The Status Quo: First Amendment Religious Protections and Law as a for Profit Industry.

    Do attorneys like Brian Kent really want justice? Or is just about the money?

    hello and welcome to the Scientology money project on YouTube with your host Jeffrey Austine glad to have you here today on Sunday May 5 20 4 and it is what time is it 6:30 here in Los Angeles so let’s turn off the music and uh glad to have you here there’s a lot going on there is a lot going on I want to cover uh but let’s look at our comments oh hi Denise Denise is here we have John and uh is Clearwater Chad Clearwater J Chad who’s been Inspector General all over uh I hope you approve the of the show today uh clearw Chad and um uh yes in the answer the question posted on the topics yes it’s always about the money it’s going to be a lot about the money today uh but there’s cont there’s contacts I want to go over today hello Joe welcome to the show One Love 51,000 welcome to the show hi Wayne always good to see you here uh I try to look dapper today today we have on I don’t I was going to wear the tuxedo today but I thought you know a nice smoking jacket would be better um over and out oh I like that picture of Ron thank you for exposing Scientology the criminal well thank you um yeah I like that Elon hbert and the cowboy hat director I was I wise Mama Adam always good to see you here sptv never ends hey howdy from uh Jacksonville well hello to you in Jacksonville I’m going to start today with uh something archetypal and um old world old school but it fits so I just want to have like thematically open it because there’s a lot of karma going on and I thought it was important to uh speak to Karma and I want to do it symbolically with something archetypal old world and and quite beautiful and I’m going to open with the uh a tarot card and this is the Justice card and this is uh from a uh from a website I didn’t write this I think it’s astrom Magics with an X MH iix the Justice card symbolizes truth karmic Justice and law in life and um I repeated that the sword represents impartiality the truth will become known and how true it is this is a double-edged sword and so many things in life are double-edged swords but the sword in in the tarot is the truth will become known that’ll that means the sword will part the lies from the truth the appearance of this card implies that You Should Be watchful of your actions because everything has an effect or a reaction your past is connected to your present so remember it will eventually come back to you whatever you do if you want positivity in life you have to spread positivity around you you are accountable for all of your actions life is fair for everyone only you have to decide what you want in your life a fair and honest life or a life full of deceits or masked realities so there have been Mass realities receipts all kinds of things going on in the community and I think this card I had a lot to choose from but this is a particularly beautiful card of a priestess and of ancient Egypt and of the sword um separating the truth the truth from the lies the the honesty from the false deceits and the Mast realities so this is what I wanted to open with and Wayne’s World adds the truth is a three-edged sword yeah you could you could say it that way there’s a lot even but I like the idea of of a sword and this image goes to something else now we’re going to move to something completely different the first Amendment to the United United States Constitution because a lot of what I’m going to do tonight centers around First Amendment both and and the first amendment is a two-edged sword it’s good and evil it protects us and yet it harms us and I’m going to explain that it it can harm a lot of people but this is just a reminder for civics 101 in the US people outside the US will help you understand why the US is the way it is I hope it helps because not everyone understands why America is the way it is I don’t claim to completely understand I know it’s a lot about bs lies money power manipulation um so Congress is the first amendment basically reads Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press or the right uh of the people peaceably to assemble and to petition the government for a redress grievances so the three things we’re going to talk about is religion religious abuse uh freedom of speech freedom of the press and that means freedom of the internet freedom to talk about things and the right to peaceably assemble to petition and certainly in the past week there have been widespread College protests unlike anything seen since the late 1960s during the Vietnam era so in when we consider Scientology second gen third gen never ends whatever the the first thing we talk about in America you have the right to practice any religion you want you have the right to withdraw from a religion because consent belongs to the believer you have the right to not believe in any religion and to reject all religions so in America unlike say the Iranian Iran which is a a uh Theocratic dictatorship uh and a nightmarish one say like Iran where you can only believe one thing and you could possibly be executed um and there’s even factions within within Iran but I’m just saying in the United States the government cannot interfere in religion and what that’s in my opinion and these are just my opinion my platform my channel um I look at at the monotheistic religions Judaism Christianity Islam and and all their variance because there’s thousands of variations just there’s probably there’s well over a thousand different Christian churches in America and they have some have subtle differences some have big differences some are independent different interpretations of the Bible um so you have the right to believe in any of them to not believe in any of them to join any of them but the government can’t interfere this is a bad thing in some ways and I brought up the example before of children’s in in Jehovah’s Witnesses their parents can refuse to get them life saving blood transfusions because the Jehovah’s Witnesses don’t believe in blood transfusions and that’s horrific 38 states in the United States give parents immunity from uh homicide charges you could literally kill your own child in the name of God by uh refusing to have your child get a life-saving blood transfusion because you’re Rel police and in 38 states in America you will not be charged with murder and that’s just wrong in my opinion that’s just wrong and yet the government is not not allowed to interfere and it goes on a state-by-state basis so for people outside of America we have federal law which is governs the entire country then we have state law so in the 50 states and territories of the US the laws can differ from state to state and it gets confusing but generally with religious issues it’s federal law but not always because because some states will criminally charge so you have to look at each specific case and we’re going to talk about scientology and but I just want to put the first amendment in place we have the right to say whatever we want to say that’s freedom of speech we have the right to protest we have the right to freedom of press and that includes the internet YouTube so there’s a lot of things a lot of freedoms and then there’s a lot of ways to game the system especially if you have lobbyists with money um yeah Wayne’s World at least that’s a major influence I always wonder why us culture was so bloody weird and familiar all at once well us culture is uh you know our popular culture has copied the world over people want to come and live in America I know a lot of people who a lot of Brits who left because they can make so much more money here than they can in uh London or UK and that was true up through the 70s and 80s a lot of people came over a lot because you can have money you know you can make a lot more money here and but a lot of people don’t understand it and when it comes to Scientology when I talk to journalists um who live outside the United States