A full-throttle run through the day’s breaking news with the King of Common Sense. Join ‘Morning Glory’ with Mike Graham from 6:30am-10am every Monday to Friday.

    thing about 14 Towers was that it wasn’t really a terrible Hotel it just had a terrible owner we’ve all stayed in those places in sort of places like T where you kind of go well it’s quite nice really but there’s something a bit odd about it you know you s walk around the cor it’s the it’s the star yeah but but but the rest of it was actually fine but people seem to love I mean there used to be a restaurant in Golden Screen called blooms and people used to re not know anymore no and it used and people cried the fact because I mean the service was abominable place called won key that used to be in Chinatown but you threw the food in goes regularly to Bar New York or costellos which was famous for having a very rude bartender and he was rude to everybody and everybody went there because they wanted him to be rude you felt sort of as if you’d been accepted finally singled me out you know um lots to talk about this morning obviously we’re looking at um all manner of things the um the Rory M andoy divorce thing very interesting indeed nobody knows why but I’ll tell you what I found which is quite interesting some pictures of him with Megan marle she did the Ice Bucket Challenge with him some time ago before she married Harry course uh we’re going to talk about the Stop and search thing we’ve got a driveby shooting overnight up in North London um which is extraordinary in in amongst all these questions about stop and search whether we should bring it back it was an incredible um Ram raided um sort of drug lord being freed in France we’re doing all that um and the world’s most complicated roundabout which you’ve discovered is in Cambridge oh uh which they’ve spent millions and millions of pounds on it’s so complicated they’ve had to issue a video to explain to people how they’re supposed to use it it’s mad and and I bet the was astronomical and amazingly they call it the awardwinning roundabout I don’t know who gives Awards to roundabouts but I mean somebody’s given it an award so you can call it the award winning round well because it was the most expensive or the most idiotic presumably it’s just idiotic it looks incredibly Bonkers so loads of stuff like that um and also the French is urging men to drive more like women right I’m not sure what that means but we’ll be finding out excellent I’m not going to get myself into trouble I’ll leave you to do that uh excellent thank you very much indeed That’s Mike greme he’s next here on talk where funny I’ll be back tomorrow from 5: for early breakfast hope you en join me then and as I said Mike is next [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning and welcome to Morning Glory it’s me Mike gr with you all the way through till 10:00 it is the brand new breakfast show not quite as brand new as it was nearly 3 weeks ago uh we’re into the third week we’re doing rather well we’re rather happy with it and we’re very pleased with all the facts and figures that you’ve been throwing at us over the course of the last few days this week we’ve been obviously prioritizing first time callers that’s what we’ll do we will walk you through all the big stories this morning not only in the front pages of the papers but all the way through them and also what’s going on behind the scenes a couple of breaking stories overnight there’s been a driveby shooting believe it or not in North London uh there’s been an incredible sort of ram raid where a drug lord has been freed uh over in France it looks like something out of that movie Heat I don’t know whether you saw that uh but basically absolutely Brazen in the middle of the day uh they Ram raid a police man taking a prisoner to a different prison to a courthouse and suddenly he’s on the Run they’re still looking for him somewhere down near ruong and we’ll be telling you about the world’s most complicated roundabout in Cambridge we’ll be showing you that so complicated they had to do an explain explanatory video uh to actually tell you how to drive around it absolutely extraordinary meanwhile uh bring back stop and search is what the Tories are saying uh there’s a new portrait of the king some people say it’s in the pink I say it’s absolutely horrific um and no more gender Dogma finally the government have decided that actually people under the age of nine otherwise known as children shouldn’t be taught about sex education or indeed transgender activities or perhaps not even be seen by drag queens brilliant it’s only Tak them 14 years 0344 499 1,000 TOS Slaters here as well we’re going to be looking through everything that we have in front of us and we want to hear from all of you of course as well this is where the nation comes to talk uh it’s a reasonably decent looking day today actually we are live across Great Britain Let’s Get It On [Music] very good morning to you Tom slers here very good morning to you Tom a lot of big stories to look at today let’s kick off with some of the front pages uh Tories tell police bring back stop and search on the front page uh of the telegraph obviously there’s all sorts of rumors about when the election might be the express has got November the 14th I think is the latest suggested uh headline uh but police must increase their use of stop and search to tackle knife crime rather than appease campaign groups who claim it is disc hard to believe this is still an argument that’s going on isn’t it it’s a strange one I mean you can tell that the Tores are trying to create like a dividing line between them and the Tories but if they were really keen on doubling down on stop and search they could have done this a long time ago and also it’s not just a labor attack line to say that police numbers have been cut to the tor’s watch so it’s one of those things where like all a lot of the policy announcements we’re hearing in this big Blitz at the moment all sounds something that could help them go over the line but it all does feel a bit too little too late is it also down to the local Mayors as well I mean like if you were talking about stop and search in London presuming you’d have to get it approved by sadik Khan rather than just a home office director wouldn’t I mean London sort of split between the meraly in the in the home office but you’re absolutely right as far as this is a devolved thing to a certain extent but again anything they can do to try and make themselves look more tough on crime but it I think it just strikes a lot of people as just PR at this point rather than anything that because what we see and it’s not just in London it’s all over the country is is you know video after video story after Story of of horrendous knife attacks and people Now using knives much more frequently than they ever used to yeah no it’s really shocking and it’s particularly shocking that not to go back to Sadi Khan but the fact that you know a few weeks ago he was suggesting that Susan H has been watching too much of the wire and yet in recent days we’ve seen a we’ve seen an older woman who was stabbed to death in Burnt Oak we’ve seen you know this story in North London that I know we’re going to get on to clearly this is not something that’s just in Tory imaginations at this it’s very real and people are very worried right and it is pretty worrying that the mayor of the biggest city in the country the capital city country which has got a massively increased amount of knife crime it’s so flippant about the idea that oh you want just making it up for for a sort of election campaign yeah or kind of treating it as in like it’s just the background noise of city life like you have to get used to it I think that’s shocking I don’t think people are going to put up with that for that much longer has been redelivered back to them no and this is the second time I think I’ve seen um an incident of a gun being used as well a woman was shot on a main road in North London who was an innocent bystander caught in the crossover drive by gun B in Stanford Hill for those people who don’t really know know it perhaps I mean the problem is um uh is that it’s a part of London which is I wouldn’t say particularly well known for being dangerous but there’s now situations where people are shooting out of cars at one another it seems to be going on quite frequently no it’s really shocking and it’s something that you feel like things are really spiraling out of control when you’re starting to hear about more gun crimes as well this is something that suggests something’s going very very wrong in terms of just how criminals like to be an intercepted because it shouldn’t be an easy thing to be able to get hold of and move around the fire this country that’s kind of the whole point of our restrictive laws and yet you still see things like this happen right and it will be no doubt the reason why there’s another debate about whether the police should be armed some of the police was saying when we asked the question well we don’t really want the police to be armed it’s not a very good idea but it seems as though there’s a lot more people with guns it it seems that way I mean we probably shouldn’t get too concerned about it it’s still from a relatively low base is a good thing that generally speaking even criminals don’t tend to have firearms and even police don’t tend to have firearms it means that situations don’t escalate the way well I would say that would have used to have been the case but I mean if we now see more and more you know drive by shooting incidents and there have been other incidents where people have been you know nobody’s been injured by them but people have actually shot guns out of cars that seems to be kind of a drug gangs thing and we’ll be talking to some me former members of gangs later on you know that seems to be the problem no it is it’s definitely a a newer problem that we’ve experienced before and it’s something that’s got to be taken seriously whether that means just arming all the police or I’m not convinced but it’s clearly something that we can’t just ignore as Sadi Khan or anyone else might want no exactly and speaking of incredible sort of scenes of crime and violence we have a look at this video from France which is Inc it’s something that’s coming overnight I don’t know if you’ve seen the movie Heat which is one of the few movies that Robert Ando starles in with alucino um and Incredibly um there’s just there a sort of ram raiding situation going on where these these guys just they’re transporting a drug lord we understand uh who is a very very violent man known as the fly which I was like the way the French was given them their know nickname um but a couple of them here we are here the police officer’s van is there um and a car just drives an SUV just drives into the front of it Rams it like that um and then they get out and there’s a sort of shootout uh in which I think two of the French police officers has killed I mean it’s very dramatic stuff there’s another car uh stops and they jump out of it there’s a coach that goes past it’s all in broad daylight you can see um some sort of smoke Rising which is presumably because the guns are being fired it really is quite extraordinary isn’t it it’s incredible and you mentioned heat there it is like something you’d expect from like a film like this sort of thing you don’t expect to happen in it’s all happened in not far from ru um and these characters are all now on the run the man in question is a man called Muhammad amra uh who is known as Lush which is the fly apparently in French um and it’s an ambush which has been called Despicable by the by the French authorities but it’s incredibly dramatic isn’t it no incredible incredible footage there another story from France which uh some people may choose to ignore Joe’s Max didn’t want to mention didn’t want to reflect on it but but basically the frch have issued a new um plea to drivers U particularly male drivers to say we wanted to drive more like women that’s interesting have they elaborated on what that means well they basically said that men are a bit too Macho U most a bit too aggressive most of the drunk driving convictions are male drivers most of the accidents are caused by male drivers and they’re actually saying contrary to what most people say that women are worst drivers women are actually much better drivers you can imagine on net that I can’t imagine any I can’t imagine anyone saying that in this country cuz they be to frightened of the backlash wouldn’t they be too frighten of even entering the conversation about whether women are better drivers than men no it’s a completely it’s almost more toxic than the gender discussion the immigration discussion that who is the worst driver could seriously divide a yeah a room or a family it really could well I mean because every man will have a story of of what his partner has done to their car presumably um but uh you know it’s it’s one of those stories that that people will debate for the rest of time we’ll debate it I’m sure going through uh the course of the show this morning but what about uh another video have a look at the is this I think we can hear this one as well there’s a cycling Junction in Cambridge which they put up now you and I talk about cyclist all the time we’ve got another cycling story to bring you um but of course there’s a huge amount of ranker now between cyclists and um and and other Road users whether they’re pedestrians or whether they’re whether they’re car drivers I mean for the last three or four days um my timeline on Twitter has been completely filled with cyclists arguing with non-cyclists about who’s in charge of what but if you look at this ridiculous looking roundabout in Cambridge let’s have listen to how you’re supposed to use it it’s so complicated that they’ve issued instructions improved cycling and walking across our region by introducing new routes and infrastructure such as the Cyclops Junction on histon road the first of its kind in Cambridge Cyclops stands for cycle optimized protected signals a signalized crossroad style Junction where cyclist and pedestrians can simultaneously cross all Arms Of The Junction at the same time whilst being separated from motorized traffic Cyclops Junctions aim to make travel safer and smoother for all users with increased crossing times for pedestrians and cyclists to encourage more people to walk wheel and cycle now there’s the key words there right increased crossing times for cyclists and pesters now that means longer red lights for cars which be sitting there getting more and more High rate as you watch everybody else moving apart from yourself because it does it sends people insane doesn’t it also they’re calling it Cyclops do they not realize that Cyclops uh you know in Greek mythology was a creature with a one eye in the middle of his forehead so he couldn’t see very well probably wouldn’t be a very good driver You’ I wouldn’t have mened perception no no depth perception no pereral vision you know but they’ve literally they’ve constructed this ridiculously complex and some of some of the Streets of London like this as well where there are so many little lights you know green light for a cyclist other red light over there cyclist coming the wrong way you go the other way I mean it’s unbelievable I actually was in a drive the other day cyst bumped into the front of my car because he was coming the wrong way down a oneway street because there allowed to except he had had to go around a car which was parked so he was technically right in front of my car I was driving because I just pulled out of a car park and he didn’t he couldn’t stop in time and he bumped into the front of my car and I just went like this I went what are you doing and he just kind of SW swore at me and drove off I was just like you know this is what really I could have jumped out and beat him to a pulp but I didn’t feel like it I was in a hurry only kidding obviously this is what infuriates people I think because so much money and effort has been put into facilitating cyclist the amount of money that must been spell that roundabout which even the cyclist didn’t how to use which is a classic kind of you know and also they have to urge the cyclists and the the phrasing of the of the way they put it it’s running but you know they must come to a stop when the red light on the cycling Lane indicates it yeah I.E please stop at red lights because everybody else does think that’s the other thing isn’t it was the fact that you know especially in London the amount of space that’s been carved up for cycle Lanes roow is basically cut in half just to facilitate this and yet they don’t stop at red lights a lot of them it’s the sort of thing where and also even where there’s even though all of these Cy been put in there’s also the fact that you’ll often see someone coming the other way down oneway street riding on the pavement because of the fact that that’s just easier on that little bit of stretch of road this is a thing that just really gets people you would think that cyclists are like a majority in London country they’re really not no but the amount of effort that goes into it because there is this broader sort of anti-ar agenda basically well these people in cage are admitting it in in the explanation they say you know um they’re giving longer Crossing tires for cyclist and pedestrians in order to encourage more people to cycle or walk well that’s fine but if you have to travel 15 miles to get to work you can’t really walk it takes a bit of a long time anyway we’ve got more to come we’re going to tell you why the king is in the pink we’re going to talk about no more sex education for nine-year-olds thank goodness this is from the government today and also um a big divorce a big Celebrity Divorce Rory mroy who’s worth $200 million uh has se has apparently decided to file for a divorce from his wife of seven years nobody’s quite sure why we’ll come back with more with Tom Slater and more from Morning Glory I’m Mike graah [Music] the legend that is Mike Graham comes back on breakfast Julia harly Brewer she’s got an opinion or two into Ian Collins in the afternoon my wife loves him drive time weekdays from 4 the home of Common Sense is talk [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hi I’m James well Unleashed on Talk Saturday night 7 o’ until 10 I’m warning you now if you’re easily offended this is not the show for you if you know I say occasional rude word or if I kind of talk to somebody in a rather offhand way which you wouldn’t hear on the BBC or anywhere else I do apologize 3 hours absolutely live nobody least of all me knows what’s going to happen you better join us to find out listen watch here see talk argument attitude opinion across the UK this is talk welcome back to morning glorious me Mike grah with the big new breakfast show right here on talk and we are here Across the Nation we are live across Great Britain all the way uh from the very tip of the West country uh down in Cornwall all the way up to the northeast of Scotland U even in abedine where Alex s is a keen list we told uh probably people speaking to Alex I’m sure pretty soon uh the dry and the highs of 19° are going on it’s quite a nice day out there a little bit better than yesterday be a first time caller we are giving you priority once again this week because we’ve been having some great success with that and tell us where you’re listening or watching from because it’s all around the nation we’ve got lots to do today we’re going to be asking why the NHS is paying men 400 quid to lose weight police have been told to use stop and search more to fight against knife crime we’re bringing you news of a a shooting overnight a driveby shooting uh which an innocent bystander was injured uh we’re also going to find out why according to the Daily Express the Tories have got a fighting chance that migration will fall to 150,000 next year well that’s not much to boast about is it Tom SL was here with me from spikes online um one quick one for you Tom um but this is quite funny struck me overnight Princeton University one of the huge ivy league universities in America a bit like Harvard a bit like Yale has had a hunger strike going on uh because of the Gaza conflict of course the students have been sitting uh in a room somewhere not eating uh they’ve given up the hunger strike now because they got a bit hungry um this is reverting to type isn’t it it is like Columbia a few weeks ago where you had the they given that press conference where they were complaining yes we have occupied this building but why can’t you deliver us food from the candy right they wanted humanitarian aid for the Upper West Side of Manhattan you know with Uber Eats I’m unbelievable um let’s talk a bit about the NHS though um couple of stories around um they’re going to pay men and presumbly include you and I you don’t really need to lose any weight £400 to lose weight and they said you’re a daily text message in telling you not to have a kebab I mean that’s our money they’re wasting I mean this is one of those kind of trials that you hear about where it’s probably a few you know a few dozen people and they’re just trying to see what works but you do think is this the best use of everyone’s time I mean also some of the the texts are oddly kind of snarky they’re saying things like don’t use your body as a rubbish bit yeah right okay then what should I do with it problem solved I like the idea that also they proba they scale it up so if you lose a bit of weight they give you 50 pound if you lose bit most of the men have so far been involved in it haven’t got the full 400 they’ve only got of you know portions of 400 why does that not surprise me exactly right you’re supposed to lose 10% of your body weight apparently if you do this but again they’re incentivizing I was looking at some of the comments on the on the bottom of these articles and incentivizing people who don’t do the right thing with money whereas the people who do do the right thing if that’s what you want to call it and who don’t put on weight uh get nothing and they basically subsidize the people who are too fat to to do anything else Al why I don’t understand is even if this worked perfectly you’re not going to roll it out across the entire NHS it just wouldn’t make any sense it would cost an obscene amount of money so it’s I part of me wers if they’re just doing it for the sake of it or a bit research yeah absolutely right front page of the sun we can hold up for you uh is2 200 million pound Rory I want a divorce it’s not quite clear why but we’ve actually to Unearthed something interesting about Rory maroy he’s not the world’s most interesting golfer and I know there people be people watching this this morning going why we don’t even talk about golf it’s not really that exciting but he he’s a very wealthy man um he’s dated some very interesting