Join @Koleye for a drawing stream.

    #countryballs #polandball #poland #cartoon #countryball #countryballs #mapping #funny #countries #politics #geopolitics #drawing #news #planetball #space

    Music from Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio

    hello I’m live let me know if you guys can hear me I’m very sorry for abandoning you yesterday I had to work on the latest episode of pnn that is why gate nerd filled in yesterday so big thank you to gate nerd for filling in I watched a little bit of the stream last night while I was working on pnn but um I didn’t really watch most of it so um hope you guys had a good time how’s it going everybody guest altel modox y Mercury BFDI Conrad zodic Sunny else we got VR questy Sinister shunin oh hold on water’s boiling making tea I’m back yeah I’ll probably do a short stream tonight I I need to work on my May contest entry for the rping ball monthly contest I haven’t drawn it yet I know my idea G20 May you ask what country I’m from I am from the United States of America welcome to the the channel to the live stream I suspect you G20 mapper are from the United Kingdom you’ve got UK as your flag or as your profile picture um all right so the theme for this month’s contest on r/p ball let’s take a look it was Evolution I haven’t read the rules but I do know what uh roughly what I want my comic to be it’s going to be simple what time is it where I am it’s 8:35 in the evening so 2035 for people who use 24-hour clock Sinister you have a new story let us know what is it anomaly said you saw this pop up on notifications just want to say you like the video now you’re going to go back to binge watching mha I don’t know what mha is but thank you for uh liking the video pnn make sure to drop a like on the stream before you leave though appreciate that um all right so pole and ball as you guys know or may not know r/o and ball subreddit is the Premier place for poll and ball content and Country ball content on the entire internet you will not find higher quality comics and artwork than the pole and ball Reddit community so every month we do a contest and this month’s contest for the month of May entries are due tomorrow at 11:00 a.m. my time so I have a little over 12 hours to finish this Con this contest entry shouldn’t take me too long I have a very simple idea but let me read the contest rules the contest description Hello UK carots archa and primordial uzes poen ball is considered by many to be the Peak form of Comedy how did we get here perhaps by alatri speciation perhaps by convergent evolution perhaps it’s just nature creating a new form of cancer whatever justification science can give us the fact of the matter is that pole and ball exists in the context of all in which we live and what came before us nature is boundless geopolitics even more so be it insular dwarfism social Darwinism or predestined series of changes the devil put in motion to shake your faith in the almighty this month we want to see comics about Evolution so I need to make a comic about Evolution specific Contest rules the comic must be about Evolution that could be biological political or ideological no Comics simply depicting the evolution of a country you must have a plot and a joke while not against the rules try to be more original than just portraying Morocco as Satan because two dozen other Comics probably will General Contest rules minimum of three panels maximum of eight must be drawn by yourself written entirely by yourself no animated gifs no photo realism follow the official poll and ball tutorial deadline is Thursday May 16th at 15 GMT so CH you still have to do your contest entry oh for the server contest yeah um so I actually have to go back and watch the VOD for I don’t know who won who won the Bhutan contest last night I spent like my entire evening and then some working on pnn last night I got home I showered I had dinner and then from like 6:30 until 2:00 a.m. I was working on pnn so I wasn’t able to stream at all I I would not have been able to stream at all so I didn’t um I didn’t get to watch the VOD yet but uh just a reminder to like the stream check out the newest episode of pole and ball news came out this morning um May contest entry pull in ball let’s save it yeah P ball folder okay so first panel I’m going to do the UK giving a lesson to two other characters one of whom is either Russia or the Soviet Union I’m not sure which one yet I kind of want to do Union just cuz I don’t really want to depict Russia in a good light at all um so let’s draw the UK oh do on a layer oh my ball drawing has atrophied oh I posted new comic on Monday in the subreddit don’t think I can show it on stream um it’s a 911 joke so but I thought it was pretty funny there’s a um there’s a portal that has since shut down but there was a like a giant portal in New York City and another one in Dublin Ireland and and it was basically just like a public art installation and it was just a two-way it was like a zoom it was a it was a live video feed of the other side of the portal so like if you’re standing in front of it in New York you can see the other side um to uh Dublin and hold on I need to pull up a comic with here we’ll do this one take the colors from okay here oh no I need to do eyes first huh um so there was a portal and it’s not really a portal but we’re calling it a portal for whatever reason so I drew a comic about a plane flying through the portal instead of crashing into New York City it crashes into Dublin that was pretty funny uh but it got shut down because people were holding up images of like uh the Twin Towers on fire um a woman flashed it and what else someone on the New York side uh on their phone took a put a picture of a potato up to show the Irish on the other side that was pretty funny so um I don’t know like what the people who made it were thinking but like that was exactly what was going to happen you know and I thought it was funny I think that kind of stuff is fine like I don’t know how is NYC life it’s good I’m tired but I think it was because of yesterday uh working on pnn all day all evening I don’t know that I like this ball this ball has got like a bulging forehead yeah they should have left it up you’re going to assume it’s okay to draw a media that’s set in the future for the YouTube contest um yeah so Gater announced the YouTube contest did he pin it let me see Pauls have forhead is confirmed now this is a bad ball we’re going to redo it I don’t like that ball oh man my uh I can’t I can’t draw I’m sing my feature on the ability to draw balls and I can’t do it that’s all right yeah let’s fix this a little bit 15 I don’t like the thick outline though so how is everybody’s what’s today Wednesday how’s everybody’s Wednesday and Tuesday since I didn’t get to talk to you guys yesterday my week is been very busy why can’t I why can’t I draw when you keep drawing balls you get muscle memory yeah it’s true Sunny you’re drawing for the contest right now right on you can’t believe UK lost in Eurovision I mean I can believe it UK usually produces um I mean I don’t follow you EUR Vision but I know like the general history and my understanding is that the UK usually just doesn’t take it seriously maybe they’ve uh Chang in recent years but they would always send like jokes to Eurovision but um I think dick rhyo was commenting on the he was he was commenting on the p&n video today with the the channel account so the PO and Ball official account and he said something like um someone said that we didn’t cover Eurovision in Po and ball news which is true and Dick ran said something like um Aaron and Co are not European enough to care about Eurovision and it’s true Eurovision is a very silly uh European tradition harmless but silly okay I like I just can’t draw this will have to be good enough I don’t like that man oh God Prussian media you do got you you do got a submission for the art contest it’s just a review right now okay Circle I don’t think I’ve seen you in chat before have I it’s already Thursday where are you are you in uh Indonesia Philippines Malaysia can’t quite tell by the profile picture but it looks like a straw hat or rice hat or something Sunny your uh drawing is very detailed if Australia is European you’re a super massive black hole true will there be more drawing contest yeah I think Gater announced one I’ll take a look at it later today and then um I think maybe for the Saturday morning stream I think he said May 18th when is that Saturday yeah so we’ll do um we’ll do a contest the deadline for whatever gate nerd announced yesterday will be for the Saturday morning stream which I will be able to do these are pretty good eyes hey I think he said it has to be something in the future let’s merge these These are good eyes this is a good ball good eyes RoR red can I show the California All right you sent yeah I pull up on stream this was pretty cool RoR red uh Drew this let me pull it up tiny little California this is good there’s a anti-aliasing anti yeah there’s anti-aliasing on this though but otherwise it’s it’s cool I like it you did Fallout art with poen ball right on yes so Fallout cyber Punk 2077 stuff like that okay right on I love that stuff Blade Runner Pete you’re going to spend all night drawing yours so nobody can accuse you of alting May Fail test but you don’t really care I’ll put your school workk first p and ball will still be there when you’re done oh man I am tired let’s do this some lines behind the UK red do you guys like the pole and ball news video it was a little quicker