“AD” Click here http://www.hellofresh.co.uk/TOW60 to enjoy an exclusive offer of 60% off your first box, along with a 20% discount for the following two months plus free desserts for life. Alternatively, you can use my code TOW60. This special offer is available for new customers as well as those who cancelled their subscription twelve months ago or more.


    Motorhome Trip to Boroughbridge: Great A1 Stopover, pies and cakes!

    We head to Boroughbridge Camping and Caravanning Club site in North Yorkshire, just off the A1. This site welcomes all types of leisure vehicles and tents on its hardstanding and grass pitches. The site is a great stop off if you need a break whilst travelling on the A1, or use it as a great base to explore Knaresborough, Harrogate, Ripon and York.

    We walk in to Boroughbridge town and visit Appletons butchers and Havenhands Bakery.

    The Camping and Caravanning Club Site can be visited here https://www.campingandcaravanningclub.co.uk/campsites/uk/north-yorkshire/boroughbridge/boroughbridge-camping-and-caravanning-club-site/?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw_-GxBhC1ARIsADGgDjuUWeRzPv05HS53O_GNWhZYFmZVzU2VJ_NG2KEwnq7dkfAoIaJGQXcaAidlEALw_wcB

    Thanks to Cara Motorhomes https://www.caramotorhomes.co.uk/

    #motorhome #caravan #review

    hello and welcome back to here we tow I’m in the mode home and I am heading off up to burough Bridge Jules will be joining me up there he’s currently on a first aid course learning how to deal with any disaster we might face while out motor homing um hopefully that won’t happen so I’m going to take the motor home and Venture up to Burbridge to stay at the camping and caravanning Club site now this site is brilliant it’s just off the A1 on so it might be that you actually want to stay there for a longer period of time to visit areas such as York haraga th other parts of the Yorkshire Dales or it might be they want to use it as a bit of a stop off um if you’re heading north or south on the A1 it’s an easily accessible site they’ve got hard standing pitches grass they take all types of units um so it is a a really good little stopover I’ve used it a couple of times um in the past so that’s where I am headed my plan is also on the way to show you the Morrison at Burbridge that is a really good place to stop for fuel and also Park up and get some bits CU again huge car park um I’ll show you that and then we’ll have a wander into Burbridge itself nice little town few little bakeries and shops and bits to do and you can also get a bus there if you want to go to Ripon and visit the cathedral uh and the City of rippen but again I’ll tell you a bit more about that when we get up there I would just like to thank hellofresh who’ve sponsored this video yes once again I’m going to be cooking tonight’s delightful meal is butter chicken and basmati rice so watch me um Cobble that together so yeah you’ve got that to come as well right I’m going to dive into the driver’s seat take us to Burbridge via the Morrison there and go get some food so come on let’s sit off [Music] I’ve come off the A1 and I’ve arrived at Morrison’s at Burbridge there is a height barrier 3.2 M um I’m I’m about 3 m an air conditioning unit on sometimes the barriers across it depends how windy it is if it’s really windy it blows across but as long as you’re under 3.2 you’ll be fine once you drive in go past the store to your left and come all the way to the end of the car park that’s where I’m parked now there’s plenty of room here for a motor home of probably any size and to be fair you’d be okay with a car and a caravan as long as you probably didn’t come maybe a weekend it does get a little B busier as you turn in there is a petrol station to your right hand side the Morrison’s petrol station again um a motor home I’m 7 and 1/2 M and I can get in there and fill up no problem car and Caravan could be a little bit tricky um but a motor home up to about 8 m you should be fine they do add blue on pump there and they also have LPG you can fill your safe fill tanks there as far as I know you can we filled up there a couple of times so that’s here at burough Bridge as well I’ll just show you the car park now so I’m down the bottom end the store is basically down that end there and you can see down this end it’s certainly um a lot quieter and there’s plenty of double spaces to parking motor home which is what I’ve done because of my length right I’m going to dive out shoot into Morrison’s grab some food and then we’ll make our way onto the Burbridge camping and caravanning Club site Morrison’s was a success I hit the salad bar and I got my Morrison salad I don’t know if you’ve had these These are quite good so um as you know me quite well uh there’s not