Watch as golf club members, work colleagues, and playwrights tackle trivia challenges, including the elusive Cabbage Looper! It’s a showdown filled with unexpected twists and clever quips. Don’t miss out!

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    Welcome to Pointless, the home of obscure answers and unexpected champions! Dive into this trivia treasure with hosts Alexander Armstrong and Richard Osman, where the lesser-known is celebrated and victory favours the forgotten.

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    #Pointless #Quiz #QuizShow

    [Music] [Music] [Applause] thank you very much indeed hello I’m Alexander Armstrong and a very warm welcome to pointless the quiz show where popular answers mean nothing and obscure answers mean everything let’s meet today’s [Music] players first we welcome back Alexandra and Francis you were our first pair this afternoon uh you were on the show last time everyone of course gets two chances to reach the pointless final this is your second and final chance remind us how you did now we got to the Head to Head African countries was our downfall countries beginning with s beginning with s what categories you Hing going to come up today Alexandre uh film and um playwrights would be quite nice film and playwrights no and and Francis oh astronomy I used to be a member of the British astronomical Association um so no longer thed an astronomer Mon Mon not monkey and of course maths that would be a marvelous thing to come up Francis is a is a math teacher he’s too modest to tell you that himself I’ll have to tell you um very very good to have you with us best of luck next we welcome Roger and Zoe how do you two know each other hello Alexander we uh work together we’ve been work colleagues for two years but perhaps more importantly we’ve lived together for 18 years as man and [Laughter] daughter a right back from the brink there Roger good Lord you work together yes we do do you go in together get a ride into together lunch together I cycling to work zo he pays for a taxi very good is that true not all the time I time to walk but Dad dad likes to be up really early and uh cycle or run into to work so run run have you ever run in with him oh no no very good well lovely to have you here very best of luck to the pair of you and next we welcome David and Mike how do you two know each other um I met David about 5 years ago when I joined wellingham golf club I’m just going to have to commend you on your shirt thank you I knew that was com it is it really I can tell you that you are brightening up people’s afternoons across the country thank you wonderful do not adjust your set that’s uh That’s Mike shut well very best of luck to the pair of you it’s great to have you here and finally we welcome back Sarah and Cass you were on the show last time remind us how you did uh we went out in the second round with questions about both Sarah and mine’s worst possible subject geography and travel so we’re hoping for luten Town questions please okay Luton Town questions we are pretty Luton Town heavy on this show yeah very very thank you Rich good well it’s a great pleasure having you back on the show uh I very best of luck uh we will find out more about all of you throughout the show there is however one person left for me to introduce here’s a man who rebels in the unusual he’s my pointless friend he’s [Music] Richard hello good afternoon to you good afternoon to you we got two returning pairs uh Alexander and Francis were very strong last time they uh we’re both a little bit scared of Francis little bit he’s a math teacher not scared but I think respectful I think very much he’s in charge today uh but Sarah and Cass will be looking to go further than they did last time I suspect so it should be a very good show but I will say actually question one of today’s show probably the single most exciting question we have ever ever done everybody here strap yourselves in everyone at home strap yourselves in my friend it is going to be quite something I’m going to ride this bear back I’m not going to strap in at all I’m looking so forward to that right we put all our questions to 100 people before the show but this of course is pointless so we are after the Obscure answers that they didn’t give what everyone’s trying to do of course is find a pointless answer that’s an answer that none of our 100 people gave and each time that happens we will add £250 to the jackpot now nobody won the jackpot last time so we had another £1,000 to that so today’s jackpot starts off would you believe at £5,500 right let’s play [Music] pointless right in the first round each of you must give me one answer and you cannot not confer with your partner whichever team has the highest score at the end of the round will be eliminated so try and make sure that’s not you okay our first category this afternoon is food can you all decide in your pairs who’s going to go first who’s going to go second and whoever’s going first please step up to the [Music] podium okay let’s find out what the