Tommy: https://www.instagram.com/tommysearle100
    Ed: https://www.instagram.com/eddie_large1

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    it’s get CRA [Music] it’s still and I’m going to be up there you Reon yeah just sat here like and I well well I’m still on that bit of metal mesh you re you’re going to be halfway up that start straight yeah could be right bill but time will tell if there’s one thing you might be good at tomorrow or there’s a few things you’re going to be good at but this one of the I’ll struggle to beat you at the start if I do beat you at the start after I sent you that pick of the old dad bod earlier in the week then you should be really disappointed oh good that was naughty pick that just eating an ice L he just sat there with the dad one and I was just like that can’t beat me at the weekend all right here we are then we do a little bit of vlogging track walk bit of beef between me and Bill wasn’t sure if we should even be walking the track together now even parked next to in but uh not sure we’ be talking tomorrow we we’ll see how the day uh escalates or progresses however you say I raced here Bill my first race here was5 and then I looked at my results yesterday cuz I thought I might won in 2007 or 2006 but I got got beat by Gareth swano I went 22 swanny went 111 what was you doing in 2006 I was still in the womb tub what I W even B joking so that’s a bit weird is it if you get a good start this is where I’m going to I’m either going to come up the inside of you or I’m going to go outside if you go inside I’m going to go outside and square you up if you go outside I’m going to dive down inside of you so whatever thing you do here I’m going to overtake you full of mate no way you are wait and see just a bit intrigued there a puddle been coming in since 20 5 and I’ve never ever seen a puddle there have you mate never never never seen that one before behind you but never that one what color D there look what am I doing here s a ghost right morning sports fans let’s go racing the 125 class R now my practice is up in about 25 minutes but today we had the pleasure young Edward he’s decided to make an appearance and he’s floating out he can do the race footage so there’ll probably be a better bit of race footage in this one but um stuff’s there got another new camera here I’m going to go down put this camera down and actually do a bit of work this is bad what are you doing M you a little penguin in I to St [Music] what number do you want to write on there number right in theit W if I show this footage to Gareth you’ll be straight out well even if we’re main sponsor it don’t matter rules are rules it’s a bit wet out there but it’s right any good end up third think Tommy first I don’t know he was eight when I seen him well it’s not easy it’s like a mixture of teenagers and Veterans yeah but I rode more like a teenager and I should know better crashed on the clock lot of people one lap I thought was right and now I got caught with some ride all this section so now it’s going straight for another one but I had arm pom and I like on the clutch load Crush that that’s probably the best thing for that what snapping so you don’t get on it no but I don’t use that b anyway not crashed for 6 months and we’ve done four laps and thrw it up the track you’re not you just better off at own no I’ve come to support you you he’s come out and give me no constructive criticism it’s all criticism he’s just taking the piss is it we’ve got a ring style like this we need a ring style like like that I wish he I wish he was out there cuz I’m the slow I’m the last cow out of our little gy and if he was out there I’d have one behind me I’d feel a bit better have been one in front of you 100% I had you down for top 10 but not to the back of the top 10 qualifying hell silenced him enemies with friends like you silen him I need aing start cuz if I don’t I’m buried mate I’m going to have a a long race without a start I can’t wait for this t a racing today live from Ling and it’s currently uh really wetting it down we’ve got we we coming in from the East and we we coming in from the West just pissing it now what are you doing you silly man look a bit wet it’s a bit cold and wet see how much moaning is he done I know he’s not moan he hasn’t moan he just said he’s not fast enough do you know what he told me no he wished he had his 450 what kindor div he CLE of seven and eight it’s not good the good thing for you is you can probably rip a start more likely than I can that’s what I was thinking when I was R I was like it’s not that deep it’ll be all right I actually felt all right on the bike but um just the lap time didn’t show it unfortunately but well got the races coming out the rain has just come down Heavens has opened as they say and it’s