Witness the clash of titans as boxing sensation Anthony Joshua squares off against MMA powerhouse Francis Ngannou in an epic showdown! This highly anticipated match promises explosive action and adrenaline-pumping moments that you won’t want to miss. Get ready to be on the edge of your seat as these two giants of combat sports go head-to-head in a battle for supremacy. Our video captures every intense moment of this historic fight. Subscribe now to our channel and be the first to watch electrifying events. Don’t miss out on the ultimate clash between Anthony Joshua and Francis Ngannou – it’s guaranteed a fight for the ages!

    cannot wait Francis enanu versus Anthony Joshua two Behemoth colliding in the city of Riad Kingdom of Saudi Arabia what’s going to happen the world wants to know and we are about to find out ladies and gentlemen the moment has arrived this is the moment we’ve all been waiting for in knockout chaos let’s bring the fighters to the ring first making his entrance the Predator Francis [Music] [Applause] [Music] Inu is he indeed the baddest man on the planet in the ma MMA world he certainly was and he almost proved his medal in his boxing debut dropping the World Heavyweight Champion Tyson Fury which earned him this opportunity I’m sure you’ve heard his story if you haven’t lived in France on the streets was approached by gangs as a kid he dreamed of becoming a boxer but one day he was approached and said Hey listen have you ever tried MMA Francis carmont took him to the gym fand Lopez trained him at the MMA Factory and that began his rise but not even he in his Wildest Dreams thought he’d be able to make this much money and make this much noise in Combat Sports both MMA and boxing it is a movie you would never believe that’s what it is it’s a movie you go this is just too too much fiction to take in all in one film he’s been fantastic in the fury fight he looked amazing he looked like more of a box and Tyson Fury and almost didn’t but almost got over the line and for the debut I think that was the greatest debut in BR in boxing history yeah I mean the the mentality the mindset of this man is unrivaled the story what he’s been through but not only can he fight he can box we see that and that’s what makes this so intriguing and he can rise to the occasion and here comes AJ always stoic but he knows what’s on the line tonight if you’d have asked him a year ago what would happen if you and Francis and ganu fought he was like I won’t I don’t want to fight him it’d be a gimmick fight I don’t like doing gimmick fights it ain’t a gimmick any more and AJ’s got to be on top of his game to win [Music] and now making his entrance to the ring AJ Anthony [Music] [Applause] [Music] Joshua there were questions of whether AJ was still the the killer the Ferocious finisher as Chris manic so famously called him he proved that maybe he still got that side of him in a win against Oten and now in his second fight in 76 days the world expects him to do what Tyson Fury couldn’t knock him out it’s it’s just Madness that but even talking about this being a competitive fight that’s just the truth of it it really is Anthony Joshua who this be honest lacked a lot of confidence but he’s he’s gained it back fight after fight I think and now he’s he’s ready to be show that he’s back where he belongs and it’s APR propo that it’s a video game promotion in the background because Mike we thought we’d never see this type of fight unless it was in a video game and we can see here what the fans are thinking at the moment there’s a percentage in favor of those who believe that enanu will beat Anthony Joshua here tonight but we’ve seen what frequent work and regular fights meant for Joseph Parker and Anthony Joshua has been talking in the same way about three times last year rebuilding after those two defeats against Alexander HK and now the toughest of the tests since then Francis [Music] [Music] Uno two Heavy Hitters in a fight labeled knockout chaos ladies and gentlemen from the kingdom Arena Boulevard City Riad Saudi Arabia this is the main event of the evening power versus Power the Predator versus AJ 10 rounds of boxing in the heavyweight Division and it’s all brought to you by Frank Warren for Queensbury promotions and Eddie Hearn for matchroom boxing in conjunction with Riad season National Event Center the general entertainment Authority gold star promotions gimmick and sella and ladies and gentlemen special thanks to those that make this all possible the custodian of the two holy M King Salman bin abdulaziz Al SA his Royal Highness the Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman and his Excellency chairman of the general entertainment Authority turkey Al shade this contest sanctioned by the British boxing Board of control General Secretary Robert Smith Steward in charge Robin Smith the three judges assigned all from the United States Glenn