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    Slovak media reported that the attacker was a former employee of a private security company and author of a poetry collection Juraj Cintula. This is reported by local TV channel Markiza

    Public sources:
    Military map:
    Finnish NAFO fella, we deliver cars to kyiv together (OSINT), Joni Askola:

    Thumbnail made by Artem:
    Thumbnail made by Moiz:

    Slovak Prime minister Fico Shot:
    Who was the shooter:

    Video of shooting:

    Seconds after:

    16 ATACMS struck Belbek air base and planes:

    Photos and results scroll down:


    Belbek strike for the second night in a row:

    Blinken answered on the use of USA weapons on Russian soil:

    Blinken playing in a bar in kyiv:

    Russian meat conveyer:

    Russian grad on a highway, stops traffic to commit genocide:

    Medvechuc Yacht will be auctioned off for Ukraine:

    Estonian Foreign minister in Georgia yesterday:

    Analysis of Georgian situation:

    3-rd assault brigade reports that Russian meat assaults are fed pills:

    I upload EVERY DAY, until my next video, subscribe and press the bell notification to be notified.
    Slava Ukraini! Bye!

    hello my friends today is Thursday welcome back and happy Thursday to you you know who didn’t have a happy Thursday or actually happy Wednesday it was the Slovak prime minister a European Union country a democratic country uh the Slovak prime minister leader of that country was shot in the middle of daylight broad daylight in the middle of a crowd surrounded by his security detail he was shot it was an ass assassination attempt now we have information that he is right now in hospital with several bullet wounds I myself counted five shots and looking at the trajectory I would say that about three of them potentially hit so two to three bullet wounds in Slovak prime minister FICO he is not anymore in a life-threatening situation as the hospital reports we don’t know what’s the current situation exactly with his health but he’s not going to die that’s how much I got out of the hospital today my friends for obvious reasons I cannot show you the video but there are videos of many angles of the exact moment of the shooting all of the links are in the description below you can go and check them out yourself watch the whole footage analyze it yourself what really happened FICO was walking on the street surrounded by 5 to7 security detail all dressed in black looking very professional but then suddenly out of a crowd walks close to FICO a regular man about 2 m from FICO he pulls the gun and across the barrier just to people’s like these metal fences across that he points the gun at F at 2 m shoots two bullets then the security detail grabs his arm and then he’s able to shoot three more I would say according to my analysis about the last two bullet missed but even if the security detail grabbed his arm and weapon I think one bullet still went towards FICO so I not the one to blame anybody since I don’t have that kind of education or career behind me but I would guess that this attack could have been eliminated sooner or eliminated at all the reaction of the security detail took I’m not even going to say seconds I’m going to say shots it took two shots before they grabbed the arm and the third shot still according what looked to me at least went into the Prime Minister who then fell down the shooter was detained and the Prime Minister was rushed to the car and then to the hospital immediately now Slovak prime minister FICO together with hungary’s Orban are two of the European Union’s Prime Ministers who are known for their verbally uh expressed pro-russian views conservative views which are very similar to Russian propaganda talking points now the main question is why was this assassination made who did it well my friends the shooter has been detained we know who he is and I’ll read you a very short summarizing text about what we know about him the shooter who made an attempt on fico’s life at the moment of his arrest Slovak media reported that the attacker was former employee of a private security company and author of a poetry collection author of a poetry collection that’s always a bad sign urai kinta this is reported by the local TV channel Marisa in 2016 Kula himself survived an assassination attempt when he was attacked in ship Shopping Center in the town of levit by a young man who was in an inebriated State Quinta’s son stated that his father had a gun permit and denied information that had emerged that ginta was patient of a psychiatric hospital kinta is now in a custody and his case is being handled by the national criminal agency of Slovakia you can see the photos of the guy he was detained on the spot there are now his connections emerging with drum roll the FSB of course this is all rumors there’s no factual evidence as of yet but let’s go through them looks like Slovak prime minister Robert fos reported a silent writer uray Kula was associated with pro-russian paramilitary group slaveni Brank SB their leader was even trained by Russian