Vintage public information adverts from British TV, hand-picked for this compilation with cleaned-up audio & video. Check out the playlists on my channel page for more vintage ad compilations:

    Chapter Markers:
    00:00 Tufty Club (Ice Cream Van)
    00:47 Pelican Crossings (Flashing Amber)
    01:49 Fire Door Safety
    02:48 Never Ever Talk To Strangers
    03:34 Think Before You Drink (The Stupid Git)
    04:04 Crossing The Road (Grown Ups Aren’t Always Right)
    06:32 Green Cross Code Man (Robot Droid)
    07:23 Supervise Your Children
    08:11 ITC Advertising Standards (Slaphead)
    08:42 Prevent Crime (Thieving Birds)
    09:44 The Fireworks Code (Hale & Pace)
    10:06 Drink Driving (In The Summertime)
    10:46 TV Licence Evasion (Someone Else’s TV)
    11:07 Paedophiles Use The Internet
    11:49 The Power Game (Plug Safety)
    12:30 Road Safety Hedgehogs (King of the Road)
    13:12 End Links & Music

    [Music] this is what happened one day when the ice cream van stopped by tu’s house ice cream and tufty goes to find his mommy tufty always asks his mommy to go with him to the ice cream van but Willie weasel has gone off to get an ice cream by himself oh dear oh Mommy Willie has been knocked down by a car now Willie has been hurt and all because he didn’t ask his mommy to go with him to the ice cream van when you want to go to the ice cream van always take mommy with you all here’s one of those Pelican Crossings what it’s all right it’s all right they’re very much like ordinary traffic signals green Amber red we have to stop who the Amber’s flashing what’s it mean well flashing amber means pedestrians have right away you see and we must wait for them to cross oh well they’ve crossed now can we drive on yes when the Amber is flashing and the crossing is clear we can go now tell me again what’s the sequence of lights after the green for go right steady Amber then red both mean stop of course flashing amber means pedestrians have right of away but we can go if the crossing is clear green means [Music] goly love as if I haven’t got enough to do all these bluming doors to coat with like getting through Checkpoint Charlie around the to doors you want a wige them open hang a bit I got one here AR I there you go oh Terry you are a good boy that’s better I’ll remember you in my world old is cracking on about them fire doors again they ought to leave them open all the time it’s stupid a it you coming in if there should be a far away you work the quickest way to make it spread is to wedge open a fire door fire doors prevent fire spreading and they a barrier against suffocating fumes and smoke giving you enough time to escape to safety never wedge open a fire door never lock them shut fire doors can save lives yours maybe this is my brother George this is Mommy she’s always telling us we must never talk to strangers no matter how nice they are the other day George was waiting for mommy when a man came up and offered him a site George shook his head then the man said would you like to come for a walk or ride in my car but then George remembered what mommy had her and hurried off to find her mommy was very pleased with him and she said he was a very good boy so children if someone you don’t know offers you something always refuse never ever talk to strangers you [Music] you most of us reckon we can handle our Motors after a few points take it easy and you’re done attract the law but what if some stupid git does this or this or this those few points just cost you your license so’s the stupid G now that’s the key this is my dad that’s my sister this is my mom and my [Music] man she always waits there she worries when we’re not all home mom and dad worry when I am mind you don’t burn yourself dry yourself properly you’ll ruin your eyes and every Saturday morning when me and Mom go shopping my n always tells me to look out for the traffic me it’s Mom she should be telling when she wants to get to the shop opposite she just takes off she doesn’t bother with the crossing we’ve been told at school not to go between parked cars but to use the crossings and my mom says that’s quite right when you’re young at home there’s all that sit up and eat up otherwise you won’t grow up to be big and strong and healthy and outside where there are cars and lers and buses wagging past my mom should be wearing air plates crossing the road good job she doesn’t drive my dad does and he’s very careful but he doesn’t always practice what he preaches me and him had been up in the park Sunday morning then he remembered we hadn’t bought the car I started walking to the subway and he tells me to make us late for our dinner it’s very funny how grown-ups can always be right even when they’re wrong now if anybody had tried that when he had been driving he’d have done his [Music] nut the best though was when I was with mom me and her R our way home after getting me more shoes anyway we have to cross the road and she didn’t even see the car coming she was about to tell the driver what she thought about him and he was at the car to do the same and do you know who he was my dad in our new car we could have all finished up as Min meet and you tell me how they would have explained that to my name look screen Crossman looks like you two need a lesson in crossing the road my little friend is going to show you how first find a safe place to cross here safe place away from parked cars where you can see the road is clear and drivers can see you stop near the curve but not too close look all around and listen for traffic if traffic is coming let it pass when there is no traffic near walk straight across looking and listening all the time we won’t be there when you cross the road so always use the Green Cross Road it’s Sunday go back to bed you can help me clean the car later children under five must never be let out of doors on their own stay with them make sure they can’t run into the road you do not go into the road how many more times how many more times for this small boy no more now run and tell your dad dinner’s ready dad [Music] m children under five must never be let out of doors on their own get around ladies and gentlemen I’m in the IR and still business wife D the IR in hos no problem with slaphead slap Head’s new formulation each day you invite the most powerful salesman in the world into your living room this is me before htic and this is me to Weeks Later how do you know whether they’re real or bogus well they have to stick to our rules if they want to advertise on television we’re here to ITC you aren’t [Music] misled [Music] [Music] [Music] you’re not helpless you can do something if you fit proper locks thieves will think twice they’ll keep away if they know you’re watching out for them you can prevent crime don’t let them get away with [Music] it do you know you can get fined up to £22,000 or even go to prison for messing around with fireworks is that all what do you mean guy FKS got undrawn and free quartered follow the fireworks code by order of the [Music] management when theather is high you can stretch up and touch the when Thea you got wom you got on your mind a a and see what you can find have a drink a go and see if you don’t have an upto-date TV license it means you’re watching While others are paying excuse me m could you Mo to your R please I’m trying to see the even if you’re putting it off you’re risking a big fine tv license evasion it’s not fair it’s not right and it’s against the law my hobbies are football cycling I like playing in the street and I like like going down to the park and stuff are like collecting medals like football medals I like the way they’re presented and stuff cuz they some are shiny and some are like blue silver green and stuff like that but they’re always the ones that I pick are always like blue but those shiny bits and I always make sure that if I have a football player ain’t just one with a leg out it’s the one with an actual football on it Waring why not screwed in correctly warning plug wired [Music] incorrectly warning cord not properly [Music] anchored warning repair or replace cord warning cord Too Short if you don’t check your plugs you’ve probably got a screw loose correctly wired you win [Music] take on the street use your head and bend your feet don’t run out like a fo take your time and play a CO if you don’t stay [Music] alone you could end up getting hurt you got to stop and think then you’ll be king of the RO King of the RO would you like to come for walk never ever talk to would you like come for would you like to come [Music] for would you like come never ever talk to


