Paramedics arrive on scene of a motorbike crash. The injured motorcyclist lies on the floor as the paramedics attempt to move him to the ambulance. Concerned that the numbness of his leg could be more serious than broken bones and could be an indicator he has a spinal injury, the paramedics are keen to take him to hospital. Elsewhere, a young woman is suffering from more frequent seizures after suffering from a fall.

    For the very first time, an ambulance has been rigged with cameras that provide a unique perspective on what it’s like to respond to emergency calls. ‘Inside The Ambulance’ follows paramedics from the West Midlands Ambulance Service in England as they take us right into the heart of the action. We see heroism at work in the actions of these first responders. We also enter the lives of people in crisis and learn their unique stories.

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    #medical #ambulance #bikecrashing

    foreign [Music] we’re back on shift inside the ambulance it’s a Sunday morning man what the hell if I’m awake they’re awake we’re with the West Midlands Ambulance Service point to me where the pain is you still with me Hannah hey yeah as they face more heart-pounding action can you feel me touching you yes and more medical emergencies you thought you’re gonna die you’re gonna be fine battling over 4 000 calls each day can you pop that back on there again just over the top hold that on we’ll have to roll you a little bit one way how do you feel at the moment petal what’s that from from there are some new faces I do think we work well together we’re my team yeah I look like and some old friends I don’t know you turned on the sausage body-mounted cameras record every moment did you bump your nose [Music] look at that people knocked the NHS don’t they and I’ve just watched your nose twice you’ll be on the front line with the ambulance Cruise as we take you inside the ambulance come hello high water we’re coming [Music] if I was to be reincarnated I would be a seagull but can you do the seagull noise [Music] can you make your tongues at your nose yeah we’re so close oh there’s actually millimeters isn’t it I just love doing that as a kid [Laughter] [Music] it’s Sunday afternoon in the West Midlands well absolutely gorgeous day isn’t it it’s absolutely positively Splendid for us yeah what he said paramedic Stuart punter and technician Jamie Busby are nearing the end of their shift when an urgent call comes in okay RTC car versus motorbike get in there that’s what it’s all about they don’t yet know any details as to how serious the injuries are foreign never the rider flew off his bike landing on the pavement he was lucky enough to miss the many bollards that line the street s passed a passerby saw what happened and has been taking care of the biker holding his head steady until the ambulance crew arrived there he goes out of it yeah buddy what’s your name fella Liam I’m Jamie all right this I’ll post you all right what’s happening uh I wouldn’t just go around the car because he didn’t okay so you you’ve come quite a distance twice in the air and then face down hit the deck over and out between mid shoes okay mate no worries where’s the Earth how fast will you do it how fast were you going honestly and it was important for us to get an idea of how fast he was going especially with him Landing face down so that we could assess the extent of his injuries and how serious they may be right I’ll take take over there mate okay okay yeah all right where’s that at him back of your neck okay keep you in steel for us Liam okay how old are you 18. so where’s that pain in your neck mate literally where my finger is there yeah how’s that foot feel that foot’s fine it’s just a bit cold I’m coming can you can you wiggle your toes in your other foot it’s got no movement or sensation in those toes mate can you book your toes now try and wiggle your toes move your big toe that’s fine oh you’re quite my limbs trust me I’ll say it’s here in me as much as certain him to watch this at least you can’t see it being cut you know oh no Stewart wants to find out if Liam’s leg is broken if not the lack of Sensation that Liam’s reporting might be down to a more serious injury to his spine engineer yeah there we go cool a bit of swelling I don’t think anything’s broken out of place I can’t feel anything I’ve had a good feel down all the way but you still say he’s got see yeah we’ll get him get him in getting checked give him a call anyway just because of how far he’s been thrown as well we do tend to worry about neck injuries the long-term risk or the most serious risk is permanent paralysis we wanted to get Leo into the back of the ambulance so that we could assess him properly and get him out the public eye but we had to move him in such a way that we reduced any movement to his neck so it didn’t make any potential injuries worse [Music] that’s it slide him in we can bring him out on to you guys so he’s on the flats [Music] right put some blocks around your head now mate okay it’s given there for seconds yeah all right and relaxing down and then if you move one hand at a time so I can roll these in another one beautiful safely secured Liam can be taken into the ambulance buddy how’s your knee feel now although Liam is calm the crew have no way of knowing if his spine has been damaged or if he has any internal injuries you happy to go shoot yeah mum 999 on the way to hospital fellow biker Stuart wants to know