Watch Sky News at Ten with Jonathan Samuels, as South West Water apologises after the supply in Devon was contaminated by a parasite which has reportedly

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    [Music] [Music] [Music] it’s 10:00 this is Sky News at 10 our top story children of school and residents confused Southwest water a apologizes after the supply in Devon was contaminated by parasite reportedly leaving hundreds ill drinking water has made her worse so uh we’re in a dreadful State she was so weak I even phoned 999 sakir stama launches his long election campaign his shadow cabinet in toe and denies downsizing his party’s pledges prayers for Unity in Slovakia where prime minister Robert fzza is said to have escaped death by a hair’s breath after an assassination attempt in Beijing President Putin is welcomed as a partner not a pariah as two autocratic leaders agree to deepen their military ties plus the once private portraits soon to be on public display at Bucking Palace and we’ll take a first look at tomorrow’s front pages in our press preview from 10:30 right through till midnight [Music] hello there a very good evening we begin tonight with the parasite outbreak affecting parts of Devon hundreds of people have reportedly Fallen ill and 1600 households are without drinking water today southwestwater apologized to customers and confirmed to Sky News that the contamination may have been caused by cow fees leaking into damaged water pipes cryptos peridium infections cause diarrhea stomach pain vomiting and a fever residents are being urged to boil their water before drinking brushing their teeth or preparing food a west of England correspondent Dan Whitehead reports now from brixon they’re looking down into the epicenter of the outbreak dozens of Engineers have spent the day at this underground reservoir in brixham a broken air valve in a field where cattle are kept the suspected cause of crypto peridium entering the mains water system just down the road residents closest to the source continue to fall ill my wife has been drinking water to keep hydrated cuz she’s diabetic and the uh insulin that she had to have was doubled and basically that affected her to start with so keep drinking water has made her worse she was so weak I even found 999 that’s basically what it is leaflets to warn about boiling tap water were only delivered to David last night it was safe to drink and then oh you best B it I think they should have really said just preserve yourself really and sort of say pull it first until we sure it’s now 4 days since this outbreak began in this Seaside town with Southwest water still unable to confirm when it’ll be fixed you advised your customers on Tuesday that the drinking water was safe that decision has directly led to likely hundreds of people people falling ill that was a huge mistake by you guys wasn’t it so we were working on the information we had at the time which was there was a presumption that this could be something nasty would you would it not have been better to ER on the side of caution we were working uh with the best information we had at the time there were no indications and confirmations at that point that crypto peridium was identified in the water and we also are aware that placing a boil notice on customers is it’s difficult and can cause anxiety so we wanted to ensure we had the right evidence would you like apologize to your customers I have already and I continue to apologize the outbreak has led to one primary school closing today students taking their SATs were allowed in but had to bring their own water Southwest water has had to set up a second bottled water collection point because there is a constant stream of people in fact the queue to get into this site stretches more than half a mile up the road although there are only a few dozen confirmed cases of the disease anecdotally that that number is more likely to be well into the hundreds for those more vulnerable coming into contact with crypto peridium can be serious it’s not just for drinking water although that is important Dental Care cleaning Dentures personal care and cooking Sky News understands it will be another week before boil notices are removed for now the daily cue for water continues and Dan joins us now from painton in Devon Dan an apology then today but there is still the possibility many more people could fall ill yeah the UK Health Security Agency predicting that there will be more confirmed cases of crypto spirosis as the diagnoses continue and more people go to their doctor it’s worth mentioning as well the incubation period that time from when people are first in contact with the parasite uh through to when they start getting the symptoms and that can be up to 10 days so we’re on day four of the outbreak could be another 6 days or so before a lot of people start uh to fall ill so not out of the woods yet you mentioned those symptoms vomiting extreme dehydration diarrhea the advice from Health officials look stay hydrated don’t use the tap water if you’re in these affected areas for of course drinking but other things personal hygiene brushing your teeth and so forth the big question here in tbay tonight is look how long is this going to go on for we were pushing Southwest water for an answer on that today they simp simply wouldn’t give it uh off the Record we’ve been speaking to some senior officials and the guidance is look 6 to seven days if they can contain that outbreak at that underground reservoir those boil notices may be lifted in around a week’s time down in painton thank you now it was a general election launch in everything but Nam sakir stama stroe onto the stage in essics today sleeves rolled up