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    Lawrence Carpenter: @bbikerlawrence

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    #cycling #bikes #bicycle

    we’re about to cycle the West Malaysian Peninsula starting in Georgetown on an island in the north unfortunately we all flew to the wrong airport so we had to get a guy in a pickup truck to drive us to the right place big up Jean for organizing this a person on the internet I’ve never met before we now have 7 days to cycle back to qupa so Ben doesn’t miss his flight and can be back at work for Monday [Music] day one on the road everything is perfect except for the fact Lawrence has brought the wrong skewer for his bike so he can’t carry any of his bags oh there’s a guy with a lot of eggs a lot of eggs so first St hardware store one of the great tourist attractions of Georgetown then bike shop to find a bike rack and we’re going to try and tape everything together and make it work I may as well just buy some of these and just put all of my stuff in in these and then just put wear them all and then finish it off with uh with with one of these I’ve rounded a bolt in the bottom of my shoe so now the cleat is in that position for the next 2 weeks just leave you with that what do you think of it oh it might get a bit warm we’ve been extremely lucky and there’s a bike shop about 1 km away from the hardware shop so we’ve come here bought Lawrence a rack for his bike gaffa taped his tail fin to it and now it seems to be working I heard Francis say we to cut a bit off what bit did we cut off lawence uh We’ve cut a bit of aluminium off the it it was there it didn’t work now isn’t there and it does work that’s all you need to know should we actually should we go and ride bikes we should probably go ride some bikes in there air conditioning in here though 50° Heat I had forgotten a little bit how crazy traffic in Southeast Asia was and this is the quiet bit apparently there’s some even busier bits however all the traffic is very friendly to us they’re very aware of two- wheeled vehicles and everything just flows like water with an occasional crash we are now finally on the road making progress we’re doing a loop of Penang Island today it’s about 70k long and as you may have guessed we’re a bit behind schedule it’s lunch time already Lawrence has had another problem with his bike which surprisingly I’m very happy about because we get to stop in the shade in the shade completely by accident but things could be worse my heart rate’s like always in the red my legs feel all weird from the flight as well yeah mine do they’ve all gone swollen how was your flight the first part Newcastle to Dubai absolutely perfect upgraded to extra leg room on the second flight they didn’t have an extra legro seat for me so they put me in an extra legro seat for the time being but they waited an hour and a half for me to fall asleep and then decided to wake me up and move me so then I landed into this country and a little boy with all of his friends they all separated and mixed themselves amongst everybody else and he said to me I’m with you and I said you’re not mate at no point was I going to let somebody pretend they were my friends to get through immigration I think that’s a little bit Dodge BR I’m so glad I brought this jacket [Music] [Music] [Music] Ben I feel like I’m in a microwave this is ridiculous do you remember that day in France but we had to stop at the wedding yes and get that water we crash the wedding it’s the same as now I’m scared Ferrari this is like riding on the sun on the sun on the sun Lawrence is doing efforts he’s unaffected um Ben you’re still wearing your new t-shirt yeah might have to come up in a minute he’s he’s sprinting thank you Georgetown is known as the food capital of Malaysia so we cycled out of it after eating some suspicious noodles for breakfast and then just rode past loads of Starbucks and Burger Kings I don’t think that was a good idea we probably should have got some food when we were there anyway we found a cafe that might be good in other news we found out that you can actually fit a tail finin rack directly onto Lawrence’s frame so it makes everything we did this morning completely pointless how are you enjoying Malaysia so far long mate uh I’m sat here in my own sweat that little cafe stop was the furthest point in our route so we’re now heading back to Georg town to catch a ferry hopefully on time in our way there’s a giant climb though which looks like it’s 16% for quite a lot of it so that’s going to be fun the only way is through or uh over [Music] over come to [Music] Malaysia this climb so hard both me and Ben had to get off we got heavy bikes but so Steep and hot even LZ he’s a big man riding up has just stopped as well this is hard what are you doing this is ridiculous man I’ve got so much sweat on my face I can’t see anything I’m having to get rid of it 1 hour later that was absolutely and you know what was even more was when we thought we got to the top and then the locals said the top the dog and we thought we were at the top but we’re not at the top cuz the worst bit is here a few moments later I’ve had to sit down my heart rate is so high that I’m going dizzy as I assume that’s just my body trying to keep cool I did helmet off for a bit that helped but now I don’t have the energy to take it back off again please like And subscribe and uh comment underneath and and all that stuff I love cycling have a nice day cheers the people here so friendly so helpful as well they’re pointing Us in the right direction telling us how far there is to go just lovely people hey as you might be able to tell we are now on the downhill [Music] thanks whoa must be absolutely huge in real life that had look how big that makes those skyscrapers look someone built [Music] that it’s like a chain gang with motorbikes now we are getting the ferry over to Butterworth where we’re staying tonight a little bit of a ride on the other end we’re going in with the motorbike people I feel like an imposter oh that’s how hot it is I’ve got a spare it’s lucky is [Music] it what can you see then there’s a water park on the roof really oh he wasn’t lying there an natural water park on the roof that’s been day one please remember to comment like And subscribe I’m Shad lers day two cycling the length of the West Malaysian Peninsula I feel like a shriveled raisin after yesterday’s cycling obviously we’ve been faffing around this morning so we’re leaving at midday the hottest part of the day to repeat it all again I have honestly drank 10 L of water without going for a week yeah bad sign the man in the hotel keeps looking at us weird I guess we are weird why are we leaving at the hottest time of the day hases he fixed it what his bike no [Music] today’s ride is from Butterworth to Tai ping so we’re on the mainland now 80 km not too far because yesterday did nearly kill us few quite big main roads to start things off unfortunately hopefully things improve and we get to some better roads later in the day Wacky Waving inable on Ling Tube Man feeling good like a turkey in an oven this day could be over a little bit quicker than we anticipated if we carry on at this pace we have a stonking tailwind and a lot of vehicles to draft I mean no we don’t we’re definitely not drafting trucks uh We’ve averaged 35k an hour for the first hour we can actually have a lunch stop where we don’t have to rush yeah be great what was that [Music] as if his finger went straight through [Music] it oh that fake grass they must have known we’re coming nice them