In this clip of the Fozcast, Ben and Tom talk about Jadon Sancho and how he has reignited his career at Borussia Dortmund after leaving Manchester United on loan earlier this year!

    We talk about Sancho reaching the Champions League Final and Ben also gives us an insight into what it’s really like to play for Manchester United…

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    just want to let you lot know that if you’re watching this clip on the fos cast YouTube channel the full episode is now available to watch exclusively on Spotify and it’s free come on should we have a little bit of of of current talk should we I I want to talk about um Jayden Sancho yeah go on him I want to talk about Jaden Sancho so as a lot of you might have seen over the last couple of weeks he’s been out on loan at brucia Dortmund um and he’s been ripping it up by all accounts I don’t watch a lot of German football but in the in the Champions League specifically he has been ripping it up out at Dortmund the first leg against PSG of the Champions League semi-final I watched the game he was phenomenal mate he was absolutely phenomenal like a better version of the old Jaden s genuinely so what’s what’s happened what’s changed so jayen Sancho obviously had an absolute horrible Torrid time at Manchester United you know Cast Away from the team you’re not allowed to train with them all that you you read all you read all the Gory details it wasn’t nice to see was it apparently he didn’t want to apologize to tenh ter Terk Eric tenh said well unless you’re prepared to apologize and reintegrate yourself into the team you won’t get involved again went out and loan to brucia Dortmund I think for for for Jayden Sancho this just fits perfectly it works do you believe that they just are players that are a right fit for a club I think no not necessarily for a club but I just think there are certainly players that won’t fit in some clubs and I think Manchester United I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again I think it is the toughest Club to play for in World football I think that badge as soon as you’ve got it on is so heavy it weighs so much that you could be technically gifted you could be you could be whatever you could be world class Jaden Sancho but it won’t work for you you put him in a Manchester United shirt Tom I promise you it just will not work for you but it’s not Jaden Sancho alone is it so that there’s something bigger going on there as we all know so what players have hit the ground runner at United what success stories have there been in the last two three years there’s not been many there’s not been many you look at you look at Bruno Fernandez when he signed fantastic that was years ago it was years ago he hit the ground running there hasn’t been many Leandro Martinez he might have taken a little while with that but he he’s a player that’s done very holand fits a bit hit and miss there’s not been many and I think it’s got to a place now where I think once they’ve signed for Manchester United right you either you either sink or you kind of swim and like I say that badge just feels it’s like it’s the heaviest it’s ever been as well I remember when I was uh mate it was scary genuinely it was scary I was going into games thinking please just don’t mess up please don’t mess up I know I’ve got the watching World waiting for me to fail they want me to fail you were a young lad then and you’d been thrown into it from from you know you were at rexim at Watford on loan and then you were thrown in do you think looking back if You’ have had a season because obviously been out for a long time but if You’ had a season playing for a Newcastle or something things would have been different possibly possibly extra experience possibly that extra experience but again once you get into that Manchester United Team and you’re on that starting pitch you’re on that in that 11 mate honestly the the effect it takes on you the toll it takes on you is phenomenal they all want you to fail they want you to fail so badly in fact and even now like you know you watch the the media the media world that we that we living they want man united to fail that that’s good for business yeah isn’t it it’s good for business if Manchester United fail so if Jayden Sancho put that performance in for bruo dormund yesterday right and then he had a game for Manchester United in two days time it would be I promise you he would be a shall of player he wouldn’t be the same player because as soon as you put that man united shirt on you realize that there’s expectation and that is what gets in people’s heads and I’ve said it again a thousand times you could be the best most technical player but if you’re head isn’t right and you’re not confident enough in what you’re doing then you you may not well not even be on the pitch I I don’t think it’s obviously you going to know more than me but I don’t think it’s the weight of the shirt on it I think it’s a bigger cultural problem at the club so you you’ve had some good players going in and not many of them have been performing I just think the players are going in there and they’re aware of this this toxic culture at United and it’s been since Ferguson left it’s just been a slippery slope slowly but surely and I was listening to the radio yesterday and they were saying all tenh har hasn’t done it and you put any manager in there no one’s doing it no one’s doing it I think that toxic I agree with what you’re saying by the way I think that toxic culture comes from all the negative press that’s outside as well though it’s slowly seeping into them walls so everybody then starts to get a little bit insecure they start to sort of like Shield themselves off to everybody else and then it’s almost like I’m just going to fight my own Corner that’s where you have divisions you know what I mean you don’t you get two become four you saw the three players walking off the pitch after the four the palac of nightm how negative did that look genuinely like you’ve got players covering their mouths right you’ve gotting off the pitch Anthony’s holding three I don’t know what anony is doing trying to moan about tactics or moan about players when some of the performan he’s put himself in in himself