Is this one of the stupidest things we’ve ever done? In today’s show, we ask ourselves this question, discuss the many stupid things we’ve done in our cycling lives, and reflect on what we learned from them!

    We also explore how cycling helmets can double as protection for tennis players from… water bottles? Plus, delve into the latest in bike tech, the recently-released Unbound race route, and much more!

    Participate in the Pirelli Competition here! 👉

    Welcome to the GCN Show! 0:00
    Conor’s eating challenge. Was it stupid? 0:46
    Other silly things we’ve done on the bike 2:41
    Cycling Shorts 8:35
    Colnago Gold Leaf V4RS 8:43
    GB cyclist breaks gym record 9:45
    Jonas Vingegaard returns to riding! 10:21
    Unbound gravel race route 10:45
    Novak Djokovic’s bike helmet at the Italian Open 11:50
    Saga’s exercise bike uses holograms to immerse cyclists in VR 12:58
    Giro GCN x CamelBak bottles! 14:01
    Pirelli tyre competition! #AD 14:34
    Hack/Bodge Of The Week 16:19
    Caption Competition 20:56
    Comment of the Week 22:29
    This Week On GCN 25:46

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    this is fredon New Brunswick and welcome to the gcn show welcome to the gcn show coming up this week is this one of the most stupidest things we have ever done we’re going to be discussing some of the many stupid things we have done in our cying life this week in the world of cycling we learned that cycling helmets can be used to protect tennis players from being hit in the head not by tennis balls by water bottles virtual reality riding is getting even more virtual and even the pros are trying to figure out just how pachu is so fast he gradually runs away with the jro [Music] lead all right a change of subject now Connor and last week you potentially did one of the most stupidest challenges any of us have ever done here at gcn and that is saying something now it wasn’t one of our normal epic challenges it was more of a eating battle for those of you who did miss it Connor attempted to eat 177,000 calories and then B off by riding 330 km home and what does 177,000 calories look like I hear you ask well just take a look at this I’m still scarred by it I’m still I can’t even look at it man does it make you feel a little bit Sicky still nearly a week on now I never want to see another hash brown in my life it’s just I’m done with hash browns I’m not surprised I’m not sure why I thought it would be possible but I do have I have a strong stomach I’m pretty still proud of my effort never again though I have to say it was a very impressive attempt but surely that is one of the most stupidest things you have done yeah it’s high up there it’s high up there and I mean anyone who wants to attempt this after watching me do it must be mad it was it was pretty Grim I think I’ve decided to go vegetarian for the foreseeable future I’ve never felt so bad in my life bik you did have Ollie there as well was that a good decision or a bad decis it was actually a good decision CU I sat on his wheel for most of the way and I would actual eating for the actual eating he was like the devil incarnate he just kept Force feeding me and I heard heard him tell you to go for a poo about 15 times yeah yeah it was it wasn’t pretty it wasn’t pretty but I did even though I knew it I knew like you can’t out train a bad diet and doing that I felt so bad I couldn’t actually burn off the calories in the time frame I felt terrible all was day on the bike and I just felt terrible for a few days after so it really just hit home how important diet is to me even though I knew it or just don’t try and eat that much volume of food in one setting anyway that one was self-inflicted stupidity but sometimes as cyclist we can find ourselves in situations of our own doing I think Unbound last me was the perfect example of that because I know how important it is to hydrate obviously but the heat self-supported aspect and the fact that I couldn’t actually Rectify an error added to being put in a situation where I was running through 40° with no water I’m feeling like a bit of an idiot yeah you mean that race where you you wore a bin bag yeah yeah that that one I think you’ve walked into too many door frames here Connor it’s starting to take its I do take I do wonder that sometimes Conor your list is pretty long I’m not going to lie here but there is a little bit of a common theme everything on a cheap bike at tashion with your saddle pointing up the whole time ouch that time you read 140 km without eating to see what would happen and that time you let a fox eat your microphone on Mount Olympus because you left all the food open it’s all about the Misadventures sometimes though it’s a lot of fun looking back on it still I’m I’m not sure I can actually beat any of those but I do have a few funny embarrassing moments I once lunged for the wrong line wrong finish line on the track how do you even do that there not sure there’s one Finish Line well no there’s actually two you have the pursuit line and you have the actual finish line for Bunch races and I spent a lot of my time doing individual Pursuit and team Pursuit but then when I came to do a bunch race I just automatically lunge for the wrong wrong line well at least you didn’t celebrate winning a lap early as Alex bries and that’s true oh it’s not the first time and it’s not the last time that’s going to happen to someone but it probably hurt inside didn’t it’s going to