Why is it everytime I open my letterbox there is a GARGANTUAN BILL awaiting me 😭
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    well what can I say is I’m getting changed today other than it’s bloody raining get up and start the day they said make the most of it they said keep those Positive Vibes on repeat he said make the bed he said and last but not least ladies and gentlemen welcome your faces to a new dawn and a new day he said we’re cocka dooodle do this is a new Vlog for you all right we’re going to stop the annoying rhyming right now as I am um overlooking the UK looking absolutely miserable today but hey the difference to day makes where I’m hoping the same can be said for when I stand on these scales because over the last month and a half my fitness has kind of gone out the window I’ve been traveling I’ve been drinking I’ve been partying and it’s been brilliant but what’s not been brilliant is the lack of exercise I’ve been doing to the point where my target weight of 70 kg has kind of been knocked out the window and we’re about to find out whereabouts I am in that region so with every gram removed from my body let’s do this and the survey says well it’s kind of 70 kg closer to 71 but we’ll get there now it’s a Tuesday morning at 9:30 I usually go to the gym however it is 11:23 and I have not been and that’s not because I’ve skipped or missed it it’s because I need to schedule in with my PT to get back at it but I’ve decided I’m not going to wait around to try and get into this Fitness grind this is a new week of returning from Epic Adventures and we’re getting [ __ ] done so we’re starting with the most important meal of the day which is breakfast but I think we have no semi- skimmed milk and this is out of date but we’re sticking to our diet and cutting no corners and we’re going to the shops and in my attempt to stay fit we’re braving the storm and going for a stroll always look on the bright side live1 from Costco this thing look at the freaking size of it and you got two oh bloody hell but as they say In The Biz it is what it is and guys this this is how we get up this is how we get motivated and this is how we start our day could have driven down to the shops would have taken me 2 minutes probably would have saved a hell of a lot of time in the long run but I don’t know I like getting out of the house getting some fresh air and feeling good I must resist the temptation with my diet back in place now I must only drink on weekdays Sunny random Tuesdays or Wednesdays or Thursdays no and whoever’s idea it was to bring an umbrella but not waterproof shoes I would just like to say to you you’re an idiot anyway we’ve made it to our destination and now all we need is milk lovely and thus commences the long stroll home and by long I mean like 3 to 4 minutes alas the moist Adventurer returns there you go there’s a bit of exercise for the day what a piece of Kit note to self though next time take waterproof shoes cuz they are socked and okay at 11:55 should we finally have some breakfast o and I also picked some some of these protein thin bagels and some whole smooth peanut butter as a bit of a a snack thing or something for lunch I found with trying to like lose weight and just be a bit healthier it’s just like the little things you don’t have to just completely annihilate everything but just make small changes like for me I used to have a cup of tea with Two Sugars now I have a spoonful of honey in it instead rather than snacking on chocolate or crisp I have a banana than having crave cereal I will have porio and slowly but surely you’ll soon see the difference don’t you love I’ve gone from horse food to prison slop don’t get it twisted they both taste great but they just don’t look the best moment of truth did I do a good job and have I still got it in me wow T GL is [ __ ] violent it was very cold now for a te I’m saying good morning Kevin I still have no idea if his water system is doing him any good and he’s enjoying it but he seems like a happy chubby unlike my current feelings to this situation the basement is abysmal bought few people who pay attention in the Vlog I’ve actually got uh Jack who’s friends with con and some of his building business associates coming around tomorrow um to assess and put together putting a door in place there a stud wall across and then building out sound proofing in here so I’ll have my very own setup and I need to get excited ASAP cuz as much as I love this situation I will definitely say when the new Call of Duty zombies zombies zombies comes out at the end of the year I very much want a setup ready to rock and roll and to be soundproof so I can shout and scream as loud as I need to and not wake Lydia and Alfie up in the house remember me saying this for in the future when she says she’s moving out cuz I’m too loud now I’m having myself about 25 minutes of video game time and then we’re cracking on with some workouts cuz we’ve got to get those gains not just in the real world but in the virtual world 2 hours later and yeah I’m not actually joking um two hours has gone by since