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    WHEN – 19/05/2024 at 8:00PM
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    yes peeps it’s competition time and you can win this ebike in the next 24 hours head over to the website to secure your tickets for only 99p the summer months are here you do not want to miss out good luck welcome back to another episode it’s Saturday and the time has just gone 700 a.m. and it’s time for a breakfast delivery shift can’t remember the last time I done a a breakfast shift that’s the main reason why I’ve dragged myself out of bed and uh I’m going to pick pick up my first job from McDonald’s only took a couple of minutes to come in so hopefully that’s a good indication to how busy it’s going to be this morning I’ve taken the leg cover off of the bike and uh I’ve taken the fmal liner out of my bike jacket now so I’m going to be a lot more cooler than I was the other day when I was delivering those parcels and yeah I just I love working this time in the morning the only downside to doing a breakfast shift is trying to not spill the coffees and hot and other hot drinks so fingers crossed I don’t get a lot of orders with hot drinks yeah let’s get straight into [Music] it oh I can’t stop here [Music] great that’s just in case I do do spill any coffees yes this customer is a legend they’ve opted for a Tropicana so no risk of spilling any coffees all good morning thank you instant pickup very good especially for McDonald’s all right it’s not a far drop off 4 minutes .9 mil away nice and easy [Music] yeah the reason why I’ve got out so early is that tonight I have to do the live draw on my Instagram for the fedo Titan so there’s no point me I mean I can start afterwards but it’s at 8:00 p.m. so I’d rather work in the morning time I’ll get a head start obviously this morning make some good money fingers crossed and then I’ll come out later on tonight probably around 9:00 p.m. and work until 1:00 a.m. but yeah I’m really excited I always get I always get really excited for these draws because I know someone’s going to win the bike and I get to speak to them on the phone and then like a week later depending on where they live and what their schedule is I get to meet them yeah I love it it’s so cool I’m looking forward to that and uh yeah for the rest of the weekend well Sunday is a big big day Arsenal Manu oh it’s a must- win game and Man City have got got fulam away and I’m hoping that they draw or at least lose then we have a chance of winning the Premier League yeah then obviously all down to Tottenham as well three days later for f sake it does feel weird without the leg cover like I feel like I’m I feel naked I feel like I should have something here like I’m missing a part of part of my clothing cuz I’m always like trying to fix it and make it nice and snug and now I haven’t got anything but I needed to do it it needed to come off the other day when I was delivering those Parcels oh man that was so hot that it was unbearable and I didn’t even have space to take the leg cover off and put it in my [Music] box all right and here we are first customer yeah me can I get your code please 92 thank you first one UND done I am on line with UBS as well because I want to maximize my uh potential of getting jobs and the best way to do that is to have more than one app running so I’m running two today I was going to be going online with just e but they haven’t got any shifts available so yeah just have to stick with Uber and deliver for for this morning justy was meant to be moving to like a free login zone so you just go online and jobs come in just like the other two app but it looks like justy haven’t made that change yet and I think they actually confirmed it that it was going to be happening but yeah I’m not sure if that is going to be the case all right I’m going to head towards London Bridge cuz I think that might be the best spot to go to at this time of the morning I think I’m just trying to think back to my uh my last morning shift there was quite a few jobs in that area so see I’m going to head towards there obviously if anything comes in then I’m I’m going to accept it on the way up there yeah I’ll bring you back when the next one’s in and there we go straight in with another McDonald’s order Β£66 I knew something was going to come in and I knew it was going to be a McDonald’s cuz this is the only place that’s open at this time of the morning pretty much every other restaurant and cafes are closed everything starts to open up at about 8 9 McDonald’s 24/7 I think that’s going to be the only place that I’m picking up from in the next couple of hours I don’t know maybe some places open at 8:00 the time now is 25 past 7 so it might be just for the next half an hour or so it would just be McDonald’s orders only I tell you what though it’s meant to be 25Β° today it’s currently 9Β° I’m freezing I need my blanket back oh I know though come like 10:00 a.m. I’m going to be sweating if I have that blanket on so yeah I rather shiver now and be fine later on rather than sweating now and still sweating later on go on mate no problem made me miss my bloody light as well oh no I’m Pi what am I talking about I’m picking up from Morrison’s why did I think it was McDonald’s picking up from Morrison’s wow you can clearly see I haven’t had my morning coffee I think that’s happened to me before actually where I said I’m picking up from McDonald’s but really it’s Morrison’s how did I get that so wrong all right uh no we don’t need that morning [Music] 326 take it this says 327 yeah take it please I just made it yeah this is the one yeah yes okay I’m just making sure I collect the right order I’m picking up all the 326 it says 327 on the bag I’m just making sure it’s the right one I don’t know what’s for the attitude I know it’s morning time and people are groggy but flip in hell man maybe I should go buy her a coffee cheer her up some people are so funny but yeah I just want to make sure that I’m collecting the right order you know cuz the last thing I want to do is get all the way to the customer’s address and it’s the wrong order I’m doing my job ah let’s forget about it let’s crack on this customer is 1.7 m away 9 minutes it’s like a weird fog in the air as well people were posting pictures last night of the northern