hurt isn’t it it’s going to hurt but it happens happens the best of us move on that’s what I say I think another one I’ve seen quite a few times is when not me particularly but when you’ve gone to Sprint for the finish and you think you’ve won you celebrate but you’ve actually come second cuz there’s someone very close to you yeah ah it happens doesn’t it but I can kind of I empathize with it because one those Finish Lines at the moment so many sponsers on the road it must be quite hardish line must be quite hard when you’re in the adrenaline you’re tired you’re fatigued to actually know where where the line is but another quite humbling thing that happened to me not that long ago actually and you were there Connor is um we were out on a shoe and we came to a junction and I went to stop and uh my foot didn’t come out the pedal and I just toppled over sideways and after 10 plus years of riding you think I’d have learned by now but um clearly not I feel like it just happen to everyone though especially when maybe when you’re starting out cycling not 10 years in it still happens every now and again though every point in your cycling journey and it’s just that slow horror of gradually going down and then realizing there’s nothing and then having your your co-presenter just laugh at you on the floor I was I was really you literally stood there and laughed I didn’t you did man you’re right trying to get you a cup of tea come to think of it I have actually done quite a few stupid things on my bike but um I was once in a bike crash and I came off I hurt myself pretty bad but I thought it would be a good idea to keep on going and turns out I rode another 160 km with a fractured pelvis and you’d have thought I don’t have learn my lesson but I actually did it another three different times and yes I do have quite weak bones but there’s just something about being in that race environment and the adrenaline that you just carry on going that sounds horrific you’re you’re laughing at me for not drinking enough water yeah true and there was that one time I went out cuz I was so dedicated to being a great cyclist I went out and I trained in the snow and I cried the whole session and then I got back and cried in the shower because it was so cold well this is taking the dark turn man it has should have built a snowman at the same time I didn’t have time for that I was a serious bike rider anyway we’ve had a few more sent in from our fellow GCM presenters Alex actually sent in quite a few so he reckons he’s waxed his chain with wax made for leg wax he thinks he’s chipped a frame by dropping alen Keys brand new frame that’s painful that hurt inside and he also reckons that he snapped a frame by testing out doing like kind of track start Sprints which I question I mean how much power is he got in those leg I I think he slipped that in under the carpet there because I don’t I don’t never mentioned that one before yes we need photographic evidence of this Alex otherwise it’s not going on the list um but there’s been plenty more from us on the channel I mean CCI for one speak oh God riding don’t riding with 11 espressos yeah which to be fair we all agreed to do as well so we’re kind of all lumped in on that you did that as well I did it too yeah so that wasn’t on your list though it wasn’t but it probably needs to be added now had that on as well got going to need a book um we were going to go into Hank’s stupid things but we haven’t got time because the list is it’s a whole another whole another show whole another show but I think the moral of the story is that it doesn’t matter who you are how often you’ve been cycling for how long you do make mistakes it happens to to all of us so are you saying your eatting challenge was a mistake I don’t think it was a mistake I don’t think it was a I wouldn’t do it again I wouldn’t do it again considering that on the way home we asked Ollie how much you’d have to be paid to do it he said 20 grand shut up 20 grand he knew what I was getting into I mean I’d give it I mean for 20 grand I’d give it my sure well there you go let’s just get our fundraiser going and I I walked into that like bamb on Ice you did you did fair you Conor but good news is good news is everyone I’ve recovered I’m feeling okay I’ve been on a detox been having salads fruit natural yogurt I’m starting to feel more like myself been for two runs another bike cried I’m back in the game but let us know in the comment section down below what silly things you’ve done on your bike if you’re willing to share with us let’s have an amnesty let’s get it all out com and we’ll go through and I’ll look forward to that and now it’s time for cycling shorts right time for the cycling shorties now man that cycling shorts now check out this piece of absolute bik bling from kago this is a one-off gold leaf design V4 RS that will be up for auction at soube soon the last time a corago went up for sale at the auctioneers it fetched 133,000 but it did feat your diamonds on top CP that is pretty bling but this v4s was part of a collection that was released last year at the jured Talia yeah so this is an absolutely standing bike and part of the design process to create it the brand actually tests different paint schemes on physical frames it feels is the only way to kind of get the end result and know it’s right so these frames I’m going to try and say how how Pro nailed it there we go and they’re they’re often more unique because the end product as you