Good morning my people! Have you just woken up and don’t particularly feel like exercising? Join me for a short, whole body vinyasa flow/ work out to ease into some movement and get our exercise fix for the day!

    I am Marialena, your PT, yoga teacher and coach, tuning in from Hendaye, in my PJs, on the way to Spain.

    good morning my friends welcome to a place in between France and Spain we just roll out of bed the sun is rising and we are about to Hope into a flowy workout to get our bodies moving even if we don’t feel like it so here I am in my pajamas so tag along so we’re going to begin at the the top of our mats bring your arms overhead and take a deep breath in exhale as you bring the arms down we are going to repeat this a few more times and breathing out and once again breathe in arms up and and deep breath out on the next breath in we’re going to start leaning on one side I’m leaning on my right exhale as you come back to Center and then inhale lean on the opposite side and come up one more time lean to the right come up and inhale Lan to the left and from here we’re going to come into our first forward forward fold for the day I WRA my elbows here and start bending one knee at a time bringing an easy stretch to the back of the [Music] hamstring and then we’re going to step our left foot back coming into our first lunge arms rise overhead we’re keeping tall into our lunge and then going into a split squat for eight repetitions and seven 6 5 4 3 2 and one here we come halfway in into our lunge and we start making some circles with our arms you can breathe in as you bring your arms up and exhale as you bring your arms into Cactus squeezing the should shoulder blades together come up and squeeze the shoulders coming all the way down and sending that right foot back into our first plank and we’re going to hold this for 15 [Music] seconds bringing in that contraction into the core pushing the floor away with the hands and then eventually dropping the knees down and tucking the toes and coming into a tabletop position and from here we inhale coming into a first cow and Cat of the day inhale coming from the hips all the way up to the head and then exhale opposite way rounding the SP spine and again exhale round the spine all the way up and we’re going to tuck the toes and then from here we’re going to send the left leg forward into a lunge and Rise all the way up again arms overhead deep breath into the chest and down into split squat on the left side and two 3 4 5 6 7 and 8 and again we’re going to come halfway here and we’re going to start bringing the circles with our arms and one we inhale bring up squeeze the shoulder blades together and two bring it up up squeeze activate the back and three great and frame the front foot and bring both feet together rising up arms overhead again deep breath into the chest and Aline again bringing our big toes touching heels slightly apart and bend on the right side again breathing into the left side of the chest we’re going to hold it here for a little bit longer staying here for a few seconds firing up the core coming all the way up and leaning on the opposite side same story here engaging the core coming up and exhale Swan Dive down into a forward fold drop the head down come deeper into the hamstrings perhaps even hug the back of the calves feel free to allow a micro Bend of the knees here if this feels too intense and from here we’re sending the left leg back coming back into our lunge and we’re going to combine the two movements together so here we’re going to come to our split squat at the same time rolling the arms around bringing movement to the entire body inhale rise up arms overhead exhale squeeze the shoulder blades and tap that knee down and again we’re going for eight repetitions all together stay with me nearly there and comeing halfway and bringing a lean into our bent knee so you should feel a nice deep stretch into your left hip flexor here and hands down coming into our plank again and holding the plank again we’re going for 15 seconds keeping strong through our core not allowing the lower back to sink and eventually back down into our tabletop this time coming into a bird dog sending opposite arm and opposite leg away from each other and then eventually bringing opposite knee to Elbow bringing a deep squeeze into the core as you do so and you can inhale as you stretch out and exhale as you tap in and we’re going to change sides here going into a left arm and right leg after we’ve done five repetitions per side we’re coming back into our tabletop and we’re going to come into a lunge from here I am scooping my front knee forward you can do that or bring it straight forward if you can so back into our lunges here opposite side bringing movement through the arms exhale as you come down and inhale as you scooping the arms up and rising up eight repetitions all together and on our last repetition we’re coming halfway and again leaning towards our bent knee bringing a deep stretch on the right Hip Flex at this time great let’s bring it back to the top of the mat in here inhale arms overhead exhale forward fold this time we’re going to send the arms back and interlace the fingers behind our backs bringing a nice deep stretch into our chest again feel free to bend one knee at a time or stay static again I really like to listen to what my body wants to do first thing in the