expas soldiers so he has some connections in his past uh with the Russian fsp Russian SPS and Special Operations now this this does not itself say anything these early facts always come out with the huge information bubble everybody copies them everybody talks about them but there’s no in investigation going on yet so my friends I advise you to take them as rumors we don’t yet know who did it and after all fiko was known for his pro-russian views so why would FS be behind it everything is possible at this point and I’m not ruling out any I’ll keep it posted on this story uh very heavy investigations will start on this so you’ll get more information about it from my channel my friends yesterday I reported the Ukrainian an strike against belbeck Airbase in Crimea yesterday there was not much information about it out but today there’s more and now we know that it was attacked not with Storm Shadow but with attacks and not only attacks but 16 of them that is the biggest most grandiose use of attacks long range attacks that I’ve seen by the Ukrainian side 16 per one Target a b base well I guess the Ukrainian intelligence found that there were plar Russian assets airplanes clustered together into a tight space and they Struck it and by the fact that the fire is raged until morning fires usually burn a few hours then they burn out if they burn longer than that then something has to feed them for a lengthened period and this could be the wreckage of the planes ammunition or jetfuel massive blaze of the Russian belbeck Airfield in occupied Crimea after armed forces of Ukraine’s attack him Strike last night large secondary explosion are are observed now what does secondary explosions mean we so used to hearing all secondary explosions it really indicates that ammunition was hit ammunition dump ammunition Warehouse or ammunition on the planes they if they explode even hours later that means it was a motherload of ammunition it was bull’s eye and in this case it was and we have reports of what exactly was destroyed also and we’ll get to it last night approximately 0020 U 30 a.m. local time the Armed Forces of Ukraine launched at least 16 attacks missiles striking the Russian belbeck Airbase just north of s sople in occupied Crimea n NASA firm’s thermal imagery shows that large fire is located on the tarmar at geolocation and you can see the coordinates on the screen right here you can go and check it out which was based on satellite from as recent as May 10th 2024 on the May 10th image according to that there were many Russian ISU 34s and Su 35s fire bomber aircrafts parked right next to each other at the very location which later showed fire uh fire indicators according to NASA satellite imagery so potentially many Russian planes struck and here my friends we finally have photos of this attack uh the result of the attack I’m strike against the Airfield of belbeck was the radar unit of one of the local S400 air defense systems which is supposed to protect the Russian base has been eliminated in the background uh the te units can be seen now that’s not it now we have unconfirmed losses combined one me 31 destroyed three Su 27s damaged and these were damaged by the submunitions not the main blast but the small um cluster Munitions but for an airplane I mean every damage is vitally important since everything is so clustered together under that hood a lot of wires a lot of tubing ammunition and fuel every small hole counts and one s300 and one S400 radar air defense system also 11 Russian soldiers lost their lives and now I’ll read you a report from coming from Russian sources Russian military correspondents write this in their telegram channels bad news from sevastopol we have lost airplanes air defense and Military as a result of shelling cople with attack missiles we have unfortunately suffered serious losses the enemy hit the aircraft at BC Airfield one Meek 31 was lost completely destroyed three Su 27s were damaged they were hit by submunitions from missiles we are now finding out if they can be repaired we hope so two Weare defense launchers s300 and S400 and radar were also lost unfortunately 11 military personnel were killed so this is a very juicy Target and one of the biggest rear attacks by Ukrainian armed forces and that is not it this is the top shop moment right now because this attack carried on for tonight also for the second night in a row ukrainians struck belback Air Base I guess they found out that after the first strike Russians did not move their jets away so there was another strike today two strikes in the same location means it has to be a damn juicy Target there a lot of planes clustered together in a tight space that’s what it was tomorrow will find out more information about today’s strike on the very same location my friends very interesting news comes from Anthony blinken of United States about the United States Weaponry provided to Ukraine now one of the biggest drawbacks or setbacks about the United States Weaponry given to Ukraine is that they are not allowed to use them on Russian soil that is what enabled for example