turnaround this time it was about two weeks since we put out the last one whereas the time between the previous one and the one before that was closer to a month three weeks something like that school work is cringe balls are better I mean I feel about that I feel I feel that now but um I could go back in time and take school a little bit more seriously I would but uh I also turned out all right so it’s not the worst thing in the world that I sort of goofed off in high school don’t uh don’t do that though do as I say not as I do the hell oh I okay I drawing on the wrong uh layer Panda’s official how’s it going am I drawing Denmark I am drawing the United Kingdom see uh stick around you’ll see exactly how I do it so I draw the eyes on a ball first and then the uh the main sort of uh characteristics or whatever of the flag I put in I Center them based on where the eyes are UK is such BS to draw yeah totally agree I hate drawing uh the UK I hate drawing the US they’re just annoying to draw Australia and New Zealand are probably the two of the worst Flags to draw any flag where you have to draw the United Kingdom and The Canton and the top left is an F tier flag both visually aesthetically and drawing hate it hate hate hate also I need to do some proing for pngs um again whenever you guys are saving your images don’t save them as jpegs save as PNG jpegs are terrible just terrible I think I gave this tooo much of an angle oh well live and learn it’s a last minute contest entry I spent all last week making Shorts YouTube shorts speaking of we have a new YouTube short coming out tomorrow that I worked on I think it’s my best one I think it’s super funny but we will see if the people like it so 2:30 in the afternoon us Eastern Time time is when the new short will release tomorrow I need to do the St Patrick’s cross I wish I could draw as quickly as Aaron Aaron ABS he’s an absolute machine he just pumps out comics and drawings like it’s nothing it’s crazy I don’t know how he does it I watched his map stream that was super cool you guys should um you guys should cyber bully Aon into doing more map drawing streams I’m using the wrong colors for the okay I don’t think so let me take a look we download the flag these look right flag of the United Kingdom you guys are going to make me suck guess every single time I fill in the the colors on a flag now cuz I was wrong with the US for 12 years guess they were a little bit off let’s see all right yeah you right crazy that you guys can even tell those shade like those shades are really close together I don’t know why they were wrong Aon special rations in the basement that I don’t get it’s true Aaron is a robot Aaron map streams are fun good more Aaron appearances on the live stream yep must ask Aaron to stay in the basement and draw more maps after watching today’s pnn is it true that Aaron is now a part-time jiggalo uh I mean it sounded like he wanted to move to Belgium pursue a new career path He’s already good at uh you know ball work so it’s your brother sinister’s birthday happy birthday to your brother me said shanin sister Shin here I thought they were feed Aaron I don’t think Aon needs more food I think he’s set for uh the next episode we give him one bag of french fries every time he uh finishes a pnn episode that has to last him for another month all right I’m going to leave this up on stream while I go get my uh tea real quick something to look at you know oops Kitchen Lore where is the UK monacle though oh I haven’t finished still working on it Sinister is here okay well happy birthday to Sinister if they show up in chat we can say happy birthday Aon is officially a robot built by Kai and Gater Gater is uh I think he’s a technically minded person he could probably do it oops oh Panda’s official you are a part-time animator on YouTube I’m looking at your channel now really cool you guys should go check out um Panda’s official 104 subscribers right on you’re killing it all right let’s do the monocle mono on the left to the right I’m thinking left just so you got a little bit more um real estate Snee scare that one was building for a while drawing the monacle is fun thank you Aaron Aaron is in the chat you guys need to bully Aaron into doing more map streams it was actually really cool to see you guys use the um the map that Aaron made for like your map role playay game he should make like a bunch of them like give each person or whatever like a starting map and then you stitch them together and then like you can try and Conquer each other’s territory however you guys have your rule your rule set up that’d be super cool we need to make Poland ball a happy birthday thing oh we should make like a uh like Poland um with a cake or something as an emoji for the Discord that’d be cool this is a pretty good UK U you guys remember this is something that I stole from bio editor I think he does this uh with the hat he has it like off the ball I always thought it look cool I’m undecided on whether or not I’ll keep doing it but for now I want to experiment with it you know yeah big shout out to Aaron for hard carrying all of the content in uh the latest pnn episode he did like 98% of all the drawings okay I can actually pronounce this because this was a meme for a while numano it’s numano ultra microscopic silicona volcanic coniosis easy don’t ask me to say it five times fast that hat looks like the Monopoly guy yeah I actually don’t like this hold on let me redo it um what’s the the the Monopoly guy has a name right it’s like something money bags he a Ron shasa B that’s pillow fluff right you said it was not your account Milburn Penny bags is that it I thought it was Mr money bags all right all right we got our UK done I made that way too big oh well okay I’ll just make the canvas bigger canvas size let’s do we get a th000 wide but yeah I made this too big oops you think it’s screw duck when you see the Monopoly guy I love the um the scene where Scrooge McDuck jumps into the uh the pool of uh gold coins Monopoly socialist Edition is the best is every uh the Soviet edition of Monopoly it’s just every uh every single square is go to jail straight to jail go to gulg okay I need to do a chalkboard or something here I’m going to show you an old comic that I believe has a chalkboard on it which is why I’m going to show it it’s what it’s American aerial Warfare evolves here we go this was my first contest win from um I guess 2013 is when I drew this yeah very simple Target communist an F-16 firing a uh some kind of missile at Grenada Granada Target terrorists Pakistan 2013 I forget what terrorist group this was probably ala or something and then Target humans United States of America 2043 I think we’re already at this point actually I think I was uh I was too too pessimistic at the point I think we’re at the point where AI deciding who lives and who dies what’s my opinion on the jpeg Mass Massacre of 2024 it was a good thing jpegs are monstrosities and don’t deserve to live okay I’m going to do a a chalkboard so we have to get like a darkish green color like this um and we’ll give it like a wood border Brown and then I’m going to have Darwin’s finches from the galpagos islands with their different styled beaks oops that’s not good ah okay there we go now I’m thinking this should be darker okay it’s a decent chalkboard I don’t want to spend too much time on this um this comic because I want to do other things tonight uh UK white white white white white white white white white white white white opinion on the galpagos tortoise is that the one where um isn’t that the one that’s extinct or is that like the largest the largest tortoise species the globos tortoise or the globos giant tortoise is a very large species of tortoise in the genius Chelan I don’t know how to pronounce that they are the largest extent terrestrial cold-blooded animals ectotherms interesting lifespans in the wild of over 100 years it’s one of the longest lived vertebrates captive galpagos Toral tortoises can live up to 177 years for example a captive individual Harriet lived for at least 175 years pretty dope I like turtles and um tortoises they’re cool animals I’m not like a big reptile guy you know but uh they’re pretty cool hey Ki are you often watching modern country Ball videos um I I’ve watched some other country ball content on YouTube um I’m not impressed by most of it but some there are some really good Channel out there um chat will remember there’s um a carry a ball a carry ball I think is probably one of the best if not the best just top tier animations on the eye like turtle kids confirmed true all grown up what rep ties repells are cool I mean I don’t know like dinosaurs are cool uh um should I give the UK a pointer like a a stick of some kind is this either Java code or brain for breakfast had like the ruler UK thing if you guys don’t know who Java Cod or brain for breakfast are they were two of uh the most important me members of the PO and ball Community very early on and they have sadly since passed in the past couple of years brain for breakfast in particular was um I met him once actually great guy in the brief time I knew him uh he was one of the pioneering sort of uh YouTube country ball accounts oh man I don’t like that I have to do all these little tick marks what have I done I’ll just do it on one side this is why you should never give the UK a ruler is he’s going to go carve up the Middle East in Africa if you do if you give a mouse a cookie he’s going to want a glass of milk the if you give the UK a ruler he’s going to want an