I started my 25 minute gaming session because I did the gaming session I was like right time to crack on and be productive and I thought you know what I actually need to ring my local uh met Metropolitan burough council members because I received a letter through the other day um telling me that I owe them some money and I was like this number cannot be right in the slightest so I thought you know what I need to call them deal with it so I carried on playing video games and carried on playing video games and carried on playing video games as I went deeper down the rabbit hole and it turns out um I am in a current position where I owe my local Council £7,000 yeah I’m not even joking this is the house next door which has a council tax bill attached to it of a whopping £7,000 I got the letter through and I had to double check it as to like is this even for this property I can’t right my head around it and that’s because you’re ready for something embarrassing I’m not proud to say is I’ve actually owned this now for 2 years yeah not happy about that in this lightest it should have been knock down by now we should be in the process of building something new but throughout the last like two years I’ve had family health problems I’ve lost family members and I’ve had a sun come into my life so I’ve been a little bit distracted with everything going on but not a good enough excuse to the fact that the council said Hey listen you after your first first year of like not doing anything with it or living it you pay a normal council tax bill but after two years of no one living in it or you doing anything with it the council tax bill goes up by double so I’ve had a £7,000 bill come through for that now obviously I’m not too best pleased with this situation because no one wants to receive a bill for Seven Grand and the thing is if I would have knocked the house down in the first place in the first year we wouldn’t have had to pay the first year accounts on tax but we were doing things like setting Fireworks off inside it and then just all sorts of other shenai gun so that was a okay was being used it served a purpose you pay the tax cuz in life you can’t invy two things and that’s death and tax he’s so happy to pay it but in the second year I was completely unaware about the whole fact of if someone isn’t technically classed as living in it then your council tax is going to double but in the most random circumstances events there may be a Saving Grace and I didn’t think I’d be saying this in the slightest but do you recall when the water in the house next door bursted and flooded the house roll it oh Jesus oh Jesus well that technically left this house unhabitable uh because it completely ruined the house the water system was written offline we had to cut off the power from the main to the point where we had to take out the actual fuse box and everything and unfortunately all the mold and water just wrecked the complete inside of the house and that was over a year ago and if we even wanted to after like the first year of doing Shenanigans like the fireworks and having fun inside there in the second we would not have been in any way sort of safe legal way be able to rent this house or have someone living in it cuz it simply wasn’t safe so because of that and the fact that I’ve documented it on this YouTube channel like the water bursting and the insides getting all ruined it may be able to come into play that we can provide that to the government to show them like hey no one can actually live in this house do we have to pay the council tax and after a phone call that was on for a few hours it may come in clutch that we can somehow end up avoiding this Seven Grand fine don’t get me wrong I’ll be absolutely ecstatic if we don’t have to pay a £7,000 for this house but I would much more prefer that the water never leaked it didn’t cost 4 Grand’s worth of damage because even though we haven’t knocked this down by now I would have turned this into like the ultimate content room with like a PO Box live streaming room a podcast room and all that sort of stuff but the damage genuinely was that bad that after conversations with Architects my dad and Builders and stuff like that the probably best thing to do is to actually rip it down so your time is a ticking number 12 and after another phone call with Brad the architect who’s been helping me design what we’re going to make this house look like he’s putting four final sort of Concept Designs together we’re going to put the them into renders and we’re going to put it to a vote to you guys as to which one you think this house would best suit obviously I’m going to give my input and my feedback of which one I would prefer but through your guys opinions we’re going to decide what is going to be the design for the house next door we’re going to go for quotes we’re going to go for planning we’re going to go for everything and then are you ready for it I think we’re going to get on with it but if you could just do me a favor and leave a like right on the video to put out some good Juju into the universe that when