Without any prior persuasion on my part, Belle started to take an interest in cycling in late March 2024, to my delight. Of course I was ready to support her in this endeavour. In this episode, we ride up Col de Vence together as I try to show her how nice cycling can be out of Singapore. It is only her 6th ride so we took it easy, no clipless pedals and not pushing too hard. Just doing it for the enjoyment. I think she did really well considering she’s just starting out.

    A few days prior to the filming of this video, we rode in Lake Garda which I also managed to take some videos of BUT unfortunately all the footage was extremely shaky as I accidentally turned off the stabilisation function and they are not usable/can’t be saved.

    Follow us on Instagram:
    Belle: https://www.instagram.com/tacobellerrito/
    Me: https://www.instagram.com/thewinsty/

    Please subscribe and leave a comment if you enjoy the content and would like to show your support!

    A lot of you have asked about the various equipment I use, so here goes:

    Filming stuff
    My action camera for filming (main): Insta360 Ace Pro https://www.insta360.com/sal/ace-pro?insrc=INRRLY5
    My primary drone: https://amzn.to/3IEVVOr (DJI Mini 3 Pro)
    Fly More Kit: https://amzn.to/3YLGERv (for DJI Mini 3 Pro)
    How I film without hands: https://amzn.to/3emdc23

    Cycling kit
    My helmet: (Giro Aether Spherical MIPS)
    My sunglasses: https://amzn.to/3ASPH8m (100% Hypercraft)
    My cycling shoes: https://amzn.to/3RkT3rL (Sidi Ergo 5)

    On the bike
    Cycling computer: https://amzn.to/3QgWFKe
    Power meter: https://amzn.to/3BfqUwP
    Heart rate monitor: https://amzn.to/3RjyOLb
    Front lights (mount sold separately): https://amzn.to/3KRmMq2
    Direct-drive trainer for Zwift: https://amzn.to/3cO97TO
    Soft-case bike bag for travel: https://amzn.to/3HWZ4aR
    Wheels: https://www.ascent-bikes.com/product-page/polaris-42mm-carbon-wheels

