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    48 hours to ride as far as possible. But where will I end up?

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    I cannot believe we have made it to the country of this is my road bik and in 48 hours I’m going to end up here just how far can I make it in 2 days pedaling this thing the Only Rule is I’m not allowed to fly and if this video gets 5,000 likes I’ll do it for a full 7 days and see where I end up we’re going to start this adventure at 10:00 a.m. on Friday morning and let’s see where I’m going to end up at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday morning I had to look some different options to get off England and it turns out there’s an overnight ferry from Hull to Rotterdam tonight at Half 8 and I checked on my uh I put it into my garment and it’s a 210 km ride now that would normally take me just a little over 6 hours without my bags and everything on my bike however with with the added weight with the equipment and my clothes and everything that I’ve got with me it’ll take me longer but I don’t know how much longer it is also a headwind over towards the east today anyway we’re all set to the east coast we [Music] go why don’t you just ride in the cycle then that’s why the route that I’m taking is pretty much as direct as I can get it I don’t really want to detour too much because we got a lot of ground to make up today so at times like now the route probably isn’t going to be the nicest of roots however I need to go in as direct to a route as possible because we’ve got a lot of ground to cover today if I want to make this Ferry tonight just left the town of Rochdale down there and out of Rochdale we’re climbing up to Yorkshire it’s like the main the one main climb of the day’s ride I think it’s about 5 6 km to the top I’m hoping this is now the turning point and once we get into Yorkshire and get over the tops run to some better roads [Music] 6K of climbing and and there’s not much of a view at the top almost seems pointless but as the famous setting goes what goes up must come [Music] down so I have a um a pan rack from a company called tailin fantastic product it’s made out of carbon it’s super light it’s about as good as it gets for uh for paner bags but the way it attaches to the bike you install a special uh th axle with with a couple of little knobs sticking out the side I’ve never gone bike packing on this bike before and I was packing it this morning I went to put the th axle in and it turns out the th axle size on this bike is 1.25 mil and the th axle on the uh the tailin that I’ve got at home is 1.5 mil so I’ve had to fit everything that I need for 2 days into this bag here and uh this little bar bag that I’ve got on the front here so I guess you could say I’ve packed quite minimalistic for this trip perhaps slightly underprepared if the weather changes but sometimes you just got to take these risks right so haven’t kept an eye on the time or distance or anything or average speed until now it’s currently 2:00 I need to get there it’s by 7:00 which means I have 5 hours I’ve 130 km to go until I get to uh the ferry port now a bit simple Mass would uh would conclude that we need to average 26 km per hour in order to make that for 7:00 I just decided to stop at a petrol station and grab a bit of lunch I got a chicken wrap and a brew this should keep me going now for the last 90k or so the bike is holding up fantastically got myself some harryo and a bottle of coke refueled and hav consumed enough sugar to kill a small child I hopped back on my bike and headed for Hull and what I didn’t realize at the time time things weren’t going to go to plan now I only had enough space in my uh bags to pack one waterproof so I needed to bring something that I can wear both on and off the bike so I’ve got this like hooded Mountain Warehouse uh like thin rain jacket thing I’ve got a hood and everything oh wait I think you go with my helmet yeah woohoo this video has been made possible by better help for me cycling is my therapy when things aren’t quite going the way I want them to or there is something on my mind isolating myself and heading off on an adventure like this is what I do the simple task of just pedaling my legs heading to a certain destination often takes my mind away from the negative thoughts that I may be having but this doesn’t work for everyone better help is a fantastic therapy tool better help connects you with a credentialed therapist who is trained to listen and give you helpful unbiased advice just click the link in the description it’s on also on display on the screen right now we simply answer a few questions about what you’re going through the thoughts you’re having better help will match you with a professional who has years of experience helping people with struggles just like you these guys really do know what they are doing you can do it all from your phone or computer via video call uh messaging or even just a phone call however you feel most comfortable uh doing it it’s the easiest possible way to start talking to a therapist sometimes you know we all know it’s not that easy to go and physically uh seek help and and talk to someone in person so often when it’s behind you know the screen it can be a little bit easier and maybe perhaps less daunting just follow the link on the screen or click it in the description box down below to get yourself a discount on your first month to get you going so we had about an hour of rain there it’s just just stopped very is a McDonald’s that would be nice right now I’m not going to lie but we’ve not got time to stop and just as I thought we right into that blue sky over there in the distance we’re going towards the black again hoping the uh the rain gods spare me and they just let it stay dry please a little tip for you if you forget your gloves on a ride and it starts raining and come to a UK fuel station and you can get these little plastic gloves to to fill your car up with if you don’t get pet on your hands they work as a great emergency glove too and that is the first time for Hall about 50k to go so uh yeah hopefully a little under 2 hours and we’ll be at the ferry that is 28 km on the ticker and I can just about see the ship we’re arriving at the Port now in Hull the time is 7:14 so a spot on there she is all right this is my humble abod for the evening just got a single bed there and a bathroom and there’s not much else it’s quite basic but I mean it has everything that I need thank you for the next 11 hours I’m going to be on this Ferry making progress getting further and further away from the UK without even having to ride my bike I go to sleep in England or somewhere on this the ocean and then I’m going to wake up and we can start day two in the Netherlands that is the end of day one complete we did 210 km today this is how many we’re going to do overnight whilst I [Music] asleep welcome to Holland the land of flat roads wind and cyclopath it’s about half 9 right now I’m just getting the day started but first things first I haven’t had any anything to eat this morning I need to find some food it’s not great but it’s cheap and it gets the job done so right now I’m inis SPID kiskis I don’t know I’m about 20K from the port that the ferry arrived into this morning the plan today is I’m going to head Southeast I had a quick look on a map there m uh which is in the south east of the country is about 220 km away from here from this point so I think that’s a good direction to in then we’ll reevaluate it later on this afternoon but first things first I’ve got about 1,000 calories to