this season but them three walking off they know they’ve got the camera on them and they’re doing that I’m just thinking Lads just get IND doors pathetic who was it that was doing it the was Jamie carer wasn’t he saying just get off the pitch don’t you’re embarrassing yourself now you’ve been beating four you think that’s because it’s been highlighted the fact that the are on because this wouldn’t be a thing unless the the sky cameras were following them yeah but it still happened you know what I mean but does that not happen up and down the country when teams lose yeah it it does to an extent um but I like I say though you’ve got you’ve got you’ve got to look at the whole picture of it the whole scenario of it right them Lads are walking off doing that when they know they’ve got a massive camera in front of them yeah like we’ve got massive cameras in front of us here yeah can you imagine walking off a pitch with a guy backpedaling holding a camera and going free we should have played fre in Midfield like he was a disgrace he was a disra fair you know it’s being recorded and show to the world you know that right so don’t do it yeah and and is culturally I think the problem at United is the accountability so they’ve had a churn of managers poor signings I mean signing casemiro and he was you know on fire for half a season but he’s on like a four or five year he’s got about three or four years left scary on silly money but the accountability is well there isn’t you just set the manager it’s not even maner again jumping on your accountability shout there you look at the injuries they’ve had as well mate like a lot of people are saying oh sack the medical team like it’s a shambles it’s it’s a disgrace I I’m very much of the um I I’m of the opinion right that certain players will get injured more than others right yeah of course but there’s also you can do a lot an awful lot to ensure that you don’t get injured Tom you can you can do loads to ensure that you don’t get inj Arsenal they’ve gone the whole season with a few injuries that’s not a coincidence no it’s not a coincidence right they have got their their kind of sports science their their rehab work their prehab work their gym work the the strength ining down to a tea you have to make sure you have to put so many demands on players right because it’s like that bit of it is like the boring part for a footballer it really is getting in in the morning getting in the gym and doing all your work your programs your strengthening programs making sure you stick to it religiously making sure you’re not having late nights sitting in your computer chair hunched over which is bad for your back what like lengthens your hamstrings all that kind of stuff right there are so many things you can do to ensure that you can stay fit James McLean I mentioned a minute ago right James McLean is he will pick up he will pick up like contact injuries you can’t do anything with contact if somebody bangs you and that you do a medial or you do a like a a broken bone or something they’re the ones that you go yeah cool hold your hands up but all the strains and like over stretching of muscles and you might have a grade one grade two they’re the ones that there are you can genuinely do a lot for them mate to make sure they don’t happen but not only that as well when it comes to the rehab part of it I’ve seen calf injuries a grade two Cal injury somebody get back within two weeks yeah I’ve seen Manchester United players take three four five months genuinely three four five six months yeah with a grade two because they’re they don’t want to get back they’re hiding they’re hiding they’re happy to stay injured because that way the pressure is not on them the spotlight the attention the hate the everything that you say in the media none of it’s on them it’s always injured so you know it’s not his fault but that that’s all going to change now I mean they they have had is it all going to change genuinely believe it’s going to change now you’ve got Ratcliffe and braford at the top of the tree there they’ve signed the CEO from Man City Bara they’ve got Jason Wilcox coming in as the I think technical technical director Dan Ashworth so there has been a a kind of changing of of the Guard in those senior positions so it looks like ratcliff’s gone you’ve all been making bad decisions Now’s the Time for accountability and they’ve all gone and with these people in charge there’s some serious operators there things are going to change at United it’s a new dwn coming I agree that it on paper but football never ever goes to paper M if you’ve got the right people in the senior positions Ben right and the culture they do you’ve got people like Jason wi Dan Ashworth you’re only two transfer Windows away two good transfer windows for change I love this talk right this is class because I agree I totally agree and I think I think they’ve got a much better chance with these people involved it’s about then recruiting the right people yeah the rexon model recruit the right people that are very good at playing football that’s what you should recruit on right um but then you say two transfer Windows away man city have got the same two transfer Windows you know so has Arsenal so have Liverpool so have Tottenham so have Newcastle so do you I mean but they can’t they like you look at Man City and go they can’t get much better and United can’t get much worse so surely it’s just going to go like that a little bit Yeah The Gap will close but it’s a big old Gap I’m not I’m not I’m not saying it isn’t all I’m saying is they seem to have been employing the right people on a senior level to make these decisions to get the recruitment right to get the culture right now if you can get two or three of the right players and right people in the next window and again it’s a very big change then isn’t it so I do I do think this is as low as it’s going to get for unit I I think so I agree on that for sure I think this is about the worst it’s been for Manchester United probably the worst it’s ever been for Manchester United thanks everybody for watching we hope you enjoyed this clip of the fos cast if you would like to watch the full episode it is now available exclusively on Spotify for free [Music]