Feldman David southernland and Fernando viel and also from the United States the referee in charge of the action Richard Gonzalez and now the fighters are in the ring and the officials are ready so for the thousands in attendance and the millions watching around the world from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ladies ladies and Gentlemen let’s get ready to rumble introducing first fighting out of the blue Corner wearing pink and gold and officially weighing in at 2726 lb a few months ago in his boxing debut he shot the world now he plans to shock the universe from Cameroon rated by many as the most dangerous puncher in the heavyweight division the former UFC MMA heavyweight world champion the predator [Applause] frzi and G and across the ring hiding out of the Red Corner wearing white official weight 22.2 lb since capturing Olympic gold he now has an outstanding professional record consisting of 30 fights 27 victories 24 of those 27 victories by knockout with only three defeats from Wat London England the former two time heavyweight champion of the world AJ Anthony [Applause] josua gentlemen you instructions in the dressing room I expect a good clean fight protect yourselves at all times obey my commands at all times touch them up well the fights don’t get much bigger the athletes don’t get much bigger nor do their resumés Anthony Joshua two time World heavyweight boxing champion Francis and ganu UFC heavyweight champion of the man who dropped Tyson Fury in boxing deut schedule for 10 here we go starts with a nice long left hook and garu bit a lazy jab to the body from AJ going get that distance r Anthony Joshua going slide him with that front foot when he throws the jab see this in the fury fight I’ve seen it already here G who likes to Parry the jab with the right hand that does leave him vulnerable to a Fame followed by a left hook andu already looks a little more comfortable than he did against Tyson Fury yeah and and chy springs into attacks as well really fast actually angu yeah well balanced good shot P jab left hook there from angano blocked by AJ a good right hand to the body as well from straight [Applause] right jab from AJ that was a good jab from AJ there he’s just taking his head to the right there so the Jabs going right over his head and he’s done able to score score to the body with that jab honestly he really does shape up well as a boxer in ghu well balanced good high guard and you feel like this fight could be over in a second oh one little clip on the chin yeah more faints from AJ this is try and draw out that lead from aanu just taking that right hand on the left glove remember Fury came right after enanu in round one AJ being more patient switching southp now in ghu how’s that for confidence a minute to go in the first round and he [Applause] switches Focus no AJ touched me with down four five what shot straight right hand down the pr ofu he’s hurt let’s see if AJ jumps right on him he got too confident and paid the price what a stunner got to right hand go now anthy Joshua this is what was supposed to happen when Fury Fury faced in Gham oh we got CL himself there he did with the left hook on the top it a knif right to the body it’s n Andy Ruiz all over again how aggressive will AJ be he knows if he can hit him with a good shot and ganu will go down and ganu showed an iron chin in the UFC patient patience after from AJ very important we’ve seen him not rush in no need big big round Bry [Applause] Joshua David Haye was talking beforehand when he watched him on the pads about the importance of driving through not just touching but driving through with the shot yeah but it it always STS with that was a problem before want it but now he’s still believing in himself but I thought G was having a good round to that was he was nicely that’s a proper textbook right hand that is that you step in turn from the core right through the target that’s a lovely shot look where the front foot is as well so good he’s behind the front foot of exactly exactly that what a shot draw that left out of him draw that left out of with a little C you wonder if that little left hook though that got AJ there towards the end of the round may have affected him he certainly doesn’t look like the most confident fighter in the corner right now but maybe that’s just the way he looks nowadays so focused was Anthony Joshua in the back and his ring walk and he’s got a knockdown here in round one already doing something Fury couldn’t do foot and ganu down he’s just got to keep that right hand High AJ you can see every time AJ throws a jab and ghu looks to throw the left hook that right hand needs to stay tough tight it’s all about discipline now for Anthony Joshua you got to keep his shape really well well don’t get over over excited about your success you got to be assertive like he’s now trying to take that center of the Ring don’t rush