women and here’s an interesting video that we found from 2014 of him with Megan marle doing the ice bucket challenge would you believe have a look at this I was nominated by Rory mroy to do the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge and I said yes on two conditions one that I could remind everyone that this is for ALS awareness I made a donation today I hope you do the same at alsa.org second condition I thought it seemed fitting that the person who nominated me would be the one to dump the ice on me so hi there hi um I challenge Serena Williams to do the ALS Ice Bucket as well okay shall we ready yes all right got it got it got it got it got it got it ready yeah what one 2 three ladies and gentlemen the future president of the United States of America I mean I’m sorry I mean people say well why are you making fun of her she was doing a good thing yeah she was doing a good thing I just it’s just interesting that that the kind of what happened in Megan Marco’s life before she met Harry there’s quite a lot of content there there there is and also it’s a reminder isn’t it that um for all of attempts to kind of turn herself into this kind of international humanitarian her fate really should have been as a sort of D celebrity’s like who’s that standing next to maroy that’s really would would have made a lot more sense it would have made an awful lot more sense and just so that you don’t think I’ve done this for no reason at all there’s a story in the times today which says that divorce wrecks your credit score I don’t suppose Ry will worry about this cuz he’s worth 200 million quid but there is an actual real problem here where some people who get divorced they don’t sort of uncouple themselves properly financially so you can still have links to your ex via you know council tax payments or bills that they owe money that they haven’t paid and if you don’t do it properly there’s a warning that it says that you know you might there there’s people talking about how they couldn’t rent they couldn’t buy a car they couldn’t get a mortgage they couldn’t get they couldn’t r of property because their credit rating have been so badly affected by their ex so we’ll take you stories on that if that’s happened to you uh we’d love to hear from you 0344 499 1000 this is where Britain comes to talk we had some very interesting conversations yesterday about the role of women in the workplace and how you know the birth rate has fallen so much because fewer women want to want to have kids and the child care is not good enough for them so I mean there’s a lot of issues around you know all of that um and when it comes to you know getting divorced it’s not as simple and straightforward as it sounds it’s not it’s one of those things where it feels like in the Modern Age It’s kind of prohibitively expensive to have families a lot of people were saying sometimes there’s a lot of Truth to that sometimes people can over egg it but also just everything is so kind of financially intertwined and complicated that again you can find yourself in a situation where you’re having to think about your financial situation when you’re in the midst of what is effectively an emotional personal issue which hor mix of things um talking about families I mean the government apparently I’m completely unbeknownst to them didn’t realize that if they told people coming here on student visas that they bring members of their family with them they wouldn’t have a massive immigration problem because they’re now being told that they could actually slash immigration in a stroke by warning people that they can’t bring families they’ve now done this and I think since January uh we’ve already seen a couple hundred thousand less people coming to the country but so many people have come here and brought their family you’d think somebody in the home office would have gone there’s something going on here there’s people coming here with load loads of dependant and they’re not leaving yeah and it’s something that people were warn you know the home office were warned about this it’s something that they clearly just turned a bit of a blind eye to I’m fascinated in this story where this is their sort of top immigration advisor saying they’ve got a Fighting Chance of BR the numbers down and it is a reminder not just on immigration but on all kinds of other issues the government are kind of they’re involved in what happens but they can only really influence it it’s almost like they don’t properly set policy they’re not properly in control of machine we didn’t know this would happen yeah and then they they’re almost like Spectators and then they try something a bit different and hope it brings it down I think that’s something that people are quite shocked by which is that even when politicians say they’re going to do something their ability to do it feels inhibited well that seems to be the government we have now isn’t it we we keep being told they’re going to do something should we have a look at the picture of the king the new picture of the king many people described it as looking like just of oil I’ve already had a go and just thrown a load of tomato soup over it it’s a strange sort of image isn’t it it’s it’s an interesting choice particularly because this is the I believe the first portrait that’s been commissioned since he’s been king um and you know aside from it’s a little it’s a little bit non-traditional which doesn’t necessarily put me off but it’s just the the composition is a bit sort of hellish it is hellish you it reminds me of remember during the time of covid um and sort of left the organizations were putting out pictures of of the the the the Tores with blood on their hands and those particularly gruesome kind of depictions of Boris Johnson um and sella braan and they were really quite offensive actually I thought at the time and I think they had to be withdrawn it looks a bit like that it looks like if you trying yeah if you were trying to illustrate an anti-monarchy campaign or something you would you would and the the artist is a man called Jonathan yo said that he included a monarch butterfly because it symbolized the metamorphosis from Prince to King which as you would I know I didn’t spot the mon butterfly did you uh no I didn’t until it pointed out apparently that’s also a nod to his environmentalism of course good I wonder what other hidden things we can find we’ll be talking to an art critic later on about that finally sex education to be banned for the under NS shouldn’t really be a news story right what else are you going to ban them from do shots of vodka I feel like this is a perfect epit to this government it’s like 14 years of conservative government and they’ve only now got around to saying we’re not going to teach 9year olds about sex right relationships right I think that’s just that’s them summed up really and we’re not going to let them smoke joints in the in the playground either and absolutely lay off the tequila Slammers yeah I mean really thank you Tom thank you very much indeed Tom Slater there we’ve got loads more to come you can text us of course on 87 triple2 uh we are all over the country this morning this is where the nation comes to talk coming up uh we’ll be talking more about Banning kids from learning about sex at the age of 9 19 EU countries want Rwanda star deportation schemes and what about Mayhem in magalo we’ll do a bit of that as well I’m Mike gra this is morning glory back after this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning and welcome to Morning Glory I’m GRA with you all the way through until 10:00 every single weekday morning we’re here from 6:30 live across Great Britain bringing you the joys and sometimes the tears of what is going on are the stories behind the news and of course all of your calls your views are very important to us we’ve been talking already this morning about cyclist about this crazy roundabout in Cambridge uh that nobody knows how to use and has already caused quite a few accidents and incidents uh and it’s so complex they’ve had to issue a video uh to tell people what to do when they approach it absolutely extraordinary stuff we we talking this morning a lot about bringing back stop and search because of course front pages of Daily Telegraph this morning uh Tories are saying ahead of the election despite fears of campaigners who say it’s discriminatory the only way to crack down on the increasing and burgeoning knife crime epidemic in this country is to bring back stop and search we’ll be speaking to Sheldon Thomas a former gang member uh who now works for gangs line which works with local authorities to help prevent knife crime we’ll find out we’ll try and get behind the headlines to try and find out what is the psych ology of knife crime why are so many young men in particular walking around the capital uh and other cities in this country with knives and it’s also spreading as well don’t you know to other parts of the country we’re also going to be talking about the the problem with the NHS this morning they’re still trying to get people to lose weight they’re going to offer men £400 to try and lose weight and finally ministers to ban schools from teaching sex education to 9-year-olds will knock me over with a feather I mean who came up with that genius idea uh this is morning glory I’m Mike grer you can get in touch with us of course 0344 499 1000 it’s the home of Common Sense Let’s Get It [Music] On we’ve already got some messages coming in from Cambridge where this roundabout sits and this is from Mandy who says mike this roundabout is an absolute Nightmare and they’re building another one less than 2 miles away we also have a Dutch roundabout near Adam Brooks Hospital which is seen a lot of accidents since it opened and thousands of pounds in repairs uh since as well I hate driving in Cambridge and avoid it at all cost now it is just one big traffic jam um and Dave says morning Mike great show Khan at Sadi Khan has a blinking view London will always seem safer inside a police escorted Army plated range armor plated Range Rover uh that’s Dave in Grimsby uh you tell us where you’re from U we’ve actually got somebody listening this morning from Kalamazoo in Michigan uh which I’ve been to believe it or not um I can’t remember what I did there but it was very very underwhelming I seem to remember there’s a story I was covering anyway also uh we’re going to be telling you about why Ry sunak has been told by his chief migration advisor uh that he’s got a fighting chance that net migration will fall to wait for it 150,000 a year it’s a bit more than they said it was going to be isn’t it let’s talk to Sheldon Thomas who’s a consultant for gangs line as we said before um it works with local authorities the organization to help prevent knife crime um let’s see what he’s got to say about the stop and search scenario Sheldon very good morning to you welcome to Morning Glory good morning thank you very much for joining us Sheldon I mean I guess the question for most of us in in amongst all of the debates that will go on around stop and search is what do you think as a former member of a gang and somebody who works with them now um is the main reason why so many young men in particular are walking around with knives I mean it’s it’s um a lot to do with their own mindset but more importantly it’s to do with social media things have changed in the last 10 maybe 12 years with social media and the influence that other young people have over other young people in terms of going on social media glamorizing this lifestyle of being a gangster being a gang member doing county lines and everyone knows if you’re selling drugs you’re going to have to carry a weapons in my days um in the um late 70s early 80s and early 90 um throughout the 80s and the 90s we all had guns so most of us have gone through this kind of dilemma now the problem is back in my days um people weren’t really interested because only certain people were being killed at that time it was mainly poor white kids in poor neighborhoods or black kids in certain black um certain neighborhoods now knife crime affects everyone because it’s a culture on the streets it’s now a culture amongst young people and it isn’t got anything to do with color per se in terms of um people always trying to say that oh it’s black kids but if you take London out of the equation it’s all white kids so people need to be very careful when they use the the word black kids because that only applies in London and certain parts of Birmingham but when you start going into places like Nottingham Sheffield Liverpool it’s all white kids so the question isn’t about color now the question is how do you break a culture which is the mindset you can’t just deliver a gang prevention Workshop in a school or a knife crime Workshop in a school and think that’s it because the problem is most of the people delivering these um um knife crime preventions are they’ve never lived it they have no relatability a lot of the times and they are the ones normally get the funding around all of these situations so we’re creating a kind of um situation where programs are going into the school but the people delivering have no lived experience whatsoever and so the young people know that and they’re not really paying attention so what you need now is more investment um not just to the police they need Investments to small community organizations who are closely linked these young people in these neighborhoods um who have an understanding of who these young people are who knows how they think because they’ve lived it themselves and I think that will begin to make some inroads and if we deliver in primary schools because the biggest problem we have is not educating young men and boy young men and young girls at a very young age so that by the time they transition into secondary school they already know what to look out for but if we’re going to wait to go into a secondary school it’s too late yeah and what about I mean you’re right to talk about places outside of London because I mean know in the last in of recent memory last couple of weeks there was a stabbing incident in a school in Sheffield um there was a stabbing incident at school in Wales think it was in Swansea which was which was perpetrated by by a woman a girl um those have both now resulted in charges so we can’t really go into what what actually happened um but in terms of stop and search and I’m just looking at some figures here uh stop and searches have increased from a low of 20 280,000 in 2017 they’ve continued to drop certainly the Metropolitan Police to 137,000 in 23 24 so I mean it’s probably not right to say that there’s no stop and search going on is it well no I wouldn’t say there’s no stop and search the the the the the problem is is now they may be doing it a lot better than they were before yeah because number one we have to admit that when they were doing it a few years back stop and search there was no evidence to say they were making any difference in taking the knives or guns off the street right um because I I think there was a lot of racial profiling around that and again go into that situation where they think it’s all black kids so I think once they’ve realized and and obviously the outrage of the community against stop and search because we grew up under that I grew up under sus law where we were stopped even though we weren’t doing anything and don’t get me wrong I’m not saying that I wasn’t a bad I wasn’t a bad person cuz I was I’m not suggesting that for one second but there was a lot of young black kids in my time who were never ever a part of it and because of the way they were treated under the Stop and search back then which was a ssw um they were hurt and and and and and they were angry towards the police and that anger has continued with the black community for decades and and that’s where we are now so my thing is stop and search is important but it has to be done with Intel not just racial profiling and we have to acknowledge that they the police have got to understand more about the different cultures that are operating in different cities well presumably they’re worried and frightened as they are about many things the police as well about doing anything these days because whatever they do they seem to get criticized but let me ask you this uh if I may Sheldon I mean when you were in a gang and you knew that you might get stopped and searched by a police officer did that have any effect on what you did did it stop you carrying a knife did it stop you behaving in any particular way did you still take the chance no no I mean we we in our days we carried guns anyway but you know you’ve got to understand when you’re on the streets we know what to look out for we know what a policeman looks like whether they’re in a uniform or in an unmarked car or not in a for we know how they are we know how they profile the reason why it didn’t stop me back then is because of the anger I had towards this country the way they treated me as a black man um during for at least the first 18 to 20 years of my life the brutality that many young black men faced at that time by the police made us so angry that nothing would have stopped us from being in a gang because remember when we started a gang was to protect ourselves from racist police officers and the national front cuz we were targeted as young children growing up by police officers and by the national front so no I would say that the Stop and search didn’t make any difference to us because number one no one walk streets with their guns we had certain places we would put it so there’s no way they would have found anything on us but what we’re saying is when you asked that question would it have made a difference to us back then the answer is no because what’s interesting in what you said and I take what you said seriously Sheldon but but you know we’re now talking about a very different time so when we’re talking now about the the gun culture or the knife culture we were talking about a driveby shooting last night in North London which is a relatively unusual thing to happen but is happening more often you’ve got now as you say a great many people who are not black who presumably don’t have a beef with the police who do not have any reason to feel as if they’ve been discriminated against now walking around with knives it’s actually worse now than it was in your day so so why why are they doing it because of the culture remember we’re talking about a music that now is going across so let me give you an example when I was on road reggae music was the number one was the only music we there was no hip-hop there was no no no garage no house none of that was inv no drill none of that so you’ve got to understand we were we were under the guys of R music and we didn’t have social media today what you have are social media that goes out of its way promoting drill music that literally promotes this lifestyle so what happens is a young person in Reading who is in a middle class house who’s got both his parents is now listening to drill music white kids listen to drill music more than black kids and we’ve got to understand even though the people who make drill music are black are 90% black the people who listen to it are 90% white kids because and are they acting it out are they wanting to be the big yeah they are assimilating this culture that they think is Black Culture so they they come out if you listen to the language of some of these white kids you would have thought they’re black oh because oh I hear him every day in bmy you know they they’re using this kind of strange South London pwwa yeah and so that’s what happen so when you ask the question why is it getting worse social media’s got a lot to answer YouTube snap chat Instagram all of these um um social media platforms need to take responsibility for allowing these young men and women to post these images up that is actually promoting this lifestyle so you it’s not now about who’s been brutally um um brutalized by the police or by any particular organ it’s now a culture that is in the mindset and that’s why young people say well if I don’t have a knife and that other person’s got a knife I’m going to get so I’m going to carry a knife so it’s all about that lifestyle and we are talking about drugs as well yeah and that is the big problem Sheldon really good to talk to you thank you very much indeed for your Insight Sheldon Thomas consultant for gangs line working with local authorities to try and help prevent knife crime which is getting of course worse but you know there is no quick fix for this it seems to me the Tores are saying bring back more stop and search but that hasn’t actually ever gone away there is some stop and search going on uh let us know what you know from where you are from your perspective and which part of the country you’re in because we’re not just talking about London we’re talking about Sheffield where there was a stabbing in a school we’re talking about Wales whe there was a stabbing in a school we’re talking about the rest of the country the county lines the people um I know from my own kids experience down in Sussex you know there are people carrying knives around um small towns it’s absolutely getting out of hand and so the question would be whether stop and search works or not should we bring back more of it what’s your answer to it what should we do 0344 499 1000 because if you’ve got teenage boys in particular you must fear for their lives because whenever they go out you don’t know if they’re going to come back and you don’t know and I’m not saying this to make it more dramatic than it is because it’s not but you don’t know if they go out for the night whether they’re going to get into some kind of trouble whether they’re going to get into some kind of fight and where they’re in that fight and in that sort of trouble they’re going to get knifed because that is what’s going on we want to hear from you this is the place the nation comes to talk 0344 499 1,000 coming up and we’ve got a great many things to do including uh why Richie thinks he’s got a Fighting Chance of bringing down net migration to 150,000 it’s currently 750,000 that’s another Target you’ll probably miss also uh we’re going to ask you why France wants more men to drive like women this is talk you can catch me every weekday morning live from 5: we go through the front pages we talk through the big stories of the day but also we take your calls so you can go through the newspapers pick your stories and then discuss the things that are on your mind [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so it is talk it is Drive Time Monday through the week from 400 p.m. the show that’s going to be about you it’s not about us this is the home of Common Sense the things that matter in your everyday life the issues that resonate with you spent two years talking at you I want you to talk at me I’m tired