Paris gare de Lyon railway station is one of the terminal railway stations and one out of 3 (or 4, just how you count) international terminal stations in the French capital, Paris. From here on we’ll be taking a TGV inOui high speed train along the high-speed line to Marseille the south of France, from there on the train will go along the conventional railway line via Toulon, St. Raphael and Cannes to Nice Ville, what is a beutiful ride along the Côte d’Azur (blue coast) in the south of France.

    In this video we’ll discover the railway station of Paris gare de Lyon, the train and the views from the train. Also we’ll dive more into the environmental impact of different travel options (train, car and plane). Please note (especially for busy days), the bus is also a sustainable alternative if the trains are fully booked, however the bus is way slower than this high speed train.

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    ▬▬▬▬▬▬ VIDEO CONTENT ▬▬▬▬▬▬
    00:00 Introduction trip report Paris – Nice TGV inOui bullet train
    00:55 Brief overview environmental impact train vs car & plane
    01:18 RER and metro to Paris gare de Lyon station
    02:14 Paris gare de Lyon railway station (Paris, France)
    10:00 TGV inOui Duplex train (Ocean like) Paris – Nice
    21:57 Views from the train Paris – Marseille – Nice
    26:06 Trip report round up
    26:45 Environmental impact in more detail train vs car & plane
    29:10 End of this trip report

    Trip report 198
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    par gelon railway station in Paris one of the main terminal railway station in the France capital this railway station is beautiful and obviously I’ll show you this as well from here on we will be taking a tcv in we highspeed train to Nish in the south of France our train will go non-stop with 300 km hour to merai in the south from where On we’ll have a beautiful ride along the coat daur so join me on the tcv in we High spe train from Paris the capital of France via marai along the high spe line and from there on along conventional railway lines to n and a part of their journey is really Scenic for now let’s get this video on the track and let’s roll the [Music] intro before we dive into this video a quick comparison on the environmental impact if you’re tling by train car and plane the left side is for the entire route that I’ll be taking today from rdam in the Netherlands to n in France and the right side is for this specific trip report what is from Paris to n within France I’ll get back to this at the end of the video for now let’s dive into this video earlier that day I arrived in Paris with a high-speed train from the Netherlands where most trains do terminate at the railway station of parad North so Paris North Station I took a train that was heading to Disneyland Paris so manal laet simply because all the trains to Paris North Station were fully booked and I guess I’m the one to blame for this because I booked this pretty last minute on a very popular Day from the railway station of Paris North but also the railway station for highspeed trains at the outskirt of Paris so Marna laet what is Disneyland and Sh the go what is the airport you can travel comfortably with the re trains to the railway station of Gard Leon and even though there are many trains that will bypass the City of Paris so you don’t always need to change trains within Paris if you do this you just have a bigger variety of trains this map shows roughly what area will be served by what terminal station and internationally it will go beyond this the r trains in Paris or the Suburban trains they’re a little bit between metros and Regional trains the r trains to arrive at the underground section of God Leon railway station what’s also mentioned as Hall three apart from the re trains you also find the Metro over here at the railway station for galon the railway station has been separated in three different Halls Hall one and two while or The Terminal tracks for mainly highspeed trains and Hall three what is basically the underground access to some other Platforms in Hall one and Hall two and also where you find access to the rer so Suburban trains and the metro and actually the underground Hall 3 is rather big but I won’t spend too much time on that in this video so let’s go up my train today departed from Hall number two but before I show you that let me show you the outside of the station this here is straight at the front of the Railway Station of the oldest part what is Hall number one over here you also find the famous restaurant L blow but I’ll show you this in a bit at this point but also at several other spots around the railway station there are some taxi stands to get around but personally I always travel with the metro and the rer trains in Paris and this works totally fine but well if you prefer a taxi you find them as well obviously let’s go back to Hall number one and this is basically the honor where you find the terminal tracks and also the spot where you find the most well maybe one of the most special things about this railway station what is the restaurant L blow this is located right at the conquers of Hall number one if you go up the stairs here the TR blow was originally created for the exposition unifo in 1900 and each dining room is themed to represent cities of regions in France and they all decorated with 41 paintings by some of the most popular artists at the same time and from the balcony itself you also have a great view on the railroad tracks I mean this place is just amazing it’s not cheap at all I guess it speaks for itself this black coffee with a cake costed me €7 but it’s worth every penny to enjoy this great restaurant and the amazing artwork even though for coffee you most likely sit somewhere in a corner and I think this restaurant just shows that traveling by train is a very civilized way of traveling well obviously it’s not that black and white and this also depends on many circumstances however I think that in general traveling by train is the most civilized way of traveling but not in all situations obviously for now let’s move on to Hall number one and this is the hall right at the front of the restaurant L tro that I just showed you at the center you’ll find very big screens that will host information about departing and arriving trains and you find these screens basically all over the railway station for the tracks where you find the highspeed trains there are access gates although at the moment these trains