After his weekend on the Isle of Wight, it’s time for Garry to cycle across the island and head home.

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    #cycletouring #bicycletouring #cycling

    well it’s the Monday uh bank holiday um uh end of the weekend so we’re heading back home um don’t think I spoke to you yesterday did I or not can’t remember um so yeah yesterday um everybody went for a a short walk um normally they go on a longer one but it was a shorter one and I didn’t go obviously so well not obviously but I didn’t go um and then we all met up at the pub in uh Bryon here um had lunch there nice roast um sat around playing uh pool talking and drinking then yeah went back to the uh camp site uh again sat around talking and oh well actually sorry I’m playing a game rounders that was fun for the kids and adults for that matter excuse me and then in the evening um uh there was a bunfire on the beach so another fun weekend um unfortunately now is the hard part cycling back and of course we got that hill to go up out of um shorwell but um I’ve been trying to well not that hard but I’ve been trying to think of a way I could go where it is less hilly but to be honest that probably is um the best option um cuz you go across these don’t know whether they’re Downs or what they are but yeah we got across those Hills at some place so just as well be there and get it all done in one go right let me turn you around uh we’re just coming into uh Bryon so I’ll just turn you around before cuz there’s a little bit of a hill at the in here oh back at the forecast for today well well yesterday it said showers and today it’s not so hopefully it won’t I think it’s meant to uh rain a bit this afternoon but hopefully by then we’ll be nearly home very mild today I can’t believe how warm it is um thought I put my um sandals away so I’m in me trainers so my feet are rather warm but it’s fine yeah it looks a bit Bleak over to the right now where you can see Hill and it’s Catherine’s point I think it is and to my left not that you can see um there’s a a big radio mle some sort of Mast well that’s disappeared behind the cloud so Cloud base is obviously quite low but I don’t care how low it is as long as it doesn’t rain oh God perhaps I should stop talking might not be so hard coming up the hills and look Birds that’s something I missed at um at the campsite uh there Bryson grch Farm um I think a lot so used to being down the New Forest and waking up to all the bird song I mean you do hear it there but nowhere near as much as it is in the new Forest yeah it’s really stuck out that me these past few mornings right oh like that wind ah let’s see if we can find some Li LS make the most of this little downhill cuz once we get around this corner oh no right that’s it goodbye here we go all that wild garlic again birds around here [Music] lovely smell well we just stopped to take a breather um and well oh actually I’ll turn you around I mean I never get the oh the actual how steepen long these Hills are on the camera but take it oh God take it from me they are quite hard work although actually on the island they don’t call I think they call them shoots don’t ask me why um I did ask some local and I don’t think they knew I think they done tried to research it and couldn’t find anything try God like that maybe that left to do we’re just coming you think I’m not going to tell you around now but you think just coming up here it’s the end of the hill but it isn’t it continues up and around but that is over halfway I think yeah right I think I should stop and turn you around where we going to stop birds are trying to give me some encouragement right turn you back right there you see so it levels levels out for a bit here well oh God and then continues up uh more right I’m going to catch my breath before we we get going again of course once you come up you got a nice downhill now for quite a way just time to recover before the next one there’s there’s some lands on the leftand side although you can’t see them they’re all lying down is that a sign of rain oh oh here you go there’s a d might be able to see them you can hear them oh hello oh look I won’t come too near oh look look at the little baby lambs you too late you probably didn’t see it big um Buzzard you heard me coming and scared I don’t know when we come out of um Newport whether to head up the main road or take the um qu a um cycle route uh the main reason um is um going up the hills um with um traffic is not good cuz as you know I’m not very good at keeping in a straight line going up a hill might yeah play it by here and see how busy the roads are I mean that is sort [Applause] of a little behind my thinking about leaving early before it got too busy of course one thing is for sure I’m certainly not cycling up to see carbook Castle again that’s a given I me not all this on these days um it’s obviously very recently rained here might have missed that um I think it the weather’s coming uh from the East so whatever weather’s coming we’ll be cycling into it but well this must have certainly um bypassed us which is good I’m certainly not moaning and complaining as long as it stays