in it helmet squeeze my helmet squeeze isn’t working yours is either no it never has done I’ve never been out I’ve never done one squeeze why is Lauren so sweaty but he doesn’t actually drink a lot on the menu at this gas station nips I’ve been wanting to eat nips for a while Kit Kat ice cream bagalay drink this stuff is like aquarius so it has electrolytes we’ve covered some good ground already today massive Tailwind the roads have been not very nice I’ve worked out while there’s no harryo here I think it’s a Muslim country isn’t it gelatine there’s no harrybo here it would also melt in 2 seconds I owe her money there’s a lot of things here which I don’t know what they are well this is candy floss like we’re in Disneyland what’s a Maan masan Manis and there’s also lots of things I do recognize which are like they have dairy milk so I don’t let my son have Skittles because I say they’re a riding snack so I just sent him a picture of my three bags we so jealous [Music] [Music] got another Malaysia observation then either I’m really weak cuz we’ve been riding our bikes a long time the packet open the chocolate packets start open the Cris packets start open you wasted all the what how do you how do you you have to use your tee no yeah doesn’t o there’s a tiny cat there looks like need I had 3 hours sleep last night just because of the time difference is still playing games with me I think legs feel a little bit ropey I think once we’ve got to the hotel early tonight I haven’t filmed today so and I’m glad I haven’t now because it’s been a lot of main road I won’t have to edit tonight so we can get in the pool have some food and then maybe tomorrow we’ll get a really nice day in The Lakes made a new friend apparently there’s lots of English people in this area but there’s at least three what’s your name my name my name Francis India Minister India oh our prime minister sunak yeah yeah yeah oh this we had an accident yeah I just fell down a hole look at this good job I’m glad you got wet wipes did it hurt no it was more just a shock because I was standing up with my bike walking along and I fell down and then I was down a hole oh mate [ __ ] that’s a big gash look how big the hole is how did I how did I do that I swear it wasn’t there maybe it was like this it’s still still a it’s still a massive hole all right stop bleeding now let’s go I’m scared of this oh he fell down a hole it wasn’t a be big hole the hole was there before and missed absolutely flying today don’t know why he’s so strong you you’re honestly getting dropped on the wheel I’m on the wheel he’s pushing you and I’m getting dropped I was doing 190 on the wheel what was you doing it was 350 to me for how long over 5 minutes 5 minutes this bod’s well for your gravel races closing in on the town now this last bit has been a hard stint not because I fell down a hole because of the heat our bodies are just doing weird stuff like I feel cold then I feel hot and trying to stay on top of hydration it is working but it’s just things you’d never normally experience as an English person living in England in my experience it’s usually about 4 days before you start to climatize and it genuinely feels cooler outside for the same temperature so um as long as we stick with it it will all be good almost there now looking forward to a cold drink H you know that clim that I was going to do at the end of this ride that took us up to 1200 M yeah oh there it is that one you’re still going to do it no yeah I didn’t think so I went hard on ride so I can’t I can’t even if I wanted to I can’t was going to do an extra Loop uh and go up a really big climb he’s not going to anymore because the ride was actually very hard ahead of tomorrow’s Mountain Stage I’m shedding some weight apparently Ben used to be a barber in a former life I don’t know whether that’s true or not but it’s okay luckily you wear a helmet it looks it looks good looks good to be fair it’s done a good job it’s actually done a really good job it’s impressive with it is I’m not sure I’d let him do mine but it looks good right let’s see if we can use this number 10 which is actually working like a [Music] number it’s day three cycling the West Malaysian Peninsula and today we’re riding from the beautiful city of taing into IO in the mountains we’re very happy to be leaving this Hotel because there’s little orange bugs all over the beds worst hotel worst breakfast but the best sleep starting to get the jet lag balanced now what you have for breakfast bread with butter and some weird cocoa pops things yeah whilst watching gamers in a conference room your hair does look good now settled oh good yeah sick fade sick fade fam [Music] [Music] [Music] I think we’re in for a bit of a treat today the roads are quieter than they have been looking at the map we really are in less populated areas legs are feeling better we all got a good night’s sleep and I have maps on my garment for the first time in 3 days cuz well when I turned up I hadn’t installed them so that’s lack of preparation on my my part it’s amazing being able to see where we’re going unlike yesterday there is some climbing on today’s route so we’re not going to go too hard at the start unless your name is Lawrence Carpenter he’s probably going to do some efforts [Music] [Applause] it’s the only way you can open a bag of crystas in this country ice cream was the [Laughter] same what glue are they using I have a seat here just stop kids eating no it’s not that’s why everyone’s like very healthy and thin they got open any they give up years ago the breakfast this morning was crap so we stopped pretty early into our ride gas station the food at the gas station is better than breakfast cashew nuts some sort of iced coffee drink and a Coca-Cola I’m sweaty again guys I have just done a interval so that would explain it but look this is very exciting and know you can’t have any I’ve been looking for this this is dried mango doesn’t seem that exciting it is exciting trust me why are you doing intervals got to keep up with uh Daniel o and all the world tour guys in the gravel racing I’m doing seems to be going well I can’t complain but I would like to be better that’s always going to be the answer isn’t it what better than a training camp in in Malaysia though how’s your training going pretty bad can’t work out if we’re cooler today because we’ve climatized or we’re cooler today because we didn’t fur around this morning and leave at midday we left nice and early it’s probably the latter to be fair it’s always a few days when you travel very very far away from home to a new different kind of culture the food’s different the climate’s different it always takes a while to feel yourself again and I think it’s just about clicking you guys feeling good yeah [Music] buddy what do you think the ring ring Shop sells should we go in and find out it’s behind a big wall yeah it’s behind the big wall it could sell rings do you think it sells rings I think it’s phones it’s got to be oh go no I didn’t even click I did not click or it’s referring to the money rings so it’s just like we’re going to take your money ring shots yeah I did think it may be something to do with bums that’s the first thing I thought of bums ring your ring your ring you you not call it your ring just me [Music] [Music] oh yeah we’re ready to party now we’re in ippo we are ready in ippo we are ready to party in IO maybe it’s just EO had another realization about Malaysia witches the traffic lights take ages you’re stood here for like 10 minutes waiting for them but I guess in Europe they