lights in in uh in England and yeah some people actually got it on camera it looks pretty crazy but now we’ve got this re like really weird fist fisty Misty fog uh that’s over London [Music] [Music] all right then here we [Music] are hi deliverer come on thanks how you at 32 32 yeah thank you cheers all right and that is that one done been online for 39 minutes and I’ve made Β£843 that isn’t a bad start all right there’s a new job I was on my way to Greg’s to grab a coffee however work does come first Β£6 63 it’s a double picking up from deliver hop let’s take that the coffee can wait until later I was just hoping to get one in now before it starts getting busy but it looks like it’s busy already so yeah I can hold off on the coffee [Music] oh my God my flipping phone just came off what is going on luckily I have a mouse case on it but why why has that happened all I did was go over a speed bump and it comes flying off a look at this bike they’ve got the Puig Mega Box in white I’ve never seen it in white before it’s exactly the same delivery box I’ve got on the back of my bike that looks that looks nice I like that I like it a lot and 9548 as well thank you God happy happy people happy happy happy maybe I’m too happy that’s what the problem is maybe I’m just too happy in the mornings and everyone else is just pissed off all right first customer 0.3 mil away 2 minutes yeah I don’t know what it is with this phone case like look it’s on there really secure but I have to pull it quite hard to get it off I’ve just gone over a speed bump so why is it coming off the mount and it’s not even that old as well I’ve had it on there for less than 6 months yeah weird whoa okay here we go pedestrian and Cycle Zone only 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. oh no I’ve still got 10 10 minutes I think I’m delivering here anyway so I’m just going to park it up over here cuz I know there will be there will be a camera somewhere watching me oh because the terms and conditions yeah because of this and that that’s why you got a ticket I’m not even going through those things uh I think it’s over there yeah there it is got these uh Nik caros never used to be a fan of caros but I think I’ve got into the habit of buying them now they’re so comfortable and for work they’re perfect I’m morning 89 89 thank you it’s been a busy hour I’m on my fourth job of the hour and it’s only oh it’s 8 minutes to 8 that’s pretty good it’s either it’s really busy or there isn’t many Riders on the road because if there’s no Riders then obviously I’m going to be getting a lot more jobs than I normally would all right this one is 4 miles away 17 minutes [Music] all right then here we are at the next customers address hello it’s 55 perfect thank you byebye all right still no jobs on Uber but for the hour I’ve made Β£156 that’s a good start I’m probably going to work until around 11: going to put a decent 4H hour shift in and like I said this is just my like this is my head start and I say that because I’m going to get out later on this evening and when I work on the weekends I aim to make a minimum of Β£1 in a day and I’ve done that for the last I don’t know 2 3 years when I go out in the mornings and then work in the evening times look at the roads completely empty restaurants are rude but fast there’s pros and cons to work at this time of the morning obviously the biggest one is getting up and getting out of bed and getting on the bike but I feel like if you’ve got that motivation to make money that that that that’s the first thing that that has to be done you know first thing you’ve got to conquer all right I’m going to go grab myself a coffee from somewhere and wait for another job to come in fingers crossed I can get my coffee before the next job comes in I I need my morning coffee all right there’s a new job picking up from Co-op Β£290 I just had my coffee I ordered a flat white and she gave me a double espresso I didn’t realize until I got out of there I had it anyway woken me right up luckily the co-op is on this road just up here on the right hand side and the worst thing is I got two sugars because I thought I was getting a flat white so imagine a double espresso of Two Sugars I am wired right now I feel like I’ve had 10 red balls this is a super super close drop some bread some syrup and some baby milk nice nice and quick all right this customer 2 minutes away W honestly I’m so awake right now I was feeling a bit like you know that that feeling when you could just easily get back into bed and fall to sleep I feel like I’m going to be awake until Monday now I tried to lay off the coffee cuz I used to work in a restaurant oh we’re talking at least 9 years ago and I drank so much coffee like honestly it it would be unbelievable if I was to tell you how much coffee I used to drink it is ridiculous and uh it got to a point where I was having like heart palpitations and I was getting really worried I’m thinking what’s going on here I’m like I was 21 or 22 at the time thinking I shouldn’t be having these heart problems but it was down to drinking too much coffee literally from 8 between 8: and midday 8:00 a.m. and midday I would have at least 10 coffees no joke and then in the evening because I was working in a restaurant I would then be drinking so it’s just yeah it’s just a bad bad combination hello 55 thank you have a good day hey we’re straight back in with another one Β£322 Co-op looks like this Co-op is busy see little short drops like this are good it’s when you get the ones that are paying like say for example Β£5 or just over5 and it’s going two 2 and 1/2 miles that’s the ones when you’re like me I’ll take it but when you get short drops like this like these ones it’s perfect because it takes half the time it does to uh deliver one of those ones that are going 2 miles just get them done so fast just over there thank you all right customer says do not ring the doorbell use the door knocker no problem 3 minutes away 0.8 [Music] mil all right here we are hello than thank you can I get your code please Perfect have a good day bye-bye nice and quick oh I need to give the bike a clean just seeing how much dirt there is on here now that’s where the cover’s been rubbing on it but the wrap has held up really well I’m uh going to be changing it very soon just waiting