Trying something new, a little bit more dynamic. Please tell me in the comments if this is a format you can be comfortable with, moving forward!

    Today, another visit at the construction site in Montreuil for the grandest cycle path in the département, and a few nice discoveries when looking for alternatives after my recent… misadventures.

    Another shot at rue de Charenton, the CURSED “cycle street”, where the final kilometres have been smoothed out a few days ago. A large detour through the islands, and a little bit of chaos cause by malfunctioning traffic lights on rue de Rivoli.
    Hope you enjoy, share your thoughts in the comments, and see you in the next one!

    00:00 Montreuil — Cycle Path Update
    02:17 Montreuil — New Joined Pedestrian/Cycles Traffic Light
    02:45 Montreuil — Short Protected Path
    05:06 Montreuil — Paris — Windblown Fences
    06:36 Reverse Cours de Vincennes
    08:13 Boulevard de Picpus + Métro
    08:57 Avenue Daumesnil
    10:40 Rue de Charenton — Nth Attempt
    12:53 Rue de Charenton — The Smoothening
    14:45 Rue de Charenton — Final Part to Bastille
    16:09 Bastille — What Lies Beyond
    18:03 Île Saint-Louis — Another Detour and a Break
    19:45 Île de la Cité — Quai aux Fleurs
    23:10 Pont Neuf
    24:10 Rivoli — Saint-Honoré — Traffic Light Panic

