May 12th Storm Chase starts at Beacon Fell in Lancashire and winds back down the M55 to the Fylde coast to my usual spot near Warton. Flash flooding, frequent lightning and hail all in the mix while Storm Chaser Nodrog and Claire dodge the rain.

    WeatherFans: @Weatherfansofficial
    WF Facebook:
    Storm Chaser Paul: @stormchaserpaul
    Thumbnail: David Manning
    Music: TheFatRat & Maisy Kay – The Storm

    Nodrog ©️

    here we are again the last time I did some Storm videos was boxing day if you remember link somewhere floating around holy [Music] sh this has got to be a Squall line the wind is [Music] ferocious uh fantastic storm and that Squall heavy rain the wind that was coming down was was amazing to be part of however today here we are in May it’s been a while we’ve not had much activity but today has got good potential now we’ve got storms already starting in Wales and they’re going to move their way up maybe towards Liverpool come across the Ribble Valley met themselves into the fou Coast which was originally my Prime place to be but Paul of the weather fans page at Facebook reckons his best location is Lancaster to Kendall and he’s right because looking at the weather models it does look like there’s going to be a nice collection of some beefy showers making the way up through maybe towards the Ribble Valley or coming up on this side of Preston here in Lancashire which is where I am now nestled at Beacon Feld for the locals you know exactly where it is a little Nature Park it’s beautiful up here you get some great views of Blackpool and Preston all the way across there now I’ve never photographed a film lightning from this position and this is where I’m pinning my colors to the mass for now cuz as you know things can change Mother Nature she doesn’t like to play ball she keeps surprises no I’m not on my own I’m not with thunder buddy fuzzy he’s away for the week but I’m with CLA hi who’s an avid stormchaser my good lady she be and she loves ghosts as well which is perfect this is your first storm Chase okay so I’m very excited wait to see some good storms today yeah hopefully so we’ll just going to sit here and talk rubbish for the next hour and just watch these clouds roll over and develop hopefully into something a little spicier for the afternoon I mean it’s even warm up here yes it is still on that coming out Wales i’ next hour to hour and a half as it starts to cross the bay yeah um obviously it’s been warmed up as soon as it hits Liverpool it’s going to go it’ll recycle cuz Liverpool city-wise yeah right okay he just it’s not even really cycling at the moment he’s just going it’s just like letting out all its energy yeah it’s got all over the Welsh marches and that um I think once it’s come over snowdonia um as soon as it hits the SE it’ll recycle then and then once it hits land yeah it’s going to be game on then cuz like you say it’s a capacitor situation so it’s star staring it’s like watching Electro boom put two things to the yeah yeah and then that’s it and I think it’ll have energy to keep going for Ribble all the way across black pool into Lancaster make it all way over to easty yeah it’ be one of those situations where they end up with um some really big Thunder you know when you see like in New Castle good lightning shot but it’s it’s been that right okay so I started off originally at Beacon fell cuz I was hoping there’ be like a little trough of storms that come up between Beacon fell and Blackpool which could still happen later on but there’s some big storms that are occurring now in Wales and they are moving away sort of snowdonia east of snowdonia and it’s just classic lightning alley setup they’re going to come across the Ribble I’ve been here so many times it’s like textbook uh you can see South port’s going darker so much dark Mass that’s appearing that distant Direction Over the Horizon there you’ve got all these Cloud features scy clouds everything it’s all looking like the perfect setup for lightning alley and they were quite linear though coming out of Wales are going so straight in Direction but then they came east of snowdonia and looking at the cloud Direction now above me here in wton just near Preston and Blackpool they’re kind of shifting a little bit it’s kind of coming in our direction also I know we got the trees and the bushes in the way it’s difficult to see but if you’re in Blackpool Sans lith it’s a similar setup I know Paul weather Paul is going to be sort of Lancaster tbay Way hanging around there you’re going to be getting them stored that’ll be coming from here and then they’ll go over the pen south of sha making the ways towards the uh the Northeast where Mother Nature will probably just end up collapsing and then dropping all the moisture all the rain liquid Sunshine everywhere but you still could get some flashy flashy boom booms out of it as well um early days but looking at the energy that’s in Wales at the moment it’s jam-packed and there’s no reason why that can’t carry on and make its way in this direction so if you’re in this line get your cameras ready because the could be some good storms and some heavy rain possible hail as well coming for you today yeah oh right okay maybe here no I’m not done the spooky out here now go see if anything com through I’ll tell you a story in a minute might get something I see what word you get cla’s doing the spooky uh St you’ll know about this area let’s see if we get any certain words coming through uh different Channel different day but still worth doing uh Paul is still getting himself into position so I’m currently just outside of um morom near Kirby Lonsdale um