just trick you into thinking that you’re making progress because it’s just shorter stops but more often here you flow for ages once a ride you stop for 10 minutes oh green [Music] [Music] it’s so hot the tarmac is melting it’s all sticky can hear the T going ding ding ding the on the bikes we done this whole ride with uh basically no food so I know guys whose idea was this yes we come all the way to Malaysia and we’re getting [Music] McDonald’s wasn’t my choice but in our defense we’ve been eating traditionally all week and I’m starving and it’s here so but how do I then know add on that’s it why can’t they he read the K map like it’s right in front of him he keeps getting it wrong he’s gone again what’s going on I feel bit sick the milkshake is slushing around with the everything in my stomach and it’s very bumpy my milk like 40° now welcome to my Palace three bedrooms two bathrooms rooftop pool did I book the best hotel I did I feel like we’ve gone down here here from accommodation to up there there’s like no in between we’ve gone from orange bugs on the bed this morning to infinity pool on the top floor how much was it [Music] £32 imagine riding in that why got sunglasses that I hat on well I was going to demonstrate to the audience the best bike packing trick in existence what’s that people always ask how do you wash your kit when you’re on a trip uh-huh and how do you wash your kit when you’re on a trip well first you get in the shower with your kit on have a shower with your kit on and wash yourself with soap squish it around on the floor a little bit with your feet as well helmet and glasses not necessary but if they’re sweaty might be of a good idea too ring your kit out so it’s a little bit dry then place it on a towel roll it up really really tight as tight as you can possibly do it then ring it or stand on it like this leave for 5 minutes then all you have to do is hang it on your bike and it will be dry by the next morning this method obviously is not as good as using a washing machine however if you stay on top of it and you’re washing kit every single day your kit stays pretty clean in my experience or at least you won’t um smell that bad you can’t even see outside now we’re in a cloud it’s day four cycling the length of the West Malaysian Peninsula we just had an amazing sleep today going to be our biggest day on the bike so far 80 km of uphill 2,000 M of elevation and surprisingly we’ve just had a very good sleep thanks to one of the best bike packing tricks that I know always bringing an eye mask and sticking in noise cancelling headphones whether you’re camping or staying in hotels you often end up with some weird noises while you’re trying to sleep so some earplugs super cheap or even better noise cancelling headphones I’ve always got them with me anyway plus an eye mask knocks me out every time good night sleep makes the world of difference when you’re riding so both me and Ben have the same eye mask which if you spend a little bit more this one is made by halos halos the bit that touches your face is elevated from your eyes so it’s not touching your eyelashes the whole time they’re not expensive but spend a little bit more than a pound and you’ll end up with a good one that is actually comfortable to wear the headphones that I use are made by jbird do I don’t have airpods I wish I had airpods they work pretty well they play a frequency which is the opposite to the outside world so makes you feel like you actually muffled ears airpods they’re good right you ready oh can’t wait [Music] [Music] today’s ride is from the beautiful town of IPO into Cameron Highlands which is one of the highlights of this trip massive elevation 2,000 M and it’s going to be beautiful and quiet unlike here we just got to uh get out of the city first it’s rush hour are you ready for nice peace and quiet for the whole day I hope so I think this is the last bit of chaos yeah I think there’s going to be a lot of trucks though isn’t there they’re playing three different music tracks inside there in different locations and then one outside story of my life please stop do you feel good after your rest day yeah I do actually me too yeah I had so much food last night so much food yeah you ordered four por I of rice yeah do you know what I did though I ordered four portions of rice because we’re rotating who pays it was Lawrence’s go so I thought I’ll pay Lawrence’s phone didn’t work so who ended up paying it’s a theme isn’t there there’s a theme I’ll transfer you it bro I’m going to pay you it back I promise I did try and pay this whole Trip’s free for Lawrence at the minute just like his parents taking him on holiday and told him to bring his bike not today not [Music] today pay attention to the route we got turn right in 50k is that what it is I hope today isn’t just all trucks this is what I said I think this route is for uh taking lots of stuff up to Cameron Highlands every time they Rush past you get this Dusty dies mess mess you can come I was always ready you can take me but please not today we’re about an hour into this climb and we have already started to melt Cameron Highlands however has highs 24° Centigrade which is like an English summer’s day but for us right now it’s should feel like deep winter and I’m here for it why am I riding the gravel did you have fun doing your intervals no and did you see the other bike Packers no what what we stopped and said hello did you he must have been really deep into his intervals we should probably point out for viewers who don’t already know who Lawrence Carpenter is that uh he’s doing a series of gravel races this year at the highest level possible so gravel World Champ s garment Unbound stuff like that against World Tour Pros or ex World Tour Pros who are just as strong as they ever [Music] were do you mind why is it so noisy do remember this morning you said something into your camera about going into a jungle today and I laughed at you I was like oh we’re not going to the Jungle yeah after this car goes it’s not a car [Music] listen we’re in a jungle and it’s massive jungle is [Music] massive Reverend Jack laying half naked under ground so walked my uh disc on a descent but as we get higher and higher which the brakes are going on and on more it’s like squeaking I don’t want my brakes on when I’m going uphill so I think it’s the pressure as we get higher I must have an air in it if the pads don’t push out I’m just going to take the pads out cuz I don’t need brakes going uphill why don’t you swap bikes with Lawrence cuz he needs the [Music] resistance I did ride this bik yesterday it’s a very similar fit to be fair oh it’s cold I don’t I feel bad I don’t share it share it also got another one and egg McMuffin where did you get that from McDonald’s getting all sweaty that’s disgusting I feel good I’m on the mango and the Honey little tester keeping it natural being very conservative with the legs how are you oh I’m great you were pushing me a minute ago so yeah when the when I wait I wait for the heart rate to drop then I push you goes a bit higher and I’ll rest again vicious ccle yeah we’re all being a bit uh cautious with water consumption I’ve got four big bottles with me I’ve got through one uh I don’t think there’s anywhere official to stop on this whole route until we get about 5k away from our accommodation at the top however I did spot some guys by other side of the road telling I I don’t know if they were selling it or they were just there drinking it but they had like 10 no 10 drinks no well don’t buy it I know what you’re about to say no