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    foreign spee spee spee spee speech speech oh she’s very go you need your hats you going to get in trouble oh he’s got his hat wow and two got told off go and get your heads go get your hats you lazy GS both of these are Sergeant I mean that Sergeant didn’t have his hat to start with you don’t mess with her here she’s the boss she all legit show the numbers no rings or earrings or jewelry no makeup She’s the Man [Music] she now we got to wait she well she’s got to wait for them two idiots to get their hats we got two sergeants and two police officers waiting for two hats hey there the boot leers hi got the Contours there and L that lip liner the airstyle what’s going on I think I’m going to join them in you okay day yeah can you just ask their permission before you record them please say that again are you recording you filming what about maybe all right because you need to ask their permission they’re not police organization you need to ask the private members of the oh do I yeah okay okay do you have I got yours yeah yeah you all right okay then let’s ask all right you right I’ve got your permission yes you do have I got your permission okay what do you want it for thank you have I got a permission I didn’t say yes I said what do you want it for I’m just asking for it yeah but what what what do you want to what do you want to film us for because it’s officer to ask me to you f me without their permission yeah I’m asking them can I get your purpose of filming just general General yeah yeah just public uh how do you call it personal use no you permission no oh you change your mind now okay okay what about you have I got permission all right uh Sergeant I don’t need nobody’s permission to fil in public yeah you need to get that right from the beginning I will Point At You what I like I thought you were a decent Sergeant why you AGG because you’re aggravating these people for no reason I’m not aggressive I am not aggressive I’m okay then so you zip it next time don’t talk to me I will talk what I like you do not need to me hey don’t touch me don’t touch me right would you like to talk to me do not touch me okay I we talk to you but don’t touch me again right calm yourself down right because at the moment you’re up here that’s fine but you T down here calm yourself down okay I will calm it as much as I can in terms of filming if you want to film police officers do it to your heart’s content if you’re directing your filming at somebody and they become distressed by it we could be talking harassment that’s all okay and I don’t want you to film do that are you done talking are you done talking I want to talk now are you done talking okay first of all do not touch me again ever again are we clear calm down are we clear down the second thing I need to speak to the sergeant now Sergeant listen to myself I don’t need permission from nobody to film in public I can point it I can like sir but you don’t no no I point it what I like so you think you can point this thing I am not aggressive I’m not asking you to point I am not aggressive oh you guys got your hearts well done so listen you you need to correct yourself so you’re listening to our police conversations originally yeah I know you that you sent these to interested you sent these two to go their hats your business sir that is none of your business well these punks they didn’t they didn’t have their hats punks don’t be disrespectful disrespectful I don’t care why well we do care who you who are you what makes you think I have to respect you what are you doing here then why you engaging the conversation he engaged to me I was sitting over there from over there yeah because you ask me permission from these so you having a conversation with end up so why you standing here having a conversation I stand what I like walk on then no one’s asked you to engage with me what do you mean yeah you’re standing here engaging I need to correct you I don’t need permission to film in public I don’t need it find out who he is think we know who he is we know who he is oh yes you just have walk well if you doing know then you zip it so you apologize I we talk to apologize for for getting it wrong and you need to just for touching me as well absolutely not why did you touch me for absolutely not why did you put your hands on me for absolutely not you’re so rude honestly how am I rude how am I rude how am I rude I was sitting over there minding my own business and you said you need to ask permission from these guys honestly job they’re doing so do I care curb your attitude I’m doing a job I’m doing a job your attitude is really bad I thought you were decent Sergeant at the beginning and then you turned out to be a punk going make some money in the back of this now he going to edit you and make some money in the back of what what I’m going to edit what I’m not going to edit anything hope your manner isn’t show on there then my manner isk very much for your time sir really appreciate it yeah yeah yeah now you realize who you’re talking to now now you’re walking away a minute ago you were all bossy you need to get permission well yeah you know who you’re talking to now yes you do well done youing that you deliberately started that I like to watch all of that hang on I was sitting on the stairs making a video talking to myself much I filmed you I filmed you sending these guys to get their hats which I thought it was funny and you don’t touch me again are you listening did you hear that I know how many views I’m going to get now how many views you’re too ugly you might get none thank you I really appreciate you’re welcome I really appreciate I you got nothing I really appreciate it thank you so much well off you go then no I’m doing my job here my job that’s that’s my job I F you guys obviously you pay you a lot of money absolutely I’ve got all day I’ve got all day oh absolutely yeah the longer you stay here the more stupid you’re going to look we’re doing the patrol I’m just letting you I’m doing my patrol you carry on i’ like to know who authorized your Patrol who who authorized your Patrol my subscribers and your subscribers yes are the L that pay you a lot of money yes no they don’t pay me actually congratulations sir they don’t pay me glad you got it sounds like I don’t have the right to earn money you can you do or you here for the you here because you love you’re here because you love the you love the fors yeah that’s why thank you very you’re not here to earn money yeah sure so I’m doing my patrol as you can see en your Patrol I am your patroling yeah thank you take my best side yeah take my best side you don’t have any best side that’s the problem oh hey is that the best side you’ve got I told you you walk away morning sorry off sorry sorry for calling you a punk she just she she aggravated me that’s it have a nice day take care YouTube still here go back to my spot cheating here minding my own business hey look at that guy he’s got a little mustache he looks like 12 man oh so these a brief in should we go and disperse the briefing yeah might as well all right right any issues shout out hello mate you’re right all right I didn’t take long man seriously oh these are B I’m getting out I’m getting out we my deliver [Music] I reval to the Earth in the in the of nation SE creation Freedom’s [Music] [Applause] calling wo w oh my wings were D Jus can free you from all of that right now let me tell you I used to suffer anxiety I used to suffer depression and discouragement but Jesus Christ rescued me out I used to be in an abusive marriage where my husband cheated on me he physically and verbally abused me but the Lord Jesus rescued me out let me tell you Jesus is the only way out of your situation today not only does he want to give you hope give you peace give you Joy but Jesus is the only way to heaven he is the only way because he shed his blood on a cross for you and me he died so we could live he died on the cross for your sins and rose again in 3 days yes sir he’s alive he’s the one true God you know you only get to Allah through Jesus speak the same [Music] language language you speak [Music] got one second we operation with UK regulations