    [Music] okay good morning welcome to today’s video we are at nomad’s coffee this is our morning coffee before we go and collect our bikes and then we’re going to go ride today so yesterday we had a rest day we were driving from Lake G all the way to n and it was around 6 hours so there was no time to collect the bikes or ride the bikes and today I have a very special plan I’m going to show her Cod events which is one of the clients that I did the last trip and it’s very very fun so she wanted to know how the clim is yday I Googled um code BS and the V just one was steep okay let me show you okay it’s very very fun so I was showing her that the last time I did code events this was me on the climb having a lot of fun pure joy yeah so definitely going to be fun today I’m excited for it yeah me too the whole climb is 963 M so so that is from sea level but the actual part of the climb is only around 600 M because we first have to climb 300 M to get to the start of the climb which starts around the village of Vents and then from there we will go up all the way to the top 963 M the last time he said that 4 minutes so I think I a to do it in 19 minutes I’m sure she’ll do better than 1990 minutes is way too long the profile of the clim it’s uh 9 .69 km and it is 600 and something M High not that bad like this I’m actually so scared so I Googled C events and the first reviews is a very challenging Mountain R from sea level to 963 M pass through the Charming town of vents before climbing the last 8 km and 500 M up to the co if a cycling we should to wear warm cloths and F your bottles in vents before the final Ascent you be rewarded a beautiful views of the coast and surrounding Peaks valuable advice I will wear warm clothes and fill my bottles up if you fail the plan you plan to fail today I do not plan to fail it’s okay it’s okay it’s quite easy climb it’ll be fine [Music] it’s all right if you want to encourage me to cycle you buy more cute outfits [Music] and you say that you have your all p p yes on the C I did the coldon yesterday oh my God it’s a long climb but it’s beautiful okay we’ll see we’ll see you yeah I don’t know we got the bikes loaded in and then now we’re going back to the Airbnb to get changed and then we’re going to head out we riding along the coast now this is the easy part the first 9k of leading climb actually starts around 300 M up and then it’s a 600 M climb according to the segment so this is the first time she’s on electronic shifting and she says it’s very good the bike also feels better yeah yeah much better [Music] it’s good that she doesn’t have a cycle computer so she doesn’t know okay now we are climbing to the Village of St Paul Dent which is just before the official start of the climb feeling good for now nothing to worry about it’ll be nice we’ve been climbing for a while now but still okay right quite smooth it’s okay for [Music] now see being on the bike is such a nice way to tour place right yeah you get to see all the villagers up here places that you wouldn’t have seen otherwise if you were in a car just wanted to show you actually I think the leading is quite steep it’s 9% here good thing is I think she has a 5034 chain ring and a 34 C set at the back so she should be fine I did this route around 10 months ago I recognize parts of it only when I go past it but I cannot recall how it was exactly like can we stop that no not yet but we’re almost there I think another one more K and then we to start so we haven’t started the climb but we’re already climbing so like what the it’ll be okay don’t worry yeah I’ll be fine earlier we were passing the old town of St PA events and then now we have just passed the small town of Vents and this is the start of the climb proper according to the Sha SE so 600 M more to go and about 9.7 km only yeah you’ll be fine don’t worry you’re so encouraging yeah of course that’s the only thing you can tell me it’ll be fine it will be my game plan today is slow and steady with the race not really winning L but completing it at least yeah and you get the sense of satisfaction at the end of it just always think about that you know in Chinese they call this T ukan which is why climbing is so fun cuz you always get that at the end of it the harder it is the more T can you get not that with than yeah this is the start I remember that the start of this climb is very very steep it’s about 8 to 10% and then later on it levels off to around 5 to 7 so it does get better and that’s pretty much for the rest of it [Music] this is why if your friendch you’re strong flat pedals creaking BB not even wearing any branded attire and he definitely climbs faster than all of us easily he wasn’t even trying as he was going [Music] up 8 km to the summit I didn’t get to see the average percentage feeling good still yeah for [Music] now everyone’s ready with flat pedals and they’re faster than us more effortless than us so I have no excuse if Eugene was here he would be able to think of uh 10 excuses for you OU je but now it’s smoother right it’s not so steep anymore okay it’s leveled out a bit and this bike makes it easier yeah with the electronics [Music] Yeah so basically at every kilometer they have one of those signs and it tells you the gradient for the next km so you roughly know okay so two signs later that’s 2K later 6 km average 7% 402 M of climbing to go what’s your heart rate now 161 okay doing well so far the trick is to not look ahead just look it right like like right here like 2 m ahead they you feel like you’re are progressing not bad we are climbing at 9.5 km/ hour it’s pretty okay L honestly imagine if you have clipless pedals will make a difference yeah won’t yeah look at people here they’re just not strong enough don’t blame the Peds blame yourself yeah blame yourself funny we wanted to try using clipless pedals for her today but after that we decided maybe better to wait until we go back to Singapore don’t want to ruin other people’s bike yeah I still think I need to practice in a part for 30 minutes at least because i’ rather fall on some clh grass than fall on the Gravel Road I think learning how to drink while cycling is a big achievement at least I’m not dehydrated as hell oh look at you 10 times Improvement now you can ride and drink at the same time yeah I’m unstoppable now few more hains to go quite a lot of cyclist today even though it’s a Monday cuz people here don’t have to work [Music] these stay me these me higher the St me higher wow look at that you’re doing super well thanks very good I’m trying I think it’s the bike I think it’s the bike never thought out here you say that I feel like today you’re climbing faster than 2 days ago yeah I think this bike makes it a lot easier I would say about 20% less I effort full yes but I think at the same effort I’m going faster than what yeah yeah definitely it’s very nice here as well super peaceful huh salute salute where are you coming from Singapore wow nice and you live around here yeah such a good place for bicy lot of heels people come to train here for from all around the world you climb here every day no not every day I don’t