they don’t understand how the how these three big religions can have their own subjective I call them subjective kingdoms because in Christianity it’s a subjective Kingdom it’s a theocracy and the Christian evangelicals in America want to take America back for God as if it belonged to God in the first place or or or you know so there’s Christian dominionists and they get into you know it goes into white identity and Christianity so these are these These are contextual problems into which Scientology fits um um yeah that’s that’s SJ that’s your opinion and what you need to do is get on YouTube and argue it get on YouTube and argue it a comment on a Blog doesn’t mean anything I I respect your right to have an opinion but go make a video make your case why because you’re held of the standard you need to present evidence for your argument so you’re free to have your opinion um Brian Ken’s already been ousted from Child USA you would have to prove that child USA is corruption so that’s your opinion and we’re going to talk about it and get on YouTube and make a video you know I’m so pleased that’s America that’s why I open with the First Amendment I’m not going to block you from the channel I don’t agree with your opinion entirely and Brian Ken’s already been out so you’re misinformed there so thanks for being here you know I welcome your opinion um and like I said uh one thing Aon did right to say that we should have more sptv channels and I agree and for SJ who has a strongly held opinion make a video make your case that’s the that’s the power of your freedom of speech is you have your voice in your platform and you can make that case because we all uh we all have our own opinions and that’s why why it’s so nice to have sptv or YouTube whatever platform you want I have my blog people don’t agree with me uh and you’re going to get criticized if you go out and that just goes with the territory and I have a DOA story I I understand uh DOA was just arrested today for uh uh my mod Sean told me that he was arrested freezing a bullhorn and that was interfering with a religious service over at the celebrity center they posted a sign saying that there’s religious services from 10:00 in the morning to 10: at night they switch every two hours so they’re trying to argue that celebrity center has 12 hour a day continuous religious Services therefore you may never use a bullhorn so Scientology is trying to use the law because you can’t interfere with a religious service in America and I agree with that in general except when it comes abusive like Scientology trying to say they’re going to run Non-Stop religious Services every minute of the day the door is open so there’s a lot of fraud in it um uh one love the the many religions should be hurting each other uh yeah so let’s get back into the slides now I made this chart and like you know I’m complicated but this is this is easy to break down it’s just four lines and now and this is what I want to cover and this is a chart I’m going to develop over time on my blog blog and in YouTube videos and this is how this is how I’m laying out laying out what I’m seeing and um uh so there’s First Amendment religious protections okay now as I’ve seen it and I’ve grown up in America I’ve been in religion my entire life and in spirituality my entire life for good and bad so if we start with this second column in blue to the left innerfaith groups and this is what Scientology has done and all every other group uh you all hang together or you hang separately there are Interfaith groups and they act as Mutual protection associations so Scientology the Mormons the southern Baptists the Catholics they all disagree with each other doctrinally but they all back Channel with their attorneys have these Interfaith groups I call them religious mafias and they scheme among other things to cover up crimes they like scientology’s Infamous use of secular contract law to force people into binding arbitration so these groups are venal the ca some some Catholic dases want to file for bankruptcy so they don’t have to pay judgments to the victims that the the priests got so a couple components I see in Scientology is Infamous for getting into Interfaith groups and trying to say religions have rights no uh it’s that’s not the point religions of course have rights it’s in the Constitution but they don’t have the right to cover up abuses they don’t have the right to engage an essay and covered up they don’t have the right to financially exploit their members they don’t have the right for example in LDS church the Mormons they want young people to have eight 10 12 kids so those are future tithers of 10% future missionaries I mean if you look at the system and the logic so Interfaith groups means that religions hang together for common interests some of which are perfectly legitimate but a lot of it is how can we use American law to get even further protections how can we get out of accountability how can we how can we use uh the First Amendment to say you can’t get a hold of parishioner folders or you can’t get a hold of anything the Catholic Church fought for 20 years in here in La uh before it turned over to the authorities files and they had to be subpoenaed so the second thing is the intractable reality of religious sexual abuse and insatiable greed as long as religion has been around it’s had essay and it’s had greed and that’s a component of it not all religion is that way I’m not universalizing it I’m saying these are the things that are reported and then you also have Interfaith groups in America especially as political power blocks this is why politicians in the US Pander and cater to religious voting blocks because they can donate so many so much money and deliver so many votes this is why abortion in America overturning roie Wade uh was such a big item on the religious right so you can see how formidable religion is in American Life and even though we appear to be secular never underestimate the power of religion in America it’s bigger and more powerful than secular people think and they underestimate it at their Peril a couple of examples I want to show you um I’m going to show the uh something that the um US Government created at the behest of religious groups we’re going to share this screen and it’s going to be uh okay there’s actually there’s actually a uh US Department uh US state department and this is this is an example of religious power and and we’re getting somewhere with Scientology the US state department has the office of international religious freedom and what they do is they will go all over uh they’ll cover religion in the US but mostly overseas outside the US and they file complaints about persecution of religion but it goes beyond that this just shows that religions and and and and the Theocratic uh certainly Christianity and Islam want to rule the world so they want to extend they want to use us political power to assert themselves in other Nations where they run into opposition the textbook case uh of this was Scientology using the US state department to and actually John travol and Tom Cruz got involved to their shame uh to complain about the treatment of scientologists in Germany you know the United States and foreign policy the United States should have no right to tell the German government that it Des uh the practice of Scientology in Germany Germany should be free from us political pressure to say that we think that Scientology is a cult we think it’s dangerous in fact we think it’s worse than a cult we think it’s a threat to our government because it does have um it does have a thing Scientology wants to take over the world and that’s very clear that’s written that’s what hubard wrote so should the US give uh religious groups in America the right to influence us foreign policy I say no but because of the religious voting block and the money and power and votes it can bring they actually got into the state department they me they meaning religionists so the very same churches that have