won’t depart anytime soon you can just go here as well apart from the highspeed trains you also find Regional and some non highs speeed long distance TR do also serve this railway station at these terminal tracks typically for French Railway stations there are some spots where you can wait and there are plenty of power sockets available there’s also free Wi-Fi but personally I never tested this out some shops are located right at the middle of The Concourse and obviously Around The Concourse as well the freta Rosa these are the high-speed trains of the state on Railway company of Italy do also depart from Hall number one at least most of the time and there’s also a small ticket shop for those trains at this Hall previously this same shop used to be for the th trains these were the sleeper trains between Paris and Milan that have unfortunately been canceled after Co but they were also being operated by the same Railway company TR Italia actually when Co just hit in I traveled on one of those trains and I also have a Trippy part on that about tickets there are lots of fending machines but also physical points where you can buy tickets for these trains also the train that be taking today however keep in mind for the longdistance trains in France tickets do come including a seat reservation so full is full also keep in mind that the ticket prices are based on the demand of passengers at the moment you book last minute a ticket the demand might be pretty high so you might also be paying the highest price keep this in mind and trains in France are in general pretty well occupied and that’s the least I can say the best way to move between between Hall number one and two at least in my opinion is via the grand fres de lag Leon this awesome mural depicts 20 of the major cities and sites including Paris that can be accessed via the Paris Menor Railway Line This was the railway line wherefore this railway station has originally been built nowadays you find Trends to much more destinations as a matter of fact this is one out of the three international railway station in Paris suring Italy Spain and Switzerland at this point you also have many more shops including the ticket shop for the sncf that’s also the company will be traveling on today and this is the FR State on Railway company because on some lines there is a competition now between different Railway companies I advise you to buy train tickets and France at least for the longdistance trains via the website and app of train line on the Paris Leon section you will find the Fret Rosa highspeed trains that are of the state on Railway company of Italy some of them also go to Italy obviously and on the Leon Barcelona section and also marsill to Spain section you also find the trains of the Spanish state on Railway company Rena you can also use those trains domestically and on the route to Italy there are even two companies both the Italian and the French State on Railway company if you’re traveling with inter rail or your like what I did for this journey please keep in mind you need a reservation for the tcv in Wii highspeed trains I bought my reservation by the website of real Europe this here is by the way Hall number two and this is much more modern and brighter than Hall number one there’s a big screen that will host information about departing trains and in a good old friends tradition the platform number pops up relatively last minute although the hall number with will be given way much more in advance today’s train consisted of two tcv in we duplex trains that does have a total capacity of a little over 1,20 passengers and the train was pretty fully booked therefore all passengers heading to the train at once might be a little bit a hassle but everything went pretty smooth you have to go through the gates at the display at the gate your seat number and car some will be given and here is our train for today and even though it might seem a little bit hectic before it can go through the gates eventually there will be enough time to go to the train and to go to your seat and carrots for the first section my part of the train was at the front part so I had to walk a little bit I hope you like this video so far if you do so or if it’s a helpful video to you please give me a thumbs up I really appreciate that if you have any question questions or even if you just want to say hello some comments some feedback please let me know in the comments um and if you like to see more trip reports about like this this channel is mainly focusing on long distance and international traveling to show you what it’s like to travel on a more sustainable way of transportation then hit the Subscribe button if you haven’t done this already for now let’s continue with this video back to my train for today today I’ll be traveling on the first generation of the tcv in we duplex trains and these are basically the double deck high-speed trains in France however I was traveling on one of the non refurbished trains but later on I noticed that most trains on the route Paris knes or refurbished trains and I also traveled a little bit with one of those refurbished trains so instead of showing you the train where I actually traveled on I will show you the interior of one of the refurbished trains simply because if you are traveling on this route yourself with a tcv in weed trains you most likely will travel in one of these trains as well and especially since more of these trains will be refurbished in the future the exterior though remains basically the same numbers one and two at the side of the train do indicate the first and the second class the dining car has been marked crystal clear and digital displays right next to all entrance doors will host the train number the Final Destination stops along the way and the carrots number also a bike icon does indicate exactly the area that’s accessible for bikes however also keep in mind if you’re traveling with a bike you need a reservation and not all trains are open for bike reservations the top speed for these trains is 300 km per hour and that’s also more or less the top speed for the biggest section of the route between Paris and marsai first will be joining the Paris to Leon highspeed Line This is the oldest highspeed Railway line in all of Europe after that we will bypass Leon on a newly built highspeed line and continue our way on a slightly newer highspeed line to marsai from marsai France second biggest city we will be joining a conventional Railway line all the way to n even