Empire um I’ve met a lot of British people in my life and there is definitely a Nostalgia particularly among older Brits for the Empire and it is absolutely misplaced the British Empire was not a good thing you should not be proud of it the British Empire subjugated hundreds of millions of people there we go he’ll use it to make a straight line UK tries to convince the USA that tea is not fish food never convince us the only good ingredient extra ingredient to add to tea is sea water from Boston Harbor yellow hexagon you still remember watching brain for breakfast when he was still posting didn’t know about Java code until way later unfortunately yeah Java code made my um my flare on the P ball star I have a custom flare you know my icon the SPAC suit Java code made made that he made I think almost all of the uh the custom user flares early in the subreddit so like Aaron’s first custom flare I think was uh the red Canadian Dominion flag which was super cool now he has his uh his own custom flag but I I I don’t know if aon’s still here if he’s not then you guys can tell him but I liked his Dominion flare better than his his custom one his current one pumpkin head can I check the GIF that you posted in Discord I won’t be able to bring it up I don’t know how to get gifs to play in Discord or rather in um in Photoshop where did you put it I’m trying to find it pumpkin wonder if the British tried to drink the tea before it got destroyed they all just dove into the ocean and started drinking okay this is good let’s group these where’s the group for Lair there it is panel one done let’s do panel two we’re going to have um the Soviet Union I had a comic idea for this this wasn’t a pole and ball comic but maybe I can turn it into a pball comic but um it’s God creates the Earth and then he creates man and he tells man I’ve created this paradise for you 97 it’s it’s uh I’ve created this paradise for you um here’s a couple things you need to know you know you need to eat to survive you need water you cannot go more than 2 days without water 97% of the water on this paradise that I’ve created for you will kill you if you drink it enjoy I think something like half of all the fresh water on Earth is located in um the Great Lakes so uh all the water wars that are going to be fought in the Middle East and Central Asia and Africa because of climate change that’s not going to happen here because we have a ton of fresh water just something to think about you know yeah pumpkin head can’t draw oh I see it okay oh that’s cool I like it that’s a good GIF I I’m not able to show it on photo in Photoshop but it’s good I like it people can see it in Discord let me give it a uh a react next step is to add some color make it Poland Great Lakes are Michigan’s back Texas ball how’s it going love your profile picture when Napoleon was exiled to St uh Helena the British generals pulled out comically large upright mugs out of their top hats and splash te on him I don’t know if that’s real or not yeah I call it gif because GIF is stupid all right so I need two characters one of them is is going to be the Soviet Union who should the other character be the UK is going to be teaching the Soviet Union and some other character about Evolution who should the the other character be y I don’t think it should be the U like I like dra the us but like I draw the US in like all my Comics you know oh here we’re going to do a poll which is correct Texas Ball please don’t spam in the chat two rules for our uh stream chat no bigotry no spamming 6931 Jif is in the lead let that one ride all right so sovet Union Cambodia Guinea Italy Italy is not a bad idea I was thinking Germany Cuba it doesn’t really matter who the the character is but like it would be weird um actually here let’s do a smaller Soviet Union the way it always should have been instead of a another Empire the Soviet Union was the Russian Empire with socialist flame decals that’s it was not fundamentally different I don’t know is that a good ball I don’t think that’s a good Ball spish please Sweden would work we could do Sweden I don’t like that ball we’re going to remake the USSR don’t tell Putin it’s it’s the bottom right of the ball that I always mess up this is an Aaron ball this is one of the most Aaron like balls I’ve ever drawn this is straight out of an Aaron comic whoops look at that this is Aaron send the poll um so GIF won unless you pronounce it gif in which case that won Aaron draws flat balls true it’s pronounced spier I don’t know any Swedish so let’s uh let’s find out smell smell smell all right what is it in German Sweden German is such a silly language Sweden Sweden what is it in Bengali Sweden oh okay just phonetic uh angle size I guess what is it in where’s Jaan Japanese sueden sueden okay I think um I don’t know if this is true but I remember being told that hot dog in Japanese is pronounced hotu dogu let’s see if that’s right hot dog hot dog in Japanese isot [Laughter] hambur hambur that’s so cool [Laughter] piz try arm minion um Sweden and Armenian is uh doesn’t give me a there’s no um audio not a widely enough spoken language for it to appear on Google translate the audio anime land is funny true there’s a great comic I forget who made it it’s a really old comic um Japan like throws a rock at the US US turns around and smacks the out of Japan with a baseball bat knocks him down and he says like oh crap I think I might have hit you too hard are you all right and Japan wakes up with cat ears and says uh and I Kawaii America or America son all right let’s get the Soviet flag USSR Soviet Union okay let’s do the eyes oh is that a brain for breakfast comic is that the same one ditto redrew I don’t know um I don’t know ditto I I was um I was out of the pole and ball game for a number of years when like ditto is a a thing so um other people in the pball community would be more familiar with what ditto has done I I don’t but um my understanding is that she tried to Stage a coup in the PO ball sub and there’s a lot of drama like years on people are so butt hurt about it I know what happened I wasn’t there for it I was just uh I would show up in the pull and ball Discord like once a year say Hi and then just leave for another year I just totally It’s actually kind of strange like I was totally out of the game like I would look at the subreddit every now and then uh and maybe comment but like I just didn’t really do anything I didn’t draw for 6 years maybe 7 years um and then I just came back and in July of last year and I just like haven’t stopped it’s really stuck this time Soviet flag is a good flag it a very well-designed flag I’ll give them that didn’t get a lot of things right the flag was not one of them red and yellow just work together make the handle longer why can’t I draw the handle it’s too making it too thick there we go that’s pretty goodle I maybe made them too big yeah I made it too big I don’t want it to I don’t want them to be I don’t want them to be hiding behind the eyes eyes V dry the best party party hard Zemo Nitro makes good Comics yeah he makes some of the best for sure pillow fluff you just got to know about Po and ball less than a year ago and you went full into it that’s how I felt like I um there were not a lot of pole and ball comics when I first found it um and I was trying I I was going through like the the depths of the internet trying to find more comics after i’ read like the 20 or 30 or something that existed that I could easily find um and that L that led me to the pole and ball subreddit in 2012 I think so long ago and then I started posting burned made Comics which were Comics made by other people not your own original content and then gradually the subreddit maybe within like a few weeks or months after I found it started posting OC original content and the rest is history just sort of took off do the star we’ll do one pixel spooky music oops I’m going to take this opportunity to shamelessly ask you again to like the stream you he that that musical sting oh what was that one second sound effect that was um my dishwasher telling me it’s done or it’s not done but it’s entering a new cycle why did P and Ball official just make a channel in 2023 though um so for the longest time the people that ran the subreddit didn’t really want to monetize Poland ball and Country ball uh so they actively discouraged people from doing so and they started to loosen up a couple of years ago um the the subreddit got throttled very hard last year um like in early early summer of last year and the viewers just dropped Like Comics were not getting seen by people anymore even though were subscribed to Reddit and it was because um there were a bunch of protests on Reddit last year um in protest of a uh a rule change a policy change that Reddit made that was super unpopular and so a bunch of subreddits protested publicly and Reddit the company came down and slapped all of them down the PO and ball subreddit never participated in those protests um but they got inadvertently caught up in the filter that basically hid all of those subreddits that protested as a way for like Reddit to punish the moderators for those subredits um so for months Po and ball it felt like it was dying and Dick Rhino uh one of the moderators on subreddit and one of the channel uh one of the channel owners here decided to make a YouTube channel as a way to try and revive the subreddit and the format uh it turns out you know we were able to contact a Reddit admin and they said that yeah we’d ACD accidentally been caught in the filter so um