In this episode of WGAL 8 Brain Busters, it’s Hempfield vs Mechanicsburg.

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    From studio *** This is W G *** L. *** Brainbusters. Now here’s your host, Rich Rosen. Hello everybody. Welcome once again to W. G. L. *** brain busters. It’s *** pleasure to have you here and it’s *** pleasure to welcome hem field and Mechanicsburg for another opportunity to display their knowledge and demonstrate their skills. One team will return for round three. Who will it be? Well, let’s get started, shall we? Here comes today’s opening round 10 point questions and one big brain buster brought to you by Turkey Hill. Welcome back to all six of you. Let’s get to work now with this 10 point question on november 27th 2022 the world’s largest active volcano began erupting on the island of Hawaii. What is the name of this volcano? Javy Ma, you are correct for 10 points. Its geography was divided into upper and lower its history. Chase Egypt is correct and anticipation. The four symbols on playing cards are all symmetrical but only one has rational symmetry. Which one chase again, diamonds The diamonds is correct. Yes, it’s the unique quality that makes you the person you are on *** computer. It’s *** unique letter number or symbol. What chase character? *** character is the word that has both meanings good for you. This common piece of lab equipment produces *** hot flame that leaves no such on test tubes. Jack Bunsen burner *** Bunsen burner and that gets Mechanicsburg on the board and Aidan stucco skull discovered in 1986. It’s not to be the original model for Michelangelo’s 14 ft statue of *** biblical hero Jack Again. David. David is now in Florence. Yes, your polo shirt might have the lacoste clothing lines logo which goes back to the 19 twenties and its founder nicknamed the who was nicknamed this on the tennis court. What iconic logo is seen on the cost, clothing and other accessories. Chase horse? No, not the horse. No, sorry. Any idea the horses. Polo. This is the cost. Which is the crocodile, the moon. IO has the most active volcanoes in our solar system and an extremely thin atmosphere is sulfur dioxide. Which planet does IO orbit? Chase jupiter, jupiter is correct. It’s found in solder pewter and Bronze Jack. Sorry, incorrect. I can’t take that. What metallic element has the chemical symbol? S. N. And that’s Chase 10 is the correct answer. And now it’s time for the big brain buster brought to you by Turkey Hill for 10 points and *** gift certificate for Turkey Hill. Ice cream for anyone on everyone on the team. The United States is spread across six time zones. How many time zones does china have? Chase? No, that’s incredible. 11 is correct. Good for you. Congratulations Mechanics. For the first time. Winning the ice cream in 2016, 30 five years after he was incarcerated, john Hinckley JR was released from mental hospital, whom did Hinckley tried to assassinate Simon Ronald Reagan Ronald Reagan. He tried to assassinate in 1981. It’s *** dream journey through hell. Paradise in Heaven. Written in the Divine Comedy is the epic poem by Dante. The enumeration in the constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others held by the people. Jack, the 10th Amendment. No, that’s incorrect. Sorry. Which amendment is that The ninth Amendment used this legal basis for the Dobbs decision Recently. He pioneered abstract expressionism by splattering the canvas. Jack ***. ***. Jackson. *** was nicknamed Jack the ripper. Rosalind is the largest woman’s role in any of Shakespeare’s plays. In what play does Rosalind disguised herself as *** man chased? Not 12 9, sorry, we stumped you on as you like it. It’s an inlet of Lake Michigan on Wisconsin’s east coast. What is this body of water? And the football town on it is Green Bay, home of Lambeau field. It’s *** mock heroic ballad about slowly does that guy and gimble in the wave, Jenna Jabberwocky is the nonsense poem. And looking through the looking, Looking through the, through the looking glass, founded in 17 64 just below the confluence of the Missouri and Mississippi rivers? It was named for 1/13 century king of France, Jack. Uh sorry, what city is it? Jase ST louis is correct. New york, new york is in the Eastern time zone. Fargo North Dakota and bowling green Kentucky are both in what time zone, Jenna Central is correct. The sine of an angle is the opposite side, divided by the hypotenuse. The co sign is the adjacent side divided by the hypotenuse, what is the opposite side divide? The tangent is divided by the adjacent side. It was the first planet discovered in modern times in 17 81. By William herschel. Which planet Jack Uranus? Uranus is correct. It’s the large order of insects that includes butterflies and moss Jenna. That is correct. For another 10 points. In the first decade of the 20th century Lincoln, Steffens, ida tarbell and Upton. Sinclair exposed Jack