All filmed at Celebrating 10 Years of Enjoy Waltham Forest event staged by Landor Links on 16th May 2024.

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    walam stone is one of the biggest Pilots for active travel that there’s been in this country certainly modern times 10 years of sustained investment to show what happens when you make a place more Liverpool make it easy to cyc and walk to school Shops and workplaces and they proved that it works nearly 30% up on cycling 20 20% on cycling 30% on walk it’s like a quarter of all tube Journeys in London the sustain investment in London has uh has resulted in and they’ve proved the case and it’s not been easy so they’ve really led the way had some hard fights to get this in and they’ made a nice place to live in walon force definitely you can see that much more families cycling to school together cargo biks is the way to go for that really isn’t it and I think we’ve got the infrastructure it it feels safe we have school streets I think we have 22 School streets now in the B which really help that you know that modal shift so both those in Northeast London um it’s kind of sort of northeast of Hackney I think unless you were uh a quite robust male um you wouldn’t really cycle around it was quite an aggressive Place uh to be cycling um it wasn’t particularly friendly um and it was challenging and you couldn’t necessarily get to where you wanted to go um in a way that you wanted to go without perhaps getting a little bit wound up maybe um um so it encouraged so many more people to get in their cars and do in particular those uh short Journeys and if you’re a pedestrian well you know you had some basic you know traditional uh infrastructure Pavements um but actually because of the nature of uh vehicle ownership because of the nature uh of uh car ownership in particular then it was you know it wasn’t particularly friendly place for pedestrians neither and certainly didn’t encourage you to uh perhaps walk a little bit further or to think actually I don’t need to jump in the car to get to B I could actually walk it you know you were probably more default I’ll get in my car you know we put in the the the cycling and walking infrastructure that is unlocked and enabled more people to feel comfortable and feel safe to walk and cycle so you know doing that isn’t this kind of big crazy amazing kind of dream idea it’s a simple approach to town planning and to active travel that’s been done for decades in you know the Netherlands and increasingly has been done all over France Germany and all sorts of places I’m currently in North London in the burough of walam stow and I’m here with my dad and uh he invited me along to come and check out the bike paths they have here that they’ve created over the last 10 years well it’s to celebrate the 10 years of enjoy wol and Forest yeah I’m John little um I’m a transport consultant and I helped Orin forest with the original bid um 10 year anniversary for some more like 12 year anniversary for me the original plan and again where I think um the wol and Forest mini Holland stands above the others to be to be truthful is um was it was a combination of things it was that it the idea was it was that beautiful kind of um scenario of of of putting the infrastructure in and providing the comprehention measures and the behavior change and everything else so so the actual complete plan the idea was a worldclass um worldclass cycle commuter route across the burough a network of excellent cycle Roots um it was actually a public big public realm scheme in the Town Center which which actually we kind of replaced with with the idea for the villages as I said which I put together based on the fact that actually talking to the offices there was real issues with um mainly road safety and and you know rat running and the like in in the residential streets around the center of walam St um and then there was cycle hubs at stations again the importance of somewhere like walam ST which isn’t in the center of London people going to do those shorter Journeys lock their bike up um and then carry on on public transport um and then as I said Behavior change cycle hangers cargo bikes cycle training um money for Community groups to get involved in the project and and and do things themselves and again I mean I suppose that is what really I think the whole thing is about is about enabling people other people to make that change it’s not about I mean it is about changing the organization it’s about changing the streets out there but then it’s about letting people um get on and change the way they move around hello I’m Chris bourman the cycling and walking commissioner for England and also the chairman of sport England walam Stow walam Forest the Min Holland schemes as they were when they started 10 years ago here have created examples that counselors and decision makers from across the country can literally come and see feel and touch they can speak to every part of the process that made that happen and that’s what makes this so special hasn’t been here for for years and years they’re not starting the journey and projecting what’s going to happen in a 10-year time frame they’ve done it all of that process and the learning is here for an entire nation to take advantage of London is so densely populated that if you can do it here if you can reallocate Road space if you can change the way people travel here you can do it anywhere in the country and it’s desperately needed elsewhere particularly in places that haven’t got public trans transport offer that they have here Birmingham greater Manchester all of these areas all of these conations could do exactly what’s happened here if the political will is there to do it I walked to the event today uh just from the station