for the new panels to be uh to be made by the master moose who is uh in charge of the flagship store in Amsterdam he makes these custom panels you can see down here made by Mo Arma Got The Branding of the channel and a really really cool feature that I absolutely love I’ve got an NFC chip in here if I play place my phone against it it opens up the YouTube channel how cool is that so yeah a new design is going to be coming soon if you’re enjoying this episode so far and you enjoy this type of content and you’re not subscribed already hit that subscribe button it doesn’t cost a penny and it really does help the algorithm help the channel out my aim I’m going to be a little bit optimistic here I want to hit 300,000 subscribers by the end of 2024 I know I’ve only just hit 200k and I am very grateful for that but let’s uh let’s try and push to that Mark of 300,000 subscribers I don’t it it still seems crazy to even say that 200,000 Subs at last there’s a new job Β£ 431 the time has just gone 9:30 took ages to come in it’s going up into the city let’s go and get this one 0.4 miles away honestly it took ages for another job to come in I’ve been riding around the whole time 64% battery it’s going to be enough until the end of the shift don’t have to worry about that but yeah I just been riding around riding around trying to get a job so I feel like when you stay in one place you don’t really get good chance to get a job it’s weird as well because the jobs were flowing in really fast I think he might be going right so I don’t really want to go down the side of him okay he’s going straight that’s part of a crane you can see the three or four cranes they over there on that building site don’t realize how big they are until you see them up close yeah London is starting to get a lot more busier now a lot more cars on the road people get in there Saturday started weather’s meant to be really good today 25Β° we’re up to 13 now all right no coffees we just got a a green smoothie thank you all right we’re going over to a dentist delivering to a dentist over the other side of the river 10 minutes 1.3 miles all right what way does it want to take me we’re going over Tower Bridge one of the most iconic bridges in London which always gets mistaken and people call it London Bridge even londoners call it London Bridge sometimes yeah it’s Tower Bridge the one that looks all pretty and I guarantee even at this time of the morning it’s going to be gridlock traffic if it isn’t I’ll be very very surprised oh wow it’s actually empty for once well kind [Music] of and then on the left hand side we’ve got the Tower of London super super old I need to take my son there I haven’t taken him there yet I haven’t been there in over 10 years saw the uh Queens jewels in there big massive diamonds and yeah it’s really cool in there [Music] oh oh nearly nearly nearly are there we go7 87 thank you you put that bench there he tripped over how embarrassing all right I’m definitely out the Zone yeah all right let me just change area cuz you never know I might get a job in this area oh look straight away I got a job where’s that going up towards uh going up towards my end yeah I might as well take it at the next pickup I need to be quick because there is no load in here whatsoever they’re really strict on it last thing I want is a ticket thank you all right got that little package let’s get back to the bike in the city traffic wans are so bloody fast look he’s already got a parking ticket that guy there they’re ruthless honestly absolutely ruthless all right this one is 2.4 mil away 14 minutes all right just arriving at this customers address now I’m in East London I didn’t expect it to uh be this far out of where I picked up from hello hello do you know the code 40 9 thank you you’re welcome bye-bye all right let’s see if I’m still in the area yeah I am Uber Eats nothing nothing at all I don’t know what it is I feel like Uber’s just on boarded so many riders now like they don’t close their on boarding and there’s just not enough orders to go around for the amount of drivers that there are on the road if that makes sense I had one request when I was on my way to this customer but it was a bit of a silly job paying Β£3 but other than that I’ve been running it for 3 hours now one job one job request all right so I made my way down to delivery hop and I’ve got a double coming in there paying Β£72 that’s going to be two big bags and 73 as well you got your order as well oh okay cool cool all right so the other Rider has taken the other half but I’m going to a completely different drop so he’s obviously going to get there before me this first one is 2.3 mil away 12 minutes he’s going to get there way before me but it’s fine I think yeah the customer knows on the app anyway it tells them that there’s two riders for this job so it’s not like they’re not going to know where I am yeah it’s been a pretty slow couple of hours to be honest between 7 and 8 it was really busy it’s like non-stop jobs coming in but between 9 30 and 10:30 it’s been yeah it’s been quiet only fre yeah this one it’s the big one hello you’re right pretty heavy you got uh your code please and what’s the date bu 0406 97 thank you Che mate I love it when uh customers have their ID ready and waiting okay on to the next one it isn’t far away but that first Rider has definitely got there before me 1.4 miles away not bad all right just arriving to the next customers address it was a bit of a distance to be honest it didn’t look close it looked a lot closer on the map hi there you are can I get your code please thank you take care and that is that one done the time is 11:15 so I’ve been delivering for 4 hours and 15 minutes drum roll please bam Β£ 3839 10 deliveries Β£839 in just over 4 hours I don’t know is that good it’s it’s not bad I mean it could be more I was hoping for around Β£45 I’ve enjoyed it anyway and at least I’ve got a nice little head start it just means that tonight I have to make at least 62 to hit that 100b Target and uh yeah I hope you’ve enjoyed watching this one if you have you know what to do leave a like on the video and if you enjoy watching this type of content and you’re not subscribed already hit that subscribe button and I look forward to bringing you another episode very soon take care people peace


