Ukrainian FPV drones destroy 314 Russian motorcycle troops entering Avdiivka.

    Tthe Ukrainian FPV drones army’s 92nd Assault Brigade defeated an attack by Russian motorcycle troops outside of Bakhmut in eastern Ukraine.The riders abandoned that overburdened bike during an assault on the eastern town of Bilohorivka.

    [Music] where’s the after losing nearly 15,000 combat vehicles in the first two years of its wider war on Ukraine Russia got desperate production of new vehicles combined with the restoration of old vehicles from long-term storage couldn’t keep Pace with the monthly loss of more than 600 tanks infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers that’s why in the early months of the third year of the wider War more Russian troops have been riding into battle in trucks open toop golf carts and more recently motorcycles [Music] the growing number of unprotected or at best minimally protect vehicles on the Russian side of the front line doesn’t mean Russian forces can’t win battles against ammunition starved understaffed Ukrainian brigades but the Devolution of Russian vehicles does underscore one of the kremlin’s most serious challenges in a grinding war that officials in Moscow once claimed would end in Russian Victory in mere days while Russia remains a serious Battlefield threat ability to replace lost armored vehic Vehicles is limited Ukrainian analysis group for intelligence Insight [Music] explained armies have been riding on motorcycles for more than a century in other words as long as motorcycles have existed a fast maneuverable and inexpensive motorbike is an efficient way for a courier or Scout to get around the battlefield the problem for Russian troops in 2024 is that running low on purpose-built armored vehicles as well as larger civilian style Vehicles they’re riding their unprotected bikes directly at Ukrainian positions just like they started doing with their roofless desert cross 1,000 allterrain Vehicles a few months ago motorcycles are replacing golf carts Ukrainian War correspondent Yuri butusov noted H swapping bigger vehicles for bikes has cost some Russian units dearly the Ukrainian Army’s 92nd assault Brigade defeated an attack by Russian motorcycle troops outside of bakut in eastern Ukraine 3 weeks later the Ukrainian 79th Air Assault Brigade destroyed eight motorcycles during a Russian assault on Nova mikai also in the East the Russians were beaten in the teeth the Brigade quipped on social media front intelligence Insight cited one Vivid example a Russian motorcycle with a crude improvised sidecar for transporting several [Music] [Music] Soldiers the Riders abandoned that overburdened bike during an assault on the Eastern town of biva apparently last week despite the losses at least one Russian unit still vouches for motorcycles as assault vehicles the zarya Battalion of the Russian Army’s 123rd motor rifle Brigade claimed its bikes are faster and harder to spot than a heavier slower armored vehicle and the Russians are improving their War bikes much like they improved their bizarre metalclad turtle tanks [Music] to mitigate the threat from Ukraine’s Speedy firstperson view drones which have been observed more than once chasing down Russian motorcycle troops some Russian units have weaved metal mesh around their bikes the Ukrainian 79th Air Assault Brigade isn’t impressed our operators of attack drones did not appreciate the creativity the Brigade posted on social media following its defeat of the Russian motorcycle assault on or just before each rider was fined for speeding long before the Finish Line the Brigade joked alongside a video it posted depicting wrecked motorcycles and dead Russian Riders [Music] meanwhile the conflict in Ukraine has spurred the development of unmanned aerial Vehicles Aviation considered as auxiliary means drones began to play one of the main roles on the battlefield and fpvs created as toys drones firmly occupied their Niche destroying both military equipment and fortifications with Personnel it is possible that after some time both sides of the conflict will begin to produce so many fpv drones that there will be enough of them to destroy every Soldier this was stated by Ukrainian expert Sergey flash [Music] besnoff according to a drone expert the number of fpv drones on the battlefield is only growing with both sides of the conflict launching hundreds of drones per day that hunt military equipment hit identified positions and Hunt enemy troops it has already reached the point that one soldier can be hunted by up to several drones but this is not the limit after some time the number of fpv drones will increase to the point that there are enough of them for every Soldier bnov sets aside 6 months to a year for [Music] this for our part we note that the problem of drones in general and fpv drones in particular exists at the front in some directions for example on the Rabino verbo line the Armed Forces of Ukraine use so many drones that it is very difficult for ours the only way out in this situation is electronic warfare stations that can jam the control of drones in addition the destruction of UAV operators also takes Center Stage their training takes quite a long time where theel where theel [Music] [Music] sh [Music] [Music]


    1. а где эти 300 взорванных мотоциклов ? я только один насчитал , и то он был без водителя . В основном все видео в этом отрезке были взяты со стороны России .

    2. Ukraine soldiers should not of gloated and gave secrets away of using drones and making videos of what they are doing, Russia is given free reconnaissance, unbelievable really, plus the future terrorists are also learning they can use drones basically anywhere…well done.

    3. I have to disagree with the speaker bikes can cross minefields fast without being detonated and bring fighters deep into the conflict
      so it's just a battle of small arms they can't carry much but they can attack and withdraw fast Ukrain forces also use ATV 2 man which can carry 2 fast and some gear but they don't have a lot of them maybe they should get more with a towable small 2 wheel cart for food water and ammo and missile launchers not as fast a s a bike but more stable and higher capacity

    4. The Russians probably reckon the bikes are too fast for drones to hit. But are they? So two Russian conscripts on a bike, manage to get through the mines, drones, shells and shell holed terrain. What then … do they take on the Bradleys, Lepards, Abrhams, Stingers, Manpads, RPGs, Howitzers and the battle hardened Ukrainian soldiers? Or is it better to just surrender to a nice safe POW camp?

    5. Everybody over there is starting to value lighter, faster vehicles because drones easily and heavily target easier and heavier targets like tanks and personnel vehicles. Running out of vehicles has nothing to do with it. This is why Ukraine still has so many Abrams tanks parked, by the way. Perfectly good tanks just sitting around. I'm not convinced that the lighter vehicles are proving particularly advantageous for either side by any real measure, still.

    6. Oh look another Ukrainian supporters keep making a propaganda about the situation on the ground, i wonder where they dud get that information or sources which is not happening in real life they just keep making lie video about the attacking the Russian 314 motorcycle infantry division by FBV drones, now days no one believes any western media or western propagandist about the truth on Donbass Region the Russian are keep winning and learn or developing even more than Ukrainian forces

    7. 🌹❤🙏 For all the people / humans of the whole world and dear mr: Ukraine President ,mr : Russian President and mr : American president may keep war arms down….. " Do love your enimise. " HATRED CEASES NOT BY HATRED BUT BY LOVE " may respect humanity .please kindly Hug for Peace and Love ..thank you ..god bless you all..join Together Ukraine people and Russian people ..we all are live in a small one word 🌹❤🙏👍

    8. MOPAD Brigade invading soon…watch out for secret Mountainbike brigade…🎉 Coming soon…skateboard armada after that..skipping rope brigade…the horror

    9. Zelensky was just a clown, making some of those watching his acrobatic dances laugh, and he is like this in the war other than trying to fool the West into victory.

    10. Мотик – техника захваченной территории , GFP, даже не серой. Они в атаку на них едут.

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