see on the bike a pretty stunning design but this one’s left over because kago actually opted to use this design on their c68 bike which left this as kind of like a a runoff if you can call it that I like it beting to see what it goes for from gold design to Gold Medal winning athletes a GB cyclist has just broken the squad’s alltime squat record with a whopping effort of 250 kg so Matt Ram is one of the GB tandem pilots on the paralympic squad and he found that all the gym work made him a lot stronger so he’s done a lot of work in the gym and he’s just a t yeah he’s just 250 kg that’s nearly four of me I mean it’s nearly as big as the no I won’t say it I W say it I was going to say the day after the breakfast the day Conor don’t bring the pone down yeah no no good news now though because Jonas vinegar is back out on the bike his team shared photos of him out on the road and he state that he still hopes to be able to challenge at this year’s tour great to see tour starts in nearly 50 days time days that come good Lu it’s good to see you back rying yeah it is good to see him back and what come back that would be if he did manage to win after such be incredible yeah over to gravel racing now and the Unbound have released the route for this year’s Edition and this route heads north of Emporia and again after taking the South tracks last year um and starting from the same town some have called it the toughest course yet actually so the mar M event is now covering 11,000 ft of climbing organizers say the hardest section will be divide Road a mile 45 which they say isn’t in great shape and mother nature will decide the conditions on the day interesting sounds ominous that does sound brutal I love it now there are a few changes to this year this year’s race uh there is now a dedicated finish shoot in the main 200 mile event for added safety at the Finish Line there will also be a larger gap between Elite and amader Fields starting women start 5 minutes after the men and the amateur Fields start 25 minutes after the women there will also be extended highlights provided by the race organizers on the YouTube channel which will hopefully be out within the first 48 hours after the race finishes which is pretty cool yeah looking forward to seeing that one person though who’ll probably be like unlikely to be found at Unbound this year is Novak jovic but after recent photos well you never know the world number one tennis player was seen turn up to practice for the Italian Open wearing a bike helmet I’m not I’m not sure where his visor is though you know he needs like an a need to give him some advice on bike helmets but that be good for the balls you know of viser I think true the eyes yeah right the helmet was due to the fact that a plastic bottle accidentally hit him on the head whilst he was leaving the court 24 hours earlier sadly not for any psych related Ambitions you never know you never know you never know one thing though I imagine jovic would be pretty good in a bike race in the feed Zone hands of a Jedi I reckon that man like laser vision with the balls be [Music] like bottle bottle bottle he’d be like perfect domestic yeah he would be actually yeah he made sound effect as well a Jedi like that maybe we should get him on zft First and see how he gets on there before Chuck him in to the pelaton um anyway on the virtual riding um it has potentially just got a whole lot more virtual this is saga’s new exercise bike which is currently in a crowdfunding phase the bike is called the Holo bike and it features a screen up front similar to a Pelon bike yeah so the difference here is that the screen has the ability to be a hologram meaning you’re kind of like immersed into the 3D environment as if you’re on the road itself like those sort of 3D virtual reality gaming headsets you seen those but like you you ride without without the headset I’ve actually tried this on Call of Duty and I got so sick I yeah and I just couldn’t do it was Giant Octopus came at me giant octopus I mean hopefully that would’t happen in the but anyway it’s interesting so it’d be like you’re in a Pelon yeah I think it’s kind of not there yet but it’s going the way where you’re almost your literally in like a pel too stressful for me that would be too stressful and you look to the left and there’s like a Tron bike it’d be quite cool I think be quite cool interesting take though let us know what you think in the comments below as well as your opinion on all the stories you mentioned today lot stories actually yeah the jro is in full swing of course and if you want to get a bit more in the mood don’t forget to check out the shop over at shop. globaly because got pretty cool new water bottle in there so we have indeed check this out I mean we’re all sporting a bit of pink today you need pink hat yeah pink hat I’ve got my little pink get the summer Vibes it’s been lovely weather around here as well until today now it’s raining till today it’s rain it’s back raining but the the weekend was pretty Lush it was pretty Lush Lush Welsh yeah yeah Lush moving on youve got a new tie haven’t they have indeed and we have some facts about this new tire because they already this tire has already notched up quite a lot of Victories so we’ve been out at the races this year and we’ve seen this kind of like a bit under wraps it’s been used by little Tre so already got 27 victories if I’m right 71 podiums yeah so that’s that’s some serious going isn’t it pretty good track