the council people see this they’ll be like oh yeah no one can live here we’re going to let him off this time I’d really appreciate it all righty I am supposed to be actually doing a workout in the house and I was supposed to do it first thing this morning but it is now 400 p.m. in the evening and as much as I’d like to just pick up those weights and start lifting them I want to get a really good workout in and there’s one piece of equipment that I just want to help me do that and I think we’re going to go and get it now going to need these going to say hello to these hello my boy hey there oh it’s always such a happy Ching but because I’ve like lost like my entire day being stuck on the phone to the council I’m quickly load up with a bit of a I was going to say can this class is brunch I think it’s more of a dunch okay looks pretty good but does it taste it cuz I hate things with seeds [Music] on it’s not the best I definitely prefer that and that but this is the healthier option what you doing are you laughing at your daddy about to make a very stupid mistake cuz the fact that it is um half 4 right now means I am going to be driving towards Stockport which uh lyia what’s Stockport like at half 4 since the worst place you could drive to legitimately in our local area hey but that’s me doing the whole needs must and going out are you coming look at your teeth d now I would take Alie with me but obviously if we’re picking up heavy equipment I’m going to need this thing and it’s not the best ride for a grown ass man let alone a baby so in a thick of a rush hour let’s do this Sat Nav is saying it’s going to take us 17 minutes I kind of don’t believe it but I’ll be impressed to see if we actually do get there at 5:04 but I’m just a little bit worried at what time we’re going to get back yep here it begins this is the traffic coming back and this is me getting into the thick of the traffic I told you man I told you I told you this time was wrong I’ve got it into ways so I can work out the fastest point to get me there but now man shinanigans Shenanigans of the highest degree and she’s looking at me hello you all right hi uh don’t don’t know why she seemed very excited to see to look at me so I waved that was awkward my bad there’s nothing more I love to do on a Tuesday than to sit in traffic at 5:00 I don’t understand like this place closes at 8:00 p.m. why didn’t I just go at like 700 like that made way more sense but I’m the kind of person who when he wants to get [ __ ] done he does it now so H it’s my own fault let me just check my saav real quick cuz I’m trying to work out if I’m in Stockport or bloody Egypt freaking pyramid and just what I feared bumper to bumper traffic the entire way I’m going home don’t want to talk about it anymore I’m over it I’m 4 minutes away from my destination and everything’s going to be a okay however I oh dear I didn’t quite check they even sell what I want or if they’ve got it in stock I’m an idiot but I have arrived at my oh my gosh can I even yes thank gosh for that I was about to say I don’t think I can fit through this maximum height thing but they’ve left one open for me cheers boys and I’m going to slam this in right here thank you I was going to say perfect parking but just need to adjust just a little bit like so there we go look at that oh done and dusted it up 503 the that never was right okay all right all right the cathlon here we go it plays for the love of God have what I need in stock they’ve got all things camping all things boating and Al last all things gyming look at this please can you have what I want aha there we go this is kind of what I’ve come for a bench and I don’t need any of this I just want this the bodybuilding bench 900 I’m not even kidding that’s the name and I think I’ve located where they’re stor come to Daddy and conveniently it looks like it’s actually the last one so I’ve taken it to the front of the tills but before I go I’m obviously getting distracted by other things and I’m going to grab myself a sh D cuz my On’s at home and AED so one bench and a m for to go on and some darts that’s all she wrot beep and 1884 L later we’re done home time I bloody love this car it fits now get me hold hey and before we sit off I want to give a shout out to Ben from the cathlon and your girlfriend who watch Vlogs your Legends and you know what in actual fact I’m going to give a shout out to a mass amount of you guys because so many people I me are in like couples or families and it’s always one person who was like sat watching the Vlogs and from them watching them their partner or significant other or family ended up having to deal with my voice in the background and eventually just was like so what’s that you’re watching and then got into the Vlog so if you’re someone who got your family or friends or someone into Vlog can I just say thank you very much I do appreciate you like honestly the fact that a vlog might say oh it’s got 200,000 views in reality it’s more like 400,000 views because the family the significant other or whoever has sat next to and watching it at the same