first question is we gave 100 people 100 seconds to name as many types of [Laughter] [Applause] lettuce okay the correct answers in this round will all be well-known names of lettuce leaves or other edible salad leaves Alexander and Francis you’ll Drew Lots before the show and you get to go first this afternoon in this round we’re going to give you a choice of seven possible answers on the board in each pass a bit of a relief for everyone now I think okay the first set of Seven Answers reads like this cabbage Looper rocket truss L Roso Iceberg dear tongue Oakleaf I’m going to read all of those again cabbage Looper rocket truss L Roso Iceberg dear tongue and Oak Leaf right I can tell you that at least one of those answers is pointless but you must be very careful because there is at least one incorrect answer among those seven as well pick one of those incorrect ones and of course you will scored a maximum of 100 points now Alexandra it is your privilege to start off this the most exciting round in pointless to date do you like food I like food but I really don’t like lettuce you really genuinely don’t like lettuce or just no you you poor L yes but I do recognize too um and I just want to make sure I get a right one um I’m I’ll go for Rocket you’re going to go for Rocket yeah there it is second one down okay let’s find out if rocket is correct and if it is let’s see how many people said rocket very good 26 you got two thumbs up from Francis which I think we’d all be very pleased with uh 26 that scored you Rocket Richard yes rocket obviously has a rich peppery taste they even make a sort of lure rolini from it as well rocket lure M I think that’s too far do you think too far it’s apparently very nice it’s like a grapper or a lionello too far I will I will talk to them let them know thank you now then Roger we’re looking for types of lettuce yes rocket has gone I think I’ll go wild and hope to goodness that dear tongue is a type of lettuce dear tongue and not something that you find Down The Butchers oh neither of them particularly appetizing I have to say dear tongue there it is one up from the bottom it could be the pointless we were looking for Roger let’s find out is dear tongue an edible leaf and if so how many people said it Well Done Roger look at that it’s correct I have a feeling dear tongue will be taking us a long way down yes it is very well done Roger that’s a pointless answer it adds 250 quid to today’s jackpot taking the total up to 5,750 and it scores you nothing very well done Richard dear Tong yeah well played Roger uh these lses are awesome aren’t they dear tongue is it shape is like a deer tongue it’s pointed and triangular oh dear’s tongue no they’re not triangular I big to differ who cares it was a pointless answer Roger that’s a brilliant answer Mike remember we’re looking for types of lettuce or Salad Leaf um well there’s one answer I’m certain of um I think I’ll play safe and say Iceberg Iceberg it’s like a Titanic ring to it okay well let’s see if it’s right and if it is let’s see how many people said Iceberg good luck Mike 76 it’s a big score but better than 100 Richard Iceberg yeah very big score for Iceberg developed in America and used to be packed in ice which is where the name Iceberg comes from very well done Mike Sarah are you a bit of a lettuce aicardo no no good but the two ansers that I thought were have gone so I’m going to take another guess truss truss yes okay truss let’s see if truss is indeed a a a lettuce varietal uh and if it is let’s see how many people said truss oh bad luck Sarah unfortunately truss is not a type of lettuce so I’m afraid you scored the maximum of 100 points Richard truss yeah sorry Sarah the book eats shoots and leaves was written by linnn truss but not truss is not a type of lettuce let’s take a look at the rest of the board L Roso uh is a is a lettuce that would have scored you 10 points and out of those other two there was an incorrect answer there what do you think um cabbage Looper to me sounds like a sounds like a butterfly so I’m I going to say not cabbage Looper I’m going to say Oakleaf Oakleaf is indeed a real lettuce would have scored you two points well done if you said that and cabbage Looper is a pest that attacks lettuce the very enemy of lettuce the Cabbage Looper if I see one of those cabbage Loopers oh God thanks very much Richard okay well we’re halfway through the round so let’s take a look at the scores as they stand well what a broad broad scoreboard we have there on no points at all Roger and Zoe congratulations and then we leap up to 26 Alexandre not a bad answer with rocket there then we leap up a bit up to 76 for Mike and David and then oh dear way at the front of the field there way at the front Sarah and Cass on 100 points Cass your job in the next pass is to answer as low as possible you need to score next to nothing in fact nothing would be best okay we’re going to come back down the line can the second players please take their places at the [Music] podium okay we’re going to put seven more answers on the