come acrosses whoa see that oh ah right over [Music] head waa this is mental look at the road the roads are drenched so you can get another one yes that stuff is building and collapsing it’s not maintaining itself but the Welsh stuff is well charged up and we’ve got stuff in Scotland as well Simon up in Glasgow uh is also keeping that on the skies it appears to be gearing up it’s a beefy clouds sort of over that way in a minute um the wind’s up it’s close you can feel it in the air in a minute so I think it’s on its way got a gardeno now as well look at our new fence we’re getting there uh but yeah I reckon tonight we’re going to get some beefy Diffy sort of got lot plenty of showers on the way apparently but I reckon we’ll see a clap of two of Thunder I reckon I’ll keep it posted cheers Simon thank you for keeping us updated uh any links to Paul whether Paul or Michael Liz anyone like that or the weather fans page are always in the description area down below this afternoon really on weather fans and also love Paul Gordon and possibly Liz as well chasing this afternoon so look out for further updates and potentially a live later this afternoon if not definitely will be this evening for ready for the 8:00 live this evening so hope to see you there take care look at it all down there so dark but it’s gone more linear it is moving hugging towards the coast of Blackpool I was so convinced it was going off in that direction I hope it does cuz I’m starting to get bit by flies again it’s that time of year it’s just a waiting game it really is just a waiting game you got your boot hey you got your boots rumbling over there near black Benny was ringing cuz he said there oh Gordon tell me to ring in when the clouds get dark look they getting dark now does that mean the fund’s come in yes it does buny bless him okay when you hear ring back that was it was deep look there’s more than rain yes as you know when we start donning the gear that means things are starting to kick off we’ve got Thunder spots of rain but it’s definitely the Blackpool storm that’s going off I had to come off weather fans we’re doing the done sorry Michael uh it’s gone off in that direction which indicates to me that we’re definitely within a 10 m to 50 m Zone I said before the Air’s gone really quiet so the mass that’s down there is more in path for us and that’s got a bit of a punch in it at the moment it’s not as strong is this one but nonetheless that’s still got time to develop and grow there are the ones that’s been on black p so far all right okay yeah there’s quite a few here is there yeah I won’t be surprised sorry that we get some stuff coming here 20 plus over black p so right so we want anything that’s down here to come up these here shrews Bri that shoes B should come to this yeah we could be in the middle of a couple of cells that’s interesting yeah so there is definitely some cells that are forming sort of uh east of whales along the border deep another good thing about putting these jackets on at the same time you don’t get bit by the [ __ ] as much pop pop was that pop I’ve heard them pop pops before with thunderstorms no idea what they are okay still a waiting game the excitement is there it’s the beginning of the year beginning of the storm season for us let’s just wait and see right back again there’s a lot of talk in the beginning of this video isn’t there uh only cuz we really had to wait so long it’s now 6:00 and I was convinced by 3 can you hear can you see there’s some deep rumbles no wind midges are having fun with me today yeah it’s just behind me so Form B close you’re showing on the radar my uh lightning app just south of form there some intense rain and some lightning and we are if these storms are going in a linear direction we are so in line for it look at that down there yeah forby just south of forby Southport by 20 P yeah and they’ve started to hug the coast as well so that’s good I know I know we were thinking of just heading towards the fou Coast more towards the fal Coast but I don’t want to be under it I don’t want to be under it I don’t want that situation where in the car filming I want to be just on the outskirts but you can see this now here this is what I was hoping to appear instincts are paying off it’s hugging the coast but it is moving in that direction ever so slightly oh [ __ ] went my nose [ __ ] went not your nose so anyway and they’ve also cut these trees used be massive trees here a lot of them are gone so it kind of gives us an advantage filming the thunderstorms I don’t like seeing trees being cut but just for today we’ll let you off with that one I think in the next 10 minutes 15 minutes we’ll start seeing some lightning coming out of this one here cuz we can hear rumbles already yeah you can do you see that then what do you see it then right okay so um I’m currently in my new little spot which is Wen way between Liam and Preston and we’ve definitely got lightning into Cloud lightning now that’s appearing up in this area [Applause] here and it’s definitely coming in our Direction currently shopshire chasing John Marsh in shopshire chasing are you getting any look any look let us know how you’re going on with that but like I was saying on the weather fans before that if you’re hi if you’re on the fou coast and this can go off towards Lancaster on side uh South Lakes it’ll still rumble on its there cuz these storms are quite linear going off in a Northerly Direction and The Lightning is quite brief and the good thing is as well well I think there’s another storm that behind there Robert there’s nothing in E angle hi Gordon from leester it’s let’s hope for great