Join Theo and myself for this year’s vlog at DW Stadium Fun Fair in Wigan

    The hottest funfair of this spring is back. Hosted by A L Silcocks, we have a great line up including AtmosFEAR, Round Up, Waltzer, Tagada, Miami, Dodgems, Sizzler, ski jump and for a limited time only, Air Raid Extreme!

    The line up will have changed since the vlog has come out, but with similar rides.

    In this vlog we show you the whole site and take you on rides too.

    This is a pay per ride fair. Rides are from £2.50. Parking is free on site, please navigate to ‘DW Stadium Car Park 1’ so it takes you to the correct place. There is security on site also. This fair is on until Sunday 19thMay 2024

    Please note we use specific equipment to film on rides. We strongly suggest that you don’t use your phone on rides.

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    #DWStadium #funfair #ptvlogsuk

    [Music] look at this weather it’s 25° in Wigan today hot weather for some hot rides here welcome back to the channel hope you’re well we’ll show you what’s here for uh this Spring’s version of DW Stadium of course will take you on some [Music] rides make sure you subscribe to the channel completely free to do so and also uh if you want to know what’s here before the Vlogs come out make sure you are following us on Facebook PD Vlog GK and for any more additional content follow us on Tik Tok which is BT Vlogs UK as you can see atmosphere [Music] here and so with Theo hi Theo it’s uh we’ve got the weather again haven’t we we had the weather in Lodo we had it in Chester and we also had it in nutford didn’t we so the trend staying how are you good yeah back at DW again that yeah we’ll show you what it’s here details of the spare are in the description below uh when it’s on toale where it is free parking by the way show you what here starting with atmosphere of course you’ve just seen the uh half of the cycle you’ll notice the uh crazy flipping of the seats as well and then it’s final inversion great little ride that we’ve done it quite a few times we did it in nsford um in one of our later in fact I think it’s the Vlog before this actually so the the Vlog before this was nutsford and we went on that you want to be in it oh you want to be in it are you in it now say hi it’s always nice to um meet people by the way if you do see us I said in a previous Vlog if you want to have a photo or say hi to us just interrupt the blog I’ve cut it as you have seen we’ll carry on with a tour and show you what else is here obiously atmosphere was that will William Roberts’s um W tagging but we’ll comment that in a moment not seen this in a little while but Theo has uh technically walked this Walter briefly last year uh when we went uh when we saw it last year did here you walked it briefly didn’t you so you’ve had an experience of walking a platform he’s not spun card so he’s had a little experience on this one so there that’s the Walter H typically this comes I think this is the third time this has been here I think it’s been under the ownership of William Roberts for 2 years now if I remember rightly and I love telling the story how he acquired it but I’m not going to say it again we kind of influenced him he told me that anyway I love that as I mentioned tager I so hot yeah William Robinson tag now again we did see this at um knoxford and it’s a tager Theo’s not done yet but Theo will not do a tager that is busy if you know you know it’s just too much of a Theo so uh yeah we got we got his T hopefully we it’ll go a bit quieter later and maybe will go on it as you may have seen ATF is a very busy T come on ride the super come ride the Super Bowl come on David hack is super bom he’s had this just over a year now always a popular ride dish we did this in h actually a couple of weeks ago when he was there this is Sil [ __ ] round by the way not like that makes a difference speaking of La silk it’s here has halfa Sil not Albert if you don’t know the joke I called him I I did a vlog at hinley a few years ago and I was constantly saying Albert Albert Sil it’s awful there sizz is here great sizz we did do this at Henley as well boss man himself is running [Music] this one if his rid is next to the the uh Miami trips Miami I don’t I don’t do this very often maybe today I don’t know I never really have an itinerary we do have that guys um a typically 250 this occasion which isn’t bad at all uh so you think going to come in that sh right um yeah again GTA GTA dods uh we saw this with KO it is a kawi ride there’s quite car rid there this time there DOD him here GTA Granda water oh it doesn’t say that does it it says autodome no does it what main character [Music] Frank it says Auto drum what say Auto oh Trevor who’s Trevor oh what uh I don’t really know you know Michael and