board we are looking for types of lettuce and we have got L Bondo C buttercrunch black seeded Simpson radiko little gem and nurel mascaly I’ll read those one more time L Bondo C buttercrunch black seeded Simpson r k little gem nurel mascaly there we are and again I can tell you that at least one of those is pointless but at least one of those is incorrect pick an incorrect one and you will of course score the maximum of 100 points now Cass what a lovely list of lettu and potential Lett there absolutely I’m going to say black seeded Simpson [Laughter] yeah right okay black seeded Simpson black seeded Simpson they’re growing beautifully the black seeded Simpsons [Laughter] long okay obviously there’s no red line for you because you are the high scorers but uh let’s see if black seated Simpson is correct and if it is let’s see how many people said it it’s right well done C very well [Applause] done very well done black seeded Simpson is a pointless answer it adds 250 quid to today’s jackpot taking the total up to £6,000 and it scores you absolutely nothing leaves your total at 100 letes get more and more exciting they not the uh the black seeded Simpson you hardly need me tell you is a Hardy fast growing lettuce with uh crunchy sweet tasting leaves this round could just go on forever as far as I’m concerned anyway now then David congratulations for being part of this thank you it’s it’s a privilege it is isn’t it if you can score 23 or less with this you’re definitely in the next round I know two definites but I think they’re going to score high uhhuh so it’s whether I gamble which I think I’m going to have to do going to go for butter crunch butter crunch okay there’s your red L if you get below that red line you are through to the next round is buttercrunch a right answer or a wrong answer if it’s right how many people said it it’s right UNC crunch you are through to the next round very very very well done that’s another pointless answer it as another 250 for today’s jackpot taking a total up to 6,250 and it scores you absolutely nothing leaving you with a total of 76 very good who would have thought there are so many pointless letteres certainly not me uh very well played David very good answer now then Zoe we have never had three Pointes in a row on this show I wonder it could happen it could happen right now Roger shaking his head and looking skywards don’t let that put you off Zoe I have every faith I know one for definite mhm probably much to my dad’s discuss but I think I’m gonna gamble it and I’m gonna go for L Bondo L Bondo there it is the top of the board the L Bondo what are you thinking Roger I thinking there might be a tiebreak oh ye little let’s see is Londo correct answer and if it is how many people said it LO Biondo good luck Zoe well done Zoe what about that you are through to the next round very very well done you Zoe L beyondo a brilliant answer justly rewarded with two point riching uh yeah well done L Bondo it’s like the Lo Ross over B without the red tinge i’ just like to say but Zoe and Roger father and daughter much as you love each other both times you’ve given an answer the person behind is just going oh this is this is so typical wrong again and you know what you you both got it right Francis you are on 26 the high scorers remain Cass and Sarah on 100 if you can score 73 or less with this answer you are through to the next round remember we’re looking for types of lettuce or Salad Leaf well I know two of them obviously we all do they all could be lettuces couldn’t they oh playing it dead safe little gem little gem you need to be scoring 73 or less with this answer here is your red line if little gem gets you below that red line you are through to the next round and we say goodbye to Cass and Sarah let’s see if little Gem’s right and if it is let’s see how many people said it down it goes through you go 25 very well done takes your total up to [Music] 51 little gem Richards yeah well played Francis and little gem a perfect note to leave the round on because it was a little gem let’s take a look at the rest of days CA obviously was a pretty high scorer would have scored you 56 uh rikio would have scored you nine and the nerello muscaly is a grape it was an Inc correct answer but very well done if you got any of those uh pointless answers okay well thanks Richard so at the end of round one the losing pair with the highest score it’s Sarah and Cass for goodness sake this is exactly what I told you mustn’t happen what have you done I know it was my fault you’ve you’ve let us down well you’ve been fantastic contestant I’m sorry we have to say goodbye to you so soon but you’ve been great lovely having you on the show thanks for playing thank you but for the remaining three pairs it’s now time for round [Applause] [Music] two now obviously only two pairs can make it through to the head-to-head so one of the three pairs in front of me now will be leaving us at the end of this round okay the category for round two this afternoon is people simultaneous shrug from from at least two