with his shadow cabinet looking on but the labor leader was forced to to deny dumping most of the pledges on which he was elected leader saying that it’s right to change his mind when the circumstances shift well this time around he unveiled six new promises to voters let’s take a look firstly to stick to tough spending rules to deliver economic stability to cut NHS waiting times by providing 40,000 more appointments each week to launch a new border security command to reduce Small Boat Crossings he said he’d set up Great British energy a publicly owned Clean Energy company provide more neighborhood police officers to reduce antisocial behavior and recruit 6 a half thousand teachers paid for by ending tax breaks for private schools our political editor Beth Rigby was looking on K stump speech in a swing seat Shadow cabinet in tow Labour’s election campaign kicking into gear this is a change labor party with a plan to take us forward jacket off no tie this the unveiling of campaign Kia and the launch of Labor’s election pledges the first steps of a starma government one card six steps in your hand a plan to change the country the starting gum fir on what could feel like a very long campaign here starmer’s calling card but this down payment to voters a little different to the missions he set out last year you’ve downsized your promises today you promised the highest sustained economic growth in the gene 7 why are you scaling back your ambition is it for fear of breaking promises or is it because you’re so far ahead in the polls you’re lowering the bar I’m not I’m not scaling back our ambition absolutely at all the missions each and every single one of them are there as the long-term Ambitions goals targets the driving purpose of the incoming labor government sleeves rolled up no script and a singular message he’s all about change and what he wants you to decide is whether he will be the change you’ll choose the problem he’s got the pledges on his card have change too I’m totally confused as to why clean Power by 2030 is not on a pledge card don’t be confused by I think you’re watering it down cuz you’re worried you might not not I absolutely promise you we’re not there’s an overall mission that the next Labor government is going to have which I repeat it again today clean Power by 2013 today we are setting out tangible first steps to get there spending rules why didn’t you just put it on the why didn’t you if you’re going to get there by the end of a parliament why not just put it on your card because people want to know what practically you’re going to do to get there I put it to you you can’t put it on there cuz you might not hit it the real Battleground in this campaign is around trust are you trustworthy yes I have set out uh the missions I’ve thought through the missions which are about changing um the future of our country you say your trust the reason I ask is you’ve junked pretty much every pledge you were elected labor leader and I’ve got the list increase income tax for the top 5% abolish Universal Credit public ownership not just for rail if you’ve got it in front of you Beth you’ll know that for each of the 10 pledges there’s about two or three sitting under them that’s about 30 uh commitments of which a few have been adjusted the vast majority are in place but I accept that some of them have been adjusted let me tell you why adjusted they’ve been dumbed let me just uh explain why it matters because this is about trust let me explain why since that uh those pledges were made we’ve had huge Damage Done to our economy so some of the things that I think we should have done we could have done we can’t afford to do anymore priorities pledged a leader now very personally launched K starma wants to level with you about what he’s able to do whether you believe him or not could prove decisive Beth Rigby Sky News ess6 oh political editor there so will voters believe those pledges from the labor leader and more importantly will they trust that K starma will stick to them Lisa D went to Cle thorp’s Beach on a Blustery Day to find out they are lab lines in the sand the pledges that they need to land well in places like the seaside town of CLE thorps in lincolshire Joy a retired nurse is watching closely of those six pledges by K starm what resonates with you the most if any of them nurses have left doctors have left and it’s encouraging them to come back and I love the sound of all the appointments the extra appointments in the evenings and at weekends it sounds wonderful so I don’t to knock that but what I want to say is where are the staff to facilitate this when currently they’re on the knees and while we may retrain or or train more staff fantastic that is going to take time CLE thorps and neighboring Grimsby are forming a new seat at the general election rishy sunak and S starma both need to win it Cafe owner Jonathan thinks labor are playing it safe I’d like K stman to come down here cleps on on a day like this and see what’s going on I don’t think they’re strong enough to do what they say they want to do but I think if you’re a a true sort of Labor um person um I I don’t think that would excite you either to be fair um there’s just not enough in it it’s it’s it’s very general I think former teacher Steve now runs a community business and just hopes the pledges are genuine the pledge to increase teaching number of teachers in the country I’d cherish that I’d welcome it um but I don’t want it to be a sticking plaster promise either so the devil’s always in the detail with these things so maybe they are going to be radical I’d have to wait and see the local election results two weeks ago showed that people are ready for change here so the