Franklin you know Michael and Franklin is Franklin the guy that sck cars both all three of them well how’ you know you don’t know who Trevor is yeah but that’s yeah but nothing mate you know nothing go then uh yeah we did these I can’t remember where it was brogdale yeah frale we did them there did we yeah yeah de viewed there and it look really good it’s Led Led pixels we have a ski jum this is Marshall Hills [Music] is I’ve not done this in a long time I’m waiting for their Roundup to come back out they’ve had it in there they ear a lot work done on it they own pleased own Walter which is currently with with evans’s group in the Midlands they have a doding set and they have a round up and The Round Up in fact that round up was your very first Roundup do you remember it was said we went to Lancaster many years ago I think you were like six and you did their round up and it was the first one you ever did you remember don’t remember remember everything else there don’t you speaking a round up we do have a round up here I nearly said air ra I’m I’m getting way ahead of myself yeah oh sorry I won’t get you in it metor Round Up is [Music] here um we did that in hinley and at um nsford so yeah you like that round don’t you yeah more him than me everybody yeah we literally saw there but the vlog’s just gone out today actually your hands in [Music] [Applause] the I’m hoping we’ll get to see this in the dark later but with the clear skies and this fair closes at 9: we won’t see too much Darkness now just so you know by the time this Vlog comes out this won’t be here sorry SP your head so I tell you to get here while she can but I’ll put that on Facebook let me it’s back in Scotland after here is great to see it in Wales and it’s great to see it in the Northwest as well a lot of enthusiasts that don’t get to see this will get to see this in the Northwest so great for them to get here great great ride look at that yeah great we will be going on that later even even though we did it near day it’s a great ride we’ll show you the remaining rides the rest of them are kids rides uh including uh paratrooper toy set we’ve got the Ice Mountain that’s uh Co this we got the tea cups we got some uh little stalls as well game stalls and it’s not an arcade but it’s uh little pushes these are like from the ’90s these I don’t think it’s got the date on them get copyrighted doing this no no yeah um the think is Crompton used to make loads of pushes back in the ’90s some of them still exist such as them ones uh but yeah they they they’ve evolved now you don’t get those High ones anymore uh there’s a Play Place there there’s uh like slide we’ve got the little trap set I don’t actually know what they’re formally called train set I think H another teacup set entrance is here as I mentioned before is free parking loads of parking available out there uh Jets this is what Margo did on in hinley Margo did these Jets Margo’s third ride a game store the thing with P game store three different games three different games you can play bu trampolines H we got a toys set no ghost train I’ve just noticed and no fun El usually this is the Little M horn it’s not a m horn but it’s Ka is it’s music express it’s like the the only kind of mini mle I’ve ever seen I did say about it it’ be funny if it went fast but I think these were in nutford maybe uh more cranes these cranes seem to be popping up all over the place I mean there not the extent of France if you see my Cal Vlog got from France we went to France at the start of the year and they’ve got cranes over there the prizes on those cranes are on another level I actually won one if you haven’t seen it go to the Cal vog after this night tour complete we done a full tour and it’s taken like 12 minutes I’m getting CU we’ve not done it for a while and it’s waiting or maybe we might have missed this one actually yeah miss it [Music] uh do you want to do the Walter [Music] first got walk all the way back down there we don’t do dodging first yeah you do right we’ll do the dodging it’s other people on him tell you what let’s do this I don’t know what the first ride is it might be the Dodge him oh I don’t know if it’s the Dodge him you’ll um get the intro if not he’ll be all right the hands and the legs in I’m sure he says legs I said this last time there wearing shorts again you know this song Shame [Music] sometimes videos can get blocked from music so got to be careful you can tell he’s running manual once again oh that feeling [Music] there he go faster somebody [Music] SC ready ready to this is the bit slide [Music] everywhere oh my God that is so high you’re so close to the center [ __ ] Center strike feel like you could touch them okay is you like to do it one more time yeah one more time you ready yeah yeah 5 4 3 2 are you [Music] ready