In todays video I am training with Jack Eagles (@jack_eagles ) where we go through a monster leg day at Ultraflex Rotherham.

    We do a Q&A throughout and we both answer some honest truths around training, food, steroids and everything else inbetween.

    Don’t forget to leave a like and subscribe if you enjoyed the video, lots more to come soon!

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    I hate talk about it CU obviously like it’s a band thing but right here I am I’m going to be honest with you all so uh the three years leading up to my Pro card okay literally all the growth that I had was completely natural absolutely nothing in no growth hormone no Alina team metform and nothing and with my goal becoming a pro so we had to add in a tiny bit of assistance can [Music] oh you don’t be nothing all me no you don’t me nothing all me do you done what it takes to set me fre hey oh you could me better me oh wow yes come on all way all [Music] way come on dad let’s go one and a half exercis is in it’s not looking good [Music] [Applause] hi guys welcome back to my YouTube so today I am joined by The Fabulous Jack Eagles he’s kind of a big thing aren’t you he’s going to hate me being you no I’m not I’m joined by Chloe no so Jack is an ifbb uh Pro he’s in the classic division um when did you get your card Jack September last year NPC European a pretty young age one yeah so did you do like how many shows did you do before that that was my 15th show so it’s like third Pro Qualifier but I’ve done pro qualifiers year prior in men’s physique when I was a lot younger and a lot worse yeah and if you don’t know him like his physique is crazy he thinks he’s too small still but I disagree he’s he’s got a crazy physique so yeah we’re going to be doing legs today um I’m just training glutes and hammies at the moment but we are going to kind and put some quads in so yeah enjoy watching a wellness Pro and a classic Pro train together we’re going to [ __ ] [ __ ] up I’m going to get buried py the question is though who’s the better Pro oh not me definitely not me I came like 16th have you done approach no I haven’t so you are the better I’m season then there we go Season Pro takes Rocky for a leg day there you go yes come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes and in and in in good fight it fight [Music] it how was my spotting sound yeah good enough nothing worse than a bad [Music] [Applause] spotter on [Music] I’m again come on one more with you yeah all the way sh in that’s it wow do you log book religiously no us do and then sort of got bored of it yeah it’s like I think with log booking like obviously Jack’s a very like uh what’s the word what what word I trying to look for not how you’re like a I know how to train yeah I know what failure is he’s he’s experienced so if you’re an experienced at training then you kind of like don’t always need to log book yeah I say log books like accountability what did you find log booking brought like to a train like negative and positive what what what did log booking bring to your chaining like positives and negatives like uh took the thing in way I guess yeah like early and then like accountability for knowing team need to go to failure if you know last we you did x amount of reps with X weight and you know you got to go beat that this week it sort of forces you to develop that style of training um but then you get to a strength level where you just get mad anxiety going into the session cuz you’ve got x amount of weights to do for x amount of reps and if you don’t do that then your week’s ruined so it’s like if you’re growing and you’re training hard yeah you know what I mean I think yeah I think people that are just stepping into the gym it’s really really good like teach you how to progressively overlay teach you what failure is how to train properly but when you’re as good as us to I’m messy I’m just embarrassed people going to hate us it’s going to be awful this is what my YouTube’s like mine’s not mine’s just like bullying myself yeah with me now come on [Applause] more oh my my God one yeah wow it’s like this thing isn’t it and right there getting ready for take off what do they say and your seat Bel fasten just like exit is there yeah the exit is to your left and just sit fasten your seat Bel and enjoy the ride [Music] okay that’s great time today who [Music] yeah that’s it come [Music] on yes Easy Come on yes and again you got three at least come on yes come on and again qu more come on yes come on all the way all the way fcking hell I’m happy with that I’m spitting everywhere though no more quads is going well isn’t it what no more quads is going well isn’t it going to tell cow go 14 