Today we take a look at Heineken Hereford, The Cider Mills, Plough Ln, Hereford HR4 0LE.

    We inform security exactly what we will be doing but we still get staff approaching and even security waste their time with us.

    It seems pointless wasting time informing them if they just proceed to waste their time anyway.

    Google Maps 360 Degree Panoramic Drone Photo –

    Q – What is your email address?
    A –

    Q – Where Can I See All Your Links In 1 Place?
    A –
    My LinkTree –

    Q – What E-Bike Do You Use?
    A – MiRiDER One (2022 Edition) Orange
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Drone Do I Use?
    A – DJI MINI 4
    My Referral Link –

    Q – Where Did You Get Drone Insurance From?
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Bodycam Do I Use?
    A – GoPro HERO12 Black
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Camcorder Do You Use To Zoom In?
    A – Panasonic HC-V180 90x Optical Zoom
    My Referral Link –

    Q- What Powerbank Do You Use?
    A – Charmast 23800mAh Quick Charge 3.0 PD 20W
    My Referral Link –

    this YouTube this is you cannot film our country it’s only a YouTube video it’s not a YouTube video it’s cheers H so welcome back to the channel guys today we’re here in Herford taking a look at this place hinen the global home of cider we’re right next to a public foot path look and cycle path and the weather is glorious today down on the end of this uh CAC they’ve got a nice little plot here big sight so we’ll just jump over to the zoom camera and let’s have a look at the signs that we can see from here we’ got HP bulmer being mentioned as well visitors parking to the left employees delivery straight on on the wall over there we’ve got some logos bulmer old Mount cider Strongbow scrumpy Jack Orchard thieves and of course we have a gate house lots of rules can’t see no filming can you so might not have a problem with it many people may have come here and done a video for themsel lots of netting on the roof there to stop the birds and we’ve also got oh SMC Euro clamp oh forlift forlift repairs we’ got days since lost time accident 80 days so 80 days ago they had an accident and health and safety looks to be pretty decent barriers are down we got barriers separating the uh the pedestrians and the vehicles and look staff are wearing high Vis hi nikin some facts about them a massive Brewery located in Herford one of the largest breweries in the UK with a capacity to produce over 500 million pints of beer per year originally built in 1989 acquired by hanekin in 2008 and Heineken Herford produce a range of popular beers including Heineken Amstel and Strongbow maybe they produce all those now that are printed up there it’s a major employer in the region and it does offer tours visitors to learn more about the Brewing process okay so they offer tours no Cycles allowed down there so we’ve left our my rider right just St luck and we’ll just nip in and let security know what we’re doing outside and what we’re going to do with the Drone I think that’s only fair on them so that they don’t have to waste their time to come out to us so let’s go and hand in one of our little Leets to tell them shall we so that’s what it says during the next 30 minutes you may notice photography outside this is for social media thanks even got some advertisements on the Windows look John Smith’s yes mate can I help I’ll just give you this mate just to let you know over the next 30 minutes I’ll be outside making some uh video for social media including the Drone if you spot me outside nothing to worry about okay okay have you got behind you can permission to do any of this outside mate on the public foot you’re on you’re on Hy site to hand you the the leaflet of letting you know yeah what you being funny for no no I’m just asking a question it’s okay I’m just wondering whether it’s part of their their social media or is it something else it told you everything there it’s from my social media oh yours okay the next 30 minutes this camera this drone okay will be used I’ll fly over get some footage they do that one again have have people coming in taking pictures of I’m independent things all sorts if you spot me and I look suspicious okay and you start wasting people’s time to come out to me to find out what I’m doing what it’s for that’s me letting you know being polite no problem at all I will be outside all right I’ll leave you that one then that’s okay no problem at all I can have that back can I yeah that’s no problem all right thank you so hopefully we hear nothing further from Heineken security or management he wasn’t too bad was he so no objections so far Let’s uh get David shall we and see what this place looks like from above so we’ve checked on drone assist there is a navigation warning about M parachuting but that doesn’t start until the 13th of May in 4 days time so we’re perfectly fine Heineken Herford let’s have a look at you then home Point updated takeoff [Music] so fantastic weather for flying the Drone absolutely fantastic no wind bright Sun perfect so we’re all the way up at 90 M there and we can see the layout we can see that public foot bath which goes well where does it go let’s have a look all the way down there and look how big the site is wow so security are lifting the barrier to let somebody onto site there and there’s the silos that we quickly had a look at before we went up the steps it’s certainly a fair size it completely wraps around us all that so that looks like a bit of an interesting area let’s go over there yes that is an interesting area look all the barrels colorcoded lots of beer here oh yes lots of beer some tanks down here not sure what they’re doing but it looks important grounds are very well kept look on site and they have multiple areas theying all the different things this absolutely huge excuse me is the are you controlling this yeah uh you are not supposed to send it over our permises I believe why is that because that’s the factory yeah I’m just making a little video about it but you cannot make a video without permission of our Factory inside would you like to talk to our uh safety person about what’s up to you yes shall we what’s up to you so if uh you could take your stuff and we can discuss it I’m flying at the minute could you bring it back before we would clarify if that’s allow uh did you know that is that