though the travel speed might be way slower on on this route we will be rewarded with some stunning fuse from the train along the coast I’ll show you this all in a bit but first let’s discover the train we had on this route well actually not on this route but the train I took a couple of days after what you might find most on these routes as well what do the tcv in wi ocean like and these trains are caught this way because the interior is very much inspired on the newer tcv in Wii that do mainly serve the west coast and called tcv in Wii ocean well I do have a tri report on those trains as well and because those trains are a little bit newer I actually like those trains a little bit more than these refurbished trains and even though the older interior of these trains is still pretty okay I do have a triy B on those trains as well I will link this on the description of this video they can use some upgrades and I think it’s good to see that so they can be used for another 20 years or so just like all tcv in Wei trains at the moment you enter these trains right next to the entrance doors you will find screens that will host root information the carrots number and the class number has been given crystal clear the moment you enter these trains it has been clearly marked what way to go to for what seat numbers so you know you have to go to the upper deck or not let’s start off with the second class and the second class comes in a 2X two configuration so two seats on both sides of the aisle if you want to walk between the different characters this is only possible fire the upper decks fire the lower decks you find these death ends but actually this specific death end over here in the second class I think this is great if you’re traveling as a family for example and there are even some more seats this is a longdistance train so for lugage you find some special dedicated lugage RS Within These compartments because this is a double deck train the overhead look trcks are not that impressive and that’s the least I could say say also at the beginning of most compartments there are dedicated L tracks litter bins are mainly located at the fbes and at the beginning of the open compartments what way to go to for what facilities and sometimes also seat numbers Within These trains has been clearly marked near the entrance doors of the open compartment but also at the Fest abuse most seats in second class do come in an airline style seat composition or along this distance seat bus composition well some people think this is standard for trains but there are so many places where the standard is having seats opposite from each other and personally I don’t like that I prefer this much more the special area for bikes is marked crystal clear but in this situation it was being used for lugs for a group that was sitting at the upper deck by the way for lugs you officially need to tag your luget so keep this in mind if you’re traveling on board of a train let’s do a seat tour of the most common seats you’ll find in the second class there’s a really sturdy tray table in the seene in front of you and one power socket per two seats all seats do have their individual USB socket and you can recline the seats with a button at the side even though it might look a little bit well not that big I’m quite tall so it’s really more space in it looks like reading lights are integrated within these seats Let It Shine baby and at all windows both at the upper and the lower deck you will find the sunscreen seats facing each other so the bay seats do have this kind of table you can make into a real table and this way you have also quite a sturdy table I like it that you can basically fold this all away power sockets are integrated Within These tables as well just like USB sockets for the rest these seats are basically the same as the other seats in second class the armrest can be adjusted and the reading lights are also integrated within the seats and the button within the armrest you’ll find the seat numbers at the side of the seats just like most European long-distance trains the first class comes in a 2×1 configuration so two seats at one side of the aisle and one seat at the other side this here is the accessible area in the first class there’s much more space for people traveling for example in a wheelchair here the layout is also slightly different just like the second class you cannot walk through these trains if you do this fire the lower deck however at the back of the lower deck in the first class there’s a wee bit more space for your luget for now let’s take a seat in one of the bay seats so the seats facing each other USB and power sockets are located at the side and you find this table you can make it slightly bigger just like in second class class and basically everywhere Within These trains you find sunscreens at the side just like in the second class a reading light is integrated within these seats and if you want to recline these specific seats this is all electric now the airline style or a during car bus style seat compositions and I like this much more while they didn’t forgot the sunscreen you find a Cod hanger in the in front of you and there’s also a small makeup mirror the table you can fold the lower part out and this is perfectly for if you for example have well something small you want to put on or your phone and this way your table is quite big there’s a power socket including a USB socket in the seat in front of you and a small reading light is integrated within this table there’s also a cup holder and well here is a small table again there’s absolutely no shortage of power sockets if you’re traveling in first class because here you find some more including USB sockets so this three USB sockets and two normal power plugs per person I mean I can almost bring my own laundry machine in here although that doesn’t meet the lookus requirements unfortunately unlike the tcv in wi oan trains within the open compartments and also within the dining car you won’t find dedicated screens that will host root information roughly between the first and the second class you will find the dining car although there’s a part of the second class as well at the other side of the dining car this is not in the older or non-refurbished tcv in we trains there the dining car is just the separation between first and second class near the dining car at the upper deck in the first class there’s a special area for the railway staff as well in general you can find them always here or around the dining