The top 40 fittest men in Europe kicked off Semifinals with a run and 185-lb (84-kg) clean and jerks.

    Watch athletes like Jonne Koski, Björgvin Karl Guðmundsson, Lazar Ðukić, and Bronislaw Olenkowicz in action.

    5 rounds for time:
    800-meter run
    10 clean and jerks (185 lb)
    Time cap: 30 minutes

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    individual men event number one is off as they take the floor for the very first time here at the ldlc arena in Leon France as the 2024 cross it semi-finals for the European semi-finals is underway and starting off with that 800 meter run as they’ll have some switch backs outside and they’ll make their way inside now go when you’re looking at what you started and what you wanted to put out there is all right you saw a need and you wanted instead of like say hey we should have this you just went out there and made it yeah I met my my co-founder Henning Lang he’s not here and uh we basically met via Twitter and I said man we’re reading all these papers that’s all budding relationship yeah it’s it’s usely I I actually never met him in person I said we have to do this and we’re just interested in strength Sports enduring and then also obviously CrossFit so then after a while like one or two years there’s more more studies on CrossFit came out so that was easy for us that we just Tred to explain those studies and yeah it really grow organically and people seem to like it well I definitely like it and what I liked about it is that you know I follow a slew of other sports in the space and they always had the sports science and it was like oh the trajectory angle of the quarterback throwing the football that gets the maximum distance which we all know if we took physics is 30 30° right and then you look at wind factors or weight movement or weight displacement and the fact that you’re bringing some of that into the CrossFit space I think is very cool but it’s it’s also beyond that as you guys look at what what are the other Trends you guys focus on yeah what what we are really interested in is that CrossFit is both ands and strength let’s say at the same time very good example here why are some people just good at CrossFit but potentially not the best in other let’s say strength Sports and Elite uh Endurance Sports so it seems that some crossers can distribute their blood flow perfectly to do just CrossFit and we don’t know much about this as scientist as let say the human population and that’s why I think from a scientific point of view and physiological point of view cross is super interesting and you do what you what you find interesting kind of right ah true that’s right that’s why hey that’s why I’m here exactly I think they’re coming in right men are getting close we’re about the 230 Mark and I think on the women’s side we saw them coming in on the first run right around the thre minute Mark so we’re having probably about within 30 seconds of coming in for that first run and I tell you what if anybody’s coming in at a sub three minute 800 they were probably oh there they are40 juk it yes I hope that’s not a true 800 because we we may be there you know watt SS you know what you need to do is you need to go out and uh measure the Run course maybe two or three times and see if that’s a real 5K all right Lazar jit is actually to the bar first first as sing athletes are coming in and singles across the board so far and you see Michael Smith on the bottom side of your screen in the blue shirt Michael Smith an athlete have been to the game before and he’s looking to see if he can make his way back Michael Smith 6 foot 210 so maybe not built for running but definitely for moving a barbell athlete out of Crooked Lake Cross it in Ireland this is his third semifinal two one event win and that came all the way back in the 2014 regionals where he took or his best finished was second Lazar jukic out the door already at 340 Michael Smith behind him at 345 348 so your top three a little bit tighter in the first run window and that tends to get spread out a little bit but Lazer jit holding on to that first place position as the rest of the field is slowly making their way out for their second [Music] run just past the 420 Mark there’s a 30 minute cap for this event we didn’t see anybody in need of that when the women’s turn as we uh working out to the next run but we got some bar bills out here and if you guys know anything about bars is outfitting all of these semi-finals and that’s the and that’s Rogue Fitness and the quality that they bring out if you guys can get your phones out scan the QR code now as the Rogue shorty bars space saving barbell oh here’s a w Science question short bars versus the regular bars when it comes to weightlifting how about that I have to look at it that’s a good question well I mean ask any AET across the board is like you know you’re going to get less whip on a on a on a shorter bar it doesn’t add weight but it definitely makes it harder to move which I always think would be a pretty here this is me saying you do the work you do all the work but you know when you look at levers and pinch points of where the the weight distribution is and those shortboard short bars always feel heavier because the lack of whip you get from a longer one yeah early with with Touch and Go movements I would say