problems with sa and their leaders have been arrested criminally charged uh in many cases or they’re putting onerous Financial demands on their members like if you have eight kids and you’re in your you’re in your early 30s as a couple and you’re trying to feed eight kids in your LDS and the church wants it’s 10% for you to be good standing and be able to go in the temple that’s crushing pressure and the LDS wants those eight kids as future missionaries to disseminate and they want the protection of the United States uh State Department to exert pressure in other lands so it’s sort of like the religions want it always they don’t want to pay tax taxes even though they use the roads they use the schools universities Medical Systems everything that taxes pay for they want to use that infrastructure without paying for it so they’re dead beats that way I think um they also want the state department to influence governments Sovereign governments elsewhere so that they can get their way in foreign lands now the Constitution tells the government that it can’t interfere with religion religion should not be able to interfere in the US state department so these are questions of separation of church and state and again we’re I’m going somewhere with this but this is just contextual um yes uh Ben bacon bits a US senator added 11 USC 548 82 to the bankruptcy code allowing someone to uh someone some to donations of religious yeah uh you can donate up to to 15% before bankruptcy yeah that’s you know this is interesting the um the Fe the feshbach a formerly wealthy Scientology couple Matt feshbach and and Kathy uh they decare bankruptcy and they tried to discharge their their it was millions of dollars they had the IRS they tried to discharge it in bankruptcy court and the judge said uh no because you lived a lavish lifestyle you had the ability to pay and you were donating to your religion and the judge was saying that you need to pay your taxes before you uh donate lavish sums to your church religions are corporate Sovereign citizens yes and no that Sovereign citizen thing is really creeping into it um typo sorry okay that’s fine I we don’t I understood what you were saying um so I’m going to get back to this chart uh let’s just remove this screen and go back to this okay so the Top Line religions are self-serving in my opinion self-serving subjective kingdoms that went their own way and not only that but they want to control the government so religions I see as being dangerous especially the bigger they are they’re dangerous they’re subversive they’ve been behind subversive political movements after Waco and Ruby Ridge that gave rise to a lot of a lot of white nationalist identity Christian groups and that’s why the FBI watches them so it’s pretty turbulent World in Scientology in the mix wanting to they actually want to sell their secular programs like narconon and uh their their drug treatment program their quack Cent you know they want government money and uh so you’ve got quite a toxic brew going but it’s very powerful Scientology enjoys the protection the big religious groups in America who have the lobbying power and clout and money that’s why Scientology needs to be part of these religious mafas that are called Interfaith groups that have lobbyist in Washington that can actually affect foreign policy and again my my one thing I want to get across to secular viewers is don’t underestimate the power of religious groups in the United States they are powerful they put Ronald Reagan into office they help put Donald Trump Trump into office and I’m not taking political positions if you support Trump that is your right if you don’t that is your right so I’m not getting political I’m just saying when you’re can be part of a group that can put a president into the White House that’s power that is real power to have now the second line we’re going to talk about capitalism in the legal profession today and so that’s the second line on the other side you see in green the media and capitalism the media figures into the Scientology story in the second third gen and everyone else the media we have free we have freedom of we have free speech in America and that’s traditionally been thought of as the media that’s changing but the media is really when you say that term it’s a vast expanse that goes from a genuinely good media exposing evil that happened in Watergate with Woodward and Bernstein exposing Richard Nixon and what he was trying to do what he broke the law so you’re GNA have really good exposure of evil or you can also have fake news disinformation and clickbait that’s why more and more people are going to YouTube and are going to the internet because they don’t trust traditional media sources media has to make money they’re capitalist they have editorial policies so they have bias and they have to make money and traditional media is breaking down because when you can go to the Internet for free like I’m doing today or anyone else uh can go to the me can go on YouTube you don’t need traditional media you can go straight to sources eyewitnesses and because of the things that happened in 2016 and uh the election there you saw disinformation fake news clickbait and so you can always trusted now the center the center things what I want to talk about today the moneti the monetization and exploitation of religious victims that’s been a lot of what the second and third gen Scientologist have experienced they’ve been monetized and exploited their stories have been used by law firms to make money and I’m going to argue there’s nothing wrong with that but there can be things wrong with it and their stories have been used by media to make money so the second Jens you know these are all the forces that are acting on it and that’s why they can go to YouTube that’s why they can go to the Internet they can also use the media they can use law firms but I wanted to put together a chart of the dynamic forces in the US so some you know vesa Paris they want to force vesa and I’ve interviewed her years ago very courageous very courageous woman that Jane Doe’s they need the media to tell their story they need attorneys but they don’t want to be exploited by either and so all these forces act upon them so you do have Aon Smith L telling their story he has you know he he has a particular group with which he identifies his group and and so he’ll tell their stories and you know so this is part of the Free Speech debate and think have happened and we’re going to get into some of the things that have happened with um and I just wanted to uh give an example I didn’t know about bran Kent disgraced attorney bran Kent until uh rabbit leaked it and rabbit I’m glad you went on and talked about it and if you take some slings and arrows for reporting something you know you’re a big person you know that’s going to happen I know it’s going to happen but I’m glad you leaked it I didn’t know about Brian Kent when I when when you told about it what Brian Kent had done I was uh shocked and I think uh the Jane do are going to make more money uh suing him and his his former Law Firm then they may make off uh their lawsuits Brian can’t in my mind is a uh based on what I’ve seen a top level Predator who abused his position of trust I don’t know what criminal charges could be pressed against him not being a lawyer or prosecutor but if there is criminal charges he should be he should be charged what he did uh when you’re in a position of trust especially he he he said that he was a victim of sa and a lot of people trusted him and the violation of trust is so profound uh that that it’s SC what how when you trust someone and you’re you’re an essay Survivor in a religious setting you’re giving someone a lot of trust and they violate that trust that makes it that that’s horrific um so these are the forces these are the forces that go on in a capitalist Society where we have freedom of speech and religions have protections and there’s lawyers out to make money media out to make money since