Back on the bike! After last year’s world trip by bicycle from Amsterdam to New Zealand, we went on a new but smaller adventure: Straight across the Icelandic highlands, the F26/Sprengisandur road. Glaciers, Volcanoes, waterfalls, everyday these natural miracles would pass by. So much adventure packed in such a small piece of the world! It was rugged too, with many kilometres of sand, midges, harsh winds and glacial rivers to cross, those come with the package! Iceland, hopefully see you again soon!


    We are Tom & Sabine, also known as Ten Million Turns. In March 2019 we left our cozy home in Amsterdam and embarked on the trip of our lifetime. A tent as our home, two bicycles as our means of transport, and a destination on the other side of the world: New Zealand! Cycling the world resulted in a daily dose of adventure, wonderful meetings with local people and awe-inspiring views. Slow travel is pure travel, we believe! Our videos show a small highlight of our experiences during our world bicycle tour. This video is ‘Season 2’, our first post-world trip cycling adventure


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    Did you know we also have a website with frequent blogs about our experiences on the road? If you want to have more background stories to these videos, read up here 📝 :

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    Music: AnantaSound – Pressure (ft. Hanneke) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license

    Thank you for allowing us to use your song in our video!

    All footage by Ten Million Turns
    (Shot with DJI Mavic Air drone, GoPro Hero 6, Fujifilm X-T2, iPhone 7 and iPhone SE)


    1. Great video super edit. I ve been to Iceland too, last september by bicycle, but weather was horrible. I subscribe, I love your channel. If you like, check my channel too. See you soon and stay safe

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