question is if you put all of Labour’s list together is it enough enough Joy isn’t sure seeing those pledges would it affect how you vote do you know it’s really difficult because I’m on the fence at the moment so the pledges are encouraging but what’s going to be the pledge near of the election because he changes on on public opinion so to me I’m not confident that he’s going to follow through the election still hasn’t been called there could be months of this but the targeting of these towns is well underway way Lisa D Sky News CLE thorps and Beth is in Westminster for us tonight Beth we heard those voters from Sky’s Target town and you’ve been highlighting how Labor’s pledges have changed yes Jonathan I think two things came out from both the day that I spent uh with starma in Essex and and the voters uh in our Target town and it’s questions around change and questions around trust and when you listen to what some of those voters were saying they do want change that’s clear but they’ve got questions about deliverability and also about K starma one person saying he changes on public opinion and saying what was it exactly will he follow through another saying where will the money come from uh another saying we like the idea of more NHS appointments but where are you going to get the staff so there’s lots of questions around all of this I’d say just three things quickly the first is that this was clearly a general election campaign launch I’ve got one of the Pledge cards here it is like a 1997 Tony Blair pledge card in which the leader gets up he makes a series of statements he makes some key promises that you can take if you’re an MP onto the doorstep or an activist to try and sell the message message the second thing I would say is that this pledge card doesn’t have in it perhaps what we a year ago or so thought might be these granular pledges pinpointing specific policies they are in starmer’s words First Steps along the journey uh to delivering some of these key missions he’s spoken about around the NHS the economy Law and Order by the end of parliament but I think there are questions about what why are you diluting them if you’re promising this to voters put it on a card and follow through and I think that goes to the reason why he’s not doing it as trust I think that the interview I did with him revealed as well that there’s an acknowledgement within the labor party that trust is at a low that voters don’t trust what politicians say and I think what starma is trying to do is not overpromise stuff and then under deliver so he’s trying to level with the public if if you like and I think the question now is if they are sold on change are they sold on starma not just the policies but also the man and I think he’s going to have to answer more questions on trust in the coming months okay Beth thank you the president elective Slovakia confirmed today that the Prime Minister escaped death by a hair’s breath and is still in a serious condition but able to communicate Robert fito was shocked five times at Point Blank Range police have charged a 71-year-old former security guard with attempted murder our Europe correspondent Shon Robbins reports Vladimir is praying for his prime minister he’s keeping vigil outside the hospital where Robert fito is being treated asking for his Swift recovery this is the moment the 59-year-old was shot fired at five times at Point Blank Range so now Vladimir prays that his leader and his country can heal there is lots of lots of hate in our society and it’s unfortunate and this is the result surgeons operated for 5 hours to save the prime minister’s life after visiting him the president-elect gave this update yes I can confirm that I could speak with him but just uh really few minutes because the doctors asked me to make a really very short uh visit to him and um of course the situation is now still very critical while the prime minister’s condition is described as stable the same cannot be said for Slovakia after the first major assassination attempt on a European leader in more than 20 years Slovak Society has become deeply divided concerns over the prime minister’s changes to media and criminal law sparking protests it’s alleged those worries motivated a 71-year-old former security guard and poet to open fire the suspect named as urri Cula from levit has been charged with attempted murder what happened yesterday was an individual act but the tense atmosphere of hatred was our Collective work today we have agreed with the president elect to jointly invite the leaders of all parliamentary political parties together with the sole aim of calming the situation and rejecting violence As Leaders call for calm Vladimir prays for Unity a healing of the wounds dividing his country sioban Robbins Sky News Slovakia the Middle East now hundreds of tons of food Aid are expected to start arriving in Gaza by sea after the US military completed a floating Pier but with the Rafa border still closed those who need emergency medical help are unable to leave this week instead of being flown out for treatment Julia who has a rare genetic disease traveled by road back to Northern Gaza where fighting has fled again sky mark Stone has been following the story of the little girl for whom a seizure could mean death death one man pulled from the ambulance another rolled back onto a stretcher the siren the unintelligible voice at a hospital in the far north of Gaza the chaos captured in a moment inside with a torch from a phone the Medics are working every hour they can the arm injury is bad but the head wound is the priority here the doctor tells us that many injured have come to the hospital in the past few hours the Israelis are back here