Join Patrick & Benji live as they react to the 7th stage of the Giro d’Italia.

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    Lanterne Rouge

    Benji Naesen

    Photos | Cor Vos (unless stated otherwise)
    Profiles | LaFlammeRouge
    Data | First Cycling

    welcome back to our first ever TT watch along we’re just seeing Danny Martinez roll off the ramp and of course press the lap button on his Wahoo or or head unit after he’s already started just so you lose 0.2 fractions of a second for no reason you can just have it ready to go anyway we just saw nairo canana finish five minutes down but he’s not really uh GC candidate he’s gone for a stage in the third week uh which will be glorious but uh what’s the parkour Benji it’s it’s a hard and long TT yeah exactly we’ve got 34 km that’s basically relatively flat how would categorize it then we’ve got a 1.2 km steep climb of 10% average roughly and then we’ve got a leftover 4.8 is5 kilm of gradual climbing to the Finish which I’d say between 3 and 5% but it goes up and down and up and down so there’s some Ste Parts in there there’s some flat Parts in there so that’s the rout we have an estimation before and I was looking at what part is going to take what amount of time and I was thinking okay the first part they going to do like what 50k an hour on the flat part then on the on the steeper portion are going to go a lot slower so I’m thinking okay on the gradual climbing 40 minutes something there so I was guessing 51 minutes winning time do we see that happening yeah it should be maybe 51 52 minutes gner set 5201 and he’s obviously set set the provisional best time uh Sheffield’s actually and SharkMan have made his time look not so dominant anymore I think Chef was 35 seconds behind him and he gained quite a bit of time on gner actually from T2 to the Finish which is not a surprise it’s a it’s a steep hill but we’re there is a steep hill in there we’re about to see aens man’s time so arensman he’s got I think uh one is that one or two case to go that’s the flam Rouge yep there a flam upill so Ironman I think will finish about 30 seconds 25 seconds behind ganner uh with 5230 because it is uh still an uphill drag to the Finish but still a very very good time from him and it’s going to be of the GC contenders one of the better times because someone like OK Conor who uh can do a good time trial as he showed in the doofan and UAE he’s not doing at the intermediate time check number one okon’s time is is not the best so arensman will be moving up the rankings today he’ll be probably well into the top 10 in GC today yep uh so the question is why did uh his trainer why did his trainer sabotage him like this by making him do a dominant TT I feel like your quotes are sponsored by Martin Martin whatever AR’s one today does he get his is he reopen Twitter today I I do not know but uh yeah it’s good to see him doing well you said it when it comes to iron’s one you said it when it comes to OK Conor who was 126 down if I correctly at T1 only tberry also disappointing above one minute when it comes to the Gap so he’s also losing more time than expected in in just the first first time split which I think is after 18.6 km yeah 20 minutes it’s after 20 minutes and then the second one’s after about 40 minutes more or less yeah so we’re looking at that we saw GNA ride a TT that was a solid time 52 minutes at a start spectator hinders his arm so if you go to Cy race don’t don’t touch rers but is there a major benefit do you think in let’s let’s first watch the finish of AR one here Al I was actually wrong he he didn’t finish 35 down it’s going to be over 40 down on on Gana but beating Max shakman so a little bit slower than Sheffield uh in the final on the final Hill but he I think he went a bit quicker than Sheffield on the flat so that’s the pacing strategies with these TTS where there’s flat for what 30 km or 34 km is very very interesting how much does Gana benefit from passing Six Minute Men including a car of a St that he can draft after 10 seconds so much like it must make a it must save like each one must be worth like 1 and a half seconds right yeah or two seconds the car the car especially and then okay that’s six you’re 15 seconds right there they did pull the cars out eventually but yeah someone like arensman or the or G G’s not going to oh he might catch o to Brooks or was it 3 minute intervals they’re going off G just rolls off the ramp I’d rather see that full screen than Yen’s vo speaking personally but exactly um it’s one of the one of the two most important Riders starting today and we’ve got it an off screen guys come on uh and we’re seeing now PLS intermediate time check number two this is 34k into the into the race and a lot of it’s interesting cuz a lot of the big guys who went early they basically front loaded their TT time like V shider feni Don Hol all did a good time on the flat obviously because they’re all like 80 kilos plus and then kind of cruised in on the hill and it was Mesi the first one that the opposite where he was actually like fifth or sixth in the first oh really uh T1 and T2 and then suddenly was 50 seconds faster on the on the climb itself than the others so there’s already a difference in pacing strategy at the start of this time tral between between quotes random Riders compared to the GC Riders and the the potential winners I mean I’m not sure maybe a Conor’s time isn’t that bad and maybe the inos guys times are just the best like all Tiber luchenko okona at T1 are all one minute down on Ghana yeah but shockman does does a lot better he’s a good TTI this is finish but here where was he at T1 I’m trying to figure it out seventh on 36 seconds that’s 45 seconds faster yeah that’s a lot yeah but then someone like doing a really bad TT is stora like stora is 204 down yeah uh we’re about to see pogy roll off he’s got the grinta Torino bibs back on sh touches his head unit doing the breathing exercises he’s got little loops around the end of his skin suit to stop it rolling up on both hands you can see the white Under in between his thumb and