lining me too me too got 56 on the uh on the live feed at the moment which is good sunny and Durham I think you’ve got your your bit to come yet oh you see that yeah yeah um lightning stru detected near on my light up didn’t realize there was so much storm activity yeah I know it’s really kicking off that’s now no that and by half past that’ll be by half past oh it’s coming it’s coming girl it’s definitely coming oh rumbles yes haunted railway smash those likes let’s try and get some lightning on this camera keep the camera there Els me P that’s another one another flash then if you seen you lighting him let us know in the comments section these are these These are bloody midges that like to have a feast on me I’m going to look like a bloody spotted teenager by tomorrow but they’ll go as soon as it starts raining yeah Baron furnace has got thunder light yes cuz you’ve got that system that came out of uh another one then Wales Wales earlier on there’s no tornado warnings notless weather PA’s got any information for us I don’t think there is there is hail though reported hail and Gusty winds I’m expecting the wind to pick up certain they should be they are live so we got 74 people on the on the live right now on the channel which is pretty cool welcome to you all if you just joined us this storm is coming towards Blackpool Neal Coast uh H skirt from H skirt Southport you’re going to get hit back in the aches cuz there is a lot of free lightning going on in this one let us know where you are let us know what’s going on with you guys around the country cuz it’s there’s some energy in the in the skies today that could get us uh some decent lightning is that Ben yeah th bless him [Music] in the L yeah you can do yeah South port’s been hit Chef these clear skies probably be hit later uh home fth in Yorkshire uh Michael I can’t come back at the moment on the live stream I will do [Music] soon it’s coming the balls [Music] now it’s definitely getting closer it’s epic it is epic Ben thanks for reporting so if you can see down here with my fingers out the way there’s a very big Misty patch that’s appearing that the the edge of the rain which is definitely coming in our Direction and the wind’s picking up the wind’s picking up now so we’re at the Leading Edge of this storm different style of video in this I’m just going to play it back to back so you can watch all this saves me time editing but look at the trees Yeah [Music] by here comes the wind someone [Music] just oh Robert bless you thank you buddy I love making them it’s been a while hasn’t it boxing day was the last one over Blackpool oh we got a nice line going across here you’ve got the curing effect of the scoody clouds coming down and you can see that the wind is now affecting the trees it will get windier you got so much wind here in a minute so we’ve had the initial thunder and lightning the wind’s now appeared will be a slight little lull [Music] way that was visible in the corner of my eye or skir thanks for telling us or skirk fle wood you’re going to get it it’s definitely on the way it’s getting wind a bit Breezy here now uh down near limson Tans not far from Blackpool near Preston just south of w area drone and I’m doing a video as well look there you are you can see both you can see us both hi guys look up in that direction up here there’s some visible lightning here comes the [Music] rain big drops in fact a bit h on that then oh that was up here that one was up here [Music] don’t know it’s raining here make sure you stay nice and dry Ben we’ll be home soon we’re going to get some good Lighting in a minute yep another one oh the cows oh theow cows have come hello mumo hello mumo we’re talking about you you can see the rain bands down there as well there slight there’s a slight bit of rotation little bit some Bobs but nothing major so don’t expect me to start shouting uh funnel cloud but just watch this area here you might get some uh a little bit of funnel activity going fact I think we have down here all around [Music] us and it’s right deep up in the clouds it’s quite elevated like L said so that is what I’m watching this area here up here who right off in the right hand side you see it [Music] yeah birmingham’s now getting it Birmingham well done Birmingham saddleworth I’ve uh shared it on my Facebook page oh bless you thank you oh oh wow this is where Stone Chas ndro can bring you the thunderstorm you can stay at home you lot and have a cup of tea hey there was so much light in nor SK I’m hoping we’re going to get some of that you know I’m looking forward to this rufford stuff it has Tails yes William or skirt apparently is getting a lot of lightning that’s behind us as well it is it’s going off we’ve got stuff going off now over Blackpool South Blackpool making its way Paul I don’t know where you are but you’re going to get some action soon mate definitely going that direction loads going on around here the next 15 minutes the rain’s going to come easily back soon next 15 minutes we’re going to pretty much be underneath this um [Music] system yo hello to Cavin CES Whenever there one you can see outside recording gone bring it to link that was a come on SC say give us a big one boss right okay so oh just we’ve got stuff down here keeps going out focus when I put my finger there so annoying um or skirt you must be definitely getting a bit of a dance going on guys a bird in the Skout to the right side it must be having a bad day look at look at the way that this is forming this is quite an interesting feature nothing really special in it hello to Kevin from Lancaster Lancaster you are definitely on the cards to