in the north because they say Hamas is back too hardly a reflection of a war going well for Israel and amid all this a little girl we met 10 days ago Julia Abu is on the move but not where her family had hoped the three-year-old has a rare genetic disorder ahc it’s called and it is compounded by stress she is bluntly just a seizure away from Death from the southern city of Rafa they’d hoped to be on a medical list to leave to Egypt instead they’ve gone backwards up north because Rafa is no longer safe the girls and I were supposed to leave to the United Arab Emirates but only sham and Julia’s names were approved my husband and I did not get the approval in the end with the Border closed it was the hardest of choices made irrelevant anyway no one is leaving and just a trickle of Aid is getting in just listen to the head of the world food program if if we could get in now we might be able to fend off a hardcore famine but we’re not there yet and we’re not getting in the US military’s temporary Pier is now in place on the shores of Gaza a logistical feat yes but its necessity is a reflection too of deep diplomatic failure we have seen humanitarian Aid be unlocked we are trending in a different direction well we’re not it’s going backwards the fighting has returned the borders have shut people are being displaced repeatedly things are plainly going backwards not forwards we have been clear that there needs to be some uh progress made as it relates to some backward steps in the past couple of weeks Julia Mama Julia Julia is not doing well but she is just one of several hundred, children stuck Charities tell us that 37,000 of them are injured Jia Julia Mark Stone Sky News in Washington two autocratic leaders at odds with the West walked side by side in Beijing today and agreed to continue their military partnership and while China does not supply weapons to Russia it does send huge quantities of so-called dual use items these aren’t weapons but include things like electronics and vehicles in early 2023 when Russia Was preparing for Ukraine’s counter offensive Imports of these military goods shot up with the majority of them coming from China as seen here in red and now ties between the two countries look to be growing even closer as our Asia correspondent Nicole Johnson reports behind the handshake the world is Shifting and vying for the helm is China’s president xiin ping and Russia’s Vladimir Putin these old friends share a vision where China and Russia call the shots and the US takes a back seat the symbolism is strong both men presidents for life and for Putin a Pari abroad here in China a warm welcome on a spring [Music] day with the joint efforts of both sides China Russia relations have been developing steadily and comprehensive strategic cooperation between the two countries has been continuously strengthened but the West does not see peace here it sees war and a friendship which gives Putin the power to wage [Music] it I informed the leader of the People’s Republic of China about the situation that is developing around the Ukrainian crisis we are grateful to our Chinese friends and colleagues for the initiatives they are putting forward to resolve this problem in Beijing where people often prefer to keep their views to themselves this visit divides opinions yeah may be the friend of you know Chinese leaders but toally is not friend of Chinese people you Putin has been working closely with China in the last two years and he’s been trying to find ways to draw closer to China both diplomatically and in terms of trade to stay afloat Putin needs China’s economic Lifeline as Russia’s Army digs in in Ukraine for xiin Ping this visit is about power and who has it China is the big brother in its relationship with Russia it sets the terms it’s buying cheap Russian gas and exporting everything but weapons it’s China’s support for Putin that allows Russia to keep Waging War in these great power politics China wants to have it all trade with the west and close ties with Russia a time may come when xiin ping is forced to make a choice Nicole Johnston Sky News Beijing we’ve been focusing on Sky News recently on the women experiencing traumatic births a leading Midwife who carried out a damning review of maternity Services two years ago has told Sky News that four Health secretaries later she’s disappointed and angry at the lack of government progress Sky shamal Freeman pal reports I knew I was in hospital and I kept thinking you know at what point is somebody going to do something like it it sounds really dramatic but like I felt like I was going to die during delivery with her first child Rachel spent 40 hours in excruciating pain with her pleas for a C-section ignored eventually doctors used forceps to deliver her baby but the trauma wasn’t over yet matter I was 5 days old when I started passing stool through my vagina and then not being able to clean properly because it’s getting stuck inside was just so humiliating it felt really like unwomanly in a way as well Rachel discovered she had a tear between her vagina and rectal passage and assumed doctors would operate immediately instead she was sent home waiting 3 weeks in agony before surgery was performed and 7 years and four operations later may need her rectum removed and did you ever expect that having a child could lead to to so many complications no no I had no idea Rachel is among 30,000 women who will experience a birth trauma each year numbers a leading Midwife says should have long been reduced we are significantly less than halfway where we should be we knew that we needed um 350 million increase in spending in maternity services not for luxury not for gold plate but to make sure that we had