of you um can you all decide on your pairs who’s going to go first who’s going to go second and who’s going first please step up to the [Music] podium very good and our second round question this afternoon concerns cities and their inhabitants in this round we’re about to show you a list of names given to inhabitants of certain cities we asked 100 people to tell us which cities these people come from Richard yeah we’re going to give you six names on each pass you got to tell us the uh the city that these people come from the more obscure Ones Will score you fewer points if you give us an incorrect answer though you’ll score 100 points so there’ll be six in each pass that’s 12 at home to have a go at okay thanks very much Richard so we’re looking for the cities these people come from and here’s our first list we have scousers we have madrinan karaokr muscovites mancunians and dundonian I’ll read that list one more time scousers madans Karas Musk ites mancunians dundonian so Alexandre well I know a few there it’s just trying to go for the least obvious one I’ll go for muscovites and say Moscow muscovites Moscow Francis is shaking his head you think muscovites not from Moscow oh no they’re from Moscow all right I see think you the score okay well let’s see Muses Moscow let’s see if it’s right and if it is let’s see how many people knew that answer 59 Francis not happy oh my goodness if you’d been given that look at any at any time during your school career it was a look of I’m just disappointed in you it’s just you know just seeing that look has made me do some Mass homework while moscovites Moscow it’s right but it scores you 5 that look said could do better Richard uh yeah Moscow exactly very well done it’s got more billionaires than any other city in Moscow okay so then Roger remember we are looking for the cities that these people live in there are two which may look obvious but might be tricky but I think I’ll go for madrilenian and Madrid madans Madrid is that right and if it is let’s see how many people knew that answer it’s right very well done Roger 57 only two better than muscovites was obvious Richard madrinan uh yeah some big big scores in this round but a good answer also known as Gatos sometimes which is spish for cats cats yeah David now you’re the last person to have this board and this board has yielded us pretty high scores we’ve had 59 we’ve had 57 well there’s two that I’m not going for uh mancunians is Manchester scousers Liverpool MH and munion will score higher than the scousers because Manchester always score more than Liverpool oh isn’t that so I’m going to go for dundonian which I believe is dunde dundonian Francis says yes Roger also concedes that is probably likely dundonian Dundee well let’s see if it’s a correct answer and if it is let’s see how many people said it dundonian dunde it’s right oh dear dear dear dear that’s a high score David 77 for dun Dons what were the 100 people asked in Scotland I think they’re all just fans of marmalade and cake uh now let’s see whether Manchester always beats Liverpool so Manchester mancunians scores 92 uh and the scousers I’ll tell you there’s one point in it 91 oh I rest my case sorry Liverpool uh there is one low answer on the board this scores two points Carri OA Alexander what do you think the name of the city is in there it’s from kakas no they’re from Rio sorry they are from Rio yeah very very well done that would have scored two points so well done if you said karao rio at home very good indeed thanks so much Richard we’re halfway through the round so let’s take a look at the scores well it’s been a highs scoring round the lowest score on 57 Roger and Zoe there we are then just up a little bit from you Alexander and Francis on 59 then a bit of a jump to David and Mike rather surprised surprisingly with that dundonian answer there on 77 so Mike you’ve got it all to do in the next pass um but having said that it’s very very close anything can happen this will decide who goes through to the head-to-head okay we’re going to come back down the line can the second players please take their places at the [Music] podium okay we’re going to put six more names of inhabitants on the board inhabitants of various cities here they are neapolitans glaswegians Athenians angel melburnians varsovian neapolitans glaswegians Athenians angelinos melburnians varians now remember we are looking for the cities that these people come from and you’re trying to find the one that the fewest of our 100 people knew now Mike you’re the high scorers on 77 you’re going to have to pull something out of the bag here one or two obvious ones again um I’ll go for V sovian warsa V sovian warsa you’re going to say there it is at the bottom does sound like a a Scottish football team let’s see if that’s right and if it is let’s see how many people said it there’s no red line for you Mike because you are the highest scorers of course of course it’s right wow our first possibly only single figure scor in this round barovian warsa scores you eight takes your total up