so that’s maybe also why they uh yeah that why they want to do um not the touch and go on most of the the athletes here yeah uh that’s that’s not why I do singles I do singles because I can’t touch and go but I’ll blame it on the short bars from now on so men are out for their second run Lazar jukic in the first heat obviously what he did last year winning this semi-final in 2023 when it was in Berlin how many semi-finals have you personally been to uh this is my first one first one this my first one you’re coming to a good one yeah coming to a good one we are in Leon France it’s absolutely beautiful outside the weather a little bit colder than I was planning on although of course you know that’s what happens when I look at celsius instead of degrees Yeah it’s beautiful outside it’s not too warm also inside the arena there’s just plenty of oxygen it’s not like yeah full of CO2 so I think that’s good for the athletes also for their health because I think yeah such a long day all the spectators when there’s no oh yeah yeah breathing up everybody’s air exactly there he Lazar already back in he looks very likeed tell you what hot on his heels it’s Michael Smith so Lazar Chic in the white and green making the turn he’ll move to his bar as Michael Smith they might get to the bar at nearly the same time so Michael has closed the distance on Lazar on that second run Lazar jits top left corner of screen going for singles same with Michael Smith so that’s what I mean with with like the distribution of blood flow right like all the blood or most of the blood is pulled in the the lower body and now they have to also use the shoulders because it’s a relatively heavy weight certainly after yeah seven eight reps you know and it’s not always the one who has the the the biggest endurance capacity you wins you also need to distribute the blood and this is something we don’t know much about and very interesting and we talk about that and certain exent but it’s also making sure that you are not mismanaging your movement patterns and making it harder than it is with sloppy technique or bad reps Lazar jukic out the door at 736 my goodness he is putting how much room that he just made on Michael Smith we said they were tied when they got to the bar Michael Smith is now 10 seconds behind him after 10 reps oncle also makes a big difference it’s not only the running here I would say it’s predominantly the running but not like I would say 60 40 they definitely running heavy just and you just think like time oriented too we’re spending maybe 60 70% of the time on the Run however it’s inter to see that combo you can make up the time on the run but you can also make up that time on the barbell as well especially when everybody’s doing singles I think if this was a way that you could touch and go that would be a different story if this was any lighter say 155 and 105 and then it’s a definite running workout because you can’t gain an advantage on the Barb if you’re cycling easy but at 185 and everybody is doing singles then it’s that time back to the bar how efficient you are with the bar is that bar going to take away from your runs round that’s why it’s a beautifully program workout you you yeah just heavy enough but not too heavy keep going OG workout you know well you think about too is it’s yeah it’s it’s old school it’s classic cross it manifested in hey we want our athletes to be able to run far lift heavy and if and if you know B if you know Adrien Bosman I I feel like almost every year no matter what competition is alive there’s always been a run lifting comboed element whether it’s scored differently or evenly programmed in a particular event and I think this is a classic Adrien Bosman stamp on the program yeah talk about hybrid training you know lifting heavy and also be able to run and that’s why I mean it’s not also one let’s say entrepr of of of athlete that will win here you can be tall in this work actually do very well because you just have yeah longer strides um you can be relatively light because then you can run a bit faster but maybe bar is a bit heavier so that’s why I think it’s a very balanced workout and a good semi final workout well it’s always good to see an event program where you don’t just pick a person based off their stature knowing they’re going to work now there some of those events are in play especially in CrossFit I mean you know this with what you do is that anthropometric play a relatively big part in Crossing because we are doing movements with our body and that is a big difference but the way this is programmed like you said it is could be we say The Tale of Three athletes right you might have the endurance-based athlete versus the strength or you have the smaller athlete versus the bigger and then you have that person right in the middle and it’s not hybrid you’re just fit you’re just the fittest person in the room and that’s what we’re trying to find to begin with yeah we did a study on on Elite cross with athletes it was the that determines their open performance quite a bit but not I think when you come into the semi-finals and the games then it’s much less of a factor so if you’re a tall person just get to the the quarterfinals and you’re good y hosta for example well yellow hosta oh is one of those athletes I’m curious to see him Prett Lazar jukic is