the right number of midwives Obstetricians anst neonatologist Neal nurses and so on the government says it has increased its spending but real change takes time this is a long-term um uh project as I say we’re one year into our three-year plan but we are listening to moms warm words are no longer enough um action needs to happen and it needed to happen a long time time ago because behind every trauma are families whose lives are being torn apart Shaman Freeman power Sky News to the sagales capital dhakar now which is being plundered of its oil and gas and is now losing another main resource its young men while many head for Europe others PID tens of thousands to continue on to South America and then across the border into the United States Sky News has been hearing that the well trodden route has become practically impossible to use after a Crackdown us elbar has been speaking to one man who made the long journey a word of warning to sagal’s school children many have died and more will die he says they’re being educated on the dangers of illegal migration with the plea for them to stay and build their country if Africa is the El Dorado then darar is the doorway a hub of Arts culture and trade on the North Atlantic but for many a tough Capital City to survive in this is the economic center of the country and all around us are people who are working to make enough money to live in this expensive city but the young people we’ve met are working to make enough money to leave as the Atlantic route to the Canary Islands proves to be the busiest and deadliest young people here are figuring out safer options to Europe these young men are back in the car after traversing the desert to Libya then trying and failing to cross the Mediterranean Sea eight people you don’t died for my face a people died in front of you yes they barely survived their experience in Libya enslaved threatened and regularly beaten uh w when I hear senales trying to get to Europe it makes me incredibly sad because they don’t know what they’re going to face you wouldn’t wish it on your worst enemy it is very hard even if you had $10,000 there would be no way for you to arrive I tried five times we were captured tortured and beaten all of us right here it’s impossible to tell you all the things we faced issa’s brother traveled halfway around the world to make it to the us so did this man speaking to us from his new American home what’s life like for you now it’s better here what they pay here in one week is more than a month in Sagal it wasn’t easy he says it took him 18 days and for others it can take a month the tallest statue in Africa points to the West as resentment for the West grows it’s not that they hate the West it’s that they feel like the West is plundering our resources that they’re taking from us to make over there better so why would they also go over there and take advantage of what’s being taken from us here a city with sea oil and gas plundered for exports now being drained of its prime resource its young men Yer Sky News the car now there are the most intimate moments captured on camera the late Que Queen and Princess Margaret with their babies King Charles and Princess Anne as young children the family at the Royal Lodge during World War 2 Rihanna Mills viewed the private images on public display at buck and Palace from his coronation to his mothers and even further back than that this new exhibition gives a snapshot of how the Royals have been photographed over the past 100 years some you’ll have seen before others we haven’t like this one of four royal mothers and their babies Queen Elizabeth Princess Margaret princess Alexandra and The Duchess of Kent the picture was sent to the doctor who delivered all of their children we go from the very kind of intimate and personal private uh photographs uh such as the um photograph of of a mother with a newborn baby um all the way to the most official and you know the grandest possible portraits that’s Coran portraits how the photographers gained their trust allowing us to also Peak into Royal life is revealed and some of the tricks of the trade retouching of course a rather current debate after the Princess of Wales altered that Mother’s Day photo others with more obvious alterations from warhole to Rankin feature in the exhibition at the newly named King’s Gallery in the week that he also unveiled a new eye-catching painting of himself some would argue it’ll always be photos that truly provide a lasting modern memory of one of the world’s most famous families ran on Mills Sky News and that was Sky News at 10 coming up we’re going to take a first look at tomorrow’s papers it’s the Press preview and tonight I’ll be joined by the columnist and broadcaster Steve Richards and former conservative special adviser s sha and among the story we’re going to be discussing this on the front of tomorrow’s Telegraph it’s headline labor tax Rises as sure as night follows day says humpt we’ll be back in a couple of minutes do join us [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] welcome back you’re watching Sky News we’ got the Press preview for you in a moment checking out tomorrow’s front pages but first our top top stories tonight Southwest water says a broken air valve contaminated with animal feces may be the source of a parasitic infection in Water Supplies so stama has set out the first things he will do if labor wins the election including cutting NHS waiting times and setting up Great British energy and authorities in Slovakia have charged a man with the attempted murder of prime minister Robert F fito [Music] so time for the Press preview it’s our first look at tomorrow’s front pages and we’re going to have a look