I’m getting old make it talk the home of Common Sense we’re going digital make sure you’re ready drive time with JK is on Monday through the week from 400 p.m. do join us listen watch hear see talk argument attitude opinion across the UK this is talk welcome back to Morning Glory I’m Mike gr with you all the way through every single weekday morning from 6:30 of been here nearly an hour already where have you been if you haven’t been here yet uh welcome to the show uh we’re going to take you all the way through until 10:00 in the morning we’re going to tell you all manner of things we’ve been showing you the new portrait of King Charles I’ve got a tweet here from Paul who says that portrait the king looks like next year’s Eurovision entry I don’t think he means that in a good way uh also uh I’ve got this from Jacqueline I think if we should have more stop and search if it stops kids ruining their lives then that’s a good thing but they should be sent to a boot camp for about six months uh Roger says that was a great interview with Sheldon Thomas on the current knife culture Sheldon understands the problem I hope the police are tapping in to his expertise uh and ground pilot says why not bring back a police force the ones that in my day cuffed you around the year or drag you back to your parents the ones that were smart shaven fit and disciplined I’m afraid it’s too late to start being strong after years of appeasement Jeff though doesn’t think Sheldon had the right idea he says uh why can’t people just take responsibility for their actions and stop blaming everyone else for crying out loud your guest Sheldon was talking absolute rubbish well we’re going to talk about stop and search this morning because the Tories want more of it to be done but the problem is knife crime is at epidemic levels in this country and you may not even know it but the kids that your your kids are going to school with and you might be on the school run or even thinking about waking your kids up to get them to school at this particular moment in time um they might be going to a school where there will be a knife incident sometime this week or sometime next week or sometime this year because they’re happening more and more there were two incidents one in Sheffield one in Wales uh just near Swansea only in the past week or two so it’s happening an awful lot and we need to figure it out coming up though we’re going to talk now to Roy ly former NHS trust chairman Health policy analysis we’ve got a couple of NHS stories to talk to about including the one which says the NHS will pay men men I don’t know how they managed to get that gender specific thing through the NHS ringer because surely they should have said you know uh men who may or may not be representing as men uh or possibly people who are not non-binary or not women I don’t know anyway you can get 400 quid if you lose some weight uh Roy very good morning to you what do you reckon good morning Mike well men o obese men are what’s called a hard-to-reach group they are well should he just put out a set a stand with a load of donuts on it and then you bring them all to bring them all to the to the party yeah and and I was saying to producer before I came on for 400 quid I’ll put on some weight and see if I can win some money well you know you say that in G but some people might do it you never know this is the world’s Bonkers isn’t it it is anyway listen to to try and answer your impossible question they are hard to reach group getting men on on weight loss programs is very difficult I mean you know working men particularly it’s quite difficult to reach them there’s a wonderful picture there that is that me on the way to work but so there is a there is a difficulty in doing it and obesity is the biggest cause um of the biggest avoidable cause of cancer it’s the biggest avoidable cause of heart disease blood pressure and stroke it really is a killer and so we do have to bring obesity levels down of course yesterday was some good news a couple of uh weight loss drugs were found to have an impact on cardiovascular disease as well so it’s likely the NHS will be losing that but I mean if you think about Strokes I think yeah you know they’re costing us uh three or four billion four 3.4 billion a year it is I think heart attacks are costing us something like 7 billion so anything we can do to bring obesity down which is the root cause of the problem it’s worth having a go it’s a gimmick but hey you know you know it might work but course there are people who would say yeah but hang on why should the people who are not in NE in in necessary sort of need of assistance from the NHS be funding people who don’t uh sort of give a damn um because an awful lot of people who are obese are obese because they’re obese you know they haven’t they haven’t done anything to not become obese they eat too much they don’t exercise enough um and therefore it’s partly their own largely their own fault isn’t it why should why should the state be subsidizing them to lose weight it it is quite interesting obesity now has become a kind of a lifestyle issue across the whole of the developed world it was in 2013 actually that the American Medical Association defined obesity as a disease they did that to enable American Insurance health insurance companies to pay the cost of obesity because some of the insurance companies were saying you’re obese you got heart fat because you’re obese we won’t pay your medical bills yeah so they change that the World Health Organization now regard it as a global disease so it is regarded as a disease certainly I mean there are lifestyle issues I mean anyone that goes to Starbucks and has a full fat l and a chocolate muffin and not realize theyve had enough calories to keep the English rugby team going for a fortnite well you know there’s not much help for them I mean if some if some doctor imagine if some doctor popped up and said look here’s an incentive for you I’m going to give you 100 quid right now if you can walk for the next seven days you know I don’t know three miles a day and you know that would be a weird thing to do it might even work it might even work but you know the money’s going to come from somewhere yeah it’s not it’s not weird Mike the um I mean they’ve actually tried that with fitbits theyve given people fitbits to count their steps and so we’re paying for those as well yes but you see on the other side of the coin you have to say well what is the cost of the outcome of obesity and yes you can say okay well we could have a prolonged Public Health campaign that would cost money as well here’s the dichotomy the the problem I always have what is the purpose of the NHS is the purpose of the NHS to sort out people when they get sick yes or is the purpose of the NHS to stop people getting sick in the first place if I don’t think it is because the problem with doing that is that people live longer uh we’ve already seen that people have Liv living longer than they ever were cost even more money to the NHS it’s a lot more efficient it’s a lot more actually financially viable for the NHS to let people live their lives as they wish and if it happens to end up in a heart attack or some kind of you know stroke which which leaves them prematurely dead then they won’t be a drain on the NHS will they well it’s true if we all croak it early the NHS will be a lot better off well we don’t all have to but what I’m saying is is why do you have to stop the people who are determined to die early because they want to live that way why should we why should we spend our money to save them this is the role of Public Health and public health was taken away from the NHS and given to local authorities in 2012 when Andrew lansley was the secet state for health Public Health has never really recovered from that and I and you know does society not just the NHS but does society have a role in persuading us to lead healthier lives keeping us healthy I don’t think it does I really don’t I think people have a right to do whatever they want if they want to be overweight if they want to do dangerous drugs if they want to risk being arrested for for doing things are illegal if they want to drink too much and get their liver screwed up you know generally speaking I think we live in a democracy in which you should be allowed to do that surely well it’s a it’s a complicated Rabbit Hole to go down I tell you there was a debate I was involved in debate some years ago now where they were saying or people if people do drugs or they do harmful things they should pay for their healthare so then I said what about what about the guy that plays squash three times a week and and raptes to kill his tendon playing Squad should he pay for for the repair to Is ailles tendon and of course you get into you know don’t go there it’s too complicated no no I I go I always go there because it’s what I do but here’s the point the bottom line is is that of course we all pay we already do you know this is the same argument I have with people all the time well the great thing about the NHS is it’s free it’s not free you know 25% of my income tax goes to the NHS and I pay quite a lot of it and so do quite a lot of other people and so uh in fact but when I when I go to use the NHS it’s not really available to me so I may go private in which case that’s doing the NHS a favor you know what I mean there’s all sorts of swings and roundabouts and I think you know you don’t offer people money not to commit crime so why would you offer people money not to eat donuts well I mean we you were talking earlier your interesting conversation with a guy about knife crime he was talking about knife crime in in in a sense he was talking about not paying kids not to carry knives but but putting things in place to distract them from the attraction of you know that comes with a cost as well everything comes with a cost then we get into the very philosophical question about what is the role of society and I and I think I mean I take your point and it’s a very valid one I disagree with you though because I think the role of society and unfortunately we’ve seen this ever since Co it’s got worse that the government would love to be able to give you instructions on how to live your life from the minute you wake up in the morning to what you should eat where you should go how you should get there you know you you put on the the transport for London app now the first thing it tells you is how to walk to where you want to go you know we we doing a story this morning about a Cambridge round about which is designed to dissuade people from driving you know I’m not interested in living in a country where I’m being told what to do every bloody minute of the day thanks uh well I’m quite sure the viewers and listeners are going to block up your lines with their thought about it as well but yeah you are it’s a very interesting topic and you know where does the state begin and where does it end right um and that’s above my pay grade I think okay well let’s do something that’s not above your pay grade Boris Johnson uh from 2019 said this what we’re committing to is a program of 14 new hospitals starting with six uh you’re absolutely right but this one here in North Manchester General Hospital it’s a fantastic institution uh talking to the doctors the nurses the staff they’re doing an amazing job but they’re doing it in buildings that were built in 1870 so that is a plan that will cost I think about 500 million we’re embarking on that plan now we’re giving the go-ahead to now see this to me Roy is what the NHS should be doing and what the government should be doing you know build more hospitals make the facilities better for people so that they can access them and they can use them when they want Boris Johnson’s hair was very short there takes you back doesn’t it um I don’t know what the stat what is before covid we could still all go to The Barbers yeah well exactly right now that 40 new hospital program which as he rather blly said was started with six um has now apparently been beset by delay and indecision very much like an awful lot stuff in the NHS it was always been said I remember when he first made that announcement he made it on the steps of Downing Street if you remember he stood at electon he was going to do and when he said he was going to build 40 new hospitals I I mean I stopped and I thought what have I missed here um you know have I missed a policy document have I so I had to ring around you know the people that I’m in contact with the NHS and they said well don’t we had no idea nobody had any idea no one not in the Department of Health NHS England and in the hospitals none of them had any idea that he was going to make that announcement now as it turned out eight of the hospitals were already uh underway since then seven have been added because they’re falling down the SoCal rack hospitals the air8 concrete being propped up by scaffolding and of course the rest of it has beset with all kinds of problems the person leading well first of all the the 40 Hospital program was a standalone unit in the Department of Health it was then merged into HS England the person running it is leaving and they’ve had un team goes at trying to replace the person running it and they can’t find anybody to do it and this is a wider issue in the construction industry and I’m sure you know viewers and listeners will will tell you about this from their own experience but the construction industry is chocka Block it’s it’s played with short supply I mean I know it’s a a silly thing to say but you can’t buy scaffold boards these days because they come in from Germany and they really really expensive a lot of the construction industry was staffed by people from Europe they’ve gone back they you know they can’t work here anymore the construction industry is having a really difficult time with the building programs and the NHS has had a terrible trouble getting this off the ground not only that if you want to build a new hospital you’ve got all the problems with with the design the planning the the acquisition of the land I mean it’s a very complex thing and to do it in 10 years you know 40 in 10 years it was just Bonkers well have they built any no one yes they’ve got they got there were some were underway already that was subsumed into the and I think one or two have been been open but as far as the main thrust of the policy is concerned it isn’t going to happen and somehow or other the Tores have got to find their way out of this because at the moment they’re hung on you know where’s the 40 new hospitals can’t see you know everybody’s looking for the new hospitals can’t see the hospitals anywhere and so they’re going to find a way out of this there I mean the money I think an election is the way out of it isn’t it well I mean yes I guess it is but then then the question then is you know what what’s K starm gonna well that’s a big question that is a very question can he count for up to 40 you know perhaps he can’t I don’t think he can but we’ll see Roy good to talk to you thank you very much indeed always a job Roy ly there former NHS trust chairman Health policy analyst I tell you what is interesting about the NHS and more hospitals being built is that they own a fabulously large amount of land only around the corner from here uh is guys Hospital there is an entire sthe uh of buildings which are going to be knocked down uh because they’re all owned by the NHS and guess what the NHS is selling the land to build Flats not to put a new hospital extension in no no no they want to build Flats because they know that they have got loads and loads of investments in land including car Parks pubs restaurants you know all sorts of buildings which are going to be flattened around the corner from us here in London because the NHS wants the money ridiculous isn’t it 0344 499 1,000 if you got new hospital where you live uh have you got decent health care where you live cuz that would be an interesting conversation to have of course as well coming up in the next section of the show uh we want to take more of your calls we we will prioritize first time callers as we have been doing all this week 0344 499 1000 but we’re going to look at that terrible terrible story of the Nottingham stabbing coming up because judges yesterday had a look and to see uh whether the the original sentence that was given to valdo cakan the man who stabbed those two young students and another man who was driving a van was not unduly lenient right um they examined it and decided no it wasn’t unduly leing even though um he will now face the possibility of being released at some point if the parole board think that he’s okay again we’ll find out why that is completely ridiculous I think it is anyway this is morning glory with me Mike grah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] listen watch here see talk argument attitude opinion across the UK this is talk welcome back to Morning Glory I’m Mike gr with you all the way through until of course 10:00 when Julie Harley Brew will be here it’s coming up to 20 minutes to 8 in the morning um Tim uh in Southampton sent a very very interesting uh tweet to me here a text I should say to 87 tri2 uh he says is this not wishing to defend the police who have basically surrendered the street but the real issue is the criminal justice system even when police put people before the courts for carrying knives shoplifting car theft Etc they are let off with a slap on the wrist unless we sort out the criminal justice system nothing will change says Tim in Southampton and norn Brennan who’s of course a former police officer has tweeted this folks does stop and search in Britain work do they lead to arrests 138,000 weapons have been seized from streets of Britain since 2019 almost half was seized fire stop and search and have led to the arrest of almost 300,000 people since 2019 how many murders and Mings have been avoided well it may well be that many murders and Mings have been avoided but unfortunately um many more have actually taken place and of course yesterday judges ruled that the sentence of a man who stabbed three people to death in Nottingham that man of course was valdo cakan a man who came to this country on a student visa and remained here um he was um judged to be unfit to stand trial effectively he pleaded guilty to manslaughter um diminished responsibility was mentioned he was sentenced of course um to psychiatric care psychiatric treatment in a hospital um which means that he could be released back into the community the families of the Nottingham um triple killer the victims have said the ruling is absolutely and utterly ridiculous and has handed them a life sentence let’s talk to Simon Spence KC who’s embarrassed Simon very good morning to you good morning I mean was difficult these decisions for judges I suppose and and you may be able to explain to me why it wasn’t possible to to find that this was an overly lenient uh case because um the families in in in the situation were were quite appalled at the way the investigation was run the way that things happened without their knowledge the way that the police um questioned this particular um suspect in the case he was allowed to plead guilty to manslaughter which meant that he didn’t have to face the the likehood have been sentenced to life in prison that’s right there are two two separate aspects to this one is um whether the pleas of guilty to manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility were appropriate to be accepted by the prosecution and um the investigation into that concluded that it was um because of course there were four psychiat reports and they all unanimously uh concluded that diminish responsibility apped to the case and so realistically the crime prosecution service and prosecution Council had no choice but to accept the please that he entered uh the issue that was before the court of appeal yesterday was the sentence that was imposed by the sentencing judge Mr Justice Turner and whether it should have included a custodial element or whether for the better protection of the public a psychiatric uh hospital or order with a restriction was the more appropriate sentence and the judge concluded that it was and the court of appeal agreed with him so that means that he will still be able if necessary or if it happens to turn out that way to be released because I know the families of of the two students who were murdered Grace Malik Kumar and Barnaby Weber they were very concerned about a similar case that had happened some time ago couple of years ago a guy was sentenced to to uh to a similar you know um non-custodial sentence in a in a a psychiatric unit um because he had kicked some some woman to death um but he was also judged to had diminishing responsib or diminish responsibility and despite the fact that they said he would be held for some time two years later he was released because he was judged to be no longer um a danger to the community and I think that’s what the families are concerned about that in this case you know calican may be able to be released sooner rather than later well that there there are two things about that first of well this is a very very different case indeed um the paranoid schizophrenia that he is suffering from uh is said by the psychiatrist to be untreatable and that means he will remain as dangerous as he was on the day of these killings and so that being the case all of them are of the view that it’s highly unlikely in fact that he ever will be released um there is of course a technical possibility unlike a whole life order which he would undoubtedly have got had he been convicted of murder there is a technical possibility of release but of course that decision is not one for the parole board as it would be for a term of imprisonment yeah it’s for a specialist medical panel who will be assessing his um psychiatric State as the years progress so when you think about sorry go yeah when you think about protection of the public whilst the parole board uh is made up of people from a whole wide variety of disciplines it’s not a specialist panel in relation to mental health whereas the panel that deals with psychiatric disposals is and so in fact the protection of the public is better served by a hospital order with restriction than it would be if he were in prison yes possibly so but on the other hand you might argue as well that if somebody is suffering from that level of schizophrenia which will never change um on on what basis is there any point in in that person being put under psychiatric care because if there’s no possibility of of an improvement in his condition then surely just better off locking him up well that from one perspective I can see that uh the the problem of course is that the regime in a psychiatric unit uh is much stricter in relation to medication so forth if he was simply put in prison then uh he would be able to refuse to take