the subreddit is back and now this YouTube channel has been going on for about 7 months we’ve had some pretty moderate success very happy with where we are but you know the sky is the limit how did I get hired by pull and ball uh it’s not a job this is a hobby this is uh like a side project there are seven people that work on this channel and we just draw stuff we’re not hired we decided anybody can make a YouTube channel so uh there’s seven of us working on the channel we produce different kinds of cont content and uh you don’t make a lot of money from YouTube unless you’re a very big Creator so uh this is very much just a passion project right now but it’s fun please translate po ball or country ball to sinhala let’s try let’s see pull and ball okay this is what Po and ball is translated to in Japanese okay it sounds like it’s just angle sized in French poon po German po po Bal uh Punjabi Poland Bal yeah it’s was in Russian poab poab Poland ball English what is in Malay Poland Catalan uh is there Mandarin Chinese banoo Bano I like Japanese Japanese was cool I’m going to do that one again hold what’s vietnames ban balanan okay um do they have Tagalog didn’t have Tagalog and Google translate really that’s pretty surprising what about Indonesian bap poia bap poia that’s pretty easy I’ll listen to Japanese again Japan Japanese I think I’ve said this before my favorite English language accents or like my favorite language is uh my favorite accents to hear somebody speak English a thick Scottish accent and a thick Japanese accent they’re so cool are there any in languages on the translator um probably not I don’t know you want to ask if dark humor live in Discord yeah as long as it’s not like offensive for the sake of being offensive you know do rice in Indonesian rice what that’s not right baras baras barass baras Bas translate knives into Lan it’s okay is it going to sound like penis or something knives English to Lan where’s slan no no Nashi Nashi it okay it’s spelled like Nazi but it’s Nashi it’s pronounced Nashi okay your favorite accents are Southeast Azie Texas and your accent you know what I am going to draw the US I’m going to have the US uh say like I don’t believe in any of this crap you know cyber Punk Darth dark synth wave I need to find some more music I can use it’s not just Sy wave no don’t do USA it needs to be a country that like wouldn’t believe in evolution and like there’s a good portion of like Evangelical Mars that think that the theory of evolution is uh the devil’s work or something so I think it’d be funny to have the US here you know what okay Germany we’ll do Germany deuts land here in India everyone has sort of their own accent I mean it’s super diverse what there’s like 10 or 12 major languages spoken in uh India right native languages then you have you know something like 400 million English speakers on top of that do Vatican I was thinking of the Vatican but the Vatican actually recognizes the theory of evolution it’s not in consistent with Catholic Doctrine how did I start working for pull and ball I don’t work for Po and ball um but I’ve known dick Rhino and Aaron and chicken Scuttle monkey um for over 10 years so they asked me to join the YouTube channel when they started it so uh I was I think the seventh person to join out of the current seven I joined uh I think like 10 days after they started the channel so I’m technically the most Junior member of the channel over 1,200 languages in India do Saudi Arabia or Iran uh those flags are annoying to draw though you know what no it’s my comic SC you guys I’m going to draw the US [Laughter] again you can’t stop me what are you going to do unplug my keyboard it’s also an excuse to draw the sunglasses which I always like you believe in Christ you think evolution is partly true I mean evolution is true like it’s objectively true I mean like you can do laboratory experiment we have done I don’t not you personally but the Royal you rhetorically um scientists have actually done experiments and they have seen bacteria and things that have a very short um reproductive cycle actually evolve in like real time all right now I need to find a comic that actually has the right us colors right red shirts let’s take my red shirts comic this has the right colors okay let’s do the Eyes First sunglasses I did 10 pixels for Soviet Union eyes that eye is too big let’s duplicate this flip it horizontally it’s just an excuse to draw sunglasses again eat my apostrophe key it’s an important key not the most important pretty far from it but um one of my biggest pet peeves in spelling is when people use the incorrect its like its with an apostrophe or it’s without right A lot of people because you know the possessive in English um you would say like oh this is this is Samuel’s um cake or whatever right you put aost S at the end to indicate that it’s possessive but when you do apostrophe S at the end of its that’s a contraction it’s not possessive the possessive form of its doesn’t have an apostrophe in it and people always confuse it its with an apostrophe is a contraction for it is and that’s one of my biggest pet peeves in writing when people confuse those this is a little bit too big you know what we’ll keep it I can’t be blamed for drawing America all the time it’s my home country you know I didn’t choose to be born here I just was let’s merge these this is not the best us I’ve drawn I have to not be perfectionist here I’ve one more panel to do after this I’m already losing interest in it you know it’s not the best comic idea I’ve ever had but uh it’s an idea and I need something for the contest is it bad that you use arrow keys I like it’s bad I I don’t use arrow keys for like anything though um right there there finally en these do some Stars hide the eyes real quick I might redo the uh the eyes those are pretty shitty eyes God I hate drawing the American flag it’s such trash US flag I think is like a high SE tier I don’t think it’s a good flag it’s way too busy there’s way too much crap on it like it’s instantly recognizable but that doesn’t make it good it doesn’t matter what flag the us would have or has everyone would recognize it just because it’s the US right um but it’s a it’s not a good flag you can quote me on that I would rather us have a different flag Betsy Ross flag is way better Manny how’s it going the basement coli and Aon are in is just n of it very cold I’m having none of it spending too much time on this comic I don’t like it here here here oh God I’m losing focus my wrist hurts most people just draw 50 time St uh 50 next to the star uh yeah you can’t do that in the official pull and ball rules it’s uh that’s banned it’s lazy it’s low effort and it’s not what we want to promote there’s a level of quality that we strive for on the pull and ball subreddit that has not really wavered for the past 12 years you know a lot of meme formats and mediums die really quickly cuz there’s no quality control you know like you could draw whatever you want obviously it’s just if you’re going to post a comic to the PO ball sub it needs to follow the rules you know you can put hair on your balls if you really want to just you can’t show us K body has the best looking flag uh I don’t like it here I’ll pull it up I think it’s too busy but it’s got a bird on it which is kind of cool it’s got like a whole story going on I think this is like a B minus C+ it’s not terrible but I don’t think this is great SEC cure body monster truck chicken nuggets you’ll post your flag tier in Discord later that’s a good idea we should do flag like personal flag tier lists and share them in the Discord US flag is s tier it’s not High s tier though I don’t think it’s s tier nudit you know I’m American but that hurt yours how do you pronounce nunit is it nunit how do you pronounce it let’s find out let’s go to Google Translate nunav voot nunav voot I can tell you uh I can count on maybe one hand the number of times I’ve heard anyone ever say n of it to me no mods no I mean we have mods in the PO and ball sub I’m not a mod but we have a ton of mods R red you were born in Australia and when you’re at school your accent slips uh everyone says something equivalent of what the oh okay you’re you’re you born in Australia you have an Aussie accent but you don’t live in Australia anymore I mean the Aussie Aussie accents are cool there’s some of the the cooler English language accents most uh it’s none of it okay none of it Canada is not a real country so it doesn’t matter PR media born in London yeah so like English language accents I think the the worst ones are like mine I don’t think is very good it’s it’s too common you know uh I grew up in California so I have a pretty strong California accent and that’s what you hear in Hollywood so everyone is familiar with it it’s not a terribly unique accent I think it’s boring um most most American accents I don’t think are that interesting uh the stereotypical like English accent like received pronunciation like the queen’s English I also think is very boring I think some of uh the the other Regional accents that exist in England are more interesting although some uh I had a I went to a barber shop in London once and the barber was from Yorkshire I think and I had no idea what the hell he was saying he was speaking English but his accent was so thick it sounded like absolute gibberish I had no idea what he was was saying so I just kept nodding I was like what what yeah sure I don’t think that was one of my better haircuts none of it you have Western salla accent Canada is not a