muckrakers. They were all muckrakers. The flat nickname that Theodore Roosevelt gave them. Some politicians complained that many of his books were in languages many cannot read and most ought not to fortunately Congress decided to buy this President’s library anyways and it became the Library of Congress Jenna jefferson thomas, jefferson was the literate man. This phylum, we won’t get to that question or any more questions than that. What *** fantastic start for our teams won 50 to 70. But it’s early on so our teams will return to battle it out in the one on one rapid fire and team lightning rounds when W. G. ***. L. ***. Brainbusters continues following this. W. G ***. L. ***. Brain busters will return after this. The final four teams in the W. G. ***. L. Eight brainbusters tournament will win cash grants. The 3rd and 4th place teams will receive $1000 each. The second place team will receive $3000 and the W. G ***. L eight Brainbusters champions will receive $5000 in grant money. Now here’s rich with our coaches and alternates. You know, Brainbusters gives us an opportunity to meet some of the brightest young people in central pennsylvania and I might add some of the best teachers like this gentleman right beside me. This is mr john fricke, I’ve known him for years. He’s been teaching english at home field for 25 years. It’s my understanding and as we all know, the dynamics of teaching have changed greatly. Now there’s the whole high school dynamic with technology and all sorts of the comportment of students and everything. What keeps you going, what makes you glad that you’re still *** teacher all these years later, it still comes down to being blessed to work with students who have vivid dreams and goals and helping them along the way to reach those aims is just *** blessing. And as 1/9 grade english teacher, you see them grow all the way through the high school and then you get to work with them as well. Well, thanks so much for being here. Thanks for your dedication to teaching. And now let’s meet today’s alternate. This is Joey struggle and you’re *** senior, great to have you here and you know, it’s, it’s it’s nice when you’re young and you think about what’s one thing that really stands out that you might want to accomplish in life and you have something that I think is really powerful to share. Yeah. Um before my left hand side, at least like to majorly change at least one person’s life for the better. Um That’s my goal. If I do that then I’ll be happy. Well I hope that happens for you and I’m sure you’ve affected *** lot of people just being here and watching somebody like you compete here on brainbusters and now let’s move over to Mechanicsburg and say hello to Mr Matt Marshall, he’s the gifted support teacher at uh Mechanicsburg High School. So Mr Marshall, you know, you’re *** teacher, you’re fairly new teacher knew in the profession, but what or who inspired you to become *** teacher? Yeah, I think I I always had an inkling even in elementary school, but it was my eighth grade teacher, Mr jones who uh he would have me, I would test out of classes and then he would have me prepare and design labs and activities for the rest of my class and so we would come back and present those activities and that was an opportunity that um I decided to kind of continue with for the rest of my life. You hear that from teachers, Once you in elementary, sometimes you just feel it, you want to be *** teacher and now you are and I’m sure you’re impacting students in *** huge way. Thanks for bringing such *** great team to studio *** okay, it’s time now to get back to work because it’s time now for today’s one on one rapid fire where we get *** chance now to check with the players and say hello and find out what’s going on in their busy lives first. Davey struggle senior. You look *** lot like Joey, but you happen to be twins. So I just want to reveal that to our viewers in case they thought they were seeing double. And uh, you know, you may be undecided of where you want to go to college yet, but you know what you want to study? Yes, I wanna go into the film and television industry. And when did that start? When did you start finding an interest in that? We’re looking at home field to have *** great video production set of video production classes. And I took the first video production class my first semester of freshman year and since then I’ve just loved it. Fantastic. Well, good for you. I hope that comes to fruition in *** big way. Sophia Goss you are *** junior at Mechanicsburg and it’s great to have you back and we’ve all and it still continues in your adult life. There’s things that people try to convince you to try and all right, and you’re reluctant to try. But there’s something and I don’t know what it is, but I’m curious that you tried reluctantly and you actually embraced it. Yeah, I’ve always been more of an arts and humanities person. Really enjoy literature