and I just watched what was happening around me and the reason I know they’re winning here is there isn’t any more cyclists they’re just people in normal clothes doing normal things going about their day from every background from every eth ethnicity rich and poor everybody body is just getting around and they just happen to be doing it without cars and that is what we’re aiming for children with transport Independence and parents getting their kids to school just not having to do it in a car uh I’m sumon monk I am the head of campaigns and Community Development at the London cycling campaign so we go back to 2006 I was a a consumer journalist uh but I was also a volunteer I’ve always been a community campaigner for some degree or another I helped save a cinemar in wol stone uh I was involved in anti-roads protests at one point uh but around 2006 I started volunteering for the wal Forest cycling Campaign which at that point I didn’t even know was part of London cying campaign uh it’s like one of the local bar branches um and I and I started getting fed up with the state of Roads the way things were designed for in Walther Forest um so uh that culminated about 2007 2008 with a thing called mov of shakers where I got the council leader who was in his 60s at the time out on the B he rode down the libridge road with me I had the deputy leader Clyde loes who’s here today out on the bike with me uh at various Council offices um and and that kind of I think started the process then led to the 2012 uh Olympic action plan and from that the mini Holland bid and from that the mini Holland program and from that the rest is kind of History I guess my name is Will Norman I’m London’s walking and cycling commissioner but the changes that have happened in this neighborhood have benefited tens of thousand thousands of people’s lives in this neck of the woods you only have to come here you’ll see kids cycling to school walking around I was cycling around last night people are out in the street communities enjoying themselves it’s what a city should be like if we want to tackle climate change chronic disease every social challenge we need to design our cities for people and walam Forest have done it here in the Min Holland scheme in this area and what’s been brilliant has been the procession of leaders from other cities around the UK other cities around the world campaigners politicians you name it they’ve been here wolam Forest is now synonymous with how you want to design your city for the future and that is echoing out Way Beyond the UK all over the world and it’s inspiring a whole movement I would say of uh of urban planners and people who really care about tackling the big issues of our day you cannot make changes like what we’ve seen here in wol Forest without political leadership and that political leadership is required at every level now we have seen that in Wolf and forest with Spades yeah you can see that with Clyde LS who has been an absolute Legend in pursuing this but it also needs to happen at a city level and one of the things that my boss Sadiq Khan and Boris Johnson both agree on probably the only thing as far as I can see is that London needs to do better and cycling more walking more cycling is absolutely key to that so I think the success ESS of this scheme has been dependent on the leadership at a local level yep but it’s also been dependent on leadership at a city level both through Boris Johnson’s Administration but also through the last eight years of Sadi Khan um hi my name is Mariam daa I’m the CEO of Joy wers Britain uh Jo Riders is um a bikability provider a social Enterprise a community group um we started out doing social bike rides for women which we still do but we also do a lot of training for amilies because we want families to take up cycling together we noticed that when children do bikability in school they still don’t tend to cycle but yeah by training the parents you get them to cycle because the parents see that it’s actually safe to do I think in the last years there was really a explosion of cargo bikes I like to say I think there are more cargo bikes on the market so definitely there’s there’s more of a market for but in walon for definitely you can see that much more fam cycling to school together Caro is the way to go for that really isn’t it and I think we’ve got the infrastructure it it feels safe we have school streets I think we have 22 School streets now in the B which really helped that you know that modal shift which people take take up hi I’m Paul gason I’ve been an active travel campaigner in London since the late 80s uh I live in Walton forest in fact I live in Walton St Village which is where um the kind of mini Halland program first started a bite in terms of infrastructure being installed well just in my own Street uh which was a Rat Run um we had Vehicles doing 30 mph High you know going highspeed Vehicles a lot of them um hour plus uh it was pretty unpleasant getting down that Street Lock parking very narrow footways now it’s been filtered at one end well fact the whole Street’s been filtered in multiple places and the main difference is everybody walks in the road and that is just really cool it’s completely changed the nature of the street how people interact people are no longer carrying on the Pavements trying to you know jump across Junctions to avoid speeding cars whole place is really very much Community Place oriented how did you get the ball rolling on getting all of this to how it is today well it was it wasn’t just me um there were a lot of people involved but I guess myself and Simon monk Simon monk really started the changes back probably probably getting on heading for good 15 years ago um talking to key politicians um and uh senior officers to kind of talk