done so he has extended his lead so after the second run Michael Smith has actually made up time but after the third one Lazar just right to the barbell wow Lazar jits top left corner of your screen in the white shirt first to the barbell has been first overall in this heat since we began and this is a man that does not want to be in an early Heat going in a day two tomorrow he won’t be yeah he will you won’t be 185 being in the first seat now knowing that as we are in heat one we do have a second heat left to go but Lazar jukic with the pace that he has on this barbell very impressive even though it is still singles but it’s quick singles and there’s not a lot of rest that’s being taken here around four three to four seconds for rep Lazar Juke it’s 1140 done with round number three as he goes out for his fourth round out on the Run course Michael Smith in the blue and black still has looks like two with three reps left to go one rep left for Michael Smith so Michael Smith still maintaining that second place position but losing time most of the time in the bar ball I would say I think he runs close to the same [Music] pace and you look at the combo these two movements as we’re talking about is you’ve got the run which is the more cardiovascular based however what’s happening to your legs on the cleaning jerk and if you think about what Mo what muscle group is just going to suck all the oxygen out of your body and it’s going to be those legs and the fact that they’re getting taxed twice per rep that adds into how well can you either recover or manage that fatigue on the runs yeah that’s that’s the beauty of CrossFit you know you you you tax one muscle group in certain way and then you come back to another movement and you tax it again performance just past the 13-minute mark as a 30 minute cap event as your top three guys in this heat are absolutely blowing the doors off everybody else as you have Lazar jukic Michael Smith is your top two but even in this he you’ve got games athletes enrio Zenon Henrik hopal and yoro care of this all in this seat King round number you see the 10 meter right after they stopped the last movement you have to keep going you know well it’s one of those nice things as you said this this stadium is is or this arena is getting bigger there’s more people coming in it’s getting warmer in here outside it’s nice it’s nice and cool so getting outside is one of those it’s the tricks of the brain during an event when you’re kind of grasping at straws try to try to get through it but it’s like just let me get outside and I can feel better or let me get around this corner or let me like you start you got to start playing those games with yourself when you’re out here in the middle of the event yeah these athletes are really riding the red line now just on on their threshold maybe just above because it’s a it’s a long workout to start with so this will tax them for the next events and that’s why it’s also beautifully programmed to to see who can recover from such a fatiguing workout if it’s like a two minute three minute friend these guys they they they can handle this but but this is long and and they will expend a lot of energy and and also sugars glycogen so that’s why that’s why it’s a good starting event I think what also too is that since it’s just one event today right it’s a good it’s you really don’t have a lot of reasons not to push yourself basically into the red knowing you’ve got a full day to recover Here Comes Lazer jukic and the shirt is off he’s running and just and Lazer he’s such a good runner he always has been since he’s been in this could be a winning time just no time wasted running to the bar picking it up right away nice tide efficient movement on the clean and jerk that transition from shoulder overhead the other thing too is just like the way he’s having that bar and bounce where it’s not all over the place out of control Michael Smith now in the door Lazar juk has five rips left to go as Michael Smith is yet to get to his bar he’s doing well on the run so yeah Smith still holding his ground but Lazar jukic three reps remaining and that’s really the first time we seen a sign of fatigue from Lazar as he’s doing that instead of the one step back the old two-step back 16 minutes laar one final round to [Music] go all right HRI Capal just entered the arena T tank top the cinching up his belt Michael Smith still working on his 10 reps hop a line right to his bar bottom left corner of your screen theor back to his late working all the way around on the backside come back for in Lane 20 that is Fernando parados out of crosses on Michael Smith Michael Smith 1640 40 seconds behind Lazar Henry have a line in bottom left corner of your screen he has five reps left to go so he’s trying to hold on to that third place position now it’s not necessarily when he gets off the bar because the top right part of your screen Paro set across at Wallace though he’s three reps behind Henrik haalan has to make up the ground between his Lane and fernandos so have a line in left corner of your screen tantang top last rep so he’s on his fourth round Fernando has one rep left himself he’s in the top right quarter in the white shirt he’s in Lane 20 as Haan comes around and this is where you see how close they actually are andos so they’re sitting in that