and then Terra [Music] quad oh come on Jack let’s go big [Music] [Music] legs come on I’m going that far yeah I was going to say you know what we’re done there cuz I can’t do sweet very [Music] [Music] good come on [ __ ] come on [Music] yes come on [Music] yes hand again if you want it come on that’s it oh my God [ __ ] quads take over though pissed me off actually no I’m going to ask you a question right what was it like cuz I haven’t competed as a pro yet what’s the difference between competing as an amateur and a pro obviously there’s obvious difference is but like how did you uh I don’t know cuz obviously when I did my Pro show it was literally the day after I turned Pro so leading into it I wasn’t arm doing a pro show it was like I turned Pro the day before that was obviously the main focus so after that I all relax it’s like yeah I’m doing the pro show £10 well1 15 under my Pro weight cap I don’t have any expectations so it’s hard because I was just happy to be there which moving forward I won’t just be happy to be there cuz it’s where I want to be uh I stood next to Wesley this is just before he then obviously went on to wind and everything so that was humbling quite demoralizing but I think you’re one of those people it’s good thing about you like Jack’s a very humble like Pro and I’ve said this on my YouTube before a lot of people turn pro and they’re the cockiest little [ __ ] and it’s like you don’t need to be that way like he’s got a massive following he’s got mad sponsors and he’s like gonna be at the Olympia one day mark my word and like he’s just really humble and that’s really nice and that’s why I’m that’s why I in my YouTube video because I don’t want to have Pricks in my YouTube video he’s German a really nice guy do you know when I first saw you in the gym I was like oh he’s not very friendly I’m justly social right I was like I was like do you know what actually then I saw you and I was like he’s definitely an introvert so when I spoke to you here I was like oh he’s lovely yeah I know I’m just not very social I don’t like people so you always been like that you sorry You’ always been like that yeah introverted yeah yeah it’s nice though it is yeah I think positives and negatives to it like everything but it’s not them it’s like makes good bodybuilder yeah like the whole YouTube stuff hates it really despir YouTube ab I hate this this is torture I’m been bullied into this no like it’s one them you just have to like it’s same with Instagram you it’s you treat as a job it’s not when did your following get so big this prep really last prep really so where were you before your prep followers had like 18 20K really yeah and then it was like posted a few reals of me posing and they got like millions of views and then they just blew up from there when I turn prob at like 70k I’s say it’s grown a bit since then because like his I know he says he’s not big enough right but if you look back at his Instagram and like see his physique like that’s way blew up because it’s so impressive like so impressive sorry I’m like blowing smoke up your ass but it’s it’s nothing personality wise it’s purely is eat based awful personality people don’t follow me for that oh that’s better [ __ ] [Music] hell on [Music] [Applause] no I know what was going to happen there right we got some oh that’s very close we’ve got some questions from my followers are you guys natural yeah he’s M very natural I’m 24 something pounds with 21 lean definitely natural Eat Your Greens no no great so I believe am my correct saying that you don’t actually take a lot no I don’t take like C contrary to popular belief it is vastly genetics um I’ve been assist I said the first prep natural um won the whole of ukba the overall at my first show which like in the UK that’s like the main n Federation so once I on that I was like great i’ I’ve peaked at 770 cuz there’s not really at that stage there wasn’t a step up so off the back of that assisted and then turned it into a career from there so yeah but I’m very self-aware that I’m 21 right if I want a long carean bodybuilding if I hammer steroids now you’ll burn out your infectors and everything so that by the time I’m 25 I’ll be taking grams and GRS and not seen any response so with longevity in mind take as lit as I can now with as most like the maximum progress from it I think we’re the same I think we both got good genetics and we train hard and we’re suited to our class and we use little assistance because like we can get away with that now I’ve not really spoken about this on my YouTube and I feel a bit like oh I hate talk about it cuz obviously like it’s a band thing but right here I am I’m going to be honest with you all