Today we take a look at Pinewood Studios, Pinewood Rd, Slough, Iver SL0 0NH.

    We speak to 2 members of security who both object to filming from a public place.

    We find a very interesting film set outdoors but then run out of drone battery after a very long day in the Slough area.

    Google Maps Drone Photo –

    Q – What is your email address?
    A –

    Q – Where Can I See All Your Links In 1 Place?
    A –
    My LinkTree –

    Q – What E-Bike Do You Use?
    A – MiRiDER One (2022 Edition) Orange
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Drone Do I Use?
    A – DJI MINI 4
    My Referral Link –

    Q – Where Did You Get Drone Insurance From?
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Bodycam Do I Use?
    A – GoPro HERO12 Black
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Camcorder Do You Use To Zoom In?
    A – Panasonic HC-V180 90x Optical Zoom
    My Referral Link –

    Q- What Powerbank Do You Use?
    A – Charmast 23800mAh Quick Charge 3.0 PD 20W
    My Referral Link –

    excuse me uh you can’t make a movie here I can’t private private place it’s not sorry it’s not it’s not yeah you’re wrong after after the this this uh zebra crossing that’s the pro private property so welcome back to the channel guys quarter 7 and it’s still bright bright enough to do a video anyway and we’re here in slow IA taking a look at this place Pinewood Studios now Pinewood Studios has been the filming location for many iconic movies including multiple James Bond films the Harry Potter series and the Star Wars franchise established in 1936 Pine wood Studios is one of the oldest and most renowned film studios in the world there we go now where’s their land do we think well I’ve got turn Styles they’ve got this little uh Whatever It Is Going Under and Over in the distance there we’ve got the Roger More stage we do have Security in the little Gate House here keeping their eye on us so I hope we don’t see any bad behavior from them today and then we’ve got some Workshop signs and stages oh no filming Look No cameras bottom left on that building we’ve got some Star Wars imagery we’ve also got some stairs which are very high up there in the corner lot so a nice looking building to my right sorry it’s not allow to take the picture why not this the pr here I’m not in there I’m outside so the sight yeah it’ll be fine don’t worry about it it’ll be fine yeah well that was easy wasn’t it you’re not allowed to film it’ll be fine okay what’s the point in saying it then no point at all is there I can hear some Sirens what if we got what do you reckon can you tell from the siren what type of vehicle it is OH police emergency response and then we come to this entrance which looks a lot more official doesn’t it yes and the only way to cross the road is to walk over here and over the crossing but before we walk over the crossing we need to get some photons so we got main entrance allocated parking north parking visitor parking oh we’ve got a little advertisement over there the marles in cinema we got another one over there as well hi sir all of us strangers excuse me sir I’m just busy at the minute excuse me uh you can’t make a movie here I can’t private private place it’s not sorry it’s not it’s not yeah you’re wrong after after the this this uh zebra crossing that’s the prop private property so what I’m not on there yeah that’s fine I’m just telling you after this zebra Crossing yeah I know yeah what’s your point no just I’m I’m just explaining you you said I’m not allowed to film because it’s private property after the zebra Crossing yeah it’s nonsense yeah that make sense um I do need to go down there yeah to do some filming where about you going all around yeah that’s fine all around you can do so what you saying everything you’re saying is pointless yeah well off he goes I don’t know why they try it you I do not know why they try it I was just about to show him the Drone just to uh get that point across but there’s no need he literally said you can just go in and walk wherever you want oh dear how bizarre how bizarre they start off like that and they just walk away so they’ve got their own little ambulance in there possibly a prop yeah a prop Look it’s even got the film side sign at the back uh oh the Sha conary stage down [Music] there we have another little security gate house wow the sun is very bright very very bright we’ve got one last sign to see was there open to the public The Pinewood Cinema is open to the public in the John Barry theater Saturday and Sunday oh Friday Saturday and Sunday but it’s not one of those days at the moment and I have no intention of physically walking on to Pinewood Studio land none at all that’s what the Drone is for I presume these are staff although that does look like a uh a married couple just going to the cinema he’s got a drink in his hand doesn’t he I think he has security as well well there so that’s the level of intelligence at this gate I think they’re hoping for the cameraman to just comply look we’ve got loads more tourist type of groups here possibly a tour guide as well with the paper h not so private after all is it so we’ve been spoken to twice by security both times telling us not to film from a public place out here I do wonder what they’re going to be like when we get the Drone up uh I don’t know whether anybody’s been here before and they’re just trying it on but we’ll find out let’s get David up and see what this place looks like from above so as always we’ve checked on drone assist there are no flight restrictions in the area at all we don’t have much battery on it so it won’t be a long drone flight or we can certainly get up and have a little nosy can’t we take off Pinewood Studios we’ll start with this half we just make sure we don’t see any activity coming out of the gate house door they seem to be doing okay so far A little change of color there on the tall Mac I’m presuming I’m on Council land and not theirs and then we have the Pinewood Studio those SES look how big that car park is and some stages where it all happens inside down the back max altitude reached but do they have let’s stick it in sport mode Zoom around this one do they have any sets that are set up Outdoors they’ve got a nice perimeter fence around there look [Music] so it’s all [Music] this some big stages there one and two and then the other entrance that we went to over there and the crowd of people that are walking around this bit but it certainly looks like it’s all undercover battery level is low battery level air will return to the home point in 10 seconds that looks a little interesting doesn’t it down there return to home oh let’s just cancel that for a moment we’re very close I think that’s a a set being constructed for sure so we’ll just have one little sneak peek at this and then we’ll bring David back I’m glad we found something anyway so you recognize it anybody what do we think all being hidden with the shipping containers from view awesome well we got no more time to waste I’m glad we’ seen something unusual on our trip to Pinewood Studios now let’s get David back and see where the video takes us next the location of the DJ audits key ring on this video is just in the corner there under them Stones if you are one of the first people to watch a video and you do want a key ring good luck with that I do believe that this place may have been done before because apart from those two tiny security objections they’ve been pretty good now we did see that film set with the Drone of the last bit of drone battery that we had and it was over in this direction and you can just about see the top of it over there so I’m just going to go a little bit closer to see what you can actually see from the ground yes mate how you doing oh my God I’ll park up and take a photo take care [Music] mate but anyway there looks to be a lot of people standing up in that gate house there oh they’re earning their wage today they’re having to stand up on the radios as well look he’s looking at his phone probably looking at the YouTube channel what do you think is anybody going to come out and tell us off or just do a silly dance like that he’s one of the actors he’s not a real security guard is a performer so there we go no objections from Pinewood Studios oh he’s dancing again he’s giving us a little bit of entertainment which the video is lacking yeah they’re happy here we’ll leave them to it and I would say thank you for respecting the rights of the photographer and the Drone flyer but two of your staff tried it on but the rest of you thank you very much so if you have enjoyed that video do give it a thumbs up for me and I’ll see you on the next one guys bye-bye for now [Music]