consume I was full of ambition at the start of day two nothing but cycle lanes and open roads however I very quickly had a taste of what I like to call a Dutch traffic jum Dutch traffic jam the bridge closes and then opens up to let the big boats go through the canal in total we’ve been stopped for about 10 minutes now this is not ideal we’ve got distance to cover and this is eaten into valuable time [Music] okay let’s go okay how much this this is a cycling specific only for bikes uh tunnel under one of the canals crazy [Music] [Music] and just like that we’re at the other end so that that is a wind turbine it’s normally a pretty good indicator of which direction the wind’s going and it doesn’t take a genius to work out right now the wind is against me it’s a headwind my thought process is the more I go in land the less the wind is going to be the the weaker the strength is going to be of the wind so yeah I know it’s optimistic thinking but it’s keeping me going it’s like what 13k an hour with 30k gusts but hey remember could be worse could be could be [Music] worse so this is quite bizarre so if you can see my glasses it’s raining right now but when we look at the sky it’s sunny so hopefully it doesn’t last long it just kind of pass passes because I don’t even know where this rain is coming from Holland doesn’t have the most interesting landscape but the cycle Lane network is through the roof this road this cycle path here is better than most roads in the UK trying to buy food in a foreign Supermarket is always a bit of bit of a giggle I’m going to guess that’s sausage don’t know we’ll try it anyway so to give you a of an update uh we done 83 km about half 1 in the afternoon so I decided to stop at Ali to grab a bit of food I managed to find myself a sausage roll I mean it’s all right but it’s not Gregs despite the headwind that we’re having to battle today I think I’m making good progress we still got plenty hours of daylight left 83 km we’ve done and it still looks like I mean it looks like I’ve barely gone anywhere just looking at the map now I think we’re going to uh go into Belgium a little bit here and then potentially potentially we can get to Germany we’ve got until 9:50 a.m. tomorrow morning to get as far as we possibly can so I need to stop eating Haribo get back on the bike and get back taking off [Music] kilometers Dr that [Music] French the uh the time is 300 p.m. in the afternoon we’ve done 110 km today so far according to my garment it’s 28° now I don’t believe that it’s warm maybe 20 20 2122 but I don’t think it’s 28 however we’ve just crossed the border into Belgium I didn’t see a sign but the reason I know we’re in Belgium right now is because the houses the registration plates of the cars is Belgian registration plates so we’re in we’re in Belgium we made it to Belgium but anyway I’ve got about five more hours of daylight for today so I’m going to crack on belgi BR there’s a there’s a car on the back of that BGE an actual car coming up to uh 150 kilm not too much to report in the last hour or two we’re just riding along the canal we’re ticking away kilometers nicely but not the most uh it’s not the most scenic of routes those flags are going the wrong way set outside of Belgian Supermarket here I’m just trying to make a bit of a plan about where I’m going to stay tonight ideally I wanted to stay here in the town of R Rand Rand which is right on the German border I could get a few hours sleep and then wake up tomorrow morning at Sunrise and cross the border into Germany and make it over towards cologne where I can finish however there is very few hotels in Ru Rand I think my only option is to go south to master I mean I kind of want to keep going a bit more yet but uh yeah we got 170k on the clock and the headwind is kind of taking its tall on me a little bit today I’m feeling a little bit worse for where but I think we can knock out another 40 50k if I need to I booked a hotel in MD which was another 42 km away this seemed like the best option for the night to be honest I enjoyed my day in Holland and Belgium despite the slight onslaught of headwind the weather and the pristine assortment of cycle Lanes soon made up for that and we are finally arriving into Master now I just need to find my hotel and see where I’m staying tonight all right that is day two done this is my hotel for the night Bastion hotels just in the middle of M today we did 2133 km the time right now is 5 minutes 7 I think this is a good place to end today we’re pretty close to the German border still got a few more hours of daylight tomorrow morning to make it into Germany now as someone who doesn’t drink alcohol the perfect recovery after 200 and some K is a glass of Coke and a pizza in my humble opinion let’s see what 50 Quid gets us in uh in Holland two twin beds we got a coffee machine that’s pretty good bathroom how is the bathroom looking that’s not but hey that’s not bad it’s not a bad bathroom for 50 Quid and the view out of the window I mean I’ve had worse views it’s not bad at all anyway I need a shower and I need a lie [Music] down the time is just gone 7:00 which meanss we’ve got just under 3 hours 2 hours 50 minutes to get as far into Germany as we possibly can so uh yeah no time at the present next up German border goodbye MCT I didn’t see much of you but it was a pleasure now to the German border it’s about 30 km I had a look on my uh my phone this morning however in that 30 km there’s more elevation than the whole of yesterday’s 215 km don’t get me wrong yes yesterday was exceptionally flat but there’s more climbs to do [Music] today I haven’t eaten any food today yet and I kind of don’t want to stop because it just eats into that into our time it wastes time so I think I’m going to see how I get on if I get hungry in a bit then I’ll try and make a quick stop but best case scenario I just eat at 10:00 but when I finish this uh when I finish the [Music] ride we haven’t crossed any border yet but I’ve just seen oh there’s another one I’ve just seen I don’t know another my first three German cars that was uh slightly anticlimactic there was no sign on the road or anything but according to my Google Maps we’ve just crossed over the border into Germany slightly disappointing there’s no sign on the road but welcome to Germany I cannot believe we have made it to the country of Germany now the time is 8:40 which means we’ve still got 1 hour and 10 minutes until this challenge is over so I’m going to keep riding in to Germany for as long as I possibly can I just looked at the map and the next big town is a town called Duren d n and it’s about 30k away now I’ve got just under an hour so I don’t think I’m going to make it all the way there but we’ll give it a good [Music] go first time riding in Germany so far so good except one conclusion is they have a ton of traffic lights everywhere not good when we’re trying to do a distance challenge this is my first time cycling my first time riding a bike in Germany and I’ve got to say I’m impressed Germany’s pretty sick for riding a bike or this region wherever I am right now is is pretty sick [Music] all right sports fans the time has just ticked over 950 which concludes officially concludes the end of the sort of 48 hour challenge we’re just in a random forest in West Germany in the middle of nowhere I have no idea where I am but when we look at a map this is the exact point that I made it to we’re about 5 km short of Duran this is the total distance since we are from my hometown of charlee in the UK but that concludes this video now I just need to figure out how I’m going to get home [Music]