his index finger uh the road surface is a little bit suspect at the start uh see it’s a bit bumpy then they get onto the main road here it’s okay and did someone go down in a corner or just held it up or it’s been it’s been a this corner has been a pretty sketchy one for a lot of rids yeah there a something in the Apex The Irregular Road surface is also at the finish the last few hundred met when people get into the final Corner they try to get back in the in the TT drops and a lot of riders can’t do it get G I saw Gana like he yeah you have to have really good confidence or control of the bike because yeah it looked a bit suspect um the Finish as well what did you make of pogy’s interview last night where he even uh prefaced that maybe G could take time on him today he sort of said he’s hoping just to get through this TTI tomorrow yeah it was interesting I um I don’t know it’s it’s always difficult when it comes to interviews to see whether whether people are saying the words they want to say or whether they’re hiding uh potential strength for the next couple of stages I just felt like he was a bit I don’t know it wasn’t super hyped po that we’re used to but then again he just rode to gravel with dust everywhere so I can’t really blame him yeah it was interesting the the real interesting part for me cuz you’re right I mean it is normal to be like Oh I’m not the top favorite G can put time into me you know you never know what can happen G’s a really good time trial it’s all true uh the interesting part to me was when he said and you know I’m really just focused on trying to feel good on the bike and have a good TT because I’ve changed my position so much the last two years and I was like is that something that happened on the Domo SE to to France TT like was there an issue there um and he wasn’t happy with his setup or I certainly don’t think he did his Peak power that day uh but even if he did that yis TT was was pretty crazy I have an interesting new bit spoilers for the people that don’t want to hear the results of Hungary but we’ve got a pretty surprising winner of the mountain Queen stage where the mountain finish Was Won by from the peleton tibon what yeah but from the break where he won in Roman de yeah but he’s against HEI and I think that’s surprising on this on this stage he was not in the top favorite M depends how motivated Manuel Bookman and Wild pools were to turn up in hungry after not making thejo Squad The Vibes that I see is it reminds me of the way Diego ulissi was kind of the the climber but then out Sprints at the top yeah he is like that yeah I mean I think he has a better kick than ulissi but I think maybe ul’s lost a bit of his kick too but nce is certainly interesting Rider hard to pigeon hole again he didn’t do the classics this year which is uh surprising he was seeing Tiber at the finish and it is a good time better time he’s he’s less time behind than he was at T1 107 at T1 now 104 so tberry gained time on on Ghana obviously in in the hills and he finishes 16 seconds behind shackman and uh 21 seconds behind Ironman and maybe close to 30 seconds behind Sheffield so overall a a good TT from tar not an outstanding TT uh but a good TT but he’s already lost a bit of time and to take that time back he’s going to need another outstanding he’s going to need an outstanding TT on stage 14 now seeing ER Brooks on the course there’s a bunch of not good uh time trial GC Riders all on the course at the same time o Brooks being one of them then fortunado uh Juan Pedro Lopez Yan hit and AA Rubio that’s five all in the top 10 all and stora I’m not sure if he’s in the top 10 in GC or not all not with a great TT so uh I don’t OK probably would have been hoping to take be taking more but maybe OK Conor is trying to negative split it I don’t know Star Wars 12 in GC star 12 okay he’ll finish top 10 in GC I think that’s very possible to yeah uh but I would like to see some more of pogy and G if I’m honest yeah um same thing to see how they’re riding it what what gear ratio they or what K selecting I think there’s so many kilometers in this CT that just so many riders up the road you mentioned it as well off camera but I also think it’s like it’s a very long time draw these Riders are on the road for a long time 50 minutes which also means that there’s the same amount of intermediate checks as we usually have on like a 30 km one so we get less of a view where they are against each other in between those checks right now was there an intermediate during the full domal sea climb like was a comparison with like the between the two Riders if I but no wasn’t there an intermediate right at the bottom of the Steep bit and then at the end of the Steep bit another intermediate I don’t know I feel like it would have been nice to have an intermediate on the hill here um at the end of the Hill it would have been maybe nice to have a third one on the flat but I guess it’s it’s a lot to set up but I agree it’s like your wedding uh yeah there was there was an inter there’s three intermediates in 22k here we have three intermediates in 41 no two intermediates yes two intermediates yeah so there significant difference there yeah it’s you’re wait you’re waiting 20 minutes between time checks ju on 153 that’s maybe 11 seconds Ahad of store uh but he he’s got to take that back on the climb uh pogy looking like he’s doing about 80 RPM Luke 85 RPM the ey test what’s it saying Luke come on oh Luke almost fell giv a live commentary of Luke right now maybe 80 85 he’s guessing 85 not super high but not low Aron was almost like 80 or less uh RPM M 90 so they got the full skin suit now with the the twoone what do you think elizer is a satorialist no comment all right I think it looks quite nice that’s okay I prefer full pink I think full pink with the legs I’ve seen it bit garish yeah bit garish sometimes here we have a right hander no [Music] we okay the Wi-Fi is supposed to be back the ethernet is supposed to be back how much does the motorbike behind them help I don’t know how much the motorik behind them helps but I reckon it does help it