Garry’s on the Isle of Wight, cycling across the island to Fishbourne. But en route, he stops off for a spot of sightseeing at Carisbrooke Castle.

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    um well I know I said I wouldn’t um put you on today um and I still might not I might not record um today but I thought I’d turn you on and say good morning just in case um we do um so we’re heading off to um fishborn now to uh meet the uh Ferry and everybody that’s coming on it I’m a little early it’s only just gone 8 o00 it doesn’t take that long to get over the island but I’m I’m a bit worried about um uh the road between shorwell and Newport being closed although somebody did say to me they think it’s open so we will see I mean if I get halfway along it and it’s closed where I think it is it would be all right I’m pain but the winds changed direction today oh me um it’s more coming from the East sorry go on there’s obviously some running thing going on I think I’m they did mention that when I checked in yesterday um yeah um what was I saying oh yeah the winds change direction which is a little annoying because um the way I face my T cuz it was blowing a gale yesterday as it normally is along the um Cliff there and well so now I think it’ll be blown straight in the temp but that’s fine we got a door on the other side so we’ll just swap over right I’m bit concerned about why I’m so short of breath again um I don’t think I’m anemic um I had a a blood test um last week maybe might have been the week before and I’m pretty sure that it didn’t show me being anemic but who knows right shall we um well I don’t think I’ll turn you around just yet that will not why not then you then you can see if the road’s closed although oh no that’s good no signs are gone damn handy right perhaps those people were right then this is where I was talking about um yesterday um all the uh Wild Garlic on the side smells lovely as well actually I’m going to stop and take a picture right hold on yeah I say smells absolutely gorgeous through here it’s unfortunately up quite a steep and Long Hill which I think the next time we come up it will be quite a bit harder um we’re not loaded today for obvious reasons we’ve left um everything at the campsite so well hopefully we can make it with an unloaded bike if if we can’t we just as well give up ah what a welcome site I was going to say for the welcome site the top of the hill is oh it’s right it’s not close on looks like on the right there there may have been a land slip which oh with all the rain we’ve been having I’m not surprised that at all oh right that’s it we got a nice downhill now for quite a away I’m to be honest but you’ve come over that Hill um it’s not well it’s okay all the way to uh Newport now I think there’s a another couple of Short Hills but nothing like that one oh God right tell you see as we’ve got loads of time we’ve seem to have got here rather early well we haven’t actually got there we’re in um Newport and I thought we just well we’ll see how it goes and head up towards uh Caris Book Castle so we’ve never been up there and we or might not if it’s up but depends how the hill is if it’s a gradual hill we will if it’s not we won’t actually I think I have come up well this part anyway um years ago one I think probably one of the first few times I came this way to um the campsite I think I remember whatever it was I was using whether it was a map or what I ended up coming up here and then realized that I didn’t need to stop and have a look we’ve come up this hill um there was a fork in the road I think you might have SE it m where I um stopped the cun I remember but the castle was down another road but I did wonder if I came up here it might look down a bit on the castle we will see though it’s somewhere on the right there I can’t see any thing if we can’t that’s fine we’ll go back down the hill which does maybe look as if it’s a bit of a lookout no well obviously not I have just spotted another car park a bit further up so let’s go and investigate that one well there it is I think that’s about the the best it’s going to get it obviously looks better from the other side you see the walls along there where are we somewhere around there we’ll just go a little bit further up this hill have a look I mean there is a little bit more being revealed on the right but not a whole lot not quite what I was exp but to be honest I find it a bit strange um to be looking down on the castle cuz normally they’re up the tops of Hills aren’t they I might have a look to see where this road goes as well I me nowhere near where we want it to but right go well that’s about the best view now oh could continue up that road and it goes down it goes around in a big um Circle and it would um take us back to if we followed it um the main road that we came in on we could go into Newport a completely different way but I don’t think we will I might um take that other um Road and head towards the castle we still got over an hour before everybody arrives on the ferry so well probably looks better from the distance well you get a better um picture hey and to be honest the sun is in the wrong uh Direction let’s go around the corner and have a look we’ve come this far oh there you go a cool take it all back Shame about that sun there you go there’s the castle that’s enough we better get going to um fishborn meet that uh Ferry perhaps we will be showing the videos of today [Music]

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