ationalism headlines we all know this I’m not telling you anything new I just put it on a a chart to look at all the forces that are at play so child USA made a statement that they learned of a complaint filed about Brian Kent and they used the past tense at the time Mr Kent was a member of child USA’s board of directors now of course Brian had to be exited from the board and uh um so what I did is I began to investigate uh Brian Kent immediately and I’m doing this as a blogger using my investigative skills and and I came across this abuse Guardian I thought what do abuse guardian and this says attorney Brant Kent Esquire investigating claims of sex abuse against Maru Taekwondo instructor uh y Jen Jong in Phoenix Arizona and there’s a phone number so what do we do as as Internet sleuths as investigators well the first thing we’re going to do is we’re going to look at the phone number okay so what’s the phone number about I’m going to share that on the screen like what is bran Ken up to let’s look at his Mo so we’re going to go see what that phone number is about because that’s first thing we do is we check phone numbers okay now uh let me just see if I can get rid of something here I went I don’t like that background of the desert I don’t know how that got in there just give me a minute okay hi okay there that’s better so so when we put in that phone number that Brian Kent is identified with what’s that phone number about abuse Guardians and if you go to that you’ll find uh the site is down so it’s a national Alliance of lawyers in other words these are for-profit lawyers who will take cases on contingency and look at that abuse Guardians abuse Guardians it’s basically it’s basically to get people been victims of abuse and it can be a lot of forms of abuse and then I want to see see legal representations for victims of sexual abuse in Canada so it looks like it’s a marketing tool to get clients who’ve been victims of abuse it looks like abuse Guardian uh and there’s uh cat Thomas was in there daycare abuse lawyer so if you’ve been abused by daycare by doctors victims robocall lawsuit blog is that phone number traces to like this is a marketing tool for lawyers called abuse guardian and it’s like an umbrella group but it is Market marketing I’m going to dig into uh Abus Guardian so these are just marketing and this is this Cuts both ways see this is why I opened with the sword the reason I open with the tarot card and the two edge sword the Justice card lawyers first of all let me say there’s good lawyers and there’s bad lawyers just like anything else like that Neil Glazer he’s an amazing lawyer have an enormous amount of respect for Neil I met Brian Kent once I can’t say I I just met him once in a courtroom with Marcy Hamilton at a hearing uh two three years ago and um I gave Brian my card I know a lot about scientology I could you know I said if you need help call me you never call me which just fine you know um he had a lot of success but um lawyers lawyers in America uh you get a four-year degree then you have to set for your lsats that’s that takes study let’s call it six months um then you go two years of law school then you set for your bar the bar exam the preps take at least six months and it’s brutal not everyone passes the bar uh for example John F Kennedy Jr I think he took his third attempt before he pass the bar in New York so lawyers have seven years of preparation to practice law and now I’m just giving a round number it could be more it could be less you can comment on it but they’re highly trained experts and um fat Grammy Hey fat Grammy how are you how are you um yeah like the yeah please do like like And subscribe that helps us that helps me help you you and you can help me and you can comment um so so lawyers take seven years which is a lot of work and they’re and this is a capitalist society and you got to support yourself and if you like law law is a noble profession to go into you can help a lot of people but you can also you know uh you get a point where if you get greedy and I’m going to show some stuff about Brian Kent is not particularly flattering um not particularly flattering and why he lost control maybe it’s part of the corruption of money and power all the accolades he was getting but he was making a lot of money but here’s the other thing if you’re if you leave the seaorg and you’ve been the victim of sa and you don’t have any money and the law firm is willing to take your case most law firms take a 35% contingency fee so you don’t have to put any money out of your pocket that’s how it works in the US if you sign a contingency the law firm usually wants 35% sometimes 40% um like personal injury they can go as high as 40% so if you win a million dollars they’re going to pocket 400,000 you haven’t had to put any money out of your system or I’m sorry out of your pocket so that’s kind of that’s how it works and it’s a good deal in that you can get a good lawyer but you’re going to pay a premium price they’re going to get 35 40% uh of that of your fee of whatever they collect but they’re going to have put all the money and time and expense out of pocket and they’re going to take some risk because there’s no guarantee they’re going to they’re going to win your case so Brian um okay like I said Brian appeared to be part of this thing called abuse guardian and it looks like uh it’s abuse guardian and it was like is marketing tool for lawyers to get hooked up with uh clients and make some money because part of you know not all lawyers know how to Market and uh you know so so this phone number LED right to abuse Guardians now when I went to Abus if you if you’re on a computer and you can let’s type in Abus and uh we’re going to see what that’s about what bran Kent was a part of Abus is okay so this is the website let me pull it up for you remove we’re going to look at Abus and this is going to go into the money and what some of the you know second gen may not be aware of and I’m just doing some more investigation make maybe taking uh King off of uh what Alex uh what rabbit has done so we have uh okay there’s abuse Guardian okay we’re going to share that so this is um well look at that wow I’m getting like a a Hall of Mirrors I should remove that that was strange anyway abuse Guardian I just want to show you what they’re going to do so if you’re a victim of uh of sa and you wanted to um oh I see what I did wrong I see what I did wrong I have to uh remove something from Stage Stop screen okay let’s go back up so I wanted to look at the marketing the market of how abused Guardian goes to work and H for some reason I can’t pull it up well abuse Guardian is oh here it is okay okay now this is marketing this is in the US this is how uh you can be exploited potenti potentially by your lawyer and now abuse Guardian is a clearing house and they cover sexual sex abuse lawsuits sex abuse sex trafficking child B station resources so you can get hooked up it says because we believe you so this is part of the capitalist system that can help fight religious essay and is this a win-win does this help uh people with no money get Justice sure it does it can one thing I wanted to mention is there was a particular case so you can see that abused Guardian uh if we go to this if we go to the website and we look for Brian Kent it looks like uh Brian Kent is beginning to be deplatformed de-indexed because there’s some things with which he was Associated if we look for uh attorneys in Philadelphia I don’t know that we’re going to find Brian Kent or at least I couldn’t so it looks like uh one thing that’s happening in the legal profession is that Brian Ken’s being deplatformed off these sites off these marketing sites and there’s like Southern Baptist convention uh Southern Baptist convention it looks like that site is down and that was part of Brian but Brian the fact that he was um he it’s almost like he was getting Google Alerts my guess is he was getting Google Alerts because he’s here he’s here in Phoenix Arizona against