the new Haru offensive to happen because Russians were gathering this 50,000 strong Invasion Army there for at least two to three weeks ukrainians were not able to do anything against them with United States Weaponry but for example attack ‘s cluster Munitions would have made quick work of the troop Gathering locations they were not allowed to use them and now after the opening of the new front in hard by the Russians Anthony blinkin comes out with a new interesting message I’ll read it to you and you can see it in the video also it is a little bit of a word game here blinn’s statements regarding the use of weapons provided by the United States for strike on territory of the Russian Federation let’s see what he said as I said we are absolutely committed to the cause of Ukraine’s victory in this war for the sake of the people for its future we recognize this in our policy and emphasize that Ukraine should make the decision for itself make the decision the context was that can Ukraine use the weapons provided by the US to attack Targets on Russian soil and this was blink’s answer they will make the decision Ukraine will make the decision so before blinkin was very clear that United States weapons cannot be used on Russian soil but now after the opening of the new front and Ukrainian forces uh forced to retreat from northern Haro blast blink’s messaging has changed and if this really green lights the use of United States Weaponry on Russian soil this is very bad news for Russia since Russia knows the limitations on these weapons and is not afraid to Cluster thousands of their men together on Russian territory because Ukraine does not really have enough weapon to to attack them or the political and is not permitted to attack them but now this can change this can change how Russian does conduct their Logistics on their side of the Border how they gather their men how they move their ammunition and fuel it changes a lot and my friends blink and did surprise visit to Kev and in this video we can see him playing guitar and singing in a kiev k bar now I got to say I’m quite impressed about the skills he has he can play and he can sing and he also reported in Kev about 2 billion military aid packet to Ukraine but it’s not what you think cuz it’s really not I don’t want to say this but it’s it’s really not Weaponry given to Ukraine this will this two billion would be a separate fund created to fund Ukrainian military startups and Ukrainian military in industrial complex so to create new weapons and new production in Ukraine that’s what this 2 billion is for it’s great news my friends this next video might shock you and of course if if the video is demonetized and and we cannot show it CU I’m not sure yet you can see it in the description below but this is about the Russian meat conveyor meat industry you know Russian meat assaults are sent uh 200s are formed meaning they lose their lives and are um retired from this life and some of these soldiers will be sent back to Russia most of them won’t most of them will just push up sunflowers in the fields of Ukraine but in this instance we see on a video of a Russian semi zero line or Frontline meat conveyor the bodies that they do get pack they just put on wooden boxes couldn’t call them coffins they’re more like packaging in these wooden packaging and black bags they send the bodies back to Russia usually they have to wait for quite a long time and it’s warm also then they have to fly on a plane and since it’s Russian bardak which is like a word of nothing really working properly uh they will have to wait on the Russian airfields also before they are buried in Russia or sent back to the Villages wherever they came from meaning by the time these packaged Russian soldiers who no longer live reach their destinations they don’t smell that good but yeah you can see this is Industrial Level packaging of Russian meat my friend this next video I don’t even know if I can show it or if I can but you can see it all in the description below and if I can’t I will just describe it so you this is a Russian Highway on the belr blast and civilian cars are driving along it and suddenly they have to stop because there’s something on the road that’s something stopping these civilians from going to work Russian civilians going to the Russian jobs in belgar is a Russian grad system which decides right here on this highway is the place that I have to commit genocide they’re launching their Rockets towards Ukraine towards Northern har blast right on the civilian Highway all of the civilians have to stop and what watch their country commit genocide a little mourning genocide for them my friends I’ve now opened a topographic map for you and if I zoom out you can see the whole har blast right here and we zoom into the northern har blast to see the topographic map mountains and valleys which is one of the most important things on the defense and on the offense uh ukrainians have positioned all of their defenses in the depths about 5 km from the border this is how much Russians have advanced about 5 km and as we can see their