time and some of you guys are like my girlfriend or boyfriend or whoever won’t let me sit and watch the Vlog until we’re together it’s like it’s like cheating on a Netflix series or something it’s it’s amazing but honestly thank you all right it is indeed halfast 5 what time where we get home let’s find out oh can’t go this way oh [ __ ] I’m going have to sneak back around the other way awkward Turtle AA Turtle award Turtle what that actually I’m going to pulling this place don’t worry I could probably fit through this being 6′ 10 but honestly after my last trip to the tip and smacking the barrier um I’d rather just play it safe every single time so yeah uh to everyone who laugh at me in the car back then because there was cars behind me as I was like one sec um let me reverse out of here um I apologize and on the open road we go and the traffic is only saying 20 minutes to get us home which all fairness Ain’t That B bloody hell it’s flashing 40 all B bu if this was a hor I’d be smacking it look who I found hiding in the bushes it’s a [ __ ] rosers I find them everywhere the little shits I don’t mean that in a bad way they’re just it’s just sneaky buggers now I wasn’t planning on this but I’m going to have to make a bit of a pit stop oh look at this [ __ ] incredible driver sick indication there um at Morrison’s because Lydia needs me to pick up something for Alfred uh in the form of a thermometer because the poor little dude is apparently not too well and he might have a bit of a temperature so I need to pick up a thermometer um to do a bit of a temperature check on him so let’s whip this into H SC did you I don’t know if you heard that on the camera but I did a wheel a tire squeak all right and right near the oh look at that it’s meant to be Perfecto I thought how do I stop my car kind of forgot okay so hopefully I won’t get knocked over as Tom morison’s we go fingers crossed one child’s thermometer incoming I don’t think it’s for kids but it’ll do gra seeo now we’ve got the goods and I’m hoping this will do I’m actually sad that I even have to get this in the first place but before I go home I’m going to home base what the hell was what was rattling so loud over there I’m going to home base cuz I’ve run out of a certain something oh you know what it is you already know what it is oh it’s a really useful box bloody hell I forget how big these ones actually are whoa home base this place has changed look at this get up there is so much furniture out here I tell you something that is very nice that is very very nice ooh bit of me and 20% off when you spend £300 I think that might be a challenge accepted for another day look at this setup make there’s so much nice look at forane help that’s a a bit of fancing but I need to stay focused we’re here for one thing and one thing only and that is an at Lino all right we’re off oh dear I can see an ambulance with its blues and twos on behind me I have to do what every British person does in this situation and that is get the [ __ ] to the left go go go go go go go go go go nice The Pride you feeling knowing you’ve helped the ambulance get past faster is oh it’s glor oh look at it it’s that poor ambulance is driving into bumper bumper traffic come on guys shift shift as side that’s right van get to the side get to the side let him past look at them all just merging to the left oh that is a that’s another kind of feeling that look at them look at them all move yes good humans good humans what that long last I’ve actually made it home so I can crack on with my workout but wait I can’t because I’ve still got to build the bloody bench so let’s poke this down there but not go down there and then reverse towards the back door so I can get it straight out get it built and get my grind on and what time is it uh 5ast 6 been gone for hours who doesn’t love a lovely side quest okay how many weeks is it going to be before this is covered in dust I’d like to say that that’s not going to happen but we all know that when you get any sort of a gym equipment like it gets to a point where you use it use it use it and then you just leave it and it just Harbors it everywhere so I reckon we’ll get a we’re easily going to get a minimum of 10 weeks use out of it cuz then I’ll be back at the 10 weeks point and the thing is if I’m going to the gym say Tuesday Thursday still if I stay in that routine and I’ve got this to be doing some like extras on random days mate we we might see the the gains return way quicker than we actually got them on in the first place so hey I’m excited to see where we can get to next broke that Bloody door hello there Daddy’s home again look what I’ve got for you it was the only thermometer I could find so I hope it’s okay but what we should we tell him what’s wrong with him a little bit seems to be a bit snotty and he’s got a bit a cough yeah when he was sleeping in his night it was like like like it was almost like it was snoring and last time I checked six months old shouldn’t be snoring should they should they and go on L Lydia just rang me as I was pulled into the house which I’ve been