we just need to pop off bik for a second we just going check a few things over and then we done do you want to know a bit about what we’re do today do you want to know a bit about what we’re doing yeah okay so what we’re doing today is a bit of uh information uh and action about electric pedal Cycles okay yeah yeah um do you ride one yourself uh yeah sometimes sometimes is it modified Modified by you or no no okay so so a lot of people don’t know the law around these pedestals what’s the law huh there L of different legislation covering it so for example say is this your bike or no well okay say say it was your bike just for it can’t be it can’t be self-driving over a certain speed and a certain power okay otherwise if it is it’s class as like a motorcycle would be or it is a motorcycle effect in the eyes of the law so it need to be insured it would need to be have a dri 15 mph or 25 km do you think or it is without looking it’s a a I could find out for you could you yeah put it here for you it is 15.5 milph more than 15 yeah to a maximum speed I see all right so anything over that is classed as a motorcycle but what we’re doing today is trying to tell people about this they don’t get caught out sure so we’re trying to educate today y so a few other things hello you’re right yeah yeah you’re listening cuz listen watching cuz I don’t want you to kind of get into trouble and fall fou of this so this is why we’re doing this today so if you have a bike can’t be powering over that speed you have to also have a um a provisional driver’s license okay so at least a learn a driver do you understand DV if it’s over 15.5 mph yeah you need to be insured with the insurance company and if that person is riding that bike to do deliveries they need to have specific insurance for that yeah okay uh the other things are with most part you need a helmet which most people are pretty good with that actually In fairness uh what you also need is we got a helmet can’t ride on the payments but a lot of people are aware of that and if they are riding on the payments and they can be can be fine for that you’re not all right any questions no no no [Music] play play I thought I would like [Music] [Music] so in the green it shows where the the parade route is going to be it’s just for your safety just cuz a lot there’s going to be a lot of road closures on that day so if you’re working on the 25th 25th of May that’s where boys just to keep you safe [Music] do do you ride a bike as well oh okay just the map [Music] on theout going be a lot of closures for you guys so it’s just so you know where to avoid and stuff so you can get around a little bit easier all right see you later guys stay safe hey brother is your bike good yeah good yeah so no trouble is your bite good brother yeah working [Music] good [Music] here Spiderman with the I don’t know who that is Woody looks like they’re having a good time why not I love Birmingham it’s a interesting City it’s full of uh it’s full of goons man police B officer security and then I don’t know all sorts honestly they all it’s very confusing who’s who I’m telling you they all have a badge look he he’s got a badge bad who is he [Music] some artwork there oh there’s them two officers out ear here with the bicycles see lers you were quite polite hello [Music] hi w I could do the B water actually can I have boil of water can I have a boil of water where you from where am I from Asgard huh I’m from Asgard brother Asgard okay yes kurish no Asgard as gardish where is that Asgard Russia around Russia a little bit up up higher higher higher higher I’m assuming it’s free water thank you very [Music] much oh so thirsty so hot how got this I got to drink the water oh so thirsty man who’s that inter hey who’s this guy what’s his what’s his name his name yeah is Bob Bob yes it looks like a girl it’s a girl you’re lying to me it’s a boy this is a girl this one this one oh yes and what’s her name there uh Lily Lily Lily all right all right would you like one no I I don’t have it like the the the Lily one my kids are too old for this I would I would have bought one too old for that too thank you thank you sister thank you take care all the best good luck yeah bump [Music] oh there’s a dog over there what’s going on now that is Bob what’s going on here time time St no makeup what’s up what’s with the dog man what’s with the dog why do you need a dog can I ask uh for a backup security reason really what kind of security what kind of jobs does he do he does he looks very alert yeah yeah yeah always recording brother yeah he does all the operational jobs and the patrol and the petrol patroling yeah lovely dog is his name Bob say what’s his name DD DD all right all right all right very interesting I never seen a a scy dog in a shopping center first time yeah we’ve been using time for time so yeah really chasing long time yeah but you don’t see in one location in different location to do what exactly big it’s big so sometime you walk in this way hand some so it’s like go to so okay is it to sniff something to chase something what is it for yeah it can be but obviously it’s not for that one it’s Patrol skill so ping anything problem or while fight and stuff it’s risky it’s Risky Business cuz if you bite someone I said if he bite someone not he’s a what yeah yeah I can see that I can see that yeah yeah anyway thanks for explaining it been a pleasure what’s your YouTube channel Audi in Britain Audi in Britain yeah yeah have you heard yeah of course yeah why is it I KN by your voice oh really okay yeah I don’t hide it I don’t hide it are you got to I’m only going to put the dog the dog the dog will Dy will okay D he will definitely end up on YouTube look at him he’s beautiful you put in YouTube without your permission that’s wrong it’s wrong yeah well you see ask your friend he will tell you private property go on YouTube all right I will give you some advice obviously cuz you haven’t passed me on you’re going to put it on YouTube that’s why I ask you question I’ll give you some advice I’ll give you some advice next time when somebody’s filming the best way of approach is to ask him if you don’t want to be on YouTube is to ask him nicely not to try and use uh laws or force or anything like that so when you say you don’t have permission blah blah blade sounds like you telling me what to do no I’m not telling you I’m asking you if you are no no I’m giving you advice I’m giving you this is pure advice if if somebody with a camera comes to you and if you ask him do you mind not putting me on YouTube just ask him that yeah yeah yeah I’m you have 50% chances you’re not going to end up on if you want to put it on put it on problem yeah yeah of course it’s nothing to do with that one but I’m saying you haven’t even paid my permission and you going to put me on on YouTube so that’s why we asking you if you want to put it on put it on B you see the problem is we don’t need permission that’s the problem okay that’s fine if you got permission permission from no no we don’t need permission okay you don’t need permission no you can put anything on YouTube anything you like all right yeah that’s what I’m saying that’s why if you don’t want to end up on YouTube it’s better to ask nicely it’s better to say please if you don’t mind don’t put me on YouTube for personal reasons the likelihood you going dou YouTube you want YouTu but when you ask that way then it’s probably you probably yeah yeah don’t worry put it on man yeah yeah it’s no big deal anyway the dog is beautiful hey can I ask him for permission take take nice to meet you bless yeah well that’s uh that’s for everybody really if uh if somebody points at your camera just ask them nicely please don’t put me on YouTube if you don’t mind and you got a chance not to end up on YouTube I did uh many times some people take pictures and ask him listen please don’t upload me uh for obvious reasons in my case excuse me yeah for obvious reasons in my case I just I just like the fact I go in Incognito it’s part of Audi in Britain I guess a big deal if somebody takes my picture though and app close it anyways uh this is Bingham uh just coming to the end of the my day it’s been quite interesting you