real country but the Canada Act of 1982 imagine having to imagine imagine having to wait to ask for independ it’s cuz you’re too scared to take it by yourself you know what we’ll just do these eyes I don’t want to keep drawing Darwin’s finches we’re going to draw Darwin’s finches and chalk it’s a silly looking bird fun fact the smallest star is just bigger than Saturn while the largest star is about 23 times 2300 times larger than the sun uh by radius yes that’s true but by mass very different thick stereotypical Canadian accents are top tier newy accents too um I kind of like um Canadian accents oh sure Aaron Aaron’s got a pretty strong K accent it looks like a dolphin really I don’t think that looks like a dolphin that’s a finch all right and then there’s another one put over here these are ugly birds this’s got a flatter head I’m taking this straight from his drawings from uh natural selection or whatever what was the name of the book I can’t remember the name of the book Darwin’s book what was the name of the book on the theory of evolution or Origin of Species that’s it On the Origin of Species funny how rarely how you rarely use the word is poor Aaron got brainworms sad remember when Co Gater said that Aaron was a Lee sucking on the eyes of Americans on the podcast very funny I think that was uh gay nerd I don’t think that’s something I would have said dear coli the Oilers are going to lose to the kxs or if feel like the Rangers are going to lose to the canes uh I don’t follow hockey but I’m a sensibly um a uh sharks fan fun fact a candidate for the USA election is Bobby brainworms no joke yes this is true RFK Jr uh the son of Robert Kennedy who was uh JFK’s one of JFK’s younger brothers and was his attorney general and then was assassinated 1968 his son Robert F Kennedy Jr is a crazy man genuinely and um he had brainworms he said like last week that uh doctors found a worm that had eaten part of his brain and he admitted that openly publicly for some goddamn reason Sunny flower you can do an American accent very easily but you for your own accent chosen ball you’ve returned from your dorcy welcome what do I think of quantum mechanics I wish I understood it better than I do uh I think another life I would have loved to have been uh like a theoretical physicist I think um quantum mechanics and uh uh like particle physics are super interesting but it it’s really really goddamn complicated it’s really hard to wrap your head around okay so the next bird next Bird’s over here bottom left it’s a tiny tiny beak this is so stupid and this one’s got a longer beak it’s the eyes it’s the eyes that get me these are terrifying Birds man this is not a good beak let’s fix this that’s better Darwin’s finches that’s not bad I this is a pretty famous drawing right his uh his finches from on Origin species I think people would recognize this you’re in scouting so when you go to jambur in the Netherlands last summer you purposely exaggerated your Canadian accent yeah that’s one of my favorite things when I travel is playing up stereotypes because it’s fun for uh it’s it’s fun to be like the token Foreigner or whatever in a group of other people you know in their own country um so yeah like whenever I whenever I travel I like to play up the American accents and American stereotypes I’m not one of those Americans is like oh no I’m Canadian I’m not American and they travel abroad chosen I’ve inspired you to start using synth elements in your music oh that’s sick do you make you make music I mean I I listen to so much synth Wave It’s rotted my brain like I can feel my brain leaking out whenever I listen to synth wave I’m not going to stop though but right on opinion on the apple and a box Theory I don’t know what that is Apple in a box Theory let me Google that that’s a quantum mechanics thing Apple in a box it’s an expression of infinity and apple is placed in a closed box in theory nothing can come out of this can come out or into the box over time the Apple decays after more time the Apple has become dust years and years later the remaining chemicals get very hot a long long time later the particles start uh to fuse together eventually the box contains just ionized nuclei and photons and then billions and billions of years later the neutrons Decay into protons and fundamental particles and after a very very very long time all the particles in the Apple have experienced all possible States then those states have to be Revisited at some point therefore the Apple reappears in its original state what that’s crazy but more simply the Intriguing Apple in a box concept suggests if an apple were to be left untouched in a box for billions of years its fundamental particles would theoretically Traverse every possible State they could eventually leading the Apple to return to its original state that’s crazy I’ve never heard that before wow so what like the the natural ex or the natural um sort of extrapolation from that thought experiment is that is the universe and apple in a box right is the universe going to go through all of these different phases all the phases it possibly could and then return back to its current phase right suggesting that the cycle of the universe is cyclical it doesn’t sound like there’s any evidence for it just sounds like an interesting thought experiment um my understanding of current like Cutting Edge astrophysics and fundamental par of coal physics is that in an impossibly large amount of time in the future all matter will Decay and the universe will reach maximum entropy in which nothing Chang changes it’ll be a completely empty void and then at that point time is meaningless because there is no change why can’t quantum mechanics be less confusing it’ be nice wouldn’t it all right let’s do some shading I have one more panel it’s just going to be a simple three panel comic because I don’t want to put a lot a lot of effort for this contest is uh I am more invested in the YouTube channel than I am in this uh the shenanigans and the subreddit now the YouTube channel has become an additional creative outlet for me cuz uh now I get to make videos instead of just Comics while I love drawing making videos is actually pretty fun I like the editing process but just for like that 8 minute pnn video it took like eight or something hours of editing crazy and that’s just the editing right that doesn’t count the amount of time I went end drawing like I draw a a couple I drew a couple panels but Aaron did uh 98% of the drawing it’s very timec consuming effort but it’s super fun I really like it but it has cut into my reading time which I’m a little upset about I guess the top hat should have a uh that’s cute I like that brain rot modern countryball videos still have more views than the officials how sad we’ll get there we’re we were late to this uh we were late to YouTube but we will get there um you know we talk in the in our Discord Channel quite often about like what we want to do with the channel like what our plans are and stuff like that and uh dicko mentioned some metrics today like we have a much higher percentage of our current subscribers viewing our content than most big channels I don’t know if that changes past a certain point but uh something like every time we put out a p&n something like 40% of our the number of views is about like 40% of our subs which is pretty good all things considered UK ruler shading okay now I can make this hat a little bit bigger a shadow for the Hat this is where the UK keeps his brain it’s why they uh they went through brexit was because he he took off his hat he wasn’t thinking when he voted pumpkin you used to get offended by those American jokes from Europeans doesn’t matter uh people if there’s I mean hey there’s while I have some kind of platform I’m going to spell some of my views um nationalism is stupid it’s a it’s a stupid ideology that led to the deaths of like 100 million people over the 20th century nationalism is bad don’t be a nationalist it’s totally okay to take the piss out of your your country make fun of your country think that some of the things it does are stupid you know um don’t get offended when people make fun of your country it’s totally fine another thing that I absolutely hate and I’ve said this before is when people get mad like if I were to criticize a country and I don’t live there and somebody says like well you don’t know what you’re talking about because you don’t live there like no I’m totally allowed to have an opinion and express an opinion on a place that I’ve never been to before you don’t have to physically go to Greece you know to know about Greece right you could be wrong sure but you could also be right you know discounting someone’s opinion just because they’re not from a certain place is stupid and I I always get this like you know being an American and then expressing your views of other countries people always say like will come back at you and like criticize America right it’s like well why are you allowed to criticize America and I can’t criticize your country like we should both be able to criticize both and neither of us should get butt hurt because they’re just countries you know yeah National caus a 30 30 war Civil War here in Sri Lanka yeah was that in Sri Lanka the tamils uh taml Tigers right you didn’t mean to say the pregnant man emoji bold of coli to believe that nationalist will will listen yeah I mean nationalism is a bunk ideology as far as I’m concerned um killing a bunch of sparrows got the same casualties as World War II huh yeah that’s also true um