his medication his schizophrenia potentially could get worse and within the custodial setting both prison officers and other inmates he would be a risk to them and that was one of the matters that was concerning the court of appeal yesterday having read the Judgment that uh they were concerned that in prison uh he would be a danger to others right and of course the the point was made by his Barrister in the hearing at the court of appeal rightly or wrongly in this country we don’t lock people up for being mentally ill we haven’t done that for many decades and we do lock people up Pres for being a danger to the public though don’t we we we do and of course putting someone in a psychiatric unit is locking them up albe it in a different institution and I’ve been to many psychiatric hospitals and I can tell you they’re not a cushy number by any means no I’m sure they’re not the regime and and the whole feel of the place feels exactly the same as a prison and is there also not an element here of um the Judiciary not really wanting the victims and the families of the victims to have a say too much and I know that you know people go as as far as they can to kind of get victim statements Now read out in court and that kind of thing but is there also not an element I suspect there is where where people who run the Judiciary and the judges in the system they don’t want to be kind of ordered around by people who have suffered as victims well they don’t want to be ordered around I think that’s absolutely right um that’s a very different thing from taking their views into account but of course any family which has suffered the absolute tragedy that these families have by definition almost are unable to look at the matter objectively in the way that the courts have to um sentencing and indeed decisions about accepting guilty pleas to manslaughter as opposed to murder have to be evidence-based you can’t just say well what he’s done is so horrific that we must pursue charge of murder no matter what um and whilst the courts have made huge strines particularly over the last 20 or 30 years in listening to the views of victims at the end of the day the court has to make decisions based on the evidence even if that decision is unpopular and even if that decision perhaps isn’t readily understood by the public at large yes I mean according to reports that I’ve seen though inside the psychiatric hospital where valdo cocane is going to be held he will have certain things which he perhaps wouldn’t have in prison you know he will be treated reasonably well he will be able to have um musical instruments he can play the guitar he can have a saxophone inside his room um he’ll be able to watch DVDs listen to records you know um there will be people who will say well that’s not doesn’t sound much like a punish M that a prison would would be well there are similar um facilities available within prison as well you know there there a gymnasia in in most prisons and recreational facilities and so forth um I I think that the point in relation to Mr cakan is that as the court appeal said but for his mental illness he would not have behaved in the way that he did and uh their view as the sentencing judges was is that treatment and protection of the public is more important than punishment as I said a moment ago you know we don’t punish people for being mentally ill um and if the mental illness is the only cause for the commission of the crimes which in this case it appears to be uh then that has to be the priority as far as the court is concerned um of course the the whole process of unduly lenient sentences in this case is quite usual because it it does appear that there’s no question that he’ll ever be released so the only question is what the environment that he’s being detained in should be normally with unduly lenient sentences somebody gets seven years when they should have got 15 for example and they’re more easy cases for people to understand I think this one was rather more nuanced and um the solicit general who who brought the case before the court of appeal um was perhaps influenced by other factors rather than that the judge made a mistake in the law yes that may well be I certainly think that there was certainly a lot of public opinion U that may have had been brought to bear on the case as well Simon we got to go but thank you very much indeed for explaining all of that Simon Spence Casey uh Barr there’ll be many people listening to that saying well that’s all very well uh but should he really uh be given no punishment whatsoever you know being detained in a psychiatric unit of course it means he doesn’t have his freedom anymore well thank God for that because he a danger to the public but the family certainly believe that they deserve to have a more absolute uh promise that this man will never be freed ever again and they don’t have that it’s that simple coming up uh we’ll talk about fat men funnily enough you can get 400 quid to lose weight and you’ll get a daily text telling you not to have a kebab why uh this is talk [Music] TV do you think other politicians the K starers who think that apparently 99.9 % of women don’t have a penis I don’t believe for a minute that kiss Arma thinks that there are any women who have a penis [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] just when you think you’ve read it all gender activists want scientists to stop categorizing ancient human remains as either male or female clearly anatomically you can tell if it’s a male skeleton or a female skeleton these woke archaeologists are labeling them as nonbinary or gender neutral what message does it send to kids who are studying history it absolute nonsense isn’t it join me David bull for incisive political comment analysis and of course some fun listen watch here see talk argument attitude opinion across the UK this is talk welcome back to Morning Glory I’m Mike Gra with you all the way through until 10:00 it’s coming up to very nearly 5 minutes to 8 already uh Christin and Sur says mike whatever happened to self-control how can Society function when people act on impulse people need to take responsibility for their actions it’s a mad bad and downright ugly world and well said Mike Ray weight loss says Su and Pa well for Su and P and everybody else who didn’t hear what I said and just before I talk to Paul Gate professor of exercise and obesity that leads Becket University I said I’m not sure that giving people 400 quids to lose weight and to give people money to correct something that they could correct without it is the right thing to do Paul very good morning to you good morning thank you very much for joining us a lot of people sort of agree with me in saying that why should we the people well I say we the people you might say I’m one of them who should be given 400 quid to lose weight but why should people who don’t need to lose weight um subsidize those who do and why should the NHS use taxpayers money uh to do it well I suppose the big question on the money is choose when you want to pay because we know know that bariatric surgery costs nearly £10,000 we know that a month supply of the new weight loss drug we go is200 p a month um and this is an alternative that if is effective would be cheaper than the Alternatives that we would pay we also know that we have big waiting lists on our NHS Cancer Care is very expensive heart disease care is very expensive Diabetes Care is very expensive so whilst I can understand that concern that people raising about the cost the point is is choose when we pay the cost yes and a lot of these programs there’s a double Ed sword there though isn’t it because the two things that you said were the alternative are also things uh which we pay for for people who are overweight to fix their being overweight you know giving them wig oie um is not really a cure for being fat it just stops you from eating you know so it’s it’s a sort of a very modernday acceptance that that obesity is somehow a disease like cancer which people don’t think it is I’m sure a lot of people don’t think it is but the world he Health Organization think it is I don’t I don’t really care what the World Health Organization s but the point the point of the matter is is that it’s only been declared a disease relatively recently and most people who are obese are obese because they have no self-control surely so so I guess if we start to think about those diseases you would I don’t think I hope anyway you wouldn’t say the same about people suffering from cancer course not because cancer is a disease cancer is something something for which you have no control over you don’t have control over getting cancer but you yourself have just outlined that obes is a disease and only I Haven no I don’t think it is I think no I’m saying it’s different no no no I I understand that you don’t think it is but you have control over it don’t you I mean people are obese because they have no control over what they eat and the exercise that they do so why why do people suffer from cancer there well you get cancer because it’s a disease nobody knows if you knew how you got cancer that would be a great step forward in the way that we treat it but nobody knows but what I can tell you is one in two people now get cancer some people are able to get it treated and some people are not but it’s a treated disease basally isn’t but if you look on the cancer research UK website 60% of cancers are related to Lifestyle factors just like obesity they think that but they don’t know that do they I’ve got they do know that that’s what the evidence says it’s really clear so if we if we’re going to be we’re going to talk about evidence rather than judging people which is what I’m really about what we’re about is let’s talk about diseases and let’s talk about heart disease cancer and obesity and the causes of the three diseases are the same they’re genetic they’re biological and their lifestyle all of them so that’s three possible ways you can get cancer then pardon that’s three so that’s three possible different ways that you can get so it’s not all about lifestyle is it you can have a great lifestyle you can still get cancer but you can you can have a you can have a bad lifestyle well um and you canot be obese correct and so that’s the point that 60% of cancers are related to Lifestyle factors so I’ve got no problem if you want to judge people living with obesity then judge people I’m not judging anybody I’m just saying I don’t want to keep paying money for people who could fix the problem they’ve got themselves without taking money from those who don’t need to do it and and that’s I’ve said if we take we look at those three diseases the determinants of those three diseases are the same but think they are I think people will be really offended particularly cancer victims of you saying that people who are obese have got the same disease that people got cancer I think that’s quite shameful actually but anyway we’re out of time we’ll talk to you another time Paul gaty thank you very much indeed uh this is morning glory we’ll be back right after this with more [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is talk [Music] welcome back to Morning Glory I’m Mike r with you all the way through till 10:00 in the morning I’ve been here since 6:30 if you’re only just joining us where on earth have you been you’ve missed an awfully lot of good conversations because we’ve just had a very odd one I would say uh with a man uh who thought that the idea of um cancer and obesity as diseases was the same thing I think that’s quite insulting to people who suffer from cancer uh because you get cancer through no fault of your own I think if we’re going to start blaming people for getting cancer I think we’ve reached a very bad place indeed when you don’t blame people for being obese I’m sick and tired of obesity says Mick I eat one small meal a day I don’t drink and I’ve have no fatty food yet I have a big gut I’m old with painful ailment so I can’t go to the gym yet I keep being told to lose weight and breaking news says Morin experts have discovered a new illness called greed and idleness well there is something to that uh men are now going to be offered 400 quids to lose weight and they also get a daily text message to tell them not to eat so many kebabs that’s our money we’re talking about here we’re going to talk to Isabel o in about I’ll get her view on that also we’ll find out from her whether she agrees with me uh that we shouldn’t have to tell uh schools in this country that sex education is to be banned for kids under the age of nine For Heaven’s Sake we’ve got some immigration stats for you as well uh if you think it’s going badly now just wait until you hear what they are uh 0344 499 1000 be a first time caller and we will prioritize you tell us where you’re coming in from tell us where you’re listening from where you’re watching from we are live across Britain this is morning glory Let’s Get It On welcome uh to the big new beautiful breakfast show that we’ve got here uh at talk live from the 17th Floor uh of the news Tower it’s looking rather hazy out there today but it’s not as Mankey as it was yesterday so I’m pleased to say that uh if you are doing anything interesting if you’re taking your kids to school uh you can at least enjoy the weather let’s say a very good morning to talks International editor Isabelle oaw Isabelle how are you morning very well thank you how are you I’m very well indeed had a rather bizarre conversation with our last guest guest who seem to think that um it was okay to kind of equate cancer and obesity as two diseases that we need to treat in a similar kind of way I’m slightly uneasy about paying loads of taxpayers money to people who are overweight in order to get them to be not overweight what do you think yeah I heard the conversation and I agree with you I really don’t like the idea of bribing people uh in order to to lose weight I mean becoming fit in good shape is actually a lifelong habit so if you’re paying somebody and I haven’t seen the details of proposal but if you’re paying somebody for a short period of time to lose a specific amount of weight or some such um that might work for that short period of time or until they’ve collected their first 400 quid or whatever it is right and then what’s going to happen a year on or two years on you have to actually want to be fit you have to want to be in shape otherwise it’s just the whole yo-yo dieting thing which is so familiar to so many of us and it is tough to lose weight this wigi drug and its um various different names that it’s come under has proven to be honestly something of a wonder drug it it has helped an awful lot of people um what we don’t know is what the effects of that would be taking it over a very very long periods of time and I still don’t think it’s a substitute for just eating sensibly and exercising as much as you need to do to to burn off the calories that you’ve eaten it’s and I mean his his his argument that well the alternatives are just as expensive well yeah they’re just as expensive because you’re similarly subsidizing people to do things like having gastric type surgery or taking wovi um which is which is which is M with with taxpayers money effectively to fix something that you could fix in other ways yeah I mean it’s a terrible argument this starts with education it starts with making exercise part of your daily routine and trying to find things that you actually enjoy you know even if it’s just walking the dog it’s it’s a cultural thing you know explaining to people that even if you just go for a walk for 10 minutes 15 minutes you know several times a day that makes all the difference simply giving people handouts I think is a kind of awful insight into the culture that is creeping along in in our society which is that people should just sit on the sofa and wait for things to be brought for them it’s a kind of extension of the deliveroo culture you know you your sofa carry on watching TV will bring you fast food and will also bring you 400 to lose the one you’re putting on yes it’s a very odd way to sort of frame Health Care it seems to me and particularly when we don’t have enough Health Care to look after people who are genuinely suffering from what I call proper diseases like cancer like liver disease like heart problems all of those things and I know that they’ll say oh yeah but that’s partly caused by obesity well yeah it might be but it’s not I mean cancer is the biggest single problem in this country and we ought to devote all the money that we’ve got to fixing it yes I mean the caller was absolutely right and you’re not denying that there is a link between obesity and cancer but your part is one thing that you can definitely control which is whether or not you’re fat and the second thing you can’t definitely control as you rightly pointed out you know you can be an absolute Saint never drink Never Smoke never get fat and you can still be very unlucky and get cancer I mean there are nonsmokers who get lung cancer so I this has always been a difficult area of Health policy to what extent do we in a sense quote punish people for their lifestyle choices and the NHS doesn’t do that the NHS is a j not judgmental but there is an argument which I’m probably in favor of that the NHS needs to be a bit more judgmental and already they are um sensible enough doctors are sensible enough of course they are to say look you can’t have certain operations until you’ve lost x amount of weight because the operation won’t be effective and you’ll be stuck in beds you know for much longer so I think there has to be some responsibility for people taking responsibility for themselves no question perhaps the most surprising thing about the entire story is that one it’s only aimed at one gender and two that they were able to use the word men without having to qualify that you know it might be also people that identify as men who can get the 400 quid you know no doubt there’ll be some trans man who wants to sue them for not being available for the money oh I’m afraid you’re predicting something that’s just all all too depressingly predictable there um yeah you’re you’re right about that but obesity has become such a a a massive problemin NHS even to the point that their equipment no longer actually works for for some of the largest you know having to invest in bigger beds bigger x-ray machines bigger things bigger bits of kits because basically people are so fat they can’t actually fit into normalized spaces yeah it’s amazing isn’t it absolutely extraordinary let’s talk about the the front post of daily mail um a story that you wouldn’t think would have to be a front page story but unfortunately is because of the times in which we live sex education be banned for undines and no more gender dogma and this story’s been around for a couple of days I know but Jillian Keegan uh is going to unveil these plans for a total ban on on what has been completely Bonkers Madness for many a year so I was really pleased to see this some of the reporting of it has been a little bit confusing because yesterday this was reported to be a guidelines for schools today understand that it is actually going to be statutory so the government will tell schools that they’re not allowed to do do certain things and that is much more encouraging because whatever a sensible um semi sensible at least conservative um leader or conservative education secretary might wish we all know that the education system is absolutely uh full of left hard leftwing zealots who preach this stuff you know it is an ideology there’s a cult-like status to some of this um this gender ideology and it permeates the education system like a kind of poison and so it’s encouraging to know to hear that the government will actually lay down the law on this although I worry that in a few months time if we have a change of government as seems extremely likely um this will be watered down and it will either it won’t have got on to statute books because at the moment um there isn’t a huge amount of time to get things into law especially things that will be disputed there’s a real worry that labor will water this down and indeed that schools will ignore it anyway well indeed as they have and I think you’ve pointed this out many times that they have already ignored the law which says that you must have separate separately gendered toilets in schools particularly in secondary schools and awful lot of schools just ignored that and they’ve got gender neutral ones yes that’s right and the other thing that these new proposals um say is that parents will absolutely have the right to view or be uh to to to be shared the materials that are being used in sex education classes good schools will already do that I mean I certainly um a couple of years ago had a very useful conversation with one of my children’s phse teachers because they sent out a letter saying look this is on our curriculum um for this year of this term and we’re going to be covering this and that issue and I wanted to be uh I wanted to sort of be on top of things and to know what they were going to cover under certain areas what are they teaching about this gender ideology and I was really reassured um but in many cases parents have no idea what their children are being taught and as a parent it is also hard we’re all busy you don’t want to have to be constantly calling the school so ideally you want a level of trust there that your children aren’t being brainwashed with a load of frankly deeply confusing and very contested twaddle yeah no question at all twaddle very good word for it I think very well said I don’t know if you’ve seen this um insistence from Professor Brian Bell this morning who apparently is a government’s Chief migration advisor I’ve not come across him before I don’t know whether um he’s the good kind of bell or the bad kind of Bell he’s saying this morning that we have a fighting chance of getting migration down that’s legal migration down to 150,000 a year so far cry for what they promised in 2019 isn’t it I mean when when are we talking about here 2040 maybe you know when when the climate change dels will say well you know everything’s dried up to a people people are already too disempowered to come here I’ve got no confidence whatsoever um that those figures are remotely realistic at any time frankly ever no you know the government has lost control of our borders this government in theory uh well we know that they’ve repeatedly promised to bring down net migration have never ever done so uh all it’s done is steadily gone up and and absolutely exploded and the next government has been completely evasive about how many people they think should be allowed to come into the country legally every year I’ve tried to push labor spokes people on this again and again they never come up with anything they’ll always say well it’s according to need uh well that’s a complete