Chaotic day out in Germany.
    Mixed startboxes, late start, cars on the track, …. It was quite an experience.
    But in the end it was fun and the crowd was amazing!

    I arrived at 11.10am and was allready at the back of the startbox. Due to mixing men, women and 2 age groups there were A LOT of riders in 1 box. A big mess during the start and after a few miles we already were passing slower riders from earlier starts.
    Everything came a couple of times to a complete stop due to bottlenecks on the track.

    In this chaos I had no idea what my postion was. I thought it was around 50th place but apparantly it was +100!

    In the last lap I gave it my all and placed some attacks on technical sections and downhills.
    Gained 40 places and ended up as 62th out of 192 riders in M40-44 group.
    4 mins too slow for a worlds qualification.
    Next try in Houffalize.

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