does yeah like G should does G have a moto I swear we haven’t seen G on course by what have we seen G on course except from the heli no we saw him at the start and on the heli so that’s the problem as well with the 40K TT you they’ve only got so many TV Motors and um like who are they with because yeah I feel like we’re not seeing G at all and then all of a sudden you see them rolling up to the intermediate yeah the next riders for the first intermediate are probably going to be Rubio Rubio forato Brooks those three okay what did y on hit do the [Music] intermediate good question can I see a better LIF stable no time unnown so so slow that they didn’t even give me time B went full right he must have yeah B went full gas so he’s still kind of going for GC still a little bit but uh there’s going to be huge gaps today I mean pogy and G might just be like three minutes ahead of almost not three minutes oh to’s lost time andry did a good TT and Ariz lost time Chef lost time cam on Martinez though there is a follow cam on Martinez but he’s on the podium so you would think that all the podium guys have a follow cam G being one of them because Martinez is third in GC o Brooks is fourth it’s a narrow turn but good they I think they redid that Tac looked pretty new pretty fresh it looks like we got a right to left crosswind here in this section uh the breeze is like 20ks an hour I think which isn’t isn’t insignificant I don’t know if it’s changed during the during the stage we got filipo zna in the Finish now probably I would say Z is Jaco’s best chance of a top 10 in GC ahead of PL Benji um based on how in my opinion they should both go for stages and see if they accidentally get into the top 10 that and back door from the break exactly yeah I think that’s right and maybe yeah PL was super strong in the break yesterday Zan is more of a pure climber uh obviously w a stage in the mountains on koi ahead of chibo Pino last year in the break tomorrow yeah he he should be where’s he he he will now be you know four minutes right he’s going to be uh pretty far back in GC off sure and even if you’re pogy who cares if you give zanor a minute on GC you on the on the stage 14 TT yeah you’re going to kill him so we’re seeing fortun’s intermediate time check he stora and juampe all around the same Mark I think OT Brooks would want to be around I think if o Brooks is here at 125 you got to take that as a success 2 minutes is very bad uh even if you want to do quicker on the climb you got to go you can’t lose too much time on the flat there’s more than 2K it’s like 4ks an hour difference I think between fortunado and someone like Sheffield just about see now we’re seeing G G’s got a Moto G’s doing a pretty high Cadence the G here on 25 at1 see that’s bad it’s very bad 83d that’s riders that didn’t even go full jeez got those socks are up high aren’t they he’s 5 Seconds faster than Olaf Koy who here that T1 yeah see I don’t think Ola was I don’t think he was this a big Target no he’s trying to find the it looks like he’s trying to find the right Road surface he’s like moving around it doesn’t look that smooth although that was a look how looks like a horrible section of Road see how he got bumped and then moved to the right plapp he’s finishing now is that an off-brand helmet that they’ve put giant stickers on or a new prototype that does not look like the old giant helmet at all that looks like a new one I reckon that’s a prototype giant of just just brought out for him or for the team possibly but I also think that every single helmet that takes off the visor looks very different than the with the visor on it if that makes sense true might be speed the usual giant shot did they use Abus before or was it giant always giant I think it was giant the front bit looks a bit different a solid TT no it’s a good TT yeah it’s a good TT from PL yeah it does look like the speci one the rear so pla is just seeing if he can try and beat Mikel be’s time he’s coming into the Finish now he is going to beat b Tomy is going to be less than 1 minute 30 down on Piper Gana which I was is a very very good TT um Chad says prototype bike and helmet is what prototype bike and helmet oh okay that’s why it’s in the cuz yeah the bike’s not even in his in his Natty champs colorway yeah it probably they got it maybe they they shave the paint or something the cobbles in that last segment or whatever it is it’s making them shake like crazy it’s a tough tough road surface here we’re seeing a Conor T2 I mean pipo where have Z finished 220 or something um Conor is just going to be slower than Zana at T2 so he will be losing time there’s no way he can make up that time on someone like arensman or even tberry frankly you won’t go a minute quicker than uh or a minute quicker than tberry from T2 to the finish so Z still finished 10 though for now so it’s not a horrendous yeah result if he would how many guys are trying yeah like apart from Ghana and ber this is and shakman who is trying that isn’t a GC this is a bad time by Rubio 155 not surprising to be honest it’s amazing how similar Rubio and fortunado all are in intermediate one I think Rubio could smack the the actually fish is hold on what’s that on pogy’s what’s that on the back of pogy Saddle like he’s got a look like he’s got a saddle bag is that the transponder maybe it doesn’t look like an arrow add-on Fair or anything yeah they wouldn’t put that on there just for sponsorship no yeah exactly would have a reason I mean just they got they got ceramic speed bottom bracket transpa is on the Chain stay I mean yeah you can just paint skyon on on the bike somewhere or get him to do an Instagram post what is the I mean I don’t know how much of an eror difference it makes it’s so hard to do an eye test of who how people are going during a yeah exactly a book’s time is bad I think I think so too I’m trying to figure it out no one yet it’s bad I is going to arrive oh no actually it’s that’s going to be similar to the other boys eh to Rubio and so forth a little bit quicker maybe 10 seconds quicker I’m not sure it’s going to be quicker