definitely not you think it’s Dodge it looks proper Dodge Coke bottles filled with black substance with no oh yes please no 1 hour later so we just got to the top of what we think’s the first climb we’re out of water nearly and there’s a dribble coming out of a pipe suspect pipe Lawrence is diving straight in I’m a little bit more hesitant the man said it’s fine he said yeah it’s safe to drink yeah yeah all right hot now oh really hot we’re not used to it we’re English does it taste right I’m oh you tasted it yeah yeah and you’re not dead I’m not dead yet I’m going to take this bottle of uh suspect water I’m not going to drink it unless I’m absolutely having an emergency yeah I might Square some over my head for The Descent now just to be safe cuz there might be like parasites in it or something or something we we he might be fine cuz he’s local we might get in trouble [Music] oh no you’ve taken us down the rickety rickety way careful be careful from the St thing the RO very great Twisted yeah yeah glad we found this spot I’m going to eat the whole tube of Pringles fake Pringles Vanilla Coke obviously funny little NES cafe coffee we stopped in a strawberry farm and he didn’t buy any strawberries would look nice wouldn’t it if it wasn’t brownie green water mhm it’s fish eat Pringles you feeding them my Pringles mhm didn’t even ask permission I didn’t ask permission to take them out the tin you didn’t I didn’t ask no I didn’t where is it biggest curs in the world curbs are massive here aren’t they curbs are massive steps STS a little tiny little steps tiny little steps the biggest curb you’ve ever seen in your life everyone someone built the steps and then went we have so much material left let’s build big curbs with all the material we have left Lawrence what look at this you’re scaring me then is that correct is that profile correct oh my God half the day is downhill yes which way are we going down down which way that way that way look which way the flags are blowing Lawrence oh my goodness we are I’m not going to be able to stop mate we’re going to we’re going have we have a Tailwind downhill downhill all day much different from yesterday we had a headwind uphill all day are we really all going to wear jackets no but I’ve got Gile on it’ll come off in 10 [Music] minutes day five of cycling the West Malaysian Peninsula today’s ride is from Cameron Highlands down to Slim River 120 km long and 50k of descending this doesn’t feel like descending though does it no [Music] Ben this the jacket idea was stupid it lasted 2 minutes this is a beautiful descent so flowy perfect surface the only scary bit is that it’s getting hotter and hotter the further we go down back to our 40° again oh it’s so warm we must be close to the bottom again more footwork more energy more pass more footwork more energy let have his we Mi [Music] again I collect money look those crisps that you eat ones you can’t open you’re right Ben you seem a bit shell shoed yeah I should have gone to bed earlier I’m still on like Lawrence time Lawrence goes to bed at like stupid o’clock and I just stay up chatting with him like we’re on a sleepover two things one this is giving me horrible flashbacks we are outside the same chain of shops where I fell in a hole look how deep the hole is they have this every every single one of these shops they have this death hole second thing another observation about Malaysia a bit like the Cris packet thing you can’t open the Cris packets you also can’t open these the ring pools we haven’t got weak if we this was a problem on day one when I’m in England I’m strong enough to open a can of Coke so so ass why is it different you strong nail strong nail long nail long nail strong nail I like that guy it’s been a bit smudged now I’ve carried it for the last 2 hours it’s from 7-Eleven and it’s called layer cake isn’t that a film smells really good I wish you guys could try this come to Malaysia try their fluffy [Music] cakes in the last town they were a big fan of strawberries there was strawberries everywhere this town there apples and pears they must love stairs this might seem like we’re being silly English people again and not eating the local food however at this time of the day all the traditional options are closed for Ramadan so strange fake KFC it is Mary Brown marry Brown something they sell chips which have salt on and that’s all I want did you just say this this wasn’t local doesn’t get much local than this there is nothing else here we are in local I’ve Got Rice this chili sauce actually um this is I presume like a KFC establishment but here in Malaysia and every single one of these chicken places has this amazing chili sauce and it is really good and it’s full of sugar which we need got pasta where’d you get pasta from B I can’t I can’t I can’t deal with the same fast food yesterday I can’t do it again pery does rice every oh it’s sticky it’s edible straw oh man nah edible well yeah it’s sticky why else would it be sticky isn’t that the flavor your straw is the flavor I think as it comes through the straw it gives the water flavor unreal what is it don’t know I’ve learned something on this trip I’ve learned something on this trip don’t put your razor in with your other Cosmetics cuz cuz somehow on this ride my Razor has been like a samurai inside the plastic bag slicing up my toothpaste no way my face cream no way so every day I get out get something extra out of the bag and something’s cut to shreds I went into my attic the other day right your attic my attic in London and I went I opened the cupboard right the the drawer you have a red ant on your helmet you seem very fascinated by my story then I was one what was going on the srel had gone into all of my [Music] gels thank you where do we where we come from Cameron Highland camland from the hill coming down yeah yeah yeah yeah where are you coming from England London London I see your skin not London people oh if that guy okay Lon both of them Barbados Barbados yeah hanging come on man we going that’s a bike brand in Switzerland on a car on a carom I made friends with the lady in the shop and she said there’s a cafe down the road which is really great but it’s quite a long walkway not a very long drive I jokingly said can we have a lift and she said yeah so now our husband giving us a lift 1 hour later Lo this looks healthy of course nice well thank you so much thank you I’m so sorry no it’s fine thank you so much I haven’t updated the viewers on what’s just happened we got to the restaurant that the lady recommended it was closed so we walked back along a very dangerous Main Road found a different place for food which was absolutely fantastic then went back to the shop where I met the lady she felt so bad that she’s given us three laxes how are we going to how we’re going to squeeze this in I’m so full I couldn’t possibly squeeze anything else it’s um breakfast careful it’s very deep this is probably the sketchiest Descent of the trip it’s day six cycling the West Malaysian Peninsula and today we’re riding into quala Lumpa big day on paper 140k or so one massive climb which looks very scary on the elevation profile we all have very tired legs after the last few few days of riding including the Cameron Highlands which were absolutely huge we’re looking forward to a couple of rest days and the opportunity to explore qu limper as a city early start no breakfast let’s do it [Music] no we’ve averaged the same as yesterday’s ride where we descended a Giant Mountain for the first two hours yep it’s cuz Lawrence has been on the front lence has been