but I do take a lot of those uh a lot of those like death tolls that you get from Chinese history throughout Chinese history of like you know tens of millions of people dying I feel are probably exaggerated because record keeping really wasn’t that good throughout most of history in most civilizations like even today in a lot of countries with modern technology counting casualties is a difficult thing just do a couple Shadows here on the US and user these are dick Rhino esque Shadows he does a like a crescent Shadow sh most of the time yeah I I wish I could like listen to my Spotify play so it wasn’t we don’t just listen to syn wave all the time on stream but I do like my my synth wave okay I think I can merge all of this all right go back to Darwin’s finches [Applause] concise add some text okay so the text will be something like um oh it’s white text let’s make it black text that this was compelling evidence for feels a little bit wordy 36.5 I Don’t Like Comics that are super wordy dishwasher’s done a while ago during seate testing you used to think as was spelled ass and you still got good grades that’s funny when will I do a playlist reveal uh I mean if I’m on Discord you can see like what music I’m listening to on Spotify but I can’t play copyrighted music on stream unfortunately so I use um the playlists that I use are all made by Carl Casey white bad Audio Great YouTube channel they’re free to use on uh streams not enough words there if Malta fought the Vatican who would win the Vatican the Vatican has the power of anime and God on his side Leaf Scout thanks for joining have a good night remember to drop a like on the stream before you head out really appreciate it check out pnn and check out the new short that’s going to come out tomorrow afternoon USC time yeah I think Vatican would win the Vatican has the power of magic what does Malta have and so each species of Finch has a distinct [Applause] I think that’s okay and so each and so each species of Finch has a distinct beak shape and size uh suited to their specific diet displaying how the environment drives evolutionary change good succinct okay oh I might do a closeup of the Soviet Union here actually [Music] please B Giga Chan he’s harassing Chatters being racist is he I haven’t seen him say anything I’m going to have to make this even bigger the canvas for that oh I just noticed the I have the shading over the Soviet Union’s eyes here fix that all right we’re going to do closeup with Soviet Union let’s merge these rored do you think you could work on PO and ball or no on the channel it’s just a seven of us for now but you should make Po and ball Comics we’re not a company we’re just a YouTube channel man there’s just seven of us the first po ball stream you joined with drawing with chat was that gay nerd’s um stream do I use after effects for animation I uh don’t use After Effects I’ve never used after effects before um I don’t do animations I’ve made a few gifs in Photoshop where I make the individual frames and then um play them in sequence which is pretty easy in Photoshop I know dedicated animation tools make it easier alpaca does all the animations or almost all the animations on the channel yeah animations takes a really godamn long time it’s incredibly timec consuming which is why I’m actually super excited for um AI in this space I think AI is going to be an incredibly good tool for Content creation particularly for animations you’ll pay me you’ll pay me 10 Co eyes for 15 errands I don’t know what that means oh that was a good ball I always love doing these close-ups where you only see like 2/3 of the ball maybe you give me two 10 drawings of myself and you give me 50 drawings ven I don’t want 15 drawings ven what am I going to do with 15 drawings of Aaron I thought I would have been finished with this comic by now to be honest but I never account for how much time I spend talking to chat but that’s a good problem to have okay let’s do uh hammer and sickle not good me do this syn wve is the most powerful genre of music yeah let’s just do that that’s easier clean this up a little bit the red it’s pretty good I think you support Michigan nationalism fair enough red halo how’s it going listen to Tino soundtrack silicon dreams Tino silic dreams Tino is the New Order oh is this a video game I’ll listen to this off stream so I’m sure it’s copyrighted [Music] do us in the background [Music] classes look a little small yeah I’ll R do the glasses for 10 pixels the nose bridge is always kind of hard to do good enough okay clean this up oops I didn’t do them on the right layer oh well oh God I hate drawing this flag so much it’s so dumb chosen see you later thanks for stopping by chosan Canadian milk is Canadian milk actually bagged or is that just like only some places cuz that’s silly it is it’s bagged in India too that’s so strange red red just some red lines just Stars here’s where I messed up okay now I draw Stars not many fortunately you know what I can just copy paste that star cuz half it’s going to be off screen yeah you want even just see the next one okay perfect there you go no I messed up here somewhere I messed up the stripe I messed up the red stripe what did I do go back far enough to undo it nope damn it okay that’s an easy fix though just a red stripe here I should have caught that okay uh shading on these guys just on the Soviet Union oh you know what would be funny actually maybe I put it all in Shadow let see what this looks like 85 65 what if this is everything no this is fine dark Soviet let me try this actually col an size would would be good for this I think that’s good uranium okay so I don’t know if you guys would be able to guess what the joke is um probably not I’d be surprised if you guys could guess what the joke is going to be but I actually like this panel pretty cool what size panel did I use here 20 pixel border 20 pixel border want to know a fact about your life at the age of 40 witness to your parents make your little [Music] brother oh okay that’s it you thought you were four you saw your parents making your little brother that’s probably not super uncommon to be honest but yeah that it’s not something a child should see kids walking on their parents it happens that’s sounds traumatizing though all right can anyone guess what the fourth panel is going to be I’d be very surprised if you can figure it out but if you can right [Music] on it’s a bald eagle no um all right so panel one and so each species of Finch has a distinct beak shape and size suited to their specific diet displaying how the environment drives evolutionary change Darwin’s finches right they have different beaks CU they eat different things I don’t believe this crap what kind of food do your finches eat uranium fourth panel Cosmic horror [Music] yellow hexagon you got it obsurd I’ve never drawn opsb before but now I’m going to I thought I thought that would be a pretty clever uh entry kudos to Yellow hexagon I think that Cosmic horror gave it away right yeah it’s obsk bird very strange bit of poen ball lore OMP existed in uh it predates Poland ball um well I don’t know if it predates it but it got incorporated into Poland ball it’s not a uh like an original Poland ball thing and it is very seldom used which is why I another reason why I want to use it one I’ve never drawn it two I think it makes for a good joke three it’s very very rarely used you drew OMS bird with a heroin needle on his back sometimes yeah that fits okay how am I going to draw this Ops bird let’s go such a strange thing let’s do darker red for the robes maybe I do the beak first I don’t know i’ I’ve literally never drawn Ops bird so this is uh entirely new territory for me Wing Doom Omsk bird actually stoked I don’t think this will win but I suspect that this uh will score pretty highly Prussian media thanks for joining make sure to drop a like on the stream see you next stream hopefully now you get bragging rights for the rest of your life true [Music] think I’m making this too big I’m SC looks like uh one of the shy guys from uh Mario this is terrifying man what a strange strange character if I had more time I would make this like very like super detailed you know really lean to the cosmic horror like the um what’s the uh like love crafty in nature of Omsk bird but I want to finish this good music for this actually don’t make him say I become death he’s not going to be saying anything but we’re bringing Ops sped back I think we make this even darker give him his little chicken feet too oops pumpkin head did you already get grounded once or something because you stayed watching stream too late go to bed you can watch watch the VOD it’s fine favorite bird oh I’ve shown this before uh red bearded vulture [Music] I’ll put up on the screen real quick the red bearded vulture is my favorite bird look at this and tell me it’s not a dinosaur this is straight up a dinosaur like I know that birds are technically dinosaurs but this is like more dinosaur this is cool as hell red beard vulture super cool dino Bird yeah pining on frog Ms what are frog Ms oh these are are these owls they’re owlets they’re Outlets these are kind of creepy looking frog mouss it’s like a bird with a frog face they’re pretty they’re unsettlingly uh they look unsettling and VA you’re going to make a comic base on Slovakia prime minister shooting uh I think someone beat you to the punch but uh yeah go for it is there any update on him is he dead did he die or is he still in the hospital so heard he was okay CNN 1 hour ago Slovakia’s prime minister expected