at the headlines tonight with Steve Richards and Sal M they’ll be with us from now until just before midnight nice to see you both we’ll chat in a moment after we’ve had a look at those front pages beginning with the front of the times an internal NHS review finds hospitals are struggling to treat more people because thousands of patients are stranded on Wards without anywhere to be discharged the telegraph has Chancellor Jeremy Hunt insisting that a labor government would mean tax Rises and in fact it’s the same story you can see there on the front of the express while on the front of the Guardian a report says government ministers were warned three years ago that unpaid carers were being treated unfairly The Daily Mail reports on rumors of a 3 and a half billion pound takeover of the Royal Male by Czech billionaire the Metro leads with the story of a plumber who is accused of creating fake stories of helping people for free to raise millions in Charity donations BT’s new chief executive lays out a new plan to turn around the struggling telecoms group that’s on the front of the Ft tomorrow on the front of the mirror the family of the youngest ever organ donor have a new addition to their family 10 years after they lost their baby and the star warns that one in 10 cats and dogs face hellish hay fever symptoms and don’t forget uh you can scan that QR code that you’ll see on screen during the program check out tomorrow’s front pages while you watch us discussing them and doing that with me tonight columnist and broadcaster Steve Richards and former conservative special adviser Salma sha great lots to talk about um some different front pages actually for tomorrow uh the guardian going with uh no quick fix if labor wins the election all comes of course off after sakir starma announced his uh six pledges I’m not sure what is he calling them pledges now missions steps First Steps um but uh many critics have said he’s under promising and maybe it’s why because there isn’t going to be enough money well I am going to start by saying that even though he made those six steps pledges uh today I don’t think I could name them I think I might have to test you there Steve to see if you can name them but um actually I’m going to let you make the point we were discuss discussing it earlier about sort of how the media follows the cycle of speeches and actually how you had more uh coverage of this in yesterday’s papers before he’d actually made the speech and now he’s got the content of it actually we only really see the guardian uh covering this um I think it’s fascinating though that the key point of this story on the front page of the Guardian is that um a former eonian uh who was once photographed in that in those famous bullingdon club photos with David Cameron and the chief executive of boots is now endorsing K dama which actually isn’t insignificant but actually um still a bit of a a small Westminster is story yeah Sebastian James um what what did you make of his performance today and and this idea the the Rhythm the of the news kind of cycle is important in this because reading the papers you would think it didn’t happen and yet it’s very har in your bulletins you covered I was watching Sky news this morning it was on for hours um but in this morning’s papers there was quite a lot so what happens now and it’s happened for quite a few years is you know things get previewed and that’s when they get prominence then they happen and if you’ve missed it you look I wonder what and it’s not there you know and in fact what are on some of the front pages of the Tory papers is the Tory reaction to it so that’s just the way it goes um in ter well we can have a look what you when you mentioned it let’s bring it in the front of the Daily Telegraph uh labor tax Rises as sure as night follows day uh previewing a speech that the chancellor is going to make yeah and it won’t be in the papers tomorrow once has made it late tomorrow um yeah so first of the GU thing no quick fix if labor wins election is the headline and it seems to me this highlights one of the great challenges of being an opposition especially a labor opposition is the message broadly reassurance reassurance reassurance no quick fixes you know not much can change at first things are tough blah blah blah or is it inspiration inspiration change of a really profound nature is going to happen now that headline is reassurance reassurance reassurance um but it is a balance and there needs to be you know the stories we’re covering you know the temps the not the temps but the water compan Southwest water um and some of the other stories we’re covering demand social care you you highlighted the social care thing bed blocking these are huge issues now they’re aware of it labor in the shadow cabinet but they need to convey as well as oh there’s no quick fix I mean if went around saying well the NHS is a quick fix in 45 it would have been laughed at you know you you’ve got to both think big and reassure and they’re trying to do that but it’s tough and hard and so this headline no quick fix is not exactly a claring call yeah I mean one of the big um criticisms um laid at his his front door is that we don’t know what he stands for no one knows what SEC St stands for whereas now and they call it doorstep offers don’t they where canvases can go and knock on doors and say look here’s the card here are the six First Steps this is what he stands for yeah apart from the fact that the six steps are quite generic and I think that I mean as Steve says that’s the thing that’s sort of um very Stark in contrast with the person that he is mimicking almost which is Tony Blair who had this big vision and was inspirational um and you