A Perfect Little Loop – Cambs/Beds Adventure Bike Trip

    We take in the lanes of Cambridgeshire and Bedfordshire on this lovely little route. It was little challenging at times but that was because of the mud, generally it’s a nice simple loop.

    Thanks for watching – leave a comment if you have any questions.

    GPX File

    GPX File Extended Loop
    This loop takes in a lane we didn’t do but looks like it will be a nice one – as ever, check for latest TRO info and read the signs as you get to them!

    [Music] where the hell is he believe leing that thing in the middle of nowhere should let his tires down let me guess you’ve been having a oh pre ride you got to have one all right I’m all right what a day for a ride well I’m glad I’m out in the bike today no he there you go got you back yeah yeah glad yeah glad that’s not us today hello and welcome to another adventure I’m in Cambridge here today going to do a a circular loop with my good buddy sea don’t you can see him behind me there um honey is uh rather nice dude catty while we’re on the subject if you hear sha saying today quite frequently Sexual Chocolate while you’re in a clapping mood I’d like you to give a big round of applause to my band Sexual Chocolate Sexual Chocolate he he generally means that something is very good um you might find it a tad confusing obviously sha has taken the term from uh one of the world’s best soul bands ever and uh if you don’t know what I’m talking about uh Google it uh yes so wh sea we’re in Cambridge show we’re going to sort of do an anticlockwise Loop circling around sort of close to hunting d uh over towards graph and water then into Bedford sh and then back it’s about 100 miles quite a few lanes some of them I’ve done before some of them I haven’t um I don’t think anything’s going to be too technical if at all technical unless it’s a bit muddy PR good must be creep but we’ve had some really good weather of late so I’m hoping that um weatherwise and and trail-wise it’s all going to be very good so yeah it should be a great day glad you’re coming along for the ride um as ever I’ll um leave links in the description to like the GPX for the for the route I just want to mention while we’re talking about this that obviously I like to share Roots um it winds me up when I watch someone doing what looks like a great ride and I’m thinking well where is that you know how can I go and do that um so I I just always thought well once I start doing this I’ll share the roots and then people can go where I go and they’re not wondering oh where’s that I’d love to do that um but also with that comes a bit of responsibility so making sure that the lanes are still open and legal and just riding sensibly and being respectful to other Riders uh sorry other Trail users been a fair bit of char recently about um you know people wanting to shut down uh three shire’s head in the Peak District to to motorbikes and so on so anyway you get the point I’m making you know we’ve all got a resp responsibility to do our bit anyway that said a glorious day we you know weather’s looking awesome so I think we’re going to have just the an absolutely brilliant ride and um glad you’re coming along for the ride okay catching a bit yeah yeah me and Sean we’re just going to do a bit of a sort of reminiscing a trip down memory Memory Lane so there there’s the White Horse um me and sea first met here at Water Beach when we were at the camp here water beach Barracks 39 engineer regiment and uh I was a young sapper sha was a young Lance Jack and uh yeah so we water beach holds a place dear to our hearts but the camp has been sold now and they were going to build a load of homes I don’t know if they have yet but um I think the NHS might use the camp so we’re just going to have a quick look see if we can have a bit of a ride around and get all teary eyed and nostalgic wow look at this so that was the indoor range was it that was the indoor range this is the old guard room guard so that’s the guard room squash courts they’re still there y yep a man wow yeah that was the old regimental headquarters wow wow a massive pile of rubble there they’re obviously knocking a lot of down yeah so that was Mt W it in there that was Mt that was the gym 60 Squadron hanger is is is now no more yeah that’s a bit of a blast from the past man makes feel very old yes so so some of the lanes that we’re going to do today are are just like this these really well groomed grally perfect you might argue uh gravel yeah gravel uh Lanes um so if you do come and do this route then um yeah you’ll you’ll find it it is a nice easy route in places if we do get any to to any difficult Lanes I will pipe up and give you a bit of a warning but yeah I expect most of this route today will be really really nice easy um but still a lot of fun and um great Lanes to be out on especially on a day like today I mean look at this [Music] perfect wow a king fisher see the king fisher beautiful wow amazing I got trig point there [Music] yeah yeah so we just come come down a um couple of miles of lanes there hello morning yeah and