on the front oh bulldozer bulldozer and it wasn’t a bulldozer was it dier I’ve preempted getting hot now in the next hour or so so I’ve pre-wed myself that’s gooda yeah shorts worked well put bit on your shorts your legs are quite big so a lot of heat gets and they get the wind and everything it’s good we’re about 2 hours in we’ve made extremely good progress Tailwind Lawrence on the front today is a good day looking forward to koala [Applause] [Music] Lumpa nice to meet you damn [Music] [Applause] son I think gas station is the best place to stop cuz it’s always got a toilet it’s got the same selection as most of the shops basically a 7-Eleven not quite as good as the picture on the packet you okay Lawrence I’m a bit warm I just did uh I just I just uh stopped for about 3 minutes and then tried to catch you you’re doing the same face as this ahead of the biggest CL of the day we thought it’d be a good idea to stop and refuel unfortunately it’s going to get hot while we’re here but we’re better off getting some food in our bellies 7-Eleven next door Chinese place here so we again a bit of rice should be good to go it’s amazing I talk frankly yeah pulling up it doesn’t look amazing and it happens every time and it’s always amazing so if you come to this country just go for the worst looking Place it’ll be beautiful true story I’m so impressed with you that is that’s a great photo thank Ione send it to him I showed him it and if he wanted it he would have said can I have it but he didn’t lorence just rolls around and every so often he goes and then I know there might be a bit of a gap and you’ll go can I put the Drone up please he said 10 words today I’ve carried the Drone for 400 km and only used it once very frustrating I did 3,000 mil Across America with a drone I used it once in Miami so when I started vlogging I said to Francis I’m going to get a drone and he went don’t no one cares about Drone footage [Applause] [Music] [Music] while we’re on this giant climb I’ll address some comments asking how has the tri band been so far now deaon gave me this bike for this trip consider this section sponsored nothing interesting to report unfortunately the bike’s been spot on everything’s been running smooth haven’t even lub a chain yet although we haven’t ridden in the rain gear changes on the ram Apex one have been buttery smooth gear ratio has been okay I was a little bit apprehensive about having uh one by fully loaded but it’s been absolutely fine brakes have been fantastic these are trp High Roads so hydraulic Reservoir inside the caliper but cable actuated they’ve been so powerful haven’t missed full Hydraulics at all 650 BS again completely fine I’ve kept up with these guys they haven’t rolled slowly or anything like that it has meant I’ve had to carry different spares to the other guys which may be a negative and a selling point for switching these out to 700 SE wheels which you get on the road version of this bike the RC 520 the only real big negative is something that I’ve changed on the bike which is this physique saddle I’ve never ridden a physique saddle which I’ve liked maybe I’m being unfair I need to try some more at least I can switch it back out when get home all in all bik has been great let’s get to the top of this climb first puncher of the trip I’ve been waiting for this cuz I’ve wanted to show the viewers the best thing ever in the world ever keep your finger on that you see my bar end you see that yeah I see it looks looks weird doesn’t it it does look weird why does it look weird because it’s a tubeless thing oh inside the bar end genius which also fits in samam cranks uh I don’t know what the the company it’s called a tapa booto I don’t know who I can’t remember which company make it but if you Google tapao thing tubless thing it will come up you stay there Ben let me just get my tubeless plugs so you take your little tubless plug thing worm there dive it in punch your fix tubless is good sometimes isn’t it [Music] sometimes so you want to go to a new [Music] dimension and you want to gaze into mirror mirroring a diamond shape of your [Music] soul want to hear music sounding like the Roar of Thunder okay amazing amazing we love it we love Malaysia we knew this day was coming Ben’s leaving us because he’s got to go back to work we’re going to carry on riding to Singapore going to take us a few days AAL is back to give him a safe ride back to the airport this was the only way to get to the airport see you again thank you so much take thank you see you later see you later safe flight man love you catch you soon and then there were two we’re going to find a new friend now who are we going to get we need the third member we’ve had an amazing time in qu Lumpa [Music] he hi today is 150k out of koala Luma and I’m going to go through everything I eat in a day doing this starting off with a lovely breakfast of two of these iced coffees which probably terrible for you double shot in both and a vegan katsu sandwich pretty sure this is a quala Lumpa thing only I bought these in the apartment and uh they’re going to melt they’re probably melting right now just standing out here it’s like 710 in the morning and it’s already 26° so my choice is either eat them right now or take them with me in they’ll melt and they’ll be like liquid they’ll be like a gel it feels so good to be back on the road again we’re missing Ben but we’ve replaced him this is Shu she’s joining us for the first bit of today’s ride from regions Park to koala Lumpa wo [Music] finally in some peace and quiet that ride out of KL was possibly the most horrible ride I’ve ever done sketchier than the I 10 across the USA we survived though so shu is my friend from London last time we rode together was Richmond Park it’s a little bit different here she was going to join us for for just to start of today’s ride but it’s ended up riding much further which has been amazing she’s got to get back into the city now though and we have another 10K to do I can feel the wind blowing us this way Lawrence is gone they’ve just walked off I want to go to the beach I got to go home now have a nice time in qu looma how long are you here for I booked it all we ticket come and ride with shoe guys come and ride with us I hope your bus back lets you take your bike on I hope otherwise just going to be a cannon out in the wild out in the wild in uh here [Music] [Music] first little stop cuz it’s getting quite hot now the 99 speed Mark where I bought a Japanese green tea and a can of Coke full fat otherwise known as called sugar why does everyone call it full fat we’ve already done 45k recovering good ground we said goodbye to Shu and now I just have Lawrence for company what have you chosen um that is Luminous du of the mountains isn’t it you won’t catch me dropping uh energy levels with this thing look look going to make my inside fluorescent what if you get tested by W oh I just got my exercise minutes go well done 150 steps this morning minutes 11:00 a.m. we just done the biggest climb of the day it’s like 300 M in one hit I’m eating some M&M’s unfortunately it’s like an M&M gel oh that is disgusting goes down quite well though 12:00 we’ broken the back of the ride everything’s still closed for Ramadan so we’ve ended up in the dreaded McDonald’s however McDonald’s in Malaysia is actually quite good they do rice with egg and like some vegetables and they do chips with salt and I really want some salt that was actually hard riding I’m also so dehydrated I’ve got an extra large Coke an iced coffee and a mango juice camera’s tired why you taking