my man they did 155 Where’s the Line yeah it’s right there yeah it’s 14 seconds not terrible for what was expected for him not not fantastic either as I said I think 120 115 he’s playing with the helmet a little bit so I you just see he pushed up the helmet so maybe he thinks that’s sliding down sliding down over his head a bit because he’s trying to pull it back up um and again we it’s not like you’re watching them the entire TT maybe he’s done that five or seven times um or maybe he hasn’t but you can see especially with the road surf he’s bouncing around a fair bit just like G was um but we’ll see I think he’ll finish I think o Brooks will finish 230 down thas shouldn’t be coming to that T1 too much later than now eh no cuz he should have Martinez first of course G should have gained a minute on on Brooks yeah but it’s first Martinez right oh yes yes yes so Martinez neither he’s a solid time trist on paper Martinez so I don’t think it will take three minutes I like Martinez a little bit more in a a 15minute hilly TT yeah uh um but but at this point there’re 15 minutes on the road the road surface is is terrible is that bouncing so much now maybe this is just cuz they’re in town and they’re showing that they have the intermediates in town and in the main roads it’s not a big problem but I you see from the hel shot how much he was bouncing seeing pogy again does pogy’s position look the same as before looks comfortable to be honest yeah he looks pretty solid looks like is putting out shitload of power this was an area I think earlier where GNA was struggling with a bit of wind on his side so oh really that’s also possibly why they’re moving a little bit on that road yeah I think the wind might have improved a bit boogy every now and then is ducking he’s ducking his head down underneath his hands maybe he’s just looking at his head unit trying to get as Arrow of position as possible maybe is that how to look at your head unit Luke yeah got Arrow okay yeah I test POG looks pretty good yeah but it’s hard to know very to see how fast he’s going though like on lucari last year G just didn’t look G didn’t look that good he had the the sweat stains all over his shorts and he he didn’t look that good um but on the flat it’s hard to tell I do like the closeup of all the equipment during the TT I’d like to see a bit more of Thomas though yeah seeing Martinez T1 it’s not that good a time no so actually I would say for him that’s a bad time similar to Keon actually he’s 20 he’s 17 seconds quicker than Keon which uh you’d hope he would probably be hoping for 35 I think a if I had to guess I would have thought he would be a minute down on ganner at T1 not not one nearly 130 down again maybe it’s just ganner and the inos guys time Benji is incredible like all Tiber Martinez okona they’re all 1 minute to 130 yeah but I’d expect the difference between Martinez and the Fortunato boys and so forth to be bigger yeah yeah exactly 17 to Keon and uh into the darkness of the tunnel and coming back up lenko at D2 that’s not good by lenko going to be a worse time than than Z remember lenko won that up and down CR dot in 2021 very specific rud though yeah that was technical he like Punchy Hills all the time but still like he’s also not 60 kilos like fortunado Yan hit Kean and and Hume a gust of wind a strong gust of wind fall him over knock him off a ship whereas lenko is a little you know maybe around 68 70 I don’t know gz gz back on his Cadence brother look at him he’s back changing gears is for loses with mundane lives just grind it out realistically it’s also not not likely that thas is going to straight up beat G on the flat either it’s more on the climb that he’s going to take that Advantage so he’s shifting a lot I think pogy looked a lot more stable on his saddle and maybe that that is G’s just his sty but he seem to be shifting a lot like B does I think he looks pretty good yeah yeah we we’ll find out the moment of truth is the T1 in your of course generally speaking a negative split like ganner’s Gap really widened uh as the the disproportionately as the race progress here we’re about to see yeah but they they’ve started that clock earlier yes but oh that’s that’s a serious time loss towards G which is no serious serious time loss towards to everybody Max vsh this is not a good time trial only and also going to need Ironman for GC man they will I’m not that it’s one one time check I can’t say that yet man what at T1 he’s behind pla yeah it’s not a good time at T1 that’s for sure that’s 52 seconds down on G extremely curious if if PO is going to arrive within three minutes like on paper he should be able to do it unless the wind condition change so significantly in the first ever since GNA wrote that we’re judging these St trial results of all these Riders right now differently than how gun edited but it it didn’t seem like it I don’t know I would say G looks bad the way he’s shifting on the saddle I mean he can bring it back and I’m sure they’re going to wow that is not good Alex bodan is I mean to be to be fair to bodan like do you think in November yeah well first of all wasn’t it like in November wasn’t he like provisionally suspended by the team yes so or not maybe that month speically but like do you think in November they were sending him to the wind tunnel to do testing no no so the fact that bow down was even this close in GC is a huge step up and it’s no surprise that he he hasn’t done the time on the TT bike yet to be honest they’re riding with a helmet with separate glasses like yeah like stuff like that makes a difference eh versus a helmet with visor onto it there’s a reason why to really well that’s why PL didn’t have it I guess because it’s not faster we knew how if I knew how many k was left to the intermediate then I could tell you whether pogy’s going well or not but they what was what was Ghana’s intermediate Ghana’s intermediate was 2115 so pogy’s got 30 seconds to get there and intermediate one was it how many K’s in 16.8 maybe arensman just did 18.6 maybe arensman chef and Ghana just did unbelievable TTS maybe the