um liquid nitrogen that one I I’m not answering a question who are you nobody just YouTube this you cannot film our country it’s only a YouTube video it’s not a YouTube video it’s not allowed so could you could we please go to security I’ll be here I’ll I’ll be here for another 10 minutes no no problem I’m flying at the moment keep Landing the Drone just waste a lot of time yeah I think that was liquid nitrogen Landing was everything okay I don’t know yet I’ve got the footage I need [Music] now you went to see security didn’t you about it what did they say are you recording still where I don’t know I’m asking please go you go off the world pleas I’ll be over there I’ll be over there don’t worry I’ll try to talk to you so we’ll go over to try and talk and she keeps giving directives stand there stand there stand there we’re not interested are we we’re not interested so DHL is now coming out it’s just gone into his back doors again before he leaves site this property is protected by 1440 security oh it looks like I’ll put in some boxes into some sort of collection box with a lid so that’s what they do is it and these guys are now going to speak to this gentleman I presume he’s some sort of Boss then is he oh he’s the security just seem to have some sort of blue [Music] badge thank you are you all right you lost museum is papping to be left out of sight but unfortunately security are now wasting his time coming to speak to me ium which is what we didn’t want you’re right fell he wants to get out of sight lot it’s papst horn that’s right there’s somebody in there um have you got any details you can give me for your media site or anything who’s asking Carl Carl Brimfield yeah I’d rather not calll okay but uh they’ve asked me to so if you’re if you’re not happy no okay no no details okay have you got uh your your groan is under 250 g wait one does that mean to you yeah uh if it’s under 250 g it’s okay if it’s over then uh we we’ve got to get the police involved apparently if it’s over 250 g you could have a qualification that allows you to fly this close it’s not automatically a police matter okay there are qualifications that allow people to fly nearer and you have a license as well is it possible like you have a quick look at it on on the top your name or anything what do you want to say a license on on the top of your drone B there should be a a license number an operator yeah that’s I’ll say I’ve got one but just tell them that I’ve not showed it yet okay um the last bit is that uh this this guy’s still waiting look do you know when I came in there uh one at the gate coming out M do you know when I came in there to avoid any one’s time being wasted we’ve now got issues here yeah I’ve got it there is somebody in there well it took him a long time to let him out that’s not fair if he was in there you would have spotted that much quicker yeah so this is what I don’t want I don’t want no interference yes I get you sorry about that mate um uh and hinen would not like to put any on on social media well I’ve just saw DHL putting the parcels into that box there that lided box so it’s these type of things that you probably don’t want people to see uh no I don’t think it’s that much it’s why don’t you want people to see then there’s no issue they can’t see it brilant I’ll show them then but uh they’re not happy about anybody driving flying oversight because the distraction for the lorries and the I was well way higher than distraction okay no worries so I’ll uh I’ll get that covered there we go mate I’ll leave you to it yeah yeah thank you thank you very much so once again very very professional it’s like he has seen the videos and he doesn’t want to let the company down so no complaints with security there you know things like this that they don’t want people to see Parcels being put in a box there well put the Box out of sight from public view but it does look great health and safety does look great they are all sticking to their um marked footways they’re having a bit of banter about you can’t park there because somebody seems to have uh literally parked and took the parcel into security and blocked the lane you know you might joke about it but if any Vehicles did arrive while that car is doing that then it does cause an obstruction once again and we saw DHL there he papped his horn and what was it a couple of minutes he still wasn’t let out because security was wasting their time coming to get information from a member of the public standing on this public foot path doing a lawful activity it was polite enough but all unnecessary really what are they holding what have we got guys anything interesting or not so we did forget to take the 360° photo for Google Maps so let’s get the Drone back up and get that photo that we need the location of the DJ Orit key ring on this video is just under the stones under there look you can just about see the blue and as everybody here at inin carries on with their duties we’ll just show you this last piece of well Brewery memorabilia here how they used to crush things with that yes they have put pieces out for members of the public to take photos of and to look at as long as you only look at the things that they choose you cannot make the choice if you want to fly your drone and take some photos from above the lady seems to think that you cannot do it without permission but everybody else seems to be fine yeah they’re wary but they’re not getting too involved which is just how we like it so I think we’ll move on shall we if you have enjoyed that video do give it a thumbs up for me and I’ll see you on the next one guys bye-bye for now so we were just over there on that corner and the public foot path links up to this another public foot path which continues down there and there’s this lovely Bridge which gives you a great view onto the hole of the site so you don’t really need a drone so what are they on about you don’t have permission to record the site when virtually all of the site is visible from this public foot path nice and high up absolutely ridiculous is it [Music] guys crazy but there we go just have to get that bit in just to show how pathetic it really is sometimes when they object to you filming because there are much better Vantage points available if you really did want to film for the wrong reason you’d be up here wouldn’t you well that’s it let’s move on [Music]