and painting and music and I never really thought that I would like science but I took *** geoscience class this year and I’ve chemistry also and I’ve really enjoyed both of those classes and I’m really grateful that I’ve been able to like expand my interests. You can. And of course let’s hope that some of those questions may come in handy. And some of those lessons when we put you 21 on one Davey and Sophia. Good luck to both of you. The Civil war battles of Antietam was fought in Maryland shiloh in Tennessee. In what state were the battles of fredericksburg and Chancellorsville fought Sophia Virginia is correct. It’s *** printer’s proof copy. It’s an ancient ship propelled by oars and the kitchen in *** shipper airplane. What’s the common word for all? Sophia again, correct again. And finally his pap tried to kill him and the winner, Douglas wants to civilize him so he hides out at smuggler’s island that takes *** raft down river. Who is this fictional character? Sophia Huckleberry Finn, good for you. You dominated all three of those questions, helping your team significantly. 1 50 to 100. Now let’s meet our two captains first from hemp field. *** pleasure to welcome back Jenna. Yeager. Great to have you here? You are *** senior. So apparently you think *** lot about food. Yeah, I would say so like are you *** helpful leader? I would not say so. I really enjoy cooking. So I spend *** lot of my time during the week, like finding new dessert recipes. I really enjoy making french ones. So like I’ve been making *** lot of macaroons recently. Yeah, the thing about baking, it’s like *** chemistry experiment. It changes form and it lasts for *** long time, not like making *** dinner and then it’s Gorman dies and gone in seconds. Alright, well you seem to be holding yourself well and you look good for somebody who likes food. Jack Cicero, *** senior great player here, Captain of the Mechanicsburg team. So we all are obsessed with certain novels and certain series and apparently there’s *** fantasy about facing the evil one and saving the world to destroy it. That’s really so, so yeah, that’s ***, that’s *** way to put it. So I, my favorite book series of all time and I think we’ll continue to be so is The Wheel of Time by robert Jordan’s uh it’s like 14 books long. It’s, it’s massively long. It’s *** great story. But it also uh, it really says *** lot about like get like getting *** bunch of different people with different goals, *** bunch of different countries that have different aims to like come together and try to like get something done about like *** problem in the world, which is, has *** lot of parallels to society today and that’s one of the reasons why I like it so much. Well hopefully you’re not facing the evil one here Jenna and Jack is we put you to one on one Krishna, Jack and Elroy the smurfs and Gainsborough is most famous portrait Jenna, they’re all blue. That’s what they all have in common. After claiming plenty of tennis titles at *** young age, he has come to be known as El Nino among Jack, rafael Nadal, rafael Nadal, who is el matador master of the Red Clays. You are correct? 52 americans were held hostage for 144 days until the signing of the Algiers accord in 1980. In what country were they held Jack again? Israel? No, not Israel, sorry Jenna, Do you have any idea? Oh, we stumped you on Iran. It was called the Iran Contra crisis 1 60 to 1 10. Let’s now meet our final players in today’s competition first from hemp field. So welcome back Chase Barrett did well in that first round to play and it’s great to have you here And I guess you have, I’m going to say you have good parents. Absolutely, absolutely. But you’re also looking forward to life after high school for *** particular uh, I guess pressure that your parents put on you. Yes, It started when I was in first grade and I was staying up doing the whole kid thing, staying up late with *** flashlight under the covers. Reading books and that has progressed now to doing various things. The internet and so there is *** I’m allowed to stay up on school nights and I’m looking forward to deal with that anymore. All right, just out of curiosity. What is the cut off time? 11 o’clock. That’s way past my bedtime. Okay, Simon stump. You are junior. Great to have you back and you already know I mean I know it’s starting to build up you know college applications and stuff but you know where you want to go hopefully and what you want to study. Yeah. I want to study computer science hopefully at Penn state but if not some other in state university. So I’m always curious when somebody says computer science at home, do you use *** Pc or apple pc. Pc? Yeah, that’s what I thought. Okay, Chase and Simon, let’s put you 21 on one. His little red book was required. Reading Chase, He’s the one. Yes. The chinese leaders, quotations were all collected in it. It’s an offspring of *** plant or animal whose genetic information is identical to that of *** mother organism from which it was created. What is this creature called Simon? It’s *** clone. Yes. Christopher, Christopher poli Paolini’s inheritance cycle is *** young adult series about *** boy in his dragon who’s the boy in the title of the first book in the series. Aragon is correct. Yes. Good for you for another 10 points. 