wind conditions is not is has gotten worse yeah uh I don’t know the G there’s no way the G time is that good or Bo is now passing the time of Gana though yeah but I don’t know where the intermediate is coming if he’s only 30 seconds behind gner he’s already put 30 into G and then he’s going to whack the hill I think it’s going to be a similar time to Sheffield Aron mid to G Jesus is elect Brook winning the G bro get out of here that’s no he’s quicker than G it’s going to be really close no no no he’s quicker I think it’s 5 to 10 seconds what was G one minute G is come on show me G at 2207 so he’s got seven seconds to arrive there okay so it’s eight seconds versus Thomas 8 seconds quicker yeah slower than shackman that being said I think he’s trying to make sure he doesn’t blow up on the hill I think if you look look with Thomas as well probably probably but but still Thomas is a bit heavier he he should be like the flat is where he should be the better you know and if you think back and that’s why when the the time you knew RIT would win the lucari TT was not even on the climb it’s when you saw them within 2 seconds of each other at the base at the intermediate you were like well if Thomas hasn’t gained time on the flat and Ro is going to smoke him on the up at the moment I feel it’s likely that Gana might win this DT yeah yeah g should win also because it’s 1.2 km Steep and then it’s gradual which also fits gner the Steep section obviously not as much compared to Pacho and and Thomas maybe pogy like on Dom C he was kind of creeping maybe he wants to really go super hard on the Hill section where he has the advantage and he’s just holding it close I don’t know um but if I was yeah I would have expected pogy and G to be well over a minute up on o Brooks at uh T1 yeah yeah we’re seeing Conor’s TT finish now into the last 300 met or so he’s going to be under 2 minutes behind Gana so maybe not his his best ever TT but also I think not as consequential as he might have expected before he’s just keeping himself in the game it’s just there or thereabouts I don’t know where Tober finished on but um he’s going to finish under 2 minutes uh in the top 10 for now and uh de had a time of 5305 yeah so he’s 4 seconds quicker than no no no no no no no oh right 535 was tberry Al aon’s 40 45 seconds 46 seconds slower than Tober yeah so tberry actually said a good time not as good as Sheffield and Aronson but a good time pompe is really losing a lot of time didn’t F pull the pin at this point I’m trying to take a look at at the finish and see how much time all these Riders gained um from t22 finish I want to see the time for2 to finish come on come on bug did that the fastest so Conor did the hills the fastest so yeah it’s flat where he’s lost everything shackman was just consistently good so that’s 29 seconds on on Gana so POG and Thomas will gain let’s say 45 plus seconds but not a minute and a half or something so Gana wins this DT yeah I agree arensman was actually cruising and the ey test was correct he was visibly not so good on the uphill section but he crushed the flatter section and that’s where he lost uh provisional P2 from shef field uh because yeah Chef did the the actual climb much quicker and Pac it really really well uh who’s past it has anyone like had a full blow up full blow up on the we got want to go to the bottom Michelle re did yeah but they’re not trying yeah what was G’s Pace where was ganner on the climb oh 29 seconds down on B yeah so gner only went like 4 seconds slower than arensman on the climb him himself I mean the whole thing the whole 13 minutes is not a climb like he would have gone maybe 15 20 seconds slower than those guys on the actual 1.3k 10% Hill yeah uh so Ghana Vindicated Benji oh for sure for sitting up yesterday and also like we saw him climb well in stage one so I lowy didn’t expect him to to be terrible either today you you kind of spoke me into into the rise of the climbers today but it looks like G’s going to beat them all I don’t know if the wind changed but at the moment it looks like pogacha is at the moment gaining time on Thomas on the flat which which to me also was interesting because then on the climb itself I’m expecting pogacha to go and Thomas yeah where do you expect POG to finish in this TT if I take a look at the finish results right now I think he’ll finish four you think he’ll finish four yeah I think he’ll finish it’s not like arensman blew up arensman then went quick from T1 to T2 he was second quickest and then Chef was also moving there like there’s only so much you can take on that Hill like the other guys aren’t doing 200 was themselves on that Hill I reckon he’ll be on the podium yeah very interesting TT cuz like you’re used to if you remember the t t France Laval TT in 20121 the stage five one where he beat Kon everyone he wasn’t the favorite for that TT and then T1 everyone was like whoa what the [ __ ] he’s crushed it um o Brooks has coming up to his T2 I actually think the longer TT suits OT Brooks than a well no in ter because he proportionately lost more time in terreno on theive the chat is demanding a public apology segment for philipo no stage wins get forgetting about next week jerseys fly forever also he could have won from the break yesterday and that’s still a stage win or the other day you know like but yeah I apologize I said actually I need to see if the wind changed if I’m going to go full cope if I see that there was a 1 km an hour difference wind change I be like n scripted it Italian seed clouding ICS seed clouded and and and made sure G one or I’ll do I’ll do the cope about the cars I’ll say the cars gifted which is semi cope semi- true but yeah he’s oh Hume settle down brother let let’s let’s hold the bars before we get out of the saddle so hamp’s in this must be steep here he’s in the small chain ring pretty high up the cassette he’s on the on the last portion of the mut looks steep yeah this is the mut this is a 10% segment this looks like more like 14% yeah it’s probably under lating a little bit in between okay I will have to apologize want 0% t-shirt