to 85 well done Richard yeah very well played Mike that’s put you right back in it Zoe we come to you the high scorers are now David and Mike on 85 you are on 57 if you can score 27 or less with this answer you are through to the next round you should be in the head to head I don’t really want it to be wrong so I think I’m going to have to play it kind of safe and go with Athenians and and Athenians Athenians Athens let’s see if Athenians are indeed from Athens and if they are let’s see how many people said it there is your red line if you get below that red line Zoe you are through to the Head to Head good luck Athenians Athens oo that was a costly one Athenians Athens is right but it scores you 81 it takes your total up to 138 Richard yeah the area of Athens has been inhabited for 5,000 years thanks very much Richard Francis it fools to you now you are on 59 the high scorers are Zoe and Roger on 138 if you can score 78 or less you are through to the next round well I think they’re all pretty obvious aren’t they I’m assuming angelinos is Los Angeles but uh I’ll take a gamble on this one got a bad feeling here neapolitans Naples neapolitans Naples there’s your red line let’s hope neapolitans Naples gets you below that red line if it does you are through to the head-to-head let’s find out is it right how many people said it neapolitans Naples very well done 61 takes your total up to 120 so rich yeah well done for is very good answer all big scorer so you just had to find something that scored you 78 or less um you were quite right that angelinos was Los Angeles that also would have seen you through though cuz that only scored 41 which now melburnians you’ll be shocked to learn is our inhabitants of Melbourne that would have scored you 82 so that would have seen you knocked out uh glaswegians which is Glasgow the biggest score of all 97 wow 97 okay well thanks Richard so at the end of round two the losing pair with the highest score I’m afraid it’s Zoe and Roger um Roger what have you learned from your your your time on pointless didn’t get anything wrong we can hold our head high and come back again you can come back in better you will come back again we’ll see you again next time we’ll look forward to that very much um it’s been great having you on the show meanwhile thanks very much for playing thank you of the remaining two pairs things are going to get even more exciting now as we enter the Head to [Applause] [Music] Head very well done David and Mike Alexander and Francis you’ve made it through to the head-to-head now obviously only one pair can make it through to today’s Final and play for the jackpot which currently stands at £ 6,250 now that’s a jackpot now you’re going to go head-to-head on the best of three questions for each question each pair needs to give me just one answer but you are now allowed to confer all you have to do is come up with an answer that scores less than the other pair and you will win that question the first pair to get to the best of three will be playing for today’s jackpot let’s play [Music] pointless okay so here is our first question we gave 100 people 100 seconds to name as many Wallace and grommet films as they could Wallace and grommet films Richard yeah we’re looking for any film which stars the animated characters Wallace and grommet that can be a cinema film TV film or short film the things we won’t accept are cracking Contraptions which was a series of short films and their world of invention which was a TV series or any DVD compilations so any of the five Wallace and grommet films released uh up to the start of 2011 thanks very much Richard okay David Mike because You’ played best throughout the show so far you get to go first I guess so we’re looking at Wallace and grommet films one day out okay we have an answer yeah uh we’re going to go for the first one which was A Grand Day Out A Grand Day Out okay very good Alexander fris you can now speak out loud if you like um well there’s the wrong trousers or curse of the wear rabbit I think it’s we rabbit yeah there’s um we’re going to go for curse of the wear rabbit curse of the we rabbit okay so we have A Grand Day Out we have curse of the we rabbit David Mike said A Grand Day Out let’s see if that’s right and if it is let’s see how many people remembered that A Grand Day Out very well done it’s right time it Go 17 17 for A Grand Day Out now Alexander and Francis have gone for curse of the wear rabbit let’s see if it’s right and if it is let’s see how many people said it curs of the we rabbit 30 so after our first question David and Mike are ahead 1 nil Richard uh yeah Grande out was the the very first Wallis and grommet uh film and of course curs of the Weir rabbit was the first one to be released in cinemas there were two answers that would have beaten a grande out let’s take a look uh a matter of Loaf and death uh w gromet a close shave would have been 12 points A Grand Day Out 17 points it was part of Nick Park’s graduation film from the film and television School A Grand Day Out Peter sales was paid 