cycle every day more like three times a week three times a week only yeah so you go up the the pass how do you say in English the co the and then you go the other side or not yes I go down by the okay so what is your objective we go down C gouls and then we will go go back to NP best okay ni nice nice nice you see any pros here sometimes I don’t recognize them because I don’t follow much okay but uh yeah there are some really good cyclists here often and we can see them go up and down up and down all day sometimes I was like y I’m going faster than this dude that that was his seventh him so yeah we like to go up here because after that uh for 1 hour and a half it only goes down and you can go to roon and there there’s a river it is usually much colder than the the sea so in the summer it’s really enjoyable when the heat is uh is crushing us when it’s like uh almost 40° C it’s really hot but that’s my favorite part of the Year oh nice and so you have um lot of Hills too and good places to train in Singapore no no no our tallest climb is 70 M 70 70 oh okay okay not much uh 5 minute climb that’s about if you’re good 3 minutes so you do it uh for like 10 times or yeah yeah people do it for reps but otherwise it is not very nice that’s why we come here and it’s not your first time in uh no this is the second time up this climb for me I was here in June last year and I did COD death yeah yeah and then down to Monaco that one is very nice yes down to Monaco and you can even go down to which is is the last city of France ah then go to Italy I often do that I go to Sano or V media eat pizza it’s really the best pizzas I ever ate but it’s really not like the pizza that we used to uh like the the brands like Pizza Hut or stuff like that no comparison and it’s really fine dish it’s like gastronomic almost yet so simple that’s the the thing I love with Italian food Italian cuisine so simple but marvelous we French we like to do elaborate things with more ingredients and so living in N I live in this it’s really The Encounter of Italian cuisine and French cuisine same goes with culture and stuff but I really love it people here are really fond of olive oil and yeah H yeah humus yes yeah we like it a lot oh your friend is he likes humus so much even more than me [Music] wow look at [Music] that so just a little bit more to the top making very good progress I think the the training in G has helped you have achieved your goal of making this uh sing training camp I think I’m a lot better maybe not a lot but marginally better at least [Music] it is a little bit cloudy today but if you look in the distance on a clear day you can see the coast and that entire thing is just the sea already so nice this is like the true feeling of freedom and pain almost there almost there my steady wins the race yes that’s right 2 km 2 km pretty good right this climb is gentle it’s gentle I agree I agree only the the first part is a yeah yeah these take me higher these Beres T me higher these me higher these me higher [Music] one more K one more K only I’m just getting warm okay I agree this is pretty enjoyable it’s quite nice the view is amazing the view is absolutely rewarding what the effort 500 M more I think we’re almost there already it’s the last happing [Music] theic It Go progress come on finish strong let’s go let’s go to the sign to the sign come on there’s a throne there for you oh my God yeah 20 fr well done thanks right number six and chaby and you did it h got turn to you yeah not bad how long do you take 90 minutes it’s uh 2 hours of right time but I think we took about an hour to get to the start of the climb so I would say maybe we took about an hour to climb up this part as well how to red I have no more get some just because you finally learned how to drink water while cycling I told you I was Unstoppable the last few rides she had a full water bottle left at the end of the right cuz she didn’t know how to drink more cycling it’s quite hot you know it’s hotter than it looks yeah to be honest now we’re just going to take a photo you have you g and then go down like the guy was telling us that people do this seven times one time I’m done okay now we are on the way down which is a good time to admire the scenery and also think about maybe we shouldn’t have stayed at the top so long cuz now it’s cold it’s all descend almost all the way back to home can just look through the valley and see all the roads that we’re going to take to go down so we’re coming down from the other side [Music] and for my friends and Singaporean viewers who are watching this just wanted to say that maybe coming to Italy or Spain or France would be a very good consideration for your next cycling trip a lot of singaporeans always think about going to Australia Taiwan Korea Japan or even Thailand when they decide to ride and putting aside Malaysia of course anywhere else in the world that you ride is better than Singapore because it set such a low bar but the experience that you can get from riding over here is very different you get to see a lot more mountainous scenery the climbs are a lot more exciting and there’s a very strong cycling culture over here where everybody is on bikes it is like a normal thing rather than I feel like in Asian countries most of the population still feel like cycling is a very a very unique and Niche hobby a lot of people also think that coming here is quite expensive aside from the etiquette and the time the cost of living here is a lot lower than you would think compared to Singapore is definitely cheaper so I hope that by watching my videos you will start to feel more inspired and I will see more singaporeans cycling here as well okay thanks for watching bye-bye bye oh [Music]


    1. Great video. btw. that English from that nice French guy is stupid good! Also agree with you about riding in Europe. If you have the means, please do. If you want to go flat and fast, visit Holland, if you want to ride legendary cols/bergen, go to Belgium, France, Italy and Spain. The cycling culture is strong there.

    2. Consensus is that women love electronic shifting. Especially the front mech compared to mechanical front mech shifting. Belle's form on the bike is almost spot on. Whoever chose the size and fit her is good. That is why she is comfortable and faster.

    3. If a relationship can survive a tough climb, it can deal with anything else thrown at it 😄. Unsolicited advice: A helmet is only effective if properly-worn and the straps on both your helmets were extremely loose.

    4. Je suis ta chaîne depuis quelques temps, ça me fait super plaisir de te voir revenir dans mon pays, l'apprécier et même le promouvoir auprès des Singapouriens. Il y a 20 ans j'habitais Singapour et il fallait être suicidaire pour y prendre la route a vélo – mais l'an dernier j'ai vu des hordes de cyclistes, quel super changement! Bonne route!

    5. You go Belle! Good work you guys! Check out South Korea though you guys, it's got an amazingly cool cycling culture, incredible cycling path networks, great scenery and lots of hill climbing.

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