A transport minister has revealed he “managed to nab quite a few cyclists” during his long police career as he was pressed over government action to tackle dangerous riding.

    Lord Davies of Gower said there were laws already in place to deal with reckless cycling and pointed out it was the job of officers to enforce them.

    Jeremy Kyle clashes with spokesperson for Cambridge Cycling Club arguing that cyclists create problems on the road and don’t pay any taxes.

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    knows what I think of cyclist but I’m going to be open-minded and say a very good evening to Andrew Grant spokesman for Cambridge Cycling Club hello good evening Jeremy can I see you or am I just oh there you are now now you see now this is I need your help right because you pe I don’t want you to be offended Andrew we’ll be friends but you people annoy me you people well I’m sorry to hear that no no I tell you why you on a bik I tell you why you annoy me not that you want to be healthy you annoy me on many fronts firstly you don’t pay any road tax secondly you don’t play insurance but most of all and I want you to help me out seriously why do I have to sit in a car hear me out follow the rules and stop at a red sign when you people come up the inside go up the pavement or across in front of me you go through a red light I’m being serious right you have four of you across the road you are causing problems on the roads Andrew Grant well Jeremy you must have led a very sheltered life who know are not also motorists uh it’s it’s a typical Folly that uh we are accused of not paying Road tax when the vast majority of us are Road users in all senses and motorists as well we too can be troubled by inconsiderate cyclists when we are motorists and we don’t like the bad behavior of a number of cyclists many cyclists that that gives cyclist a bad name with GoPros on their heads looking for a fight I share some of uh I share some of your frustration with poor cycling Behavior Uh but I understood we were going to talk about a baffling Road Junction no no we are going to talk about baffing Road Junction but I would because I’ve never had a cyclus on and this is why I love the fact you’ve come on because nobody ever wants to talk to me and I’m actually I’m actually genuinely asking you can you explain to me on country roads why it’s appropriate for cyclists to be two or three deep which causes cars an inability to go past but that’s my first question but the real thing is as I drive around London or Windsor or wherever it is I see cyclists going through red lights up on Pavements not saying you do that but that’s why your reputation is not great because it annoys the 17 million people that drive cars You’ understand that right I do yes they shouldn’t be doing it um I’m imitated in Cambridge by the number of of cyclists who don’t bother with lights they seem to think they’re optional I don’t mean traffic lights I mean lights on their bikes after dark to be seem senseless so I I don’t condone and none of us approve of bad behavior by cyclists I love you Andrew Grant I do shave your legs by the way and wear Lyra that’s another thing that annoys me I did when I was racing and I I do wear ly C because it cuts down the wind resistance it’s do you also stop at a cafe for a muffin certainly I’ve noticed that my daughter worked in The Muffin Factory Cafe in Windsor when I lived there and the place was round full of cyclist middle-aged men with pot bellies on a Saturday cycle 100 yards and have a blueberry muffin because it makes them feel better that’s I’m sure that’s very good for them least better for them than if they only ate the muffin and didn’t do the cycling that’s very true like me c cying Club um you are a spokesperson um this this is an extraordinary story that we found um th this this Junction I mean if we got a picture can we put this up on screen this is the most confusing thing I’ve ever seen it’s not the best Junction you could have found nor the best story you could have found about uh alleged safety measures taken in the name of cyclists uh there’s a junction at the other end of town yeah called a Dutch roundabout which would have been a much better story but I’ll I’ll talk to you about this one if you like uh this video makes the thing much more complicated or sound much more complicated than it actually is it’s like a Monopoly board yeah all this is is a ring of colored tarmac joining up four Pelican crossings that have always been there so it shows you what you could always do but makes it slightly easier to do it whil the stride a bike it incidentally connects the cycle path to the Pelican Crossings in a way it didn’t before so it’s marginally safer if you’re not a confident cyclist 24 million pound Road upgrade project in Cambridge it’s part of that and that is what in my view this uh video is about if you were to arrive at this Junction on a bike or in a car you would not see anything unfamiliar unlike the other Junction I was telling you about at the other end of town which we can come to if you want to um but I think this video it has more to do with the greater Cambridge partnership justifying its expenditure of taxpayers money uh by trying to demonstrate that they’ve done something in when actually they haven’t I think it’s bril do you think cyclists um genuine do you think cyclists get a hard time unnecessarily or do you think it’s right that people like me take issue with the fact because I had deadly serious um on a show that we did last year I had a guy who has been searching for justice for years his wife was knocked down by a cyclist brain damaged and died leaving him with two kids and I say that to you genuinely seriously which is why I say about the law in many instances it’s in the news at the moment isn’t it I none of us condone cyclists who ride recklessly the um the famous case the co celebra of a couple of years ago um involved a cyclist who didn’t have a front break yeah he had a wheel bike didn’t have a front break no one can condone that um however if you compare that the amount of damage done by Motorcars and the number of injuries caused by Motorcars to that caused by cyclists then there is no comparison you should also remember Jeremy that uh a pedestrian stepping off a curb looking at their mobile phone not bothering to look whether there’s a cyclist coming is endangering the life of the cyclist too oh listen don’t get me started on that people who walk around with their noses and their mobile phones I walk into deliberately to annoy them pleas we can agree on that then um but I do I do like you and I and I never I never because my brother who I don’t like ran he’s a cyclist and he shaves his legs and wears lier and thinks he’s but what I hate most about cyclist not you Andre GR because you are now my go-to cyclist man I hate the fact that when you do eventually go past them they shake their head and that makes me even more mad like I shouldn’t have passed them I’ve been waiting 10 bloody minutes while they’ve been you know slowly going around the corner they’re a bit smug cyclist aren’t they smug some can be virtuous because after all our carbon footprint is negligible and and therefore we we have the upper hand in all moral senses but you know frankly if we are a out in a group on a country road and we know there’s a car behind us we will single out if it’s a really narrow road then it’s a Lor we don’t want to be tailgated by by a driver we’ll pull in the moment we find somewhere where we can pull in it’s not it’s not in our interests to make life difficult for other Road users you’re the most sensible cyclist have you got a sorry before we go have you got one of them GoPro things on your head no I haven’t though to be fair um you would not claim I’m sure that all motorists are the quintessence no no no and and if you are happy Andre don’t blame anybody that has a GoPro no no well I think they they’re looking for trouble but I if you’re happy really I’ll tell you what really irritates me because it’s it’s potentially lethal yeah and that’s being motorists texting I agree I agree um I mean a motorist texting in a car is is driving a Lethal Weapon without looking um I I are you all you’re in Cambridge are you all right to become uh the drive show Jeremy G’s Drive Show’s resident cyclist commentator because there’s a degree of reasonable this about you Andre gr which is marvelous to hear I’m sorry to hear that I I must be overturning all sorts of no I don’t like cyclist but I find myself quite liking you so that’s very good there are a lot of cyclists in Cambridge are there you’ll find really are they all very intelligent because they all go to the university and they all yeah quite a lot of them are yeah are you intelligent well I went to the university what do you do for a living am I allowed to ask I’m retired but I I was a head master in my last were you are you head Master oh okay sorry sir fantastic good to have you on Sir we’ll speak to you again very soon Andrew Grant lovely to have you on