to survive after shooting all right interesting heavily injured one bullet entering his stomach and another hitting the joints yeah that was pretty wild that happened today thoughts on dros dros are mostly black or dark gray short leg bird with upright stance with perch these look like they’re related to crows or Ravens or something um I’m not a huge bird person I mean I think like birds of prey look cool and crows and ravens are super smart but um I’m not huge on birds feel bad for the dude must hurt yeah I mean political violence is never good but um he is also not a good person so it’s not like your puppy got shot you know but yeah um it looks like he’ll pull through but it looks like the um uh his party is going to capitalize on it and crack down on uh descent Slovakia was already drifting towards authoritarianism and this guy Robert FICO he’s a th he’s a thug he’s uh he’s got got links organized crime Mafia um pretty strong allegations that he um was involved in the murder of a journalist secondhand maybe okay I’m s actually goes kind of hard and let’s do behind actually I don’t know I don’t like either of those wings 80s horror synth playlist let’s try this penguins are cute I love penguins penguins are cool um it’s just they’re one of those animals because they’ve had they evolved basically in isolation from Human contact they have absolutely no fear of humans which is not a good evolutionary um path you know it’s generally better for an animal to have a fear of humans because humans are very good at killing things um but because they didn’t really encounter humans for well I’m talking about like Antarctic penguins like emperor penguins um not a good uh not good from an evolutionary point of view standpoint behind arm those are pretty good should give him laser eyes or something om bird has so much potential yeah this is good music for uh this drawing it’s fitting got the horror theme going on the doo bird did not have a fear of humans and look what happened to them yeah exactly case in point Sasa or um pillow fluff could you have two entries that passed the deadline you never knew existed for the star contest on stream um we’re doing another contest for S the Saturday morning stream if you want to make something for that uh gate nerd pinned I think at the comic and arts channel on Discord it’s I think the theme is make some kind of futuristic comic like Blade Runner cyber Punk um Fallout type thing I’ll I’ll make an announcement in uh the chat tomorrow you’ll have a couple days to make a contest entry this week multiple representatives in Georgia have gotten verbal threats from decision by the leading party to uh make closer ties with Russia one of them even got ambushed by people with sticks and bats yeah I’m wondering if George is going to go through a a revolution of some sorts like a euromid end type thing but um the government is pretty heavily Uh pro- Russian although so is Victor yanukovich and he was removed from Power by the Ukrainian people so use bdis there’s only a few characters in Poland ball that use BD for rectangle and um OMS bird let’s give him glowing eyes like the background should be one more damn that’s terrifying it’s just such a such a surreal character you know let’s do 11 pixel is that enough 12 pixel for why is it not showing up it’s missing a layer oh there we go no I don’t think you should have the dark pupil that’s good the music fits so well you can’t even hear the music I can turn up a little bit oh this is pretty oh I like this very moody could you have your Miss entries on display yeah sure um could you ping me in the comics and Art Channel pillow fluff and I can show them on stream pandas you left the live stream for several minutes now it’s a red bird yeah so in Poland ball lore opsd is a character it’s one of the few non-ball characters it sort of represents like serialism and like misery and like drug use and stuff like that in Russia um and it’s based on I think the uh like the hockey team the the Ops hockey team’s flag or something like that and so it’s become sort of like an absurd Cosmic horror type character it’s incredibly rarely used in Poland Ball but it is technically part of Poland ball cannon but it’s again very very seldom used you’re scared of the client government Crackdown from hir oh you don’t have Discord where did you send your um your entries you heard people not pupil oh okay I can see I can take it out of context FL doesn’t have Discord it’s on country6 let me check yeah I can show these on stream download them real quick oh these are good I like the second one in particular uh so pillow fluff made these for yesterday’s contest which I wish I could have done with you guys um but alas I had to work on pnn this is cool I like the gold border for Poland a little price tag this is solid but I like this one more this is pillow fluff’s uh Avatar profile picture with the the star this is really cool I like how you did the the ribbons good stuff both of these are great good job you’re a reporter now for like a local newspaper or TV station or something that’s really cool you got a Bhutan entry uh but you didn’t finish it time yeah we’ll give I’ll give more heads up in the future um so I think urd let’s make his robes flow a little bit more you know what a terrifying creature this is I want to see diodon make art of um omsb I think dicto is the best artist in uh the PO ball Community that’s just my personal opinion I think his stuff is just fantastic or her stuff I don’t know uh just across the board beautiful beautiful artwork okay this is good oh he reported for Kaya all right Wing Doom Omsk [Music] bird I want to make this really really dark shades of uh super dark gray and black give a feeling uh like a sense of depth to the hood you know like that you can’t peer all the way in man I can’t even see it Zoom all the way [Music] in damn that’s dark know what no we’ll just we’ll just leave it completely pitch black what’s my opinion on natural ketchup what is natural ketchup [Music] [Music] let’s do a snowy background [Music] I’m going to put a dark filter on all [Music] [Music] this above is here where is amsk in Russia is like Siberia or obstacle blast um yeah it’s in Siberia Southwest Siberia um what’s my opinion on the Beagle 2 spacecraft is that the one that um that’s the one that crashed on Mars it was the it was a UK Lander uh it or it landed on Mars but they lost contact with it they never established contact with it uh because I think like one of the antennas or something didn’t didn’t deploy properly but then one of the orbiters around Mars found it a couple of years ago maybe like five or six years ago maybe a little bit longer than that but um I don’t know um I’ve said this before on stream but I’m not a huge fan of like all the missions to Mars that all these space agencies does I don’t think Mars is a super interesting place to explore relative to other places in the solar system like I think we should we should be spending our resources trying to go to Europa Enceladus to tighten um the venutian atmosphere um ganam I think we should have permanent orbiters around Saturn and Jupiter at the very least it’ be great if we could do it for Neptune and Uranus as well Uranus but um those are more expensive and they’re riskier and one of the reasons why we’re so obsessed with Mars is because it’s one of the more earthlike places in the solar system and when we do eventually colonize space uh the two most obvious places to colonize are first the moon because it’s very close and to uh Mars because it’s close and it’s somewhat habitable you know Mars is a more inviting uh environment than Venus even though Venus is closer than Mars um oh okay here’s actually an interesting trivia question uh for you guys what for most of the uh for most of time what planet is actually closest to the earth curious you guys know the answer to that spelled background really wrong Mercury Yeah couple of you guys were right yellow hexagon and uh Sunny flow yep Mercury is the closest planet to uh the Earth most of the time it’s closest to every object in the solar system it’s probably the closest planet to uh Venus and Earth most of the time probably not Mars well maybe actually yeah it probably is yeah it’s probably closest to all the planets now that I think about it that makes sense most of the time just because the distances in the orbit like the distances from the outer planets to each other when they’re on opposite sides of their orbit they’re so far from each other and for so long it makes sense yeah [Music] this is a mood I want to draw more Ops I want to get better at drawing omskbird cuz I think it’d be a super interesting character I just don’t want to become overused you [Music] know so we’re going to draw a couple Soviet unions [Music] [Music] Carl Casey on YouTube check him out it’s a soundtrack this playlist super talented you were waiting for stream you didn’t even know I was streaming oh you know what I didn’t ping Discord that’s why ah I forgot to do that whoops who am I drawing I’m drawing omsberg omsberg is a very rare Po and ball character catch it while you [Music] can opsp is a surreal character in Po and ball I personally never drawn opsd once unless I’ve completely forgotten about it but I’m pretty sure I never have so this is the first time I’ve drawn offs sord and it was really fun you know most of the time you’re drawing balls and pulling ball so now I can say I can draw birds and balls going put that on my resume skills can draw birds and balls for [Music] [Music] this actually