bombarded with on like social media but do you remember when we went to Thailand and we stayed at that hotel that anara which was just like honestly if someone said where do you want to travel to next Switzerland is up there but above that would be an anara in Thailand what are you watching oh it’s called the mother of the bride and where are they staying at that in the hotel in that in that show heyo see it’s that good they Bas the entire show around it no the thermometer goes in your mouth not the box your bloody B was going to say swear word but I didn’t say it love you Okie doie place your bets is this going to take 10 minutes 20 minutes or 2 hours because at this rate I guarantee I’m just not going to end up getting a workout in today but no excuses let’s get [ __ ] done part of me is thinking we should just build it out here and then carry it in I’d have a lot more space you know what I’m actually going to do that that’s a great idea wow so I just brought out this knife to cut off the pieces of plastic to get into it and as I was rotating the box like that I’ve given myself a paper cut of just unbelievable depth like my hand shaking it hurts that bad and it’s that deep that it’s not even started bleeding yet ow but one second I feel like someone’s at my front door and they are who’s at my house it’s you context it’s my goddaughter and she’s here because uh after the party we had before we went away she left her boost to seat in the back of A’s car so there it is she’s come to collect it and she’s ransacking me of not only the booster seat but also where is it ah there we go an entire case of pink and yellow prame you you pled on the front and I’m going to have to leave you with it because I’ve got another guest arriving at my house in the form of a Gavin L Max look at you see I need to stay on top of the gym like you cuz you look ripped and I’ve just got fat again okay and off he goes after a very successful conversation because we’re getting the final quotes together for leveling this drive and potentially getting to a point of stage one of foundations for the extension of the garage coming across the front here picture on screen that is what I wanted to get it to a point of and hopefully if we can get that going that will be absolutely amazing um it’s all coming down again to the final thing of if the cost is right we’ll get it done so here’s the hoping for the best you’re not going to believe this I just posted a lovely picture of you and me from Trevor and Chelsea’s wedding right and I posted it 45 seconds ago it instantly popped up saying Kaleb liked your Instagram picture and I was like Caleb I was like I don’t know any of my mates called Caleb right you believe who it is you know clarks’s Farm yeah Caleb from there I followed her on Instagram about like 2 days ago for some reason he followed me back and he just liked the photo no way I was like there’s no freaking way I just said a voice not being like mate how out of he follows like 300 people I’m like out of anyone your following why are you following me I mate get me to diddly squat Farm I Google mapped it today it’s 3 hours away Caleb and Clarks his Pharm asde Lydia oh we got we got we got mushrooms M too baby corn in like a stir fry and what are you eating sat of the table what are you eating you got broccoli blueberries yeah fake watet or kid-friendly watss carrot Puffs oh carrot Puffs there we go lovely I’m absolutely dumbfounded right now like I actually shocked of how quickly things went from popping up likeing an Instagram post to picture on the screen now me and Caleb FaceTiming what what is what is that about that is so so bizarre I can’t believe it he’s got he’s got two kids he said Wy saw Lydia just chatting away with him and and honestly like you know you guys know my passion of like wanting to like find land and it’s always been my dream to do it and the land on the back of it he then decided to start having a a Sunset View off with me showing in his view but out of anyone in the world is about to have a competition with he decided to try and do it with me and I was like I don’t think so lad look at that but what are the chances that he used to watch the zombie videos back in the day and that’s how he that’s how he knows about me I H I’m I’m in disbelief that we’ve literally just been watching the the latest series and then I’m just chatting with them on face time and I said like you know if you’re up in Manchester you know we’ll have to get together for a beer and he’s like yeah if I come down there we’ll have to get together as well but he was like don’t come down just yet because it is extremely R because of the new series which I can absolutely believe but that that’s crazy it and and and I said to I said I said this is just how like my life gone cuz everyone who used to watch my like gaming videos back in the day so say when they were like 15 16 or whatever right it’s 10 years on now I actually said this about like you guys and your families watching it it’s 10 years on now and like you you’re all you’re all like grown ass men with beds and kids