Cyclists who cause death by dangerous cycling could face up to 14 years in prison after the House of Commons backed a proposed law change.

    MPs voted in favour of an amendment to create three new offences, including “causing death by dangerous cycling”, “causing serious injury by dangerous cycling” and “causing death by careless or inconsiderate cycling”.

    The plan, put forward by Sir Iain Duncan Smith (Chingford and Woodford Green), was supported by the Government and will form part of the Criminal Justice Bill, which is currently making its way through Parliament as it bids to become law.

    Mike says: “They don’t obey the laws of the road”

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    from Sandra his I got hit in the face at full force by cyclist when I was trying to cross the road and he was going the wrong way down a oneway street uh near somewhere in central London I couldn’t do much to hold him to account but when I told him he should be going the wrong way he said he wouldn’t do it again then proceeded on his way down the road in the wrong way again I had a big red bump on my face and it took me a good 15 minutes to get myself together again uh here’s one from Tan in London I was crossing the road in the city yesterday and a massive group of delivery cyclist just flew through the red light I had to thrust out my arm to stop one career in into me I shouted no as he laughed at me and just repeated no no no as he sped off it’s almost as if they don’t understand what a red light means I think they do understand they just don’t want to actually have to obey the r rules rules of their the road Ryan very good morning to you I mean that’s a good move by Mark Harper isn’t it I mean yeah I think so this has this has come up time and time again in recent years and you see it time and time again with with cyclists going through red lights or getting up ahead of speed before uh um you know while while it’s while it’s red yeah just getting a little bit ahead and it does up and everybody’s got a story I mean if you if you walk in in in the city or if you if you drive in the city if you do anything in the city um you will have a story about cyclist Kevin in East Sussex says why does everyone say it’s the tiniest amount of cyclist in my experience it’s the tiny minority that actually obey the rules I think you’ve got a point let’s talk about K St front page of uh The Daily Mirror which I don’t normally refer to for obvious reasons uh they’ve obviously got the story um K to mirror readers he’s given us his six um plans six economic stability cut an it just waiting times launch a new border command those three identical things to to rishy sunak and then the next three set up Great British energy crack down on antisocial Behavior recruit 6 and a half thousand new teachers I mean it’s all a bit um good to be true bit waffly a bit vague is anybody really going to take this seriously this this reminds me looking at it going back to 1997 you go back to the Tony Blair pledge card where he had those five big pledges and what this is meant to do so if you take yourself back here year or so K starma had these five big missions yeah I can’t remember I’d have to look them up all I remember about the five big missions was that he didn’t mention immigration and now he’s obviously decidedly better includ that’s right so now this is the retail what they call the retail offer the doorstep offer so when candidates go up to the door on the when they’re campaigning the election come come the end of the year they will have a very sort of short Snappy version of what they want to sell what they want to give give to the public so we’ve got things like the economy NHS recruiting more teachers but the as you say the sixth one is the Big M immigration pledge setting up this border security command now this wasn’t in the The Pledge uh before but now it’s front and center they’ve clearly worked out or clearly realized the focus groups are telling them that immigration you need an answer to a legal immigration and that’s why that’s why it’s there and it’d be it’d be incredible if a labor candidate went up to a doorstep and they said well what are you going to say about legal migration they just scroll down or look in a book and go I can’t quite find it but this this let get the message across quite clearly and I wonder whether this will now put an end to the ludicrous um State of Affairs where quite often you would see labor MPS being interviewed on various different shows saying but of course you know immigration is not the big a big issue for most people it comes fourth or fifth or sixth we get told this by holsters all the time but we know very well don’t we particularly here at talk that this is a massive issue for people yeah it’s a it’s a big it’s a big issue and you you speak to you know the general public that there’s a there’s a clear uh issue with either illegal migration or or legal migration whether whe that’s cut that down those numbers well it’s a combination of of of people seeing a change literally in the the the sort of the makeup of their towns and their cities even in small towns now people are saying to me who call in you know there’s now um a bunch of people who have moved into the street that they live in uh who have clearly been placed there in in in sort of what they call Affordable housing or Housing Association houses clearly illegal migrants who have moved out of hotels it’s happening all over the country yeah totally and I think one thing that labor are very keen to do is to say what their plan immigration does or legal migration is actually deal with with the whole problem they were saying a labor spokesman were saying yesterday the government plan only deals with with one% of the issue now they have got the r the government have got the Rwanda plan that they’ve got but they’ve yet to see anyone actually take off and actually get there so they actually need a plane to take off to actually look like they’ve delivered something and if they don’t um they’ll be there’ll be big big problems for them because Richi sunak has put so much political Capital into that that um the public will hold his feet to the fire on it yeah they will and I mean of course labor party now I think I’m pretty sure now saying that they will not continue with the Rwanda policy even if it’s working um they’ve also said that they want to process people quicker but they want to do it here rather than anywhere else right because initially they saying were they not that they wanted to do it in France yeah that’s right now I I think on the they would cancel the Rwanda policy straight away now one thing if you were the government what you would do you would set a few political traps for them you would have if say the election is going to be in November you would make sure those flights set for December January February March and just watch them cancel all of them if some people are going you know are going off and they’re there and they’re being deported there it’d be interesting to see what Kier actually does because it’s all very well saying some things in in in opposition but when you actually get into number 10 and you see that something’s working and what if it turns out that I mean it’s very difficult to see all the boats stopping but there’s a massive reduction in that because they know they’re going to be sent to aanda is he really going to stop that on on day one perhaps he’ll stick to his word but it does seem a you know something’s working and you haven’t got the massive influx of people coming in it’ be interesting to see what he does well he’s not known for sticking to his word is he really and I mean the one that troubles me the most possibly in terms of the amount of money being set aside for it is this Great British energy business because you know it’s not clear what that would be how it would be set up what it would do I was talking to a couple of Labor appara earlier on the show who was saying oh this is not going to replace energy suppliers but it’s going to supply the energy to those uh private companies I’m not sure if that’s going to work is it it’s it’s going to be it’s going to be difficult to sell up these things will take you know you know several years to do you thought but one thing that that has benefited the conservatives is because labor had that big 28 billion pound plan and that’s just been sort of C that’s been curtailed now I think some people would say actually that shows maybe labor that their sort of lack of lack of ambition but they’re being attacked ferociously by the conservatives how are you going to fund this where you going to get all the the money from but they just had to rad back from it so but if if you want to go on front foot and over the course of 5 years or 10 years if you’re if it’s 28 billion a year you know it’s going to create a lot of jobs and it’s a bit of a flagship policy why wouldn’t you do it but the actual incoming fire from the from the government was was just too much for them to take yeah absolutely right and it’s not that easy to set anything up in this country and make it work very very quickly stay with me if you will I’m just going to take a quick call from Martin who’s in hartfordshire