um a Taekwondo instructor and Brian was all over the place marketing and if you look at Brian he was extensively marketing and it’s almost like any case whether it was Southern Baptist LDS taekwon doe anything where there was abuse it looked like Brian Kent was out to get it he uh Brian Kent there was a case where he uh he won $52 million for his victims and that was called MMS it was a Christian group and $52 million so if you break it down uh he collected 52 million for about a 10000 victims I believe it was and that would be uh he would take 35% let’s call it so the firm his firm would have taken his former firm which would from which he’s been exited they would have taken $18 million and say they had3 million expenses and they clear 15 million uh one case uh that MMS case Brian Kent would have put about $5 million in his pocket so it look like um Brian Kent was making millions and millions of dollars a year and yeah this is uh this is the case I want to show you uh okay let’s just uh share this so Brian Kent had a real profit motive and he so he’s working off this case now I want to show you the amount of money that’s involved in this as a business and this so I want to ask you guys are the victims being exploited through law firms they’re obviously being helped but are they being exploited because if you have if the victims wind up with ,000 each and Brian Kent winds up with $5 million that’s is that profiting off victims and should Brian Kent be donating part of that $5 million to causes that are trying to stop Scientology arbitration stop religious abuse through contract law see like I think the lawyers who profit off victims need to donate some of that money to stop the churches to form the laws in America otherwise it’s a status quo that self- perpetuates the lawyer makes millions of dollars off victims who make a lot less money and they so do these lawyers like Brian Kent have an interest in perpetuating the status quo not reforming laws not fighting religious arbitration uh that churches can use to block you know essay cases so what do lawyers who profit from victims like second gens or this other case I’m going to show you what do they owe the victims shouldn’t they be using their skills to change the laws or is it a self-perpetuating cycle that’s why I really want to get into it you know so I’m going to show you something else that um surprised me quite a bit um I’m just going to show you how much Brian ATT made and again he went to school uh I’m not uh protesting it but what does he ow to the victims okay so this is this is a pretty famous case and you can Google it uh it’s really really really awful this is one of the worst uh so this was the 52 middle $52 million settlement reached an abuse case at Miracle Meadow School this you should read about how horrendous it is and it says um I mean this was to read the details of this a horrific it will really really drive you to tears and it says uh Philadelphia attorney’s Brian Kent and gu Deandrea of lafi Bui and Kent have announced that they have secured a record settlement of $52 million on behalf of 29 victims who endured years of sexual and physical abuse at mirle uh medal School in har Harrison County so a lot of stuff went on okay so but I want to I want to do the economics to just get you thinking okay so let’s say uh Brian gets a $52 million so 52 million his firm let’s say they take 35% or 18 million so minus 18 million and so that means there’s 34 million for the victims now divided by 29 victims they’re going to each get $1.1 uh million 1.1 million the firms the law K’s law firm uh Lai Bui and K pocket 18 million the victims pocket 1 million this is a case and this is why lawyers get criticized the victims get 1.1 million Brian himself probably Pockets $5 million his partner’s pocket 5 million they you know I said they got $18 million knocked off three for expenses I’m just doing back of the napkin math so morally if the victims get 1.1 million and Brian takes a f Brian and his firm take $15 million payday after expenses and it could have been more you know I’d like to see the numbers in this case um shouldn’t the the law firm uh LA fusi and Kent shouldn’t they put in 3 million or 5 million to some kind of lobbying effort to change the law so that this doesn’t happen again shouldn’t they be paying lobbyists to end these laws that allow this H to happen anyway shouldn’t they be lobbying Congress they owe the victim some of that money otherwise the system just self- perpetuates and the lawyers have no interest in changing the Status Quo because they can make money off the victims so the exploitation of religious victims now the other side of the argument is the lawyers went to law school they qualify for the bar they have years of experience they put up all the money up front up front and so and we’re in a capitalist system and you can agree to a contract where if you’re powerless and poor that $1.1 million is taxfree that settlement it’s going to change your life and get you hopefully I mean nothing can nothing can make up for the abuse but we pay money in the US system because that’s the only remedy and but what do the lawyers owe the victims so yeah uh this has become so normal America lawyers making hor amounts of money that we seem to let it slide well that’s part of that’s part of the problem I’m raising here you know the um the never the um second third gen talk about being exploited and their stories have been exploited and Brian Kent I just want to bring to their attention how much money he stood to make if they got a big settlement for a class of people and how much like on the Miracle Meadows case he made and the firm uh The Firm I’d like to talk to I’d like to talk talk to um lafi Bushi and Ken to actually get the numbers if they have that kind of transparency so um just wanted to bring that up so this abuse Guardian so Brian Kent was out marketing and look he’s not alone law firms do this there’s actually uh so we Google a phone number and we found out where that went this is just a doctor I picked or I’m sorry a lawyer I picked at random he practices IND doctor sexual abuse lawyer but he’s marketing because he has to Market and he’s in that same Guardian abuse site and he just you know happens to be looking for clients um yeah and this is the point I would love for you to find out if they made any donations for Victim Advocacy I don’t think they did the you know it’s sort of like I’m asking the question and I’d like to see if uh Kent’s former Law Firm or Kent himself made any donations for Victim Advocacy and that’s the point I’m raising is you you can be exploited um now this other this is another site personal injury Mastermind and this was Chris trier’s group you can look at them and they were these are lawyers like sharing sharing um you know Insider tips with other lawyers and how to get those big cases how to get the big pay offs so again we’re in a capitalist system should this is a question I want I want to raise here in America there was just a lawsuit in in America to sell a home the Realtors as a group would charge a 6% commission to sell your home so if you if you had a million-dollar home and you hired Realtors to sell it they wanted $60,000 $2 million home $1 120,000 I think for the amount of work to sell a house if I had a million dollar house um it’s not worth $660,000 I’ve been in sales and I know the amount of work it takes to I haven’t sold houses but I know the amount of work it takes there’s no way you can convince me as a capitalist as a homeowner someone who sold money that to sell a million-dollar house you should be forced to pay the realtor $60,000 that’s just that’s no over payment and that’s that’s greed I’m sorry it is I if you’re a realtor you know the law just got passed because 60,000 to sell a million dollar house especially when the interest rates were low it it doesn’t take $660,000 worth of Labor to sell a million dollar house it doesn’t I’m sorry so the law was changed because that was viewed as skey skey