third and fourth place position respectively in that [Music] third it’s great to see the outdoor run as well so we don’t have any problems with any potential machine or so that is differently calibrated I love this this is just pure H it is definitely much better and say a runner for uh 800 better for the uh well we can’t see the 800 but it is nice figuratively but because the athletes are so spread out you can still always see athletes moving so it doesn’t really matter too much to be honest I like it it’s also good for the athletes as you say and it’s just a more natural display of Fitness right get your feet on the pavement and just start running versus a versus a runner so it is nice that they did make that change as opposed to last year hate one of men individual event number one the only event they’re going to have today their event number will actually increase day to day so they’ll have two events tomorrow and three events to close out their semi-finals on Sunday we still have the teams as they are doing the opposite they’ve got three events today two events tomorrow and they will be done teams will have their version of this event coming up which I think is the worst of the two which is the 800 met runs then 15 worm thrusters between each round just past the 19-minute mark you see the breaks getting in slightly longer so this is the question as you as you test this event do you go for negative splits always try to go faster or do you just go hard and then try to hold on this is the the the question you have to ask yourself as an athlete you know think of the length that this event is as last is coming in for his Fifth and Final Round it’s not going to beat the 20 minute Mark but he will be quite close 24 and jukic be the first athlete going sub 21 one rep in for Laz jit all alone on the competition floor he had about a 40c lead on second place Michael Smith Michael Smith coming back in he’s start to get round to his farbell but lard duic is putting his fifth rep in the air he top time for the women was 2111 Lazar jukic has four reps left to go it’s Michael Smith is making way to the bar what a great start for Michael Smith Michael Smith who had been to the games once in 2019 is trying to see if he can make his way back is only 10 spots here for the European semifinal for the men and Lazar juk 2033 unofficially for Lazar jukic taking wi’ll be interesting to see if some people go unbroken out just lost round to to shave off five six seven seconds you know HRI line is in he has made a big change as he was chasing Fernando peros was just passing him so HRI habal and just turned on the Jets on that last run as Michael Smith on the left side of your screen closes his event one out 2107 unofficially for Michael Smith and Hanah abalan who has quietly had a lot of success here at the European semi finals over the years last year taking second Place overall to Lazar jukic in 2023 in 2022 in strength and depth he also took second place so two back-to-back second place finishes at semi-finals for HRI haalan who just finishes up his event it’s nice to seeo is is is a much lighter athlete and he also performs very well in this workout compar to Lazar he’s a bigger athlete and and so he will be fourth fifth Rico so it’s a good good result for him I think come on make some noise for your ring sh 2207 and Rico Zenon is done doing everyone a disservice by wearing a shirt how dare you I mean we’re running outside righten if I look like enrio Zenon I would probably never wear a shirt anywhere in public on a train why deprive everybody of that un official although maybe with the the jokes it might be a bit slippery no they they’re sting really hard now so hey stop trying to get him to keep his shirt on let let me dream 2250 for S final wraps for you’re he1 athletes as we just had three make their way in 23 10 reps 185 clean and jerk 50 total WS what’s fun about this workout is you can you can do it as an as an RX Elite athlete yourself try to to pick a weight where you also have to go singles but not too light and see if you can beat the guys or or be close to to the same and that’s fun about this OG programming you don’t have the super difficult movement so it’s quite relatable for people at home I think and and we see that throughout the weekend is that there there’s nothing clever cute there’s no pirouettes not saying they they shouldn’t be in competition but the fact that they’re not I think really levels the playing field a little bit more to just all right who’s the fittest 10 guys here who’s the fittest 10 girls here we’re not going to trick you we’re not going to out program you we’re just going to give you six events and just you guys go battle it out for it hey what’s the wad science on games distribution spots do you want to jump into that realm at all I mean you have to dig into the data right seems that Europe didn’t get too many spots but I’m pretty biased here I would say I’ll just let you speak to it I’ll stay quiet over here on the corner as not to disrupt the status quo but if you I I got invited by you guys so coming up to the 25 minute Mark just 30 seconds from that we are still 5 minutes from the 30 minute time cap no one is in danger of that but the time caps extended as was talking to Adrian BOS this morning so he wants to make sure everybody gets to experience