spring is the beeeeesssssst! watch me obsess over it in this video 🙃

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    #londondiaries #springhassprung #londonvlog
    spring has sprung, london diaries, london vlog, flat updates, weekend in london, day in my life, weekend in my life, week in my life, days in my life in london, london vlog 2024, london diaries 2024, what its like living in london, spring in london 2024, flat hunting london, flat updates, march diaries, march in london, march vlog, what to do in london, weekend in my life in london, london diaries, flat updates, spring has sprung, london diaries, london vlog, flat updates, weekend in london, day in my life, weekend in my life, week in my life, days in my life in london, london vlog 2024, london diaries 2024, what its like living in london, spring in london 2024, flat hunting london, flat updates, march diaries, march in london, march vlog, what to do in london, weekend in my life in london, london diaries, flat updates

    [Music] I hello what’s up it is March that means winter is officially over and I made it through my second British Winter thank goodness goodbye winter um no winter was actually like it was okay yeah I think so it was mostly okay I did get quite sick quite often I’m a bit over winter but I did enjoy the coziness of winter I got really into 400 p.m. Darkness lots of candles and made it through a lot of TV shows uh highlight of the TV shows I watched this winter was Mr Mrs Smith on Amazon Prime that was a beautiful series and then also Fargo I got into that for the first time Le’s been wanting me to get into it for so long finally sat down to watch it watched season 5 originally and that was incredible Juno Temple and that was so so good and we went back to season 2 went back to season 1 so now only have season 3 and four to watch but we’ll get there eventually so yeah we’re into March which is amazing this is also going to be the last time you see me on this green couch because today we are getting a new couch we’ve got a secondhand sofa that we’ve bought on Marketplace it’s brown leather really clean neat design and that is coming today so that means the green couch is leaving and we just think it’s going to really like wrap the whole place together a lot better we’ve got like these retan chairs this new white rug and we think like a brown leather sofa is just gonna make it feel yeah like it’s all come together which you know happy days because we’ve been here for almost 2 years so it can take a while for things to come together and that’s okay we’re taking it slow and steady no rush and it is a comfy large couch and it has served its purpose very well but it’s time to say goodbye and say hello to our new couch which you’ll see be delivered today oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right we’re about to do what can only be described as the perfect Sunday morning step one clim it step two pick up the New York Times step three head to get a warm beverage thank [Music] you all right step four find yourself some nature hi you guys first up this evening we have a magazine which was founded in 2015 here is just like some key steps I would say for any creative that’s trying to like make something out of this creative thing that we’re in please welcome to the stage Tess Smith Roberts and then this one didn’t make it into the book but it is someone I mean how many hours do you spend at work you’ve got to you’ve got to have a bit of fun and hi I’m right now so far from the camera this is very strange oh sh sorry camera bit too windy for you going to try another seat it’s so nice just sitting here and watching people walk through on their way to school or their way home from work and all the houses around here are stunning so English I just love staring at them I don’t know what makes them so beautiful but yeah they’re so nice to look at and then this park is equally so sweet I think this is one of my favorite parks in London or at least in my little corner of London so here I am on our new couch huh huh to be honest when it first arrived we were not stoked we were a bit concerned we felt like it was low less comfortable not exactly the right color for our space but over the last week it’s really grown on us we’re welcomed it into the family and we are now happy couch sitters on this couch a particular benefit of the new couch is that it’s longer so it fits the wall that sits on way better and we can each lie down completely on the couch and our feet completely fit not that you can see that in this shot here let me bring you down who check out that feet all the way to the end so much space so that’s by the couch is a Vibe let’s just reenter this again so that’s fun got a new couch it’s it’s also spring which is particularly fun I’m stoked so one of the benefits of going through winter is spring I am obsessed with spring first of all I’m obsessed with Seasons I didn’t totally get them in Sydney things kind of like stay pretty neutral throughout the year but here winter comes trees become bare they lose all their leaves grass becomes mud and everything is just kind of gray but then spring comes also I realize right now I’m explaining seasons and I’m so sorry for everyone who does live through Seasons but this is a New Concept for me and so I find it really exciting because spring comes and all of a sudden all those bare ass trees start to sprout little green leaves and it’s beautiful and then all of these flowers come out of the ground and it’s just this magnificent Ultra visual insane Wonderland for your eyes I love it and I love this particular part of the seasons as you walk around and you notice that tree spren that flowers coming out of the ground and you see it all and you watch it all in slow motion as the city starts to like color itself back in so I love Seasons we’re going to go celebrate the season that is spring at our friend’s house she’s hosting brunch because her magnolia