Ukrainian FPV drones attacking 16 Russian ATVs troops entering Avdiivka,

    Russia’s bike assaults typically go about as well as one would expect, with motorcycle units defeated near Bakhmut. The frontline in Ukraine has become a war of tree lines held by entrenched infantry.

    [Music] the front line in Ukraine has become a war of tree lines held by entrenched infantry crossing the Open Fields between the tree lines is too often suicidal so vehicles that can transport assault infantry most of the way are of premium value to both Russia and Ukraine but as Russia’s huge pre-war back inventory of retired Soviet armored vehicles grows thinner and thinner secondline Russian units are increasingly making due with improvised transports for assaulting enemy positions particularly a 4×4 golf cart style allterrain vehicle called the desert cross3 built by chinese company aoto [Music] another cheap civilian vehicle Russia has turned to is the motorcycle using both motorbikes sometimes with sidecars and quad bikes which typically carry three personnel each to carry infantry motorcycles have long had their military uses for personnel transport and communication and even light combat reconnaissance roles flooding Road networks in advance of mobile forces in World War II both Germany and the UK fielded entire motorcycle battalions in combat scouting roles including some sidecar motorcycles carrying heavy weapons such as machine guns anti-tank rifles and light [Music] mortars Russia now appears to have mounted Stella anti-aircraft teams on motorcycles but just like for its ATVs Russia isn’t using motorcycle infantry as modern light Cavalry some are assaulting Ukrainian trenches as if reenacting The Charge of the Light Brigade at the Battle of balaclava bike mounted troops are even more exposed to drones and Small Arms than those in golf carts however bikes are fast and maneuverable enough that they’re hard to hit with indirect artillery fire which usually takes minutes to summon even under ideal circumstances [Music] [Music] still Russia’s bike assaults typically go about as well as one would expect with motorcycle units defeated near bakut on April 15th and at novom mikva by Ukraine’s 92nd mechanized and 79 Airborne brigades respectively Ukrainian troops claim that captured Russian bike assault troops are saying they were given drugs prior to the assault which removed their desire to eat or sleep for a day in the reverse of its situation early in the war Russia’s military doesn’t want for personnel in 2024 but faces shortages in a wide variety of Munitions and armored vehicles Russia’s military wanted to press on all fronts but can’t afford to continue losing armored vehicles at the current rate using desert crosses in an assault rle alleviates attrition of valuable armored vehicles even at the cost of higher Personnel losses which Russia can more easily replace the cart bike assaults also reflect a numbers game strategy testing Ukrainian forces broadly across the front line with smallscale assaults that zoom in toward Ukrainian trenches after they were hit by artillery and Powerful if not especially accurate umpk Glide [Music] bombs most of these smallscale attacks fail but the raid sometimes faret out unoccupied gaps in the defenses or positions which have been abandoned or badly compromised by the Preparatory bombardment in such cases the speed of the cart’s bikes may be sufficient to quickly get infantry to seize the position before drones and artillery fires can be vectored in a Ukrainian military analyst and former officer going by the num dear tarigami wrote on social media that while Russia remains a serious Battlefield threat their ability to replace lost armored vehicles is limited [Music] but while golf carts and bikes might be stealthier there remain a lot of Battlefield threats that can tear up a golf cart or the unprotected people inside it with relative ease rifles machine guns grenades and shrapnel from artillery even if they struggle to harm armored vehicles here however Russia may be exploiting the fact that Ukraine has suffered a crippling shortfall of artillery ammunition since republicans in Congress halted deliveries of US military aid last fall this has compelled Ukraine to rely on Precision attacks by kamakazi drones as a substitute for barrages from heavy 155 mm artillery [Music] [Music] shells but head-on assaults on entrenched enemies is another matter the carts are open topped and unarmored so both the vehicles and passengers can be destroyed as quickly and brutally as you’d expect by kamakazi drones mines or heavy weapons fire yet for months Russia has been hurling small scale that is mostly squad or platoon sized attacks at Ukrainian lines mounted in these vehicle and through sheer numbers they have occasionally succeeded in finding weak spots in Ukrainian defenses [Music] where you [Music] set the [Music] [Music] [Music] h

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