much salad in my salad bar box um no I’ve got sweet corn beetroot chicken pasta spicy chicken pasta potato salad croutons and bacon bits they’re not very salad I Dre to think how many calories are actually in this I’d guess toate I reckon there could be at least 800 in there so it’s definitely not healthy but it tast really really nice so I’ve got that the problem is as well is the bacon bits are next to the FF now the fof are vegetarian and no matter what I do I always spill bacon bits into the Falafel and I’m like they’re no longer vegetarian so I’m so sorry to anyone that follows me uh on the salad bar I try my best but they just go everywhere right I have got back in the Moto I put my salad in the fridge and then it’s onward to Burbridge now the site standard with the club sites you can get on from 1:00 um it literally as you turn off the road you are straight into the site there’s not really room to to hang about so definitely don’t land at this site before one um and this is why this Morrison’s actually is probably quite popular with people just stopping off if they are a bit early so I’m going to count down to 1:00 I think it’s about 10 to now so I’m not far off to be fair um and go get myself checked in on site hard standing pitch with electric um I have stayed here before I’ve tried a couple of pitches so I’m not sure which one I’ll go for today it depends what’s available but we’ll find out when we get there the weather at the moment there’s Blue Sky um I think tomorrow might rain so we’ll wait and see but the moment we’ve got blue sky all right okay let’s crack on right I’ve arrived on site and there’s one Caravan in front of me so I’ll just wait for the sight assistant or managers to come out and sort me out and we’ll head up to our pitch the club generally what they do is they take you on to site and show you some pictures that you can choose from um and that’s how it works so what I’ll do is I’ll go get my pitch allocated find where I’m going to be and then we’ll sort out having a trot around the site have a look at it um and go from there so I will wait to be sorted out Magics I’ve landed on my pitch John very friendly uh show me to a selection of pitches gravel pitches I had a choice of six I’ve chosen number five no particular reason I just like the pitch so this is my pitch at Burbridge this is number five as I say and this is just as you come through the entrance down the ramp nice size pitch and um Burbridge I say I’ve been before and it’s looking absolutely Immaculate so these are the pictures on I was talking about now I’ve come down this ramp the reception’s there we’ll wander back and have a look in a minute so I’ve come down the ramp if you do want grass the grass is open at the moment and the grass is um it runs all the way down here and across over there if you can see it’s a huge grass area again we’ll have a look in a bit so I’m set up here um there are facilities which are there I think we’ll have a look at those in a bit you can just walk up those stairs so those are or the facilities that are here there is a second part to the site and that is over that hedge over there and that’s where I’ve been before so it’s the first time I’ve stayed on this side of the site but we’ll have a look um at that in a minute I’m going to get my hook up on so I’m going to dive into my garage and get my hook up and get set up so there we go so that is my pitch um number five so there we go and the Sun is currently just about still out right let’s get hooked up and then we’ll go from there and explore the site a little bit more so this is the entrance to the site this is where I turned in so you can see the welcome to Burbridge sign that should be on your right hand side as you’re coming from the Burbridge side and then you get the reception area so you pull into here and that is the entrance in there through that barrier so this is where you need to stop when you arrive live and then the facili block is literally right here next to the reception area now you can um you can enter there either from this side or from the other side where there’s some steps from the site there’s also right here at the entrance a bus stop that will take you to nbor so if you want to go to nbor and then go on to harut and elsewhere York for example you can get a bus from on the site or you can walk into Burbridge and there’s a bus stop in Burbridge itself that will take you to um rippen haraga all over so that is the entrance area now there is a motor home service point so what I’ll do is I’ll show you where the motor home service point is cuz that’s going to be useful for quite a few of us as well now that’s just down here so this is actually the exit to the site so as we’ve sort of come in from where my pitches