record already so PR say this is all due to a new compound which has been developed in the tire p calling this their smart evo2 compound can you guess what the Improvement in Rolling resistance is on this tire I I say 16% man on it is a 16% from the p0o race Tire before which is a lot that’s so that’s their all round race Tire which is pretty it is a lot isn’t it and they also say it’s lighter as well and it is made in Italy so I need to get my hands on these tires and well if you want to get your hands on the ties maybe not you we have got a little competition going that we’ll leave a link in to the description and that’s all you have to do is answer a very simple question what is the rolling resistance Improvement on the tire what we have to do is kind of just rewind the video pleas Andes do apply um entries close at 10 a.m. BST Friday the 24th of March 2024 all winners will be announced in the gcn show from Tuesday the 28th of May 2024 for more info please see gc. Tims gc. with gcn man sorry gcn fors right it’s time for hack for SL the wiek J the we I can’t remember it that was it that was absolute you got to BU up write it down put it up for Christmas number one anyway if you have not seen hack or bodge before it’s the part of the show where you send in hacks or bodges and we vote them to be a hack or a bodge yeah I mean is it absolute genius or is it a bit of a bodge let’s find out y so first up this is from andell 360 and Al and Ellie 360 has been on a bit of a cycling trip and they went riding up L Boer 1,100 M up um the front tire the front tubeless valve decided it want to leak wanted to leak air so annoying and there was only one way to deal with this it was to put a Jelly Baby around the valve now I’m think this is quite I think this is this for me is a hack because I when I first saw the photo of this I didn’t know it involes food it’s just I don’t know how I kind I to try it if it works it works I just don’t if I feel like if I did this cuz I don’t have the Magic Touch I put the Jelly Baby on the valve and the jelly baby fall off my mou be too baget later I still got a bung shot so I mean Fair effort no I mean if it works it works for me that’s a hack yeah that was 100% hack for me yeah one of the best hacks I’ve seen on the show which is quite an Accolade um next up though this is from Ronan kovich and the milk cart and mud guard saw this uni student Ryan home he’s been cut in half milk cart and zipd to his frame um I’m assuming it’s meant to be a mud card but I’m not quite sure honestly this was in cber Australia um so I’ve done this before you’ve put a milk carton saddle yeah so I think it’s a good hack because basically some most mud guards aren’t long enough so you can drill a little hole in the back of the mud guard you kind of cut your milk cart in half and then you you whack that on the back of your M car so basically you have full coverage so people riding behind you don’t get any spray at all so it’s quite selfless actually so I do it with the kids when I’ve got a bite trailer on so they don’t get any spray at all be left well yeah I’ve done that before and you get you finish a ride they’re just there like sh Char mod that was my bath time right um but it works it’s good it works if it works and what reusing yeah I mean it’s basically doing the job of like kind of ass sa I just feel I feel like the way it’s been put here I just wonder if it’s going to like way too much yeah might it might be the first prototype yeah but I think the thought is there I think at the moment for me it’s a bodge oh was a hack for me I think it’s a bodge for me but at the moment a bit more development if I if I see proof that that stays still yeah then it’s a then it’s a bit of a hack also I would I think I’d hit it with my legs so the thought is there we’ll agree to disagree on this one yeah okay um right this next one is an ebike so seen at an ebike show and the one know if it’s a hack or a bz what’s going on here man I mean I’m not much of an expert on things like this but is that a it’s a drill yes drill which I don’t I don’t really know what it’s so this isn’t there’s a this isn’t a New Concept there’s there’s actually kids bikes which use those drill batteries as a sort of kind of like electric Balance Bike yeah um do kids need heikes well just you know R around on some fun um I I thought it might be fun for my son but I decided against it because just as mad enough as it is yeah exactly don’t need to add to it I was on the priz of them as well but then I think this is I think this is is it a hacker is it a bodge I’m not sure about this one so I’m going to say bodge I think it’s it’s a really cool idea and I think I’m going to say bodge as well because it’s kind of it seems like more work to make a bike like this than just putting pedals and normal bike like gears on it yeah it’s it’s like yeah why just ride a motorbike or a moped well I think I need a bit more evidence like if it’s if it’s made an e easier and if it actually works well then who knows I don’t but why does the drill book need to be there I don’t know it’s like it’s a bit dangerous yeah I’m going to drill between your legs anyway let us know what you think in the comment section down below and um see if you disagree with us you’re more than welcome to moving on though caption competition so this is your chance to win the covered gcn Camelback water bottle which is there now you can even you know I love the fact that you can you can stop the flow