more about the accident so what happened here then um before the junction and there’s a horizon so he turned right in front of you yes every time I go out on my bike now you nearly die once at least once yep tell me about it okay there’s blue lights and then all sorts mate what’s going on eh let’s top it all off the bike Hitler the bike hit yeah oh mate nearly there only about a minute away [Music] I tell you what mate you’re lucky not to wear any of those posts I’ve never seen no there’s about 40 of them God you’re not kidding now Liam is at the hospital he’ll be given a full examination by the accident and emergency team I’ll come back for his levels in a second only here will they be able to find out exactly what injuries he has [Music] the most exciting job we’ve had all day mate [Music] young Liam was lucky to get away with that he was a lucky boy there was a perfect path through the air picked for him it didn’t hit one post it could have it a signpost a lamp post all those metal bollards down the side and he went right through the middle of everything God dear Korea massively different story if you need them yeah I think the moral to that story is if you’ve got the right kit on is going to save you from loads more damage I mean looking at all the all the abrasion marks on the back of his leathers and stuff that could have been some nasty guava rash yeah wearing his Leathers yeah [Music] I think that’s an interesting thing this one piece will make 52 layers watch on mobile devices or the big screen all for free no subscription or fire [Applause] foreign okay let’s play the horse game okay if you see a horse shout out the word horse and then if I see it as well you get a point it’s got two horses around here this is the area they do exist so they’re around the warning time with horses so that’s that’s positive isn’t it it’s a good start [Music] oh I can’t believe that [Music] regular crewmates V Hodgkins and Ollie Raven are on shift together V has worked for the West Midlands ambulance service for 18 years was this bit fruit shop around here called I think it’s called melon collie as in melon and cauliflower I like the Chip Shop the Cod father the Cod father their next call has [Music] kayoli so we’ve got a 70 year old male let’s come through as unconscious it says that the gentleman’s got a guide dog and it’s Cadbury two just over four miles away [Music] animals related history of Hardware first I think yeah okay I’m getting all the kiss often take it all in the patient’s wife Jill is waiting hello there darling she called an ambulance when her husband suddenly felt very unwell and collapsed on the sofa what’s happened [Music] what was his name Ryan open your eyes for me Brian it’s the ambulance service did he say in what way he felt him well shine a light in your eyes you’ve got some some Vision in his eyes Brian suffers from a rare genetic disorder which affects the back of his eye he’s now registered blind but otherwise is Fit and Well and he’s never had an episode like this before Brian you able to speak to me [Music] he’d normally talk to us I guess absolutely fine wouldn’t stop talking to us so let’s says and then and then he just sort of walked in here and plumped himself on the sofa and yes show up scratching your finger Brian just put that there for a moment 7.8 so that’s okay I’m precious fine 118 over 76. saxophone heart rate’s fine so all the tests we did on Brian came back normal um his blood pressure his heart rate his blood sugars his temperature um he was still less responsive and he wasn’t speaking clearly something had happened um and we need to try and find out exactly what that was maybe his observations were abnormal prior to us getting there our priority with Brian was to try and get him to talk to us um so we could try and establish what what had gone on and the events leading up to it as well if we can raise him up today yeah yeah Ryan open your eyes for me open your eyes for me please hello my name is V I’m a paramedic hello I’m better than you okay Brian tell me how you feel lifeless okay and we try and set you up yeah because people always look a bit better sat up okay should we swing your legs over and these eyes again for me let’s give you a pull-up girl okay you pull on us Brian oh all right there we go Square yourself up for me spin this leg round as well so they’re both flat on the floor all right that’s good so when you told your good what was your name my darling when you told you you didn’t feel very well was this how you felt you just felt like I just need to lie down because I feel weak and terrible okay so we need to find out why you feel weak and terrible don’t we in a position to get up at the moment you’ve got to get past me first okay good luck with that so what we’ve obviously concerned about Brian is why you’ve been okay and suddenly you’ve gone like this yeah oh guess what what is your trip up to a hospital yeah because we can’t leave you like this can we it’s still a mystery to V and Ollie why Brian has had such a funny turn [Music] close eye on him in the ambulance in case it happens again are you feeling now you’re certainly better in your in your general demeanor at least she talks are released you’re talking to us now yes were you aware when we were talking to you and you just when we first got no no okay how long have you been married for four years 45 years blindly how did you meet but actually [Laughter] that’s 45 years next week what’s the secret to 45 