cop out yes you know one person’s need is another person’s let’s not bother training our own people to do any of these jobs so I I really don’t think this is very likely we’re going to get new figures out in the next couple of weeks and I think they’ll be shocking but I don’t even trust the figures that come out I think the government has no idea and whatever you see needs to be taken with a huge pinch of salt exactly right because they seem to have discovered via this report from uh from Professor Bell they didn’t really expect so many people to be brought with those who are coming on student visas when they said to them oh you can bring some dependence with you they didn’t realize that there was going to be some ludicrous number of dependants which actually counted more than the Visas they were issuing and it’s completely and utterly foreseeable except they didn’t for see it well that that scheme is an complete Scandal how many students do you know that have dependence I mean students students they don’t if how can they have dependence first of all they’re supposed to pay for their courses so n the courses incredibly part-time how are they also running a job uh in order to support dependence I don’t get it it it’s just a fiction this it’s just a complete and utter scam right and there’s no surprise that that that has been widely exploited by plenty people from less well-off countries than our own who bring their whole families over this is a case because we’ve seen the statistics well surprise surprise wouldn’t you do that yeah exactly if you live in a developing country and you’ve got the opportunity to pay a couple of hundred quid for a course that you never actually attend because there’s plenty of that that goes on and you can bring your auntie and your granny and someone who needs Cancer Care and you know your sister who’s pregnant and can then get free treatment on the NHS and I’m not making this up folks it’s real this is what is happening yeah it is absolutely what’s happening and I’ve been saying this and I think you have as well for years and years and years that not only are these people coming here under false pretenses but they are then staying here after the course is finished long after the course is finished and as we now know from home office statistics many of them are applying for Asylum and many of them are getting it and then they get the relatives in and then they get the dependents in and so effectively creating an entire legal migrant ation route U which is going to kind of double the population in about 50 years yes and when you hear the the left say well this there’s this whole Canard about how well no wonder lots of people come over here in small boats because there’s no other safe route to do it I mean this is a load of complete and utter nonsense there is every which way to get into this country legally as the extraordinary figures Time After Time show is happening it’s not that you have to have some incredible job offer you know you may be able to get in as a student and bring in your family and there are many many other loopholes or supposed gaps in the market from um you know social care or ballet dancers or artists or whatever else happens to be on the list at the moment fruit Pickers and once you’re in you’re in we all know that the that the home office a border Force don’t have the resources to routinely follow up on people socalled over stayers so they just melt into the black economy I know shocking I’m going to leave you with one which I’m hoping won’t cause you any domestic Strife um story in the mail today saying that the French have started a new campaign for drivers they’ve issued an edict to mail drivers to say please drive more like a woman now I mean I’m not one of those people that says women are worse drivers than men um but it’s quite a surprising thing to suggest isn’t it I where to begin with this one I mean I wish everyone drove like me I’m a brilliant driver I’m good I’m brilliant Parker anyone who lives in a place where there’s never any parking get brilliant at parking so everyone should drive like me um and yeah I think it’s great advice okay brilliant Isabelle good to see you thank you very much indeed is OA talks International editor there uh the French have said this right uh a television advertisement features a father telling his son you don’t have to do what people expect a man to do I.E you don’t have to be macho you don’t have to rev the car you don’t have to shoot off at the lights and be quicker than everybody else you don’t have to prove that you’re a man by being more shall we say masculine and aggressive when you drive a car they say this because apparently um most of the deaths caused on the roads are caused by men driving cars most of the drunk driving incidents are caused by men drunk driving so I mean this is a debate which is as old as time perps not as old as that but certainly as old as who’s in charge of the uh the the the four-wheel drive um bus that you’ve got the family or who was in charge of the first bicycle we’ll talk more about bicycles as well because by the way uh you might remember the case in Regent Park the other uh week that we covered of the poor old elderly woman the old AG pensioner who was knocked down um and later died by cyclist speeding at 29 mph well there’s been another incident in almost exactly the same place and yet another woman walking a dog has ended up in hospital we’ll tell you more about that coming next on Morning Glory [Music] it’s the home of Common Sense we’re here weekdays 1 p.m. Monday to Friday make sure you’re there we’ll be debating discussing chewing the fat and maybe having the odd row over the things that matter to you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hi I’m James well Unleashed on Talk Saturday night 7:00 until 10: I’m warning you now if you’re easily offended this is not the show for you if you know I say an occasional rude word or if I kind of talk to somebody in a rather offhand way which you wouldn’t hear on the BBC or anywhere else I do apologize 3 hours absolutely live nobody least of all me knows what’s going to happen you better join us to find out listen watch hear see talk argument attitude opinion across the UK this is talk welcome back to Morning Glory with me Mike gr 24 minutes past 8 this is the one place to be because of course it’s where the nation comes to talk we’re live across Great Britain uh it’s about 19 degrees so a little bit cool for this time of year but you know we’re into the middle of May 15th of May uh it’s not a bad place to be um it’s looking a bit hazy looking out there uh to the big wide world but it’s going to be a fun week I have to say that because there’s lots of good news coming your way as well as some of the rotten news that we’ve got for you we got n in euk countries want Rwanda sty deportation schemes uh so there might be other people that actually want what rishy sunak is selling who can say first though let’s have another look that video we plays you a little bit earlier there’s a new cycling Road Junction in Cambridge right uh it’s called Dutch style uh because it’s based on this ridiculously complicated Dutch intersection uh it’s been given out by the greater Cambridge partnership uh and it’s been rubber stamped by Cambridge Council officials right but it’s so baffling but they’ve had to make a video an instructional video on how to use it let’s have a look When approaching the junction on the cycle path from any direction cyclist can make a left turn without a traffic signal control to travel straight across the junction or make a right turn cyclist must wait for the Green Cycle light and then follow the clockwise circular Route Around The Junction using the clearly segregated cycle Lane yes through been set up to provide enough time for cyclists to make a full right turn maneuver around the Junction in one continuous movement yes one continuous move of cyclists and pedestrians so that that means if you’re in a car you’ll be sitting there for an awful lot longer uh which will just make you more and more annoyed and more and more likly uh to do something stupid um also on the cycling front because we keep bringing you cycling news um a woman another woman a dog walker has been uh suffered severe facial injuries and was knocked unconscious uh after she was hit by a speeding cyclist overtaking a car at the same spot in R Park where a woman died after being hit in a similar way uh this is a woman called Paulo dos Santos the Outer Circle of the north London Park a male cyclist apparently was overtaking a car which was doing of course 20 mph because that’s the speed limit uh in that particular part of the park and apparently according to this woman uh basically the cyclist overtook to the right uh a car because he was going faster than 20 M hour went round a traffic Island and so the woman who was walking across the road was not looking probably to her left because she thought the traffic was coming from the right and this guy ran into her she’s now in Hospital brilliant um another great example of useless and selfish cycling which I’m afraid we’re seeing far too much of uh Robert says this good to see you back in your new home fat people have you seen the nurses cops giving us advice lead by example tell the NHS staff to lose weight stop eating crisp Etc and lead by example and also um what about Olivia’s comment that says what about maybe teaching children in schools about obesity and not giving them the sorts of food that help them to become fat in the first place and that’s very true that is very true indeed let’s talk to Robert Bates now the research director of the center for migration control because 19 countries believe it or not want Rwanda St deportation schemes and guess what they’re all in the EU so there must be something going right uh in Downey Street must there uh Robert very good morning to you welcome good morning Mike how you doing yeah very very well indeed thanks for joining us so I mean is this because we can’t see what they can see no I think the whole the whole of the West West world is is facing a migration crisis I think as Mobility increases across um you know those poor parts of the world the impetus the driving forces will will be um putting putting pressure on borders Across the Western World um so I don’t think there’s anything novel in the fact that these 19 countries are looking to to get to grips with it I think the attempts from Downing Street to claim that they were somehow divinely inspired by the the Rwanda plan is is pretty rich I think if if anything they’re they’re just simply responding to Precious they’re experiencing domestically and if anything they should be using the Rwanda plan as as a blueprint on what not to do yes I mean my understanding of what goes on in other countries in the EU is that they’re actually much better at one um refusing Asylum applications than we are uh they they they Grant far fewer than we do generally speaking and also they’re far better at deporting people once they’ve decided and determined that they cannot claim Asylum yes well I think the Europeans are quite lucky in that that a lot of them seem to be shifting towards a position where they’re they’re electing lead that are prepared to actually put the national interest first in and aren’t completely beholden to to Human Rights obligations have armies of leftwing lawyers that are prepared to drag the heels and make everything so difficult um so so I think that’s why I’d argue the Europeans have a better chance of success than we seem to because the classic Brit mentality of following every T comma and semicolon of the rules is is proving to be a massive hindrance and we saw that yesterday now another judge ruling Northern Ireland that parts of the Rwanda plan aren’t compatible over there and it does just make you wonder you know how how is this plan still staggering on and the government isn’t you know realizing that they need to take drastic action rather than trying to force through um a plan that is essentially terminal and and decaying in public in public eye no right I mean I guess what we’re seeing is some countries like Italy uh and and the Czech Republic saying look we might want to process people overseas outside of our own territory which I suppose is why the government’s saying well it’s a bit like Rwanda but do you know if they’re looking at specific countries or whether they just want the the opportunity to to sort of have a third country if you like so at the moment I think they’re looking mainly at the uh the North African countries I think they’re looking for countries that are kind of within the eu’s orbit and there’s you know kinds of soft agreements um I think a couple are looking at Rwanda and I’d argue that for them Rwanda would be a good bet seems seems to be that there’s a lot of accommodation over there at the moment that is meant to be hosting legal migrants is empty because we haven’t been able to deport anyone over there so uh maybe they maybe they should swoop in and and and step up and take the opportunity that Rwanda seems to be prepared to engage in these Partnerships uh but we just simply through our government’s owning competence and and the perniciousness of human rights lawyers haven’t been able to get anyone over there no quite I don’t know if you’ve seen the story this morning in some of the papers um quoting Professor Brian Bell um who’s basically saying that we’ve got a fighting chance of getting migration down and he’s talking about net migration legal net migration to 150,000 you’ll know it’s 750,000 last year um but again he’s talking about um reducing the numbers of dependents that are allowed to come with um student applicants for visas and and of course the government have already stopped that so they’ve already seeing some benefit do you buy this number of his no no not at all and even even if in the uh even in best case scenario we were to get anywhere close to 250,000 so what that’s still far too high there still another broken Promise by the conservatives who promised us tens of thousands um 750,000 250,000 it’s basically a choice between which speed we want to hle towards a low a low grade economy um so no I’m I I think it’s overly optimistic I think we’ve seen that you know the numbers have maybe reduced by 26,000 I think was the latest video I saw James cleverly putting out on his well curated Twitter feed um so I don’t think that I don’t think that these these massive drops are going to happen in the next 12 months I think it’s outlandish to suggest that they would yeah absolutely right and so as far as the Rwanda plan goes um you know richy soon we must be down to about eight or so weeks now maybe seven weeks by by which time he says there will be flights taking off um do you still expect to see that the clock’s ticking isn’t it no I don’t I I’ve never expected a flight to be successful and and let’s even say let’s give him the benefit of Doubt and say we just finally managed to get a flight off the carac the idea that it’s going to be deterrent is for the birds labor party already pretty much said that if if when they come in it’s it’s on the on the scrap peep yeah um the idea that asy because legal marum are looking at this plan thinking oh you know what I might not make that Crossing because there’s a very good likelihood I’m going to end up in rander is is implausible to say the very least yeah absolutely right good to talk to you Robert thank you very much indeed Robert Bates research director at the center for migration control Natalia says morning Mike that portrait of the king makes him look about 20 years older that was my first thought there a new portrait of the king out a lot of people think it’s a bit over red apart from anything else I mean that’s too much red in it uh the biggest burden on the National Health Service is cancer not obesity um says one texter and Chris says on the subject of knife crime uh and whether or not stop and search is the future um Sheldon I know was a gang leader but to try and say it’s not all black knife crime but white and then blame everyone but people of color themselves says Chris and tan says mike why not use airport style metal detector WS therefore no need to stop just run the wand over everyone who passes by the police and thus no racial profiling well I don’t know that sounds a bit more complic ated than you’re describing there is in fact because you know you may well have people walking through archers before they go into to schools you may well stop people briefly and run the wand over them um but it’s all very difficult I I think that becomes something that you can’t do on mass you can’t do it in a big scale every single day can you but there’s no doubt as Norman Brenan pointed out that the reason for stop and search is success is that they have stopped and they have searched and they have found an awful lot hundreds of thousands of knives which presumably has prevented hundreds of thousand thousands of crimes coming up uh we’re going to be talking about Georgia because it’s on our mind I’ll tell you why Georgia at the moment is having a massive sort of public protest about the government but last night and yesterday uh the local authorities in G Georgia started clamping down and cracking a few heads of the demonstrators um and they’re being warned now by the west of U of of Europe I suppose that they should not fall back into Russian control so could it become another situation where Ukraine uh found themselves uh where a government which was imposed by Russia was removed by the ukrainians and then kind of Ukrainian government was then imposed and then it all turned into a war with Russia so we’ll see we’ll find out what’s going on in Georgia coming up next right here on talk [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] listen watch hear see talk argument attitude opinion across the UK this is talk welcome back to Morning Glory 37 minutes past 8 we’re coming up to the final hour of the show at 9:00 of course Julie Harley Brewer will be here at 10: um you heard Kevin O Sullivan there with his political Asylum he’s on from 7 tonight Jeremy Kyle from 4 he’ll be on this show hopefully telling us what’s coming up and Ian Collins of course from 1 as well one of the things we’ve got to be able to do here uh on the new version of the breakfast show here Morning Glory with Mike Graham uh is that we’re able to get you to leave WhatsApp voice messages so you can actually send us a WhatsApp voice message as well as ringing in as well as texting as well as tweeting as well as emailing and getting all sorts of messages to us you can actually record your own voice keep it short though please not too long so 0344 499 1000 you have to have WhatsApp in order to do it and if you do have WhatsApp you’ll understand how to do it now we’ve had the first one that we’ve really been able to use which is brilliant and it’s from Kieran in the black country uh he’s left us a voice message so here is the very first Morning Glory voice memo morning Mike it’s a beautiful day it’s a beautiful show here listen nobody in their right mind is going to vote for sir Keith in the election he’ll be stripped apart he looks like he’s been painted in Ron seal his spectacles are awful he he uses wet look gel and he sounds like the fell from Rainbow the kids program from the’80s I don’t know if it was wasn’t Jeffrey it might be bungal or Zippy or George I don’t know which one but it was the it was the pink one all right so there there there’s the rules for the day there’s the facts no one’s voting for Keith Tories get rid of rishy stick jck in backo deal reform all of our problems go away all the best my friend Kieran somewhere up in the black country brilliant Kieran in the black country I take my hat off to you that’s a fantastic memo a fantastic message and seith as he calls him uh will be no doubt very very pleased to have that passed on to him uh at Labour party HQ uh today just to see whether he can figure out which one of those rainbow characters he actually was but whatever it was he was the pink one I don’t know I wasn’t a watcher of that to be honest U but let’s go and talk about something a little bit more serious shall we uh because the front page of the Guardian believe it or not today has got the US warning Georgia not to side with Russia against the West this is because uh there’s been clampdowns uh on some very very large public protests in um in Georgia uh in toi to be precise it’s been going on now for more than a week I would say we’re going to speak uh next to George Mel shavi I should say I was I should say it carefully Mela shivi uh the chairman of the Europe Georgia Institute Georgia very good morning to you welcome to uh the Morning Glory hello George are you there I think we’ve just lost him uh we’ll get him back here’s the situation basically the United States have apparently been giving quite a lot of money to Georgia which is of course a former Soviet state um ever since the sort of breakup of the Soviet Union Georgia has been a bit of a thorn in the side uh of course of Russia um and what this the warnings that are coming from uh from the United States government yesterday come from the assistant Secretary of State Jim O’Brien he spoke of his fears that the passing by George’s parliament of a foreign agents bill could be yet another turning point in the former Soviet state troubled history uh we’ll try and get George back in a moment as soon as we can right now though we have got him back uh George melini Jo very good morning to you good morning Mike thank you pleasure to be here with you for techical issue yeah not a problem thank you very much for joining us um you know things have been pretty um uh shall we say um exciting in uh in tii in the last couple of weeks tell us what’s been going on well there have been lots of protests against the so-called Russian law law as we call it the law that was directly copy pasted from the Russian Playbook aiming to strangle the Civil Society in Georgia what we have been seeing so far is the government not caring about democracy not caring about the will of the people and only thing that they’re caring for right now is an attempt to Str strongand this law upon the Georgian public we’re witnessing the huge numbers of police who are hiding their faces who do not have any Insignia any numbers so they’re not identifiable and at the same time we’re witnessing lots of people of biss the demonstrations that we have seen so far are probably the biggest in modern Georgian history both embankments of the Kura river which is the most the biggest river in the Caucasus have been filled with people who were coming to the Europe Square where a very symbolic large protest took place a few days ago the Parliament of Georgia has been made very very clear by the Georgian public and by our friends and allies in the United States in the UK and everywhere from European countries