know you lots of Skeptics I think still in labor about blism but there was still that Visionary piece but just just to go back to this Telegraph story I think what you’re now seeing is exactly that tit fortat which is people now coming up to the point where they’re creating these political dividing line so k k sets out his six steps he says here’s what I stand for here’s a rough plan for you for you voters to think about when you’re going into The Ballot Box and um the chancellor is coming back and saying okay you know you can just see that Labour’s going to keep taxes High whereas I’m going to cut them so here are those dividing lines that are materializing but with that poll lead that KIA starma has currently he clearly is not in a position nor is he willing to take any kind of risk or Chance by putting that big Visionary piece out there and I think perhaps there are a lot of people who will be frustrated that he isn’t doing that at this point in time so three things arising from what s the Tony Blair he was an artist in some respects he did make the incremental sound exciting but the five early pledges were incremental they weren’t uh country hug Vision the second thing is that almost inevitably whoever wins the next election is going to put up taxes uh the Tories will have to labor will the third thing is in the pre-election tax and spend debate it’s it it’s like a child’s game you you’re not allowed to be candid um but the one advantage of Labor playing the very cautious we can’t fix things we’re not going to spend much tough fiscal rules is that Jeremy Hunt will not win this argument um they will not labor give him the space before the election to win that sort of old 80s 1992 style tax and spend debate in that sense they are following the new labor rule book only announce what you’re going to show how you’re going to pay for it and so they can make as many speeches as they like Jeremy Hunt and others on tax and tax Bombshells and all the old tricks they used to play won’t work yeah okay let’s have a quick look at the front of daily expressed then be warned taxes will go up under labor says hunt do you want to come back on any of that sound that Steve just said no I I think I think Steve is right because it’s it’s the same thing with the express and I think the reason why Steve and I wanted to look at these two things is because it is talking about the fact that actually there is still those you know right leaning papers that are are very much uh still distrustful of kind of Labor the labor brand around taxes and still believe that actually conservative lower tax um ideology still exists but I I would agree with Steve that you know the way public sector spending is going is going to be very hard to conceive of a government that’s going to bring it back to even near prepandemic levels um of Taxation so there’s going to have to be unfortunately some very difficult discussions that nobody really seems to be having about what is the role of the state and what we should actually be spending on but you have that coupled at the same time which we’ll come on to um low productivity in the NHS water companies not being effective in terms of their infrastructure um and where do you start making those reforms it’s a very very tough job yeah and it does move us on quite nicely to the front of the Daily Telegraph um which is I mean this is quite left field Steve isn’t it mortgage Wars as banks are cutting rates yeah you see we’ve been here sometimes when the telegraph front page has not been that helpful for the government sort of veering towards Pro reform it’s quite a helpful front page for the government because saying you know splashing on the hunt speech taxes going up under labor and then uh interest rate cuts to come uh sort of you know almost like the price Wars the interest rate Wars um implying that by the time of the election you know the people will be paying less for their mortgages they’ve had a very big hit recently and so on I still don’t think it will make much difference um because it’s got beyond that point now I think where voters say oh yeah bit better off oh yeah I’ll vote them in again we’ve had 14 years let’s have another five I think it’s got beyond that what these papers are going to pump it out really I mean what for you is going to be the main dividing line do you think over the next few weeks the next few months well they’ve definitely decided that tax is going to be a big dividing line but actually interestingly and in the other story that we have on the front page of the telegraph around um the Chancellor’s speech actually there’s going to be uh a lot of stuff on Law and Order I think they’ll continue with the immigration line but this actually is about that short of that one thing that they’ve been hoping for is that living uh cost of living improves and I think if if you feel a little bit better off um then perhaps you’re not going to be as inclined to be negative towards um the conservatives when it comes round to the next general election at the moment the so-called dividing lights are very confused I mean sunak made a speech earlier this week where he said you need me an experienced prime minister everything is terrible and by the way there’s great cause for optimism about the future and to some extent the labor message as it was in 97 is everything is terrible don’t worry we’re not going to change very much and now if if those two are the sort of dividing lines it it it needs to say it’s a bit like music it needs to be a bit more in both cases yeah it flowing yeah okay great we will leave it there thank you both uh very much for the moment plenty more still to come including the hospitals struggling to treat more