so you some people won’t believe me okay so uh the three years leading up to my Pro card okay literally all the growth that I had was completely natural absolutely nothing in no growth hormone no altine metformin nothing and then I started prep we had cleaning um and then I wanted to do it just with cleaning and then because I was bringing in a lot of condition right for wellness cuz you need to be PE still I started to lose my pop and my look and with my goal becoming a Pro Cal was like Klo your physique is dying and I was like mate I know I was having like 7 700 grams of carbs right and it was doing fuckle and I was like [ __ ] this is really bad like I start to die um so we had to add in did a tiny bit of assistance week of my regional I then had Arnold 2 weeks later and I got my Pro card now you can argue that that didn’t make me grow it like retain the look but that’s not really a massively assisted prep so I’m proud of that um and again genetics has kind of carried me through now with the pro league is a bit of a different story but my usage is minimal like [ __ ] all there’s bikini girls in this gym that are onun more than me I have done more than me so that’s me being completely honest um I’ll never ever abuse it I never have it’s not my inclination to do that um so that’s me with my side of assistance so yeah one more is that your boyfriend’s better looking twin I wouldn’t insult Max like that I think it’s like mutually agreed amongst male bodybuilders that like if there’s one person You’ let buom you probably would be Max you know he’s a he’s a very good looking BL so max you’ve got my number mate if you ever if you’re ever lonely on a cold light cold rainy night mate feel free want to put it in a pro I mean another Pro I’m bringing out the extra right him look he has got a bit of a dark side Emily’s like I know it’s always the quiet ones Jack it is yeah it is yeah this is another sex uh sex YouTube by chlo oh not PG [Music] ever oh it’s [ __ ] twinging again stupid don’t do it it’s going to pull I’m going to stop there just in case it goes I’m having a massage after this I have one three weeks ago but after this week is every two weeks cuz I am so [ __ ] tighten my hips and everything [Music] [Music] wow [Music] [Music] if I go to actual failure on this it [ __ ] up my statica so I go like really light and just I’ll do a warm [Music] up I’m going to go 100 for like [ __ ] reps like 20 [Music] I’m going to do another one yeah one more set for me ja leave it there aren’t you oh defitely that yeah [Music] d [Music] [Music] wow done oh my God bites you doesn’t at the end so with a hip thrust um a lot of people so as they go down they like forget about their glutes they like relax then they squeeze at the bottom they they could trap but on the entric part you got to think about your glit the whole the whole time you get much better movement connection sorry and much way out of the movement Jack why does Jack inject all his peeds into his carves cont prop your belief I actually don’t I have thought about it run it past Tom my coach he was like probably don’t mate cuz I wouldn’t be able to walk for a little bit but one day I probably will cuz it’s quite a large muscle I can get away with it but I don’t train cars either it’s just purely genetic but yeah you what you don’t train them never trained them no shut them thing is though like it’s like yeah they’re big CS but I do classic physique so I’ve got a weight cap I’ve got limited muscles to put on yeah no one’s ever won a show from CS no one’s ever lost a show from CS it’s a [ __ ] it’s a bit irrelevant really so I’d rather have really skinny cast to be honest um also question for Jack tips for shoulder gray um natural raises really for me like GG there C races yeah line cff laterals # optimal but I do one one set of actual shoulder press a week the rest of it is just [ __ ] tons of elal Rises um and that’s what’s you know I’ve you are yeah but you are speaking to someone here who’s genetically freaky so I’ve also got like I’ve dislocated this shoulder five times so I can’t really do a lot of pressing but I still would would suggest you know how to stop being a [ __ ] when the weight gets heavy man up ju just stop being a [ __ ] want it more yeah just want it more mate just work harder if you obviously like when you’re training especially your legs right it’s going to get hard that’s where you grow muscle like people what happens is when they start to feel any sort of pain or burn they stop don’t they you got to push through like I think train training is a skill isn’t it and it takes you a while to understand what failure is like when clients come to me and they do like a they send me training