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    [Music] hello welcome to another video it’s saturday i’m out currently on one of my favorite railway tracks old railway tracks it’s warm but it’s a little bit windy today i think we’re uh we’re just at the end of this little mini heat wave for september what was it 27 28 29 degrees it was near me anyway in the week i’m very humid really warm today’s cloudy and warm i think we’re in the mid-20s low to mid-20s but not too bad is it very nice to still be in short sleeves in short [Music] well that’s the way i don’t normally come under that bridge there’s no track though i normally go around that on the road back in the wind again now [Music] so over the last few months a shirt that i’m wearing have generated quite a few questions i’ve had questions on the vlog and questions on messages too about what the connection is it’s an irish shirt and to be honest there’s no real connection for me with ireland as such the story behind it is simply that the coffee shop that i had when i had my kit done and designed it was actually manufactured for me by an irish company called spin 11 and when i wanted to see some samples of a shirt for fit and sizing this is what they sent and i really like it because it’s kind of bright orange so it’s a bit hi-vis without being hi-vis you know what i mean it’s quite visible out on the bike and i think orange does tend to stand out and it’s a very very comfortable shirt spin 11 the search ratchet made in italy and uh yeah really nice shirts i was always pleased i’ve got three in total got two from us uh coffee shop and this one and they’re all good really enjoy wearing them very comfortable to wear so there is nothing more than that reason as to why i wear an irish cycling clubs cycling shirt that was maybe a bit of anti-climax wasn’t it [Music] do so over the last few weeks i’ve had a few issues with the gravel bike which has been a little bit annoying i’d spend some money on replacing parts so this week i went out on it and i thought oh i must be really tired because it’s hard work tonight and i had to stop at some traffic lights and when i stopped to realize actually it don’t want to move the bike don’t want to move it’s like the brakes are on so i got off and investigated it was a real hub it was i put my hand on the quick release it was really hot so there’s obviously a lot of friction going on there something was amiss and the whole thing would hardly move forward so went home investigated and one of the bearings this is the third set of bearings in 18 months was just shot it was more or less seized it broken up inside it was an enduro bearing so it wasn’t a cheap one but yeah more or less c solid so new set of bearings luckily i had some in the workshop so that was okay but was about five six weeks ago had a problem with the right shifter and basically a cable snapped which it didn’t put on the vlog cable it snapped and it wedged itself inside and i just could not get it out spoke to a few people it seems they seemingly there’s just no real way to get these shifters on a hydraulic 105 actually physically apart so again that was a bit annoying end up self-inflicted damage of course trying to look at ways to get it apart and actually cracked it holding it in a vise i cracked the plastic inside and it was leaking fluid so destroyed that self-inflicted but still annoying luckily i managed to find somebody if we got some stock because as you may know a lot of shimano parts are in very short supply at the moment like a lot of things it seems but luckily i’ve managed to find somebody that got some and got it sent to me quite quickly bled up really straight away so yeah new shifter and about another month before that’s about two maybe three months ago had a problem with the rear caliper on the shimano hydraulic started leaking and again it seems you can’t buy replacement pistons and seals for shimano 105 hydraulic which is a bit annoying so ended up i did find some which were some dodgy chinese mrs wong for six quid i didn’t like to trust them so uh end up buying a whole new caliper so it’s been a little bit annoying but then again just get a lot of use just get a lot of hammer does the gravel bike and of course if you’re riding off-road it’s hard miles too [Music] and also last month i changed the bearings in the front wheel third set of bearings in the front too so in the 18 months since i’ve had it all round three sets of bearings in each wheel i don’t seem too good either does it i’m on the second bottom bracket and i think that’s getting maybe towards the end of its life but i’ve actually got if you remember before if you’ve watched the video before um it’s a press fit bottom bracket which i really don’t like but i’ve actually got an aluminium one to replace it with which is the screw together press fit tight so a bit of a combination of a screw fix and a press fit we’ll see how that goes i think that should hopefully solve the problem with rapid bottom bracket wear but again we’ll see [Music] so all things being well i’ve got an interesting ride coming up soon planning to go over to nottingham do another city ride there’s a uh cycle route called the big track it’s been up it’s been in existence for a few years i’ve seen the signs for it before i’ve ridden parts of it i’ve never done the whole thing so basically it’s 10 miles using the canals and river paths through the city of nottingham so it’s a 10 mile route so being in the city should be a good choice of stops for coffee and depending what time of day i do it maybe even breakfast you never know so looking forward to doing that a little bit different it’s great that cycleways and general uh organized routes like that are appearing in cities if you were living in nottingham would be a great way to get around using a bike along the canal towpath along the river around the city [Music] so i’m interested to know in the comments if you guys have had issues with your bikes i’m particularly interested to know how long your wheel bearings are lasting so so far let’s say i’ve been like 18 months so third set of bearings which i don’t think seems to be very much to me i know i do ride quite a lot they’ve done quite a few miles in that i’m still expecting to last longer especially in the hubs so as always thanks for watching i shall see you again in a few days time bye for now don’t forget to click the bell like and subscribe see you soon bye [Music] you