    1. Auditing has highlighted how dimwitted and ignorant the police are of public photography laws and in general other laws whilst interacting with the public under the delusion that they do.

    2. What a shockingly inept display of the typically abysmal standards of policing in our country. The two sergeant’s were passive aggressive obnoxious individuals with egos way out of control. When I think about my tax £££££££’s I pay each year that are going in to the pockets of these people angers me. Well done AB for exposing these charlatans, you and all the other auditors do a wonderful job, you’ll never be short of work!

    3. Ciao AB! I have a video request: GCHQ Bude in Cornwall &/or RAF Menwith Hill, if you can get anywhere near either of these sites! I’m not aware of any other auditor who’s had the b@llz to visit these locations. Maybe check the legislation & if it’s feasible go for it 😃🤟🏻✅

    4. Birmingham is the city I was born & bred in. It no longer my city. I'm disgusted watching this. I avoid town at all costs. What a degenerate society we have when we allow islamist preachers screaming their shit over loudspeakers while arresting silent praying Christians in the same city, just down the road. An uprising is called for & now!!!!

    5. 🇬🇧👁Pigs On Parade🐖🐖🐖🐖🐖This the low level of policing has become. When you only recruit the absolute dregs of the female Gene pool. Just a gang of narcissistic egotistical arrogant braindead bullies who are highly trained in spewing verbal diarrhoea 💩 Respect "REALLY" who in right mind would respect this gang of Serial Rapist Murderers Pedophiles Thieves Fraudsters Drug Dealers. The lowest form of life on land that we have to pay to abuse inocent members of public. Phone in a real crime & if your lucky get a response in a week as there so busy harrassing a guy on a push bike. We suffer this gang of shite in uniform whilst so many up in court each month for serious crimes , yet we still allow this out of control shite to patrol our streets.👺👹💩😱💩👩‍✈️

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