just totally clueless and then when it happens afterward you’re like oh I should have seen that coming I think that’s what’s that’s what the economic people are GNA be like and frankly a lot of them are going to kind of go quiet for a while too yeah they are they’re going to pretend they didn’t miss it just like the Ukraine War uh mongers they’re going to just pretend oops just kind of Fade Into the background it’s like that old meme with um like a Homer Simpson or somebody Fading Into the bush disappearing even if they even if they do that here’s what happens people are going to look to them to answer their qu their new sets of questions and they’re going to go they’re not going to say anything I mean listen if if everything I knew about my field of ideology suddenly was wrong um you know I’m just making up something if suddenly is wrong the first thing that I would do is kind of as as that professional being being the adviser in essence the first thing that I would do is is stop you know and and there will be a time of of grief that will happen you know the stage the five stages of grief um and so you walk through those stages and they’re going to be fighting through the stages so even if they go well and the the first one is denial right and so when you have that kind of denial they’re gonna have a denial point but but then when they ask them any questions they can’t answer anything and so they’ll stop saying anything and then that’s when I think you know that’s where I know that God’s kind of you know pressing on me and I know there’s several other people you don’t know about including Mark that are going to be pressed out and and people are going to be looking to us and go what what do you have to say but guess what they’re gonna be look looking to you guys too oh yeah yeah your neighbors are gonna be looking those kinds of things knucklehead um you talked about this at some depth in the last few uh podcasts uh roaring Kitty’s return with the GameStop and the shorts he can read the charts and he disappeared for three years because the hedge funds backed off they overshort it again so he’s calling it again which is I mean the weakness in the derivative market and the number of shorts the Hedge font they’ve gotten so greedy that they have overstepped again there are a lot of shorts out there and they’re naked man I mean they’re they’re rolling around with no protection they’re massively negative on this I mean they kind of I mean they they dropped them I think it was wasn’t it in December of 2021 when they really did it and when we kind of heard about it it was in the early part of 22 but but in that in that basic time frame what what they basically said is is we got you I’m Sorry by the nads um yeah and and that was that that was a powerful Mo moment and and what you don’t realize is that if when they have to pay that up and they will have to it it’ll bankrupt whole sectors of the financial I mean the Hedge market and and you you know it’ll tumble a lot of the market so the the real tumble I would say happens after is always a reactionary Point too um one Nancy your husband was absolutely correct and we are watching The Melt up that’s exactly what we’ve been watching I’m stunned the Melt up has gone this long I really figured it would crash sooner because that’s what all my historic cycles and super cycle chart said but it keeps bumping on him so I know the fundamentals are going to win on that when he’s right the ultimate short is still silver I mean you know they see GameStop got to 140 143% shorted which means there’s you know it’s overed more shares than existed right that’s nothing compared 143% so there is 43% too much but roughly 50% too many shares out there they’re going to take a hit right silver is exponentially higher than that for that matter Let’s Just Bounce over to uh was it today or late top 29 oh it actually broke 30 for a few seconds it made it to like 303 and then the war started on Silver um and now it’s uh probably a heck of a good buy at like 2960 or 70 or something like that is my guess by now as they need to manipulate it and I’m taking advantage of it not a whole lot of money because I don’t have a whole yeah anyways uh let’s get down here to Gold precious medals let’s look to the dollar and paper ratio 397 to1 so for each one of those ETF paper contracts out there there are 397 contracts to one ounce of silver you look at the paper to gold and the paper to gold is 124 to one I mean these These are nowhere I mean the GameStop that squeezed and broke hedge funds is nothing compared to what happens when people wake up and go down to the coin shop and buy silver and nobody can get it I mean it is pre metals are the Kryptonite for them right now I mean that that number right there that that is that is a terrifying number I mean 300 to one I mean that is the supply and demand is off the charts right and and you’re go because they’re having to pay the they they have to in in essence in the long run they have to pay pay the debts back and so you know Hey listen I’ve been in a massive amount of debt in in the past I mean when I was 90% debt to income ratio I mean I was robbing Peter left and right I mean I’ve said this before but I was I took money out of my second mortgage to pay my first mortgage you have no idea how nerve-racking that is anyone’s been through bankruptcy knows you know kind of where that where that happens And yet when you talk about this this level of bankruptcy you know none of those 2008 2009 movies that you see out there you know and and there is a there is a really fake movie about the the shorts uh the AMC short or the whichever one that that this I think it was an apple movie and it was totally wrong I mean there wasn’t even close to right information about it and it’s it’s just a group of people that rose up and bought it and they’re blowing them up and so that kind of stuff there there’s some wealth distribution in a just a powerful way um it’s gonna be fun no it is uh Bryce I actually talked about this one and told you that they were going to fudge and told you how they were going to fudge the CPI numbers so that they could work on and how they were going to hedge and readjust down uh the um employment figures so that they could justify it it’s kind of NE problem is the next report is going to show it up considerably they are monkeying Zero Hedge actually did a couple of good