    1. i love the pad & pen thing like they going to get your details. LMAO
      if the cops cant get it what makes a securitard think they can lol

    2. Gonna go out with her one of these days cause i aint got a bird and she'll do for now cause I ain't fussy these days ❤❤❤ but i could do with some punarny…

    3. Don't you just love it when a person originating from a former-communist state tells you what to do? They need to realise they are in a free country, not in the Eastern Bloc. Security guy filling in the questionnaire was pretty chilled.👍👍👍👍👍

    4. Absolutely love watching all your videos, and it fantastic seeing you evolve in your auditing over time. Happy to engage, but take no nonsense approach.

    5. it seems almost every businees has a dummy to come out and talk to you, you could actually think they are employed just to do this. LOL im not answer yor question, yea same both ways dummy. We can all see this Heineken. To be fair you need to pick up the replacement of your asbestos roofs as they look like SHIT!!!

    6. What a difference native/indigenous security made at the very start there. That was professional and polite. That's exactly how it should have gone and continued to go. Until the space invader appears (Apparently any other term for them gets your comment autoyeeted on YouTube). They need to send 'em (also this full sentence was yeeted by YT). This is such a shockingly bad impact on the native population it needs to stop.

    7. Great to see a bit about Hereford and look forward to seeing some 360 deg shots. My grandfather was born in Hereford in 1899. Went off to WW1 at 18. Was a prisoner of war in 1918. Then came out her to Australia in the 1920s.

    8. Carl a solid 9/10, arguably even 10/10. Polite, informative of why he was asking the questions he did, no arrogance at all, didn’t try to tell you what to do, promptly went back to work after asking the questions he was forced to.

      Mrs Gdańsk 2/10, maybe 1/10. Instantly barking orders, mistaking company policy for national law, trying to enforce company policy on a member of the public on public property, misinformed, then extremely rude when her bubble was burst & asked you to go away from her…. After initially approaching you. Bizarre behaviour. Maybe it’s normal in Poland, who knows…seems weird.

      Idk if it’s a rural/urban thing but I’m from a small town in the Lake District, I’ve never seen a drone pilot but if I did….. i might go talk to the pilot out of curiosity of what they were doing just to learn more about it. But this notion of instantly barking orders before even knowing what your on about is absolutely mental. I can’t understand why so many do it. Why would you instantly say “can’t do that” if you don’t know…. Why are they so angry? Is it an intelligence thing? Is that the common denominator? They’re all pretty stupid?

    9. It's truly amazing how stupid and uneducated these people are I just love how when they come out they think they are entitled to all your information LOL what a bunch of dummies😂😂😂😂😂😂

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