is meaning illegitimate or uh greedy or kind of scammy so the laws just changed in America where Realtors can’t insist on their 6% they have to be competitive to sell a million dollar house maybe $15,000 it’s not that much work to sell a house especially when there’s a housing shortage it’s just not that much work what you get in a car you show some buyers you kind of give it to the escro company it’s not rocket science so does the law firm do do do law firms in America need an overhall whereby they can’t take 35 or 40% from the victims aren’t the victim victims entitled more that’s one of the questions because is it exploitative to take the Lion Share of the money of the suffering of others and that’s one question the second and third gen are raising and that’s why they’ve singled out some journalists for criticism who’ve done some things that that hurt the cost and certainly Tony Ortega has taken some criticism for that where he should have shown restraint on certain things and that’s freedom of speech Tony Ortega is going to take some criticism but the Jane does ask him not to list something he’s part of the media he’s hellbent to break the story that’s his right to do but he’s going to take the flak as well so I looked at personal injury Mastermind it appears that they have deplatformed Brian Kent it looks like Brian Kent’s trying it looks like some places have even de indexed and correct me if I’m wrong but I think it looks like Brian Kent being made a nonperson in a legal profession like he’s taken a huge fall he was once lauded as a hero and you know what got to Brian Kent what changed him did all the he made a lot of money you can Google it I mean I started adding up and he went way over 100 million in Brian Kent made a lot of money now he was he was lotted as a hero so he did a lot of good and this is the conundrum you can do a lot of good but and he made I’d like to see his income tax returns you know how how much money he’s made in his career it’s probably in the tens of millions of dollars and yet he’s lotted as a hero and he’s making money and then something somewhere goes wrong and he begins to behave inappropriately in a way that’s possibly criminal I don’t know but certainly it could probably will cost him his bar license so these are worthwhile questions to ask for for the victims and I’m not making any friends of lawyers here but I think they’ll I think lawyers will say that is that’s a fair and legitimate question if they’re going to take a big payday should they not contribute part of that to stop the system that caused the harm in the first place I say yes so these are the trade associations now this is a firm it’s called rankings. and basically they’re bragging that they can help your your help you as a professional increase your ranking rankings doio so if you’re a professional you go to them and you get search into optimalization so you can get the cases before someone else and um law firms who specialize in Social Security uh disability claims appeals have a government regulation cap on successful income from suc successful cases I went through this in 27 okay good that’s good to know uh that there is a cap in some parts of the law and I guess when there’s a government money’s involved The Government Can cap it in some cas cases for medical malpractice uh states have capped medical malpractice and just to just go out there because I can Pam again without being political um something about which the right complained about during the uh getting the jab uh basically the manufacturers of the jab had immunity virtual immunity from anything that went wrong so yeah when it comes to government you raise a good Pam and I thank you the government has placed caps in certain things I believe there’s a cap if you get killed in an airplane crash when you buy the ticket there’s a limit on death by airplane crash so there have been some parts of the law where there have been caps placed and I believe I believe it’s vaccinations or one of them uh so Social Security benefits some government cases I do think airplane crashes I would need Zach hello adorable an and your pink hands um so Zach Morgan’s in uh uh is in aviation law and I’d want to know from him uh what’s the cap or is it unlimited like if I guess it depends if you’re 22 and your lifetime income is projected you would make say 25 million or whatever 20 million or 10 depending what you did do they do it that way so there’s different formulas for it but this getting back to this um this slide uh this is a firm that you pay if you’re a lawyer or some other professions to get you rankings and these rankings uh can influence people to choose you versus another attorney now I want to look for Brian Kent on rankings. and you can see that in the upper in the search bar rankings. Brian K interview they have already 404 this guy so can you believe that uh Brian Kent has already been 404 we don’t know who he is never heard of him he was some guy so I’m just showing the some of the collateral damage and Fallout Brian Kent has CL has uh and I’m telling you I have some evidence where he he looks like or not he but it looks like people related to Brian Kent are DX de-indexing the pages I’ve had to use the Wayback machine and it looks like uh the indexed you know um I don’t know what you’re doing there uh let’s get ban this user you know you can go take that elsewhere Jessica you know not interested [Music] in um Brian can’t you done messed up yeah he did he did and um so I want to give you a case when uh Marty Marty Ren’s wife Monique sued David miscavage in the church Ray Jeffrey took the case on contingency and then of course when Marty got flipped by the church he dropped the case he’s claiming he accomplished his purposes but the thing is when Marty wthin and Mo’Nique dropped the case that cost Ray Jeffrey about a million dollars so it can cut both ways when when Marty who I think uh Monique actually was close to piercing the corporate veils and saring that David mavage was the managing agent of the church that’s an alra ego finding and they were I was in the courtroom in col County Texas there in new brel new brel is a great place one of the last living uh Moon Walkers is there um so I was there in corp watching David mage’s attorney um Mr Jefferson write something about an alra ego finding and Rand damus and some other stuff so yeah Ray Jeffrey uh lost a million dollars when Marty got flipped so there is some risk to attorneys if you don’t lose the case and you take it on contingency you don’t get paid that’s part of why maybe they ask for high fees so uh so yeah that was that was it um in the current in the current climate these are good questions to ask contextually and um I’m glad rabbit leaked the thing on Mike render uh and Brian Kent because no one’s immune from free speech you know um Mike render’s done quite a bit sometimes people make mistakes this is something that they’re going to have to handle online I’m not part of that Community uh the only thing I you know I did an interview with Matt pesh I think in 2014 where he talked about Flag Land base and how he was funding funding the money and they did that at Flag Land base now I did want to say this about M PES I told Matt pesh and I told Jackson Gary Morehead uh I’ve been told by the FBI that they were interested in money in kids so I told Jackson when he was talking about forced abortions I actually got him to talk about the number of ANS the number of women how they did it I got very specific details down and I did tell Jackson and I did tell Matt I wanted to give this to the feds to use an apost grand jury and they both agreed but hearing it I was really shocked when you actually when I got Matt talking about the details and Matt was willing to go in front of a grand jury and testify so I just want to clarify that that Matt was willing at that time to go in front of a grand jury and testify so was Jackson and um so was Mike render they were all willing to testify Mike question is and I’m putting that