dry for most of the way home that’s fine them and to be honest it’s not so bad getting wet going home cuz well you know you got the luxury of being at home and dry clean clothes when you get there we don’t have to worry about putting a tent up or anything I can jump in a nice hot shower I should really I’m go and see my mate uh Malcolm who lives in uh Newport just up here but well I just want to get going so if you’re watching this Malcolm I shall catch you the next time of course the easiest way home uh would be to go um cycle up to cows um and get the ferry um from cows to Southampton it’s more miles but it’s well it’s definitely a lot flatter but we’ve done that rout so many times um lately it’ll be good to go uh This Way along across the island even if we did do it two days ago we have come down the main road although to be honest it’s not this bit I was um thinking about it’s more after the roundabout ahead where you where we go sort of straight on or you turn left um down to cows um by the road not the um cycle route uh Red Squirrel is it yeah no it was more off round about cuz after that there’s quite a long drawn out Hill and that was more by concern so I think I’ll have a look um yeah I’m I mean I know it still goes uphill but well the road’s not so busy I’ll decide when we get to the roundabout all these cars coming along with their headlights on I wonder if it is raining ahead now there’s something you don’t see every day Floating Bridge service operating normally that thing’s usually broken down we’re just um coming up to that uh roundabout but I was saying so once we get i’ll this be a ro uh once we get up there I have a little look at the uh the phone see which way I mean it’s this road is not that busy but yeah loading uphill could be a bit of an issue we are going the uh Main Road H those stupid apps say mostly flat how the flipping oh how the flipping heck is this mostly [Music] flat I do wonder where they get their information from sometimes I think we’re going to ride to get the fast cap um we we’re going to try um if I showed it um there was a cycle route uh just by the ferry we just pass the fery terminal I should say so I think we’re going to go and try and that see how it is rather than going along the main road God I believe you have all these St really steep inclines right be something different no real rush to get home hi this is a very pleasant room what this C or something old Abby farm that got too right oh no I’m not sorry I was I was going to reverse up and take a picture but well you know what happen I’ll end up catching your on the um pedals so we miss that one we’ll get it another time hopefully we’ll come back this way but this is annoying it’s started raining now not too short whether it’ll be a quick shower hopefully it will um although I’m probably in the best place um when it’s raining cuz there is some shelter under these uh trees not huge amount but probably more than I’d have got on the main road this is an ex think I probably just said that but yeah I like this fruit probably like it as much cuz it’s something new we’ve not done before we just had a look at the four car and well I think this rains in now for the um rest of the day there’s also I just noticed on the phone a yellow war in the Thunder great that’ll be good we might miss it like we did the last time and well we won’t be in a tent either this time so hopefully we’ll be at home by the time all that gets here I’m not going to bother putting my legs on yet I’ll just put the arm top on oh what’s coming on there doesn’t look oh T’s in h um doesn’t look very um good so they refitting it oh right now on fine cuz they put a new um foot path in just wonder whether I was meant to be on there but I’m not it looks pretty bleak out there I think we’ll be putting you away once we get um up to the terminal yeah yeah oh well say this is on the way home it’s not quite as bad um it’s not actually raining um in uh Portsmith so let’s put it this way it wasn’t but I think it’s just starting go now I don’t think we’re going to go out um along uh South Sea um SE front I think we’re just going to cycle straight out of Portsmith today um especially as it’s starting to rain again I think the all white f is just come in all the traffic I’m holding up oh I think I’m going to have to stop again I’m put you away and put my jacket back on this is very annoying well we made it home um it it was a very wet ride coming home um yeah it rained all the uh way and it got uh quite heavy times um of course now we’re home it’s um stopped which is just about right um tent hanging up and the uh fly sheet they’re all in the garage drying um I sort all these P out now um oh yeah um 46 miles today um I think um um what was it written it down yeah and a massive 167 miles over nearly a week but it’s fine it wasn’t anything to do with mileage so it’s all good well I definitely won’t be going away for a week cuz I’ve got a couple of Hospital appointments this coming week and I think I might have a couple of the following week as well but we shall see no doubt I shall speak to you all very soon soon goodbye

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