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    What is going on everybody, this is TGA, and today, we’re back again with another video, just trying to break things up, did two protests in a row, thought I’d throw something different in the mix before the Leeds Palestine protest video that is upcoming. Enjoy everyone.

    right what’s going on everybody this this is TGA uh just driving through Cardiff today and noticed ass s in a lab unit and then said Cardiff Council so I don’t know what the council would need a lab I find it quite interesting to see so we’re going to get the ccod out see what this is it’s well SC I cancel I what but you know drive past something interesed it’s rude not to have a looking it Willow Brook Technology Park Cari Council so loads of vehicles coming in out here let’s see what we got One logo Road number of different companies eeko micro microbiology green elevator cariff Council 21 e micro microbiology funny enough so go does photography here but the site’s owned by CI Council housing and communities joint equipment service Ceramics company say Lo St you have a little luxury this car’s packed up on the road there not sure what it is that’s the catering firm over there mad at us yeah microbiology there eeka is it EAA I’m not sure echo or EA momentum bioscience so there are Labs down here when I saw Labs on the sign I’m guessing that’s the microbiology place down there right at the end what is that canel say 21 is Council 1920 21’s down there I did see a council van coming out so car counsel are down you as well oh [Music] that police let’s have a look at that following the pride car mind look at that M look at that I’m the pride blue on look uh don’t like a defaced Union flag man help no I’m just filming you car that’s all okay that’s don’t see a police car like this normally do no it’s one of the kind one they one before that has like um multicolor lights on it oh we only put the lights on for events right I thought so too bright the way I’ve seen it in town before so yes so we use it for things like Pride parades community events and things like that all right you normally don’t say stre yes yeah so it it was free today and I needed a lift so I Bor today thought you take this one yeah I know she got the The Pride Thin Blue Line badges are yeah so uh Pride badge uh Thin Blue Line with other services as well oh that’s right and then obviously the poppy then yeah a bit of everything yeah I just saw thought I’ll come down and have a look in it to be fair she’s going to be looked at yeah exactly yeah yeah all right no worries all right you take care of me thank you yeah how’s you what it is really like a bio science place see if we can see our canc B there so that’s the key trink company CI canel got SES everywhere really CI Cil that’s not quite if canel L but oh there I think that’s I’m pretty sure that’s the bioscience bit van going in now huh this one SD maintenance and there’s a van coming in there as well if it’s the bioscience company so let’s carry on filming down here [Music] oh he’s a catering one the Caterers M’s catering all that’s part of it I think that’s the bio science that’s what I’m interested in bloody labs a some kriers I’m interested in the labs I just saw science labs and you’re like P are interest in it there we are electrical fire and security safe guard electrical Fire and Security bloody jalta Castle on there interesting I haven’t seen any the lab stuff though microbiology what you I just saw science labs I thought it was quite interesting okay what’s the labs all about you know all the businesses oh it cuz I saw Labs I’m like it’s a big sign as you come down the street saying science labs so I’m like yeah it’s not it’s not science lab yeah you Expos to any labs the the one that through the the teeth and all that oh is that all is yeah there a big G my business is the automatic Gates or security companies fire Labs or things like that all right I just I thought it was interesting to see a Labs that’s all all right microbiology I think he’s add the on be honest on the back to the car a little Wonder so part of the community up here yeah it’s Council all the hibs there H it’s c ccil that’s the library so this the emergency actually for the library there’s a library there it’s got uh I’m wand around cuz apparently the got police in some of these as well onein there’s police as well so you used to have a police station in some M but it closed down few years back number of years back actually haven’t really done a proper video of one of the hubs just like libr Community facilities that’s what they are Council it’s C of council that’s who funs it [Music] all back show you [Music] so next up it’s mainly just like a council facility for Library community center really the call them H and card for the Hub they’re dotted all over the city it’s like a bring thing that they’ve done that’s more Nursery sort of bit so we don’t want to intention to go filming that look what they is what this that’s the youth club hey buddy that’s where pcsl Pride came from might just title this pcso Pride members are short maybe a police offic yeah there is a police office so M have four five nearly Fallen Tuesday Frid PC Rob tant pcso Chris Williams pcso drill Pritchard pcso Grace luer pcso Kevin Thomas sub all right South Wales police help you right by the door [Music] where the last PCS so Pride came [Music] from libr interview rooms see Training Site there’s the police over there police office stuff office C stuff you right there can I help you I’m okay yeah yeah unfortun you can’t be going around the building filming why uh because there are just areas of the building that are not for Public Access that’s all this is for Public Access look there are areas of the building which you not Public Access so staff rooms police rooms police have public service I I can film that well no you can’t just let yourself into their offices or anything like that you can’t a passcode on the door I’m not going to go in no but you can’t film Through the Windows or anything like that andfor window on it but you can’t be filming into our rooms so have people working in offices and things like that didn’t see anyone working in there okay but how building public building there are public access areas yes mean one but staff and things like that are not going to want to be filmed are you filming for a specific reason well I’m filming public property for a specific reason normally youd need to have permission to film in our buildings yeah I’m filming for me but for any particular reason I don’t need to disclose it okay that’s fine then if it’s okay could you please not my staff are not comfortable being filmed or anything like that you said I was filming your staff if you’re filming the building the staff are in the building I don’t see any staff stood there but that’s not just the only area you were filming was it film me some of books over there okay I’m asking you politely please do not film in this building right now but you’ve been asked politely not to it’s a public building to film in a public place not if you’ve been asked not to well so if anyone could walk up to me in a public place and say don’t film I got to stop it’s big hole in your logic there really there to [Music] don’t mind what you are do doing you are project just taking some pictures of public information public information for yourself you can take the take Le thank you [Music] sou that’s um to melon tub which has a police station in it and it’s every Tuesday that they’ve got a police meeting greet on if anyone wants to down on Tuesday anyone local film that going on feel free be my guest I be very pleased if you could do that for me be honest yeah it’s every shoesday that they’re active so yeah thank you everybody for watching if you did enjoy this video make sure to leave a like comment and subscribe also hit that Bell button to stay notified and we’ll see you all in the next one TJ out [Music] right [Music] right what’s going on everybody it’s TGA we got a load of police down here vience cars all s just going to check that the B what’s going on over here they’re all police sh look what’s going on they got the white caps on Chief Inspector that three [Music] Pips all right Chief Inspector going on here little white out about the other unit that’s in there it’s a new hotel behind that opens in June think it’s home by the think that was going to be nice home by yeah te hotels which is Celtic Celtic Mana what the police were doing here with the white hats on there’s loads of them Grand police don’t you we’re paying him to do is [Music] he sit around G Costa last traffic or another unit for you RPS was it that up P there was L com down you what’s going on operation Utah across the road so arv Firearms what Firearms okay hey wonder what Firearms are doing down here I thought this was a Firearms car yeah we we are firearms just fting about m is it yeah I thought you were I was sure whether you rpso at first but no no no ourselves we drive big yeah yeah I recognize the type of car you drive cuz this rpso done use it’s normally the scers SC Octavia is it the on around yeah I I saw a load of police over here man yeah not too bad I I noticed the on you there I’m just like there we go old is it I might be I thought you might know who I am no I don’t so made pleasure but you you are quite police is you no I’m South Wales I am South Wales yeah I thought TR Firearms unit it yeah that’s right oh fair enough all right you all the best all right take it easy guys just it’s a surprise to see Firearms around this area to be honest so I know when they got they got the big traffic operations down there but that’s that’s went police roads police in Special Operations that’s not I could tell you around brid base is it B oh is it rney oh they got Firearms I had no idea to be honest yeah exactly all yeah take it easy there we go a RV wellow couldn’t expect that around you firearms firearms in East Newport brand new Volos hey there we are firearms man what the hell now G police over there but they safe Wales the [ __ ] Firearms R the cauld in Newport that is weird recording right that’s about it they don’t know anything about operation Utah some of the G officers don’t even know about operation Utah unless they part of [Music] rpso yeah right right by the cauld between langstone and ringland and you’ve got uh Firearms sa Well’s police going here [Music] Ry I thought I saw some Big B cars coming out with it before I was just tell that I was just down here Remy to be honest so yeah that’s been a just a little short one uh police down Firearms police off the cauld very strange all right thank you every for watching if you did enjoy make sure to leave a like comment and subscribe and I’ll see you all in the next one TJ out