was a 0% cuz you always said 0% chance yesterday I think 0% chance gner would win well you see numbers they [Laughter] change I don’t know man he got beaten by uzo in a [ __ ] flat TT of 10 in what’s he he who’s going past whoo seemingly passen is trying to pass Chavez but Chavez is like not letting you pass um the T fought back but yeah it’s not great 4 m still to go so it’s going to be two minutes plus two minutes yeah 215 215 yeah maybe there a few Fair few Corners which he’s not taken that well I probably exaggerated it with 215 though but where’s chavito chavito then must be on he must be on five minutes I don’t no there three minute gaps between is chavito in the top 10 so maybe he’s only on 3 minutes only hope it tells us who did anyone of those did like K and try to Nuke The Climb to get the Malad zero points not that I’m aware of so lenko 206 not terrible not great just yeah fine slower than a Conor I think a minute behind tberry 50 seconds no more minute 10 B the chat says numbers get forgotten percent Chances Are Forever yeah he hasn’t won it yet we haven’t seen K’s T2 that is fil I seeing Anor Rubio’s T2 now and yeah it’s not a pretty side he is actually slow than Lopez and pigi who you know who what isn’t in GC can’t DT and is on he’s relatively in GC that’s 20 I think is he yeah he on the brakes p p lomard p and pelari good Riders sign Ona proy manager four years ago it ain’t 6K to the Finish why is it saying that for pogy do they mean 6.3k to T2 no it’s wrong right why is it showing that he’s there he ain’t there he ain’t on the climb which is with 6.3 6.4 case to go he looks like he’s shortcut he’s over six I think it’s just wrong graphic he’s over sixks to the even T2 there a wrong graph well now now with that Ghana Victory do we have an asterisk you see the timing I mean if I said it’s 0% chance it before how is it possible be a could have won [Music] there must be a bit of wind he probably just corrected there or maybe he was looking down too much and it’s a slight curve and he just straightened up a bit there there’s some wind this in this area see the grass is being pushed so from his right shoulder but then if there was wind he should go going next to the road furniture on the right hand side yeah that get some shelter uh Chavez was 133 at the first time check losing 3 minutes 06 at first time check oer Brook’s 2 minutes 40 down at T2 so he’s going to be losing probably 3 minutes at the Finish to ganner I would say because he’s still going to at least maybe 3:30 but then it might only be like 230 to the G’s and pogies of this world because they’re they’re not taking a huge amount of time I really want to see Danny Martinez T2 actually Chavez had a Hower he was like four and a half minutes behind that T2 4 and a half minutes Jesus three and a half four and a half minutes in between there what is this hill this is a hill this is something that a Pacha should be able to manage without much trouble this hill to be honest yeah probably won change gear one once up the cassette and whack over it that’s this hill on the parkour the little bump in the road you know was it a joke that they set up a bike change zone or not they set up a bike CH who the [ __ ] would change bike I don’t know I mean maybe you got to be you never know this is a very bad view of that Keon helmet I won’t lie it looks silly it looks like uh really looks star warsy there got a wide one so he’s on the climb now yeah yes yeah yeah he started okay did we see a second time yeah yeah yeah 240 250 or something Martinez should pause there pretty soon eh yeah very soon I mean even should fact that he hasn’t already yeah yeah he because Keon was slow so one how heavy that helmet is what do you think of all the helmets by the way I like the tech stuff I like the team’s trying to something different but the look of it sorry it’s fashion police oh it actually looks better on than than off off the the bike it looks yeah no I’ll be honest I wish they would be behind him so you could see where I think it looks bad initially I was like me but the more I see it the worse it looks it’s just huge it’s just so big it’s gigantic yeah it’s so big Martinez over 2 minutes down at T2 only 5 Seconds quicker than filipo Zana at T2 which this a fourth on by that’s a so what’s that 50 up on o Brooks 40 up on o Brooks we’re thinking Podium battle uh 41 yes roughly 39 and now you got the clim is how much is he invested now maybe Martinez he also is super good on these sort of four minute efforts five minute efforts uh so I wouldn’t be surprised if he monsters this climb but he is he is 30 seconds 40 seconds slower at that T2 than I expected yeah for sure like it’s still a solid gap on a Brooks and so FL for the podium but you would expect Martinez to do a better TT but then again it’s not deadly for him it’s not like he’s no but even against but against Conor or tberry it’s like and who knows maybe he’s negative splitting a tiny bit to make sure that he he looks goes harder on the climb he looks solid on the climb he looks like he’s moving pretty well de his portion is at this moment so yeah he looks good but I will say if I would like to see G where if he was like 2 minutes behind he should be there soon thas than the broadcaster re listen they’re listening to just switched you got that characteristic slower Cadence uh we’re seeing now into the intermediate time check 2 bear in mind they’re starting this graphic uh much earlier for G and pagat than the others who they cut to about 20 seconds before they cross T2 so G is still going to be well behind yeah arensman and Sheffield at T2 which but enough to be able to get closer to like of Sheffield on the clim I think I mean are we sure he’s going to go quicker than Sheffield on the climb yeah I you better hope so if he wants to win the J Chef did a pretty good time on the climb and Gary Thomas is supposed to be their GC leader if he doesn’t climb faster than Sheffield then it ain’t looking very good my friend but why would he what do you mean well he’s slower than him on the flat by a shitload and he’s supposed