anything and ganu seems to be biting on every fate yeah and that left left hook is there for aju just got to try a little bit for little bit forward moreu even if you land him with a jab let it go out there a little bit more little bit faster than that there you go that’s nice long jab so once you touch with it let that right handle on the top of the head very switchy nowu we talked about how comfortable enanu looked in that first round compared to against Fury maybe he was too comfortable Mike yeah and we saw that the shot came just after his switch to southp and again that right hand from Joshua lands not quite as cleanly this time remember turkey alaik basically told Anthony Joshua to end in ganu don’t let him come into boxing and beat our top guys show him what’s up credit toaru though he’s still trying to hold the center of the ring joshu is well aware of the power he’s felt it now and he’s well aware of it and I said I the discipline don’t drop your hand when you when you don’t drop that right hand when you’re throw that [Applause] jab don’t offer the openings that Fury did let that right hand going again he did that double jab there he backed him up where he wanted him Joshua but he got to commit himself to that right hand the left took is so long isn’t it from aanu and heavy that right handu walked right into it and you can’t do that against Anthony Joshua he’s hurt badly hurt he’s up he has the look of defeat on his face a bewildered look let’s see if Anthony Joshua can dispose the M champion in his lights out wow Anthony Joshua incredible what a shot and a got who’s out cold ladies and gentlemen he’s not even [Music] [Applause] moving what a performance from AJ Mike that right hand had shades of Donald Curry versus Milton mcra when he just W walked over and he went cracked with the right hand that was truly stunning power from Anthony Joshua absolutely steam Road and no celebration it’s almost as if he came here to do a job he clocked loed in and he clocked out wow look at the damage this has done let me ask you this I know it’s an MMA guy but are we looking at the best heavyweight in the planet in Anthony Joshua right now despite him not having the titles look you he’s been beaten twice by usk usyk’s fighting Fury but if you’re looking at the difference between the performance es from Fury and AJ that that was spiteful that was hurtful and thankfully enanu now sitting up they’re giving him oxygen and credit to enanu getting up twice but that third knockout was really really [Applause] ferocious those two last knockdowns were as clinical as as you could like they really were [Applause] my word what what a difference one fight makes if Tyson Fury had done this to inano we’d have said well that’s what you get but after the performance against Fury the fact that AJ did this to him it made it look so easy Mike it really speaks volumes I think Barry was one of those people that after October the 28th said it was a bad night for boxing and a lot of people agreed with him tonight has redressed the balance wow the fight Britain and much of the world has won it for so many years Fury versus AJ could still happen but obviously Fury’s got to get through usyk but man I think Tyson Fury is impressed and it’s hard to impress him unless he’s doing it himself the difference for this fight between this fight and the fury fight is you can see Joshua clearly had respect for for that andu power and he boxed that way until he landed with a right hand that’s a look that’s a lovely shot W that’s a great shot nobody stands up to that I mean you’ve hit that three quarters you you still got another quarter of the punch to deliver right through the head this second right hand that we’re about to see is the biggest right hand I’ve ever seen live in a boxing B I mean that’s the first one that completely took the legs away from in ganu look at that for a shot wow wow right on the side of the temple I mean they’re show show closing shots as they are but this right hand is the biggest shot I have seen live what a right hand that was incredible and you can see the leg completely buckled he knew he was throwing the first step he took he knew exactly what he was going to do anony Joshua there he wasn’t having a look he knew what he was going to do he just walked up and went crack and that’s why I said it reminded me of Donald Curry knocking on M mcrai to unify the Welterweight Title back in the 80s walked over crack that’s as clinical a punch you will ever see in your life is AJ now better than ever Darren I would say so confidence will be through the roof that the Way’s delivering shots now would 100% say that he is and look Tyson Tyson Fury applauding that he like that he’ll be upset that he didn’t do that but good to see this man back on his feet and recovered yeah great to see that inu’s up alert and I don’t think he knows what happened no idea what it is inspiration