in the in the interest of fairness and to help fill out the picture because I did the interview that’s being quoted I did the podcast and that is context I want to add that they were willing to go forward in front of a grand jury come Whatever May face the consequences I think Jackson uh Gary Morehead former security Chief at at Gold Bas in base the sense of remorse he felt is so deep and Keen for what he did that was touched and and and nobody’s proud of what they did but they were coming out exposing it more of the story needs to be told uh one thing about the one thing about the threat to Aaron about Anonymous is after you when I saw that it was it was in infuriating that that whoever did that and I know who did it first of all you don’t threaten if everyone wants to say something as the right of free speech you can make an argument against it but you need to come out you don’t do it anonymously that’s BS and that’s coward as to do it anonymously behind a fake Anonymous account and anyone who knows Anonymous and and myself Tory Chrisman Mark bunker so many of the old gar we protested alongside of Anonymous in 2008 and Anonymous is one of their main rules was we are no one’s private Army and uh even someone of the stature Jerry Armstrong he wanted them to take on his civil case and they wouldn’t they said we’re no one’s private Army and so that giveaway and that Anonymous threat with what 29 followers is anonymous is no one’s private Army and Anonymous is not going to go after Aaron or anyone else because they’re not a private Army and they said that and that’s one of their principles and so some of the criticism needs to be cleaned up and some apologies need to be made and I’m not an either you know it’s sort of like I I’m in that that same conflict that I respect both sides and their accomplishments but conduct needs to be called out that’s why I opened that is why I opened with the card I did and look this is why uh the truth needs to be told if apologies need to be made they need to be made and because there is karma the stuff you do comes back on you and it’s like uh Johnny Cash did that song that old gospel song What’s Done in the Dark will be brought to the light where he says you can run on for a long time but sooner or later God will cut you down that’s an old spiritual um so this this debate that’s going on the the fracturing of the movement it’s inevitable I told one of the second Jens who I talked to that when Aon got fired and I said this before there would be a reckoning and this is the Reckoning okay okay there’s going to be things will be revealed so I’m in despair about it somewhat you hate to see people fighting but on the other hand you also hate to see these attacks that are unwarranted and uncalled for that’s not right that’s not the way people in Authority should act and um you know just things you know I think eron’s had a say and I’m glad and grabbit did a good job I just wanted to add some context that what I get in talking to Second J is they they do feel that they’ve been exploited and there’s these Dynamic forces at work where they have been monetized and exploited now they’re taking back their own power they’re taking back their own voices they’re getting their attorneys and the Jane Do’s were remarkably courageous in what they had to to to fight to get Danny Masters and put away for 30 to life so these are all these turbulent Dynamic forces that are going on um yeah the attacks are so disgusting you know look I Karen and I my wife Karen and I we’ve been the victim of Scientology fair game we have been and they said horrific things about Karen and um but you never expect you know when it comes from your own side people you think you’re a friend it’s really inappropriate and yeah there are some apologies need to be made some clarification will offences be mended I don’t know I’m not a I’m not you know uh I’m not a member of a board of anything I wouldn’t want to be a member of a board um so I support the work of sptv I I use the logo because I want to be identified with that Community even though I’m not uh a second or third gen you don’t have to be see this is the nice thing I I like the idea of the foundation bringing in money spending money to help people and whatever form of help they need um good practical assistance I and I and I was mentioning Brian Kent and the amount of money he was making and then he and then he actually behaves in an inappropriate manner I’m raising the question what obligation do the lawyers of victims have to stop the abuse and not change the laws so that they basically put themselves out of work on those particular types of cases if the law were different these things wouldn’t happen they’d become police matters immediately they wouldn’t drag on it is heartbreaking I’m in despair about it and um because I like everyone involved but some of the people involved are due for criticism and because it doesn’t you know just because someone has done something in the past that’s great and powerful and got a lot of recognition doesn’t excuse present conduct and mistakes get made look in America apologies carry a great deal of weight you know people apologizing for things I think aon’s been very good on on you know talking about what he’s been go going through being transparent about it are you rocking a velvet jacket this evening I am I am rocking a velvet jacket uh Black Tie black shirt because why not why not because [Music] um know what was it uh Billy Crystal used to do Fernando Llamas on Saturday live and said looking good is more important than feeling good though at my age I think it’s different the irony to me is the aftermath was started by Aon and Luis Garcia two men um I’m not quite sure I follow you Pam uh I I know Louise and and Aaron uh well Louise I think is the one that started he he had quite a legal battle um yeah that the this nobody’s happy with it but it needs to be cleaned up people need to take it and that’s why I opened with the card of Justice Osa in chat please don’t forget to hug like yes like And subscribe um yeah he is and that’s why I’m I need to talk to a you know prosecutor lawyer type is is was this rise to criminal or civil whereas I don’t have all the details like I said I was glad rabbit leaked it talked about it uh and look all this stuff going on online these they’re not camps to me it’s all part of the same effort to end scientology’s tax exemption and I’ve been trying to stay in my Lane talk about things I can talk about some of the people involved I don’t know and um like I’ve never I’ve met one of the Jane do just in court uh to say hi but I don’t I don’t know a lot of these people and I support them and uh Brian Kent yeah what he did is disgusting so I cannot imagine these people ever considering they would need to apologize uh you’d be surprised what public pressure can do you know I’m asking them to clean it up but certainly um certainly I’ve been critical of Stephanie because I know her Stephanie pson because I know her worst Tendencies and um she she has some worse tendencies that she needs to correct in herself some flaws and it’s not 2008 where flame Wars used to work or these Anonymous accounts and I and sure Osa is probably in there meddling somewhere but largely this is up here to be self-inflicted you know and it’s sad because I I I admire everybody I like everyone but I don’t like present conduct that’s all I’m saying uh does Brian not handling the cases correctly from the beginning well the I don’t know if it’s see this is where I’m not a lawyer so I don’t know if he handled the cases correctly or not I can’t speak to that it’s a good question but I’m not the one to address it because I’m not an attorney um no one is above approach no they’re not they’re not Miss Taylor they’re not they are no one as above approach and big people there have been big people hi Psych on the Rocks there’s been big people who’ve made apologies and uh you look amazing thank you flattery we’ll get you everywhere um uh replaying lives thank