This video contains product placement on behalf of Giant. Ruby — a favourite recurring member of the BikeRadar YouTube team — is almost certainly the world’s most famous trail dog and is definitely the world’s fastest. With a top speed of over 40mph clocked, this 6 year old Hungarian Vizsla is a serious piece of equi-paw-ment.

    Wanting to take a notch off of her hard-earned glory, Jack and Joe thought it would make for a fun afternoon to try racing her in a number of mountain bike challenges. However, the pair needed more firepower than their little legs could muster if they were to stand a chance of beating her.

    Calling on the assistance of series sponsor, Giant, the pair chose to ride a Trance E+3 Pro to give them the extra oomph required to try and stay on Ruby’s tail.

    Will 500 watts of assistance be enough for the pair to catch Ruby? Are Jack and Joe even moderately competent mountain bikers? Do you have any questions for Ruby? As always, leave your thoughts in the comments below!

    And for more fun videos of Ruby out on the trails click here:

    How To Train A Trail Dog – Featuring Tom & Ruby

    Tom & Ruby – One Man And His Trail Dog

    Tom & Ruby – Summertime Shred

    Night Time Shred – Tom & Ruby

    Want to see more of Ruby?

    Check out her very own Instagram account here:

    Follow BikeRadar on our social media channels:

    #rubythetraildog #hungarianvizsla #giantrancee+


    1. Will 500 watts of assistance be enough for the pair to catch Ruby? Are Jack and Joe even moderately competent mountain bikers? Do you have any questions for Ruby? As always, leave your thoughts in the comments below!

    2. What type of gps tracker are you guys using and recommend? I need one badly for My new dog. I got this dog from the shelter a week ago she Looks identical vizsla with I think of a chocolate lab mix since she has a shiny chocolate color. Shelter listed her as a short lab. we made the mistake of thinking if we let her off the leash with some other dogs at a big park thiniing she would just roll around with them like labs usually do. So 2nd day with her unfortunately before she knew her name well we took her to a big park with 4 baseball fields and 5 soccer fields lots of dogs rollijg around together at this place. Instead she took off like a maniac easily hitting 35 mph+ darts through 3 baseball fields in 6 seconds, runs straight through a 3rd basemans legs in the air while trying to catch the game ball. Swoops up the game ball and darts off 2 more soccer fields away in less then 5 seconds to a germain sheppard drops the ball to him and then let him mount her. Only because of that did I catch her. Got their 1 second after he got on her and broke it up. Then vommitted for the next half hour as I tried to catch my breath. I'm 90 pounds heavier and 15 years older since the last time I sprinted for track and field in college and I am only getting older and probably heavier based on my current pandemic trend but hope to reverse it. so catching her is not something i can depend on again even if I was at my peak shape. So I really need a good tracker in case of an emergency if she got out of the house or broke off the leash or something.

      Although a week later she always comes back to her name now very caring can't leave our side and is very smart. Although have not let her off the leash since. But run with her every day now on leash at human pace.

      But still want to be prepared for unexpected worst case scenarios.

      After that I was like thats not really a lab speed. Yes they are fast but that felt a bit different. So was looking all over the internet to find something that looks more like her. In the end she looks identical to the vizsla face and body shape outside of different color and no green eyes. so I am 90 percent confident that she has some of this in there.

      She is the best dog personality wise. So I really need a good tracker for her if anything ever happens to her over the next 2 decades of taking care of her again.

      Which ones do you recommend? Looks like you have a few on her collar here. Is there one you prefered?

    3. Wow, Ruby is awesome! That corner speed and the way she finds the line. Any racer should be jealous. My Vizsla puppy is already showing promise and she's only 12 weeks old!

    4. Ruby girl …what a great puppy!! This breed needs a lot of exercise so it's great that she's getting it and then some. Great job, mates. 🥰🐕🚲

    5. Great dogs…I have a Red Heeler that I mountain bike with in the Arizona desert trails. Does are smooth trails,take her to a real rocky trail with cactus and see how she runs. Bet ya she won't hit 40,30 mph.

    6. I have an 8 month old vizsla and she is fast. I used to race Jack Russell terriers on a circular big field track. I wish I could find one of these tracks in Ontario. 'Punky' would love to chase the flag. On line they say vizslas run 40 mile per hour. I believe it's faster. I have never seen my dog tire, breath hard or flop down from fatigue. Mind you I haven't tried 'to run her out'.

    7. I owned an awesome Viszla …..Iits probably the most intelligent animal I've ever owned!! Check out "THE TOP TEN FASTEST DOGS ON THE PLANET" VISZLA #3 AT 44MPH

    8. OMG what a nice video. I had a Vizsla named Ruby as well who unfortunately passed away from cancer cancer 2 months ago at age 6. We loved her so much and she was an amazing dog. So great to see your vizsla running on the trail. Yes they are fast. I used to take my girl down a grass runway 2-3 times a day but used my ATV as she could blow me away on a bike. They LOVE running and are the most amazing and gentile dogs. Enjoyed your video and almost cried bringing back all my memories.

    9. our male viz is 9 this summer…a few summers back he was trailing me on a down hill section and licking my sweaty knee as I coasted at about 35mph…. he was comfortably in his zone, cantering along!

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