okay thank you beat a lot of people don’t leave boxing no I will not don’t leave do don’t leave boxing you know these guys are the trth the TR next Tyson if you need anything let me know but we’ll speak another time anony you’re a Class Act brother thanate not supp well ladies and gentlemen Saturday April 27th it’s the rematch that I know a lot of you have been craving to see catall versus Josh Taylor fireworks will be on display perhaps not the big fire work that we just saw from Anthony josha but but as Darren said we may not see a right hand like that anytime soon let’s go into the Ring of Michael Buffer ladies and gentlemen ladies and gentlemen following the second knockdown in round number two at the time of 238 refere Ricky Gonzalez waves off the count and instantly calls a hall to the bout the winner by knockout Victory establishing himself as once again the dominant power puncher in the heavyweight division the fighting pride of Watford London England former two-time world champion a Anthony [Applause] Joshua the explosion after the explosion as we wait to get the thoughts of Anthony Joshua who has absolutely revived the stature of the head heavyweight division ladies and gentlemen he on his feet he’s feeling fine a round of applause for the former UFC MMA champion from Cameroon the Predator Francis [Music] [Applause] Hu Anthony I try to think of some of the best things to say during these interviews I think the first thing to say is that was incredible that was an absolutely incredible performance and that is the biggest right hand I think I’ve ever seen live in a boxing ring it is what it is there was a lot of talk when this fight was matched that me and you spoke and you know you openly said to me like France is isn’t on your level you said that it was a gimmick fight and that I said I I asked you and I said does that mean sort of against you he can’t compete no what I was saying is on the route to the championship you should always stay focused and this was me stepping aside from that mission I thought it was something for the broadcasters and sponsors to kind of get behind cuz it’s just about entertainment but when I saw the fight with him and Tyson Fury I was like damn this guy can’t fight so I said I need a piece of that and um as I said he’s an inspiration so we wanted to welcome him we broke bread together and um he’s a great champion and we this doesn’t take away anything of his capabilities because in boxing is one or the other right he can come again do you think Francis can come again that’s what I’m talking about yeah he can come again I told him he shouldn’t leave boxing he can do well remember he’s too two fights in and he’s F the best he he can go a long way if he stays dedicated but it’s up to him four fights in 11 months for gradually increasingly better performances this is the best performance out of the lot regardless of whether or not he is a two-fight boxing novice he is a former UFC heavyweight champion what do you put down to the increased and better performances in the last 11 months the Ben Davidson performance center and the Lee Wy performance that are with it as well right two teams you know who’s there you know who’s there and I appreciate them highly Derek James Rob McCracken Angel Fernandez Joby Clayton Robert Garcia Virgil Hunter all these guys that I worked with and it’s helped me till this day um till this day has helped me till this day really um shake me and I’m still learning still pushing I just hungry a’t it stay hungry and all that good stuff two time former unified heavyweight champion do you feel like you’re almost coming into your Peak now though I don’t know listen this is what this is the thing with boxing you say am I coming into my Peak it only takes one shot in heavweight division if that was me you look would have been saying Joshua should retire Joshua’s finished but what I’m trying to say is that you should always keep searching for better I got to say Joseph Parker is one of my favorite Fighters he had it tough been Relentless kept on pushing and look at him now so for me I don’t know if I’m coming into my Peak I’m I’m just pushing day by day and whoever knows where it will take me I’m just doing it while I’m here making the most of it because imagine in five years I’m not going to be fighting anymore it’s all going to be said and done and this will all be a distant memory so I’m just trying to make the most of it you said that you’re on that train to become in a free time heavyweight champion of the world I know you want your gold back don’t you this was almost a step away from that Journey you’re now back on that Journey yes you got to speak to Eddie match and boxing of course 258 management uh Ben Davidson and the team and they’ll shape my future man I’m just here to fight I’m going to go back to my cage lock myself away and then I’m going to be let out when it’s time to fight