that this law goes against the national interests of Georgia it is an attempt of Russian Federation and of the government of Georgia which is unfortunately aligning itself closer to Russia to make it much more against the will of the people and to align Georgia with Russian Federation and they’re trying to do it with all all for that they have right now and how dangerous has it been for people who are demonstrating because obviously you know we’ve seen these kinds of demonstrations before in in former Soviet um States if you like and and sometimes they’ve they’ve become quite nasty and quite and quite uh quite difficult uh for the government to manage as well I mean we’ve seen what’s happened in Ukraine obviously that war is ongoing but it all started many many years ago you might say uh with the people of Ukraine being unhappy uh with what was going on inside the government well I wouldn’t say that the war in Ukraine started with the people of Ukraine being unhappy with the government it started with Russian imperialism Russian chauvinism and Russia’s attempts to subjugate all countries the fact that Russians are not able to comprehend how democracy actually works and that the people are not you know being somehow managed by some actors it is the problem of Russia not problem of Ukraine not problem of the Georgian people yes my point my point was though George is that you know the the tension that was because of Russia uh trying to impose a government on on Ukraine was kind of where it started that was kind of what I meant true true in this case I agree with you because yopish government was exactly going against the will of the Ukrainian people and what unfortunately we’re witnessing now is thatan is a Russian oligarch who is the shadowy leader of uh the Russian dream party as we call him right now he’s doing exactly the same but the people of Georgia we are very adamant in our uh resistance we are trying we’re gathering for more than 30 days right now we’ve had three hearings of this law and all of these hearings were gritted by mass protest the protest and the resistance movement is getting bigger and bigger from day to day and so uh what do you see happening in the next few weeks I mean will the protest continue because I saw I think some footage of of the police as I say waiting in um as you say covered covering their faces and and clearly you know not in the mood to put up with it so so what what happens in the coming days well we have a veto presidential veto which is coming up the president of Georgia Sal she has already openly promised to veto this law and she’s very openly standing with the people of Georgia against the Russian green government as we call them now so what we’re expecting is bigger protests the protest continues all students in Georgia from all major universities have declared they will not attend the educational process they will be protesting in the streets we’re witnessing that big cities fi the capital zugi Ki Batumi all of the big cities they’re also holding rallies from day to day and this process this resistance is growing up we’ve seen an attempt from political parties of Georgia to unite themselves in a European platform as we call it so it will be a very wide nationalwide resistance however the government is also trying to kind of way in we’ve seen attempts to uh subjugate to arrest people we’ve seen Mass beatings we’ve seen excessive use of force by the police and also we’ve been witnessing lots of people who are trying to beat the protesters and the leaders of the protest uh at their homes we have very unfortunate developments in this side but if there is anything that we that the Georgian Dream government is forgetting or they don’t know about the people of is that the more they pressure the more they will try to beat us the more police they will put into the streets the more people will come to the streets and this is a trend that we have been seeing throughout all these days the more violence the police gets the more people are getting into this C so the first thing will be the presidential veto it will be probably an issue of the couple of days and then we have election in October and the resistance movement before the election will be growing bigger and bigger yeah well it’s certainly going to be fascinated to watch and we wish you all well George thank you very much indeed George melash villy there chairman of the Europe Georgia Institute where uh things are getting pretty tasty between the police and the demonstrators but some very brave demonstrators uh doing what they do uh in those types of countries and of course the students coming out and saying that they will be going on strike as well those are proper students who actually care about their own country as opposed to the students we see in Princeton University uh who go on Hunger Strike because of Gaza and then stop the Hunger Strike because they got a bit hungry incredible let’s talk to Joe’s in Bournemouth wants to talk about National Insurance and the fat issue uh Joe very good morning to you good morning good morning what can I do for you sir yes I’m just looking at this in a totally different light when it comes to a lot of people like say they think that the NHS is free but it’s not we all pay at National Insurance right for our health services which means that we’re paying insurance on that basis if we’re we get look up well you know also 25% of your income tax goes to the NHS as well as well yeah all goes into one pot really now doesn’t it it’s not really split but that’s saying nonetheless there’s a meant to be some insurance-based system that works this way so the way it is no other insurance based system works in a way that you can do whatever you want to your body and pay the same as someone that really doesn’t you know looks after themselves so I I think that we need to look at upping national insurance payments increasing it quite a lot and then offering a discount by 25 50% to people that are healthy yeah but how do you define healthy though because you don’t know do you yeah so we’re not obviously I I think we need to be sticking to certain rules like you say because obesity is a massive problem in this country and it’s it’s a massive cost on you know not only that it’s mental health so if we can incentivize people to eat better exercise more and that way not only is your health better your mental health better plus you get a discount on your tax system we’re actually incentivizing being healthy as opposed to trying to CH you know get money out telling people they’re bad they’re bad and try and change the whole way we look at it right well I I take your point but I’m not comfortable with taxpayers money being given to people um to lose weight because you can lose weight a variety of different ways and you have to want to do it really don’t you but that’s exactly my point is you’re not giving that’s my point at the moment they’re looking at giving money that’s ridiculous like you say but but if you’re all getting equal tax and if you’re healthier you pay less tax yeah the people that are actually eating healthy and doing the right thing are paying less than the people are but but like one one of our experts who we were speaking to earlier said uh if you happen to be um you know somebody who plays sport the weekend you’re probably very healthy but you might break your leg you might need more treatment than somebody who doesn’t play sport the weekend if you’re on a bike if you ride a bike you might you know have a crash and you might end up in hospital for six months you know you’ll sensibly healthy what are you going to do about that well I think in that I think obviously we wouldn’t want to be going down that route because overall the health benefits that you get from playing Sport and the risk associated they not going to be anywhere near the cost of being overweight and and not having healthy lifestyle on there I I’m not sure that’s true I mean that’s that’s that’s a point that you make I’m not sure that it’s true in the same way that you could be an incredibly healthy individual and you can still get cancer because it’s just you know unfortunate the luck of the draw yeah but I mean what what are the figures we’re looking at now I haven’t actually heard the recent figures about what obesity is actually costing the country well they can tell you it’s costing billions and billions and billions but equally I mean you know the other argument is if you’ve got a lot of unhealthy people who don’t live as long the more healthy you you are and the more long life that you have the more it costs the NHS in the long run so I mean there’s all man manner of arguments here I think we can both agree Joe that we shouldn’t be giving men 400 quid for losing weight though 100% good man top man Joe thank you very much indeed coming up we’ve got loads going on we’re going to talk about Taylor Swift you know she’s going to bring one billion pounds to the UK economy when she comes to do a series of concerts here we’re going to talk to Legendary producer Grammy award-winning producer Steve ly white and also Deana Davidson who’s an MP of course but also bit of a Swifty went all the way to Paris to see it also we’re going to get an art critic to have a look at the new portrait of the king which I think is pretty awful um but she may have a different view this is talk I’m Mike grah it’s a mass actually so many people are struggling make it talk make it the home of common sense because between us we’ll get it sorted I promise you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I’ll tell you what is absolutely Scupper Common Sense this whole area of identity politics what I look like what I feel it’s a microaggression no it’s not it’s called life mate I don’t care about your identity nobody cares about your hurty feelings we’re all a little bit different we celebrate that we’re not going to legislate for the fact that you are obsessed with who you are and your feelings join me Ian Collins weekdays from one listen watch here see talk argument attitude opinion across the UK this is talk welcome back to Morning Glory I’m Mike Ray with you all the way through of course until 10:00 Julie Harley Brew will be here to take over and now we just played you uh kieran’s WhatsApp message to kick us off the first one that we’ve had in that was really really a worthy worthy winner and one to play out uh the number of course 0344 499 1000 just hold down the microphone button and record and send it to us and if it’s good and if it’s clean uh and if it’s not too long we’ll play it here’s another one from Andy who wants to talk about sex education in schools good morning Michael first time caller longtime listener on the sex education for kids I have to tell you I transitioned at the age of seven when I moved to Junior School I transitioned from finger painting to using a brro and that’s as far as it should go thank you very much indeed Andy there on STX education in schools let’s talk about art because we do everything here on Morning Glory uh and it’s time to talk about the new portrait of King Charles uh it’s been painted by Jonathan yo uh and it’s very red it has to be said people have already said to me uh it looks a bit like just a PA have already thrown something over it possibly some tomato soup let’s talk now though to art critic Estelle love it Estelle a very good morning to you welcome thank you so what do you make of it I mean apparently there’s a monarch butterfly I’ve been reading the the red color was inspired by the color of the the Welsh guards tunic which gives it some context I suppose but do you know what it reminded me of and I said this earlier you remember those horrible sort of posters that were produced during covid by lefties who sort of tried to make it look as if all the members of the cabinet had blood on their hands and they were very kind of graphic and rather rather horrific really it’s got a sort of horror t to it doesn’t it yeah so let’s have a look at why Jonathan yo did this he is one of the world’s most in demand portraitists and I’ll tell you why and I’ll tell you what he’s doing in this painting regardless of whether we like it or we don’t like it it’s all subjective and objective right so um he’s he’s mixing traditional portraiture the ideas of traditional portraiture with contemporary experimental ideas some people would say it looks as though do you remember from the 1980s Captain Bean who said the world for sitting in a bath of baked beans for 100 hours raising money for charity right but this is all about the paint the impression and the expression of the sitter also um yo is very interested in the surface of the paint he did a series of uh patients show who have gone through plastic surgery so before and after their cosmetic procedures so it’s all about the ideas of beauty and identity and that lovely butterfly which is on uh the left hand side so on King Charles’s right shoulder of course um that that was at the suggestion of King Charles it’s a monarch butterfly obviously yes I suppose that’s why right yes but it’s a formal State portrait and the purpose of those is to manage the image of the Royal Line That’s The Power of Port richer and for years we’ve been fascinated with them the the queen had had some great ones and also had had some dud ones you know but it just seems to me it’s so red you know he’s he’s inspired by the the wel guards tunic as I say but I mean everything’s red I mean yeah except bit overpowering it’s very overpowering um one might say that he should have perhaps complemented it w With A Touch of Green um to balance the red or neutralize the red with a bit of gray which he has done in his face and His Hands which makes Charles now look rather gray desolate um a bit worn out and washed out which is perhaps how he’s feeling or maybe he feels you know his life at the moment is like being in Dante’s city of fire or something well the king seem he’s very happy with it doesn’t he so I suppose that’s all that matters as does as does Queen Camila who says you got him right down to um you know the the king says he’s got sausage fingers doesn’t he I think the fingers have been thinned slightly because I’ve seen pictures of his fingers fatter than that but I think he looks quite benign his face looks quite benign I think yes um it’s his over life size as well so you know you can imagine walking in into um a room in the in the pal in Buckingham Palace and that will be the painting that draws your eye because there is so much red whether that’s a a good thing or or or not you know but don’t forget Charles himself is a good watercolorist and his father the late Duke of Edinburgh was also a good artist going we know Queen Victoria loved to do water colors and sketch as well so um he is a a a modern monarchy and he’s got a very modern portrait some people will love it some people will not yes indeed I think I’m going to go with slightly not at the moment but Estelle I’ll keep looking at it and see if I change my view thank you very much indeed Estelle love it there coming up to the next hour loads more going on and Taylor Swift too I’m Mike GR [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] talk [Music] good morning and welcome to Morning Glory with me Mike Graham it’s coming up to 3 minutes past 9 and we’ve been here since 6:30 if you haven’t been here with us I don’t know what you’ve been doing uh but you should have joined us a while ago because we’ve had some incredible incredible interviews already on the show we talked about the king’s portrait a lot of people saying it’s a bit too red for my liking other people saying actually I’m rather like it I think it makes it look rather interesting we’ll talk some more about that we’re going to talk Taylor Swift coming up in this hour as well because she’s going to bring 1 billion pounds to the economy uh when she comes touring here uh next month and also we’re going to be looking at knife crime and why it is that the Tories on the front page of Daily Telegraph today are telling the police bring back stop and search we’re also starting to hear rumors by the way this morning before prime minister’s questions that there’s going to be yet another Tory MP crossing the aisle now this is obviously something that K starm has been setting up for a while uh we’re not sure quite who it is yet we’ve had a couple of hints and a couple of tips but we won’t bring you those until we know a little bit more uh but we may be able to bring you news on that front before 10:00 when Julie Harley Brewer will of course be here as well big story on the front page of the sun this morning 200 million pound Rory I want a divorce it’s not that clear why he wants a divorce but uh he wants a divorce from his wife of the last seven years uh Erica uh and no real explanation of that but one of the things that we thought we would do uh is show you something rather interesting about Rory mroy because of course uh he did call off his wedding at the last minute to Carol was niaki after the original uh invites that they would be sent out but here he is with somebody slightly more surprising in his past you know he’s known to have dated a lot of different women uh it’s not very clear whether or not he actually dated Megan marle but he did do this with her I was nominated by Rory maoy to do the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge and I said yes on two conditions one that I could remind everyone that this is for ALS awareness I made a donation today I hope you do the same at ALS .org second condition I thought it seemed fitting that the person who nominated me would be the one to dump the ice on me so hi there hi um I challenge Serena Williams to do the ALS Ice Bucket as well okay shall we ready yes all right got it got it got it got it got it got it ready yeah what one two three and there is the celebrity life um that some people crave and some people can’t quite believe but there we are um we’ll come back to that uh coming up later Amanda in London says if kids are learning that carrying knives or guns is cool on social media surely the answer is to try and persuade the cool role models to put out the message that it’s now not cool and it is only for losers I think that’s a very very good point let’s talk to Patrick green who’s the CEO of the Ben canell trust Ben you might remember was just 16 years old when he was stabbed to death uh on the 29th of June 2008 seems a very long time ago now but still uh the evil uh persists on the streets of not only London now but also of many other cities in the country only in the last week or so there was a knife incident um in Sheffield at a school there was a similar one um in Wales near Swansea um and there are knife crimes committed literally every single day uh all over Britain let’s talk to Patrick and see what he thinks we can do to try and curb it Patrick very good morning to you good morning thanks very much for joining us um Daily Telegraph this morning has got a a main headline saying the Tes tell police to bring back stop and search but stop and search has never really gone away has it no it hasn’t um it’s it’s still a a vital Poli tactic which is used all the time um it is I think uh heavily politicized um we see it you know appear regularly particularly in the media um it is you know for the police it’s part of the effective toolkit they’ve got around knif crime um but it’s not the Silver Bullet that you know it’s often portrayed as um sure you know it takes knives and those who who carry them off our streets which is vitally important it does create a a deterrent but but it doesn’t tackle one of the crucial issues involved in knife crime which is why people carry knives particularly young people yes getting upstream and educating people I would argue um from experience is far more effective in changing mindsets around carrying knives then stop and search so it I think it’s something you do in conjunction with education and early prevention um rather than just focus solely on stop and search yes and presumably um it’s a it’s a sort of an increased problem now really as well we spoke to shelden Thomas I don’t know if you’re aware of him he’s a former gang member works for something called gangs line he said a lot of the problem at the moment now uh in this day and age certainly is social media um not just um the actual social media itself but what is posted um a lot of different kinds of music drill music in particular you know a lot of the fact that it’s spread now not just uh it’s not just in the black community in London but in in lots of parts of the country it’s very much in in the in every Community now where I mean even my teenage children going to school in Sussex have told me that there are kids who go to their school that take knives to school with them well I think that’s that’s shocking in in terms of um what your children are telling your teenage children are telling you about um School environment school and V are are generally very very safe places but but I think it shows how prevalent knife knife CR is um and I completely agree with what Sheldon has said in relation to um social media and indeed you read a comment out from I think it was from Amanda a few moments ago yes you said something similar yeah if I could if I could tell you one thing that’s changed in the last 12 10 to 12 years in relation to crime and how the negative side of night crime is promoted social media plays a massive part in that young people are seeing um violent content on the social media feeds that which normalizes knife crime desensitizes them to knife crime and even glorifies knife crime I think it’s Sheldon has pointed out yeah media companies have not done anywhere near enough to tackle this problem we’ve had to go to legislation to hold the feet to the fire and even even that I don’t think the legislation is strong enough to tackle some of the issues we seeing they need to step into space and take responsibility for what’s happening on their platform because we’re seeing the results of that on our streets right and what specifically would you do um if you were able to get the social media companies to change what they do what would you say that they need to do it’s very simple they need to take down the content which is um a allowing people to bypass legislation particular young people bypass legislation and buy knives um which you know zombie knives machete knives and even knives that are illegal uh extraordinarily easily and have them delivered the next day that’s to me a very simple answer if you’re over 18 you can’t buy a knife then why can you see see knives on your social media feed doesn’t make any sense to right people say to me though sorry to interrupt you for a second okay Patrick people say to me though if uh you you take away the ability to buy those kinds of zombie knives and machetes and those horribly big things that you can get on the internet the kids can just go and take