    1. I was driving a bus in Maidstone one day in the evening when two cyclists rode through the traffic came out right in front of me giving me the reverse victory sign. I got the bell for the next stop and an off duty policeman got off and stopped one of the bikes, while he was dealing with him the other cyclist was so busy looking at his mate that he rode headfirst into a hedge 😂😂😂

    2. the police should be allowed to stop bikes that are on the road when there is a cycle path we have a cycle path that goes right round our city and bike lanes and some refuse to use them its there for their safety yet they would rather be no I have every right to be on the road cars cant go on pavements they dont have that choice

    3. 4th pedestrian killed by cyclist in 12 years.
      430 pedestrians killed by motorists each year.
      Cycling must be stopped!

    4. the narrative of cyclists in ignoring red lights is that we should understand they are not motorised they use their feet and just walk on their peddles just like pedestrians use their feet to walk on pavements

    5. In the 1980's I was driving an HGV, and as I entered a roundabout at 7 am at about 12mph according to the tacho, a cyclist decided to cut across the central reservation to take the roundabout the wrong way, as a short cut, from my left, arse up in the air head down and went straight into the front near side of my truck. He ended up with a fractured skull as no helmet on, and the Police were going to arrest me for hitting him even though it was his front wheel that was buckled, there was a skip driver who had been following him and stopped to be a witness otherwise I bet I would have had a lot of hassle from that.

    6. Most of these cyclists possess a full driving licence. Cops should arrest them and charge them with the offence involved . For some using over 250watt bikes that could be a long list . Like no insurance,speeding,and jumping a red light. Is that 12 points or 10 total?

    7. The worsening war between cyclists and drivers has made me have second thoughts about going out on my bike (I drive also). I'm just fed-up of being treated like cr*p on our roads. I try and use cycle lanes, where provided, but it isn't always possible to get off the road. It's definitely getting worse…

    8. Absolutely cyclists don’t obey road traffic laws, come to Cambridge and see daily breaches of laws. Perhaps the Police should be split into traffic police and civil police for criminal activities. Cyclists do have a different mentality and have an air of superiority over everyone else and it has to stop.

    9. Keen cyclist but totally agree cyclists London a few not all are dangerous , and making a test compulsory would not be a bad idea

    10. If cyclists actually obeyed ANY laws, we might have the slightest respect for them!
      Make REGISTRATION mandatory, perhaps when every cyclist can be identified they'll behave a little better?

    11. Starmer wont last long, then forbid Rayner will take his place ,and she is a big lefty and certainly is not fit to do the job, vote Reform let’s give Labour a run for their money,

    12. Blame the government, the recent changes to the highway code sent out the wrong message. It added priority to cyclists without adding any responsibility on them.
      Just wrong.

    13. Put zebra crossings around Regent’s Park.
      Walking along Regents canal is terrible. Cyclists speed under a certain bridge at Kings Cross expecting people to move out of their way. There is a primary school very near by and the cyclists disregard the safety of the Children, parents with prams and people with dogs etc expecting all to make way in a very narrow area. They speed up and down a ramp (with a blind spot) with no consideration that there are prams, small children etc. Is it beyond the bicycle riders to dismount in certain situations? Is it so complicated to apply the brakes? They have mastered the use of their tinkie bell expecting all to jump out of their way on a public footpath which is not a lots of use for the kids attending the school for the deaf. Might be an idea to start teaching kids the Highway Code and bicycle etiquette.

    14. Classic generalisation against cyclists. Clips like this simply ramp up the already insane road violence of drivers against cyclists. Every day I have to spend the entire trip avoiding fatal sunken drain covers protruding from the curb, swerving to avoid killer pot holes, getting horns from drivers who clearly haven’t taken the time to actually read & understand the Highway Code and/or don’t understand how cycling 2 abreast is actually a courtesy to drivers to make life easier for them. The dangerous driving & abuse is insane, & cyclists are the ones who’s lives are at risk due to cars/vans/lorries every second of the ride.

    15. Yes, country lanes where cyclists continue to cycle two abreast despite cars having to queue behind them being unable to pass! Especially on winding lanes and line slow hills.

    16. I remember when I was younger we use to take a cycle proficiency test some cyclists do follow the roads some are quite arrogant same as some car drivers

    17. I am a cyclists and I have been cycling for over 50 years, And in that time I have had one crash because someone decided to open the passenger door while in traffic.
      The Biggest problem is people on hire bikes Electric bikes ie delivery drivers and Electric Scooters. Some of them are Going over 35 miles an hour which no one has mentioned in the comments below.
      It's always the same Old Chestnut. One or two people do wrong and everyone gets the blame and if you tell a policeman/woman if you can find one they do nothing

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