of the water it’s very useful if you’re in mcky areas um avoiding any contamination exactly in the hydration and last week we had this lovely picture of G and P and we have a winner we do have a win I quite like this one actually I mean this is very good Allan Freeman 7932 that will teach you not to leave a red sock in your washing today so fair point that is it good water bottle is yours water bottle is on its way to you get in touch in the comments and we will make sure that this finds its way to you and moving on to this week’s picture we have this yes this is Lawrence piffy and his girlfriend at the um finish of the Juro stage he’s absolutely flying as well as well Lawrence he’s having a great season as well as being in caption as well as making caption you know yeah right up there on the CP but what are we going with Mano what we going to what’s our what’s our kind of take I don’t know I’ve got one if you got what is being said here Parelli’s tires are 16% faster that’s quite a good one go with that there we go not bad not bad not bad for us we’re not we’re not the greatest at them we are not you L are much better let us know what you think in the comments below get thinking for a chance to win and yeah you never know could be on its way to you time for comment of the week now and starting off with last week’s show hippie Lee had a cracker he did Bob Marley’s Bob Marley’s bike been recalled breakes kept jamming jamming jamming do you know what Bob M’s favorite sandwich is no with [Music] jamming right anyway moving swiftly on on the stra how who to follow on stra actually killy and Kelly um commenting saying he’s gutted not to make it onto the list I’m sorry kiding I’m sorry I should have actually included you got some brilliant Rose near near cork in south of Ireland we had another comment yes but before all of that follow all the gcn folks on stra yeah you know yeah D please do Conor’s started running as well so I started running did my best 5K ever today did into the it so I am c r d n NE what does that mean driver that’s my name oh have you known you five years M it was like a right then under the worlds I tried to burn off the world’s biggest breakfast there’s a lot of comments under this video thank you everyone for watching thanks for your comments um it was it was yeah mad mad old day how p88 said £50 for 15 portions for everything is actually very reasonable when you think about the amount if you had a big party or a big family to feed get that out it’s not that bad it did film it fed our cameramen soz I obviously didn’t finish it so cameramen I got a bit of a feed we had a few guests there so they all taged in as well so lovely um David washbrook said I love that Connor left his helmet on safety first I did notice that helmet on for the whole thing there’s a lot of comments I left the helmet on for the picture for our kind of picture of the thumbnail picture I just forgot to take it off if you take it off you probably would have been able to eat more like fit more in yeah restricting you yeah um did you just pass Camino said ol’s manic manical laughter all through the video is terrified it is it is quite Frank it is um yeah um Z my zone two video my six weeks is finally up and if you haven’t seen that video make sure to go and watch it because you do see if I got fitter from it and uh we have a comment from David Stanley I joined you from week one it has been a great experience as a six-year-old cyclist of 40 years um agent has taught me that train must must change as my age has I get more out of lower intensity than I did when I was younger recovery time is crucial as I age here I am seven week results starting F starting FTP was 195 Watts ending fdp was 226 seven weeks that is cracking yeah yeah it’s big difference nice work keep it up as well yeah um and Fartman 10284 brilliant name love it the Lloyds are getting back into shape manag to join J Dan’s journey and train together yeah we could could have gone in a few rides few runs yeah maybe both fly it both F flying the flag um but that pretty much that is all we have time for for the gcn show we’ve got a few cracking videos coming up on the channel before we leave you so on Thursday we have had to adjust my bike to fit me and on Friday um I went to see a female gynecologist to learn all about female saddle health issues which would be a very interesting one yeah definitely um and on Saturday so there’s a show running in the UK it’s kind of like a rerun called gladiators which is really popular kind of back in the ’90s it had a res it’s got a rerun Resurgence and it’s gone absolutely mental one of the Gladiators called Giant and he is a giant of a man he’s about my height he’s twice my weight he’s absolutely massive s’s gone for a bike ride with him he’s going to take you on at a bike C that’s going to be interesting Giant versus sigh so I’m looking forward to seeing this one actually and on Sunday we’ve got Titi bike versus recumbent and guess who’s back on the recumbent Hank he loves the recumbent you can’t you can’t keep keep away I’ve seen thisum actually it’s propal it HKS been getting the practice in so yeah interesting yeah he loves it right that is about all we have time for before you leave us though don’t forget to head over to shop. Global cycl check out some of the Italian aspired shirts merchandise that we’ve got going on pink hats pink bottles botles y we’re loving it well thanks for watching and Connor we survived a gcn show