1 80 to 1 20. We’re now going to pick up the pace and play today, 62nd team lightning round. Get ready to sit at the edge of your seats because I know our teams are ready, Jack, you’re behind at this point. So you will pick first among these three categories. We have this and that chips, Ahoy and bear in mind. Bear in mind. Bear in mind. Bear this in mind. When you answer each of these questions you should have *** bear in mind. So if you can bear it, if you can, will award you 10 points for each correct answer. Jack, I take your answers to teams answer. Sophie and Simon are ready to help you along 60 seconds on the clock, which will begin after I finish reading the first question on Wall Street. It’s the opposite of *** bull market. Sorry I take your first answer. *** big embrace, but not one you’d want from *** grizzly correct. The movies ted and ted to start this kind of bear, teddy bear. Yes. These black and white asian mammals or bamboo eating bears, correct. Often called the bear. This fuzzy Australian animal is actually *** koala. Yes, he was the symbol of the National Forest Service from 1950 to 70. Smokey the bear. Yes, this NFL team’s home games are played at soldier Chicago bears. Yes, this cartoon bear lives in jellystone park with boo boo and roger smith ranger smith Yogi bear. This former yankee catcher catcher once said it ain’t over till it’s over Yogi bear. Yes. In the stories of *** *** milne, he loves honey boo bear. Yes, No, Winnie the pooh! Sorry, this blond girl meets three bears and eats their porridge. She’s the one. Yes. The bears are the teams from the division one college in Waco texas, bail or the second amendment to the constitution guarantees you yes, correct to apply pressure or force or maximum effort and concentration bear down *** person’s way of standing or moving. We’re going for bearing on that. So we have nine correct 90 points came your way and field. It’s up to you with the two remaining quizzes this and that or chips. Ahoy This and that. All of the following phrases come in pairs like this and that. So for 10 points each identify these pairs joined by the word and then I take your answers, the team’s answer. Davey and chase are ready to help you along 60 seconds on the clock which will begin after I finish reading the first question. Good luck and here we go felines and canines sometimes said to be raining correct. There’s *** museum in Cleveland dedicated to this kind of correct in school. You’ll bring something in and talk about it, correct. It’s *** very slow way to type on *** computer or *** keyboard and hunt. Hunt and peck. This system keeps one branch of one government from becoming too powerful, checks and balances correct. your friends and your relatives both start with K correct over here and over there but poetically hither and thither hither and yon to kiss and murmur sweet nothings like pigeons. Do Bill and coo. *** small independent neighborhood store run by somebody’s parents correct? You might wear them on your feet, sneakers and Argyle’s for example, choose and talks correct. *** combination of threaded pieces of metal or the very basic facts correct out of harm’s way and in good shape, particularly after *** harrowing adventure. Safe and sound, *** place to stay and something to eat to correct completely clean. Spotless, absolutely immaculate, correct life has these moments. So does the roller coaster highs and lows. Yes, olympic event in weightlifting. Clean and jerk. Well done. 12, correct. 100 and 20 points came your way. Okay, *** strong lead right now for home field but we still have *** lot more games left, including the bonus brain buster. So it’s time now to reveal today’s bonus brain buster category. During our break, our teams will wager 0-25 points based on their knowledge of Florida. Well that’s *** popular state. We’ll see how our teams do with the bonus brain buster and of course the all important final frenzy when WGA. L. *** brainbusters continues in *** matter of minutes. Watch all this season’s episodes of W G *** L eight brainbusters anytime on W G *** L dot com. Our online home also includes our tournament schedule and *** chance to learn more about the show and host Rich Rosen. Go to W g *** L dot com and click on brain busters. Well, hello everybody. Welcome back to our competition between hemp field and Mechanicsburg. Hetfield has *** lead right now, but everything can change because it’s time now for the all important bonus brain buster. During our break. Our teams wagered from 0 to 25 points based on their knowledge