    1. I'm surprised they didn't have more outdoor film sets. I guess everything's filmed on the Volume. I wonder what stage that's in. Ahh..hmm the "volume" is at manhattan beach, but they have others like it at different production facilities called other things like the "infinity". Fascinating.

    2. Any chance that any of the sites in uk might just employ someone that could string a proper English sentence together or at least get the said words in right order ??

    3. Went to the filming of the comedy show My Family at Pinewood many years ago. We were kept waiting that long that in the interim we were invited to watch a film scene being filmed there. There was a makeshift forest on the backlot and we were lined up and told to be quiet and watch. This actress came out and did her stuff, it was only Angelina Jolie filming Tomb Raider 2.

    4. Well. I guess they don't like being filmed. Obviously their boss has said no filming. Come and mention it fine. No filming past this point IF you come on site. Sorry guys do doesn't play those games. He has no intention of stepping foot on your site. He will fly over it though. Then we have Mr jiggy who wants his his 5 minutes of fame. Sorry DJ is not in the business of casting for movies and that performance is better off in the night clubs. I'd say maybe 5/10. They tried their luck realised you weren't going to bite and left you to it. Although they could of radioed down to the other gate house so you weren't approached again by maybe he thought you'd left?. Polite not at all aggressive didn't keep pushing so not bad. Could do better but not bad. What are your thoughts dj? Xx

    5. More bloody foreigners dressed up with a high viz outfit to warn people of their stupidity . I love how you put them in their places and make complete fools of them . Why on earth do firms think it's a good idea to employ them ?

    6. Hey DJ, not sure if its of any interest to you, but there a new industrial estate being build in Ilkeston derby called new stanton park.

    7. For a long time, if you sat in the refectory at Pinewood one of the sites that was blocked from the free wi-fi was YouTube. At a film studio. We always thought that was absolutely hilarious.

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