came out pretty well a little bit better than I was expecting expecting although I think I need to I need to put in more time on drawing omsberg in the future [Music] but generally I’m happy with uh how this turned out is [Music] ussr2 amsburg is a Citys oblast is a ball I don’t think amsburg represents the city I think sburg is its own omsberg is his own character it’s supposed to be like a surreal kind of character representing misery despair depression whoops what did I do the right colors again two eyes above ussr2 [Music] star Hammer sickle it’s a bad sickle [Music] [Music] stress lines yellow [Music] second Snee scare name a random country please um Equatorial Guinea do something with Equatorial Guinea [Music] [Music] all right now we need draw speed lines movement lines I need to think of a title for this do you guys have any suggestions for title what is a bot is a that’s the f word right in Russian Suka is whor or is it the other way around B yeah bat is the f word BL Su tension music biblically accurate sneeze this is a biblically accurate Finch that’s too big [Music] this came out well pretty happy with this all right let’s do some shading on some of these characters I’m going to do like a really dark filter for uh the entire last panel the fourth panel with Mr Omsk bird [Music] we’ll do some wrinkles on his uh robes and I’ll probably call it there like 10 minutes maybe [Music] [Music] [Applause] biblically accurate sneeze that’s a great great [Music] term for [Music] [Music] uh over here fill that [Music] in I’ll do his R the on his robes separately I think eldrich horror okay let’s take a look at what this looks like oops let’s do um 45% [Applause] capacity I don’t like it here’s what we’re going to do [Music] [Music] 15 is better maybe 10 let’s do [Music] 15 Layer Two 45 zoom up over here that’s good merge all these oh I should do like a snowstorm or something in front of of him let’s do snow I think that’d be really [Music] good I think that’s too much um too thick snow [Music] [Music] I like where this is going duplicate it and then I’ll give it like a make like darker snow uh snowflakes okay let’s duplicate it and then like bluish you know down over here [Music] let’s go to 100 real quick let’s merge all these layers let’s duplicate it [Music] [Music] that that’s too much 45 is good 45% off [Music] capacity let’s do a dark filter and that’ll probably be the last thing I do oh and know I’ll have him [Music] C oh it needs to be contigous okay there [Music] [Music] I don’t like that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you 10 [Music] like a [Music] Mist ooh I like that that’s cool I think this looks pretty [Music] good missed two let’s do the same thing [Music] [Applause] [Music] there’s another mission called Dart uh before double asteroid redirection test Dart is called digital autonomous runie test I didn’t know the dart space mission that’s the one where they um there was a NASA mission where they deliberately hit an asteroid to push it off course just a test the technology that was pretty cool the snow from the sour snowstorm stuff got into third panel yeah I’m going to I’m going to clean that up do that right [Music] now easy peasy speaking of third [Music] panel couple erand pixels I kind of want to make his eyes uh glow more like after I do the layering [Music] oo I like I like this [Music] [Applause] [Music] moral the comic don’t go to Russia it was almost a failure it could have caused Kesler syndrome yeah I mean we’ll probably get to that point anyway where we just launch too much crap into space and there’s too much junk and it creates debris fields and makes it unsafe to launch any anything into orbit after [Music] that humans are not thinking about long-term consequences name a more iconic Duo I’ll [Music] wait yeah I know kler [Music] syndrome I’m going to group all these together I wanted to do some shading on the the BB [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] sure that his robes are sort of flowing you know [Music] and then there some over [Music] [Music] here merge those now we need to clean up here here [Music] here there there [Music] there lot of cleaning up is [Music] [Music] here here [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] or else can I clean [Music] up that looks pretty good here James plays thank you for the donation I don’t know what currency that is IDR IDR IDR Indonesian rupia thank you so much really appreciate it glad you enjoy uh the stream right on man it’s Indonesian yeah your economy is low Indonesia is growing pretty quickly from what I no yeah 5.3% annual GDP growth in 2022 that’s pretty solid man you guys will get there as um a lot of economies are sort of decoupling from China a lot of those manufacturing jobs um are moving to places like Vietnam and Malaysia and Indonesia Philippines uh and back to uh other places like Mexico that used to be um more of a source of manufacturing for like the United States economy Canadian economy you know really appreciate it we’ve got I’ve mentioned this before but uh it’s actually really interesting our viewer base our audience I guess for this channel is uh by population is Americans first just in terms of like the sheer number of of viewers we have most of our viewers are from the United States after that is Indonesia and then after that I believe is the UK third fourth I think is Philippines and fifth is Australia oh no we have a lot of uh Germans and Canadians too but uh it’s like the the countries you would expect in English language website and channel to have you know like the big anglophone countries in Germany uh but then uh for whatever reason we’re pretty popular with Indonesian and uh Filipino YouTube uh viewers I think there was a a fairly big Indonesian Channel had like 250k Subs subscribed to us gave us a little bit of a boost that brought us from like 3.5k to about 5k Subs maybe like four or five months ago which was pretty cool lithium industry is booming in Indonesia it’s pretty cool we need all that for EVS [Music] right damn that looks good I like this okay now we do uh what text do I use here I need to use like a I really like this omir is super fun to draw I’m so glad I did this sunny flower you discover this uh Channel Through Panda’s official really pandas was here that’s super cool uh all right I need to find like an appropriate kind of like Jagged creepy kind of text you know font maybe I can install one real quick I don’t know if I have uh creepy font o that’s not bad Moll regular oh I like that do you guys like that font I love this last panel I think this looks great very cartoony feel but like still kind of ominous and he Indonesian country balls have a copia you know the Islam thing I don’t know what that is no you know Poland a country ball yeah oh is this the hat like the the Indonesian hat yeah yeah sonok right yeah that’s that’s generally how we distinguish Poland from Indonesia every time we post a video that has Poland because in Poland ball you drop po the Polish flag upside down every single time we post a video people say there’s like a a couple of comments that say like that’s not Poland that’s Indonesia you did po flag upside down we have to explain to them that no in Poland ball we draw it upside down and that typically if you want to draw Indonesia you give them the little the little hat the song got okay I think this is super cool I’m going to make the canvas a little bit bigger I’ll post this tomorrow morning cuz I have to to make the deadline so uh take a look when it comes out oh I can group all this group all of it and then I increase the canvas size to 1,20 pixels so it’s 10 pixels on each or no I was doing 20 so I need to do uh 1,40 pixels so I get 20 pixel borders on the right side okay there we go canvas size 1040 why is it okay I have to just [Music] draw that’s not too bad [Music] all the way down there’s a bit of Shadow from the fourth panel I got into the third [Music] panel oh you’re right yeah that’s an easy fix good catch thank you these are the kind of things I wouldn’t necessarily catch looking at it by myself like so many times I’ve posted a comic [Music] and uh not caught like a tiny little error until after I posted it and it’s frustrating when that [Music] happens I think I got all of it I need to fix this order [Music] okay let’s see what this looks like 100% zoomed in and so each species of Finch has a distinct beak shape and size suited to their specific diet displaying how the environment drives evolutionary change Darwin’s finches I don’t believe this crap what kind of food do your finches eat uranium h it’s a pretty good C this is good I like this even as a standalone piece I think this is funny um oh I need a border at the bottom new meaning of o uranium tungsten uranium nuclear bomb it’s a better cake ingredient plutonium uranium or concrete [Music] plutonium all right I think I I am done I’ll submit this tomorrow morning thank you guys for sticking around really appreciate it it’s actually a longer stream than I thought it was going to be but I had fun I hope you guys have a good rest of your day night morning whatever it is for you guys um and I am not going to be able to stream tomorrow night unfortunately but Friday I should be able to and then on Saturday morning I will so uh yeah go check out our newest episode of pole and ball news came out today and we have a short that I think is really funny coming out tomorrow afternoon so check that out as well I will see you guys on Friday


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