main goal Russia’s main goal right now vjun the city right here biggest city in the area as you can see it is in the valley this is a mountain this is a mountain Russians occupying this area on a mountain but the city is in the valley and Russians are trying to take it now if they do take it they are in a valley in a city surrounded by Hills that are fortified with Ukrainian suiting positions so ukrainians have excellent firing positions into the settlement if Russians were to take it and if they hold them Russian will take massive losses in that settlement just by being there because they’re right on the palm of Ukrainian artillery now this is not the only outcome other outcome is they take the city and push forward and actually take these Ukrainian uh fortifications on The High Ground these Ukrainian defensive lines on the Hills now if these are lost it’s very bad news for Ukraine since Russians can push forward now themselves occupying defensive positions on a high ground which are also fortified so the main defense from the northern haror k a blast and the main goal for the next few weeks for Ukraine is to stabilize the front and keep the fortifications on The High Ground right now this is so Russians are attacking daily time will tell if they’re able to push ukrainians out of the Hill fortifications let’s call it like that in the past year it was incredibly difficult for Ukraine to build out these defensive lines on the Northern harv Area and and still we have videos right now showing where Russians Advance they see Ukrainian Dragon steam you know the anti-ang obstacles being clustered together in a mountain in a piles why were they not deployed there’s a very sad story for this because they were meant to be deployed on the defensive lines but many times ukrainians had this mission to deploy them Russians methodically hunted down Ukrainian engineering Equipment tractors trailers um you know bigger engineering equipment you need to move heavy stuff on the front lines this these were destroyed one by one by Russians with the Drone and also the crews were killed so ukrainians simply were not able to deploy the Dragon’s Teeth to the right positions so uh they settled with fortified bunkers built but the dragon teeth were not deployed and this has caused heavy drama on Ukrainian media since Russians are advancing and seeing just piles of Dragon Teeth not used so ukrainians are asking questions like why are they not deployed well this is the answer they were many times the mission the order was given many times but simple as that Russians hunted down the engineering equipment my friends on these photos you can see the yacht of the Russian oligarch medv chuk medv chuk was actually arrested by Ukrainian sbu over a year ago but then he was exchanged back to Russia for some as of style officers to go back to Ukraine so now he’s alive and well and working for the Russians and spreading prop propaganda in Ukraine with his Crews sometimes working on the ground to influence Ukrainian population especially the older population the two pro- Russian views now his yacht was in Croatia this is not just a yacht this is a $20 million worth of yacht it is one of the more expensive yachts in the world I’m not saying the most expensive just saying it’s it’s up there and this yacht is being detained by the cowetts and now uh Ukrainian and croats working together have finalized the process of confiscating this met chuk 200 $2 million yacht and they will auction this off and the money will be used drum roll to buy weapons for Ukraine yes this is beautiful I love it and I wish European union and United States and Canada would um follow down in a similar path confiscating the hell out of Russian oligarchs properties auctioning them off and buying weapons for Ukraine my friends now a proud moment for me this is Estonian foreign minister margus sakna in Georgia walking with the people walking with the protesters with the people who share the pro-european mindset who share the Democratic mindset fighting back under the pro- Russian government who has been paid by the Kremlin and the pro- Russian oligarch who leads the whole country like a shadow leader and with the Estonian foreign minister also Lan Lithuanian and Icelandic foreign ministers walk in Unis and walk together side by side with the people against Putin’s cronies who were all black and beat up the protesters they told torture them and they threaten their families also I’m proud that my country is represented by such brave men like margus sakna also he just came yesterday to Ray podcast yes foreign minister came to my studio and we made a whole hourong podcast he will be published on Ray podcast YouTube channel next Monday coming Monday on noon Estonia time link is in the description below go and subscribe to be notified when it comes out but my friends I’ll read you a very short summary about the whole situation in Geor and what’s the future outlook it’s not looking good on May 14th the Georgian authorities passed the third and final reading of the scandalous bill on transparency of foreign influence