morning and from here we’re going to come into a squat and into a first chair holding that position for for a few seconds holding for 15 seconds to be precise nice straight back from the hips to the tip of the fingers eventually exhaling coming back into a forward fold head drops down and hop or walk back into a plank from here we’re going to bring the elbows in and drop the chest all the way and belly all the way down to the floor untuck the toes and breathe in as you bring the chest up up into a cobra exhale tuck the toes downward facing dog few more repetitions of this we’re going to come down inhale into a cobra and exhale tack the toes bring it back downward facing dog and this is a good opportunity to start thinking about your breath so every time you come into your Co that Cobra you can inhale all the way and then as you exhale coming to the downward facing dog as you come into your fold if this is too much to think about don’t worry about it just move with your own pace and also feel free to pause the video if you’d like to get a hang of the movement first you can break it down or do whatever variation works for your body today few more of those we’re doing eight repetitions in total last one inhale and exhale let’s send it into a downward facing dog this time staying here and we can start a walk in the dog just walking from side to side laning into one knee at a time and then we’ll send the right leg back and then bring right knee to right elbow then knee comes towards the nose send it all the way back again and right knee towards the left elbow one more time all three Taps to the right knee send back and knee to nose send back and knee to Elbow from here allowing the leg to drop drop down coming into a twisted side plank your left arm can come all the way overhead and perhaps you might even want to turn the Gaze to meet the left thumb we’re going to bring our hand down move back into our plank all the way down into our Cobra and Tack the toes deep breath in tack the toes again downward facing dog opposite side sending the left leg back knee to Elbow knee to nose as you exhale kick back knee to opposite elbow one more time kick back knee to Elbow kick back knee to nose kick back exhale knee to opposite elbow allow the leg to drop twist to your left side twisted side plank staying here a few seconds facing either forward or towards the right thumb entirely up to you lots of core work and arm work here arm comes down let’s come back into our plank drop down slow and with control and as you inhale come back into that Cobra and Tuck the toes deep breath in relax and then exhale as we send it into a child’s pose and from here we’re going to come into our glute Bridges exhale every time you bring the hips up notice how we’re not really arching the back too much here we’re focusing or bring bringing that deep squeeze into our glutes working the glutes and the hamstrings and the entire Core 10 repetitions here all the way from the mat to the top of the movement and as per usual I like to Exhale at the top as we squeeze and here at the 10th breath we’re holding for 10 seconds stay at the top of the position keeping the Deep squeeze into the glutes and eventually coming into half repetitions so half the movement 10 more of those just for that final Little Burn by that point you might be feeling your hamstrings getting a little bit warmer great and come down and here let’s go into heel tap so reaching one hand at a time towards the towards the same side heel so we’re going 10 repetitions on both sides so the shoulder blades are coming off the mat here but the lower back is more or less staying in contact with the floor and come back down straight into the glut bridges for 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 and one hold it here 10 seconds don’t forget to breathe and half Reps for 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 and one lovely bring it down and straight into bicycle so opposite elbow to opposite knee nice and slow with those nice and control if you feel any pain in your lower back just come down down and give it another go in a few seconds and again we’re going for 10 repetitions on both sides and Back Again into the glute Bridges 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 and one hold for 10 seconds I promise this is the last one stay with it and half reps eight 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 and one bonus actually come down and legs straight out arms overhead and H body hold and to hold this here for 15 seconds very important here to mind your lower back uh we don’t want to have too much of a dramatic Arch between the lower back and the mat in any case if you feel any uh pain just give it a rest bring it down and then we’re going to hang the knees in and from here we’re going to come into a lovely twist it stretch for the end so we’re going to allow our left knee to comes towards the mat and we’re going to bring our opposite elbow at 90° turning the Gaze on the opposite side and again feel free to pause the video here and hold it for as long as you like and don’t forget to repeat on the opposite side so I hope you enjoyed this if you did I would really appreciate it if you dropped this video like maybe subscribe to my channel and help a girl out working out in her pajamas around Europe and Beyond see you next time

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