it’s got quite R it’s got quite roty in places and um so you’ve just got to take your time if you’re new to this sort of thing you know Mike’s advice is just keep up a reasonable Pace you I haven’t got to go fast but if I asked you to ride down the motorway on a white line at 60 MPH you’d have no no problem doing it but and so you’ve just got to see a rot as no different to that the slower you go the harder they are to a certain degree I mean obviously you can’t just pin it everywhere but um yeah so it is a bit roty in places but um it’s a beautiful countryside been so good so far and it it’s starting to get really warm now so I can see we’ll both be in uh well certainly I will be in shirts leave order before no time look at this though this is like something from the D woohoo you don’t want to lose it though dear mate and then end up going off to the right and ended up in that ditch apparently I’ve been led to believe Cambridge has got something like 10% of the byway Network for England just in Cambridge which is uh if that that’ss true that’s pretty amazing anyone knows uh if that’s true or not then uh drop a comment we’re good dude we’re good right okay just got a bit of a road section now heading down towards huntingon but um yeah seem to remember that these are really nice bike roads anyway down here quite twisty yeah Cambridge here doesn’t strike strike you as a sort of archetypal biking uh territory but there are some beautiful Lanes uh and uh beautiful countryside and it is easy going you’re definitely not going to get anything technical you know a really steep climb like you might get in Wales um not so many bastard Lanes around here all right we just stopped at the cafe so we’re in IR so there’s a BP garage I think it’s called the lounge cafe yeah the lounge so there’s a good shop in there sha wasin he went in the shop obviously fuel just a lovely bacon not bacon sausage Bap and um nice latte yeah so it’s good that good stop probably about 15 miles in I’m guessing now that is a nice bike I love those uh that twin light on those yeah it does yeah I mean sh just saying what an amazing um place it is around here is it gazley Gravely we just came through sha can you remember yeah Gravely gra grazeley something like that anyway um uh yeah beautiful beautiful countryside and it is very um yeah yeah we crossed over IR Street which is the old Roman Road some yeah have been some fabulous and we’ve actually just come over a hill in Cambridge I mean who’ have thinkk it it’s been gorgeous great big bite roads [Music] right so I’m just waiting for me uh Brew to mash me coffee got one of these uh perkle coffee B things they’re not too bad actually they’re um they’re all right for a freshes coffee out in the trail what a location though absolutely stunning spot to sit and have a brew lots of fishing out today they’re trout fishing apparently yeah good shout right coffee time yeah left here mate well that was very pleasant sitting by the uh um I think we’re down here down this bit no yeah it’s very pleasant by the water there lovely place for a brew the head it looks a bit bit sloppy up here I think it’s too bad though only a little bit what a gorgeous day absolutely beautiful yeah I got you mate are you all right yeah yeah how Grand is this man you couldn’t make this up could you it’s Picture Perfect Right Eno Romo engaged good sir let’s go oh bikes keeping left the second ill of the day we’re doing well oh how glorious is this I know you’re fairly close cuz I he you on the intercom so yeah I’ve just come down this Lane and it’s got and it’s got a bit it’s got a bit greasy my tires [Music] yay yeah just got to be a bit more careful with those RS right we’re at the main road at the end of this yeah that was a bit sloppy be interesting to see what um Sha’s bike’s like cuz cuz cuz he’s got the rails on yeah so quick uh bike show and tell I’m obviously on my t7 and uh um I’ve got the tracker Michelin tracker on the front and I’ve got a pelli mt21 on the rear which is the tread blocks a bit more open and smaller than than on the RS so and they they cope really really well in the um in the muddy stuff yeah Sha’s Sea’s on his um obviously on his desert X and you can see the tread is starting to fill up same on the rear look I mean look how full that is anymore and that’s when it really starts to um lose grip because you’ve got just so much mud between the knobs because the blocks are so close together that helps the mud stick um what what you got to do now is when you get out on the road just spin it up a bit and then it’ll clear it off but it just goes to show you know that I mean 50/50 tires doing something like that it would be really really tricky um anyway well done mate yeah that’s going to need a jet wash in it yeah so that’s the Green Lane just uh the byway just leading into spaldwick yeah this one might get a little bit where you’ve got to pick your way through expertly ah n we’re good we’re good we’re good he says getting cross rted hell go over here a bit I think I mean it’s to me m it makes a lot of sense you know sooner than going