this workout at its fullest that’s nicely expressed how nice of him yes what a what a generous human being two reps to go two more reps to go Jules Castor out of cross at happy Hearts we still have one heat left to go Lazar jit being in this heat there’s a penalty in quarterfinals which put him lower in the seating however after one event they’re going to reat tomorrow and Lazer may be in familiar territory being that final Heat going into tomorrow top of your screen in the orange will be yell hosta now the thing for him is he’s out the door first but since it’s a loop everyone will be running the same distance however in the later rounds he’ll have the most area to get to as to get to his barbell now it all evens out in the end but we saw this in the first heat with uh Ella wilington about she was first out the door but she was so quick on the runs she almost got out of everybody’s sight to where they just didn’t either want to chase her or knew that she was there yeah there’s always a bit of a benefit of kind of breaking that vision of sight you know if they forget about you that’s definitely a benefit you think about I mean your Endurance Sports background triathlons and and and such is like that’s a big part of it especially when you think well the ones that you can see like biking and running running in particular is okay can I play that game cuz there’s about three or four switch backs outside where you can see your can’t and if I can get out the door and just get enough away out of your sight that you just don’t want to chase me they’re all capable of but there’s some distance around there where you just don’t feel like you can yeah and also it’s a little bit demoralizing if every time you do if you’re the person chasing and every time you come around a corner that person in front is just a little bit further away it it’s not long before it starts to break you and you realize what’s happening and you you have to make that choice of do I try and chase them or actually am I going to stct to my strategy and let them go and that’s the other thing if you’re the person out in front there is a temptation to be like well I can’t let anyone beat go past me because I’m out in front and at the same time that could then come around to kick you in the bum later and even more so it’s like there’s one to see him when they’re 40 yards away but if it’s a 2020 switch back and you can’t even see if your pace is even gaining you that ground so it’s very interesting that at that they have that run setup for this now time to be 2033 by Laz jukic we just passed the 2-minute mark he rolled in at about 230 233 so that’s where we put the ish on the 800 met run say that’s a fast 800 yeah that’s a fast Switchback 800 if I’ve ever seen one but say in your head is that okay you didn’t really get to run this course say you’re you’re you’re competing here you do the first run how are you approaching that first run am I pushing the pace based off what I know it feels like and then kind of assess that with the clock when I come in yeah for sure I think it definely need to be go by feel on this on Q 231 and yellow host are just behind him yellow you won’t be able to miss him he’s in the orange it is a strong start so yellow HOSA he’ll all he’ll be all the way on the back sidee headand coming in BOS and that’s Colin bosard so Colin was actually one spot out of qualifying last year at semifinal him and yell HOSA are side by side bosard in the blue yell hosta in the orange both coming in right around 3:30 and Luc and you said the barbell cycling as far as Tempo because everyone’s still going all singles for the men we saw a little different strategies for the women but it’s is that bar in control when you drop it are you in control when you are moving throughout the process all of that can add up over time yeah for sure like you know every time you drop that bar there’s a reason that they’re dropping the bar and not cycling it and that to give themsel a little bit of breathing time you don’t really want that bar to rest on the floor too much um but you definitely don’t want to have that time and attention of actually chasing the bar down in that touch and go though bossart out the door first at 335 yellow hosta behind him at 342 and then it looked like na maer had have cross at 148 is actually in third very very close to yell hosta so your top three separated by about 7 seconds with Colin yella and na na a rookie coming into this season out of Georgia one of the very few athletes that actually been competing at the semi-final level none calling for the cross the games out of Georgia rookie on the scene at least on the semi-finals qualified six overall coming out of quarterfinals took second in 24.2 in the quarterfinal event for Europe which tells me the GU got an engine yeah for sure we’ve got a um guy from Georgia at the gym that I work at and he was saying that this guy was going to be one to watch on these kind of workouts for sure starting with day number one now we have one event today two events tomorrow three events on Sunday for the individual so it’s increasing which we haven’t seen before which is very interesting but having one event today and it being this particular event are you maybe pushing a bit more knowing you have some recovery coming in not having two events on the day yeah