about actually the potential and I came in a couple of years later and we started to develop a vision what we wanted to see of how life could be so radically different if we were to reallocate space away from parked and moving Motor Vehicles what we could really do to civilize our communities make Street places make streets places which are fit for kids to roam in um unaccompanied you know make it make it a sense have building that sense of community that sense of this is a place I live not just a place I sleep and I drive through and the rest of it so that was that beginning of starting to work with kind of key decision makers particularly Clyde LS who was really up for some really really big challenges and he made that very clear early on you know that the kind of normal tweaking of Junctions to kind of make it slightly safer for cyclist really wasn’t an option given the tight growing tide of car car use and the dangers and the casualties were seeing and Clyde was saying we got to do better you know I’m up for deling much more serious change and we were really lucky that conversations were happening and they came up with a a really ambitious plan for um improving conditions for cyclist and and then a couple of years later and we’d had so we’re having those conversations with with Clyde and with serious Senor officers around really making a difference as things were starting to happen and then transport from London announced the opportuni to bid for Min Holland funding which were really big infrastructure project really big Behavior change opportunities and that was something where Clyde just said we’ve got to go for this it’s like yes of course and you got the you got the uh the ambition you got the officer capability in place uh and that made all the difference to have those as been mentioned earlier today the key ingredients being have political will the determination to make a difference and to do it not just to step down when things get challenging the officer capability that commitment to doing things differently uh and having good community support you know campaigners and people on the ground who thinks yeah life could be better let’s let’s support Council let’s support officers in actually helping to deliver a much nicer environment for us you seen a lot of difference in the support for the project now comp yes I think I mean understandably I think what was interesting was the original TFO bid is like you got 27 million and you only got three years to deliver it from you know conceptual through to actually on the ground delivery that meant we rushed those early stages particularly around engagement we didn’t have the expertise in place we didn’t have the time to engage properly so of course we got quite a big backlash people were scared cuz it’s just big change and they hadn’t a lot of people hadn’t asked for it and if you’re driving a car naturally if you’re going to start filtering roads and things like that yes of course it’s going to affect your journey in some way so people are naturally very suspicious why you doing this what’s the benefit for me so we’re tending to get the people who were going to be perhaps a little bit inconvenience getting really worried about this and it did create quite a big push back and they’re cofin getting taken down the street sorry and they’re coffin getting taken down the street yeah well I mean yes that that was a kind of seminal point where all of these tensions built up and we had a massive protest when we open that first um section open road we had that that kind of low traffic first low traffic neighborhood went live formal opening of off road yes and we had some local people are really deeply unhappy and they made their feelings felt and it was actually quite an uncomfortable event but we we went through that the council didn’t back down said no we got to do more of this this is really there’s some really good fundamentals underpinning what we’re trying to do in terms of quality of life in terms of health in terms of trying to create better better a better world for our residents um so I think that you know just having that sheer determination not to back down say no we know this is the right thing to do there will always be some vocal opponents to change uh I think that was that showed real real guts but officers as well had I think had quite a tough time at times um they had some really difficult engagement sessions again cuz things were particularly the being very pushed we didn’t have the skills in place to engage in the way perhaps that we do now we haven’t you know we were leading in terms of big infrastructure change no one else had done stuff like this for Generations really um and not in the way that we were doing it so yeah there was a huge amount of learning in those first couple of years pretty tough now I think we’ve learned a lot more the council’s far smarter about how they engage using lots of different tools we’ve seen commonplace you know engagement workshops all sorts of stuff where people really have a chance to say I like the idea in principle but I’m really worried about this or I know I don’t like this at all and you know if you can have those conversations you allow people to say this is what I don’t like about it this if you allow to feel heard then they may then start to feel like okay I’ve been heard maybe the council can make a few changes here and there and they can start to say well perhaps it’s not as bad after all because I’ve being heard about the things I’m worried about and I can start to move in my own sense emotionally along this this along this path and say actually it may not be ideal for me but I can see the bigger picture I can see the benefits for my neighbors for their kids or whatever it might be well I’m involved in