if you drive all the way around this is the exit barrier but this is where you’re also going to find the motor home service point so when you arrive you’re going to have to do a a full loop to get to the motor home service point and it’s a really good one to be fair so this is it here so there see there’s the um drive over gray waste disposal good amount of space it’s a it’s a huge um spot so no matter what size your motor home you can dump quite easily and then there is a tap as well for fresh water which we can see there you’ll need your own hose pipe so that’s the mot Home Service Point um what I’ll do is I will walk sort of back the other way onto the site just so we can see that other side now these little cabins here these are part of the club site you can rent these I don’t know how much they are now a night they used to be about £75 but I don’t know what they are now so as far as as far as I’m aware you can still rent those what you best do is check out the club website I’ll put a link as always down there and you can have a look now I’ve just walked up this little Hill and this is the other side of Burbridge Club site now these down here there’s grass pitches down there there’s some hard standing where I normally have pitched before is just over there that’s where the river actually is the river runs right past the site and I’m actually over on that side we can just see the Matrix just over there and that’s where I’m I am so that’s the Burbridge Club site I don’t know how many pictures there are here I should have maybe researched that so I could have told you that but there’s quite a lot this is quite a good size um Club site open uh used to be open all year but I’m not sure if it’s closed during winter now but a good base so I’m going to head back to the Matrix do a few bits eat some of a healthy salad oh and while I was here a chat pulled alongside me in an Adria compact DM and blame me for his purchase so I told him I hoped he was very happy with it if not he knows which pitch I’m on right I’ll Venture back to the Matrix and I’ll catch up with you a little bit later when I’m going to start cooking or doing something like that right catch you in a bit well that’s been a nice steady afternoon and Jules has arrived and he’s ready to eat one of my wonderful meals yes I’m cooking again you may remember I mentioned earlier about hellofresh and in a previous video I cooked something from hellofresh well here we are going again so the other night I did chicken tea kandori on narm breads that was pretty amazing and tonight I’m doing butter chicken with basmati rice now if you’re not familiar with hellofresh it’s an online food subscription service that you can cancel anytime you go online you choose from over a 100 recipes whatever you want they’ve got some really good choices they’ve got such as tonight uh we’ve got a family meal they have quick cook meals healthy option meals vegetarian all sorts of things you choose what you want and then the the delivery arrives on your doorstep and you start cooking basically the price per person starts from £315 a meal so it can be quite good value and what I do like is you get a recipe card and you also get your ingredients so for me who can’t cook following this cuz I am actually good at following instructions so following this makes it really easy so I’m going to crack on and make butter chicken and basmati rice in the motor home we do have an offer on hellofresh if you want to give it a go and that is there’s a QR code somewhere here and there’s also the code of toe t w60 I’ll put all this in the description below but if you click on the QR code or use the link you will get 60% of your first order and then you’ll get 20% off your next two months orders and you’ll also get free desserts for life while you’re subscribed I I’m testing some out I’ve got goo salted caramel cheesecakes because I quite like a pudding as you know so I’m more interested in eating these than I am whatever I’m going to cook right so without further Ado I’m going to use the ingredients that have arrived in the paper bag and get cracked on so come on let’s make uh butter chicken [Music] [Music] [Music] taada and there we have it that is my hellofresh butter chicken with basmati rice that’s jules’s portion he can make a start I’ll get mine sorted now but again we’ve cooked in the Moto how long’s that taken me 15 20 minutes if that literally followed the instruction card which you know is really straightforward and there we go so that is hellofresh if you’re interested the code is to 60 you’ll get 60% off your first order 20% off the next two months and fre desserts for life we’re going to eat and I’m going to have my dessert and then I will see you in the morning I forgot to show