and families and all this sort of stuff like he’s mental like Caleb was like he said he was like your house is such a YouTuber house I was like I was one of the first YouTubers to ever build their own house I was like what do you mean it’s such a you youber house if anything I set the helped set the freaking Trend like literally I think I was like the first YouTuber to build their own house from scratch um rather than just like go and buy one or something and and he was like yeah that’s a very valid point and then I showed him like the million subscriber button downstairs and then the diamond fla which I’m so glad I managed to get um and and he just went in the end he went oh wait so I technically helped build that house and I was like you know what for watching the videos and this is anyone and I’ll never ever forget this cuz of you guys watching these like the gaming videos back in the day day in the Vlogs back in the day you 100% built this house and honestly without you guys I won’t be where I am today so let me just truly again from the bottom of my heart as always say thank you and Caleb if you happen to see this so lovely to chat to you and I can’t wait to cross paths again in the future what the M madness Okay now uh what time is it 9:12 in the evening um the sun is indeed setting and wow that is that is some spectacular View you I’m going to try and get this built with the power of a time lapse let’s see what [Music] we and not last you can see again and it’s currently quter to 10 at night and I’ve finally got the chair made um I’m joking on the Fly I’m sorry um the lighting and angle of this got terrible but I was focused on the sunset being absolutely beautiful and I thought you’d appreciate that in the short amount of time lapse that I had I actually turned on my outside lights let me show you running all around the edge so there was more light and I brought out the world light is flashlight to just help with it a little bit it probably did absolutely nothing but I’ve built it look at this I’ve got my chair that goes all the way down to zero and then I can lay perfectly flat and do me me weights and stuff like that I can adjust it accordingly and I’m hoping I’ve built it properly cuz if I haven’t there’s only one thing that’s going to happen and that’s me getting injured but there you go I did that in next to no time at all and Andy now has himself some cardboard thanks Andy and all that’s left to do is to bring it in so should we do just that plenty of room there mate plenty of room I hit the wall sorry don’t quite know where took out a chunk out the wall there where I’m going to put this um so it’s not in the way all the time but we’ll work that out later dat but as for now it’s going there whoop hang about I almost forgot about my mat and my box okay qu to 10 at night shall [Music] we okay and for now that’ll do it is getting extremely late like it’s getting closer to midnight by the hour every time I go to actually do the working out time just on by to the point that it’s 11:36 right now and you know what I know this is annoying because I’ve I’ve just realized tomorrow at 10 a.m. Jack is coming to talk about the construction of the new setup the new basement it being my gaming office and everything which I so badly need but I am just thinking with that AC in the ceiling all the way up there this would make an absolutely incredible gym I just never put a gym in this room which it would actually make so much sense for but I just never put it in here because I was like I don’t go to the gym and if I put gym equipment in my house I would never use it but the thing is through going to the gym and learning the techniques and stuff like that which I I am aware I’ve got the worst technique and posture in the world I’m trying to improve um it actually is quite nice to have it in your house cuz if I can’t get down to the PT they’re not available and I don’t want to like deal with the gym one day I’m running a little bit bit because of schedu or something I could just come down into here and if I had actually everything set up like that was a mirrored wall or something I had like everything that I need the machines and stuff like that that’ be epic but that’s the thing I don’t want to just overwhelm an entire room dedicated to a gym that I’m simply not going to use all the time do know what I mean like obviously I’m going to stick into a bit of a routine with it now but with this and a mat honestly I think we might be able to see some progress there’s a lot of exercises that I do when I go down to PT you know like using like the cable machines and stuff that I don’t have access to here which would be quite nice but for the access of being able to fold this up and put this in the cinema room storage and get it out the way I think it does the job pretty damn nicely so hey I tell you what I was going to say this wasn’t that cheap actually was it in total that that and the DS it was 180 qu wern’t that cheap but the actual bench itself does the job and it’s nice and sturdy with some adjustable feet so hey we’ll take it now it actually