a law on foreign agents copied from the Russian one it’s the Russian law it pretty much gives the Georg and pro Russian government means to use any kind of force on people who have even slightest pro-european mindset they can jail them they can take away their money or businesses confiscate property it gives Russia in the long term full control over the country The Saga with the adoption of the Russian law is not over yet as president saloma zish promised to veto it however for the Georgian authorities overcoming the presidential veto is a formality a second vote by the majority is enough so if the president vetos it he promised to do so then the parliament has the right to vote on it again and then it passes anyway so unfortunately the pro Russian government has all of the power to pass this law the Georgian people can potentially stop the pro- Russian government protests in the capital of Georgia will continue because the majority of their participants mostly young people see the loss of their future and their country’s future the foreign agents Law requires you to declare yourself of foreign agents if you have any kind of connection with the European Union or the Western World for example if you’re a YouTuber and get paid by Google you’re a foreign agent for example if you have an online and you sell your grandmother’s handmade Georgian jewelry to European Union customers you’re a foreign agent what does it allow the government to do to you they can confiscate your money your company and they can actually arrest you and detain you so this law gives Pro Russian government and their cronies power over the people this law will enslave Georgian people Georgian authorities action put the country’s European future in question the Georgian government however says it is not afraid of possible sanctions well of course the government is fully pro- Russia and they get their money through Russia also is the goal of the protesters achievable parliamentary elections in Georgia are to be held in October 2024 the Georgian Constitution directly prohibits the disolution of Parliament and the appointment of snap elections right before next elections so this date will not change in October there will be Democratic elections in Georgia but the thing is if this law is passed now and there are 4 months to go to the elections then all of the so-called foreign agents will be let’s be honest purged out by the pro-russian government so they cannot vote so the elections are just a formality because all of the EU mindset people are declared as disident and Public Enemies and they really cannot turn out to the elections the window of opportunity for Georgian people is now it’s not tomorrow it’s not a few months it’s now it’s today uh I believe in the will of the Georgian people and their European mindset and I stand behind it like my country’s foreign minister marus sakna and I wish if you’re from Georgia I wish you luck I wish you strength take the bastards down my friends this news comes from third assault Brigade and you guys have given many trucks to them through my fundraisers actually I think it’s over five trucks that you’ve given they report that captured Moscow boys or captured Russians PS say that they are fed pills by their superiors before they go to me usol before they’re sent or forced to me us and these pills inhibit any sense of danger and risk and they’re possibly also painkillers in them so you get this mindless zombies who don’t feel pain because of chemistry in their blood and it also lessens the self-control factor of the frontal cortex so they just go they’re Dro and when they get sober they give themselves as prisoners because they don’t want to die and then they tell these stories to the third assault Brigade for example so Russia uses human wave tactics we saw how they process their meat after the meat has expired and they send it back in wooden packaging well before the meat expires they feed chemistry to it that’s the Russian style of warfare my friends now Thursdays names from buy me a coffee monthly members I am able to do what I do and also travel to Ukraine and help them thanks to buy me a coffee monthly members because they gave me the foundation the security to not worry about financing but worry about Ukrainian Victory and now also Georgian people’s Victory so I’ll butcher you you 10 names who have helped meam Greg David Pesco yonatan rals a Paulman y thank you from the bottom of my heart to each and every one of you supporters and if you like my channel become a monthly members and I’ll be butchering your name to Oblivion until my next video my friends which will be on Monday because tomorrow I’m going on a bike ride not just a bike ride I’m going to a 250 kilomet bike hike really 250 kilm wor like 180 miles something like that so I haven’t drove a bike in like two years and I’m doing this now so wish me luck uh sorry for not doing a video tomorrow but I’m getting fat I’m getting bald and fat so I got to go and ride my bike not a joke actually doing this so I’ll see you guys on Monday until till then slav ukra and bye-bye