    1. Fun to see you ride on my old backyard. That bridge where you had to wait for 10 mins is quite famous for that and the tunnel you went through is amazing and you can reach such high speeds.

    2. Yeah, the Tailfin thru axle thingy can catch you out.
      I managed to borrow one for my trip.
      Was told to always get the TF universal axle kit.
      But you managed fine without by the look of it.😊

    3. While exercise in general can be beneficial in mental health the ONLY THERAPY IS THERAPY. If you are in pain, if you need help seek a professional.

    4. At the start of the video, you say it's a 48-hour challenge starting on a Friday and ending on a Sunday. However when you show you phone at the end @18:02 it says its Wednesday 1st May. Its an impressive distance however long it took you but its now hard to trust this is a true 48hr challenge

    5. I rarely watch videos where the creator says if I get X numbers of likes, I'll do this, but for the first time, I really hope you get 5,000 likes. That sounds like an epic video! Keep up the great work Cameron.

    6. Nice idea “borrowed” from a very good friend of mine who’s been doing this for a number of years – even used some similar camera shots!!! !

    7. a few years back I would do a century, 100 miles, and that would be basically my longest ride of the year. I guess you've done the equivalent of over 4 centuries in two days. Yeah, that's pretty cool. I have no idea what that's like, but just having no other plans for the day except riding is always fun.

    8. Did you finish at 10am uk time or 10am German time? Germany is one hour ahead of the uk meaning that if you finished at 10am German time you only did 47 hours!

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