again so whatever they want me to do I’m down for whatever what do you want to do I just want to fight is that the winner of Fury usyk next yes it is let’s bring in a man that can talk about making that fight happen Eddie Hearn Eddie I mean I know a lot of people say AJ’s back he’s Beyond back this is I think the best Anthony Joshua we’ve seen for a long time maybe even ever you know I’m so proud of him because there’s a huge amount of pressure tonight people talking about if he was to lose to Francis and ganu what would happen he rolled the dice because his Excellence he said if we win this fight we will fight the winner of Fury against usyk okay there was a show here in October it was called the battle of the baddest to decide the baddest man of the planet they shouldn’t have done that in October they should have done it tonight because you’re looking at the baddest man on the planet right there you’re looking at the number one heavyweight in the world unquestionably on this form there is no man in the world that can beat him in the heavyweight Division I told you he’s going to come back he’s going to become the Undisputed heavyweight world champion there’s a brilliant fighter down there called Tyson Fury please please beat Alexander usk on May the 18th because I promise you this you will get the biggest fight in the history of the sport when Anthony Joshua takes the Undisputed World Championship Ben Lee the team but most of all Anthony Joshua does always stayed in the gym always worked never taken a shortcut in his entire life as a fighter he an inspiration to young people and I promise you he ain’t getting beat he is the best heavyweight in the world that was one of the most destructive Knockouts I ever seen people talk about how Tyson Fury did against in forget about that what I said would happen happened he went in there he destroyed Francis andu this man is a Savage a beast the best heavyweight in the world and I can’t canot wait for him to beat Tyson Fury final word from the big man Anthony Joshua who’s alongside his manager Freddy conham is it going to be free time I don’t know you L put too much pressure on me anyway I just chilling I’m not even getting involved in all that anymore you L put too much pressure on me anyway let’s talk the people of Cameroon I appreciate you guys um where’s my cameroonian people let’s make some noise for the cameroonian people Africa United respect thank you so much I appreciate you where’s my people from [Applause] London where’s a man name from Watford you know what’s going on and most importantly where’s my people from Saudi Arabia yeah and thank you to his Excellency turkey ashake for hosting me MBS thank you so much I appreciate you guys um everyone in Saudi and everyone here tonight I really do appreciate you guys on to the next and thank you to Francis and ganu and thank you to you as well thank you bra God bless thanks AJ that’s you guys


    1. I loved how Joshua was like ‘job done’. Didn’t even bother celebrating. God he hits hard. Even Fury wouldn’t get up from AJ’s right hand

    2. Lots of disrespect in the comments for 2 pretty classy dudes. I think Francis tried his best but age may be taking away the edge he had. Good on him for doing as well as he did in his boxing foray. I think he’s done enough and should preserve his health but who knows he may want to make as much as he can before he calls it. I’ll be tuning in wherever he goes, same for AJ.

    3. Ngannou said he ate lots of pounded plantain fews hours before the fight. It couldn’t digest in time, so during the fight, he was feeling like pooping, but the poo got stuck in his anus because it’s so big and strong. Normally, Cameroonian pounded plantain takes more time to digest. You could notice that he wasn’t moving like when he fought fury because the thing got stuck in his anus. He said he would prove something to his critics in his second fight with aj

    4. If Aj hit tyson fury with that same shot, i dont know if tyson could handle hit. It was a perfect line up. I like fury but he hasn't looked to great but im not sure if that is a big chess move for uske.

    5. People complaining that Ngannou switched to southpaw what they dont realize is after he recovered from the first knockdown he switched back to Orthodox. He had fully recovered from the first knock down. He did everything that a boxer should do in this fight. Everyone knows he was looking more confident and more aggressive than the Fury fight. Joshua took out the best side of Ngannou and he did it with ease. Joshua should get a shot at that Undesputed Heavyweight title and Usyk wont be able to stop this AJ. Time will show when the time is right.

    6. If AJ is good at left hooks, he might finish Francis earlier than that even though the fight already finished early. Francis parry shots with over extensions.

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