hey prac from you somebody scream [Music] next ride R tell your friends number [Music] one it’s a it’s a really good cycle really good cycle still the best looking even 5 days later I said 5 days after I said that yeah 5 days ago 5 days ago since we did that how is that R good yeah how about a bit more than good amazing got quite a few people on it now always good to see that right then pick a up what are we doing next oh by the way tou there’s no one on the touch him I did say it might be the dod obviously it was that um but yeah it’s hard to do a dodgey battle without anyone else on it so um yeah we didn’t do DOD G we’ll do the dod GS if there’s other people on it oh don’t you start there’s no fun house so I’m happy about that oh yeah oh no fun yeah we can’t do a fun house when there isn’t one oh don’t mess around I I’ll Take You Down [Music] right should we do the Miami we not done the Miami in a while love we you no you don’t want to do the Miami walzer yeah so now cuz I said let’s through the walzer you made me walk all the way to that end now we got to walk all the way to the other side you’re not even listening to me okay we’re going to go all way all the way to the other side there’s actually quite a few people around that’s almost cool as well um yeah we’re going to go all the way to the side and we’re going to do I’m always saying diamond is but it’s not Robert is w 5 4 3 2 [Music] 1 it’s been a little while since ready you’re going to get a good ride tonight let’s see the away from high get the oh we’re going the right way now come on guys let’s see you want to get hey I need to a bit more over let’s go the other way he come on let’s see a screen come on scre we got everybody scream yeah let’s get these platforms going [Music] [Music] he scen everybody makes noise if you [Music] [Applause] and uh for the first time on a waltzer it has just tripped out [Music] again the Target and it’s next it’s the same ran off the same gen that tried as well not an uncommon thing and nothing wrong with that it happens in your own house as well if you like just turn them off let’s do it here we go my house anyway on somebody right here we go thanks so if you want to go fast that [Applause] [Music] the W high reach to the sky W High come on the you don’t care Mak some noise [Music] of you telling meaning [Music] [Applause] [Music] now we’re cooking come on guys make some noise if you want [Applause] your let time [Music] we X machine X machine X [Music] machine okay next one wait for the to stop please next ride wait for the r to stop please [Music] the wall yeah just so you know in case you didn’t notice the ride tripped out it’s not uncommon it does happen basically what that means is they lose power if you’re wondering how the power rides at backrounds they ran off the lorries the L lorries have generat on they’re powered by the engine of the Lorry if for whatever reason it’s like stalling your car is it really you stall the car it’s too much power supplies and it trips the ride out and it’s it’s totally safe and everything as you saw it just stops the ride from going round now them two are raring by the same guys they’re powered by the same truck so that tricked out and so does that I was looking over I could just see it rolling around a little bit and anybody can do it it can happen at theme parks theme parks can have power Cuts just the same so that’s what happened there just in case you’re wondering there’s nothing nothing bad about it I’m hoping it gets quiet on it it’s such a popular ride is it tagers always do well here then again you might seen that but that tag generally does well great tag I’m just hoping he goes a bit quiet so Theo can do it well I don’t know what are we going on should we do super super Bob or twiss or Miami or round door [Music] oh man I’m sure it’s getting harder to work with [Music] Theo I’m looking forward to Margo taking over your position no we’re actually walking up and down hoping for the dodging and I’m hoping on this occasion a few people go on it so we’re going to do the doding aren’t we yeah the question is who is going to win me is it team Paul or team place your bet it’s D [Music] stadi I won’t drop you go [Music] [Music] oh de I’ll let them be here we [Music] go oh why is it my car’s going slower than [Music] Theo’s he go backwards [Music] that how I’m going to get behind [Music] him I mean it’s no different to just having to dodge him CH to our else oh my God’s right behind me again go get someone else okay well don’t [Music] get is absolutely brutal on DOD him I go get someone else we had a rule get bual hey really funny on the D that’s not even funny watch doesn’t care [Music] look oh my goodness now I’m in trouble l no one knows what’s going on in it I certainly [Music] don’t oh my God God s can’t even