you my pudding didn’t I this was like the main event it’s the only reason I turned up so this is my salted caramel cheesecake so there we go free desserts for life I’m a sucker for pudding anyway right I’m going to enjoy this and uh I will see you in the morning let’s see what it tastes like oh yeah yeah that’s pretty good actually oh I love cheesecake cheesecake is one of my favorites but we don’t need to go there right I’ll catch you in the morning hey you finished that’s really nice that’s amazing I’m going to get those again good morning we survived the night we had a good sleep um you do hear a bit of noise from the A1 which is just behind me um nothing too much but it is you know noticeable just so you are aware this morning uh we’re going to walk into burough bridge and hopefully visit a cafe and maybe The Butchers cuz they have pies there to walk to burough bridge I’m not going to show you it cuz it’s a little bit boring basically we’re going to walk out of the site and turn left walk towards the roundabout go across the roundabout and walk straight on straight road all the way to the end of that road and at the end of that road you just do a little left hand turn and it’ll start taking you up into burough Bridge um when you see the Crown Pub which will be on your right hand side you want to turn right down the side of there and that is like the main little Street Burbridge um where you’ll find all the little shops and things so that’s where I’m going to head so I will next see you up at burough Bridge Okay so I am now in burough bridge in the center of it now where I came from when I said you want to turn at the crown so I basically walked along a road down there and then the crown is here and this is where I’ve turned up so if you turn up here you’re then going to walk down this way and around that corner to the right that way and that’s where sort of most of the shops are going to be so that’s where I’m going to head now um there is uh Chinese there’s a couple of Indians there’s fish and chips here there’s pubs um and then there’s bakeries and what have you so what we’ll do is we’ll Venture up um into the main bit and we’ll make a start there now after I’ve come around the corner I’m now on sort of the the main street as such and this is where you’re going to find a lot of the shops so I’ll just show you that’s the corner where I came around and now I’m walking up the hill there’s a bakery there Gil christs they they do breakfasts and bakery things it’s meant to be quite good there’s a little Spa there’s a Thomas the Bakers and then there’s a few other bakeries up at the top as well there’s a butchers called appletons I think it is going head up there and have a look at that as well cuz I think they do pies and stuff so let’s Venture up the High Street and uh find something to eat and by Magic I’m at the top so this is the top of sort of the High Street part I need to find its proper name but I’m on St James Square now and this is where you’re also going to find the bus if you want to get the bus um you can go all over on the buses from Burbridge and the bus stop is literally just behind me here so you want to look for this monument and that’s where you’re going to find the buses there’s also behind me I’ll just show you um appletons which is where that white van is that is a butchers and Pie makers and next to it there is Haven hands another Bakery and coffee shop and that’s meant to be really good that’s just on the corner that’s where I’m going to go try I think um so what we’ll do is we’ll cross the road go have a look at the pies and go and have a look in the bakery let’s go right I’m outside Appleton’s I’m going to get some pies I have asked if I can film as well so they have an amazing display of sausage rolls Pork Pies pork and apple um and Scotch eggs as well so we’re going to go in and we’re going to try some of these so let’s go in and uh and order some of these nice things right I’ll get a few ordered and then we’ll try them back at the motor home I’ve got into have a hands Bakery and I’ve ordered quite a few things which I will show you when I get back to the motor home but they’ve got an amazing choice of various cookies and flap Jacks they also have pies in here and then they’ve got some amazing cream cakes which are down the bottom end that I’ve chosen you can also get hot sandwiches and jacket potatoes in here um and there’s a couple of little tables to sit at um and they’ve got uh ice fingers and Breads and things so yeah so what I’m going to do is I’m going to venture back outside and head back to the motor home I’ve made it back safely You’ be pleased to know takes I’d say it’s probably um a 10 to 15 minute walk depending on how quick you can walk um and it’s pretty