to be the elite T time trial so a flat DT I have Sheffield over Thomas slow than pla to T2 slow than V that’s a disappointing flat DT but I expect a better climb than Sheffield bloody hop so I yeah maybe the wind changed but he’s what he’s a just a bit up on on uh Martinez not that much up on Martinez or is it more no s he is he’s like 35 seconds up on Martinez at at T2 which to be honest you know he is still putting a fair bited daylight in from between himself and third on GC 35 seconds isn’t nothing what is Gana doing was plappy plappy joining one the hot seat is that legal Australian and Italian relations are pretty good to be honest we’re seeing ju finish now 100 met to go for terrified come on F be okay come on did he have did he have a visor before I don’t know but down on G which means he’ll probably be losing a minute to the bad ters like out Brooks and and others and then three minutes to the good TT is like I don’t remember what did we see we probably didn’t see a fortune AO finish so yeah Le he still has to he still has to I think we’re about to see pogy’s T2 in maybe a minute and a half a minute uh I think he forato still has to finish oh really yeah okay so we’ll see the difference between Ju for and Rubio that’s my that’s my vibe when it comes to those F’s opened up the Gap massively on uh on G yeah he’s crushing G really so for the people that don’t hear that FR zport said ok Conor had a chain in the first part wonder if the chat might have to eat there eat some Humble Pie what are you talking about let’s see how close he gets towards the other Podium competitors for the TT though like Iron’s one like Sheffield how much see where he can on the CL he was up by 8 seconds at T1 and he’s really extended that Gap there he is a T1 now so he’s probably put another 15 seconds into G it looks like he finished on 127 at D2 okay so he’s going to be 45 no 40 35 seconds 30 seconds up on G at the same time arensman and remember remember 40 40 seconds and remember Ironman slow slowed down on the climb I wouldn’t expect pogy to slow down on this climb uh aons was poy can win this TT 47 seconds on Gana 29 seconds B wins this TT over 30 over 13 minutes he’s taking a drink now he’s going to J shout 0% chance come on it’s your time to revive Got to Believe he’s the only one that’s gotten out saddle in this in this section I think he wins this DT boy yeah 29 seconds with Gana took on B on the climb are we not expecting poy to go 18 seconds faster than b yeah probably but you got to say it 0% chance that Gana wins come on double cope of course 0% chance he’s just warming up the hot seat for poy forun out a 320 down it could be worse actually not that bad that’s a really good DT by poy P be honest yeah what do you mean this is what he should be doing he should win the TT yeah but the flat part compared if he didn’t win I would there’s something wrong there is there’s a [ __ ] climb in it I got to be honest I think he looks really good in B I think he looks good in think he’s looks like he’s going pretty quick 6ks left yeah but who knows maybe boach maybe Bach did a really big negative split because he knew there was no point pushing too hard on the flight with his setup was there a whole story about the U setup being a bit heavier last year the bike is heavier so no that’s why I won’t say Z I won’t double down because the UAE bike is heavier I’m not sure pogy climbs the best on the TT bike to be honest um so yeah just the way he got out of the saddle compared to the other guys I don’t know virtual General classification at the moment at D2 which isn’t doesn’t matter much at T2 cuz a lot ofers has pla has moved up 11 spots but the others have to do the climb still which plap wasn’t greater cuz he was worse than Gana who El do the CL um Martinez but they’re already ahead of him fair are to Brooks yeah minute back yeah he probably ain’t taking a minute 23 back Al Brook’s got two k left and he’s on 51 minutes M mind it’s not a minute it’s it’s it’s 21 seconds he needs Keon to get back to PL I think Keon will overtake PL again virtually by the end of the time oh okay so I was looking I was also looking at the D2 time instead of the GC I know I don’t know he should Martinez is quite a bit up on him a really disappointing TT to be honest I hope the climb is better for the sake of the R I hope this climb is is good I don’t see why it would be honestly hopefully it is anyway it doesn’t matter just [ __ ] Pace tomorrow or send Ironman in the break and see what UA can do maybe this helps anyos Benji maybe they realize where’s Ironman moved up he must be near the top 10 now 14 still Which is shockingly far [ __ ] worse than you expected huh but his climb was a maybe better but he’s close now it’s enough to be able to play with it he lost so much time yeah he lost a lot of time like the only way I see anyos winning this jro possibly is is to have two guys in GC cuz cuz POG is doing as expected he’s he’s winning in the TTS and he’s going to win in the Bony Sprints then where’s G going to take the time yeah so so you have to then add some sort of third element of chaos and and right now they haven’t really done that yeah well I the only way I see is to use irman in GC because yeah like G is going to be what what’s the time Gap now Benji one at T2 12 six behind boy and that could be that could be one that will expand by the end of the to 150 by the end of this TT and then in the flat TT in stage 14 I would expect pogy also to do well there Rubio 4 minutes and 3 seconds down so he’s losing maybe some GC or not maybe he is losing GC positions as well I say we’re seeing o oh Danny Martinez here through the crowds he’ll be about 2ks to go I think after this corner oh yeah 1.9 case to go he looks like he’s about 40 seconds up 45 seconds up running comfortably I think o Brooks has taken some time back on him if I remember o Brooks was at 51 at 2 case to go and Martinez was at 502 at 2 case to go 5015 so Brooks I think it’s taken a little bit of time back but he needs to get in those extensions uh maybe he just climb I guess it’s still uphill 151 loss