Details on this bike tour in Norway

    On the last day of our self-guided bike tour with, Eric and I cycled from our hotel, across an island. At the northern-most point of the island, I turned left and followed a road that crossed over to seven neighboring islands, which Eric went straight and waited for me at the ferry landing. After cycling across 9 total islands in one day, I turned around and cycled back in the direction I had just come and met Eric, Kevin, Keith, Kate and Jane at the ferry landing just in time to take the express-boat back to Bergen, Norway. It was a fantastic end to our wonderful bike tour with

    See more photos from this bike tour at:




    Bicycle Touring Pro (official website):

    The Bicycle Touring Blueprint (a book that teaches you how to conduct your own bicycle touring adventures all around the world):

    The Essential Guide to Touring Bicycles:

    Free $25 Travel Credit with AirBNB:

    GoBicycleTouring (700+ guided bike tours all around the world):

    Go Bicycle Touring – Guides to help you find bike tours and cycling equipment

    Bicycle Touring Pro’s Free Bike Tour Starter Guide:
    #bicycletouringpro #cycling #biketravel #darrenalff #biketouring #adventurecycling

    yeah yeah no yeah I understand yeah it’s not 20 miles is 20k it’s only like 12 miles we’ll leave you to it we’ll see you at the road somewhere well we’re packing up our things and getting ready to leave it’s gonna be sad to leave our nice little place here but it’s the last day of our self-guided bike tour with active Norway we’ve got about 20 kilometers to go today which is not much 20 kilometers to cycle and then we’re getting on a ferry boat and going back to Bergen the other cyclists in our group are already on the road we’re behind them as usual but we’ll catch up because we’re we’re fast so should be a good day it’s also hard because it’s the last night there’s like not another nice place that we’re staying at tonight we’re sleeping on the train tonight so that’s not quite as good at least we have somewhere to sleep that’s where we’re going right now poof Tamar 15-kilometer it’s not far at all I’m very short debt hey guys really nice though cycling on the water there we’ve only got 12 kilometers cycle now it’s 12:15 we’ve got three hours of cycle 12 kilometers should be a piece of cake can I talk to you for a second can I talk to you for a second I just want to propose something so I’ve left there behind he’s only got about five kilometers to the ferry crossing he’s gonna go straight there I’m gonna turn left and go out onto these islands there are seven islands out here so I’m gonna try to go across all seven in the next two hours and then get back to the ferry in time two hours from now see all the islands behind me Sun crushing over the third grades now on to the fourth island of the day this is the second largest island of the day it’s that five kilometers across so I’m gonna try to do that as quickly as I can so I’m almost to the most northern tip of this second biggest island about to cross over on to what I think is the fifth island I lost track or fifth island of the day all right so I hit all eight islands and now I got a cycle back I have an hour and a half to get to the ferry landing before the ferry leaves back to Bergen so look at this there’s this tiny little island right there straight in front of me if I hit that one today it’s nine islands for the day I’m just taking a small detour from the road I’m gonna go down here cycle around that Island and I can now say I’ve been to nine Norwegian islands in a single day on my bicycle I want to stop and take a photo here of myself and my bike but I really don’t know I’m just about off the second-biggest island a long one in the middle what a short that steep hills so almost up this island back to the mainland still have like seven kilometers to the ferry crossing and exactly one hour to get there before the ferry leaves this is the last bridge going back on to the Big Island now was a fun detour banana I should have scheduled more talking for it this morning I wasn’t planning to do this right at all whoops oh I hope there it made it to the ferry landing he was worried about he just had to stay straight on this road so as long as he didn’t turn he got there hopefully when there’s a big long stream of cars like this you know that the ferry just came in all these cars are getting off the ferry hey how are you you know we have a Facebook page oh yeah pictures yeah exactly Internet of it I saw no connectivity of Maryland and it’s free back in Bergen now I’m gonna get off the ferry here in just a second yeah what do you think of the bike tour it was exciting and fun and I saw a lot of cool stuff and I rode a bike and really far the furthest you’ve ever written oh yeah maybe time and are you ready to do more of it I’m ready what did you buy I got a friggin shot glass it has all these buildings on it huh thought you got lost thought you got lost

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