footage I’m like that wasn’t to failure and they’re like really I’m like yeah so I teach them like actually go to faia and it [ __ ] hurts like you should be dead after your set unless reps in reserve which I don’t do do you do you like that style of training I’ve never done it I don’t think I’d enjoy it no imagine that going in and like not going to failure how can you like enjoy training that way there’s nothing you could there’s nothing like going like the end of that leg press that we did like [ __ ] dying yeah I wouldn’t enjoy it I would look forward to the gym it’s like yeah favorite cream of rice and protein combo from a certain brand that I won’t name on Chloe’s YouTube channel uh you can no uh I haven’t actually tried something need cream rice amazing the cookie day one she has to say that it’s in her contract um I come in here wearing a quante top sometimes [ __ ] no uh I’ll use the Train by JP I just stick to like chocolate fudge cuz I’m boring um and then chocolate where just standard chocolate L protein I don’t care about Flavor that much so are you one of those people that just eat because you need to eat yeah well I mainly enjoy cream rice in PR and at that point I’ll just cover all food in shitloads of cinnamon and then put as much water in it to volumize it as possible so it’s basically just hot cinnamon water that’s about all I’m eating it’s not really cream of rice by that point wow so and do you follow a meal plan in prep or Mac yeah yeah meal plan year round it’s just T my coach set to my macros and then I do my meal plan but it’s the same six Ms year round whether on prep or offseason it’s the quantities change so that makes him a better Pro than me cuz I track my food every day but meal plan and meal plan and prep cuz like thing is with me if I have the same things every day off season I lose my appetite like that I hate having the same thing on the opposite if I have to think about the meal when I’m not hungry I’m like I just won’t eat if I not I’ve got to eat that meal at 3:00 p.m. I’ll just eat that meal at 3 p.m. right so I now see Marlon TW it’s every two weeks now isn’t it yes you do yes by so last time I saw you I was tight as [ __ ] wasn’t I yeah he likes to massage with gloves on as well it’s actually so much better it feels less I don’t know feels smoother doesn’t it it does yeah that’s fiction that’s friction more hyd it just I just trained with Jack Eagles oh yeah how that it’s really good good so last time I was here Maron told me that my legs are famous apparently aren’t they how people come in what people said about my legs to you he mainly guys as well believe it or not this one like what’s that one like that’s it’s like you know when pain but it feels relieving pain yeah that’s what I’m getting on that one more question oh someone said to me are you competing or not what’s the plan you suddenly stop prep yeah uh I stopped prep because I had only just moved here and I wasn’t settled and I still not settled here to be fair um it takes a while to settle into a new place and I was getting very overwhelmed with doing like four four of these shows like uh Toronto and California back to back that’s quite scary and like the logistics of it all and I said to K I was like mate I want to grow more and it’s just stressing me out I’m not settled so my first show is going to be the uh Pro Show in the UK in London in September what an amazing first pro show I can have my friends my family my clients watch me so that’s a really good decision I think um and I start prep again second week of June and I’m only like just over a kilo up from my lowest weight in prep so I’m at a really good point and my calories are pretty high as well so yeah is that the NPC European yeah in the UK yeah the one uh 14th 15 from September yeah so anyway that’s us that’s us that’s it from us today hopefully you enjoyed uh watching The Wellness Pro and the classic Pro train as always like share subscribe also if you want to find Jack and Instagram it’s just Jack Eagles isn’t it yeah Jack Eagles literally with with a blue tick um and yeah I will catch you on the next video


    1. First time I’ve seen this channel and I’m just so impressed – an astonishing physique and a really cool personality. This is fab – subbed.

    2. I believe you that you don't abuse, because you show no signs of virilization. I follow other wellness girls who have receded hairlines, deep voices, masculinized facial features, etc. Obviously, people don't experience side effects equally, but it's a good indicator if someone is on the higher side, as it will be harder to abuse and avoid side effects, and vise versa.

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