a knife out of their mother’s kitchen drawer can’t they they can um you you you you can in some you you are limiting the supply so you’re limiting the amount of night these kns we’re seeing on the street so it has a positive effect but but you’re right if you really want to get back to um solving this problem it goes back to what I said right at the beginning when we talked about self and search the knife isn’t the problem it’s your decision to carry one which is the problem and that’s where education plays a huge part we can’t just ban all knives we all use knives every day they’re they’re they’re a vital tool in what we do so there comes a point where education plays a massive part in tackling this issue and there chronic under invest M and that there’s chronic investment in terms of Youth Services we need to turn that around and if we do we will see better results in terms of tracking KN because the other thing that that I notice a lot of and particularly on social media is is not so much just the the the violent attacks that you see and and the fights that you see between sometimes grown men um with machetes in the streets of this country now but also you see you tend to see and I don’t know whether it’s just because it’s it’s now more obvious to find on social media you see an awful lot of sort of brawls in the street an awful lot of fights an awful lot of aggression um between young men for some reason it seems to be peing you know what I mean everywhere you look the people are are sort of angrier and punching each other and kicking each other and attacking each other um and you said just now you know schools are supposed to be safe environments well lately they haven’t been though in a lot of cases yeah I mean what we see is um when knives are carried violence escalates very quickly and tragic tragic incidents happen um you know when we have knives on the street it it it does fu violence and makes you know obviously the consequences are far more tragic which is you know the compelling reason if we needed one to to do more to take knives off the streets and educate young young people particularly about the dangers of carrying knives yeah I mean is there anything towards um punishment of for carrying knives that you would favor uh to you know to maybe frighten people more into not carrying them well we have very strong legislation we obviously need to keep that under review thus the Banning of machetes and zombie knives which the government are pushing through at the moment um the challenge is not necessar legislation but when when cases come to court the the the court system is very inefficient in fact you could almost argue it’s broken in terms of the amount of time it takes for a court case to come uh in front of uh a judge um this means that victims are wasting um an extraordinary amount of time for their case to be heard which help you know invariably they lose confidence in the system and become often become less willing to stand in as Witnesses but for the offender it it trigal is something that is very serious because they’re waiting so long for for the case to come up it then feels like you know a a tra a trivial incident when the fact it isn’t um you know and it’s it’s important that we have Swift Justice we saw that after the PS in 2011 and how how what a powerful message that sent out following the rights if we were to do something like that around knife crime and get cases in get get them in front of a judge and get them quickly and apply the rigor of the law to those cases that have a big difference as well indeed I’ve got this from David who says he’s in France he says bonjour certain towns have stated that anyone caught with a knife will be fined 500 EUR I mean even something like that might be a deterrent if you if you thought you were going to have some kind of on the spot fine yeah um you know we know that it’s it’s really important to have deterrence I got back to my argument as well it’s not just deterrence it’s education why would you carry an eye for the first place that’s a really important message to get across yeah absolutely right uh Patrick really good to talk to you thank you very much indeed Patrick green there CEO of the Ben k seller trust there has been a call this morning uh from the Tory party to increase uh stop and search that’s obviously never been something that everybody agrees upon but it’s never really gone away so it’s wrong to say bring it back if it hasn’t gone um but we’ve asked for your opinions on all of this and we’d like you to hear uh some opinions that we’re going to get in shortly on the phones 0344 499 1000 this is where the nation comes to talk we’re also asking you uh to send us a voice note because that’s the one place uh on this station where you can get a voice note heard uh and all you got to do is get on to Whatsapp uh send it to 0344 499 1000 here’s David from havery wants to talk about knife crime good morning um this is David from um haing the reason why knife crime is such a problem in London is because we have sadik Khan who as you know does nothing and or he’s misguided shall we just say being polite and to be quite honest having helped us for the next four years uh well yes indeed I think there’ll be many people who will be saying Heaven Help Us for the next four years because of course as we said earlier S Khan uh made a joke uh of the whole knife crime epidemic when Susan Hall asked him about it just before the election took place uh when she said that knife crime was rising to epidemic proportions and ridiculous proportions he suggested she’s been watching too many episodes of The Wire um and unfortunately since he has been elected uh there have already been several stabbings there have already been a couple of killings in fact uh in the London area and there have also been an awful lot of uh um incidents around the country concerning knives and only last night and we brought you this news this morning um a woman is in hospital after getting caught in the middle of a driveby shooting in Stanford Hill in North London to we assume criminal uh uh activities uh both people in cars shooting at each other uh sort of late at night last night in North London a woman now remains in hospital as a result of that seems incredible that the levels of crime in this country have got so high and yet the new mayor who’s only the same as the old mayor can make a joke of it extraordinary stuff 0344 499 1,000 also don’t forget uh coming up we’re going to be asking why Taylor Swift is going to make the uk1 billion PS and the big subject of the morning as well that we’ve had an awful lot of reaction on why should the NHS pay men £400 to lose weight For Heaven’s Sake what is the world coming to 0344 499 1000 I’m Mike gra this is morning glory James whale unleash does not interview people who’ve just got a new book out we talk about the issues of the day the things that are really winding people up most of all I want you on the phone Saturday night 7:00 be warned [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] just when you think you’ve read it all gender activists want scientists to stop categorizing ancient human remains as either male or female clearly anatomically you can tell if it’s a male skeleton or a female skeleton these woke archaeologists are labeling them as nonbinary or gender neutral what message does it send to kids who are studying history it’s absolute nonsense isn’t it join me David bull for incisive political comment analysis and of course some fun listen watch hear see to talk argument attitude opinion across the UK this is T welcome back to Morning Glory with me Mike Graham right here until 10:00 of course every weekday morning from 6:30 that’s the brand new breakfast show uh on talk and it is a thing of beauty I can tell you that because not only did we cover all the serious things about uh gun crime knife crime uh whether or not you’re too fat and should you be paid to lose some weight uh we also talk about the entertain business and who better to talk to about Taylor Swift who is going to apparently boost the British economy by1 billion pound which she comes here to do a series of 15 UK tour days which I’m assuming it’s very very much sold out is the one and only Grammy award-winning producer Mr Steve ly white Steve very very good morning to you great to see you Mike great to see good to see you too I I’m going to talk to you about radio in a minute because I see you you’ve been doing a bit of that yourself in uh uh in your spare time also we’ve got Deanna Davidson with with this and I’m going to talk to you Deana in a little while because Diana is an MP for the Tory party she’s giving up after this this latest incarnation in Parliament but she just went to Paris to see Taylor Swift and I wanted to ask you Steve first of all I mean you’ve produced you to you produced The Rolling Stones you produced some some Mega bands some incredible uh albums um but this woman is something else isn’t she she is the biggest star in the world I mean um just just when you think that we weren’t going to get another worldwide huge star we’ve got one and she is incredible she’s you know she’s not like Britney Spears or someone like that she really is in charge of her own destiny so you know it’s it’s it’s a fantastic thing and I I really love her music you know it sort of transcends everything and I know she has you know she’s she has her Army of fans but um but it it it goes bigger than that you know it does she yeah I mean she’s incredible the figures that we’ve got here each fan will spend an average of £ 848 on seeing her right um 1,1 175,176 120 quid for accommodation £11 for travel 59 quid for pre-concert meals 79 quid concert merchandise 56 on new outfits to wear I mean all of that it’s she’s an entire world economy in her own right isn’t she yeah well she she wasn’t it especially in Australia where she did those gigs she actually really did impact the economy over there and I mean I’m not sure what it says about the British economy at the moment if she could impact ours it means it’s probably shrunk quite a bit but um probably but it’s yeah it’s really good news though really good news but you know what I mean I’m I’m gonna go to Denna now because Denna if if you put Taylor Swift up for election against the current crop of MPS you know she might actually win election but you went all the way to Paris to see adenna um did you clock up something like 800 quid then to see Taylor Swift I will be honest and say I have not dared to check my bank statements um I’ve been a fan since I was 15 so I was never going to miss the opportunity to see the ER store um but you know three of us traveled there we took the ferry we got an Airbnb we spent an extra day in Paris you know exploring the city so it probably isn’t far off and I think it’s you know when there is an artist as big as this whose music and work respect to such an extent you’re willing to travel overseas to go and see her I think that says an awful lot it does and how good was the show I have to try not to do my classic kind of Youth exaggeration here but it was honestly one of the best nights of my entire life outside of major life and family events yeah I can believe that Steve you know you’ve watched I mean you were in Las Vegas to watch the the sphere those new shows by you too um in uh in Vegas which looks absolutely incredible but watching some of the videos of Taylor Swift’s sort of Stadium performances she does that thing that really brilliant Stars can do where she makes it look quite intimate even though she’s playing to you know 120,000 people yeah well that’s the trouble I think with with stadium shows in general is that they are not as intimate as you you know you really need them to be but but you know I’m excited to see um you know obviously she’s she’s managed to do it with technology and with you know with great songs that’s what it all starts with and she’s a great artist yes there’s no question and tell us more about that and the production as well because I mean that’s your your area of expertise is great songs great production great kind of presentation uh of the songs and she seems to be prolific I mean the new album’s got some ludicrous number of songs on it yeah but you know the funny thing is that that that she was um she signed this very bad record deal early on in her career and basically that that the person who owned her recordings sold her recordings for you know hundreds of millions and she does in those days she didn’t she wasn’t worth hundreds of millions so she felt slighted that you know that this happened so she did something which was perfectly legal she re-recorded all her songs and let her fans know don’t listen to the old ones listen to the new versions and they were identical it was a master stroke you know and and and it really get got her fans feeling you know like she had been dissed now that’s not really true because she she wasn’t forced to sign that initial contract but but but you know she really managed to make it she got her fans on her side she did and it was but it’s great you know it’s very I mean and and TI I presume I mean and most of I’m probably going to get into trouble with saying this but most of Taylor Smith’s fans are generally speaking women and younger women and the lyrics of her songs seem to speak to an awful lot of of younger women’s problems don’t they got interested in Taylor Swift I was 15 years old she was a couple years older and she was writing about you know High School feeling like an outsider boys and as she matured and her her stories matured it felt as though she was kind of writing for for me the experiences I was going through which went from school to growing up to reaching adulthood to more complex relationships to breakups to friendships and it it’s as though she can write a very specific story with very specific lyrics that don’t directly relate to you because I’ve never lived in New York for example yet the feelings that she manages to invoke from them makes it feel as though she’s written it just for you and your life and I think that’s why there is more of a female audience but there’s been a phenomenon certainly since the pandemic with kind of boyfriends and husbands really getting involved who might have before said oh well Taylor S okay my wife kind of likes them who are now really into her music and let’s not even talk about the LGBT community who you know were massively represented in Paris the other night and what about your favorite Taylor Swift songong what is it that is the worst question you’ve ever asked me in an interview Mike because there are so many that I could choose from um well I’m going to put your I think my I have to say my favorite is a song called long live because I literally have a tattoo of it on my arm so it’d be weird if I said anything else um but it’s a beautiful song about achieving things in life thanking the people who’ve been there with you along the journey and overcoming obstacles which for me is always something that I love listening to when I’m having a rough day right interesting well we’re going to come back to you in the moment because I know got some parliamentary business we’re going to talk to you about as well but Steve let me come back to you because uh I see that you’ve been um puttering about I would like to say but probably that’s not the right description uh doing a bit of a radio show down in barley from live from the lily pad which has got to be talked about I know the lily pads which you can see behind me is my is my new uh wonderful home and um it’s spectacular by the way yes it is it’s I’m I’m I’m really lucky man and uh it’s so plan that that the bedroom living room and kitchen are all open so you can actually you can see behind me you can see my bed yeah so I’m I’m still working out whether it’s okay not to have a bedroom but it’s um but it’s really fantastic I I love it and uh yeah so I’m very happy here I’m not seeing you for a long time not seeing you for a long time I know well see because I work I was working at night and now I’m back in the morning so now we can do this on a regular basis I would like to ask you about Chelsea but I don’t know if I would want to impinge on any personal grief it’s not been a great season for you you know what though you have three wins in a row and all of a sudden all we need and I know this very very seriously we need Manchester United to beat Newcastle tonight yeah and then we need Sheffield United to lose to Spurs no no no to beat Tottenham on the last day yeah and Chelsea to win our last two games and we’ll be fifth that’s that’s the worst it’s the worst sale I’ve ever heard of of a team that’s got doing terribly well but listen great to see you um have a brilliant time um I’m still going to promise to come and see you at some point or other in barley because it’s going to be the best place to come and see you but listen take care of yourself we’ll see you soon Steve Le thank you very much indeed um the big shows of course for Taylor Swift coming up in June Diana Davidson still with us apologize for asking you the worst question I’ve ever asked you di um what about um the uh the the real business of politics though because of course one of the things we’re hearing today is there’s going to be another defection um from the Tory party to the party because it seems as though there might be um a plan to do this every single week until the election it’s all a bit of a gimmick but are you hearing any rumors to that effect as we are the only rumors I’m seeing are the same ones as you my you know people on Twitter speculating really though I think my favorite comment was from a conservative MP who texted I think it was James heel saying oh God Natalie’s not coming back as she which I thought was Tong and cheap but quite amusing that is good yeah but you’ve got some business in par tomorrow afternoon you’re going to be doing the one punch manslaughter Amendment tell us a bit about that it’s this afternoon actually Mike um so the criminal justice bill is returning to Parliament um and I have an amendment in to increase sentencing for one punch mans Slaughter um my father was killed by a single punch back in 2007 so I’ve worked with an awful lot of campaigning groups since then to try and figure out what are the key issues facing families going through these horrific crimes uh one of them is the sense of Injustice felt in senten as it stands now if your loved one is killed the average sentence sits around years which you know I will admit no sentence will ever feel enough to make up for what happened but four years frankly feels completely insulting yeah so we’ve got the amendment in on sentencing we’re also in talks with the ministry of justice and the home office about um kind of a more holistic form of support because you know if you’re from a good law-abiding family you’ve never really had dealings with the criminal justice system firstly to have the shock and Trauma of such a horrific event happen then to be told you’re going to have to go through the court process and not really understand how it works and what your rights are as a kind of victim um we have kind of determined that what would be really helpful is a kind of One-Stop shop a kind of national you know single point of contact that families can go to um to help guide them through the process so we’re in talks with the ministry of Justice about that as well as more public awareness campaigning on this too because you know ultimate goal is to stop anyone in future raising their fist and causing one of these horrific tragedies um so the more we can do to raise awareness the better no of course and we’ve were talking to the Ben canella trust a little bit earlier just on the whole knife crime situation and and he was also saying you know there is a problem with the the criminal justice system sometimes cases can take two to three years to even get to court and we’ve also seen this week that the terrible terrible trauma for those families of the victims of the Nottingham um killings where uh you know they they’ve been you know you know pulled from Pillar To Post by the system and it just can’t go on like that no I agree I mean the criminal justice system is is full of brilliant people doing brilliant things but is also kind of not adequate for a lot of people again who are going through such trauma and that’s the point we need to recognize people are already going through so much we need to make the process of the actual Justice side as smooth as comfortable and as transparent as possible and it isn’t as you’re saying things are taking too long that support isn’t always in place I know the ministry of justice is doing an awful lot to improve um for example counseling for those who are serving on horrific jewelry trials and things a lot more work to do to rec recruit more more judges and make sure those courts can stay open for longer to get through that backlog of cases um but you’re right there are reforms that are needed and and hopefully we can see those come into place very soon okay and finally are you going to go and see Taylor Swift when she’s here as well you got tickets for any of the England shows yes I do between myself and my friends we sort of signed up for as many as we could to try and get tickets but the process was like running the gauntlets you know you’re very lucky if you got the chance so um I am I am going to to Liverpool and to London so I’m feeling like a very Jammy Taylor Swift absolutely brilliant well it’s cost of you Fortune you better get yourself a second job you know like everybody else in Parliament there’s the controversy again M yeah I know what can you do Dan good to see you thank you very much indeed Dan Davids MP for Bishop Orland of course and a major Swifty a Taylor Swift fan and thanks very much indeed as well of course to Steve Lily white coming up uh we’ve got loads going on Mayhem in magalo how about that Brits abroad are apparently causing chaos um we’re going to be trying to find out why the locals want a 930 curfew to stop them partying also Jeremy car will tell us about his drive time show and Jacob Reese MOG he’s calling uh for the Tories to make Nigel farage a minister and allow other senior reform UK politicians to stand as conservative candidates just because he thinks that could mean they could beat K starma it’s all coming next right here on Morning Glory [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] listen watch hear see talk argument attitude opinion across the UK this is talk welcome back to Morning Glory right here with me Mike Graham on talks the brand new breakfast show here with you every single morning from 6:30 a.m. sharp be there uh if you don’t want to miss anything cuz we have got so much going on uh by the way how about this from hmrc uh another Triumph from the Civil Service hm revenue and Customs has been accused of letting taxpayers down after they collectively spent