    1. It’s obvious the culture at United a joke. Not entirely ETH’s fault but he obviously hasn’t dealt with player issues very well.

      Happy for sancho, shows what the right environment can do for a player. I think chelsea are going down a similar path as United

    2. Sancho works in Dortmund because they treat him like a superstar and also his entourage who are bad influences aren't there. At United he is just another player and he can't deal with the pressure, and his bad influences are around him.

    3. ah here its not about the weight of the badge lol swear utd is the only big club to play for lol we all know the structure and decision making is all over the place, the glazer owners wanted commerical success first and foremost, that always set back for the team, dont think any manager really got they players they wanted and who brought casemeiro to the club his legs were already gone stuff like that is annoying

    4. Utd fans are so weird they all happy with ETH and delighted he got rid of a legend in Ronaldo and a good young baller like Sancho

      I can’t get my head around how he still has a job 😂😂long may it continue

    5. Real Madrid badge weighs heavier. It’s just that club would never let themselves get as useless as Man U and their squad is miles better. Levels to this game. 14 (maybe 15 soon) CL’s to 3 lol

    6. Cuz he's a big fish in a little pond, that German league is garbage outside of a couple teams, couldn't do it in the most competitive league in the world

    7. Has nothing to do with the shirt. Man U is just shit at managing and supporting their players. Ineo talked about how the club isn't setup to support top players.

    8. Sancho is suited to the likes of Real Madrid , man city even Liverpool Teams that have the ball most of the time it doesn’t suit him to play in a poor man utd team chasing back etc … same for rashford really

    9. It’s been a slow decline down a slippery slope ever since Ronaldo and Tevez left in the same summer. They weren’t buying the right players since that point. The team Fergie left would be mid table under anyone else which was proven when Moyes came in. The same problems then got escalated out of control. Bad signings, signing players they could get rather than the best out there. The winning culture slowly eroded. Multiple mangers with different playing styles which caused the team to lose its identity. Problems are now so deep rooted and long lasting it’s basically whole different football club now. There is no quick fix or easy answer. It could easily take another decade to get near competing for the league.

    10. These UK fans don't watch anything outside the PL how would they know sick of Foster Glazing. People need to be more like Roy Keane who doesn't give a monkeys and will go against the grain if he feels like it

    11. Wtf you mean he's back shining? He has the same stats as Antony, 3goals, 2 assists and Sancho has played twice as much as Antony. Shining my arse.

    12. Casemiro and Varane wore the Real Madrid shirt and that’s some heavy shirt to wear my friend. United has bigger problems. It’s just a toxic place.

    13. What is he talking about? Players are mostly soldiers, bought in to win. Why would that ManU badge be "so heavy" to them? Certainly wouldn´t be for me. That is nonsense. Sancho just didn´t feel welcomed and couldn´t performe well. That´s all.

    14. Some players just don't gel with a club or a manager. Simple.

      Zlatan, great player and actually did ok for Barca but Pep said no to him. Henry at Juve didn't work out either after winning WC.

      Rio said at interviews he had to move out of London to remove all the distractions. Maybe Sancho needs that too, less distractions in Germany and just focuses on football and at a club where he made his name.

    15. The issue is getting players out who are on big wages/ surplus to requirements

      Maguire refusing to go blocked the move for KIM.

      Rashfords never giving up £350k a week.

      Shaw is permanently injured

      Mctomminey didn’t want to leave.

      They need a clear out

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