    1. Give it a rest and moan about something else
      How can you tax a cycle when it emits no emissions
      I have a car which i tax each year at £165 so i can use the roads by what method i choose
      So there

    2. Okay, I’m a bike rider and have been for many years we can all point fault at each other for example half the people who drive cars these days shouldn’t even be allowed to ride a tricycle they are a danger to their self and to everybody else around them why do they insist to drive their car one-handed and being on their mobile phone texting etc etc it doesn’t matter if bike users payed road tax or not because people who drive will still cut them up, and treat them like second-class citizens the fact is cars kill and that is how most of the accidents happen on the road because the drivers are too interested in being on their mobile phones seeing if they hair is right drinking their cappuccino or playing their music then doing what they should be doing is driving a car responsibly

    3. They should be insured as they clearly can cause harm. When you have the likes of slimy viney on the road with his pathetic camera as well

    4. The Headmaster talks sense, and most cyclists do abide by the laws of the rd.
      There's good and bad in every walk of life.
      Oh, and Jezza you're still a c..t👊

    5. What a poor interviewer who loves throwing about around preposterous prepositions without allowing any time for any responses….. it’s a shame the interviewee avoided being similarly rude and obnoxious to the host.

    6. There isn't actually a road tax, it's actually an emissions tax. You’ll pay a rate based on a vehicle’s CO2 emissions. Cycles do not produce CO2 emissions. Also, most riders will already pay the so called road tax based on their car and their cars emissions. JK, you are an idiot and your voice and view are annoying! Thankfully though, I am able to tuen you OFF!!

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