get this be safe bring you washing in put the cat on enjoy it’s gone here comes the heavy rain and the winds we’re back we’re back in wet territory this could end up being oh my God that was a lightning bolt right visible above the trees listen to it right there right okay it yeah okay so oh there small cows over we hidden under the boot like we always do I’m going to set this camera up you might not hear much of me but you certainly see the thund so here we go okay so stop this or you want me to I’ll take over L up oh that was close right so we’ve set the live stream up this is where we’re going to get Absolut wet now baby well the live stream up uh Cameron’s just sat there on the live stream we’ve got this camera going as well so we got like double positions going on here it says this camera is waterproof I hope so we’ll soon find out look at the wind it’s going to get so snotty in a minute any uh I don’t know yeah oh God here we go this is it [Music] that was right there we’re hiding behind here look at the wind look at that wind that’s now and that’s in 20 minutes so we are going to get a lot more to this old behind us oh Manchester right oh oh this isn’t farmer is it we have to oh that we about have to yeah yeah he’s going up here be fine I know I know right see we got a few strikes see I don’t think he’ll stay I think he’ll go look at that there in that field oh where was that then that that was from lightning from there yeah oh that was a flash that was a big flash just up here then oh and another one it’s right above us we’re right underneath it yeah we’ll be right it’s very high it’s high level lightning look at the winds oh God inside oh my God can I give you that to film that way my but is going I need in w w w w wo w w Christ wow W what’s going on this is a how we get in the car yeah right in the middle of it yeah he better okay come on give his one hand hey hey [Laughter] did you that was that was close see that’s your bols though yeah did you see it right there by the by the PO C go on do us another everyone’s VI that was so funny this is the back Edge so you do get some visible lightning at the back Edge so there’s not been that much visible cuz it’s not dark it’s not dark and a lot of the lightning is actually within the system high up in the cloud it’s elevated lightning um but normally when sometimes when the storms pass you get like a the the lower level cloud isn’t as intense so you can actually see the lightning in the mid level yeah and it pokes through it’ll have a peeky boo moment just like then yeah but that’s all uh sheet lightning yeah you’ll get another you definitely get some more as it’s passing out you get one good one a minute on average like 150 watching babe well done yeah that’s good that’ll do well that one if you saw that big lightning Bowl then put it in the comments section let us no might have lost the signal come on there’s another one here Parting Gift where he went off over there and the cows followed him let me come around here and see if I’m still on 3 hours later w oh [Music] yes oh weather fans Michael hello I’m just sorry I’ve left you before I I I jumped on the live mate we’ve had a great thunderstorm here we’ve just had a great crack of lightning as well that’s just poked out from the CL and there was another wow come on give us 100 likes give us 100 thumbs up we’re on 84 Claire’s first storm Chase yeah I’m back Peter what’s the white big white thing ask if you jump in a puddle she jump in a puddle really are you going to do it are you really going to jump in the puddle you’re never going to jump in the puddle he going to jump in the puddle oh [Laughter] never did that just happen did that just happen oh my God it’s got the thumbs have gone up yay right you she jumped in the puddle she jumped to the puddle you can give us 100 thumbs up for that can’t you he oh that’s so funny are we going to do 100 come we need three more thumbs up two more thumbs up two more two more come on get 100 I’ll jump in the puddle again it’s gone to 100 [Laughter] saying you’re such a child and you’re cool dear me pepper cake yeah oh another one over there yeah put us on the live if you want Michael oh God that was so funny [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Jammy Dodger Paul CL was found out you’ve got a little heart on the bottom layer that is J why you like [Music] get some [Music] fuel I’ll put this on full screen oh your head in the puddle no listen thumbs up for you there girl tell I’m going to keep the live going but I’m going to end the video for the main Channel even the cow couldn’t believe it C just watched very confused about what he’s seeing uh I’m ending the main video I’m keeping the live going um listen thanks for watching this one there is a live version as well what’s that human doing um don’t forget to like And subscribe I hope you’ve enjoyed this video uh but like I said the live is going to continue uh for now and then we’ll dry out and try and reposition maybe get another thumb storm whatever uh don’t forget to like and subscribe and keep those batteries charged see you later he jumped in the puddle that was just oh God right it’s G to [Music] 100 you’re such a child and you kill dear me [Music]


    1. It’s a good job, you don’t live in East Anglia, where I live in my part we neveror very rare get any thunderstorms at all, and I do love to watch a Good thunderstorm

    2. Sunday was awesome thunderstorms brought me joy lots of lightning I was waiting at the start of it and she didn’t disappoint 🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻⛈️⛈️

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