much on the level there’s just a slight incline after the roundabout but it’s a really easy walk the um the shops in Burbridge the um the bakeries they’re all pretty much dog friendly obviously check before you go but most of them you can take your dog in there which is great so it is a dog friendly area now I’ve got out what I’ve bought so we’ll just have a quick look I’m not going to eat all this in one go obviously it might not last the day but I’m not going to eat it all in one go so uh Appleton’s uh butchers this is a pork and apple uh lattice that’s still warm actually that’s nice I also got a pork and apple pie that’s for Jewels instead just a standard pork pie and I also got a scotch egg which is there and then at uh Haven H’s Bakery oh I got this so this if you can see is lemon drizzle cake which looks amazing so that will be going down pretty quick I got two iced fingers they were quite good value and look at the size of them like if I put my hand like in there to pick it up I don’t know if you can it’s like yeah huge so I’ll be having those and two caramel uh short breads um those are jules’s favorite so I got those as well so there we go that was a very successful trip into bur bridge where as usual I came back with a load of calories um and the rest of the day will involve eating most of it so that’s the plan but no really nice little town so again if you are coming up the A1 or down the A1 and you want somewhere to stop then Burbridge is a really good stop off the camping Caravan in club site really friendly welcome it’s immaculate really nice little spot the river literally just over there if you’re lucky enough to get a river pitch as well you’ve got a fabulous view this site’s dog friendly and yeah the town itself you can just Trot in there you can get the bus to all over North Yorkshire you know you can get to York rippen harut I really wanted to get up to Rippon but I’m just not going to be able to do that with you um because there’s the cathedral up there uh ripping Cathedral free to go in um you can have a wander around the cathedral which is stunning if I’m not even religious but I do like stuff like that um so there are lots of things you can do here there’s also if you like cycling then there’s a cycle route that literally passes right outside the door of the uh or the gates of the site I think it’s route 688 and that will take you if you want you can cycle all the way to rippen and Beyond um if you cycle the other way you’ll go through Burbridge and then I’m not sure if you head towards easing wall I don’t know don’t quote me on that but from here you can I know you can cycle towards th th as well so you can cycle from all over from here it is on the roads they’re not off-road trails but they are on sort of quiet Lanes so again a really good spot right I think I don’t think I’m going to see you again um on this trip I think that’s about it for me so what I’ll do is I’ll just say um I’m going to eat these and enjoy them uh thank you very much obviously for watching don’t forget the hellofresh link down there uh if you want to sign up for that that and thank you to car remote homes as well for the ongoing loan of the Matrix and thank you for uh letting me film on site to the Campion caravanning club uh the wardens have been or the the site assistants site managers I still call them wardens I shouldn’t do it I don’t mean it disrespectfully at all um so I apologize for that but yes the site assistants have been incredibly friendly as well really good site so there we go so as always thanks for watching and I’ll see you in the next one


    1. Hi Karina & Jules great vlog as always,see your still doing Hellofresh,meant to say i signed up using your discount last time so thank you. think we have 2 weeks left after this one really enjoying the meals, not ordered any puddings yet though. Liked your haul from the pie and cake shop lol love an iced finger 😋😋😋
      Have fun in Italy xx

    2. I enjoyed watching the video. If you do visit Harrogate, maybe visit Horticap, which is up the road from RHS Harlow Carr, I have been past Borough many times as well

    3. Hi Karina & Jules Boroughbridge site and village look great. We’ll add to our ‘to visit’ list.
      The pie and cake purchases looked sooo good too 😊
      Hope you’re both well.

    4. When we travel north from our house north of Lincoln, towing our Basecamp we always stop at Morrisons for petrol, it’s so much cheaper than motorway prices! There’s no problem getting a caravan in or out of the petrol station!

      I was convinced you’d moved to Boroughbridge and that’s where you were living …clearly I was wrong! 🤷‍♂️😂

      Hope you’re well,

      Tristan & Katie

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