I think so I think you know it semi-finals level it is all to play for you can’t really afford to be thinking I’m going to hold back not unless you are someone that is leaving the field by a mile and then you think okay I’m just going to make sure that I stay ahead on the last run rather than actually push the last run I think for most people they are going to be leaving on the event you think this event a five rounder like this you you know round one to round five we obviously know that’s different but I always feel like there’s that second round smack in the face of how I actually feel and is that going to come on the second run or the second time that bar comes off the ground pretty EAS I think you usually I think it will come on a second run in terms of that heart rate shop and you’re like oh God okay this is how we’re going to go and then I think the third one is where you’ll really start to feel if you’ve gone a little bit too hard in that first two rounds and then four and five that’s where the people that have paced it perfectly they’re going to start to make the move and pull away and the people that have gone out too hot I’m really going to start to feel it one two is like athletes have had more time than ever with these events for a week one athlete so they should at least know what that feeling’s going to be and when you think about a five round event that has 800 met runs in it how are you pacing that out is it a negative split one to five take the first round and just to see how I feel on the day because I mean what how you feel on Game Day first event of the weekend can be different than how it felt in practice or training yeah and I think that’s sometimes one of the things about like having a direct Pace that you’re trying to hold versus giving yourself a little bit of freedom in terms of I’m going to run it by feel on the first round because an actual faster Pace might feel a little bit easier on the day you do that 800 met run you come in you’re like oh I did not think I was going that fast and now I’m in trouble how I thought I felt was a lie Colin Bossard is in the lead however yell host to close that 7sec Gap but in the right side of your screen in the white shirt top right is actually Luca vunak out a cross it minus he made up a lot of ground on that second run Luka vunak actually had a great open performance he’s been on the scene for quite a while this is his third semifinal qualified in 2 and 23 best overall finish was ninth in 22 which had they had been taking 10 at the time he would be in a qualifying position and there it is Luca vunak is off the bar first so even though he has to get around he’s currently leading in this seat along with oldis Enix just behind him boss hard’s out the door yell hosta as well but right at stands right now it’s actually top rer screen luk vunakis upix Colin bosard and then yosta much different than we saw after the first round yeah it was the pace on that barbell for yell just dropped off and that gave the opportunity for oldis to come through along with bkg most athletes in for their second round of cleaning jerks as they are going out for their third round and left side of your screen no shirt black shorts is actually Victor Hofer who’s about middle of the pack if not bottom five in this heat and Victor you talking about pressure I mean the amount of people talking about Victor Hoffer going to the crossing Gams for the first time if not maybe Podium hearing or winning has been pretty loud going in and this doesn’t look like the best start for him even though it’s just the second round of five yeah I mean I think it’s a difficult one because this is not you listen to any podcast you talk to anyone that he’s involved with this is not his top event and so I think this is a bit of a damage control event for him for sure but also like that hype around him sometimes that’s a downside to being with a big company like hwpo like you have that attention on you automatically just because of the name associated um so I think it’ll be interesting to see how he handles the pressure of you know the hype making his first games being at a home crowd everything like that and also unfortunately not starting with his best event well anything better too is that yes we’re not starting with his best event but potentially getting his worst one out of the way and it’s only one so there won’t be any maybe event hangover in the same day but he’s going to get his right we’ve got two events coming up the likess Rope climb event and the handstand walk event could be potential wins for Victor Hofer yeah exactly I think that hand one’s going to be really interesting because I think a lot of that event is actually going to be on the road Pace but when you have some really good handstand Walkers that’s where they’re going to be able to pull away on that and it’ll be a very almost counter to what we’re seeing today between the longer run and the barbell cycling and then we have those moderate distance rows and then a shorter handstand walk it’s going to be very interesting to see how those two kind of oppose each other here this weekend waiting for who will be coming in first it’ll be most likely Colin bosard who’s on the backside so he’s the first one out however Luca vunak who was in lane one they’re basically on opposite sides of the corner