    1. Hey Sam (You introduced yourself as "Sam" in a prior video), do you have an issue with people being LGBT?

      The car is designed to show WLs support for members of a minority group. It's quite blatantly rude and disrespectful how you stated (in another comment on this video) "There'll be cars with the Palestine flag on it, next." Clearly being the LGBTQ+ community aren't anything like, or to do with, Palestine.

      The Police aren't allowed to show any favouritism nor bias towards anyone or any group. You really need to understand our point of view.

    2. Just when you think the "police" can't possibly get any more foolish, they manage time and time again to keep coming up with ways to raise our contempt for them. Surely as tax payers we should have a say as to how our cars look. :/

    3. I’m astounded 😮 cars badges advertising on police cars and uniform. Should this be allowed. No No. No. PCC Police Constable have you endorsed this. Wales at its finest 💥💥💥🌈

    4. Sir, I am sorry but you can't be reading that book in this library.
      But it's on display here
      I know, but this book goes against Christian values, and we may have to call the police to have you removed for public order offence if you keep reading that book in the library. There are plenty of children's books, nursery rhymes, the Bible… for you to read sir. May I ask what your purpose is for choosing this book? Any particular reason?
      Because I can and it is stocked here.
      No Sir, that is not allowed. We have to stock this book, but we have a policy that states it cannot be read. May I politely ask you to exit the library sir…

    5. i'm pretty sure that the police while on duty are not allowed to take sides, join political movements or use TAX PAYERS money to decorate their cars with political badges and signs, this doesn't exactly strike me as impartial, so if i had an altercation with a gay guy in the street and the police turned up driving a gay pride car there is no way on this earth i would be expecting to be treated fairly or impartially.

    6. Our tax money is getting getting wasted by the police to pander to a minority with certain sexual desires.

      I wonder if they also have a car for people who have sex with animals???

      It doesn’t help anyone with preventing crime or solving crime, so why are they doing it with our money!!!!

    7. I’d tell any staff that approach me “I’ve short term memory” every time they say something, wait till they finish & say “ sorry, who are you “ I’m sure they’re get sick after a few times & walk away…🤣

    8. F**K PRIDE This is the very reason i Do not Pay the Police with my council Tax payments, I always tell the Council i will not pay the Police section and omit it from my final payment, Everyone should do the same, I pay my council Tax with a Letter stating No Money Paid by myself is to go to the Police,

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