1. I caught a motorist driving with a mobile in London Bridge and he had a big British Cycling logo on his van. I reported him and British Cycling didn't do anything.

    2. All great advice but not in the slightest practical on the road, not many drivers will be happy if you take up a third of the road so they cant overtake when you are 24 inches from the curb. Law or not its still be getting knocked off my bike when they dont like it

    3. everything the guy is saying is wrong. if you use the road THEN DO A TEST like motor bike riders cbt or car test, as its all about road safety and understanding road markings and what they mean and highway code . simple as, no test no use road you are a danger to motorist and pedestrian's, and the proof is out there

    4. Amazing how arrogant some of these persons on bikes are , imagining that they have any right to control / direct other road users .

      They would serve themselves better by remembering their own mortality and cycling more defensively instead of being rolling roadblocks which just annoys everyone else .

    5. 1:56 Riding in parallel (except for overtaking a slower rider) is actually forbidden in the highway code for all bicycles, mopeds, scooters & motorcycles.

    6. I want to visit the UK so I can get left hooked by a BMW instead of right hooked by a BMW. It's good to get a fresh perspective and experience how other cultures run over cyclists.

    7. Perfect video that. Nails the basics.
      Cyclist are always going to be out there on the roads, so stop the bullying please and let’s just get on with the commute for gods sake.

      Everywhere is short staffed at the minute so please let us get to work in one piece 😉

    8. How is it, if you need to overtake a cyclist, you should give them a minimum of 1.5 mtrs, yet when a cyclist overtakes a car he can take your mirror off as he passes by?

    9. Why are you using cycles that don't conform to the construction and use regulations in this video?- as British cycling I would have expected more – at least compliance with the law .

    10. For their safety cyclists should keep to the left. There's a petition on government petitions, just type cyclists left to find it there. Rgds

    11. While these instructions are useful in a car dominated environment, the main message one can take away from this video is that bicycle infrastructure in London is severely lacking, and cyclists will just have to deal with it.

    12. These desperately needs updating. What is said at 2:00 minutes should be repeated 3 or 4 times from the very start of this video. I’m both a cyclist and a motorcyclist and that is the main infraction I see most common

    13. Should never go into single file, maintain two abreast, drivers must therefore overtake as if it was a slow moving vehicle by going single file your effectively a longer vehicle to be overtaking and the vehicle overtaking will take longer to complete

    14. This is SO unrealistic. Sure, if you want to get shouted at by a variety of motorists, take up the whole lane XD. This is why I'd never city cycle in England. The laws are not compatible with either humans or road conditions.

    15. Number plates and insurance for CYCLISTS and promote the gap they should give when passing slow moving cars, saving paint and wing mirrors etc and can be identified and prosecuted like all other road users

    16. Doirs width of space atleast, narrow roads build up of traffic …… perhaps cyclists should heed advice in the hugh way code to save scratching cars or braking wing mirrors

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