shoes off cuz my feet cuz your feet expand in the Heat and then get rid of uncomfortable so it’s just bit of relief take them off cool down and put them put them back on again I’m so dehydrated my hands are cramping up like there where I’ve been holding the bars has that ever happened before no first time for everything back on the road feeling better in some ways now I’m less dehydrated than I’ve actually eaten food but it’s gone up about 3° in temperature we are feeling it it’s like being in a sauna I’ve got jerseys dipped up but wet I’ve wetted it I think that’s the coolest I can be but you have to keep topping it up cuz it dries in about 2 [Music] seconds I did stand up straight are you melting yeah I need I need liquid what’s that Lawrence this is the hottest I’ve been on trip I don’t know why well the temperature says it’s the same as previous days but we’re not getting harder are we I’m confused it’s humidity there’s something wrong with too hot like really too hot chucking water over ourselves doesn’t do anything anymore I want to live I want to live inside this look I want to live inside here food diary pink Gatorade Magnum should probably point out alongside all of the food that I’ve eaten today I’ve also been drinking copious amounts of just mineral water in our time sat on the floor in the 7-Eleven the clouds have come if it chucked it down with rain I wouldn’t be upset my brain wasn’t working yeah yeah you you started shutting down didn’t you so hot that you can’t even function normally it’s very strange very strange and then you start going cross nice to meet you y we going Mala you want to swap bikes you take this I’ll take this no how much one £1,000 1,000 yeah let’s go I love the people here i p a whole cold cold water bottle over myself I don’t know what they’re thinking of [Music] that today is a tough day but our wise man once said tough times don’t last only tough people last we now ride just 10K at a time and have to stop Coca-Cola clouds disappeared sweat my we’ve been doing some like what 2 and 1/ half hours between stops at least like that climb was more than 2 and half hours and I was fine on two bottles like obviously I was thirsty at the top but I was fine I don’t know what’s happened now like I can’t like we can’t even make it 20K between stops it’s just nuts I think it was a bad sign when the guy outside the 7-Eleven said oh if you want cool weather go to kmpa which is 36° every day every day someone told me it was going to get cooler as we headed south someone did say that that’s complete lies they tricked us there’s a lot of tricks here like the pavement secret holes in it and stuff we survived a ride but we’re cooked to finish off today’s food diary we went to a Mexican restaurant because it was close to the hotel so we had a burrito veggie one nachos with a bunch of stuff and some jalapeno poppers now we’re going to sleep for 10 hours see you tomorrow day eight of cycling the West Malaysian Peninsula from Georgetown down to Singapore this morning has been slow after nearly melting to death yesterday oh man it’s so nice and cool this morning and I’ve ditched the Bas layer for the first time this trip actually no I’ve been telling you this for how long Bas layers are a lie sold You by big Bas layer [Music] today’s ride is from the lovely Seaside town of Mala to Batu pahat shorter than yesterday I think it’s just over 100k for us to get there we have a slightly Wiggly route hopefully not main road to the hallway and it takes us one step closer to our final destination of Singapore which we should be arriving to in two more rides time if you live in Singapore stay tuned to socials cuz we’re going to try and figure out a place to finish and then we can all meet and say hello gravel unlike yesterday’s food diary or I’m documenting what I’m not eating today we haven’t had breakfast Lawrence I’m hungry [Music] we were just talking about how quiet the rose are now we’re on a are you uh hungry yet laen I’m starving you’re nearly ridden 50k I’ve got a bag full of mango which I could eat but I’m not eating it because I want real food mango is real food um all I’ve had is two sachet of NES Cafe fake coffee inside a C of water so they even have calories in them no sin calories sin calories very hungry now but I don’t want to stop there I don’t want to stop at gas [Music] station we’ve made it to mu and we stopped in the shade to try our best to find something which isn’t McDonald’s for lunch like I said in previous episodes a lot of stuff is shut for Ramadan all of the local stuff tends to be shut for Ramadan so oh they have Bagels sir I don’t think bagels are Malaysians really n we’ve done well to get this far today 50k down already we’re basically halfway through the ride Lawrence has found not Malaysian but better than McDonald’s bagel with jalapeno things on ice coffee apple juice orange juice and I’m going to go and ask him for a lot of water I am seethrough and I haven’t even put water on me hanging so the guy at the hotel was saying how much hotter it is here than in quala Luma so the weather forecast is just wrong jalapenos are spicy that was kind of the point no but sometimes they’re not though sometimes they’re really not Danny just messaged me saying this place is American oh really so maybe it is the same as McDonald’s it’s bread and salad how bad can it be it looks nice do you not like it it’s too healthy for you a’t it it’s got fruit in it carrot it’s not FR yeah I mean veg same thing tired Frances I’m I’m not even tired I’m quite tired actually Francis gets about three more hours sleep than me every night it’s my own fault it’s fully my own fault but he goes to bed at like 10 and I’m like and then I stay awake until 1: and then I wake up at like 7 I’m like oh my God what’s happened what are you doing just stuff man just mate just Dro my phone I just went inside the shopping mall and they looked at me they stared at me like why are you seethrough and why are you wearing let’s leave this place we’ve done that thing where we wait around too long at the cafe and now it’s 40° it’s like being inside an oven but stop moaning about the heat because you’re going home soon and then it’s going to be [Music] 5° what your want M how many six oh my oh I can have an ice cream as well careful you knocked over the bag of uh thing thing how are you oh very hot no it never ends we were in koala Luma you got no shirt too hot for a t-shirt what’s your name Mr Mr in branes Lawrence La Lawrence Loa Loa Loa yeah sorry I’m wet one two three hello can we just take a moment to shout out Melvin on my channel because I didn’t film on the rest day or the rest day which was a 40K ride really hilly in quala Lumpa where a local guy called Melvin took us all over the city with a couple of friends thought they were was that a drug deal did we just witness a drug deal I don’t know what what that was weird that was weird maybe we should get out of here shout out to Melvin check out his YouTube channel he has one and it’s in the description down below I’ll put a link to his thing proper Legend what a day what a day out that was very happy on this road we’ve seen a couple of little motorbikes that is it it’s small quiet pretty much empty the opposite day to yesterday where it took us ages to get out of quala this has been the stressfree day that we needed I’m good mate I’ve Just Seen on my Wahoo less than 30k to go smashed it I like you evening out your tan and I am working on the tan lines I don’t think it’s working but is [Music] mango fresh fresh mango that’s what we need we stopped for some