We heading to Greece for a @adidas 5/10 shoot for a rad new trail shoe. Greece and big mountain MTB lines, not what I was expecting at all. Rocks and more rocks are what came to mimd when thinking about riding mountain bikes in Greece. But no, we found amazing mountains scattered in trails hand crafted by the locals. This place has the ingrediance to be one of the best spots for mountain biking on the planet. We had the best trip and not a bike park in sight.

    Big up Greece we had a mega time.

    really careful with the be you’re going to go down with that yeah is this on we’re here in Greece let’s go oh my God 2 1 y we here in Greece and you would never believe it cuz it’s raining foggy all sorts of [ __ ] weather but we’re uh in Greece when Adidas shoot for this new sick shoe for trail riding uh trail walking all sorts of stuff look at this we’ve driven 5 hours from Athens it feels like we’re in Switzerland but we’ve been promised that there is an insane Hill bomb Hill bomb we’ve got Tommy G with us so let’s go bomb it boy what you going to show us right now the SI spot in grease right now yeah yes I think so it doesn’t look like we’re in grease dude yeah I know next dude there’s puddles bro show us your bike oh this is my bike D and we’re going to you’re going to go down with that yeah look sick I’m stoked fine it’s fine are you going to you going to show us the way yes this way really feels like we’re in Switzerland huh yeah insane I’m stoked you stoked so [ __ ] stoked you look stoked always looks stoked HH that’s the problem with me that I don’t St inside you are really careful who the be really yeah we might hit one I hope not are they black bears or grizzly bears H brown bears oh brown bears or black I don’t know about that big are they do they uh eat people Tommy is this more Rampage training or Hardline training it’s wet it’s pretty good for wheel hard line yeah yeah but it’s pretty free ride yeah so Rampage pretty good for Rampage nice sick I mean those shoes are so grippy dude so grippy that’s maybe better than yeah Avalanche sick yo who dude yeah that’s a hill bomb go along there wow this is sick yeah yeah oh la yo at the bottom I think it’s the steepest and you have to stop before you go down so there’s no you can’t just bomb and run out no no no there’s no run out so full on the brakes yeah yeah oh break all the way right now because it’s wet you can break so easily yeah especially without any breaking at all just with the pares on a it Tommy we go left there’s a big [ __ ] galy down there but you go more all the way to the left this is so sick to the left to ear some more who oh it’s still going this is so sick dude you’re on YouTube right now actually in it hello YouTube yeah you’re in it yeah and you oh Tommy look down there oh I’m doing that one same spot there’s some cool like shoots up in here we’re going to ride but look wow soak to bomb this dude you are looking so big mountain right there you are dude like that looks so sick maybe on the moon I’m just missing D B yeah no no you two go first and then you can show us the line and then me and Tommy will head out after and then we can like see where you go and then we can do a real fast one for for the boys and then we know where to stop before the Big Cliff at the end and the Bears yeah boys he looks so sick dude they’re going fast bro GoPro on yeah that’s it that’s [ __ ] good okay no dropping that’s so grippy man dude was that was so good that was so sick right let’s go do that again look at the rot second lap you ready to Bomb [Laughter] faster let’s go is this on yeah yo let’s go three two one b w [Laughter] d go that is so [Music] goody [ __ ] we’ve dis bombed those other slopes and now we’re looking for a a more extreme one look how cool this is along here yeah I will I will call him I will just check K yeah man I’m going to go scout scout it out see what the jump is like at the bottom yeah like I think through there ah this is kind of sketchy this thing oh my God that’s so slippy wow out watch out sorry right come along here see there let me dropping wo w y that was so sick I mean look how steep you oh th is dropping right now dude sick W big rock so good yo there is our sick lines down there but I want to go have a look right at the top top of that like you saw it from over there so I’m going to go check that out so I’ve got a bit of a mission ahead of me halfway over there now I’m not you can actually see it right there see there it’s literally a sheer Cliff worst idea but I’m halfway there now had a mission through there I’m going to carry on I’m not sure I guess it’s wild pigs in all of here that’s ripping all this up hope it’s not be wonder if anyone’s ever been up here boys ready ready yeah not the best idea coming up here we need to end the Vlog huh we need to finish the Vlog and end there how was that Tom good so [ __ ] good stoked insane no dude stoked kill of a Time Greece who’ have known we had rain it feels like we’re in Switzerland we’ve got like slopes that I can only imagine like I’ve seen in Chile I’ve never been there but looks like Chilean slopes Swiss weather Great dudes Good Times Stokes see you later


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