you I don’t always look stylish some people don’t like the cowboy hat um hi you friend so if you have questions um I want to know if there’s some way to find a loophole to allow the Jane do and others to still file because of his negligence even though the deadline passed again we uh I will if you want to be an attorney if you’re if you are an attorney and want to come on my show and talk about it please I invite you to um so uh I work with attorneys as a private investigator and I get you know instructions on how to develop evidence so the attorneys with whom I work it would be inappropriate for them to come on my show it would be a conflict of interest so I know a lot of attorneys I know a lot of attorneys top quality attorneys I work for and develop evidence on cases and they C they cannot come on many of them would like to weigh on Scientology but they’re not going to it wouldn’t it would either violate ethics or it be a conflict um due to the nature of the cases and things so yeah I’d love to find an attorney would like to come on my show and talk about some of the stuff um yeah that’s my question that is my question I would have just shut when you join a Bo there’s a Code of Conduct and you should consider uh and again this is why I go back you should consider that there’s such a thing called karma and again this is why I’m coming back to this card this is an archetypal truth of karma the other thing is internet people on the internet are so good in this community again I go back to Rabbit he’s very perceptive um you’re going to get caught you can’t get away with stuff on the internet especially when you have a literary signature I’m good at reading literary signatures a lot of you out there are good at reading literary signatures sometimes things are so transparent and there were things that were so unnecessary and you know maybe there should be a Changing of the Guard um those are legitimate questions but look at you know given together all the forces I’m glad that we can have free speech and talk does it get ugly and messy yes Free Speech can be very ugly and messy but it’s free speech you know everyone’s allowed to speak start your own channel if you want to start your own blog your own channel or both if you know so you can have your voice if you want to add to it do do videos you know you got to start somewhere you start with one video and an opinion and you go from there so the internet is forever yes uh oh thank you exquisitly Continental wow that’s nice Continental so that’s you know pretty much what I wanted to say I’m looking into Brian Kent I’m watching him being deplatformed by the legal community and there’s going to be more to come out of this but but Brian Kent was accomplished in until his character logical till his until I don’t know what I don’t know how he got corrupted to do what he did I don’t know but the vi the violation of the trust of your clients is a profound betrayal it’s just a profound betrayal and um like I said I’m glad rabbit outed him um he is being erased very quickly well yeah because once once you’re once you’ve been exposed like that nobody wants anything to do with you professionally or personally and uh you know I and I’ll leave you with one thing when I all those years I I worked in corporate um 30 years in corporate uh we meaning the salespeople we weren’t allowed to say a damn thing we had to go to the public relations department or legal department we weren’t allowed to talk on behalf of the corporation at all so I guess I I I had a professional career where it was the one saying was don’t speak now don’t write now and pay later so if there was ever uh a Le a potential legal issue or a corporate issue it got we referred it to the professionals and the corporation would issue a statement through authorized channels either the CEO or the vice president of communications so I I guess through my Paradigm I’m used to a protocol and I also don’t uh shoot first and ask questions later that’s one bad tendency I see is people without developing a case and evidence they shoot first and and ask questions later you know it’s like everyone can do whatever they want I’m just saying that I grew up in uh I spent a lot of years where where I defer to the Professionals in this particular case of former PR professionals not doing a good job but I like again I’m in in despair over this thing because I like everyone involved but I don’t excuse present time conduct and that’s it so anything anyway that’s all I have to say for now remember again there is Cara things come back you can’t hide in the light especially with the internet you’re responsible for your own actions and conduct and that’s what it comes down to and that that’s just an archetypal thing but it’s so beautifully represented in this this gorgeous piece of art this gorgeous card the for ver of life you know yeah so with that I’ll leave you and we we thank you for your time hope you have a great week this upcoming week and uh let me see it’s yeah let me just get some comments uh yeah it is better to look good than to feel [Laughter] good and as far as like when you do YouTube uh you have to think about wardrobe you don’t always have to sometimes I just wear a black sweatshirt if I’m coming off of field work um I’m hoping to release some some interest I’m by the way I am writing a book I hope to have it out by the end of the year the manuscript’s done but I can’t firly tell you I am now getting the manuscript finished ready to go in it’s going to be self-published I’ll talk about it later it’s going to be interesting and Scientology will not like it but it’s all truthful all documented all factual and uh it concerns a former pseudo nuclear physicist and I’ll I’ll end it with there a pseudo nuclear physicist I you know uh so with that good talking to you and we’re going to take down the Beast that is the Church of Scientology we’ll all do it together as a collective effort so don’t lose sight of what we’re really after is to take take down this Beast by getting rid of its 501c3 tax exemption that’s the thing we keep our eyes on that’s the prize we keep our eyes on so I’ll see you next time around I


    1. What upset me more than anything is what the fake SPTV Foundation Twitter account is doing. It relentlessly harasses one of Danny Masterson’s SA victims on a constant basis. It has even made SA innuendoes to her. Leah follows that account. Being a victim of SA myself, I find that beyond offensive. There is such a feeling of betrayal by Masterson’s victims and frankly, all SA victims, due to her support & encouragement of that behavior. She was even publicly called out by one of the Masterson victims for her support of the harassment. I can’t believe she’s doing it and would not have believed it if I had not seen it myself, but it’s all public. Has she lost her mind? It’s just inconceivable.

    2. Great show, Jeff! Very ballanced and rational points as usual.
      …Interestingly, it was not legal for attorneys to advertise
      until about 40 years ago.

    3. Nice job coming up with more info on Brian Kent. Breaking down how personal injury attorneys make big money— some would say — at the expense of vulnerable clients.

    4. Thank you for treading such a difficult tightrope and prioritizing your principles over personal loyalties. It's rare, and I admire it.

    5. Mafia and Scientology are 2 different criminal organizations, and the mafia wouldn't be caught dead doing what Scientology is doing.

    6. In european eyes, the USA does not appear to be secular. It appears to be very conservative and borderline extremely religious. It's a fertile ground for thousands of destructive cults.

    7. It's been a minute since I've checked my subscriptions.. Sure enough, I was unsubscribed by YouTube. Anyhow, I just wanted you to be aware. As a private detective, maybe you can investigate as to why this happens?? Keep it up. Your insight and work are important. #SPTVSUPPORTER

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