even though they’re 10t apart when it comes to their spacing in the arena but Luca vunak made up a lot of ground on that second round not being one of the bigger athletes in the field I mean Luka vunak sitting at you know he’s usually more that that open work style right the the the weight specialist but oh oh yell hosta has actually moved ahead of bosart but here’s it look at the top part of your screen and that’s the benefit there or not the benefit but the deceptive position that Luca vac’s in because he’s already two reps in and if you want to see who’s in the lead at the specific time it’s when they finish the cleaning jerks as you’ll know because the distances look different even though it’s the same in total race to the finish together you go Luka about halfway through 24 years old out of Serbia was the third on the bar har going ladies gentlemen bottom right side of your screen Harry Lightfoot another athlete not unlike Colin bosart is just getting better every year has the potential to go to the games but man in it honestly here in Europe there’s just so much talent the depth of field is so far yet the spots interesting that was your first task to see what would Lucy do if I gave her the opportunity to talk about that top four athletes are out the door just past the 12 and a half minute Mark again they’re all chasing the time set by Lazer jukic at 2033 as we’re starting our fourth round it’ll be interesting to see the impact of those Touch and Go reps on Harry’s next run Pace yeah I don’t remember him doing that in the previous two rounds maybe he thought he needed to make up some time that it wasn’t happening on the Run ladies and gentl which is not what I would go or do I was surprised to see touch and goes for the majority of the rats in round three about 10 athletes on the floor working through their third round of clean and jerks 185 on the bar see top right side of your screen just exiting his mors feig been the game’s backto back years best finished last year I would have thought uh yosu would have been higher than this he’s usually pretty engine based but he’s just followed Victor Hopper out that is definitely odd position for Yosi who I mean even I spoke to this a bit coming in is that I thought y had the potential to win this whole thing but his open and quarters performance definitely look like that bronos alowitz on the right side of your screen in the blue one of the last athletes to be done Kevin jur out of tanel and Crossfit upper left part of your screen Braun is uh clean and push pressing it he’s just reluctantly moving the barbell it’s like you know what a good way to offset those 800 met to runs if this bar was 315 lb I’ll use my shoulders as much as possible CU then I don’t need it for the run roswitz will be finishing off his third round as we’ll keep our eyes out to see if we have a change in our top five men coming in from the fourth run yela had moved ahead of Colin bosard but it was Luca vak that actually closed the distance more on the run which is not something we’re used to seeing with Y hola in the field we are past the 15minute mark Lazar jit who’s actually done with round four at the 16 minute Mark L and here comes Luca vunak and Luca vunak has moved ahead of both oldis uix and yell hosta on the run as oldis uix another athlete that actually does very well when it comes to running events with some cycling in there he won the Run portion of the running jerk event in the 2022 games and he seems to be just getting stronger every round on this and bnac looks pretty tired coming off that run so it’ll be interesting to see if he can hold it for the last round all this open x four time cross at games athlete this is his fourth semifinal appearance Two event wins and now L the suix out of lvia is trying to keep Pace with Luca vunak both have one rep left to go so oldis uix has actually pulled ahead of lunak as he has one left to go so oldest uix is now your leader and he’s about 15 seconds off the pace of Lazar jukic as LCA vunak is off his bar in on to his last 800 met run top of your screen yell hosta has two reps remaining Colin Bashar to his left also two and it’s the lane 20 Mike Michael wowski who actually qualified for the games last year is next to him but it is oldest opix as yellow hola Colin bashard are done and Luca jukic is now actually at head of yosta if you just think of time done so Luca jukic actually might be in a third place position in this heat as Fab and Bonito comes in the waiting for the next athlete to get off the bar and it looks like it’s going to be Lane number 13 NAA Maes out of cross at 148 so n was about third after the first round still holding a top six position so a decent performance again rookie rookie debut here at semi finals bottom left corner of your screen in the black and white hat is yon aosi as borin Carl Goodmanson is done so bkg on the left and the white and black is done with his 10 clean and jerks as we have one round remaining as we approaching the 18-minute mark it’s always funny to see the first few steps that they do off the barble into that run it’s a proper Shuffle I think it’s hamstrings and heart rate at this point very reluctant steps Mor feig Alex culis out the door for their Fifth and final round3 time to beat 2033 by Lazar jukic in the previous Heats you’re overall leader so