years now it was a truck driver for 30 years truck driver you never owned [Music] that’s great thank you thank you Brian seems to be feeling a lot better despite having been so unwell just moments before what can you do for yourself um washing and personal care and things yes okay if you get out shopping at all with Jill or yeah do you know what clubs you do you do it [Music] okay yeah and you do karaoke do you yeah would you like to sing karaoke myself into Facebook did you enjoy it yeah it is it’s good is it yeah either what did you think you can’t remember what you’re saying shop [Music] okay we’re gonna wheel you in now on the stretcher Ryan okay so you’re gonna go down down a slope and then at the hospital they’ll run more tests and hopefully get to the bottom of what’s causing Brian’s mystery illness [Music] that was nice that Brian seemed to get better wasn’t it it was yeah he was a very nice mum wasn’t it was his wife of 45 45 years and the secret is he was a lorry driver for 30. the secret of a long marriage is to work together to work away from home [Music] a couple of weeks ago I fried the eggs in the kids juice got the juice bottle out the cupboard and put the juice in the frying pan and put the egg in and before I looked and thought well it looks a funny corner it’s juice there are literally no words to describe you is that no the kids came in this morning um with a boiled egg and soldiers and a glass of cranberry juice and I was very spoiled they’ve got lots of cuddles but then I had to come to work I love me Mom she’s a little bit Dipsy what would she say if she knew you said that she’d probably say something along the lines of oh gold oh gold thank you do that again I don’t see something about me [Music] some unusually wintry weather has hit the West Midlands paramedics Matt Rodwell and Rachel Whalen are called to their first job of the day nine seven [Music] um [Music] server [Music] yeah that’s what I’m receiving my mobile [Music] they just epileptic China seizure Monday at University and a head injury on Monday what is it today it’s Saturday the patient is University student bethan her mum is waiting with her neighbor for the crew hi where are we going straight through thank you along with her epilepsy bethan is also autistic and has other medical conditions her mum raised the alarm today as bethan is still feeling strange after having a seizure and falling five days ago hello I’m Rachel and this is Matt what’s been happening today bethan [Music] awareness in your eye okay when did you have a seizure on Monday okay you’ve had the blurriness since Monday yeah one of your normal seizures [Music] you hit your head when you fell down okay as soon as you came round from the seasons you notice your eye was blurry and I have pain during my hands all in your head yeah they’ve still got that pain in your head yeah do you mind where to slide your glasses are great Sweet let’s look at my name it’s gonna shine a light in your arm whereabouts did you knock your head I’ll have a quick feel nothing around the back I’m just gonna put that on your left hand yeah nothing around here just there okay never had anything like this with your vision after you seizures no did anyone tell you what you knocked your head on a Monday so bethan had a bump to the Head about five days before you went to see her in The Simpsons she was suffering we didn’t really know if that was caused by her epilepsy or it was caused by something else or the bumps of the head is her speech normal in terms of how she’s talking it’s a bit slurry if you just stand up really slowly for me take it steady no dramas we are and get your balance how you feeling standing that feel normal okay have a sit down for me petal not feeling dizzy standing up area to understand how severe bethan’s epilepsy is So when you say yesterday was a bad day how many did you have yesterday they discover she’s had far more seizures this week than is normal for her so usually only have one or two a week is that right Bethany but you’ve had over 10 this week we’re saying four or five yesterday one on Monday a couple during the week were looking in excessive tent but this week’s definitely been a bad week the point that I saw outside of the Bethany to go to hostel was when she told me she had a lot more seizures that week which was really unusual for her that they were lasting a little bit longer as well so that’s sort of a concern for me that I don’t have a reason why she’s having more seizures so I would have been uncomfortable without having a check so what exactly are you doing at University then when do all the exams finished or something so do you know it’s just like the portfolio you build up okay you’re enjoy it then is it worth the stress I guess when you look back on it you’ll be happy you got it done won’t you yeah yeah you got a neck eight how long you had a neck eight for since you hit your head it might be because you’re holding yourself tense or when you’ve knocked your head you might have knocked your neck around a little bit you’re not notice anything different with your sense of smell or your hearings there’s a bump on your head that sin to hit your head okay oh here we are [Music] how are we feeling Beth bethan will be examined by doctors who’ll try to find out why she’s been having so many extra seizures [Music] Beth was lovely strange about like the eye and the hearing but it’s come on later Through The Eyes straight away but the hearing is only really sort