to gner that means he’s going to lose so ook should lose about 230 in the T T I think coming around uh 400 m to go 300 M to go back into the extensions as it levels off so he’ll be losing about 230 I think 245 to pogy I reckon also you’re calling pogy is definitely winning POG has winner very confident I could be wrong like it’s more fun to give a call and be wrong than it is to stay at the sideline and not not be in it this is such rough terrain service at the o Brooks finishing he’ll be about 235 down on P Gana which means he’s about 2 minutes down on the likes of Sheffield and arensman as kind of gaining time on the Rubio for LZ five is I thought he was going to lose three minutes plus me as well so 238 33 or something and also to G he might only be losing a minute 30 to G yeah which or Martinez um only a minute 30 celebration it’s still a lot he lost a minute yeah it’s still bad that’s not that’s not great he lost a minute in the Tano TT a minute 10 10 case so yeah but when you can take three minutes on uh linho what is a minute2 to finish we have Keon taking the eighth spot which was 1313 and compared to Ghana it’s only 5 Seconds faster than Gana on the climb yeah but it’s not a that’s not the climb though yeah it is no the last 4K is not a clim oh okay you know what I mean yeah the slower portion we’re seeing G now in coming up 2.2 case to go I’m not sure he’s going to be that far away from Martinez time Martinez at 1.8 case to go was oh my God what a what a plat and gner doing up to all sorts of hinks just keeping going of company uh I think G is losing time there two km to go right Point yeah he just passed under two kilm to go I think he’s only I think he’s only like 15 20 ahead of Martinez now we’re very zoomed in so it’s very difficult to have like a view of how fast he’s going he looks [ __ ] cuz he goes out the saddle three pedal strikes has a Sit again Martinez looks like he’s finishing pretty well yeah and he is okay solid I would say good 130 to Gana 132 pretty one of the faster climbing performances I reckon pretty good I try and figure it out by refreshing this [ __ ] page for 17 times Martinez fastest time on the climb three seconds faster than o Conor yeah so pachar should be able to do faster than that to so I think depending on how fast he does it compare to Martinez it’s going to be really close though which is great A PLA and Gana trying to do the maths that we’re doing okay oie at two Cas to go is crushing it he’s like well yeah he looks good like 50 seconds ahead of G he’s flying my friend fog’s already gained time on G yeah um up to this last bit but yeah this bit kicks up again and then it’s flatter at the end technical section again his time was what 5105 oh get it for you 5201 5201 only 56 seconds off bogy is moving yeah I think G’s I think G’s [ __ ] himself I think he’s worri slow down he’s tell to slow down so pogy’s got 3 minutes and 4 seconds to play with over 1 K Po’s winning easily 0% chance told you say louder because I won’t pick it up 0% chance we got we got a list Luke of all the people who mocked me in the chat well I want them to write their apologies now write your apologies to me z% yeah you best not miss when you come with the King you wait till till the TT is [Laughter] over W if he doesn’t win now I’m [ __ ] if he has he has drops his chain in the bad road service or something should have gone the break yesterday someone going to lose more than a minute to Boy geez [ __ ] crawling man that’s a bad T yeah Bo worse than Tiber wor than PL I think that’s Jesus Christ I did not see that bad of a TT coming to be honest I kind of did when on on Europa he wasn’t like he was good but also he couldn’t even pull with G2 so it’s like no offense to the guys but he couldn’t pull with Lorenzo fortunada you know like I was like oh that’s not maybe the level you need to be at uh he’s going to ship 130 to Gana so he’s losing 90 seconds plus to to pogy and he’s going to be finishing actually behind Danny Martinez so Martinez monstered that Hill G actually I think not the best uh Hill and he actually finishes just behind Mikel B in provisional ninth only 7 Seconds ahead of okona so now that okona time for the podium battle okona and da kathin got to be happy yep they got to be like we’re close to Keon too yeah I mean by virtue I mean Keon didn’t as Luke said let’s not sugar C he didn’t do he’s not a good time trials he didn’t do a good TT but um Keon Keon’s competitors for the podium didn’t perform that well so he’s closer and pogy’s coming in I don’t know how many meters to go but he’s got 50 seconds to play with with 300 met to go so he’s going to win this TT easily a lot uh by probably 10 seconds or so it’s a lot uh that is a lot yeah very comfortable and so he paced it perfectly he didn’t go too hard at the T1 he did the negative split Ghana’s got the the rally backward reverse cap and I think he knows what’s coming yeah is that pogy yeah he knows pogy is gonna win this TT and uh take his biggest gap on a stage to date in the juror Italia and pretty much yeah have GC in the palm of his hand celebrate being able to celebrate over the line 17 seconds big celebration in the Malia Rosa grinta and the only man to go under 52 minutes on this 40.6 km course inios lock out 23 before but that doesn’t one of them but yeah it doesn’t feature Gant Thomas and U when it comes to the climb pachar is by far the fastest by that is 34 seconds no 32 seconds faster than Martinez yeah he monstered it and Thomas was holy [ __ ] poni climbed faster than Himel climbed faster than him yeah so Thomas actually had a complete shocker because he but that’s the thing cuz UA’s flat setup is really fast and then when you saw poy is not that quick on the flat it’s like he must be holding back a bit and that’s exactly what he did anyway thanks for watching the TT watch long make sure you Rite all your apologies to me you recap surely ciao


    1. This Giro us becoming sooo much better than I expected. The race itself, your watchalongs and the pods are a perfect synergy

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