all the way to Portugal and realize you don’t like riding ruts you know come here and practice here and you know pound the rots here and then once you’ve nailed them here Portugal will be an absolute Breeze right extreme right looks uh a decent line buddy yeah so we’ve just come down a very interesting Lane there so from the village of spaldwick it the route heads West and there’s a section of it about maybe it’s I don’t know about 500 m that’s really roty like a dozen lines and which one you pick and because of the grass it can make seeing those rots and rinding them fairly tricky um most of it’s okay but if but if you’re on your own and on a big bike then you might find that lane uh rather taxing especially if you’re on 50/50 tires and we we’ve had a fair bit of rain cuz it might be muddy good fun though good practice Yeah Kim bolon School ah bit like bloody awarts that is it very nice wow yeah yeah definitely right so we’ve come down this Lane and it’s got absolutely hacking yeah I’m going to turn around cuz Sean’s going to really struggle with those tires is absolutely filthy where are we we on the uh London end did that say London end farm London end yeah it is a it has got seasonal TR on it and you can see it’s still in state which probably really it’s not it’s not going to do it any good riding it anyway [Laughter] every time I fall off this bike it’s because I put my foot down and there’s nothing there man alive Jesus wept sounds like Shan coming now shush fan you been too noisy oh good L Sean yeah your back tire just looks like a a slick yeah you’ll roll back at that you’ll be fine you see a lot of this CU I’ve got the I’ve got those knobbler tires it just Motors through it we’re sh on those RS yeah that is tricky that is very tricky right we’re in uh we’re in senit now so we’re going to try and find somewhere nice to stop um have an ice cream and some refreshments after getting thrashed on that last Lane that soon got that soon got the the heat up um yeah I’m gasping for a drink right so we just had a lovely ice cream and a can of pop what’s it called Ambiance Cafe and Restaurant in s right by the river um yeah we needed that flipping warm we good Ted it is definitely Sexual Chocolate that bike isn’t it Sexual Chocolate I don’t if you heard that Sean said I love it only I could ride it um indeed right we’re off oh that’s nice get some Wind Through the jacket this is lovely so there’s the river nice yeah I’ve definitely never been to senat before yeah nice town is it more lights no look but when you zoom in to that really closely up how annoying right so scrub that track off the route that just goes to show the ban fits though of having the the grm can quickly check these things for sure right so we’re back on track now after that little um diversion but we have been down some absolutely lovely uh Lanes you know tarmac lanes that look that are great for uh for big bikes yeah and for me personally what I like when you you go and do a route it just gives you somewhere to go you know often on a Sunday you’re thinking oh where am I going to go what am I going to do and if you’ve got a route then you can just slap it into your nav device and um you know go off and ride it and it just gives you somewhere to go something to focus on and especially if it’s somewhere different that you’ve never ridden before and it just keeps it interesting cuz it does get a little bit boring keep riding the same old trails yeah it’s been great so far today though really loved it after some of the ls we’ve had so far today you’re kind of thinking right what we what’s it going to be what we going to get pardon me yeah this is a little Rie it’s not muddy though which is the the good thing see I’m in a rot now and I’m just a bit reluctant just to go over to the left in case it’s quite a deep rot and I I end up getting cross rted so I will here look I’m going to get out here where I can see it safe there I go go over to the left a bit yeah for those um that might be watching an AR from the UK um you know there’s a lot of people saying we’ve had the wetest winter for 60 years so we have had a lot of rain uh this winter and normally by now the trails have dried out but I think it’s the ground’s just been that saturated it’s not a chance to dry out but if obviously you’re coming coming to do this in the summer then a completely different story but here and now today it’s still a little bit moist yeah it can tell you back into Cambridge here cuz it’s nicely manicured lovely oh imine now we’re going into grass pick a line any line big hole there ah it’s not too bad don’t go in that dude I shouldn’t have said that cuz once you say don’t go in the ditch that’s exactly where you do go is in the ditch is it uh R to the right down here [Music] [Music] right nice one Centurion oh yeah going left here ooh Rocky sort of rivered yeah a few of the local lasses maybe um right where we going now off this way yeah down here branches ooh nice stretch the legs absolutely glorious this yeah it was the best Lane so far that one delightful so we’re just coming into Cambridge now