extinction rebellion and various other kind of um climate and other ISS other groups but what I really love um is I me my my day job is to be a cargo bike rider work for zifi the zifi bike track’s just there um and I get to use the infrastructure which we campaign for which the council so beautifully I get to use it every single day every my working day so I’m a lucky bunny cuz I’ve been campaigning for this I believe it’s really important and now I get to ride it and I’m counselor Clyde Ls I’m the deputy leader of the London B wolf and Forest briefly in the last 10 years we’ve built loads of stuff um you know we’ve put in the the the cycling and walking infrastructure that has unlocked and enabled more people to feel comfortable and feel safe to walk and cycle to the places that they want to go whether it’s just a simple school trip uh in the morning and in the afternoon to the local shops they feel a lot more comfortable in walking and cycling especially with you know their young children as well they don’t feel the need to grab on hold on to tiny little hands you know they feel a lot more comfortable than allowing their children to kind of run to the end of the road uh or even in many instances because we have so many school streets now you know just run scoot wheel uh down down the road because they know it’s a safe place and because we’ve been at this for 10 years even those people that are still driving in and around will provice they know the kind of nature of the place now they know it’s a place that really encourages a lot more people to walk and cycle so you got a kind of degree of Greater driver respect uh for those people who you know are using active travel modes to kind of get around the bar um and of course that complimentary measures lots of cycle training if you live work or study here you know you can get your free cycle training you you can learn in family groups you can learn you know just with a group of women um you can do your traditional cycling uh training at school you know cycle hangers or cycle hubs all things that just unlock that potential and just make it so much easier for people to take active travel uh as the norm you people like you get death threats and abuse Etc but do you also get people who might have been on an opposing side a few years ago now come up to you shake your hand and say Clyde I was wrong this is wonderful we can hear a bird song we can get around do you get the positive stuff too yeah you get some you get some instances of people that have been convinced you know and they’ve been convinced because civilization didn’t collapse when we put into modal filters uh in a particular uh uh uh uh neighborhood um they they’re convinced because actually you know they can see kids out in the street playing now um you know and that’s that’s that that is a sign of civilization that children and most vulnerable of citizens feel safe and content to be outdoors um they’re convinced because actually you know reluctantly they did get themselves onto a cycle training course and they did then buy a bike through a salary sacrifice scheme and they are now cycling and actually you know they’ve had a family now as well and they’ve adapted their bike to take their small children uh on their bike and so you know you’re seeing all of those things but I always say that the vast major majority of people have always been neutral in this space you know you get your Evangelical uh exponents of wanting all of this stuff and then you get your Evangelical all very angry people that say no uh this cannot be happening this is an infringement of our human rights the vast majority of people sit in the middle and they just want to be convinced uh and if they like it and who wouldn’t like it you know seeing all those thousands of vehicle movements to day taken out of of their residential streets you know listening to the bird song seeing the trees uh grow you know having local shops that are thriving because people feel safe just hanging around uh in in those particular destinations and those environments so yes people have crossed over uh and now kind of sit with us um but always vast majority of people were always neutral in this space and we’ve convinced them the amount of cargo bikes that we now see you know in this you know 10 years ago I didn’t even know really what a cargo bike was um but now you know you’re just seeing them all the time you’re seeing you know families being transported you’re seeing materials being transported you’re seeing Services being delivered via a huge range of different kind of cargo bikes and adapted bikes and to me that suggests you know some great progress but the other thing here is bike shops I mean bike shops have boomed in wol and Forest but of course when you think about it you know if there’s more bikes here if there’s more people cycling regularly then those bikes are going to need to be service they’re going to need Ines being bought they’re going to need uh you know people are going to need new helmets and as they have children and families those children are going to need bikes and they’re going to need helmets and as we know children grow through bikes quite quickly from their kind of balanced bikes through to perhaps when they’re 13 14 when they get onto a kind of proper adult sized bike so you know there is that kind of uh boom I start with my business two years ago but I’m on bike business like 16 years in London so I remember the time when was no Cy line yeah my name is Lee graer I’m um from velocity transport planning and we’re doing a tour of Walton Forest uh looking at the mini Holland uh infrastructure that they in and subsequent um improvements they’ve made in terms of putting active travel around the burrow the people who have just walked off into