of the state of florida. Let’s head into the news eight newsroom with meteorologist mary Ellen. Pan mary Ellen, Welcome to brainbusters. Thanks Rich. Now, here’s your bonus brain buster. Landmarks in this city include the Hemingway home and museum. Harry s Truman, little white house and homes of robert Frost Wallace stevens and john her. See, what is this southern city in florida Again, landmarks in the city include the Hemingway home and museum Harry S Truman little white house and homes of robert Frost Wallace stevens and john her. See what is this southern city in florida. Good luck with your answer. Now, back to studio *** rich. Thank you mary Ellen, Good luck. Teams will give you about five seconds. Okay, we’re gonna wait till everybody close their pen. All right Jenna. We always start with the side that said Jacksonville. No, I’m sorry, that is incorrect. So we’re gonna deduct 15 points from your score. Jack, we thought this was easy. Fort Lauderdale. No, also deduction of 15 points. It’s the great city of Key West florida. That’s the one. Okay, 2 85 to 2 82 05. It’s still anybody’s game. 20 points coming up now with today’s final frenzy, *** poisonous drink can be made from the roots of this aromatic herb with white flowers and *** purplish stem. Past. Socrates. Even know what plant is? It’s ham lock of course. Fifth grader jesse Aarons becomes friends with his new his new neighbor, Leslie Burke and who dies when *** rope swing accidentally breaks Davey. One of our favorite books. Yes, It consists of Somalia Djibouti, Eritrea and Ethiopia. Jack. The Horn of Africa is the prominent feature at the continent of Africa. Its name literally means hot motion. What branch of physics deals with the mechanical action of correct again, it contains the history of the ancient inhabitants of America who were *** branch of the house of Israel or the tribe of joseph Jenna. Book of mormon is the religious test text given to joseph smith. Its formula is C *** C 03. It’s the mineral and *** skeleton of *** starfish. Jack, calcium carbonate, correct? Yes. Good for you. They were tried for inciting riots at the 1968 Democratic convention. What nickname was given to this group of defendants. David The yippies? No, sorry, incorrect. Any idea? Mechanicsburg? We stumped you on the Chicago. Eight. Her real name is Alice O’Connor. Her novels include anthem. We the living Sophia of course, correct. It’s all done with mirrors and *** laser. The result three D. Photography. What is this technique or the image produced by it, Jenna, correct. For 20 points. He was president of the American Philosophical Society for 20 years and president of the United States for eight. Who was this philosopher? President? Not he, No, sorry, Jack. No, sorry, thomas jefferson is the correct answer. According to greek myth, she was the gift of all the gods. Hence her name. Jenna Pandora is correct. It was the name before it was discovered on the 17th century maps, you’ll find *** great area of land labeled in latin is simply the unknown land of the south africa. No, sorry. Which continent takes its name from the latin. First Australia. Australia does. Yes. *** member of the bloomsbury group. He published the General theory of employment interest and money in 1936. Who was this influential economist? Simon Keynes Keynes, Yes. The Continental Congress made its declaration of Independence in 17 76. What declaration did the National Assembly of France apo approve in 17 89? That’s correct. Yes. With that correct answer. That takes us to the end of the round and to the end of the game. What *** fantastic competition hem field they are returning for round three. We’ll have *** few final words in just *** short moment or two score keeping for W G *** L Eight Brainbusters presented by Jennings college consulting where students discover the right college fit for the future. We’ll return after this. Welcome back to W. G. L eight brainbusters. The Susquehanna Valley’s longest running high school quiz show. Once again, here’s your host, Rich Rosen. Hello everybody. Welcome back to studio *** and W G *** L. *** brain busters. What *** great game! Nice students, nice competition hem field, You are triumphant. You held onto that lead. You won’t let it go. So you are returning for round three, we’re gonna say goodbye to Mechanicsburg. But I have to say Mechanicsburg did *** fantastic job and hey, they won the ice cream from Turkey Hill and that was *** good sign. So we know we’re going to see them back next season coming up on the next W G *** L. *** brain busters. We’re very excited to welcome back Central Dolphin and anvil Cleo now and we are expecting another fantastic competition. We hope to have the pleasure of your company as well. Thanks so much for spending part of your day with us and we’ll see you next time on W. G *** L. *** brainbusters so long for now.

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