mango juice we keep riding past these little places and thinking we should go there we only got 2K to go holy [ __ ] so good so good just juice and ice or milk juice and milk milk yeah ah it’s like a milkshake thank you all right we came from Georg toown oh just yeah so 2 weeks we 2 weeks of riding is it on this side of the road or is it right here I don’t know we’re trying to get some food this whole town has no pavement and I don’t know I think we’re going to get stuck it’s just a giant Main Road and it’s definitely not safe to walk on even though I did it in America I’m not doing it here it’s also the hottest place on earth oh it’s crazy man you just come out of the airon the room and again how do we cross go on go what bit of a language barrier with the ordering I’m not sure what we’ve ordered but it all looks good I’m excited your face is the same color as that I feel so red I thought I ordered just vegetables but there is a small squid on top looks removable day number nine riding the West Malaysian Peninsula today our penultimate ride day towards Singapore we’re almost there legs are tired but we’re feeling happy we have exactly 107k to ride today from Batu pahat to kulai and in today’s episode I’m going to run through my bike packing survival kit someone’s just commented on YouTube apparently right now Malaysia is experiencing one of the their worst heat waves ever and we’re riding all the way through it at exactly the right time I was getting a bit chil [Music] [Music] survival kit the following things all stay in my bar bag which is on the front of my bike easy to access when you stopped and I’ll just show you first up on the list this is an obvious one a multi-tool but it has to have a chain breaker on it this one is a park mt40 and they’re fairly pricey but well made all of the Alan keys are really handy it has some Torx drivers as well and flathead screwdriver the nice thing about having a chain breaker is that you can reattach a chain if if you do snap it without this you could be stranded and have to like push your bike like a children’s Balance Bike not what I want to do while cycling across Malaysia next up proper toothbrush I also have a Peppa Pig toothbrush I carry two I don’t know why I stole this one from a hotel room proper toothpaste the same one I use at home just makes you feel a little bit fresher when you’re riding even if you’re doing like a Ultra race I know loads of them take proper toothbrush with them because it just makes a big difference to how you feel it is for morale next up is Tire levers uh even if you’re very strong and you know you can get your tires off the rim without them I always carry these because your Idiot Friends that come with you might not have the same Tire and Wheel combination and they’ll be stuffed I have these do you have Tire levers with you yes I have everything except the tire chain lube uh it’s inside a little plastic bag so it doesn’t leak Ziplock bags are always really handy uh I always take a proper bottle of chain lube so you got loads of chances to reapply it reapplying this regular does make your bike quieter and it’s going to last longer and just take a whole one instead of a tiny little one which lasts one application and then it’s gone this one is Silka synergetic which I actually bought before we got sponsored by Silka so very good chain loop next up is a really heavy a really heavy adjustable spanner you’d be surprised how often you need a spanner and I’ll just take a whole I don’t care I don’t care how much my bike weighs once it’s heavy it’s heavy so always take an adjustable spanner also doubles up as a pedal spanner these guys have been borrowing this off me for their little jobs yet they moan about not having one pepper pig toothbrush next up I carry a small Ziploc bag full of cable ties which I’ve used quite a lot of on Lawrence’s bike and bolts so these are bolts that go into the tail fin rack and bolt cage size bolts so I think they’re like m5s or something they’re very common size 5mm bolt and you use them for lots of different things on a bike I like to carry SPS just in case something works its way loose and then you lose them uh you can put these in your cleats as well just they’re very useful to have patch kit this is a Park Tool patch kit with non preglued patches this is the one with a little real life super glue so you glue them yourself that’s the important bit the preglued ones are terrible they come off so even if you’re running tubeless spare any tubes in your bag take one of these patch kits I have uh I have two of these almost always I then have a little tool roll old school arus one inside here I have Tire boots again with a little tube of super glue this one uh comes from rrap and you can buy this and essentially patch your tire if your tire gets a gash in so it works better than a gel wrapper this is they stick on really well and they’re super thick so you stick them on the inside of the tire if you get a big gash in it I then have a few tubeless plugs in here spare brake pads and my favorite thing on this list my Leatherman Multi-Tool so Leatherman multitools are noncycling specific multi-tools bit like a Swiss army knife but they’re all built around a pair of pliers there’s lots and lots of things that you need pliers for on a bike like if you get valve stuck also cables you can pull cables through and loads of other applications this comes in so so useful folds down very small it also has a big ass knife on it uh do check if the country that you’re going to allows locking blades it’s not massive and long but it is locking so just bear that in mind if you’re going to travel with it this one in particular is called the Leatherman Wave plus and it also has on it little screwdriver bottle opener Torx thing Allen keys and it it’s pretty comprehensive for the size uh fairly weighty because it’s quality other incredibly important things a lip cell which is UV protective so not only can you use this on your lips when you go to different countries and the climate’s different whether I go into the cold or the hot I seem to get chap lips so you can put this on and it protects from the Sun but also if you have any patches of sunburn which are like you’ve missed with the sun cream you can just go and cover them up while you’re riding I stick this in the side of my bar bag so I can always get access to it one of the last and most important things on the list a tiny bottle of tahen last up an honorable mention to the Nivea Sun cream which is a roll on because when you’re riding along you can actually put it on as you as you go it’s really good and it lasts about the length of most bike packet trips so give that one a go it’s super strong and it’s for kids so it doesn’t wash out [Music] just met some lovely guys out on bikes as well they’ve ridden here from Vietnam so all the way through Thailand I’m jealous we only got a day left do you want to feel what I [Music] feel will you step away from your sh [Music] I’ve got a fact about Pringles a test which people can try out and prove at home which is the flavor on a pringle is only on one side so if you lick one side you’ll taste it if you look at the other side nothing these however aren’t Pringles they are Mr Potato crisps with a picture of Super Mario wearing a different hat these don’t have flavor on either side they’re [ __ ] cuz you bought the plain ones they haven’t got salt another fact about Pringles they don’t they don’t contain enough potato to be called a potato crisp really yeah it’s similar to the whole you know jaff cakes aren’t a biscuit or a