50 for his role as uh as Wallace uh the curse of the Weir rabbit with 30 and right at the top there the wrong trous is on 53 okay thanks very much Richard here is your second question Alexandra and Francis you have to win this question to stay in the game we gave 100 people 100 seconds to name as as many US presidents whose surname begins with c as they could the obvious one uh yeah we’re looking for any US president up to the start of 2011 whose name begins with c I won’t tell you how many there are but see how many you can uh you can name at home okay Alexandra and Francis you get to go first this time go for Calvin kulage Calvin kulage David and Mike can think of the Clint and Carter I think I don’t think we can beat kich so we’ll go for yeah I think so Jimmy Carter Carter Jimmy Carter okay so we have Jimmy Carter and Calvin kulage Alexander and Francis this is a point you have to win to stay in the game let’s hope Calvin kulage does it for you is it right how many people said Calvin kulage very good 17 David and Mike have 17 to beat will Jimmy Carter do it let’s find out 36 very exciting indeed after two questions it is one point a piece Richard yeah there was one answer that beat Calvin kulage and it was was Cleveland it’s Grover Cleveland which would have scored you five he the only president in history to serve two non-consecutive terms uh there’s Calin kulage on 17 he’s the only president in history to have a pet pygmy hippopotamus uh Jimmy Carter 36 and Bill Clinton up the top on 60 whoever wins this question will be playing for that jackpot in the final here it comes we gave 100 people 100 seconds to name as many mock the weak comedians as they could mock the weak comedians Richard yeah we’re looking for anyone who’s appeared on the comedy panel show mock the week 10 or more times up to the beginning of 2011 according to the Internet Movie Database thanks very much now then David and Mike you get to go first this time um Ed burn Ed burn we have from David and Mike Alexander and Francis you can talk out loud this Frankie boil h Dennis Russell Howard um the obvious ones uh well we’re just going to go for Gina gersan Gina Gerson gers okay so we have Ed burn from David and Mike and we have Gina Gerson from Alexandra and Francis David Mike Ed burn let’s see if it’s right and if it is let’s see how many people said Ed burn is right wow Ed burn scores you two Alexandra and Francis have gone for Gina gersan no I think that’s the surname is wrong yeah the surname is wrong is wrong let’s see is Gina gersan right and if it is let’s see how many people said it Gina gersan bad luck Alexandra and France I’m afraid that’s an incorrect answer which means after three questions very very very well fought head-to-head round I have to say David and Mike go through to the final 21 Richard yeah Gina gersan is an American actress Gina rasher you’re thinking of I think although she hasn’t been on the show 10 times or oh right uh so Ed burn a very good answer a fan of the show Ed burn fan of this show yeah Ed so if he’s watching if he’s watching you just put somebody in the final Ed how about that David Mitchell was the only answer that would have beaten Ed burn would have scored you one there’s Ed bur with two Rory Bremner with five Andy Parsons with 10 uh Russell Howard 13 Hugh Dennis 15 Frankie Bole 16 uh and dar uban right at the top the host of the show with 26 okay thanks very much so the losing pair at the end of the head-to-head I’m afraid it’s Alexander and Francis oh dear oh dear oh no no now you’re giving me that look what could what better could I have done I’m so sorry that we don’t get to see you in the final because I’m sure you would clean up there um but you you’ve having an excellent contestant thank you so much for playing thank you thank you but for David and Mike it’s now time for our pointless final and the chge to win our jackpot of £ 6,250 well congratulations David and Mike you’ve made it through to the final and you have fought off all the competition and you have won our coveted pointless trophy very well done you now have a chance to win our pointless jackpot and at the end of today’s show the jackpot stands at a staggering £ 6,250 now the rules are very simple to win the money all you have to do is find a pointless answer that’s an answer that none of our 100 people could think of we’ve had three pointless answers on the show today you’re responsible for at least one of those I think okay you only need to find one more to go home with that money first you’ve got to choose a category and you can choose from these three options we have American Fiction actors or soul singers actors not too bad American fiction I don’t I think so no so thingers possibly no should we go for the middle go for actors yeah we’ll go for actors I think go for actors go try Tri actors hope hopefully it’s one we know what what do you hope it might be what would be a good sort of category for you um something we’ve mugged up on okay we gave 100 people 100 seconds to name as many Kevin spacy films as we could