going to be absolutely brutal out there so the start really is crucial so I’ll Focus on that and um I think if I get that I’ll be I’ll be away I can manage a race and a manage race situation quite well so the whole experience might have to come out but in qualifying didn’t come out at all is that good loing it first time you turned that on today no I’ve actually done a little bit but I must admit I haven’t been that vloggy if you your p in warm up didn’t want to talk to it that would have been a P1 you’ve been no I still spoke a little bit after it really yeah it’s not the results that’s really dampened the Vlog it’s the weather I’m that cold outside oh yeah you’re staying here shut this for you have you got match with Jeffrey or Not O this is the weather is it Ed got your flippers yeah got jet ski on ready for race you going for a sight LP not I think so reckon I should you’ve got a bit of experience I would suggest a sting LP what are you going to learn other than get dirty cold wet he’s got legal I made an appearance you look like you’re scientist looks quite clever him he I’m intelligent now he looks clever than you he is clever than you a I’m going there all the way up here on your own oh you’re holding the brly yeah you’re right is the what happens when you beat Tommy and qu I was going to say you’ve done them all you’ve just silently just done them all silent with deadly a he got two GP Riders ahead of me it they have it in the mud what motorcycle you on the spare or the I don’t know hybrid back on the main now what are you contemplating I’m just I’ve gone up and I’ve gone back and I’ve gone up and I’ve gone back look that’s what I’m contemplating there’s no good one but I’m contemplating taking like look I mean if you went up there you’re brand new straight on the grass then you got you’ll be coming in so hot into everyone that’s dangerous don’t really want to cause a mass pile up either middle yeah how’s it going good questioning huh you both questioning him what you do yeah earlier I thought this all seemed like a really good idea and then to be fair in the middle of the night I was thinking exactly the same thing listen to it rain I was like what the f he come in after practice and said I wish I had my 450 well I just got a first gear up that hill I was like you idiot what you do I [Music] second they go second half on the m [Music] a chion on the what happen what happened might blow up yeah stop and then I can’t get you crashed and snap a car yeah you a car Dad bod beat him he had you covered for a bit though didn’t he he did he was off in the distance I could see you I’m coming and then I wanted I sort of like felt the bike getting a bit hot and I S of slow down and the goggles got filled in and they steamed up from the inside and I a goggles stop it was comical you to you lot of comical you’re such a like we’ve literally just gone and had a third and he was running up front what on Earth do you think you would do in those conditions I like I thrive in these conditions cuz you’re still on the sidelines you can give it all that all day but I can and walk the walk you can’t walk no you can barely walk I’m just about walking still now you done good Thomson I see third you to pull it out the b didn’t you cuz it was last lap was a sick did you see the P had a nice line up on that bank look at it you the average age of the top three at one point was Jake 32 Jake was riding so well and then um well to be fair Jack ch’s got a good start and he held the pace quite slow cuz I looked up and I’m like what’s he still doing there at the same team if you’re out front you don’t need to go fast cuz no one’s going he crashed and then still picked it up in first yeah but there was a lot of legs off from you cuz yeah I know but it wasn’t a great ride I know that you could have done five times better though could you I can talk a good talk from the sidelines that’s for sure yeah I’ve been doing it 18 years it’s easy standing Burger in one hand and a cup of tea in the other I can talk a good talk the less I could see the more squer I got at one I was just like I’ve got to take this go I’ve got the pit stop as well got the pit stop from a high distance I laugh the pit stop I come around and I and I went pointed at and they was ready BST and a big bit of mud dropped off the helmet into go slow it was a slow pity not want to go out on the sight LP you’re not fancy in this sighting LP I wanted to but Dave said no Dave da said no he he want to try and be this rocket he that’s not the KTM I thought was going to be there but the old boy still at it yeah still going for it still love it still love it how’s the new machine a lot I’m a lot happier about it that way that’s all that yeah H didn’t want to do around you man just look around you no different