    1. In March I took delivery of a Ribble CGR gravel bike with Shimano 105 Hydrolic disk brakes. In August after covering 2500 miles the front brake shifter started leaking hydrolic fluid, it was returned to Madison the Shimano agents. Their reply, yes it's a warenty exchange, stock is due January 22nd 2022!!! Six month wait! I had no choice but to go out and buy a new bike, and its fitted with the same Shimano 105 hydrolic disk brakes. Whats going on, its crazy that no spares are available for one of the most comon group sets fitted to millions of bikes.

    2. Hi Paul, I use three bikes, (one of which is a gravel bike) all with hand built wheels featuring various types of Hope hubs. The oldest of these hubs is certainly over 5 years old, the youngest perhaps 3 years old. All my bikes are used regularly and generally cover a little under 1,000k/month between them. None of the hubs on any of my bikes has required any maintenance whatsoever and all still spin sweetly. Your experience with bearing failure certainly seems excessive to me. Perhaps it suggest your hubs feature poor water sealing protection for the bearings, this may explain the high failure rate.

    3. I had a cable break inside a tiagra 4700 rear shifter, that was hard enough to get out, never had trouble with wheel bearings, got hope hubs on my road bike, and also brought some cheap wheels for and old bike never had trouble with any of them didn't expect the cheap wheels to last as long as they have.

    4. My Gravel bike currently in bit in my lbs, rear hub shot as it's a cup and cone style so new wheelset ordered. Also had new chainrings, chain, rear cassette and BB. Don't about 2k miles on it. It'll be like riding a new bike !!

    5. According to strava ive done a mere 1600km on the Trek and the rear wheel isn’t travelling as freely as it was, so im guessing the bearings are on their way out.. Other than that the only other issue has been gears.. constanly having to tweak the front derailleur which is starting to piss me off!

    6. Just replaced Julie's chain and also rear wheel bearings which lasted a good 18 months and wore out until there was play not seized. DT Swiss C1800… Hopefully you're sorted now for while 🤞

    7. I think the Big Track is over-rated. The canal towpath is quite narrow and has a lot of pedestrians on it. The river section is better as it’s not so busy.

      Coffee shop at Beeston Marina and another on the Trent Embankment, plus a Costa at Castle Marina, but no Artisan Coffee shops unless you venture slightly off the route – 200 degrees coffee shop on Carrington St is good.

    8. Hi Paul really enjoy the videos. My Pinnacle gravel bike wheel bearings lasted about 1600 miles before they gave up. Evans didn't stock replacements, so had to source them myself, then upgraded the wheelset. Seems the original wheelsets on many bikes are of lower quality than should be ☺

    9. I get the impression, I maybe wrong hopefully I am ,,, but the connection with the shirt and island , turns out was a sample , from watching this and other videos , after a bike wheel , and your buy me a coffee , that appears on screen now and again , that you seem to be tighter than the water seal on a dive watch , or a ducks arse l o l ,, the sort that is always last in the que to get the drinks in when at a pub , I know a bloke like that shame really , wants everything for nout ,,, you can’t sell him anything cos he takes the hiss and wastes your time hums and hars,, however probably your mates will reply to this comment and say your one of the most generous bloke they’ve ever met ( Can’t See it ) ! I’ll ask Roy ha ha cheers Shaneweightman

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