    1. Most stupid mistake that „happened“ to me on a bike was taking part in a 190km Mtb marathon not knowing that I bought gels containing caffeine. After 14 hours and countless gels my stomach turned inside out and I could see dead people. Finished it in zombie mode after 1 hour of resting…

    2. Embarrassing moment – on a cycle coaching course, popped a wheelie on the way to the cafe after and looped out snapping my carbon saddle and a very sore arse

    3. When I was new to using clipless pedals I pulled up to some temporary traffic lights. I unclipped with no problem at all but somehow as I went to put my foot down I accidentally clipped back in and went down hard on my knee! I felt like a complete muppet!

    4. Dumbest things … I’ve done the slow motion fall cos can’t unclip before I’ve even moved at the START of a ride…

      Most embarrassing was probably riding into the back of a parked car

      Absolutely dumbest was the time I ignored riding companion who told me I was going the wrong way – ended up on the Autostrada in Italy, in a tunnel with trucks zipping by at 100kmh

    5. After finishing LEJOG, and getting to the end an hour in front of the rest of the group, I waited at the pub and downed a couple of pints. Went down to the sign for the photos when they arrived, then got back on the bike to head back to the pub and immediately fell off unable to unclip in time.

    6. The biggest challenge you guys could do it would be RAAM. I know you tried couple years ago but someone got Covid. But you guys should do a 4 or 8 team….. love your show.

    7. Like you mentioned, all cyclist will make mistakes. The biggest mistake however, is not cycling at all. It's always worth taking the risk making a fool of yourself.

    8. During a family summer vacation, I decided to ride my bike to the family BBQ. (It can be quite a challenge to get the hours in otherwise, so you have to be creative.) Some family members took my bag of regular clothes with them in their car. Arriving at the party, I noticed that I had forgotten my shoes. So I was (proudly) rocking the cycling shoes that evening. 😅

    9. Talking about bike bling on that Colnago, you guys should seriously check out Bastion bikes. Each one is a bespoke work of art. Oh. My. God! One day, I will win the lottery and all this will be mine!

    10. My favourite "dumb" cycling accident was having my cycle computer sensor slide down my fork and jamming my front wheel, straight over the bars, woke up in the ambulance on the way to the hospital (with the bike in the ambulance), got off relatively lightly only mild concussion and a very minor fracture to the point of my elbow

    11. I don’t know if it’s my dumbest moment but probably my most expensive blunder was deciding a deer trail running down to a creek was ridable. Just before the trail met the creek it became a sheer cliff and I went face first into the stream. After that my shoulder really hurt and the friend I was riding with was convinced I had a dislocated shoulder so he proceeded to try to put it back in. Turns out I had a broken collarbone and trying to reset my shoulder wasn’t helping at all! 🤕

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