    1. Fico insulted and called for violence on journalists and opposition many times and there were many attacks (and killed journalist) on targets of his hate. It's not right solution to shoot, but hate speech was his way to get more votes and fruit of this seeds came back to him.

    2. I do not know where from the news there is, but there is the still PRESIDENT of Slovakia with title on screen Prime Minister speaking of the attack on Prime Minister. Somebody at that news outlet did not make the homework

    3. Thanks again Artur! As always, a very professional and honest assessment of the Russian war of aggression. To get your message out to a wider audience, please remind viewers to give you a thumbs up during your broadcast. Bravo Ukraine!

    4. Thank you, Artur, for your update. I hope, you will have a great ride – it is really good for you to get some time off. Take good care of yourself and your finance.
      🇺🇦 Перемоги і миру всім українцям! 🇺🇦

    5. It always makes me proud as an American to see our flags in foreign protests because it represents freedom, but at the same time it makes me so sad to think about the current state of our government…..

    6. Well we don’t need pro Russian politicians in Europe. Because Putin is also trying to manipulate our own governments, just see what’s going on in Georgia.

    7. @arturrehi the slovak PM being verbally pro russian doesn't automatically absolve FSBs involvement, maybe he started drifting away from the rashans … or he needed some PR campaign … so they decided to orchestrate this

    8. iv seen the video, how when he was being shoved into the car was there zero not a tiny bit of blood on the floor, body armour maybe?

    9. Artur, thanks for providing truthful information on why the piles of dragoon tooth were not deployed. I am sure there was some corruption also involved but getting the facts out is important.

    10. Eyes tell it all.. the recent ex commander or general of the Russian army has some of the most "telling eyes" he knows what's about to happen. You can see it all over his face.. that's why he had to step away.. clearly putin has bigger plans.. ya know.. puttin.. imo.. is going to return Russia to how it was before the fall… putin knows EU is weak.. and Russia lies about numbers.. they all lying.. lying about men.. money.. economy.. it all. A bunch of dummies.. how we ever supposed to grow as a species when a few people control the world. What a fked up place.

    11. Those "pills" are most likely Oxycodone-based. It's cheap and effective and nearly completely gets rid of pain. Just turns it off like a switch and you feel like you can do anything. Though, to be fair, armies have been using drugs to enhance their soldiers since they were first discovered.

    12. This was the first time the Biden Administration has openly said that the U.S. support Ukraine actually "winning" this war. Before now he has only a ad the we will "support Ukrain's right to defend itself". Never mentioned he wanted Ukraine to actually win. This is great news. About two uears too late but we'll call it a win.

    13. Flags? Yes, the are made of cloth, but they are not clothes. Flags are intended to move freely, not hanging on some politician's shoulders. If you have a contact with that guy, please tell him that he not supporting the EU, but that he is insulting us.

    14. This is for your reference.


      Nuclear missiles cannot cause nuclear explosions.

      This is because with the transition to multi-nuclear warheads,
      the structure that combines nuclear materials into one
      is no longer possible.

      If a nuclear missile fission,
      it will produce intense light energy,
      but if it lands in the valley of a building,
      it will have little effect.

      Current nuclear missiles don't even have altimeters.

      This has been proven in my interactions
      with Russia, the US, and China.


      Iran's attack on Israel was US's hoax!

      This was sent via Bcc.

      This is a non-work email,
      so it is prohibited to read during work hours.

      Please forward this to anyone, including yourself,
      who is concerned about Israel's over-defense.


      The main contents of the report are as follows.

      I asked Sullivan, the presidential security adviser,
      whether Iran's attack on Israel was something
      that Sullivan had ordered Iran to carry out
      through the Kremlin.

      Sullivan's answer could be interpreted as follows:
      "No, Iran hadn't done it.
      U.S. military-owned drones were flown
      from U.S. military bases in Syria and Jordan. ”

      This fact was confirmed by the fact
      that no photos of the Shahed wreckage falling in Israel
      appeared on SNS.

      When I asked Sullivan
      if he had any photos,
      he present only a photo of a ballistic missile
      that did not appear to have fallen from a high altitude.
      Iran's attack on Israel is US's hoax!'s_attack_on_Israel_is_a_hoax.pdf

      "The Crocus City Hall bombing was an FSB false flag operation"

      "You should impeach Biden."

      This document was include report/proposal of COVID-19 SARS.

      This is the first warning about backroom deal between White House and Kremlin.

      Some Japanese document memos can be viewed by adding "J_" in front of the document name.

      The US media's lack of journalism allows for the White House's backroom imperialism.
      The US is a country with no democracy and no freedom of speech.

      Kaygo Ohtsuka

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