of from yesterday someone’s like another seizures caused that yeah quite a lot of seizures yesterday even though she’s had a pain it’s difficult to say like what’s happened but exactly what’s going on without a scan to see foreign [Music] thank you why is it snowing in Spring I know spring is supposed to be here it’s just a big inconvenience okay [Music] in Dudley children are not playing because it’s too cold snowing is an understatement now look at that nice pattern there [Music] in Dudley the thick blanket of snow is not going anywhere oh that looks hard work considerably warmer than it has been we’ve got zero on here zero the Hodgkins is a clinical team mentor and has two young children nothing beats patient-wise in this job a friendly Smiley cheeky old person old person Ollie Raven is 24 and has been a qualified paramedic for three years kids can be a bit hit and miss aren’t they because when kids are poorly they’re not playful they can’t interact with them but it’s quite nice if you go to a child and it starts to get better or it’s not as poorly as just as it would appear then they can be quite fun can’t they crew have just received a call about their next job all right Ollie nine months old and settled constantly crying high temperature baby girl Lotto [Music] before long they arrive at baby loti’s home almost include the path yeah her mum Philippa is waiting for the ambulance [Music] is this little baby in here oh this little one yeah hello have you got any better lives could you open the curtains for me a little bit Philippa and her partner Ian have been up all night trying to settle Lottie um since what time was it last night foreign so it sounds like we’ve got to meet what she’s describing sounds windy windy stomach crampy the legs drawing her legs up as you probably know yeah I was really concerned about yeah about an hour ago she had paracetamol okay what was the temperature was it just you felt too hot yeah literally from the white stuff and she has actually passed some urine a little bit okay what about a poo okay I’m trying to pop this on her fingers just cancel pulse checking a patient’s heart rate is a key indicator of how ill they are but it’s a tricky job on a Wrigley baby in this little little [Music] sausage oh I know my hands are really cold do you want to hold them on to pick her up but yeah because she’s awake now so I’m sorry [Music] this is normal every time she likes up this is just need to do a lot of spot of blood from the bottom of her foot it’s an upsetting anymore 5.3 I think we’re dealing with conversation or a urine infection possibly which is common in children these still not been able to get a heart rate reading from Lottie other trunk Kent can I buy your stuff and try and count that yeah all right this test will decide whether she needs a trip to hospital the normal resting heart rate for a nine-month-old baby is 80 to 160 beats per minute 180. almost crying I think you’re gonna have to come with us as a mum myself you know I know I’ve been there and when your child is ill you know you do get concerned and distressed about um your child and the resting heart rate for the the little Lottie was High um and that does send sort of alarm Bells into your head as to what is actually is going on yourself out from there I’ll do it I’ll do it where are these little tootsies little one okay we should got you to do this Ollie you could practice for when you’re older I’m watching yeah I can’t dress myself you okay here we go [Music] seems a bit calmer and again that’s because we’ve got clothes sorry [Music] don’t fall with the baby okay V wants to try and make poorly Lottie as comfortable as possible for her journey to hospital but you’ve seen the Revenge about tummy pain darling two and a half now two and a half mil yeah or not normally there it goes oh is that nice there we go is that a bit more exciting for you sweetheart is she a big Smiler when she’s well yeah you can always say unicorn it’s beautiful eyelashes as well make me broody no more for me the hospital is just two miles from what’s your back Ollie Ollie okay I was gonna watch him reverse okay because you’ve seen what it’s like going forward so I couldn’t see the curb because of all the snow yeah baby Lottie will be seen by a pediatrician who can run more tests to see what’s making her so distressed she was cute wasn’t she when she wasn’t crying yeah she was cute Crawley did go through me a little bit quite High pictures are ill because there’s only so much you can do as a parent give them pain relief try and comfort them I think she’d obviously got abdominal pain from something because that drawing of the knees up to the chest is uh common in little babies and they can’t tell you kind of lots of trouble um thank you tomorrow I think I’m gonna be seeing that girl from new Crossing how old is she same age oh no kids not married not pregnant no funny diseases not broke no prison record not got tattoos on her face there’s a Goldust so you keep wedging Bells present for you sir thank you very much Philly [Music] and drunk presents oh there you sir if you have any giant clients please let me know lots of it whatever it is lots of it and beer it’s just past lunchtime paramedics Darren Westwood and Steph J are working a shift together and I’m gonna do magic trick in a minute it’s all disappeared already [Music] on their way to treat a man who’s been taken ill at a local pub let’s cut to an unknown piece in his 70s patients under 42 