wait for it almost 800 years on hold that’s while they were waiting for a call to be answered last year alone they’ve been on hold for 7 million hours in 2023 24 uh that’s equivalent of nearly 800 years on hold brilliant uh that is the tax man for you so good luck trying to get through to them if you’re trying uh now we’ve been asking you to leave what notes many of you are doing so 0344 4991 brand new form of communication um you know because you can ring up and you can speak to me if you wish um or if you want to leave a note which means you can’t get interrupted by me uh which some people would prefer you can do it let’s see uh what we’ve got in the old voice note Bank morning Mike long time listener first time caller my name is Dan I’m a 28 stone man from Norfolk right my argument is if I live to a longer age and probably get get cancer and who knows what in my time if I die early of of a heart failure then I ain’t going to be much of a burden at all to the NHS leave me alone I don’t want your pills I don’t want your money I just want to be left alone I’m happy when I’m eating just like you are when you’re drinking and the smokers it will be happy smoker just leave people alone who knows I might get depressed and if I get depressed I got to be a burden on NHS cuz I going to be wanting the pills for that in so you know just leave people alone let us live our lives enjoy the show bye Daniel voice of reason there what I mean this is the thing leave people alone stop trying to make everybody as healthy as you think they should be because there is no magic bullet look these people cycling around Regent Park desperately trying to Stave off the inevitable death that they’re going to suffer because everybody’s going to die but they think because they’re keeping themselves fit while cycling around Regent Park illegally at 30 mil hour that they’re somehow better than everybody else well they’re not let me put it to you this way you know you can’t guarantee that you will live a long life and quite frankly as Daniel just said there if you do live a long life you might be more of a strain on the NHS anyway so it’s not necessarily the answer um how about this from Ian in Hull Mike Ray Health don’t have a kebab eat more twigs and berries yeah very good thank you very much indeed and R in cambrid says so 19 other EU countries contemplated the Rwandan scheme here’s an idea why don’t they just shut the border or their borders even well quite right well I tell you who would quite like to shut their borders to Brits and that is uh the good people of magal because apparently um the good people of magaloff are not that happy about Brits abroad misbehaving and they’re now causing so much chaos that they’re asking for 930 curfews let’s talk to Alexandra Smith Creator and founder of the mayorca Under the Sun YouTube channel Alexandre very good morning to you welcome good morning are you reporting into to us from sunny mayorca I am it’s a slightly cloudy day today but yes very nice too in the Y very nice what on Earth is going on I mean magalo has always been you know a pretty bouncy kind of a place it’s always been a place where younger um Brits go when it’s supposed to be cheap it’s supposed to be cheerful supposed to be wild I mean that’s what it’s for isn’t it of course of course but this summer we have a a move this summer towards um holiday makers taking personal responsibility from from when they come over here on holiday now a few measures have been put in place but I don’t want to worry anyone who’s due to come over here on holiday um simply the restrictions are that they’re closing the shops that sell alcohol around the magal strip area from 9:30 at night until 8 a.m. right so it’s no I mean it’s very little changeed this summer to be honest we’ve had a lot of scare mongering in the Press um but holidays are going to go on as normal it’s just everyone is’s asking for any holiday makers to take some personal responsibility if they’re com over here so what effect will that have I mean presumably when you say shops that sell alcohol that doesn’t mean bars that sell alcohol is it no no no no the bars are going to stay open as normal the teres and bars are going to stay open as normal you can come over here you can drink but it’s moved towards personal responsibility and there’s a real Crackdown on antisocial Behavior as well so um anyone caught misbehaving in the streets um they could be slapped with either a 500 to A500 Euro fine as well it’s going to make that really expensive holiday even more expensive if anyone misbehaves so we’re just asking that people come over here and just behave themselves but there’s no Crackdown on fun here I just want to make that really really clear yeah no it’s fine listen I’m I’m I’m not suggesting that for a minute because we know that Mayhem can be something that goes along with a lot of people who travel in the summer you know it’s very hot they have too much to drink they get bit carried away what have they designated anything particular in terms of what antisocial Behavior they don’t want people to be carrying on with well we don’t want people drinking in the streets that’s really the main thing or um doing anything else they shouldn’t be doing or having sex in the street or fighting in the street or anything like that us British young people’s holiday yeah exactly and I know a big campaign is starting today as well um got the BR British Embassy on the island today and they’re encouraging um people partying in magal to stick with their mates as well big campaign surrounding that no one wants to see anyone passed out on the streets or anything balconing going on this summer right so um it really is more of a move towards everyone looking out for each other taking care of each other but coming out and having a good time as well and respecting respecting us residents as well so no exactly right we saw actually funny enough we were looking at a video yesterday or some pictures I should say uh of a guy walking around in Palmer in in newor in the capital um just wearing a sort of pair of Speedos um are there any restrictions on what you’re supposed to be wearing while you’re out and about because they’re not very happy with him they were like why is somebody like him walking around bizar was wearing proper shoes as well and his Speedos and it looked ridiculous I know I mean we get that every summer we get that every summer it’s absolutely ridiculous if you’re going into barma if you’re going into the city um just some clothes on um you shouldn’t be walking around with listen I have been I have been there got a beautiful cathedral and it’s got some fantastic restaurants and shops and why anybody would think if you’re not at a beach that you can walk around I mean it’s one of my bug Bears I said this the other day you know we had a nice hot weekend uh just in the last few days and as soon as it happens here people start taking their shirts off walking down the streets in London with no shirt and it’s just it looks ludicrous it looks crazy I know but we’re going to have more stories like that coming out of my y this summer so be prepared for that yeah absolutely but meanwhile I mean we’ve had several sort of stories here as well from different parts of Spain um where particularly Mya and on the mainland where people are bit bit fed up with all the airbn beinging that’s been going on is that an issue there as well it is a really big issue here um well I’ve been living on the islands for 19 years now and it’s become increasingly hard to try and find affordable accommodation on the island they’ve got a lot of um a lot of Apartments here have been sold off um and they”re been used either as Airbnb Properties or by people who literally just come here for three months of the year and us the locals are increasingly finding it very very difficult and it’s very expensive to rent now particularly those working in the resorts as well so you’re finding workers that having to live in the countryside and then try and get the bus over to where they’re working that is the nightmare I have to admit that is it’s not great yes well I’ve me another big summer coming up so I’m sure Alexandria there’ll be there’ll be good parts of it as well as stayed away from some of the places that you know to avoid I guess right yeah no it’s going to be it’s going to be a great summer it always is it always is there’ll be lots of news stories as well so we’re just prepared for thato okay well keep in touch in case there’s anything you wish to tell the nation this is a place to do it okay brilliant thank you very much great stuff Alexandra Smith thank you creative founder of meor Under the Sun YouTube channel I mean people do go to magalo to misbehave um this year maybe you have to be a bit more careful about how you misbehave and exactly where you misbehave uh we’ve been asking for WhatsApp notes today um and of course many of you as ever uh have been obliging 0344 499 1000 is what you do uh send it in on WhatsApp uh record it here’s another one I think this is one about King Charles King Charles III his painting is supposed to represent our Sovereign Nation our monarchy and a sort of way it does really it represents a Sovereign Nation being all consumed in the Raging Fire and anger of the Lefty socialist Tik Tock influence mob and the Lawless loss society in which we now live yet the butterfly the sweet little butterfly represents hope the hope of a Nation the hope of the silent majority the hope to rescue this once great nation from the looming Abyss thank you that’s Alan brilliant very poetic Alan very nicely put thank you very much indeed it’s always good to have hope as they say in football it’s the hope that kills you you know if you didn’t have hope you wouldn’t really have anything at all coming up uh we’re going to be watching how the Secretary of State for the United States of America plays guitar believe it or not you never seen anything like this I mean this is unbelievable meanwhile you got Joe Biden wandering around wondering what day it is the secretary of state is in a a Ukraine playing guitar he’s not very good at it either we’ll do that we’ll also talk to Jeremy K looking ahead to his drive time show at 4 o’clock this afternoon Julie Harley Brewer will be here of course we might even have time to fit in a call as well so 0344 499 1000 be your first time caller we’re doing it all week this is morning glory it’s the home of Common Sense we’re here weekdays 1 p.m. Monday to Friday make sure you’re there we’ll be debating discussing chewing the fat and maybe having the odd row over the things that matter to you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hi I’m James well Unleashed on Talk Saturday night 7:00 until 10 I’m warning you now if you’re easily offended this is not the show for you if you know I say an occasional rude word or if I kind of talk to somebody in a rather offhand way which you wouldn’t hear on the BBC or anywhere else I do apologize 3 hours absolutely live nobody least of all me knows what’s going to happen you better join us to find out listen watch hear see talk argument attitude opinion across the UK this is talk welcome back to Morning Glory it is coming up to just about 9 minutes to 10 Julie Harley Brewer will be here soon we’re going to talk to Jeremy Carl in one second ahead of His Brilliant drive time show which is from 4 until 7 of course but just before that uh we’ve been talking an awful lot about divorce we’ve been talking an awful lot about um cycling paths and weird cycling roundabouts but how about this is one I bet you haven’t seen anywhere else this is a Secretary of State for the United States of America possibly the second most powerful man in the US OFA this is the man who goes around and does deals with Hamas goes around talking to people from both sides of the problem uh in of course the Middle East uh he’s also been in Qatar quite recently here he is in Kiev last night um representing the United States of America but guess what it’s not the Eurovision song contest what’s he doing it’s actually blinking have a look [Music] the Free World it’s old Neil Young song that unfortunately while he was there Russia launched another offensive in the nor North Eastern har region he says oh yeah we know it’s a difficult time challenging time well maybe you should stop playing music and get on with it uh let’s talk to Jeremy Carl Jeremy very good morning to you oh my God I’ve seen it all now so so there’s a war in the Middle East and the Secretary of States playing guitar rather badly spanking his plank in public whilst the war’s raging that’s great is it can I take you back to magal I was loving that bit I got two facts and I telling about magal you love this do you know that in the Bic Island there are four Bic Island and I only know this cuz I did a show in magal once the the economy the money from that 1 and a half mile strip accounts for 16% of the gross income of the entire Bic Island which of course is why they keep it and I the only person you’ve ever met who got pepper sprayed and abused by 5,000 people on the strip I think I remember you telling me this story The STP must be an amazing place also the idea that they’re going to stop selling alcohol in a shop at 9:00 or 9:30 it’s really not going to stop them drinking in the bar is it no and they make great strides to say we don’t want you they do it’s 16% of their GDP I’m promising you they absolutely want it how are you mate morning I’m very well listen the other great story I know this one will be of some interest to you because of your interest in golf and divorce uh 200 million pound Roy melroy wants why does he he’s asking for a divorce right I’ve got several theories we don’t need to speculate um but the interesting thing as well that I saw uh today is that apparently getting divorce is bad for your credit rating CU if you don’t that’s why you and I can’t get a loan for love no money can’t get a car so you have to when you get divorced you have to absolutely cut the cord make sure there’s no Financial connection at all apparently I I was just as I say this I’m looking through the glass to my children sat next door thinking there’s the car uh he signed a prenup Rory Maro it’s quite interesting I’m going to give you a bizarre fact which will send you all into strips of Madness in 2014 after the worst slump of his career he dumped his girlfriend straight after winning a tournament and went on to win the last major golf championship he won right 10 years later he has dumped his wife on the eve of the US PGA Championship hasn’t won a major in 10 years despite all that Talent looked very happy on the Range yesterday signed the prenup Bobs your uncle I think Ma Roy is worth a bet this weekend because I think he F I don’t know he looks like he’s happy doesn’t he well that’s very interesting we Unearthed a very interesting video as well um which you can maybe have a lookout lat seen it the one of him and Megan Markle what’s that all about he well apparently he threw cold water over her head I mean I don’t know whether she was taking up golf or was all part of arch well not they can make any money but yeah he’s had quite a varied romantic career a bit like you and me me old son but there we go can I jump in because I know you’ve got oh here we go we’re showing it yeah go yeah but carry on we talk over it we don’t need to listen to it you’ve got Julia Harley Brew on the way so I better get out the way because she gets so bossy stop and search who’d have thought it let’s stop people and check whether they’ve got a knife they have let’s put them in jail it’s not racist it improves the situation on the streets the other thing we’ve got kids I don’t want anybody undy that’s a kid of mine having education lessons without me knowing about it absolutely not of course not and of course last night just when everything you thought was going normally normally and smoothly a driveby shooting in Stanford Hill a woman is in hospital currently because she was caught in the crossfire of two people firing guns at each other out of cars ridiculous I mean I I I don’t know if you’ve heard this Chris philp is the policing Minister he’s talked about more stop and search for this epidemic of crime yes this is the man though I’d be slightly i’ slightly concerned about his analogy Chris philp is the guy that doesn’t know the difference between Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo question that’s very true listen the other thing I wanted to say Jacob Reese MOG has come out I don’t know if you’ve done this jacob ree MOG has come out and said to RI Su you should do a deal with reform before the election i’ got benhabib on the show this afternoon might good stuff we should look forward to all of that Julie heartley Brewer is here so you can wave to her if you wish Jerry let me see let me see the old how look him what did he say he said let me see her I think was what he said you’ll be he said she scrubbed up very well yes she does as as do we all thank Frank thank the hell thank goodness I should say for that um Julia welcome Jeremy see you at four o’cl I’ll see you later on uh good morning good morning to you how doing I’m very well indeed I’m glad to see the government’s uh finally seeing sense we had this sort of leak yesterday we all talked about it on air yesterday as well about this ban on teachers uh teaching kids stuff about gender ideology I mean yeah I mean tell us something we don’t know common sense but common sense but just also teachers should be teaching facts I don’t even like them doing all this mad climate nonsense as well you know and again oh everything’s a fact gender there aren’t 72 genders so you shouldn’t be teaching children right do you know plent of contested beliefs but like we don’t teach all of them to eight-year-olds the first time I went into my son’s secondary school I was most sort of surprised yeah after after that ended yeah um most surprised to see every corner I turned there was a notice board and on every notice board there was a poster from Stonewall I know every single they infiltrated the school it is absolutely extraordinary again telling kids that they’re born in the wrong body and this is why they’re unhappy and uh and they’re all non-binding and things I’m so this is not healthy for kids and that’s so different kid disciplined but also that’s so different from Simply being welcome making it open yes some you know some of you will be gay yeah that’s completely normal and fine that’s that’s different yeah that’s different from sort of encouraging people to think that they might not be who they think they are it’s it’s it’s Absol look it’s misogynistic it’s homophobic and and it’s dangerous it’s got to stop all those going to talk about knife crime Crackdown as well heard that before I mean how many how many times but also you know this call for stop and search it turns out they haven’t really ever stopped stop and search so the idea that we should do more of it yes maybe they cut it down a lot there’s ways of doing it aren’t I mean that’s the thing but also the other thing is that outside of London the big cities it’s a massive problem in schools in in in all all areas not just black areas it’s white areas as well well exactly I mean again we focus often in London because it happens to be in some you burs have to have a higher percentage of ethnic minorities and then it gets focused on that whereas actually this is a problem across the board isn’t it I’m really interested the the uh uh the chancellor and work and pension secretary saying you know there are ample job opportunities for people who want to work yes well yeah right I mean this is the thing if people can get off a plane at Luton come from Eastern Europe and then turn up here and then get themselves a job day later isn’t it weird that people who are born here can’t well they can’t because they want to do they there’s always a give a friend of mine works in a job percenter she always said she could always tell the people who wanted to work someone you didn’t see them again they signed on they got May redund or something


    1. I worked as waiter 20 years ago , at the portobello gold ( portobello market ) I treated the costumers the way they treated me , many times very rudely, more I treated them bad, more tips they gave me , was shocked about it, people in london like to be treated bad kkkkkkkkk, one guy gave me £20, for my smile 😀 kkkkkk

    2. I hear what your guest is saying – it would be magnificent at the top of staircase huge one with a green dark green wall then you wouldn't need to tone down the impression. I thought the ex gang guy really answered your questions thoughtfully and the one about the stabbing actually changed my mind a tiny bit which I was surprised about I still think you're right but learnt something. That blithering idiot closed down my mind I was pleased blondie said about The way people who lose weight for the wrong reason put it back on again what you gonna do keep giving the money if you make people die from yo-yoing. I wonder if cancer isn't caused by blocking negative feelings it's always the salt of the Earth and the stuff about not swearing and being nice not calling names seems to be corresponding with increases. I am certainly not saying it is anybody's own fault more like we could do an enquiry into that how dare he say that look at our royal family they hardly have a bad lifestyle aren't overweight seem pretty active

    3. How can you seriously compare cancer to obesity? This chap gets paid money for those sorts of ideas.

      On a side note, I can't help but notice that every time illegal immigrants hit the headlines for atrocious crimes,the next few weeks are full of news stories about "lazy Brits costing the taxpayer" or "Brits are too fat " etc etc. The stories to turn people against eachother ramp up so we forget about the government failing us on all fronts and our culture being torn apart

    4. It's all very well, having stop and search and techo knife detectors, but there is no deterrent, a slap on the wrist and told not to do it again.
      There should be an automatic 5 year prison sentence, no time of for good behaviour and they should be make to watch documentaries about the affects knife crime has on not only from the victims side but also from the side of the families of the knife wealder.
      The should have to watch videos of the victims and their families of their impact statements
      There should be a separate wing in prison for those who have not previously been in trouble to stop them mixing with hardened criminals who may lead them astray and teach them how to commit other crimes.
      They also need to get those who have suffered at the hands of people with knives and those who have done time for knife crime to go to every school in the country to talk about how knife crime and it's consequences.

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