cake are they a biscuit or a cake they don’t know what to cast them as cuz there’s not enough potato in them to call them a potato crisp even though it’s just potato Cris on them I think that’s right anyway in America a pizza is classed as a vegetable it has tomato on it for for primary schools and like schools it’s like pizza yeah vegetable tick how crazy is that everything oh you’ve seen Stone Henge I’ve seen it I’ve been up close you’re not allowed to touch it though uh what is this for yeah this a man here has been to London his son is studying in Southampton so he spent some time there he’s a working he works here yeah I got my friend his name is uh Andrew Francis oh name my name your name is Francis Francis is it Andrew my dad is called Andrew no no no no no thank you well we are we are absolutely fine but thank you so much thank you very much what a lovely man I tell you the people here so kind so welcoming they’re always up for a chat he said England was very cold when he went he’s right Lawrence did you enjoy the gravel I love the gravel it’s day 10 cycling the length of the West Malaysian Peninsula our final day into Singapore we’re crossing the border we have almost made it you feel sad it’s so sad man how has it come to an end it’s so fast and so slow all at the same time you’re right actually it feels like we’ve just started but it also feels like we got to Georgetown in the North like a month ago we have about 25k to ride this morning to meet our friend Dan over the other side of the Border if they let us in did you fill out the top secret form I did and I stashed my passwort somewhere that I could access it for the first time this oh such a clever man [Music] I can see it I can see it I can see Singapore this is quite stressful I wouldn’t recommend taking the route that we took you see it on Lawrence’s straa avoid it hopefully 1K to go [Music] [Music] [Music] have you noticed the cycling queue is the only one that doesn’t move yeah we’re now at the Singapore border Moment of Truth that’s another cyclist no that was a seike rider that absolutely flew past us at about 50 mph that was mad [Music] this is done you may remember Dan from previous episodes such as I broke both my arms at Red Hood crit oh yeah a lot other things that’s pretty much the last time we spent any actual time together I think was scooping you up off the floor Dan moved here about 4 years ago and no one has ever seen him since not only do you turn up on a fast bike he’s wearing a skin suit I I only have skin suits you’re not quick release either so I can’t even put my rack on the back of your bike no sorry mate you can stick me on the front if you want I don’t really know how to do this it’s going to rain Francis it’s going to [ __ ] it down as if we’ve avoided it the whole trip on the last day and like look it’s it’s like this tiny tiny little bliff on the map but it’s enough to deal with a laptop you don’t need your laptop anymore oh one more edit yeah just leave it here two more Lawrence is wetter than the rain any long so yeah we don’t know if that’s rain or sweat why does the sweat out of the front of your helmet smell different to any other sweat do you notice that yeah it does do you ever have a sun cream uh dribble and then it goes in your mouth Sun cream on your forehead no no not on forehead Factor 50 kids Sun cream good tip I got from like the I should credit like the triathletes and the Iron Men because one they swim first right so it washes off and then they’re in the heat like all day long put it on before you go to bed and it like seeps into your skin and then you just layer it back on in the morning nice and warm isn’t it welcome to Singapore W nice it’s my fault really that it rains cuz I’ve bought my wife shoes and new socks out didn’t I so brand new socks yeah make all makes sense now didn’t it I thought if we were coming into the city then we should a little go on the F1 circuit shouldn’t we F1 circuit what a way to finish what a brilliant tour guide thank you Dan we’re going to do a lap of the circuit and then get some food that was crazy that was crazy we did that for Ben big day for you how many cles was that for you I don’t know how I’m going to recover probably 50 yeah pleasure so Dan and Steph are kindly hosting us Steph no where are we going right now we’re going to traumatize Francis what do you mean he’s going to eat some lovely durian and he’s going to hate us forever so durian is a fruit which is all over Asia popular with the Asian people but apparently tastes very particular there are signs it’s the smell as well there are signs all over Asia like in the lifts of the hotels that we’ve been staying in that say no durian they it’s banned from the building there’s in on the Underground here the MRT it’s uh $500 fine to take durian onto the MRT not to eat it to take it on so we’ve come to Chinatown to try and find some can you not smell that no are you kidding yeah you’re eating it first yeah I think that’ll be fine this is outrageous there’s different types by the way we’re not paying for the $58 Ty it’s inside clingfilm this was $ 15 uh $15 $8 about1 can I have La it smells Savory can I have you on the pH there’s a little bug inside the packet that that’s how you know it’s good oh it’s it’s squishy it feels like a like a banana a wet banana oh my God saage you like it yeah that’s nice oh my God what is going on here that’s well nice it’s like stinky Bean thing someone in a restaurant told me to not buy the stinky bean salad and I bought it anyway and I thought it was great I can’t believe it you don’t eat is that a stone in the middle Danny you want to do it I’m going to have to aren’t I I’m going to buy some more if it wasn’t $15 oh God this man oh he’s lived here for four years he’s never eaten oh I don’t know how you do it you like I mean I’m probably finished that b but smells like beef burger but you can’t even smell it that makes me gag by just smelling it so noad like it will end up on the floor there and then we’ll have a crowd around me and people will be laughing this is one of those Foods where they think that people’s brains see it one of two ways you know like coriander they say like you either hate it and or you like the people who hate it say that it smells and tastes like soap but the people that love it are like no it doesn’t taste like that at all this is Apparently one of those things where your brains wired one way or the other and Francis is apparently the other way fine fair enough mate it’s so bad can you rip please after me that one that one looks okay that one yeah more oh my God it’s so bad it like the [Music] smell it actually doesn’t taste that oh no no no it does that was a moment don’t do it don’t to Cops this pure pressure it’s so bad it’s so strong that we’ve been walking down the street this whole street here holding it and people are going where’s that where’s that where’s that smell coming from dodged the bullet here Lawrence that was one of the worst experiences of my life [Music]


    1. Gday Guys, It's Aussie Jon in the Philippines. You guys should plan backpacking trip to Philippines in 2024/2025.
      You can Ride length of Cebu Island, then ferry crossing and ride the length of Luzon , great contrasts, awesome mountains in Baguio to top of Luzon.
      Let me know if you want more details on logistics, cheers Jon

    2. Congratulations, your all certified Mad Englishmen go out in the Malaysia noonday sun! Our local rider also like to stop at 99 speedmart & gas stations for refills.

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