    1. John Altman, aka Nick Cotton from EastEnders , drink-driving and knocking down that guy. Weird to see that that's him being considerably less villainous and criminal than we're used to 😄

    2. Good old Bernard Cribbins voicing the Tufty Club film – I used to go to the Tufty Club when I was wee, but I can't for the life of me now work out why it was an ongoing thing and not just a once-off session. Though I think I'd have particularly appreciated it being combined with the information in that "Grown-Ups Aren't Always Right" film: "Yes, children, adults are annoying, hypocritical a**eholes. Let's find out how to embarrass them and tell them off." 😆😁

    3. There are certain levels of irony in the Green Cross Code one; the producers seem to have been watching a certain blockbuster film franchise in which the Green Cross Code Man in his other guise featured prominently, and thought "no one will ever think we've ripped off R2D2, would they … 😇"

    4. 8:02Or why not, as per the previous commercial, teach your child to use basic sense when crossing the road, rather than so wrapping them in cotton wool that even by the age of 5 they dont know how to

    5. I remember meeting the green cross man in junior school 76. Got my pic took with him and a badge. Couldn't believe, a year later that he was Darth Vader in Star Wars!

    6. The message in the film about wiring plugs correctly is absolutely brilliant – Terminal screws can untighten themselves over time, so any manually wired (Non-moulded) plugs and outlets need periodic inspection for safety. This is one of the reasons why household wiring requires safety checks roughly every ten years or so. 👍

      Obviously: Any older appliances with hand-fitted plugs (I'm looking at you, Retro folk!) should be checked by a competent electrician, but information about this should be available from appropriate UK Government information pages. 😇

      (N.B: This doesn't apply to plugs moulded on to the cable – Generally the case for most appliances post 2000 – Which will have soldered joints. Any damaged plugs or those bearing signs of severe arcing should be checked and replaced if necessary.)

    7. Excellent Steve, you even included some that I'd forgotten about when I was a young lad. It was also interesting to see the more modern ones that I'd missed, like that creepy one about people online may not be who they say they are. Thank you once again for making me smile. 😊

    8. Was the Stupid Git in the drink-drive ad John "Nasty Nick" Altman? (Just Googled it, yes, it is.)

      In 1983 our school was visited by The Green Cross Code Man, AKA Dave Prowse, which comprised of a lecture in the hall and followed by a meet & greet in the playground afterwards. All the boys just wanted to know if Darth Vader really was Luke Skywalker's dad 😂

    9. That ad with the magpies reminds me of a few months ago when one of them entered our front room not through any open windows, but via the chimney and fireplace! Took an hour before it left through an open door.

    10. I think that's interesting about the traffic lights. In the US, as far as I know, the middle light is bright yellow. but the rules are basically the same. I've never seen any person in the UK use the word "subway" as on that sign. I thought that was only a word used in the US. I wish the US had better rules for product ads on TV, but I think only food ads have strict rules. Can anyone here tell me, unless it would be a lot of effort, why UK electrical cords look like they have a literally braided exterior? Only cables from the early part of the 20th century and before were like that in the US.

    11. Back then we warned kids about people on the internet trying to trick them. Nowadays adults appear to be the vulnerable demographic when it comes to believing BS online.

    12. I remember some of the PIF's from the early 80's, and even now if I watch them they scare the living you know what out of me! They should bring them back or do updated versions of them!

    13. Imagine that creepy online guy with the kiddie voice showing up at the minor's house but meets Chris Hansen instead and Chris be like "sir, why don't you take a seat right over there" hehe! 😆

    14. Just sent my younger brother the link to this video, he wont thank me for it he was terrified of willy weasel and thought his neck got long from being run over and whenever it came on the telly he would run crying to our dear late Mum screaming long neck 😅 I found it highly amusing but hey what are big brothers for, jokes aside we get on really well. Great compilation, thanks 😊 👍

    15. “This is my brother George” I was expecting Peppa Pig. The trauma is there😂😂

      That road hedgehog one brought back some memories though. That was the advert that taught me road safety most effectively (outside of my parents, obviously)

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