Colchester Bike Ride. Kingston CC. My Travels Neil Walker

    a bike ride in beautiful [Music] suffk dating from the second half of the 11th century our choice explore the castle or ride in the rain built in 1076 on the foundations of a Roman Temple lots to see and very well displayed [Applause] [Music] the lovely Castle Park and tone were lovely to [Applause] explore ready to set off for [Music] harage a lovely ride through the countryside [Music] because I don’t know really what time you know if the fa’s late don’t want [Music] to at the oh is this coming back from fr [Music] an amazing place with the views that inspired [Music] Constable pictures and a map of the area [Music] so [Music] interesting one never knows what you’ll see as you ride along [Music] courage in sight for our overnight [Music] stay a safe haven for so many young [Music] people hey [Music] fire [Music] built in 1720 offers great views of the surrounding [Music] area lots to explore a lovely ride along the [Music] coast afternoon ride to wyen ho and along the river p back to Colchester famous sisters in the Main [Music] Street you are [Music] a lovely ride to [Music] deim interesting story and an unusual design [Music] lovely Country [Music] Town in the afternoon some fine suffk churches [Music] the view from the tower reproduction of a constable sketch between 1835 and 1837 [Music] should [Music] a surprise to see a confortable painting in the church [Music] eating here before oh quite good [Music] the causeway floods so one has to take care of the tide [Music] for he is a York man he himself has said it and is to his great credit he is a York man he is a man [Music] [Music] lovely with thousands of blue bells thank you Nigel for a great ride Colchester and we all head home

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