is really that late guys look it is bloody L it is 11:38 so I’m going to need to get my head down right now cuz I’ve got to be up early for the meeting I’ve got to be prepped and I need to know what I need to know going into it so listen I’m going to wrap up this Vlog now I kind of like today it felt like the much more life of tomes getting up I want to do something getting it achieved and getting [ __ ] done sort of style that I like and I think that’s just something I’ve got to do more I’ve just got to get up get out the house immediately because if I just sit in the house I feel like I like sort of fester away um whereas I like just getting out about and getting motivated so maybe that’s what I need to do every morning when I wake up if go for a walk go for a bike ride or something and just start my day properly you know what I mean get [ __ ] done little winds feel good and get a bit of exercise and fresh air in me to get motivated but hey I’m getting hydrated for the nation look at that that’s one of the coolest Starbucks mugs I’ve ever seen L collects hundreds of these things but I actually think I’ve got the best one but regardless distractions I’m going to get my head down I’m going to get to bed I am excited to find out what uh Mr Lomax comes back with the talk about the drive I’m really hoping doesn’t end up being the most expensive thing in the world and it’s worth noting I asked him to send me an updated revised price for the actual entire upstairs garage extension even though we’re doing this room it’s not the most expensive thing we’re just putting a stud wall in and some units like it’s something for the meantime like that’s going to take like a year or something six months to a year to complete or even get the planning going again cuz spoiler aler I think it’s been that long that we’re putting the plan in to actually get the garage extension and stuff that I think it is uh currently um passed and therefore not able to be done so we’re going to have to reapply for that and that could take a little bit of time but I’ve asked him to put together a revised quote for doing the drive work the garage and if it comes back at the right cost I’m telling you this right now we’re getting cracking on it’s as simple as that I want to see some some like movement get get going I want to get motivated and I want to see this house going in the right direction we’ve been a along the right lines but there just certain things I am not capable of doing and therefore I need to bring in the big guns so guys I’m going to go hope you enjoyed Vlog if you did leave a like click that subscribe button and tune in tomorrow for a bit of a meeting where we’re going to speaking to Jack and his construction team about getting the basement going it’d be so good to have a gaming setup again but until next time thanks for watching I’m loving you I’m leaving you and as always [Music] [Applause] a [Music]


    1. As someone who used to work in council tax theres a) absolutely no way you're getting out of that bill, and b) you knew when you bought the house thay you'd have to pay your council tax, so why don't you actually contribute to your local economy and make up for the fact that you're knocking a family home down for your own use by paying taxes you owe instead of trying to dodge it.

    2. Tim if the house isn't lived in and is uninhabitable you don't have to pay anything to your council, it's under construction and if they say otherwise their wrong!!, dispute it as I had a house years ago I didn't pay it on as it was not lived in, hope this helps and I'm in Shropshire xxxx

    3. Tom could you not make the old cinema room into a great gaming setup office as already isolated and more sound proofed. Then shelve out that middle room as is more a pass through area and that becomes the storage space? Also be less work and expense putting it in place.

    4. As an American I always find Tom's aversion to driving long distances hilarious! For mothers day I spontaneously drove a round trip total of 400 miles (644 km) to surprise my Mom. That's four hours there and then four hours back with a five hour visit all in a single day.

    5. Not sure what your plans are for the interior with the garage extension, but it might be worthwhile taking the idea of a gym into consideration with the plans and layout with the extra space you'll be gaining. Would be pretty cool to be working out with the GTR behind you 😅

    6. Does anyone know what happened to Monday's vlog? I was about to watch it and it just disappeared, looked like it was going to be about Tom and his brother on an adventure.

    7. My partner Ryan has been watching your videos for years and now it’s like our favourite Netflix series 🤣 We’re only allowed to watch your vlogs together otherwise there’s trouble in the house!!!

    8. Hey Tom, you obviously know many famous/ people watch you. There’s a Dutch DJ called Headhunterz. He plays to at least 60k people in just 1 festival. Recommend you go listen to his music, it’s absolutely amazing!

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