get out of this the way a sh bump when he my God what are you doing going to get in trouble here for [Music] theide look going backwards and I dodge him go uh I know we got make it [Music] anyway right smart I battered the whole Lobby yeah battered the whole Lobby is that a GTA saying fortnite oh fortnite saying oh right yeah you know when you said I said go and get someone else and then you said you get someone else and I’ll get someone else so then we did that and then he B it [Music] twice is batter everyone yeah although some of them were battering themselves I’m surprised I don’t have a a bad back after you uh beating me on these do doing hey right what we doing [Music] now me do I have [Music] I did [Music] itmm sorry don’t I did it 5 days ago what about Ice Mountain you can go in it going on on my [Music] own we’ll do we’ll do the be right then yeah I miss this one [Music] we every every [Music] show [Music] [Music] me I’m going to promise you one thing on this ride today I’m going to ride this and do it properly and not moan I’m going to come off and go oh yeah I can handle it right now I think I it sideways 6 5 4 3 2 1 [Applause] [Music] it’s m how these go so close to vertical [Music] and how fast they go as well we’re doing it we’re playing right do this yeah [Music] [Music] it’s like I’m a teenager again yeah go for the [Applause] sky hey hey hey oh that was for our [Music] ra look at his [ __ ] machine here we go coming down and that my friend is how you do the round up just like that easy [Music] peasy I’m a change man meet you right easy yeah was all right I feel like it’s going slightly faster it’s definitely done something with it it just feels so good like the smoothness of it ever since I started putting my head back like your M I enjoy it a little bit more I don’t think I could do that one at Mel thought though no thanks I don’t need your life Miss go we’re actually going to do this we don’t do it very often and this Miami is all [Music] right okay s get ready let Rocky Bud let’s do it like I’m on a swinging ship [Music] here yes here we go hey at least this bars TI on me flying around there I just want to St on the end see everything [Music] I remember the first time the did one of these LP bar ones it was quite a while ago I think it was actually in um in ESS can Island if I remember R this way faster though that’s the thing [Music] go faster a little bit slower okay sub J you want some more yeah I said you want some more said in the a you want get get him high last keep them up keep them guy here we go come on wait wait wait that speed going F get ready ready do not touch the bar ready you don’t touch the bar let’s go let’s do it touching the ball don’t touching the ball here we go this is one long cycle this way oh Theo’s pointing right oh he’s got it right yeah I reckon that might be you sure oh there you wrong come on [Music] that’ll definitely be it that’s a super long cycle wouldn’t it that you got to drink in my bag I don’t want it La bar are better than over overhead restraints I do have to say but then those those those newer ones are quite good as well with the wheel on the back I think they’re quite fast but yeah that bar you feel a bit more free you were sliding all over the place do you remember the first one you did can you remember where it was I come do you remember when we went to cany Island no I know we Let It Rock the Baby you what I know it did a rock the baby is that what it’s called no it did a part Rock the Baby they part camera do you want to get yeah I know what it did I’m on about I’m on about the first one for get it right we got one more ride now as I said a few times next going on I was hoping the tago is going to be a bit quieter but unfortunately it’s busy and just will not do it I thought it would have been a bit quieter than this but um no but as you can see it’s quite busy won’t do it I don’t blame him to be fair you want to do it get too busy so we’re going to do a final ride did them oh my God what’s going on there all them people on the [Music] floor absolute [Music] carage and that is the reason why Theo won’t do it when he’s busy if you went I’m we’re never going to go on it but what would you do if you fell off and fell on the floor nothing okay right going to do one more ride so we’re going to do the super bom [Music] [Applause] [Music] it’s not David running this this time but I have told her that she needs to do better than David so I can the rip out David she’s got a work cut out though she needs to lose her voice for it start that’ll be [Music] funny okay do you want to go faster you do you want to go about okay get back on she’s much louder than me is [Music] anyway oh nice every time that punches I think oh oh now it’s going to bit F while the others keep on talking we