people because thousands of patients are stranded on Wards with nowhere to go these [Music] still it’s highly fatal it’s um a synthetic opio as you mentioned it’s like heroin and morphine and um we I mean last year we’ve been talking about fintal they added to the heroin and give it to people and people die immediately because of the uh uh Power of fental as synthetic opioid also nine is much more powerful more fatal and we have some fatalities this year everywhere in the UK and because we have patients who are on addiction treatment and they take heroin so we inform them please don’t take any heroin now without knowing what they are giving you and the problem is the decline in heroin trade made drug dealers contaminate heroin with these things to sell because there’s no Harin coming from Afghanistan so nine is very dangerous they can give it to they can contaminate her own with it they can give you a tablet say this is ecstasy or MDMA they can give you a tablet which is diam and it is nine and people dying un friends have made a plan to go to Le’s festival for um uh the summer of August 2022 David um I dropped David off on a Thursday um at the festival and over the weekend as we learned afterwards and subsequently number of things happened to David and his friends ultimately led to the point where David took MDMA what he thought was MDMA on the Saturday night and um unfortunately whatever David took or however much David took it proved fatal um and the next day he died I think for parents first of all we have the first line of defense um and together with our friends um we really need to to um equip young people to be ready for the festival experience and what will happen to them remember they was 16 um and there are lots of 16 and 17y olds attend festivals like Leeds and reading because it falls at the time that they get their gcsc results they are unable to buy alcohol alcohol purchasing is really strictly enforced on Festival sites um and so they’re easy prey for drug dealers who see an opportunity to sell them drugs um and in David’s case it was exactly that to run out of alcohol um on the Saturday and they were offered Something Free initially and then something else happened where they purchased some drugs but ultimately they were they were groomed H to the point where they uh where they decided to take a step that ultimately proved fatal for David [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello again welcome back to the Press preview uh columnist and broadcaster Steve Richards and former conservative special adviser Sam sha are still with me let’s have a look at the front of the times Steve perhaps you can kick things off for us the headline bed blocker crisis means extra NHS cash wasted yeah in politics everything connects so we were both agreeing before uh the break that they will have to spend more money whoever comes in will have to raise taxes at some point and here is one of the reasons why uh the NHS is getting more money but they can’t get people out of the beds because they’ve got nowhere to go to the reason they’ve got nowhere to go to or one of the reasons is there’s no sort of social care plan one of the early objectives allegedly Boris Johnson still not there but if you don’t have one this carries on so you could put in more doctors and all the rest of it but the there’s a bed crisis because you you’ve got nowhere else to put them yeah I think there’s a really interesting um question here as well because this story is saying that despite the extra funding despite the extra staff that has g into the NHS yeah 20 billion pound increase in funding 15% more doctors and nurses yes so despite that you still have uh an 11% deficit on productivity which is the term of you know how quickly the patients are being seen and how quickly they’re being discharged from pre-pandemic levels so actually this is a real sort of managerial um issue in terms of the NHS and I was just thinking as while I was reading this is that actually um Julian Kelly who’s the finance director of NHS England is the person that’s quoted in this so this is an NHS England sort of dependent from government Department run um uh Improvement plan and and this is the person this is the entity that has looked at this and created this report so I think there is you know some confidence that can be taken that actually what we’re looking at is not some politicized um statement it is really what is happening in the NHS today it’s a huge issue for so many people were you surprised that sakir stama didn’t mention it today it wasn’t one of his first steps sorting out social care Oh social care you’re right it’s a huge issue and it’s an absolute failure across the board of political will that it hasn’t happened it keeps on coming up you know there was this famous independent Dill not report Gordon Brown was going to do it then he couldn’t and then Johnson mentioned it outside number 10 in his first speech as prime minister always a tmic moment nothing happened put up National Insurance all reversed um and the reason he didn’t was again our earlier discussion tax and spense it’s expensive but the advantage is if it’s organized well uh this particular issue is then addressed because they do have places to go um but the initial upfront cost is a lot and we have to pay for it and we have to have a grownup discussion about how and how it’s going to be regulated and staffed and some as an exp St regul huge huge issues um we’re out of time but we can perhaps talk a bit more about that after 11:00 Steve salmer thank you both the top stories and more stories from inside the papers as well all in a couple of minutes [Music]

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