trees are starting to Blossom and yeah we’re just going to ring in a new season Liam and I are going to pick up a few items on the way we’re bringing one of our favorite breakfasts which is a bit of like a scandy breakfast so rye bread some nice comp cheese and jam and then yeah we’ll see what else is there let’s go pick up the ingredients on the way and then go and eat under the magnolia trees yeah [Music] thanks what do we got we got blueberry pear and ginger jam and then what bread did we get here oh we got a walnut Ry hello little bread oh so [Music] cute [Music] oh my gosh that’s a actually this is is the best shot yeah it’s really nice wo that looks incredible what if this is yeah I had to come and sit down to tell you about some incredible books I’ve read over the past few months I just feel like these books need to be shared and I want to talk about them so badly and I think everyone should read them the first is stillborn this book was incredible it was like TR moving like I felt all the emotions all the feels all of the complexities of Life having to Grapple with the concept of having children I’m in my late 20s I am entering an era in which I think about these things much more often than ever before and so I’m found myself drawn to more books that tell these different stories essentially the premise is two main characters they are two friends who are in their mid-30s and when they became friends they were both like pretty content with not having children so much so that the main character um became sterilized like had her tubes tied or whatever the phrases but the other person did not and as she is hitting her her later 30s she has decided to have children like she wants to do it but she has a lot of complications getting pregnant and essentially the book is just like these two parallel lives um but that’s not to say that the person who chose to not have children does not have children in her life she becomes very uh close to her neighbor’s son and yeah there’s just this beautiful story that I guess has this Stark difference between two women taking like slightly different routes in life even though I guess when they first became friends they had really similar perspectives and ideas about what they wanted and yeah it’s just so beautifully written I feel like it’s really raw and honest I don’t know like if it is totally a true story or anything like that but it feels like it um so it might be I don’t know but it felt like I was really reading a firsthand account of the author’s journey and and her friends who she like um shares the story of but yeah I’ve recommended it to all my friends I love it I think it’s one of the most beautiful books I’ve read in a while the other book I’ve read recently that really like I devoured oh my God I read this book in two sittings I opened it I think I was like having trouble getting to sleep and I opened it around like 1:00 p.m. and I didn’t put it down until like 1: or 2: a.m. because I just couldn’t stop and I got halfway through the book on my Kindle and I was so tired I had to stop then I woke up the next morning it was Sunday morning I just picked it up straight away first thing in the morning and read read it through to the end like I read it all in kind of two sittings only interrupted by sleep and it was incredible that’s like how how moving I found it it’s a book that I I saw it at book bar which is like an independent book seller awesome awesome place to check out but it was like I think their monthly book or something like that and it was advertised all around their store so that’s why I picked it up it’s called wondering souls and it was just incredible it’s about these siblings who have to kind of flee their home country in Vietnam and they’re big family I think they’re seven seven people maybe eight and three of the siblings leave together first and then the rest of the family is going to follow um so already like very heavy and essentially it kind of follows their Journey um leaving Vietnam taking a boat to Hong Kong and then being in a refugee camp in Hong Kong for many years before finding settlement in the UK uh and then it also charts their Journey being obviously refugees in UK as well as their later life in London and kind of yeah it really charts from when they’re children to when they are in their 60s I think so you get this huge story spans so much time and I found it particularly interesting as I don’t think I know enough about the Vietnam War and I don’t know enough about refugees experiences through and after that Vietnam War so I really appreciated this new perspective on people’s Journeys and kind of what happened in like only the last 40 Years of History really maybe like 50 years if my math is okay I love learning about history in the form of fiction cuz I feel like it’s just like much more easier to kind of follow along with firsthand perspectives even though the firsthand perspectives are characters anyway you catch my drift that book was powerful so stillborn and wandering Souls pick them up go read them they ah they were so good okay that’s that’s it for the books recommendations for the moment [Applause] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] we are heading out for an afternoon Spin and I do have three layers on CU I get very cold let’s go out and [Music] spin spin dogs have spun I just set up a little Easter egg hunt for our friends in the local park and they’re currently looking for them as we speak one oh they miss one I can’t even see it there it is woohoo get [Applause] [Music] selfie


    1. This Winter has been a long drawn out dull skies, wet one!
      Mother Earths defo not happy at what’s going on in the world.
      Spring has sprung! Slooooooowly getting warmer.
      Rain = beautiful greenery. I’ll trade that any day tbh! 😉
      Bring on ‘no MOW’ May! Bring out the Maypoles! Blessed be! 💐 ⛅️
      Lovely vlog! 🥰

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