to where you’re from the weather is better at home R not much better but a bit [Music] [Music] [Music] how is it mate how did you get third you got third still cuz I saw first step and you were like hey hey yeah I down a pit stop for goggles oh really they OK Bob fix your goggles fix them but they steamed up on the inside for some reason think old I started panting my tongue was out in the helmet like why do you think about the track at theend was good at the end of the race your best your best not really people was falling off in front of me pass I was wishing for the same thing but conr never fell off so right he W actually really good man if this guy would have wrote the same thing like even when he takes a plane and goes to Europe somewhere right a GP I’m pretty sure he would finish like six 5 six seven he had he had a good face but uh but he has his whole career it’s unbelievable yeah but once he gets out of this country he just loses like a bit of speed it seems like but he was really good like honestly good string you’re right mate oh yeah I I would take me trousers down and show me CS but that’s probably probably not PG it’s probably not PG why aren’t you riding I I’ve let him have a go but to be honest I think I could have done a better job anyway well where did he finish 25th in in qualifying it’s awful mate it’s terrible this music is it along what happened on the last lap H story of my life I let the little pass let the door open Be Clever I followed the Belgium bles line that passed me the lap before got mug sell it’s funny though the old boys have still got it store it my life that must be the line oh he passed you there before no he just he just passed me but he went around there and off so I was like oh that must be the line and then not happy pin you down saw that I like went off the drop and just looked it while I landed and was like I’m just cuz it was just like that why are we all Gathering down there I’m oh you’re back up there you reckon where where you going I’m going to go here I made Point changing has not broken on this opening lap Harvey cashall goes up the inside oh that’s to BR Sky off the big up there’s a big lip on there [Music] place ready how much long go go [Music] [Music] and a 23 [Music] happy day then fast then Boys N not that they’re fast that I got stuck behind 18 I got out front I been say no strength I have no won the last R maybe Vault was he gone yeah maybe Vault un struggle but the rest is it’s no problem no one’s making moves you just can’t pass I was 5 Seconds quicker than where I was going but what can you do as soon as you go offline it just died around the track I go around the corner then I stop wait for him to drop off the hill and then go I’ll go now cuz the right was yeah you just F your go again again again yeah it was good p a Ripper on the start and then uh lad for like two laps V got me he was a he was a little bit too good in this stuff but uh we’ll get there we’ll get him you stayed relatively clean compared to everyone else yeah I know it’s what happens when you get a whole shot I think I pulled my roll off like five times thank you I don’t see Tommy there second then you start doing autographs over and out I know I’m done mate I’m glad I was on this side of the fence on round up me I’m going to be 30 seconds behind you I’m pack these cameras I’ll race you now out the pits right set your timer and we’ll see how long it takes to get home good day well done Tommy we managed uh third overall at the first round of the British Championship I’m happy with that considering the conditions the sun typically has just come out now but uh it’s been a wet horrible day so those days can Easy Go quite bad with a bik dnf but dirt store boys were Mega um these days are a lot harder for them than they are for us so big shout out to the team uh you got to thank anyone else did Dad get on the podium yeah you proud yeah that’s good enough we’ll see you next time [Music]


    1. well done 250 tom was an impressive ride in those conditions i did feel it a bit for little bill in that first race he was going so well up until that point.

    2. Well done Tom, unlucky in that first one Bill, Conrad was ripping around Lommel a couple of weeks back JH84 is right when Conrad goes to a GP etc he seams to lose it like when I raced at nationals 😆 great vid 🤙

    3. Ripper of a ride man doin us old guy PROUD! Experience pays off in the end doesn't it. Camera work and race clips were sick this time as well

    4. Hi Tommy ur the one who got me in to motocross I watched you at ringmer mid Sussex before u went pro year after I joined mid Sussex on a ktm Junior unfortunately due to Money I had to stop on the 85bw I had a ktm sx85 big wheel all I want is a 250f

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