as many Kevin spy films Richard yeah we’re looking for any feature film made for Cinema release for which Kevin spacy has received an acting credit prior to the beginning of 2011 short films TV films documentaries anything where he plays himself don’t count anything where he’s a voice actor does count okay you now have up to one minute to come up with three answers all you need to win that £ 6,250 is for just one of those answers to be pointless your 60 seconds start now the only one the Oscar for everyone’s going to know that and there’s not many more I know do speak I’m sure he was in um was he in Water World I can’t remember no no um um not one of the Stars Dances with Wolves was he in that yes possibly I think it might be in that one Water World I have a feeling might a small part Water World and dancers with walls was he in space in in space space no I can’t remember one that he was in space for um um still got 30 second yeah um no Dan with walles yeah Water World and um what the one that he won the Oscar for remember can’t remember americ beauty Beauty I think we’ll have to go for that go for those three okay yeah we’ll go for those three okay you yeah okay you have your three okay well we’ll stop the clock there right you are okay well there we are we were looking for Kevin spy films I now need three answers from you right uh American Beauty American Beauty Water World Water World and daners with wolves and Dances with Wolves okay of those three which do you think is your best shot at a pointless answer Water World I okay but Water World last which is your least likely um American Beauty I think W the Oscar for that beauty okay we’ll put those up in that order here they are American Beauty Dances with Wolves and Water World there they are we will looking for Kevin spacy movies let’s see if your first answer is Right American Beauty and if it is let’s see how many people said American Beauty but it’s right you thought this might be a high-scoring one because he won the Oscar for it down it goes 22 22 unfortunately not a pointless answer but you said this was the one you had the least faith in to be pointless you only have to find one pointless answer to win the jackpot let’s try your next answer Dances with Wolves there it is this has to be pointless if you’re going to win that jackpot of £ 6,250 if you won £ 6,250 what would you do with it give the grandchildren some money diso with the grandchildren and a new bathroom Grand children and a new bathroom well let’s hope Dances with Wolves gets you that bathroom and those happy grandchild uh Dances with Wolves let’s see if it’s correct and if it is let’s see how many people said it bad luck bad luck that’s an incorrect answer which means you only have one more shot at today’s jackpot Water World and you’ve seen water world no yes years ago years ago okay this is for the jackpot this is your third and final shot at the jackpot of 6,250 let’s see if it’s a correct answer and if it is let’s see how many people said Kevin spacy was in Water World oh bad luck bad luck unfortunately you didn’t manage to find that all important pointless answers you don’t win today’s jackpot of £ 6,250 which rolls over to the next show but you have been amazing contestants and you do of course get to take home our pointless trophy very well done so Richard American Beauty was actually the the highest scoring of any of the films followed by Usual Suspects and seven Superman Returns he been on all sorts of things Glen Gary Glenn Ross he’s in LA Confidential bugs life there’s actually only five pointless answers amongst those 41 I think most of his films are of a certain standard that people remember them but let’s look at the five pointless ones uh the father of invention which was from 2010 with Johnny Knoxville Hurley Burley that was with uh with Shawn Penn that was a pointless answer the Clint East would film Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil he was in with uh with Jude Laur and John kusak outbreak he was in the Morgan Freeman Dustin hofman film and a crime movie that he was in with Don chedel the United States of Le and all of those app pointless very well done if you got any of those five at home did you know any of those films any of the pointless ones never heard of them no well unfortunately we do have to say goodbye to you David and Mike um great shame but you aren’t leaving with the jackpot you have been fantastic contestant it’s been great having you on the show thanks so much for playing thank you thank you very much so nobody’s won our jackpot today it rolls over which means on the next show we’ll be playing for £ 7,250 join us next time see if someone can win it meanwhile it’s goodbye from Richard goodbye and it’s goodbye from me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] goodbye [Music] yeah


    1. Truss – they just had to 😀
      EDIT: Ooh…it is because of the book, not the total failure of a Prime Minister we had. I was wondering if this episode predated her stint.

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