far in this heat is Luca vunak and when he comes in the door he’s going to come right into Lane number one so that’s the benefit out of doing the longer run at the end or sorry at the beginning of your 800 because all athletes started on their bar looped around the arena and then went out the door [Music] and just coming in Kevin jur top part of your screen in the blue as well as bronislav lenowitz a win over Lazar this leader on the way out we’ll see if he’s leader on the way way in as oldis opix has one minute to catch the time of Lazar jukic of 2033 we’re at 1945 eight reps left to go for oldis really looks like he turned on the gas in that last run LCA vunak now entered the arena he has about 33 seconds to try to match up Lazar going to be very oldis has five reps left to go 30 seconds for oldis can he take the time to beat three left to go 20 seconds and a kick off the weekend with one final rep and maybe one attempt in a touch and go oldis uix will take event number one for the individual man at 2020 Here Comes Luka J Luca JIS trying to keep Pace trying to chase down Luca vunak as they have one rep left to go vunak will be done luuka jukic looks like he has one left to go himself both times will be behind the time of Lazar jukic so it looks like Lazar should unofficially hold on to a second place finish as ulis took him at 2020 fought by LCA vunak and Luca jish top part of your screen in the orange yellow holster is trying to hold off Colin bosard to the left side of shen naika just getting to his [Applause] barbell deam ban entered the arena the Frenchmen in front of the home crowd waving to get them on their feet Colin bosart has finished ahead of yell hosta yell hosta has one rep left to go yellow finish right around a time of 2131 as we have a race to the Finish between multiple athletes left side of your screen in the orange headband and across at 148 na measer days two final Reps for Harry liot Harry Lightfoot bottom right part of your screen he’ll actually sneak ahead of n so went Touch and Go able to hold on to that Furious Pace we’ll have to see if he just edged him out edged out n Alex culis top left part of your screen no shirt looking over at Mor feig in the black tank top just below him one rep left to go for Mor and mor will be done at 202 222 six and it looks like a race between culis and Fabian Bonito culis has one rep left to go he’ll finish at 2239 Fabian Bonito just behind him has five reps left to go Victor Hofer bottom left corner he’s now two reps inito [Music] just coming in Yosi and we talked about not thinking we’d see Victor Hofer in this position there is no bet I would have made that would have told me I would have sent Yosi in the bottom five in this heat yeah Victor Hoffer is done Yosi bottom left corner of your screen black shirt white hat he has five reps left to go top part of your screen Luis suer he’ll be done as yosi’s got three reps left now he’s not the last one in the heat we still have two athletes out on the Run that’s Kevin Jes and bronislav Al lenowitz one final for Yosi but 2353 unofficially for Yosi not the start we would have thought he’d see definitely not what he would have wanted and I hope this is more of a product of an event that just gets you sometimes versus anything else yeah for sure it’s not the start that he probably would have wanted but you know he’s a very seasoned game betet so you can never count him out we’ve got still plenty more time plenty more events to come few things are with some of these athletes in here one of the biggest ones out there is actually borvan Carl Goodmanson is attempting to qualify for his 11th consecutive cross hit games and would be the first athlete ever to qualify for 11 secutive we’ve had some that made 11 Ben Smith did 11 in 2019 but got invited to the Crosset games last year but bkg trying to do something no one has done in the history of this sport and qualify for 11 consecutive CrossFit Games had an injury last year just outside the top 10 just outside the top 10 for the first time and except I think for his first year competing at the Crosset games breaking an incredible streak of consistency that bkg has eight top 10 finishes at the cross it games for bkg bronos aleno Last Man on the field just a mere formality of him being able to get these last two reps as we’re well clear of the 30 minute time cap 259 and that’ll do it for the individuals on day number one we still have Team athletes coming up and Lazer juk set the time to beat in Heat number one but oldis upix came and beat that by about 10 or 12 seconds and we’ll see how this shakes out going in in one event doesn’t paint the whole picture five events left to go


    1. There is quite a few turns in that run. Three 90 degree turns to get around the barbell and another 7 or 8 on the course including an "S" turn and a 180 degree turnaround. 50 turns or so for the entire workout. That's going to mess with pacing.

    2. Anyone notice lazars clean and jerks? Picking up the barbell as the bar is bouncing on the first 4-6 reps. Just wondering how cf is judging considering they blasted the open athletes with penalties. Lazar picks up the barbell before the bar is at rest. Hard to notice as the majority of athletes are gassed and let the bar come totally to rest.

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