the distance are on a the study tour that I’m also on um there Council officers from all over the country there’s active travel England representatives there um some London burrowers a couple of other transport planners like myself Consultants but uh yeah all sorts really interesting mix coming to learn best practice I used to work for Kingston B Council Kingston ponts um 10 years ago one of the fre mini Holland BS in um in London so was nfield Balton Forest Kingston all got funding to uh make Innovation um make a step change in terms of active travel in their burrowers and Kingston doesn’t get talked about very much um but uh they they did do unlike norn Forest it focus a lot on The Villages and like the uh filtering of of streets to make it more pleasant cycl and walk on Kingston did a lot more main route kind of infrastructure like super highways I’d call them going from the Kingston sort Town Center towards uh towards London and other sort of connected areas but they still yet to finish some of those roots and the obvious question every time I come there seems to be more people on bikes so the obvious question is is that hunch of mine is that when I keep on coming back and seeing more people is that correct and we are seeing a a step change um I yeah I mean anecdotally I I’ve not not uh looked at all the data I’d say yeah there’s definitely um more people cycling and and different types of people I’d say as well I mean I’ve lived in London for 15 years or so and when I started it was all Road cyclist cers um s of the mammals how to use the term but you know people who uh were trying to get quickly around but you just see a lot more normal cycling um I’d call it you know utilitarian uh cycling um utility cycling yeah and I think that’s really really nice to have that mix I’ve just come back from Paris and it was um it felt the same i’ just been I was at Paris like again 10 years ago and coming back last weekend it’s completely changed and just by that infrastructure and having those safe routs the network it seems to attracted all sorts of people to cycling which is what the arguments always made but you seeing the proof on the ground it’s yeah and on Le Bridge Road there just seem to be a steady procession of guys on cargo bikes literally every minute there was another guy on a cargo bike in a yo like fluro vest you’re thinking is that the same guy it’s like no these are different guys there’s every and it’s vom Voom Voom so there’s clearly businesses have been set up to be you know carting stuff around and they’re using the the cycle ways yeah I me I I another previous job I used to work for pedal me for three years I know you know Ben and done interviews with him um and it’s actually a national cargo bike Summit just gone on Friday where I think in London you’re in a bubble obviously always but you’re right there’s loads of businesses Now using cargo bikes I’ve done cargo bike promotion projects in previous jobs um and you get a real variety but you kind of want to see the big players using cargo bikes more so I know Royal Mail were at the summit talking about their use of cargo bikes you’ve got every who started using cargo bikes I think there’s they’ve talk about tipping points you need to see more of those big fleets van fleets um using the cargo bikes in London because it does still feel a lot of the cers haven’t managed to scale as quickly and pedal me was a great example not not scaling as quickly as they’d hoped M and picking up that sort of core Logistics work that goes on all over the world you know they hadn’t got into that chain yet so um yeah I mean there are more cargo bikes around but I’d like to see even more valan strategic director of accounts Str a Constructor this job 2 years but the previous one previous job 33 years with the council with the council and so would I be right in saying that you were the person who was the first person to get the beard and run with it I was a lead officer submitting The Bard and then when we were successful running the show for the first 8 years wam Forest is a council that’s made of wam store chingford Leon and Leighton Stone the initiative was started with the TF H is B Johnson was the mayor and therefore he invited all the out of London barrows to submit the bit there’s about 18 councils I think they all submitted it and the outset they said it will be maximum up to three Awards yeah therefore we were one of the three were successful at the end and I’ve seen uh a few different amounts you can tell me which which is the correct one I’ve seen 27 million and I’ve seen 30 million as the amounts that were awarded so what was the actual award and why do you sometimes see those differences right the total budget was £100 million for the three barrows and the wal for is the one got lowest amount 27 million and the other borrows have 30 million or slightly different oh they got more than you and yet when we were um doing a cycle tour around that Simon monk said go here Here There and Everywhere and we did we saw one of the the study groups coming around and I’ve been on previous study groups so basically um wal and Forest gets lots of study groups from around world coming here so it would be fair to say that you were the best at spending that money because you’re the one that you’re the poster child I think there’s a number of reason for it because our bit was a very good bit I think we had a long-term vision and Ambitions that’s another reason we are here on the year 10 because we didn’t look at shortterm we looked at longterm I think initially 5 years and then 10 years that therefore and then we had right gance and proc procedures in place and then I we delivered quite a lot over the last 8 years that’s why everybody is coming because they were able to see the