    1. That drop you did to the dentist in the city I delivered to that compound right at the end of that little round in a lorry so was a be tighter lol.

    2. lets say even if made 100 pound/day, that's only 3k a month and rent costs around 1k easily and 1k for costs of living and you save 1k a month that's it? not including youtube revenue

    3. Am like those guys …. miserable morning guy…. come after midnight …. am active πŸ™‚ unless of course if talking to you LE…. 🀣🀣 ill give u a coffee πŸ˜‰

    4. What is amazing is 20MPH driving looks like 50MPH on your camera. Amazing cheers. I had McDonalds delivery yesterday 16 quids for 2 large meals.

    5. What is this that you keep showing the order number? Is it within the food ordering app itself or do you use a separate one? I always think it's funny when you show it, I don't know why

    6. What do you think about Deliveroo setting lower fees for riders and the fact that they keep making customers order from 10+ km away making fees ever worse?

    7. Not sure if you have done it before, but I would love to watch u do a livestream of your shift. Perhaps for your 250k/300k special video.

      Love your videos. Keep it up!

    8. I love watching your videos. I find them soothing.. I think that’s the best word to use. I did have one question though.. I am interested as when you pick up/drop off orders, some faces are blurred out and some are not. Do you ask every customer and employee if they are okay with being filmed? And do you tell them about your channel?

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