pieces on just that Bryce um throughout the last week and a half or so I’ve shared lots of links just on that um but it’s absolutely why silver and gold are getting more action though Bryce you nailed it because uh the markets know that inflation isn’t under control and while they like the lower rates uh because they can inflate away some of their debt they realized that it means inflation is going to run hard so they bought silver and gold part of the run up on it it’s uh they can’t they cannot know if if you really listen to you gotta listen to the Powell you know responses but you know I mean every one of them including economic ninja I’m I’m not trying to run people under the bus here but I’m telling you a lot of those people had told you last year that um by the first quarter on the feds we’re going to lower rates and I mean I do you know car dealerships I mean that that are just struggling to kind of stay open they were all pointing to the rates uh the rates going down um every one of these um every one of these really powerful economic um places not bad places we’re hoping the rates were they were praying for the rates they’re absolutely never coming down this is a a train wreck of epic proportions and so when you when you understand the level of of like they’re so far over the cliff there’s no coming back from this and and that’s why when people go yeah I’m just just waiting for Trump or they say you know I I hear people saying this all the time and I I really caution you guys to to do this you’ve had your hope delayed and when you have your hope delayed you go you say well this thing will happen five years from now or 10 years from now or and you say this kind of stuff and I’m going there’s power in your words um your words can actually create a business your words can prop up your son your words can um can fix your marriage um your words Speak Life into your body um you know that that’s that kind of stuff is really powerful and I’m not even talking um on a spiritual level we know that from just a physical level I mean our words can can fix our dogs it can fix the plants and if it does that why are you speaking the words of this kind of level of delay we know it’s just a matter of of moments and that’s why I think month to month um because I can’t think outside of that month you know and and that’s I just I I don’t think about June I’m thinking about May what is accomplishing in May and that’s if you guys will think like that it’ll make you a lot more calm um yeah Sharon I have no idea what your question this is one we deal with all the time over and over and over and over and talk about pretty much every Thursday and every Friday morning but I don’t understand your question what about foreclosure what what recourse it depends on where in the process you are at you’d have to give a lot more in the way of details for either one of us to be answer within and you may have further back in chat uh I’ll miss probably 11 12,000 chats during just this one episode uh podcast uh which sucks for all of you guys unless you’re here often because I’m gonna miss your questions unfortunately more than I’m gonna catch them which just sucks for you guys but uh Dr Scott you want to touch on that if the my understanding if the Foreclosure happens during or if this occurs the reset occurs the sah toer occurs while the for before it’s finished that it just gets canceled stops right there you get to keep the house that’s my understanding the problem is if it’s already happened they’ve already taken it I don’t think you have any recourse I wish you did but I don’t think you do I’m wondering and I’ve been hearing some weird rumbling like so they took your house um now the big question is is it been has it been resold um that man if it’s resold to someone I mean you’re not getting that back um you know but if the bank has it and and it’s in that process of sale um boy that that might be a possibility um that that you could be able to get that back but we don’t know exactly where that is the real recourse that what we’re we’re looking at too is going into the bankruptcy courts and ripping away all those all those potential debt um areas and and the reality is all of the credit scores are just going to go to nothing I mean they’re not going to have any meaning um so so that’s that’s part of it and again it’s gonna when it hits on that date when all the stuff starts occurring um it it’s from that day on is what you’re thinking about now again the bankruptcy and foreclosure you’re Looking Backward a little bit so yeah I wish I wish I had better better thoughts and news on on that one I do um all right Protection Team they got a lot to work through all right uh it is time to call it a rrap Dr Scott thank you for joining us this Thursday happy to do it we’ll keep doing it as much as you guys need to yeah absolutely uh so is that you committing to next Thursday yep I’m here h on the schedule do I next yeah same bat Channel same bat hour next Thursday night all right guys you all take care make certain I haven’t left oh I do want to Susan thank you thank you thank you thank you Susan s for everything and for the community just wanted toh pop that one in there all right uh anything you want to say in parting Dr Scott no just be just be an expectation just be in a calm calmness that fixes it there you go all right everybody take care


    1. Just got to say I feel burdened for all those who have invested in Dinar and other foreign currencies. YA’ll have invested your dough in the wrong way. Look the US Dollar will fail, do you actually think that other currencies want fail also ? Should have invested in Silver & Gold. GET OUT WHILE YOU CAN. Sorry but you invested badly.

    2. Trump and Q has spoken about this before but some people wasn’t listening or sleeping but now they are waking up and smelling the coffee sort of speak !!! This great country will be free and great again ! 🇺🇸💪🏼🇺🇸💪🏼🇺🇸💪🏼🇺🇸💪🏼🇺🇸💪🏼🇺🇸💪🏼🇺🇸💪🏼

    3. Can we get a current list of what NESARA contains. I have not even been able to find an old list of events, including the 150 day election that will occur. Would like a refresh on what will happen. Thank you, Mark ❤ Gina

    4. ✔️💯💙 People here still have such reverence for the BBC… I stopped paying a licence several years ago! Wait until they find out about Lizard 👑 I’m getting more Popcorn 😆

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