difference is make to the burrow and one of the differences and one of the things I’ve been I’ve always been impressed with you go to other cities I’m not just talking about London Vos here I’m just talking about other cities and towns in the UK and when a local Authority is either thinking of or doing it putting in a cycleway network it’s it’s behind the scenes it’s behind the streets it’s behind the shops it’s almost get rid of the cyclist put them over there whereas what you’ve got here in in um won Forest is you have those Backstreet cycleway networks but you’ve also absolutely laced the main roads with cycleways which is super super impressive and different when we obviously looked at the bit back in 2013 we were looking at as a whole borrow not just putting this few cycle in here or there we we trying to put the plan what how we can get wam Forest changed like Holland that’s where the Min Holland come from therefore when we come up with the initial plan we looked at what we need as a super highway people going from one burrow to another burrow that’s a Le Bridge Road one of the schem joining from hagne to Red Bridge the other one is from harate to Red Bridge therefore Le Bridge Road is completed from one end to other the Forest Road the second one we are working on it then the next stage once you have the main road sorted out for people to cycle for work and other things then we wanted to look at the Town centers people live locally they wanted to go to the town centers they we wanted to develop the town centers therefore our program included Town centers then once you look at the Town centers then we come up with another area work Villages which is the over Road bam so Village comes into it the people live locally we want them to enjoy the surrounding therefore if you make it easy for them to walk not necessarily cycle then we are taking the cars away that’s where the village come from and the third one in order for people to do all of them we need to have a compliment measures that things will support them like a cycle training where can they Park the cycle and um bringing the BME into it and then minority people how we get them how do we get the women’s into it but now obviously that’s overtaken a lot of women are cycling and there’s a women cycle sisters there’s something Bound in W them Forest therefore our program even though we put the3 million bit I think if I remember right initially our our estimate was about 55 million therefore we didn’t say we we only got 30 million we are going to chck the REM remainer of the work but we had is we had a plan this is what we wanted to achieve over the next 5 to 10 years then we went ahead and trying to get the funding from various sources in order to move the program going I think over the first 8 years we spent well over100 million related to walking cycling and sustainable transport even though we had only 27 million start with tfl therefore because we were good at delivering people were happy and enjoying the scheme tfl was helpful to identify more money and then we work with other developers Within a burrow trying to get the funding from it I think this is where the leadership and management comes into it CLI and me we work extremely invol over the last I only for 14 years I work with him but when the mini Holland obviously successful in the mini Holland I think our working relationship will completely change I think is um without both side working together the political side and the officers you won’t able to get things done and in order to get things done you need to make sure the governance are in place from day one because the some authorities you need to go to the members every 5 minutes to get the permissions but in walam Forest outside of the mini Holland we put the procedures in place going to the cabinet and the members and said this is our plan for future years and this is how we are going to deliver the mini Holland and this is how we are going to make a decisions therefore we ask the members and the cabinet to delegate the authority to to the lead member which is clud and the officers therefore most of the day-to-day decisions were made between the officers and clud that made a big difference and a lot of other Council reasons they are struggling because that join working with the members and the officers so Clyde was one of the people who was at the the protest in 2015 for when offord Road was opened when um Ambassador Smith from the Netherlands came to to open it and there was a coffin 60 people 70 people protesting saying this was going to be the death of walow Village was it the death of walam stone village has did you kill off the burrow no because I was there on the day because I was the architect of the over Road scheme and um I think obviously our thing is um the people weren’t happy with it and there that was a silent minority but they were ra ing The Voice bigger voice and I think we trying to reason it out reason to explain them and um I think now they love the scheme if if you go and ask the people can we revert back off road answer will be no wouldn’t it be fantastic if everywhere had the dense network of cycleways and footways and stuff for pedestrians and cyclist that wol and St has got


    1. Great video and great achievement by all involved, and what we need to see replicated throughout the UK – the only thing I would highlight is that the 100 million pound funding again suggests a massive imbalance in terms of the funding London gets versus the rest of the UK, its not proportionate to many other areas of the UK who per capita do not receive anywhere near the same level of funding for such projects, this is a real failure of government ( but no surprise there ) and policy.

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