keep on oh I’m on the struggle okay R you enough you want some more I said you want some more R yeah but somebody scream oh David’s moving oh no it’s going faster oh my God another pH oh my nose that went I think this is going faster than normal oh my life [Music] oh no okay you must wait to the right to completely stop you must wait to the r completely stop please wait for the cars to stop completely wait for the cars to [Music] stop well that was going to be the final ride folks Riders still by all for the back of the back look’s on it feet on the floor shake it up some more let go right then feet firmly on the floor let’s [Music] go oh my life on the Flor girls think on the floor think on the floor I am holding holding on to the bar and Theo is definitely holding on to the bar as [Music] [Music] well left the right [Music] oh that was [Music] close sit down your seats right as you seats at all times sit down on your seat sit down you tell them right how are you team good all right yeah that’s good to [Music] know okay the more somebody say yeah somebody scream okay okayer in the moment oh my life he there well in it this took a tag very very keep it shaking keep the body moving [Applause] [Music] somebody so far so good we’re doing [Music] okay then if fact going to last what longer I need to get up put your feet on the floor girls put your feet on the floor feet on the floor set [Music] up big rules for tagonist Be Bly on the floor wow my God sit down you SE rers sit down that was a tough one his side let’s go one of the uh toughest tager is in my opinion has been been completed by Theo having been said that that’s not Theo’s first rodeo Theo had to remind me he has done it at the indoor fun fair before last year but um R indoor f is totally different so that was quite rough not BR for [Music] br nailed it um yeah so it’s a really good tag one good thing about it is a lot of grip on the ground so you can um you can put your teeth down and stay in place Theo did a great job theoo quickly how is the tag there okay do it just good more bothered about itot fing of course before that we went on the super Bob she did a great job I told her but not David H you didn’t lose her boys yeah we came up there thinking that would be the last time but then we went over to it there was hardly anyone going on it we went on it it got a bit more busier but it was okay um so yeah so we wait on it in Theo um I know you’re Bott flipping oh my godo uh have you enjoyed your time yeah favorite ride ride of the day really the with when you watch it look at it crazy hope youve enjoyed the Vlog obviously by the time this Vlog comes out there will be a few changes here I believe the WV will be uh different T will be different and be if you’re watching this it might be slightly different but it’s always good to come here it’s a great lineup every time I come here so you’re in the area do down details of this Fair details of this fair in the description below make sure you are following us on Facebook cu the photos of this location will have been out before this squad comes out and also follow us on Tik Tok we’re going to be back here Sunday morning we get invited to a charity event no the stream now normally that’s on YouTube but it’s a little bit different I might be doing it on Tik Tok so make sure you are following us on Tik [Music] Tok if you are new if you are new to the channel make sure you are subscribed I haven’t got a slowmo of anything never mind we’ll see you in the next Vlog I might you want more we’ll see you in the next VL want more somebody [Music] scream I saidie let’s go let’s keep it [Music] moving so long why you keeping me waiting all I want all I want be you you so long so long why you keeping me waiting


    1. Hi everyone, join PT and Theo, as they visit DW Stadium Fun Fair in Wigan.

      Please make sure you are subscribed and your notifications are set to "ALL" so you will never miss a vlog from PT, Megan, Margo and Britain's youngest No 1 funfair vlogger Theo.

      Give us a like, share on your socials to friends and lets all help PT build the channel, already we are now up to an amazing 14.2k subscribers.

      Follow us on all the social media channels:

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      Theos Instagram:

      TikTok: @ptvlogs_uk


    2. Changes to this fair for this weekend

      William Roberts waltzer – marshal hills waltzer

      William Roberts Tagada – Jordan Cowies Tagada

      Air raid – Mason gores Mexican wave ( I think )

    3. Hi Paul and Theo thank you for another great video as always looked amazing looked fantastic weather too love the enthusiasm from you both its good to see I hope that Megan and little Margo are well have a great day 😊

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