    GoPro 11

    Triban/Van Rysel RC500

    DaVinci Resolve
    Pixelmator Pro

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    bour wherever you are welcome to Paris cycling and welcome to M we are getting close to a familiar area because we keep checking out the progress on Avenue Gabriel Peri there’s a street diet a road diet an Avenue diet however we can call them and a cycle path that has been built on the pavement which is looking kind of neat because I’m not following information as I should I have no idea when it’s supposed to be completely finished but we’re definitely getting to the final touches uh so instead of going there cuz it’s a difficult intersection going to turn here in a street that I’m not okay there’s no sign but there’s paint so let’s follow the paint there was a there was no soft v sign so I was SC head but in fact can I go straight no it’s not pass something right here all right that’s more or less what I wanted to do now to turn left yeah we’re definitely going to have to go and check the other side as well because it looks interesting I don’t know exactly what they’re doing but there’s several small streets that go to the left and I think that losing them we need to check that I think they also added the buets in the middle in order to limit access to cars and for the first time it’s blocked here might be unrelated to the building of the path which was finished in the summer so yeah nothing to do with uh the PA it was something unrelated and I only just realized that there’s a forgiving cover here I don’t know if you always been here but it’s nice oh there’s also a new sign the rare one so that I did a sign sorry there’s a still plastic CRA around it and it’s the same that we can see uh next to G and what’s the other place I think it’s so M has adopted this kind of science interesting turn left today I don’t even know what street this is and I don’t even remember this existed so okay good morning even though the quality of the road is not perfect still exists and this is a continuous sidewalk Compu no blinking lights all right I don’t know where I am but I know the direction where Direction I’m going even though there’s no sun huh navigational skill I’m drinking I suck but I know I’m heading Southwest normally can’t see a street what there also I know I’m going south because it’s downhill if I went uphill it would have mean would have meant sorry that I was going to V which is not okay so I’m good where is this I recognize I don’t oh I see this is my area now okay got oh nice this guy’s been living here for 7 years doesn’t recognize his own streets the one he takes every day but at least it feels novel every trip is exciting because oh what is there where where am I at yeah you know this place you’ve been here forever don’t act surprised turn here all right can we have a lot of time today I definitely wanted to check rud cuz I went at night uh and the footage was not super great so I’m going to go go back this morning oh goodness the wind it wasn’t that windy so there’s no one I can go yes damn so we can see the trees I’m definitely sure they new definitely new this Arrangements I don’t know to get to see what’s what they’re doing all right today we’re going to turn that left here so get see the back of the C and A and the SUV only one to so we’re turning left [Music] here oh that’s care of not too busy okay I don’t often use this s from under side cuz every time I do There’s a garbage track there’s a ADV something today left here there’s no one good uh I want to catch but I don’t know from where all right let get to PI from here so this is a scholen as you can see maybe either could do something I don’t know I guess I can turn to the r but I’m not confident enough so there shouldn’t be too much perfect okay let’s try it if I’m wrong tell me in the comments but signage is signage you know gets me here let’s go to ah there were works over there maybe something has moved there’s enough grade of s that we can I don’t know where the those yellow bullets were but they were in a line are they trying to make a Crossing or something I there a Metro L Six coming there we go turning on ad de from the good don’t believe we’ve seen these parts too much but I guess maybe we have yes cuz this is the exit of uh the path um the the sorry this is where we exit and this is where we continue there’s a parking spot over there all right shut up that do come on come on come on come on it’s going pretty fast this morning and there’s a Straight Arrow here to go and then we’re turning right maybe yeah to the defense there is absolutely no pedestrian crossing over there apart from this one here it’s a little far off but you know I understand all right let’s let’s give it another try this is a Thursday morning not Wednesday morning what is it Wednesday why are there so many children out there I don’t oh okay let’s not say anything cuz I’m going to jinxes what it gives us the occasion to see how water is managed okay in this atmosphere uh okay I Dr SI I shouldn’t have opened my mouth okay was driving at the decent base now there’s a van or rather a small truck how are they going to do that okay I didn’t it wasn’t too fast so it was okay sure straight well we’ll need to go there one day all right I’m getting close to the new area I want to see new area the area that is currently and the construction it’s not uh finished the same way that this is finished with the paint and the borders and stuff like that it’s very rough and ra but at least no it’s rough and ra and smoother at the same time because it was so in in such a bad Stace all right so here we go I’m also hoping there won’t be too many cars while they Crossing and as you can see see it’s so smooth but yeah it’s lacking it’s lacking the paint and the signs but it’s getting there like for instance the sign is just turn on this direction which is a little weird oh no might be for the works yeah all right so huge truck again driving kind of fast but apparently there’s enough space for the both of us to pass which is never bad uh but then maybe we should disengage why are you sing right it’s going to be green so I’m not the only one knowing that is kind of open and a lot of the delivery spots to uh handicapped spots maybe not the right word but and as you can see many yellow uh lines depicting the f future Crossings and this is a and at the very end the end of sh and it’s GRE oh no oh that talks so the last part of before B is also very smooth there were speed bumps uh In My Memory uh at several locations that I cross same now they just talking uh but they’ve been removed I think here for instance there was a bump but it’s gone now but they still have the opportunity to add anything they like when I was here yesterday morning the food traffic I think I was maybe what time is it I was yeah it was around 900 and this is 8:40 I’m pretty sure if I stay here for 15 minutes the traffic will even the foot traffic will change dramatically so early plenty of time to go see things all right keep going there cuz I’ve been that nice and I thought it would look pressy so here it goes pretty path and busy road that basically these are people trying to go toas which is the street that goes under the bridge of K and and this leads you next to the river which leads you next to the uh Ring Road which leads you to the A4 mway the back is nice but it smells like honestly the smell is not great talking so I’m go [Music] that a fch all right what bridge is this H I guess it’s written down there do going across the islands again your Doo will not make me stop sun right straight away yeah that’s can I yes I oh nice view I’ve never been here in my life it’s nice now can even do some cyes watching good idea got friendship sign let’s do this and we’re back just shot something that might have posted earlier now you know why I stopped uh yeah we’re going to carry on around the islands uh actually no we have yeah we are oblig obligated to turn here there’s just one link between the two islands oh my goodness this is so corion all right yeah we’re going to go around the IND the city cuz it is actually not very cyclable they’re not there are not too many streets but most of them are one way there’s a traffic lights here for us oh but there’s a right right arrow so that means I can turn right right right there were cars anyway so I didn’t go uh yeah it’s so quiet why it doing here it’s too small I can’t read and the last time I came here I don’t know if I posted it the last time I came here I was imagining this area without cars and if I recognize it correctly those cones VIP LOD which means VIP uh cabin not how do you call the you know when when there’s a shooting and uh actors and uh stay in trailers and stuff like that so they should be a shooting somewhere I’m guessing they’re asking the cars to be removed I may be completely wrong so don’t take it from me uh do I want to go there oh my goodness it’s is busy over there maybe I don’t want to go there there a path uh can I go there not one away so I’m going there I was not able to left there at least there were no signs I’m not saying it’s not possible but cuz it’s super wide so I guess I could have just gone and I can turn right here there’s an arrow but I don’t believe this is in my best interest and the are Forest hello we’re trying to go to PO which is the right the bridge that’s straight ahead and all of a sudden the traffic has disappeared almost disappeared this was unpleasant turn right here this was a long trip and it’s perfectly green oh this sign has Sten or been destroyed I don’t know sorry sir we were trying to go behind me already Christmas decorations at Sun yeah good lady not she didn’t cross after all yeah it’s busy with deliveries this morning which is to be expected in such a busy commercial area I actually wanted to go straight but H do I have time do I have time go not really okay let’s just go check it out and if it’s it sucks I’ll go back it’s it my turn to go I’m not sure I don’t oh all traffic lights have been stopped that’s uh okay let’s do just go up and then we’ll go down to the I need to check this out why are the street lights the street light traffic lights turned off I want to figure it out all right let getting close to Le I’ve in ages the thing is I want to see if I can turn to the left here this void yes you can but I also need to check the mess okay mental note we need to go back here but now we will turn back to and see what the what the hell is happening oh okay ah okay well next street Jesus so unlucky again left there there aren’t too many casts away I can’t wait to come back but now showross okay I’m going okay let’s turn left here nice little who all right let’s go back to see you chaos not that I enjoying it my Sing Sing songy voice oh there’s one nice oh it’s upside down I love this one oh my God there is cool right there I didn’t even know can I turn right yes I can oh traffic like traffic lights have come back up I did miss something but ah well no matter we’re here now and it’s soon chaos for I guess we’re fine look at that look at this guy the what an this guy to and this girl too no completely out of their mind completely out of their mind and the police is here the police are here maybe they’re going to do something no can come to oh


    1. Things are getting steadily better in the east. Have you seen a YouTube channel called Not Just Bikes? By a Canadian guy who lives with his family (young kids who cycle too) in The Netherlands. Cargo bikes galore! He's a self-taught "expert" on traffic, public transportation, and cycling infrastructure. He occasionally visits other European cities including Paris. I assume that Amsterdam sets the model for cycling infrastructure in many other world cities. Cars are absolutely second-class citizens in The Netherlands. Paris' new Metro lines (along with more legal restrictions) should get more crazy Parisians out of their cars.

    2. Only 8 minutes in and I've seen 2 parents crossing the street with a stroller or baby in their arm and not look before crossing. It's a good thing Paris's streets are human friendly because doing that in USA would mean a flattened parent/baby.

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