car along your journey the dining car looks well just like the dining cars of the first generation tcvs they are not as good as the real tcv ocean dining cars they are a bit more comfortable but these dining cars are still pretty fine to be honest the menu selection is okay is it’s not super wow and in general my experience on Friends highspeed trains is that they always have food on stock during the ride it can be really busy here therefore you can also order online in an app and then just pick up your order once it’s finished speaking of which free Wi-Fi is available when on board these trains it doesn’t just link your mobile device to an internet connection but also to an onboard entertainment and infotainment system you can watch movies read magazines newspapers and obviously there’s also life root information because no train tour is complete without showing you the toilets let’s head to the toilets but before we do this let’s go to the diaper changing or Nursery space area I don’t know how you want to mention it but anyway the little kit area within the second class and this is a dedicated Zone it’s located here on the left you won’t find dedicated zones for kids in terms of that you have well play areas or so but you have this apart from that in the first class you also have the bigger accessible toilers that can also be used as a diaper changing facility this might be the biggest toilet on these trains and the size is okay however for an accessible toilet but I find it a bit tight to be honest the normal toilets at the lower deck or well for the regular toilets the most spacious ones um yeah they’re not super tight but they’re definitely not spacious either they’re okay well when it comes to tight toets then you find them at the upper deck these toets I mean I can hardly stand in here but please do note I am taller than effort for the last bit of this video I’ll show you some fuse from the train I didn’t record it when the train was departing from Paris the first section along the highp Speed Line until marai is not the prettiest section but it gets pretty stunning especially at the last section of this route and for now I’ll just show you these shs from the train I’ll get back to you at the very end of this video [Music] we’ll fly away into the sunlight we’ll hide away all of our [Music] secrets fig you Darkness the S stopping us right now [Music] [Applause] right now [Music] [Music] [Music] no us right [Music] [Music] [Music] now Fly Away into the sunlight we’ll hide away all of our secrets oh for you Darkness s stopping us right now [Music] [Applause] right now [Music] we’ll fly away into the [Music] sunlight we’ll hide away all of our [Music] secrets oh figure to Darkness the snow stopping us right now [Music] that’s it for this video um I’m right now in N nexi we spend some days here and now we’ll continue our way to Italy where we trip part about that as well and in that video I featured this railway station for now I hope this has been a helpful video to you or you liked it so probably both if so please give me a thumbs up I really appreciate that and if You’ like to see more trip reports about more sustainable ways of transportation the main focus for this channel is long distance and or International traveling while this is definitely a long distance and almost an international Journey then hit that subscribe button if you haven’t done this already that’s it for now before we really end up this video one last thing as promised at the beginning of the video I’ll get back to the environmental impact as well these graphs show the environmental impact on the route n to Paris that’s on the right side and rdam in the nland why traveled from fire Paris to in France I think this graph speaks for itself but I want to highlight this a little bit more for example I looked up the amount of energy so basically the carbon dioxide we produce for heating up our house for approximately 9 months what includes winter as well and I have to add up to this we are working from home a lot and what turns out the amount of energy we need to heat up our house is less than the extra amount of energy you need for two people to have a return flight from the Netherlands to n this is quite a big impact to be honest we are having big campaigns over everywhere that we should turn the heating a little bit lower to conserve some energy and then the aviation industry is growing even more I just don’t get this the aviation industry is well if you look in the total picture not the biggest polluter but they are quite a big polluter and especially in the transportation industry of course when it comes to decarbonizing our climate we also need to start with the big companies however effect is and this counts especially for the fation industry the only way to reduce emissions is to reduce demands so by considering how to travel and if it’s really necessary to take a plane or or not and looking for Alternatives you can make a big impact by yourself as well and of course I know that Railway companies can make Railway traveling a lot easier as well and especially when it comes to International traveling but this just makes me really angry the aviation industry is talking a lot about becoming more sustainable but just look at these numbers how are you going to do this and apart from that the targets the aviation industry has set for themselves in the past to become more sustainable they actually never met one of these goals so yeah how can we even take this verification industry serious it’s just one big joke and I just want to make this more clear to other people well this video takes way too long and I can talk about the environmental impact for way too long but there not what I’m going to do for now I really hope you like this video or this has been helpful if you want to see other trippy reports you can find them on this channel as well and you can always subscribe to see more and in the description of this video you find a link to a map where you can find all videos as well see you on the next one


    1. Very good content on this trip but in general can you please always include information on the best way to do station transfers and any accessibility problems please
      Like gare du Nord to garde de Lyon steps and luggage are a nightmare for the older generation 😢

    2. Great and very informative video. Could you please tell me the title of that great music at about 23 minutes into the video? Many thanks!

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