possible stroke now if he’s in a meal like a low BP just dropped his blood pressure vertical due to the large meal for digesting it last time I was in this Pub was about eight years ago if my husband’s 40th he was incredibly drunk a lot of alcohol the staff at the pub have been waiting for the crew to arrive [Music] okay fabulous oh yeah the patient and his friend had enjoyed a round of golf before coming to the pub for some lunch it’s about a bit of a back day what’s your name Chef Morris okay do you want to tell us what’s going on some people just had a meal yeah and suddenly I said I’ll say that the world room Rock brush went to talk a bit of a Dream well okay and then the sweat boiled out of me just zipped do you think no that’s a good thing no Morris is 79. he’s been widowed for six years he likes to keep active and busy but may have overdone it today if if your blood pressure is a little bit lower at the time and you have a big meal what what your body does it’s it tries to send blood to your stomach to a digestion okay and that blood’s took from your head and you start feeling getting dizzy you’ve dropped your blood pressure in response to you you digestion [Music] back up you BP is still a little bit late yeah it’s about 108 69. now if he was an extreme athlete at the age of 79 then I’d say that was normal for you but I know the guidelines 120 over 80. but that’s for a 20 year old in perfect health so good morning still on the low side the team need to conduct conduct some more tests [Music] okay good more a few years in it yet have I I would have said so yeah [Laughter] how do you feel much better do you feel bacteria normal self 90 yeah okay 99 we’re going to need to do a standard BP because the difference between you sitting there yeah yeah and stand in his gravity all right so when you’re ready nice and slowly so your body can adjust as you stand up all right women in public the afternoon entertainment after we’ve been remorse a bit he’s uh BP returned back to normal while seated and also when he was standing and for Blake of nearly 80 he was in great shape he’s really good must be the golf you play to be fair okay you walk in the 18 holes it’s actually keeping you guys the more active people are when a younger and carry that through to past retirement age the longer they will live all right and the less they will suffer with old age right it’s like your shoulder joints your elbow joints are probably okay because you’re using them there ain’t many folk out there who are in nearly eight who can do that we’re going to need a signature off yourself to say that you’re happy to pay the bill for our drinks we’re going to go in a minute [Laughter] [Music] so with the history taking 70 of the diagnosis is history taking which is what we’ve got there we’ve got a good idea about what had happened to him indeed Paul Morris uh what do you recorded So and he was safe enough to go home indeed I’m quite a comedian with him and his friends yes hinge him now I can’t say hinge and bracket because that’s two ladies and you probably won’t remember them yeah exactly welcome and wise yeah I know I’ve heard of them I think Dad used to watch them [Music] despite being thrown 25 meters in the air off his motorbike Liam was discharged the same day with only cuts and bruises yeah Brian had numerous tests to try and get to the bottom of his mysterious funny turn they found nothing out of the ordinary and it was thought his condition was brought on by stress [Music] bethan’s serious symptoms of increased epileptic seizures blurred vision and hearing loss were investigated thoroughly at the hospital where she stayed for an entire month doctors are still conducting tests foreign [Music] little Lottie didn’t have a gastric bug or a UTI after all she was diagnosed with severe tonsillitis and given antibiotics she since made a full recovery since having his dizzy spell after a big Pub lunch Morris has been fine it hasn’t stopped him from enjoying a round of golf [Music] rice I think we should start heading back a little bit for the day yeah about that at all same again tomorrow [Music] thank you


    1. Living in a country with health care (not the UK) I've had the 'pleasure' of needing an ambulance for the first time in my life, twice in 5 months for pancreatitis each time. So grateful to be able to call them and not worry about a bill, like in the US. And I appreciate paramedics' work and dedication so much!

    2. I respect respect your family and respect 🫡 and your respect your business business I will always have business business and business business I will always be your best business business and business business I will respect your respect and respect respect your business business and business business I will respect your respect and respect respect your life business business and respect respect your business and respect your life business business and respect your business business and respect business

    3. The one thing I can’t stand is all the god damn questions. And I know as a former paramedic it drives patients absolutely freaking crazy. Even I didn’t like the million questions.

    4. Excuse me, but I was amused by the narrator's reference to the "tiny" bit of snow as a thick blanket! ❄️ It is all relative to one's location and experience, isn't it? Here in northeast Pennsylvania, USA, that amount of snow turning into slush would be nothing to worry about! 😄

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