and uh I can’t remember where we’re going to go whether we passed right through the middle bit of the city you know all the colleges and that and um or whether we skirt around it I can’t remember where I we a plan the route yeah I think um so far today up and till Cambridge I would have scored myself maybe 7 out of 10 for Route selection 6 and 1 half um but some of the lanes we’ve done have been um muddy really which is just a seasonal thing but that’s definitely gone down to a two out of 10 coming through Cambridge cuz traffic was Bloody horrendous so um we’re through it now though and we’re on the outskirts heading back towards the uh or off towards the next Lane yeah so you might want to avoid Cambridge if you doing this but um you might not you might find some of the architecture interesting who knows we stop for a chinwag and a brew this only one line but that’s all we need woohoo all righty yeah yeah some part right in front of the um entrance to the byway there’s police down there though looks like something’s something back over the A14 mate awesome all right oh no we’ve got a gate what’s that all about oh I’m going to open it that’s all right then woo car’s coming out on fast cars again all right wind over there look it has been really glorious today really glorious yeah that one lane and that’s cuz you know of all that that wet winter right okay I’ll stop nearly there mate there’s only only like uh oh it’s the train line I think right just yeah last bit of map check cuz we’re nearly at um at the end of uh of the lane and end of the day’s riding it has been really really good there was just that one muddy Lane um which I did mention at the time I’ll Chuck up something now just to point it out and uh I mean in the summer it’ll be fine but it was just very Rotty and muddy well there was two lanes the roty one and then there was the the um what instructions check that light shows green open both gates check that light still shows Green Cross quickly close both gates I’ve got a man that does so Sean’s going to do that just while I do my last piece right yeah so just these two lanes so one that was really roty and then one that was really muddy so I’ll mark those two up I’ll put something up or maybe I’ll I’ll mention it at the time and uh and you’ll know then if you want to avoid them and then the bit through Cambridge wasn’t the best but you know if you’ve never been to Cambridge and you want to have a look around Cambridge then um Cambridge is is not a bad place you’ve got to open both the gates uh he’s still Sean Sean Sean yes yes so maybe avoid the bit through Cambridge um yeah but apart from that it’s been brilliant it’s been um a good big bike route generally you know certainly up to um graph and water and then graph and water itself which was really really lovely um that was hang on a minute yeah yeah graph and water itself was um was brilliant um a great place to stop for a brew I’m going to do this again mate cuz I have completely all my words up and lost what I was saying right let’s try that again okay so two lanes one that was really roty which was here I’ll put something up now and then one that was roty and muddy more muddy which was here so I’ll put something up now but I would imagine both those Lanes in summer will be fine but just at the minute they’re really quite boggy especially the the second one um which we turn round on in the end because it was so bad and the bit through Cambridge wasn’t brilliant but it it was okay uh but maybe you might want to avoid that it’s easily done though um yeah it could easily skirt around South of Cambridge so thanks for coming along I hope you’ve enjoyed the adventure as ever I’ll put links to the route and uh anything else I think might be interesting in the description um yeah so I hope youve enjoyed it I hope youve found it uh worthwhile watch um I know for sure now you’re not going to give it a like cuz of how I’ve up the ending of this um yeah so thanks for watching thanks for coming to the channel hopefully I’ll see you here again for another Venture soon and if I don’t see you back on the channel then maybe I’ll see you out the trail riding your bike okay from me and Sean the end is just down there and then we’re going to kiss and hug and Say Goodbye we’ll see you all later right come on Ted let’s do it okay from me bye for now thanks for doing the gates by the way mate that’s you’re you’re a bloody good [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] chat SE C second conf


    1. That looks like a great route. It would be handy for me to take a few days off work… Ride to & stay near Newmarket day1, ride out day 2 & ride back on day 3. It will probably be a July /Aug /Sept trip though so the lanes should be dryer then.👍

    2. Enjoyable watch as always Mike. Ruts in Portugal……..heavens forbid 😂 might give the route a go this coming weekend as I’m looking for a easy’ish ride due to taking off to Europe in mid June and its like you say always nice to try somewhere different. Thanks for sharing top man 🤘🏻

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